* beta as in 1.0b1, the integer portion of the version should specify
* backwards compatibility, as in 1.1 is backwards compatible with 1.0,
* but 2.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.10. Also note that 1.10
* is a greater release version than 1.1 (think of it as "one point ten"
* and "one point one"). Bugfix releases should be a third decimal as in
* 1.0.1, 1.0.2
* - package: [optional] Package name. Use this to create a new package.xml, or
* overwrite an existing one from another package used as a template
* - summary: [optional] Summary of package purpose
* - description: [optional] Description of package purpose. Note that the above
* three options are not optional when creating a new package.xml
* from scratch
* WARNING: all complex options that require a file path are case-sensitive
* package.xml complex options:
* - cleardependencies: since version 1.3.0, this option will erase any existing
* dependencies in the package.xml if set to true
* - ignore: an array of filenames, directory names, or wildcard expressions specifying
* files to exclude entirely from the package.xml. Wildcards are operating system
* wildcards * and ?. file*foo.php will exclude filefoo.php, fileabrfoo.php and
* filewho_is_thisfoo.php. file?foo.php will exclude fileafoo.php and will not
* exclude fileaafoo.php. test/ will exclude all directories and subdirectories of
* ANY directory named test encountered in directory parsing. *test* will exclude
* all files and directories that contain test in their name
* - include: an array of filenames, directory names, or wildcard expressions specifying
* files to include in the listing. All other files will be ignored.
* Wildcards are in the same format as ignore
* - roles: this is an array mapping file extension to install role. This
* specifies default behavior that can be overridden by the exceptions
* option and dir_roles option. use {@link addRole()} to add a new
* role to the pre-existing array
* - dir_roles: this is an array mapping directory name to install role. All
* files in a directory whose name matches the directory will be
* given the install role specified. Single files can be excluded
* from this using the exceptions option. The directory should be
* a relative path from the baseinstalldir, or "/" for the baseinstalldir
* - exceptions: specify file role for specific files. This array maps all files
* matching the exact name of a file to a role as in "file.ext" => "role"
* - deps: dependency array. Pass in an empty array to clear all dependencies, and use
* {@link addDependency()} to add new ones/replace existing ones
* - maintainers: maintainers array. Pass in an empty array to clear all maintainers, and
* use {@link addMaintainer()} to add a new maintainer/replace existing maintainer
* - installexceptions: array mapping of specific filenames to baseinstalldir values. Use
* this to force the installation of a file into another directory,
* such as forcing a script to be in the root scripts directory so that
* it will be in the path. The filename must be a relative path to the
* packagedirectory
* - platformexceptions: array mapping of specific filenames to the platform they should be
* installed on. Use this to specify unix-only files or windows-only
* files. The format of the platform string must be
* OS-version-cpu-extra if any more specific information is needed,
* and the OS must be in lower case as in "windows." The match is
* performed using a regular expression, but uses * and ? wildcards
* instead of .* and .?. Note that hpux/aix/irix/linux are all
* exclusive. To select non-windows, use (*ix|*ux)
* - scriptphaseexceptions: array mapping of scripts to their install phase. This can be
* one of: pre-install, post-install, pre-uninstall, post-uninstall,
* pre-build, post-build, pre-setup, or post-setup
* - installas: array mapping of specific filenames to the filename they should be installed as.
* Use this to specify new filenames for files that should be installed. This will
* often be used in conjunction with platformexceptions if there are two files for
* different OSes that must have the same name when installed.
* - replacements: array mapping of specific filenames to complex text search-and-replace that
* should be performed upon install. The format is:
* filename => array('type' => php-const|pear-config|package-info
* 'from' => text in file
* 'to' => name of variable)
* if type is php-const, then 'to' must be the name of a PHP Constant.
* If type is pear-config, then 'to' must be the name of a PEAR config
* variable accessible through a PEAR_Config class->get() method. If
* type is package-info, then 'to' must be the name of a section from
* the package.xml file used to install this file.
* - globalreplacements: a list of replacements that should be performed on every single file.
