| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: Auth.php,v 1.1 2005-03-30 08:50:19 jpm Exp $ // require_once 'PEAR.php'; define('AUTH_IDLED', -1); define('AUTH_EXPIRED', -2); define('AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN', -3); /** * PEAR::Auth * * The PEAR::Auth class provides methods for creating an * authentication system using PHP. * * @author Martin Jansen * @package Auth * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ class Auth { /** * Auth lifetime in seconds * * If this variable is set to 0, auth never expires * * @var integer * @see setExpire(), checkAuth() */ var $expire = 0; /** * Has the auth session expired? * * @var bool * @see checkAuth(), drawLogin() */ var $expired = false; /** * Maximum time of idleness in seconds * * The difference to $expire is, that the idletime gets * refreshed each time, checkAuth() is called. If this * variable is set to 0, idle time is never checked. * * @var integer * @see setIdle(), checkAuth() */ var $idle = 0; /** * Is the maximum idletime over? * * @var boolean * @see checkAuth(), drawLogin(); */ var $idled = false; /** * Storage object * * @var object * @see Auth(), validateLogin() */ var $storage = ''; /** * Function defined by the user, that creates the login screen * * @var string */ var $loginFunction = ''; /** * Should the login form be displayed? * * @var bool * @see setShowlogin() */ var $showLogin = true; /** * Current authentication status * * @var string */ var $status = ''; /** * Username * * @var string */ var $username = ''; /** * Password * * @var string */ var $password = ''; /** * Login callback function name * * @var string * @see setLoginCallback() */ var $loginCallback = ''; /** * Failed Login callback function name * * @var string * @see setLoginFailedCallback() */ var $loginFailedCallback = ''; /** * Logout callback function name * * @var string * @see setLogoutCallback() */ var $logoutCallback = ''; /** * Auth session-array name * * @var string */ var $_sessionName = '_authsession'; /** * Package Version * * @var string */ var $version = "1.2.3"; // {{{ Constructor /** * Constructor * * Set up the storage driver. * * @param string Type of the storage driver * @param mixed Additional options for the storage driver * (example: if you are using DB as the storage * driver, you have to pass the dsn string here) * * @param string Name of the function that creates the login form * @param boolean Should the login form be displayed if neccessary? * @return void */ function Auth($storageDriver, $options = '', $loginFunction = '', $showLogin = true) { if (!empty($options['sessionName'])) { $this->_sessionName = $options['sessionName']; unset($options['sessionName']); } if ($loginFunction != '' && is_callable($loginFunction)) { $this->loginFunction = $loginFunction; } if (is_bool($showLogin)) { $this->showLogin = $showLogin; } if (is_object($storageDriver)) { $this->storage =& $storageDriver; } else { $this->storage = $this->_factory($storageDriver, $options); } // Pass a reference to auth to the container, ugly but works // this is used by the DB container to use method setAuthData not staticaly. $this->storage->_auth_obj =& $this; } // }}} // {{{ _factory() /** * Return a storage driver based on $driver and $options * * @access private * @static * @param string $driver Type of storage class to return * @param string $options Optional parameters for the storage class * @return object Object Storage object */ function _factory($driver, $options = '') { $storage_path = 'Auth/Container/' . $driver . '.php'; $storage_class = 'Auth_Container_' . $driver; require_once $storage_path; return new $storage_class($options); } // }}} // {{{ assignData() /** * Assign data from login form to internal values * * This function takes the values for username and password * from $HTTP_POST_VARS and assigns them to internal variables. * If you wish to use another source apart from $HTTP_POST_VARS, * you have to derive this function. * * @access private * @global $HTTP_POST_VARS * @see Auth * @return void */ function assignData() { $post = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('post'); if (isset($post['username']) && $post['username'] != '') { $this->username = (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1 ? stripslashes($post['username']) : $post['username']); } if (isset($post['password']) && $post['password'] != '') { $this->password = (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1 ? stripslashes($post['password']) : $post['password'] ); } } // }}} // {{{ start() /** * Start new auth session * * @access public * @return void */ function start() { $this->assignData(); @session_start(); if (!$this->checkAuth()) { $this->login(); } } // }}} // {{{ login() /** * Login function * * @access private * @return void */ function login() { $login_ok = false; /** * When the user has already entered a username, * we have to validate it. */ if (!empty($this->username)) { if (true === $this->storage->fetchData($this->username, $this->password)) { $login_ok = true; } else { if (is_callable($this->loginFailedCallback)) { call_user_func($this->loginFailedCallback,$this->username, $this); } } } if (!empty($this->username) && $login_ok) { $this->setAuth($this->username); if (is_callable($this->loginCallback)) { call_user_func($this->loginCallback,$this->username, $this); } } /** * If the login failed or the user entered no username, * output the login screen again. */ if (!empty($this->username) && !$login_ok) { $this->status = AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN; } if ((empty($this->username) || !