0) { do { $min = array_pop($array); if(is_numeric($min) === FALSE) { $min = NULL; } } while(count($array) > 0 and $min === NULL); if($min !== NULL) { $min = (float)$min; } foreach($array as $value) { if(is_numeric($value) and (float)$value < $min) { $min = (float)$value; } } return $min; } return NULL; } /* * Get the maximum of an array and ignore non numeric values */ function array_max($array) { if(is_array($array) and count($array) > 0) { do { $max = array_pop($array); if(is_numeric($max) === FALSE) { $max = NULL; } } while(count($array) > 0 and $max === NULL); if($max !== NULL) { $max = (float)$max; } foreach($array as $value) { if(is_numeric($value) and (float)$value > $max) { $max = (float)$value; } } return $max; } return NULL; } /* * Define file_put_contents() if needed */ if(function_exists('file_put_contents') === FALSE) { function file_put_contents($file, $content) { $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); } } } /* * Change error handler */ set_error_handler('errorHandlerArtichow'); function errorHandlerArtichow($level, $message, $file, $line) { awImage::drawError($message.' in '.$file.' on line '.$line.'.'); } ?>