* The format is the same as replacements (since 1.4.0)
* - configure_options: array specifies build options for PECL packages (you should probably
* use PECL_Gen instead, but it's here for completeness)
* @see PEAR_PackageFileManager_File
* @see PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS
* @return void|PEAR_Error
* @param array
function setOptions($options = array(), $internal = false)
if (!$internal) {
if (!isset($options['state'])) {
if (!isset($options['version'])) {
if (!isset($options['packagedirectory']) && !$internal) {
} elseif (isset($options['packagedirectory'])) {
$options['packagedirectory'] = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
if ($options['packagedirectory']{strlen($options['packagedirectory']) - 1} != '/') {
$options['packagedirectory'] .= '/';
if (isset($options['pathtopackagefile'])) {
$options['pathtopackagefile'] = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
if ($options['pathtopackagefile']{strlen($options['pathtopackagefile']) - 1} != '/') {
$options['pathtopackagefile'] .= '/';
if (!isset($options['baseinstalldir']) && !$internal) {
$this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options);
if (!class_exists($this->_options['pearcommonclass'])) {
if ($this->_options['simpleoutput']) {
if ($this->isIncludeable('PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php')) {
include_once 'PEAR/PackageFileManager/SimpleGenerator.php';
$this->_options['pearcommonclass'] = 'PEAR_PackageFileManager_SimpleGenerator';
} else {
include_once 'PEAR/PackageFileManager/XMLOutput.php';
$this->_options['pearcommonclass'] = 'PEAR_PackageFileManager_XMLOutput';
} else {
$this->_options['pearcommonclass'] = 'PEAR_Common';
$path = ($this->_options['pathtopackagefile'] ?
$this->_options['pathtopackagefile'] : $this->_options['packagedirectory']);
$this->_options['filelistgenerator'] =
if (!$internal) {
if (PEAR::isError($res =
$this->_getExistingPackageXML($path, $this->_options['packagefile']))) {
return $res;
if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFileManager_' . $this->_options['filelistgenerator'])) {
// attempt to load the interface from the standard PEAR location
if ($this->isIncludeable('PEAR/PackageFileManager/' .
$this->_options['filelistgenerator'] . '.php')) {
include_once('PEAR/PackageFileManager/' .
$this->_options['filelistgenerator'] . '.php');
} elseif (isset($this->_options['usergeneratordir'])) {
// attempt to load from a user-specified directory
if (is_dir(realpath($this->_options['usergeneratordir']))) {
$this->_options['usergeneratordir'] =
if ($this->_options['usergeneratordir']{strlen($this->_options['usergeneratordir'])
- 1} != '/') {
$this->_options['usergeneratordir'] .= '/';
} else {
$this->_options['usergeneratordir'] = '////';
if (file_exists($this->_options['usergeneratordir'] .
$this->_options['filelistgenerator'] . '.php') &&
is_readable($this->_options['usergeneratordir'] .
$this->_options['filelistgenerator'] . '.php')) {
include_once($this->_options['usergeneratordir'] .
$this->_options['filelistgenerator'] . '.php');
if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFileManager_' . $this->_options['filelistgenerator'])) {
'PEAR_PackageFileManager_' . $this->_options['filelistgenerator']);
} else {
'PEAR_PackageFileManager_' . $this->_options['filelistgenerator']);
* Import options from an existing package.xml
* @return true|PEAR_Error
function importOptions($packagefile, $options = array())
$options['cleardependencies'] = $options['deps'] = $options['maintainers'] = false;
$this->setOptions($options, true);
if (PEAR::isError($res = $this->_getExistingPackageXML(dirname($packagefile) .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, basename($packagefile)))) {
return $res;
$this->_options['package'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['package'];
$this->_options['summary'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['summary'];
$this->_options['description'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['description'];
$this->_options['date'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_date'];
$this->_options['version'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['version'];
$this->_options['license'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_license'];
$this->_options['state'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_state'];
$this->_options['notes'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_notes'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackagexml['release_deps'])) {
$this->_options['deps'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_deps'];
$this->_options['maintainers'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['maintainers'];
return true;
* Get the existing options
* @return array
function getOptions()
return $this->_options;
* Add an extension/role mapping to the role mapping option
* Roles influence both where a file is installed and how it is installed.
