* @author Paolo Panto * @copyright 2003-2005 Wolfram Kriesing, Paolo Panto * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id: EasyJoin.php,v 1.9 2005/02/27 17:15:05 quipo Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_QueryTool */ /** * require the DB_QueryTool_Query class */ require_once 'DB/QueryTool/Query.php'; /** * DB_QueryTool_EasyJoin class * * @category Database * @package DB_QueryTool * @author Wolfram Kriesing * @copyright 2003-2005 Wolfram Kriesing * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_QueryTool */ class DB_QueryTool_EasyJoin extends DB_QueryTool_Query { // {{{ class vars /** * This is the regular expression that shall be used to find a table's shortName * in a column name, the string found by using this regular expression will be removed * from the column name and it will be checked if it is a table name * i.e. the default '/_id$/' would find the table name 'user' from the column name 'user_id' * * @var string regexp */ var $_tableNamePreg = '/_id$/'; /** * This is to find the column name that is referred by it, so the default find * from 'user_id' the column 'id' which will be used to refer to the 'user' table * * @var string regexp */ var $_columnNamePreg = '/^.*_/'; // }}} // {{{ __construct() /** * call parent constructor * @param mixed $dsn DSN string, DSN array or DB object * @param array $options */ function __construct($dsn=false, $options=array()) { parent::DB_QueryTool_Query($dsn, $options); } // }}} // {{{ autoJoin() /** * Join the given tables, using the column names, to find out how to join the tables; * i.e., if table1 has a column named "table2_id", this method will join * "WHERE table1.table2_id=table2.id". * All joins made here are only concatenated via AND. * @param array $tables */ function autoJoin($tables) { // FIXXME if $tables is empty autoJoin all available tables that have a relation // to $this->table, starting to search in $this->table settype($tables, 'array'); // add this->table to the tables array, so we go thru the current table first $tables = array_merge(array($this->table), $tables); $shortNameIndexed = $this->getTableSpec(true, $tables); $nameIndexed = $this->getTableSpec(false, $tables); //print_r($shortNameIndexed); //print_r($tables); print '

'; if (sizeof($shortNameIndexed) != sizeof($tables)) { $this->_errorLog("autoJoin-ERROR: not all the tables are in the tableSpec!
"); } $joinTables = array(); $joinConditions = array(); foreach ($tables as $aTable) { // go through $this->table and all the given tables if ($metadata = $this->metadata($aTable)) foreach ($metadata as $aCol => $x) { // go through each row to check which might be related to $aTable $possibleTableShortName = preg_replace($this->_tableNamePreg, '' , $aCol); $possibleColumnName = preg_replace($this->_columnNamePreg, '' , $aCol); //print "$aTable.$aCol .... possibleTableShortName=$possibleTableShortName .... possibleColumnName=$possibleColumnName
"; if (isset($shortNameIndexed[$possibleTableShortName])) { // are the tables given in the tableSpec? if (!$shortNameIndexed[$possibleTableShortName]['name'] || !$nameIndexed[$aTable]['name']) { // its an error of the developer, so log the error, dont show it to the end user $this->_errorLog("autoJoin-ERROR: '$aTable' is not given in the tableSpec!
"); } else { // do only join different table.col combination, // we should not join stuff like 'question.question=question.question' // this would be quite stupid, but it used to be :-( if ($shortNameIndexed[$possibleTableShortName]['name'] != $aTable || $possibleColumnName != $aCol ) { $where = $shortNameIndexed[$possibleTableShortName]['name'].".$possibleColumnName=$aTable.$aCol"; $this->addJoin($nameIndexed[$aTable]['name'], $where); $this->addJoin($shortNameIndexed[$possibleTableShortName]['name'], $where); } } } } } } // }}} } ?>