the wiki page name. * * 'text' => the displayed link text. * * 'anchor' => a named anchor on the target wiki page. * * $Id: Wikilink.php,v 1.1 2005-01-20 19:43:20 jpm Exp $ * * @author Paul M. Jones * * @package Text_Wiki * */ class Text_Wiki_Parse_Wikilink extends Text_Wiki_Parse { /** * * Constructor. * * We override the Text_Wiki_Parse constructor so we can * explicitly comment each part of the $regex property. * * @access public * * @param object &$obj The calling "parent" Text_Wiki object. * */ function Text_Wiki_Parse_Wikilink(&$obj) { parent::Text_Wiki_Parse($obj); // allows numbers as "lowercase letters" in the regex $this->regex = "(!?" . // START WikiPage pattern (1) "[A-Z]" . // 1 upper "[A-Za-z0-9]*" . // 0+ alpha or digit "[a-z0-9]+" . // 1+ lower or digit "[A-Z]" . // 1 upper "[A-Za-z0-9]*" . // 0+ or more alpha or digit ")" . // END WikiPage pattern (/1) "((\#" . // START Anchor pattern (2)(3) "[A-Za-z]" . // 1 alpha "(" . // start sub pattern (4) "[-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*" . // 0+ dash, alpha, digit, underscore, colon, dot "[-A-Za-z0-9_]" . // 1 dash, alpha, digit, or underscore ")?)?)"; // end subpatterns (/4)(/3)(/2) } /** * * First parses for described links, then for standalone links. * * @access public * * @return void * */ function parse() { // described wiki links $tmp_regex = '/\[' . $this->regex . ' (.+?)\]/'; $this->wiki->source = preg_replace_callback( $tmp_regex, array(&$this, 'processDescr'), $this->wiki->source ); // standalone wiki links $tmp_regex = '/(^|[^A-Za-z0-9\-_])' . $this->regex . '/'; $this->wiki->source = preg_replace_callback( $tmp_regex, array(&$this, 'process'), $this->wiki->source ); } /** * * Generate a replacement for described links. * * @access public * * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse(). * * @return A delimited token to be used as a placeholder in * the source text, plus any text priot to the match. * */ function processDescr(&$matches) { // set the options $options = array( 'page' => $matches[1], 'text' => $matches[5], 'anchor' => $matches[3] ); // create and return the replacement token and preceding text return $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $options); // . $matches[7]; } /** * * Generate a replacement for standalone links. * * * @access public * * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse(). * * @return A delimited token to be used as a placeholder in * the source text, plus any text prior to the match. * */ function process(&$matches) { // when prefixed with !, it's explicitly not a wiki link. // return everything as it was. if ($matches[2]{0} == '!') { return $matches[1] . substr($matches[2], 1) . $matches[3]; } // set the options $options = array( 'page' => $matches[2], 'text' => $matches[2] . $matches[3], 'anchor' => $matches[3] ); // create and return the replacement token and preceding text return $matches[1] . $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $options); } } ?>