* Files with role="data" are in a completely different directory hierarchy
* from the program files of role="php"
* In PEAR 1.3b2, these roles are
* - php (most common)
* - data
* - doc
* - test
* - script (gives the file an executable attribute)
* - src
* @param string file extension
* @param string role
function addRole($extension, $role)
$roles = call_user_func(array($this->_options['pearcommonclass'], 'getfileroles'));
if (!in_array($role, $roles)) {
return $this->raiseError(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_INVALID_ROLE, implode($roles, ', '), $role);
$this->_options['roles'][$extension] = $role;
* Add an install-time platform conditional install for a file
* The format of the platform string must be
* OS-version-cpu-extra if any more specific information is needed,
* and the OS must be in lower case as in "windows." The match is
* performed using a regular expression, but uses * and ? wildcards
* instead of .* and .?. Note that hpux/aix/irix/linux are all
* exclusive. To select non-windows, use (*ix|*ux)
* This information is based on eyeing the source for OS/Guess.php, so
* if you are unsure of what to do, read that file.
* @param string relative path of file (relative to packagedirectory option)
* @param string platform descriptor string
function addPlatformException($path, $platform)
if (!isset($this->_options['platformexceptions'])) {
$this->_options['platformexceptions'] = array();
$this->_options['platformexceptions'][$path] = $platform;
* Add a replacement option for all files
* This sets an install-time complex search-and-replace function
* allowing the setting of platform-specific variables in all
* installed files.
* if $type is php-const, then $to must be the name of a PHP Constant.
* If $type is pear-config, then $to must be the name of a PEAR config
* variable accessible through a {@link PEAR_Config::get()} method. If
* type is package-info, then $to must be the name of a section from
* the package.xml file used to install this file.
* @param string relative path of file (relative to packagedirectory option)
* @param string variable type, either php-const, pear-config or package-info
* @param string text to replace in the source file
* @param string variable name to use for replacement
function addGlobalReplacement($type, $from, $to)
if (!isset($this->_options['globalreplacements'])) {
$this->_options['globalreplacements'] = array();
$types = call_user_func(array($this->_options['pearcommonclass'], 'getreplacementtypes'));
if (!in_array($type, $types)) {
implode($types, ', '), $type);
$this->_options['globalreplacements'][] =
array('type' => $type, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to);
* Add a replacement option for a file
* This sets an install-time complex search-and-replace function
* allowing the setting of platform-specific variables in an
* installed file.
* if $type is php-const, then $to must be the name of a PHP Constant.
* If $type is pear-config, then $to must be the name of a PEAR config
* variable accessible through a {@link PEAR_Config::get()} method. If
* type is package-info, then $to must be the name of a section from
* the package.xml file used to install this file.
* @param string relative path of file (relative to packagedirectory option)
* @param string variable type, either php-const, pear-config or package-info
* @param string text to replace in the source file
* @param string variable name to use for replacement
function addReplacement($path, $type, $from, $to)
if (!isset($this->_options['replacements'])) {
$this->_options['replacements'] = array();
$types = call_user_func(array($this->_options['pearcommonclass'], 'getreplacementtypes'));
if (!in_array($type, $types)) {
implode($types, ', '), $type);
$this->_options['replacements'][$path][] = array('type' => $type, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to);
* Add a maintainer to the list of maintainers.
