_parent = &$parent; $this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options); } /** * Generate the section * of the package file. * * This function performs the backend generation of the array * containing all files in this package * @return array */ function getFileList() { $package_directory = $this->_options['packagedirectory']; $ignore = $this->_options['ignore']; // implicitly ignore packagefile $ignore[] = $this->_options['packagefile']; if ($this->_options['packagefile'] == 'package.xml') { // ignore auto-generated package2.xml from PEAR 1.4.0 $ignore[] = 'package2.xml'; } $include = $this->_options['include']; $this->ignore = array(false, false); $this->_setupIgnore($ignore, 1); $this->_setupIgnore($include, 0); $allfiles = $this->dirList(substr($package_directory, 0, strlen($package_directory) - 1)); if (PEAR::isError($allfiles)) { return $allfiles; } if (!count($allfiles)) { return PEAR_PackageFileManager::raiseError(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_NO_FILES, substr($package_directory, 0, strlen($package_directory) - 1)); } $struc = array(); foreach($allfiles as $file) { $path = substr(dirname($file), strlen(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', realpath($package_directory))) + 1); if (!$path) { $path = '/'; } $ext = array_pop(explode('.', $file)); if (strlen($ext) == strlen($file)) { $ext = ''; } $struc[$path][] = array('file' => basename($file), 'ext' => $ext, 'path' => (($path == '/') ? basename($file) : $path . '/' . basename($file)), 'fullpath' => $file); } if (!count($struc)) { $newig = implode($this->_options['ignore'], ', '); return PEAR_PackageFileManager::raiseError(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_IGNORED_EVERYTHING, substr($package_directory, 0, strlen($package_directory) - 1), $newig); } uksort($struc,'strnatcasecmp'); foreach($struc as $key => $ind) { usort($ind, array($this, 'sortfiles')); $struc[$key] = $ind; } $tempstruc = $struc; if (!isset($tempstruc['/'])) { $tempstruc['/'] = array(); } $struc = array('/' => $tempstruc['/']); $bv = 0; foreach($tempstruc as $key => $ind) { $save = $key; if ($key != '/') { $struc['/'] = $this->_setupDirs($struc['/'], explode('/',$key), $tempstruc[$key]); } } uksort($struc['/'], array($this, 'mystrucsort')); return $struc; } /** * Retrieve a listing of every file in $directory and * all subdirectories. * * The return format is an array of full paths to files * @access protected * @return array list of files in a directory * @param string $directory full path to the directory you want the list of * @throws PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_DIR_DOESNT_EXIST */ function dirList($directory) { $ret = false; if (@is_dir($directory)) { $ret = array(); $d = @dir($directory); // thanks to Jason E Sweat (jsweat@users.sourceforge.net) for fix while($d && false !== ($entry=$d->read())) { if ($this->_testFile($directory, $entry)) { if (is_file($directory . '/' . $entry)) { // if include option was set, then only pass included files if ($this->ignore[0]) { if ($this->_checkIgnore($entry, $directory . '/' . $entry, 0)) { continue; } } // if ignore option was set, then only pass included files if ($this->ignore[1]) { if ($this->_checkIgnore($entry, $directory . '/' . $entry, 1)) { continue; } } $ret[] = $directory . '/' . $entry; } if (is_dir($directory . '/' . $entry)) { $tmp = $this->dirList($directory . '/' . $entry); if (is_array($tmp)) { foreach($tmp as $ent) { $ret[] = $ent; } } } } } if ($d) { $d->close(); } } else { return PEAR_PackageFileManager::raiseError(PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_DIR_DOESNT_EXIST, $directory); } return $ret; } /** * Test whether an entry should be processed. * * Normally, it ignores all files and directories that begin with "." addhiddenfiles option * instead only ignores "." and ".." entries * @access private * @param string directory name of entry * @param string name */ function _testFile($directory, $entry) { if ($this->_options['addhiddenfiles']) { return is_file($directory . '/' . $entry) || (is_dir($directory . '/' . $entry) && !in_array($entry, array('.', '..'))); } else { return $entry{0} != '.'; } } /** * Tell whether to ignore a file or a directory * allows * and ? wildcards * * @param string $file just the file name of the file or directory, * in the case of directories this is the last dir * @param string $path the full path * @param 1|0 $return value to return if regexp matches. Set this to * false to include only matches, true to exclude * all matches * @return bool true if $path should be ignored, false if it should not * @access private */ function _checkIgnore($file, $path, $return = 1) { if (file_exists($path)) { $path = realpath($path); } if (is_array($this->ignore[$return])) { foreach($this->ignore[$return] as $match) { // match is an array if the ignore parameter was a /path/to/pattern if (is_array($match)) { // check to see if the path matches with a path delimiter appended preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($match[0]).'