| // | Lorenzo Alberton | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: Calendar.php,v 1.1 2005-09-30 14:58:00 ddelon Exp $ // /** * @package Calendar * @version $Id: Calendar.php,v 1.1 2005-09-30 14:58:00 ddelon Exp $ */ /** * Allows Calendar include path to be redefined */ if (!defined('CALENDAR_ROOT')) { define('CALENDAR_ROOT', 'Calendar'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } /** * Constant which defines the calculation engine to use */ if (!defined('CALENDAR_ENGINE')) { define('CALENDAR_ENGINE', 'UnixTS'); } /** * Define Calendar Month states */ define('CALENDAR_USE_MONTH', 1); define('CALENDAR_USE_MONTH_WEEKDAYS', 2); define('CALENDAR_USE_MONTH_WEEKS', 3); /** * Contains a factory method to return a Singleton instance of a class * implementing the Calendar_Engine_Interface.
* Note: this class must be modified to "register" alternative * Calendar_Engines. The engine used can be controlled with the constant * CALENDAR_ENGINE * @see Calendar_Engine_Interface * @package Calendar * @access protected */ class Calendar_Engine_Factory { /** * Returns an instance of the engine * @return object instance of a calendar calculation engine * @access protected */ function & getEngine() { static $engine = false; switch (CALENDAR_ENGINE) { case 'PearDate': $class = 'Calendar_Engine_PearDate'; break; case 'UnixTS': default: $class = 'Calendar_Engine_UnixTS'; break; } if (!$engine) { if (!class_exists($class)) { require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Engine'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.CALENDAR_ENGINE.'.php'; } $engine = new $class; } return $engine; } } /** * Base class for Calendar API. This class should not be instantiated * directly. * @abstract * @package Calendar */ class Calendar { /** * Instance of class implementing calendar engine interface * @var object * @access private */ var $cE; /** * Instance of Calendar_Validator (lazy initialized when isValid() or * getValidor() is called * @var Calendar_Validator * @access private */ var $validator; /** * Year for this calendar object e.g. 2003 * @access private * @var int */ var $year; /** * Month for this calendar object e.g. 9 * @access private * @var int */ var $month; /** * Day of month for this calendar object e.g. 23 * @access private * @var int */ var $day; /** * Hour of day for this calendar object e.g. 13 * @access private * @var int */ var $hour; /** * Minute of hour this calendar object e.g. 46 * @access private * @var int */ var $minute; /** * Second of minute this calendar object e.g. 34 * @access private * @var int */ var $second; /** * Marks this calendar object as selected (e.g. 'today') * @access private * @var boolean */ var $selected = false; /** * Collection of child calendar objects created from subclasses * of Calendar. Type depends on the object which created them. * @access private * @var array */ var $children = array(); /** * Constructs the Calendar * @param int year * @param int month * @param int day * @param int hour * @param int minute * @param int second * @access protected */ function Calendar($y = 2000, $m = 1, $d = 1, $h = 0, $i = 0, $s = 0) { static $cE = null; if (!isset($cE)) { $cE = & Calendar_Engine_Factory::getEngine(); } $this->cE = & $cE; $this->year = (int)$y; $this->month = (int)$m; $this->day = (int)$d; $this->hour = (int)$h; $this->minute = (int)$i; $this->second = (int)$s; } /** * Defines the calendar by a timestamp (Unix or ISO-8601), replacing values * passed to the constructor * @param int|string Unix or ISO-8601 timestamp * @return void * @access public */ function setTimestamp($ts) { $this->year = $this->cE->stampToYear($ts); $this->month = $this->cE->stampToMonth($ts); $this->day = $this->cE->stampToDay($ts); $this->hour = $this->cE->stampToHour($ts); $this->minute = $this->cE->stampToMinute($ts); $this->second = $this->cE->stampToSecond($ts); } /** * Returns a timestamp from the current date / time values. Format of * timestamp depends on Calendar_Engine implementation being used * @return int|string timestamp * @access public */ function getTimestamp() { return $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second); } /** * Defines calendar object as selected (e.g. for today) * @param boolean state whether Calendar subclass * @return void * @access public */ function setSelected($state = true) { $this->selected = $state; } /** * True if the calendar subclass object is selected (e.g. today) * @return boolean * @access public */ function isSelected() { return $this->selected; } /** * Adjusts the date (helper method) * @return void * @access public */ function adjust() { $stamp = $this->getTimeStamp(); $this->year = $this->cE->stampToYear($stamp); $this->month = $this->cE->stampToMonth($stamp); $this->day = $this->cE->stampToDay($stamp); $this->hour = $this->cE->stampToHour($stamp); $this->minute = $this->cE->stampToMinute($stamp); $this->second = $this->cE->stampToSecond($stamp); } /** * Returns the date as an associative array (helper method) * @param mixed timestamp (leave empty for current timestamp) * @return array * @access public */ function toArray($stamp=null) { if (is_null($stamp)) { $stamp = $this->getTimeStamp(); } return array( 'year' => $this->cE->stampToYear($stamp), 'month' => $this->cE->stampToMonth($stamp), 'day' => $this->cE->stampToDay($stamp), 'hour' => $this->cE->stampToHour($stamp), 'minute' => $this->cE->stampToMinute($stamp), 'second' => $this->cE->stampToSecond($stamp) ); } /** * Returns the value as an associative array (helper method) * @param string type of date object that return value represents * @param string $format ['int' | 'array' | 'timestamp' | 'object'] * @param mixed timestamp (depending on Calendar engine being used) * @param int integer default value (i.e. give me the answer quick) * @return mixed * @access private */ function returnValue($returnType, $format, $stamp, $default) { switch (strtolower($format)) { case 'int': return $default; case 'array': return $this->toArray($stamp); break; case 'object': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Factory.php'; return Calendar_Factory::createByTimestamp($returnType,$stamp); break; case 'timestamp': default: return $stamp; break; } } /** * Abstract method for building the children of a calendar object. * Implemented by Calendar subclasses * @param array containing Calendar objects to select (optional) * @return boolean * @access public * @abstract */ function build($sDates = array()) { require_once 'PEAR.php'; PEAR::raiseError( 'Calendar::build is abstract', null, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_NOTICE, 'Calendar::build()'); return false; } /** * Abstract method for selected data objects called from build * @param array * @return boolean * @access public * @abstract */ function setSelection($sDates) { require_once 'PEAR.php'; PEAR::raiseError( 'Calendar::setSelection is abstract', null, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_NOTICE, 'Calendar::setSelection()'); return false; } /** * Iterator method for fetching child Calendar subclass objects * (e.g. a minute from an hour object). On reaching the end of * the collection, returns false and resets the collection for * further iteratations. * @return mixed either an object subclass of Calendar or false * @access