* Every maintainer must have a valid account at The
* first parameter is the account name (for instance, cellog is the
* handle for Greg Beaver at Every maintainer has
* one of four possible roles:
* - lead: the primary maintainer
* - developer: an important developer on the project
* - contributor: self-explanatory
* - helper: ditto
* Finally, specify the name and email of the maintainer
* @param string username on of maintainer
* @param lead|developer|contributor|helper role of maintainer
* @param string full name of maintainer
* @param string email address of maintainer
function addMaintainer($handle, $role, $name, $email)
if (!$this->_packageXml) {
if (!in_array($role, $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Common_maintainer_roles'])) {
implode(', ', call_user_func(array($this->_options['pearcommonclass'],
if (!isset($this->_packageXml['maintainers'])) {
$this->_packageXml['maintainers'] = array();
$found = false;
foreach($this->_packageXml['maintainers'] as $index => $maintainer) {
if ($maintainer['handle'] == $handle) {
$found = $index;
$maintainer =
array('handle' => $handle, 'role' => $role, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email);
if ($found !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['maintainers'][$found] = $maintainer;
} else {
$this->_packageXml['maintainers'][] = $maintainer;
* Add an install-time configuration option for building of source
* This option is only useful to PECL projects that are built upon
* installation
* @param string name of the option
* @param string prompt to display to the user
* @param string default value
* @return void|PEAR_Error
function addConfigureOption($name, $prompt, $default = null)
if (!$this->_packageXml) {
if (!isset($this->_packageXml['configure_options'])) {
$this->_packageXml['configure_options'] = array();
$found = false;
foreach($this->_packageXml['configure_options'] as $index => $option) {
if ($option['name'] == $name) {
$found = $index;
$option = array('name' => $name, 'prompt' => $prompt);
if (isset($default)) {
$option['default'] = $default;
if ($found !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['configure_options'][$found] = $option;
} else {
$this->_packageXml['configure_options'][] = $option;
* @return void|PEAR_Error
function detectDependencies()
if (!$this->_packageXml) {
if (!$this->isIncludeable('PHP/CompatInfo.php')) {
} else {
if (include_once('PHP/CompatInfo.php')) {
$this->_detectDependencies = true;
} else {
function isIncludeable($file)
if (!defined('PATH_SEPARATOR')) {
define('PATH_SEPARATOR', strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win' ? ';' : ':');
foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path')) as $path) {
if (file_exists($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) &&
is_readable($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
return true;
return false;
* Add a dependency on another package, or an extension/php
* This will overwrite an existing dependency if it is found. In
* other words, if a dependency on PHP 4.1.0 exists, and
* addDependency('php', '4.3.0', 'ge', 'php') is called, the existing
* dependency on PHP 4.1.0 will be overwritten with the new one on PHP 4.3.0
* @param string Dependency element name
* @param string Dependency version
* @param string A specific operator for the version, this can be one of:
* 'has', 'not', 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', or 'gt'
* @param string Dependency type. This can be one of:
* 'pkg', 'ext', 'php', 'prog', 'os', 'sapi', or 'zend'
* @param boolean true if dependency is optional
* @return void|PEAR_Error
function addDependency($name, $version = false, $operator = 'ge', $type = 'pkg', $optional = false)
if (!$this->_packageXml) {
if ((strtolower($name) == 'php') && (strtolower($type) == 'pkg')) {
if (!isset($this->_packageXml['release_deps']) || !is_array($this->_packageXml['release_deps'])) {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'] = array();
$found = false;
foreach($this->_packageXml['release_deps'] as $index => $dep) {
if ($type == 'php') {
if ($dep['type'] == 'php') {
$found = $index;
} else {
if (isset($dep['name']) && $dep['name'] == $name && $dep['type'] == $type) {
$found = $index;
$dep =
'name' => $name,
'type' => $type);
if ($type == 'php') {
if ($operator) {
$dep['rel'] = $operator;
if ($dep['rel'] != 'has' && $version) {
$dep['version'] = $version;
if ($optional) {
$dep['optional'] = 'yes';
} else {
$dep['optional'] = 'no';
if ($found !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'][$found] = $dep; // overwrite existing dependency
} else {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'][] = $dep; // add new dependency
* Writes the package.xml file out with the newly created tag