$login_ok) && $this->showLogin) { $this->drawLogin($this->storage->activeUser); return; } } // }}} // {{{ setExpire() /** * Set the maximum expire time * * @access public * @param integer time in seconds * @param bool add time to current expire time or not * @return void */ function setExpire($time, $add = false) { if ($add) { $this->expire += $time; } else { $this->expire = $time; } } // }}} // {{{ setIdle() /** * Set the maximum idle time * * @access public * @param integer time in seconds * @param bool add time to current maximum idle time or not * @return void */ function setIdle($time, $add = false) { if ($add) { $this->idle += $time; } else { $this->idle = $time; } } // }}} // {{{ setSessionname() /** * Set name of the session to a customized value. * * If you are using multiple instances of PEAR::Auth * on the same domain, you can change the name of * session per application via this function. * * @access public * @param string New name for the session * @return void */ function setSessionname($name = 'PHPSESSID') { @session_name($name); } // }}} // {{{ setShowLogin() /** * Should the login form be displayed if neccessary? * * @access public * @param bool show login form or not * @return void */ function setShowLogin($showLogin = true) { $this->showLogin = $showLogin; } /** * Register a callback function to be called on user login. * The function will receive two parameters, the username and a reference to the auth object. * * @access public * @param string callback function name * @return void * @see setLogoutCallback() */ function setLoginCallback($loginCallback) { $this->loginCallback = $loginCallback; } /** * Register a callback function to be called on failed user login. * The function will receive a single parameter, the username and a reference to the auth object. * * @access public * @param string callback function name * @return void */ function setFailedLoginCallback($loginFailedCallback) { $this->loginFailedCallback = $loginFailedCallback; } /** * Register a callback function to be called on user logout. * The function will receive three parameters, the username and a reference to the auth object. * * @access public * @param string callback function name * @return void * @see setLoginCallback() */ function setLogoutCallback($logoutCallback) { $this->logoutCallback = $logoutCallback; } // }}} // {{{ setAuthData() /** * Register additional information that is to be stored * in the session. * * @access public * @param string Name of the data field * @param mixed Value of the data field * @param boolean Should existing data be overwritten? (default * is true) * @return void */ function setAuthData($name, $value, $overwrite = true) { $session = &Auth::_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (!empty($session[$this->_sessionName]['data'][$name]) && $overwrite == false) { return; } $session[$this->_sessionName]['data'][$name] = $value; } // }}} // {{{ getAuthData() /** * Get additional information that is stored in the session. * * If no value for the first parameter is passed, the method will * return all data that is currently stored. * * @access public * @param string Name of the data field * @return mixed Value of the data field. */ function getAuthData($name = null) { $session = &Auth::_importGlobalVariable('session'); if(!isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['data'])){ return(null); } if (is_null($name)) { if(isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['data'])) { return $session[$this->_sessionName]['data']; } else { return null; } } if (isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['data'][$name])) { return $session[$this->_sessionName]['data'][$name]; } else { return null; } } // }}} // {{{ setAuth() /** * Register variable in a session telling that the user * has logged in successfully * * @access public * @param string Username * @return void */ function setAuth($username) { $session = &Auth::_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (!isset($session[$this->_sessionName]) && !isset($_SESSION)) { session_register($this->_sessionName); } if (!isset($session[$this->_sessionName]) || !is_array($session[$this->_sessionName])) { $session[$this->_sessionName] = array(); } if(!isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['data'])){ $session[$this->_sessionName]['data'] = array(); } $session[$this->_sessionName]['registered'] = true; $session[$this->_sessionName]['username'] = $username; $session[$this->_sessionName]['timestamp'] = time(); $session[$this->_sessionName]['idle'] = time(); } // }}} // {{{ checkAuth() /** * Checks if there is a session with valid auth information. * * @access private * @return boolean Whether or not the user is authenticated. */ function checkAuth() { $session = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (isset($session[$this->_sessionName])) { // Check if authentication session is expired if ($this->expire > 0 && isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['timestamp']) && ($session[$this->_sessionName]['timestamp'] + $this->expire) < time()) { $this->logout(); $this->expired = true; $this->status = AUTH_EXPIRED; return false; } // Check if maximum idle time is reached if ($this->idle > 0 && isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['idle']) && ($session[$this->_sessionName]['idle'] + $this->idle) < time()) { $this->logout(); $this->idled = true; $this->status = AUTH_IDLED; return false; } if (isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['registered']) && isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['username']) && $session[$this->_sessionName]['registered'] == true && $session[$this->_sessionName]['username'] != '') { Auth::updateIdle(); return true; } } return false; } // }}} // {{{ getAuth() /** * Has the user been authenticated? * * @access public * @return bool True if the user is logged in, otherwise false. */ function getAuth() { $session = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (!empty($session) && (isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['registered']) && $session[$this->_sessionName]['registered'] === true)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // }}} // {{{ drawLogin() /** * Draw the login form * * Normally you will not use this output in your application, * because you can pass a different function name to the * constructor. For more information on this, please * consult the documentation. * * @access private * @param string Username if already entered * @return void */ function drawLogin($username = '') { if (is_callable($this->loginFunction)) { call_user_func($this->loginFunction, $username, $this->status, $this); } else { $server = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('server'); echo '
'."\n"; if (!empty($this->status) && $this->status == AUTH_EXPIRED) { echo 'Your session expired. Please login again!'."\n"; } else if (!empty($this->status) && $this->status == AUTH_IDLED) { echo 'You have been idle for too long. Please login again!'."\n"; } else if (!empty ($this->status) && $this->status == AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN) { echo 'Wrong login data!'."\n"; } PEAR::raiseError('You are using the built-in login screen of PEAR::Auth.
See the manual for details on how to create your own login function.', null); echo '
'."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo '
'."\n"; echo '
'."\n"; echo '
'."\n\n"; } } // }}} // {{{ logout() /** * Logout function * * This function clears any auth tokens in the currently * active session and executes the logout callback function, * if any * * @access public * @return void */ function logout() { $session = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (is_callable($this->logoutCallback)) { call_user_func($this->logoutCallback, $session[$this->_sessionName]['username'], $this); } $this->username = ''; $this->password = ''; $session[$this->_sessionName] = array(); if (isset($_SESSION)) { unset($session[$this->_sessionName]); } else { session_unregister($this->_sessionName); } } // }}} // {{{ updateIdle() /** * Update the idletime * * @access private * @return void */ function updateIdle() { $session = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('session'); $session[$this->_sessionName]['idle'] = time(); } // }}} // {{{ getUsername() /** * Get the username * * @access public * @return string */ function getUsername() { $session = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (!isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['username'])) { return ''; } return $session[$this->_sessionName]['username']; } // }}} // {{{ getStatus() /** * Get the current status * * @access public * @return string */ function getStatus() { return $this->status; } // }}} // {{{ sessionValidThru() /** * Returns the time up to the session is valid * * @access public * @return integer */ function sessionValidThru() { $session = &$this->_importGlobalVariable('session'); if (!isset($session[$this->_sessionName]['idle'])) { return 0; } return ($session[$this->_sessionName]['idle'] + $this->idle); } // }}} // {{{ listUsers() /** * List all users that are currently available in the storage * container * * @access public * @return array */ function listUsers() { return $this->storage->listUsers(); } // }}} // {{{ addUser() /** * Add user to the storage container * * @access public * @param string Username * @param string Password * @param mixed Additional parameters * @return mixed True on success, PEAR error object on error * and AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED otherwise. */ function addUser($username, $password, $additional = '') { return $this->storage->addUser($username, $password, $additional); } // }}} // {{{ removeUser() /** * Remove user from the storage container * * @access public * @param string Username * @return mixed True on success, PEAR error object on error * and AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED otherwise. */ function removeUser($username) { return $this->storage->removeUser($username); } // }}} // {{{ _importGlobalVariable() /** * Import variables from special namespaces. * * @access private * @param string Type of variable (server, session, post) * @return array */ function &_importGlobalVariable($variable) { $var = null; switch (strtolower($variable)) { case 'server' : if (isset($_SERVER)) { $var = &$_SERVER; } else { $var = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; } break; case 'session' : if (isset($_SESSION)) { $var = &$_SESSION; } else { $var = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']; } break; case 'post' : if (isset($_POST)) { $var = &$_POST; } else { $var = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']; } break; case 'cookie' : if (isset($_COOKIE)) { $var = &$_COOKIE; } else { $var = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']; } break; case 'get' : if (isset($_GET)) { $var = &$_GET; } else { $var = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']; } break; default: break; } return $var; } // }}} } ?>