public */ function fetch() { $child = each($this->children); if ($child) { return $child['value']; } else { reset($this->children); return false; } } /** * Fetches all child from the current collection of children * @return array * @access public */ function fetchAll() { return $this->children; } /** * Get the number Calendar subclass objects stored in the internal * collection. * @return int * @access public */ function size() { return count($this->children); } /** * Determine whether this date is valid, with the bounds determined by * the Calendar_Engine. The call is passed on to * Calendar_Validator::isValid * @return boolean * @access public */ function isValid() { $validator = & $this->getValidator(); return $validator->isValid(); } /** * Returns an instance of Calendar_Validator * @return Calendar_Validator * @access public */ function & getValidator() { if (!isset($this->validator)) { require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Validator.php'; $this->validator = & new Calendar_Validator($this); } return $this->validator; } /** * Returns a reference to the current Calendar_Engine being used. Useful * for Calendar_Table_Helper and Caledar_Validator * @return object implementing Calendar_Engine_Inteface * @access private */ function & getEngine() { return $this->cE; } /** * Returns the value for the previous year * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 2002 or timestamp * @access public */ function prevYear($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp($this->year-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Year', $format, $ts, $this->year-1); } /** * Returns the value for this year * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 2003 or timestamp * @access public */ function thisYear($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp($this->year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Year', $format, $ts, $this->year); } /** * Returns the value for next year * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 2004 or timestamp * @access public */ function nextYear($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp($this->year+1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Year', $format, $ts, $this->year+1); } /** * Returns the value for the previous month * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 4 or Unix timestamp * @access public */ function prevMonth($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp($this->year, $this->month-1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Month', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToMonth($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for this month * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 5 or timestamp * @access public */ function thisMonth($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp($this->year, $this->month, 1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Month', $format, $ts, $this->month); } /** * Returns the value for next month * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 6 or timestamp * @access public */ function nextMonth($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp($this->year, $this->month+1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Month', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToMonth($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for the previous day * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 10 or timestamp * @access public */ function prevDay($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day-1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Day', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToDay($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for this day * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 11 or timestamp * @access public */ function thisDay($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Day', $format, $ts, $this->day); } /** * Returns the value for the next day * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 12 or timestamp * @access public */ function nextDay($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day+1, 0, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Day', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToDay($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for the previous hour * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 13 or timestamp * @access public */ function prevHour($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour-1, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Hour', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToHour($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for this hour * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 14 or timestamp * @access public */ function thisHour($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Hour', $format, $ts, $this->hour); } /** * Returns the value for the next hour * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 14 or timestamp * @access public */ function nextHour($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour+1, 0, 0); return $this->returnValue('Hour', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToHour($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for the previous minute * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 23 or timestamp * @access public */ function prevMinute($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute-1, 0); return $this->returnValue('Minute', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToMinute($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for this minute * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 24 or timestamp * @access public */ function thisMinute($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute, 0); return $this->returnValue('Minute', $format, $ts, $this->minute); } /** * Returns the value for the next minute * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 25 or timestamp * @access public */ function nextMinute($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute+1, 0); return $this->returnValue('Minute', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToMinute($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for the previous second * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 43 or timestamp * @access public */ function prevSecond($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second-1); return $this->returnValue('Second', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToSecond($ts)); } /** * Returns the value for this second * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 44 or timestamp * @access public */ function thisSecond($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second); return $this->returnValue('Second', $format, $ts, $this->second); } /** * Returns the value for the next second * @param string return value format ['int' | 'timestamp' | 'object' | 'array'] * @return int e.g. 45 or timestamp * @access public */ function nextSecond($format = 'int') { $ts = $this->cE->dateToStamp( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, $this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second+1); return $this->returnValue('Second', $format, $ts, $this->cE->stampToSecond($ts)); } } ?>