* ALWAYS use {@link debugPackageFile} to verify that output is correct before
* overwriting your package.xml
* @param boolean null if no debugging, true if web interface, false if command-line
* @return void|PEAR_Error
function writePackageFile($debuginterface = null)
if (!$this->_packageXml) {
if (!isset($this->_packageXml['maintainers']) || empty($this->_packageXml['maintainers'])) {
$date = date('Y-m-d');
if (isset($package)) {
$this->_packageXml['package'] = $package;
if (isset($summary)) {
$this->_packageXml['summary'] = $summary;
if (isset($description)) {
$this->_packageXml['description'] = $description;
$this->_packageXml['release_date'] = $date;
$this->_packageXml['version'] = $version;
$this->_packageXml['release_license'] = $license;
$this->_packageXml['release_state'] = $state;
$this->_packageXml['release_notes'] = $notes;
$PEAR_Common = $this->_options['pearcommonclass'];
$this->_pear = new $PEAR_Common;
if (method_exists($this->_pear, 'setPackageFileManager')) {
$this->_packageXml['filelist'] = $this->_getFileList();
$warnings = $this->getWarnings();
if (count($warnings)) {
$nl = (isset($debuginterface) && $debuginterface ? '
' : "\n");
foreach($warnings as $errmsg) {
echo 'WARNING: ' . $errmsg['message'] . $nl;
if (PEAR::isError($this->_packageXml['filelist'])) {
return $this->_packageXml['filelist'];
if (isset($this->_pear->pkginfo['provides'])) {
$this->_packageXml['provides'] = $this->_pear->pkginfo['provides'];
if ($this->_options['simpleoutput']) {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'] = $this->_getDependencies();
$common = &$this->_pear;
$warnings = $errors = array();
if (method_exists($common, 'setPackageFileManagerOptions')) {
$packagexml = $common->xmlFromInfo($this->_packageXml);
$common->validatePackageInfo($packagexml, $warnings, $errors,
if (count($errors)) {
$ret = '';
$nl = (isset($debuginterface) && $debuginterface ? '
' : "\n");
foreach($errors as $errmsg) {
$ret .= $errmsg . $nl;
return $this->raiseError(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_INVALID_PACKAGE, $nl, $ret);
if (count($warnings)) {
$nl = (isset($debuginterface) && $debuginterface ? '
' : "\n");
foreach($warnings as $errmsg) {
echo $errmsg . $nl;
if (!strpos($packagexml, '',
if (isset($debuginterface)) {
if ($debuginterface) {
echo '' . htmlentities($packagexml) . '
} else {
echo $packagexml;
return true;
$outputdir = ($this->_options['outputdirectory'] ?
$this->_options['outputdirectory'] : $this->_options['packagedirectory']);
if ((file_exists($outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile']) &&
is_writable($outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile']))
@touch($outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile'])) {
if ($fp = @fopen($outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile'] . '.tmp', "w")) {
$written = @fwrite($fp, $packagexml);
if ($written === false) {
if (!@copy($outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile'] . '.tmp',
$outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile'])) {
} else {
@unlink($outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile'] . '.tmp');
return true;
} else {
$outputdir . $this->_options['packagefile'] . '.tmp');
} else {
return $this->raiseError(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_DEST_UNWRITABLE, $outputdir);
* ALWAYS use this to test output before overwriting your package.xml!!
* This method instructs writePackageFile() to simply print the package.xml
* to output, either command-line or web-friendly (this is automatic
* based on the value of php_sapi_name())
* @uses writePackageFile() calls with the debug parameter set based on
* whether it is called from the command-line or web interface
function debugPackageFile()
$webinterface = php_sapi_name() != 'cli';
return $this->writePackageFile($webinterface);
* Store a warning on the warning stack
function pushWarning($code, $info)
$this->_warningStack[] = array('code' => $code,
'message' => $this->_getMessage($code, $info));
* Retrieve the list of warnings
* @return array
function getWarnings()
$a = $this->_warningStack;
$this->_warningStack = array();
return $a;
* Retrieve an error message from a code
* @access private
* @return string Error message
function _getMessage($code, $info)
$msg = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_ERRORS'][$this->_options['lang']][$code];
foreach ($info as $name => $value) {
$msg = str_replace('%' . $name . '%', $value, $msg);
return $msg;
* Utility function to shorten error generation code
* {@source}
* @return PEAR_Error
* @static
function raiseError($code, $i1 = '', $i2 = '')
return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_PackageFileManager Error: ' .
