| // | Lorenzo Alberton | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: Factory.php,v 1.1 2005-09-30 14:58:00 ddelon Exp $ // /** * @package Calendar * @version $Id: Factory.php,v 1.1 2005-09-30 14:58:00 ddelon Exp $ */ /** * Allows Calendar include path to be redefined * @ignore */ if (!defined('CALENDAR_ROOT')) { define('CALENDAR_ROOT', 'Calendar'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } /** * Load Calendar base class */ require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Calendar.php'; /** * Constant for the first day of the week (integer e.g. 0-6) */ if ( !defined ('CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK') ) { define ('CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK',1); } /** * Contains a factory method to return a Singleton instance of a class * implementing the Calendar_Engine_Interface.
* For Month objects, to control type of month returned, use CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE * constact e.g.; * * require_once 'Calendar/Factory.php'; * define ('CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE',CALENDAR_USE_MONTH_WEEKDAYS); // Use Calendar_Month_Weekdays * // define ('CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE',CALENDAR_USE_MONTH_WEEKS); // Use Calendar_Month_Weeks * // define ('CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE',CALENDAR_USE_MONTH); // Use Calendar_Month * * It defaults to building Calendar_Month objects.
* Use the constract CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK to control the first day of the week * for Month or Week objects (e.g. 0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday) * @package Calendar * @access protected */ class Calendar_Factory { /** * Creates a calendar object given the type and units * @param string class of calendar object to create * @param int year * @param int month * @param int day * @param int hour * @param int minute * @param int second * @return object subclass of Calendar * @access public * @static */ function create($type, $y = 2000, $m = 1, $d = 1, $h = 0, $i = 0, $s = 0) { switch ( $type ) { case 'Day': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Day.php'; return new Calendar_Day($y,$m,$d); break; case 'Month': // Set default state for which month type to build if (!defined('CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE')) { define('CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE', CALENDAR_USE_MONTH); } switch (CALENDAR_MONTH_STATE) { case CALENDAR_USE_MONTH_WEEKDAYS: require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Month'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Weekdays.php'; $class = 'Calendar_Month_Weekdays'; break; case CALENDAR_USE_MONTH_WEEKS: require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Month'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Weeks.php'; $class = 'Calendar_Month_Weeks'; break; case CALENDAR_USE_MONTH: default: require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Month.php'; $class = 'Calendar_Month'; break; } return new $class($y,$m,CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK); break; case 'Week': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Week.php'; return new Calendar_Week($y,$m,$d,CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK); break; case 'Hour': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Hour.php'; return new Calendar_Hour($y,$m,$d,$h); break; case 'Minute': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Minute.php'; return new Calendar_Minute($y,$m,$d,$h,$i); break; case 'Second': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Second.php'; return new Calendar_Second($y,$m,$d,$h,$i,$s); break; case 'Year': require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Year.php'; return new Calendar_Year($y); break; default: require_once 'PEAR.php'; PEAR::raiseError( 'Calendar_Factory::create() unrecognised type: '.$type, null, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_NOTICE, 'Calendar_Factory::create()'); return false; break; } } /** * Creates an instance of a calendar object, given a type and timestamp * @param string type of object to create * @param mixed timestamp (depending on Calendar engine being used) * @return object subclass of Calendar * @access public * @static */ function & createByTimestamp($type, $stamp) { $cE = & Calendar_Engine_Factory::getEngine(); $y = $cE->stampToYear($stamp); $m = $cE->stampToMonth($stamp); $d = $cE->stampToDay($stamp); $h = $cE->stampToHour($stamp); $i = $cE->stampToMinute($stamp); $s = $cE->stampToSecond($stamp); return Calendar_Factory::create($type, $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s); } } ?>