$/', strtoupper($path) . '/',$find); if (!count($find)) { // check to see if it matches without an appended path delimiter preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($match[0]).'$/', strtoupper($path), $find); } if (count($find)) { // check to see if the file matches the file portion of the regex string preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($match[1]).'$/', strtoupper($file), $find); if (count($find)) { return $return; } } // check to see if the full path matches the regex preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($match[0]).'$/', strtoupper($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file), $find); if (count($find)) { return $return; } } else { // ignore parameter was just a pattern with no path delimiters // check it against the path preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($match).'$/', strtoupper($path), $find); if (count($find)) { return $return; } // check it against the file only preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($match).'$/', strtoupper($file), $find); if (count($find)) { return $return; } } } } return !$return; } /** * Construct the {@link $ignore} array * @param array strings of files/paths/wildcards to ignore * @param 0|1 0 = files to include, 1 = files to ignore * @access private */ function _setupIgnore($ignore, $index) { $ig = array(); if (is_array($ignore)) { for($i=0; $i_getRegExpableSearchString($ignore[$i]); } else { if (basename($ignore[$i]) . '/' == $ignore[$i]) { $ig[] = $this->_getRegExpableSearchString($ignore[$i]); } else { $ig[] = array($this->_getRegExpableSearchString($ignore[$i]), $this->_getRegExpableSearchString(basename($ignore[$i]))); } } } } if (count($ig)) { $this->ignore[$index] = $ig; } else { $this->ignore[$index] = false; } } else $this->ignore[$index] = false; } /** * Converts $s into a string that can be used with preg_match * @param string $s string with wildcards ? and * * @return string converts * to .*, ? to ., etc. * @access private */ function _getRegExpableSearchString($s) { $y = '\/'; if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\') { $y = '\\\\'; } $s = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $s); $x = strtr($s, array('?' => '.','*' => '.*','.' => '\\.','\\' => '\\\\','/' => '\\/', '[' => '\\[',']' => '\\]','-' => '\\-')); if (strpos($s, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false && strrpos($s, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === strlen($s) - 1) { $x = "(?:.*$y$x?.*|$x.*)"; } return $x; } /** * Recursively move contents of $struc into associative array * * The contents of $struc have many indexes like 'dir/subdir/subdir2'. * This function converts them to * array('dir' => array('subdir' => array('subdir2'))) * @param array struc is array('dir' => array of files in dir, * 'dir/subdir' => array of files in dir/subdir,...) * @param array array form of 'dir/subdir/subdir2' array('dir','subdir','subdir2') * @return array same as struc but with array('dir' => * array(file1,file2,'subdir' => array(file1,...))) * @access private */ function _setupDirs($struc, $dir, $contents) { if (!count($dir)) { foreach($contents as $dir => $files) { if (is_string($dir)) { if (strpos($dir, '/')) { $test = true; $a = $contents[$dir]; unset($contents[$dir]); $b = explode('/', $dir); $c = array_shift($b); if (isset($contents[$c])) { $contents[$c] = $this->_setDir($contents[$c], $this->_setupDirs(array(), $b, $a)); } else { $contents[$c] = $this->_setupDirs(array(), $b, $a); } } } } return $contents; } $me = array_shift($dir); if (!isset($struc[$me])) { $struc[$me] = array(); } $struc[$me] = $this->_setupDirs($struc[$me], $dir, $contents); return $struc; } /** * Recursively add all the subdirectories of $contents to $dir without erasing anything in * $dir * @param array * @param array * @return array processed $dir * @access private */ function _setDir($dir, $contents) { while(list($one,$two) = each($contents)) { if (isset($dir[$one])) { $dir[$one] = $this->_setDir($dir[$one], $contents[$one]); } else { $dir[$one] = $two; } } return $dir; } /**#@+ * Sorting functions for the file list * @param string * @param string * @access private */ function sortfiles($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['file'],$b['file']); } function mystrucsort($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_string($b)) return 1; if (is_numeric($b) && is_string($a)) return -1; if (is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b)) { if ($a > $b) return 1; if ($a < $b) return -1; if ($a == $b) return 0; } return strnatcasecmp($a,$b); } /**#@-*/ } ?>