$i1, $i2), $code);
* Uses {@link PEAR_Common::analyzeSourceCode()} and {@link PEAR_Common::buildProvidesArray()}
* to create the section of the package.xml
* @param PEAR_Common
* @param string path to source file
* @access private
function _addProvides(&$pear, $file)
if (!($a = $pear->analyzeSourceCode($file))) {
} else {
* @uses getDirTag() generate the xml from the array
* @return string
* @access private
function _getFileList()
$generatorclass = 'PEAR_PackageFileManager_' . $this->_options['filelistgenerator'];
$generator = new $generatorclass($this, $this->_options);
if ($this->_options['simpleoutput'] && is_a($this->_pear, 'PEAR_Common')) {
return $this->_getSimpleDirTag($this->_struc = $generator->getFileList());
return $this->_getDirTag($this->_struc = $generator->getFileList());
* Recursively generate the section's and tags, but with
* simple human-readable output
* @param array|PEAR_Error the sorted directory structure, or an error
* from filelist generation
* @param false|string whether the parent directory has a role this should
* inherit
* @param integer indentation level
* @return array|PEAR_Error
* @access private
function _getSimpleDirTag($struc, $role = false, $_curdir = '')
if (PEAR::isError($struc)) {
return $struc;
$ret = array();
foreach($struc as $dir => $files) {
if (false && $dir === '/') {
// global directory role? overrides all exceptions except file exceptions
if (isset($dir_roles['/'])) {
$role = $dir_roles['/'];
return array(
'baseinstalldir' => $this->_options['baseinstalldir'],
'##files' => $this->_getSimpleDirTag($struc[$dir], $role, ''),
'name' => '/');
} else {
if (!isset($files['file'])) {
if (isset($dir_roles[$_curdir . $dir])) {
$myrole = $dir_roles[$_curdir . $dir];
} else {
$myrole = $role;
$ret[$dir] = array();
if ($dir == '/') {
$ret[$dir]['baseinstalldir'] = $this->_options['baseinstalldir'];
$ret[$dir]['name'] = $dir;
$recurdir = ($_curdir == '') ? $dir . '/' : $_curdir . $dir . '/';
if ($recurdir == '//') {
$recurdir = '';
$ret[$dir]['##files'] = $this->_getSimpleDirTag($files, $myrole, $recurdir);
} else {
$myrole = '';
if (!$role)
$myrole = false;
if (isset($exceptions[$files['path']])) {
$myrole = $exceptions[$files['path']];
} elseif (isset($roles[$files['ext']])) {
$myrole = $roles[$files['ext']];
} else {
$myrole = $roles['*'];
} else {
$myrole = $role;
if (isset($exceptions[$files['path']])) {
$myrole = $exceptions[$files['path']];
$test = explode('/', $files['path']);
foreach ($test as $subpath) {
if ($subpath == 'CVS') {
array('path' => $files['path']));
$ret[$files['file']] = array('role' => $myrole);
if (isset($installexceptions[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['file']]['baseinstalldir'] =
if (isset($platformexceptions[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['file']]['platform'] = $platformexceptions[$files['path']];
if (isset($installas[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['file']]['install-as'] = $installas[$files['path']];
if (isset($replacements[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['file']]['replacements'] = $replacements[$files['path']];
if (isset($globalreplacements)) {
if (!isset($ret[$files['file']]['replacements'])) {
$ret[$files['file']]['replacements'] = array();
$ret[$files['file']]['replacements'] = array_merge(
$ret[$files['file']]['replacements'], $globalreplacements);
return $ret;
* Recursively generate the section's and tags
* @param array|PEAR_Error the sorted directory structure, or an error
* from filelist generation
* @param false|string whether the parent directory has a role this should
* inherit
* @param integer indentation level
* @return array|PEAR_Error
* @access private
function _getDirTag($struc, $role=false, $_curdir = '')
if (PEAR::isError($struc)) {
return $struc;
$ret = array();
foreach($struc as $dir => $files) {
if ($dir === '/') {
// global directory role? overrides all exceptions except file exceptions
if (isset($dir_roles['/'])) {
$role = $dir_roles['/'];
return $this->_getDirTag($struc[$dir], $role, '');
} else {
if (!isset($files['file'])) {
$myrole = '';
if (isset($dir_roles[$_curdir . $dir])) {
$myrole = $dir_roles[$_curdir . $dir];
} elseif ($role) {
$myrole = $role;
$ret = array_merge($ret, $this->_getDirTag($files, $myrole, $_curdir . $dir . '/'));
} else {
$myrole = '';
if (!$role)
$myrole = false;
if (isset($exceptions[$files['path']])) {
$myrole = $exceptions[$files['path']];
} elseif (isset($roles[$files['ext']])) {
$myrole = $roles[$files['ext']];
} else {
$myrole = $roles['*'];
} else {
$myrole = $role;
if (isset($exceptions[$files['path']])) {
$myrole = $exceptions[$files['path']];
if (isset($installexceptions[$files['path']])) {
$bi = $installexceptions[$files['path']];
} else {
$bi = $this->_options['baseinstalldir'];
$test = explode('/', $files['path']);
foreach ($test as $subpath) {
if ($subpath == 'CVS') {
$this->pushWarning(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_CVS_PACKAGED, array('path' => $files['path']));
$ret[$files['path']] =
array('role' => $myrole,
'baseinstalldir' => $bi,
if (!isset($this->_options['simpleoutput'])) {
$md5sum = @md5_file($this->_options['packagedirectory'] . $files['path']);
if (!empty($md5sum)) {
$ret[$files['path']]['md5sum'] = $md5sum;
} elseif (isset($ret[$files['path']]['md5sum'])) {
if (isset($platformexceptions[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['path']]['platform'] = $platformexceptions[$files['path']];
if (isset($installas[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['path']]['install-as'] = $installas[$files['path']];
if (isset($replacements[$files['path']])) {
$ret[$files['path']]['replacements'] = $replacements[$files['path']];
if (isset($globalreplacements)) {
if (!isset($ret[$files['path']]['replacements'])) {
$ret[$files['path']]['replacements'] = array();
$ret[$files['path']]['replacements'] = array_merge(
$ret[$files['path']]['replacements'], $globalreplacements);
if ($myrole == 'php' && !$this->_options['simpleoutput']) {
$this->_addProvides($this->_pear, $files['fullpath']);
return $ret;
* @param array
* @access private
function _traverseFileArray($files, &$ret) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!isset($file['fullpath'])) {
$this->_traverseFileArray($file, $ret);
} else {
$ret[] = $file['fullpath'];
* Retrieve the 'deps' option passed to the constructor
* @access private
* @return array
function _getDependencies()
if ($this->_detectDependencies) {
$this->_traverseFileArray($this->_struc, $ret);
$compatinfo = new PHP_CompatInfo();
$info = $compatinfo->parseArray($ret);
$ret = $this->addDependency('php',$info['version'],'ge','php',false);
if (is_a($ret, 'PEAR_Error')) {
return $ret;
foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) {
$this->addDependency($ext, '', 'has', 'ext', false);
if (isset($this->_packageXml['release_deps']) &&
is_array($this->_packageXml['release_deps'])) {
return $this->_packageXml['release_deps'];
} else {
return array();
* Creates a changelog entry with the current release
* notes and dates, or overwrites a previous creation
* @access private
function _updateChangeLog()
$curlog = $oldchangelog = false;
if (!isset($this->_packageXml['changelog'])) {
$changelog = array();
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_notes'])) {
$changelog['release_notes'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_notes'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['version'])) {
$changelog['version'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['version'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_date'])) {
$changelog['release_date'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_date'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_license'])) {
$changelog['release_license'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_license'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_state'])) {
$changelog['release_state'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_state'];
if (count($changelog)) {
$this->_packageXml['changelog'] = array($changelog);
} else {
$this->_packageXml['changelog'] = array();
} else {
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_notes'])) {
$oldchangelog['release_notes'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_notes'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['version'])) {
$oldchangelog['version'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['version'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_date'])) {
$oldchangelog['release_date'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_date'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_license'])) {
$oldchangelog['release_license'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_license'];
if (isset($this->_oldPackageXml['release_state'])) {
$oldchangelog['release_state'] = $this->_oldPackageXml['release_state'];
$hasoldversion = false;
foreach($this->_packageXml['changelog'] as $index => $changelog) {
if ($oldchangelog && isset($oldchangelog['version'])
&& strnatcasecmp($oldchangelog['version'], $changelog['version']) == 0) {
$hasoldversion = true;
if (isset($changelog['version']) && strnatcasecmp($changelog['version'], $this->_options['version']) == 0) {
$curlog = $index;
if (isset($this->_packageXml['changelog'][$index]['release_notes'])) {
$this->_packageXml['changelog'][$index]['release_notes'] = trim($changelog['release_notes']);
// the parsing of the release notes adds a \n for some reason
if (!$hasoldversion && $oldchangelog && count($oldchangelog)
&& $oldchangelog['version'] != $this->_options['version']) {
$this->_packageXml['changelog'][] = $oldchangelog;
$notes = ($this->_options['changelognotes'] ?
$this->_options['changelognotes'] : $this->_options['notes']);
$changelog = array('version' => $this->_options['version'],
'release_date' => date('Y-m-d'),
'release_license' => $this->_options['license'],
'release_state' => $this->_options['state'],
'release_notes' => $notes,
if ($curlog !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['changelog'][$curlog] = $changelog;
} else {
$this->_packageXml['changelog'][] = $changelog;
usort($this->_packageXml['changelog'], array($this, '_changelogsort'));
* @static
* @access private
function _changelogsort($a, $b)
if ($this->_options['changelogoldtonew']) {
$c = strtotime($a['release_date']);
$d = strtotime($b['release_date']);
$v1 = $a['version'];
$v2 = $b['version'];
} else {
$d = strtotime($a['release_date']);
$c = strtotime($b['release_date']);
$v2 = $a['version'];
$v1 = $b['version'];
if ($c - $d > 0) {
return 1;
} elseif ($c - $d < 0) {
return -1;
return version_compare($v1, $v2);
* @return true|PEAR_Error
* @uses _generateNewPackageXML() if no package.xml is found, it
* calls this to create a new one
* @param string full path to package file
* @param string name of package file
* @access private
function _getExistingPackageXML($path, $packagefile = 'package.xml')
if (is_string($path) && is_dir($path)) {
$contents = false;
if (file_exists($path . $packagefile)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($path . $packagefile);
if (!$contents) {
return $this->_generateNewPackageXML();
} else {
$PEAR_Common = $this->_options['pearcommonclass'];
if (!class_exists($PEAR_Common)) {
$common = new $PEAR_Common;
if (is_a($common, 'PEAR_Common')) {
$this->_oldPackageXml =
$this->_packageXml = $common->infoFromString($contents);
} else { // new way
require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';
$z = &PEAR_Config::singleton();
$pkg = &new PEAR_PackageFile($z);
$pf = &$pkg->fromXmlString($contents, PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING, $path . $packagefile);
if (PEAR::isError($pf)) {
return $pf;
if ($pf->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') {
return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_PackageFileManager can only manage ' .
'package.xml version 1.0, use PEAR_PackageFileManager_v2 for newer' .
' package files');
$this->_oldPackageXml =
$this->_packageXml = $pf->toArray();
if (PEAR::isError($this->_packageXml)) {
return $this->_packageXml;
if ($this->_options['cleardependencies']) {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'] = $this->_options['deps'];
if ($this->_options['deps'] !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'] = $this->_options['deps'];
} else {
if (isset($this->_packageXml['release_deps'])) {
$this->_options['deps'] = $this->_packageXml['release_deps'];
if ($this->_options['maintainers'] !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['maintainers'] = $this->_options['maintainers'];
} else {
$this->_options['maintainers'] = $this->_packageXml['maintainers'];
return true;
} else {
if (!is_string($path)) {
$path = gettype($path);
* Create the structure for a new package.xml
* @uses $_packageXml emulates reading in a package.xml
* by using the package, summary and description
* options
* @return true|PEAR_Error
* @access private
function _generateNewPackageXML()
$this->_oldPackageXml = false;
if (!isset($this->_options['package'])) {
if (!isset($this->_options['summary'])) {
if (!isset($this->_options['description'])) {
$this->_packageXml = array();
$this->_packageXml['package'] = $this->_options['package'];
$this->_packageXml['summary'] = $this->_options['summary'];
$this->_packageXml['description'] = $this->_options['description'];
$this->_packageXml['changelog'] = array();
if ($this->_options['deps'] !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'] = $this->_options['deps'];
} else {
$this->_packageXml['release_deps'] = $this->_options['deps'] = array();
if ($this->_options['maintainers'] !== false) {
$this->_packageXml['maintainers'] = $this->_options['maintainers'];
} else {
$this->_packageXml['maintainers'] = $this->_options['maintainers'] = array();
return true;
if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
* @ignore
function file_get_contents($path, $use_include_path = null, $context = null)
$a = @file($path, $use_include_path, $context);
if (is_array($a)) {
return implode('', $a);
} else {
return false;