Copyright 2002, 2003 David DELON Copyright 2002, 2003 Charles NEPOTE Copyright 2002, 2003 Patrick PAUL Copyright 2003 Eric DELORD Copyright 2003 Eric FELDSTEIN All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // This may look a bit strange, but all possible formatting tags have to be in a single regular expression for this to work correctly. Yup! if (!function_exists("wakka2callback")) { include("formatters/tableaux.php"); //EF => tableaux function wakka2callback($things) { $thing = $things[1]; $result=''; static $oldIndentLevel = 0; static $oldIndentLength= 0; static $indentClosers = array(); static $newIndentSpace= array(); static $br = 1; $brf=0; global $wiki; // convert HTML thingies if ($thing == "<") return "<"; else if ($thing == ">") return ">"; //EF=> tableaux else if (preg_match("/^\[\|(.*)\|\]/s", $thing)) { return parsetable($thing); } //end tableaux // bold else if ($thing == "**") { static $bold = 0; return (++$bold % 2 ? "" : ""); } // italic else if ($thing == "//") { static $italic = 0; return (++$italic % 2 ? "" : ""); } // underlinue else if ($thing == "__") { static $underline = 0; return (++$underline % 2 ? "" : ""); } // monospace else if ($thing == "##") { static $monospace = 0; return (++$monospace % 2 ? "" : ""); } // Deleted else if ($thing == "@@") { static $deleted = 0; return (++$deleted % 2 ? "" : ""); } // Inserted else if ($thing == "££") { static $inserted = 0; return (++$inserted % 2 ? "" : ""); } // urls else if (preg_match("/^([a-z]+:\/\/\S+?)([^[:alnum:]^\/])?$/", $thing, $matches)) { $url = $matches[1]; if (!isset($matches[2])) $matches[2] = ''; return "$url".$matches[2]; } // header level 5 else if ($thing == "==") { static $l5 = 0; $br = 0; return (++$l5 % 2 ? "
" : "
"); } // header level 4 else if ($thing == "===") { static $l4 = 0; $br = 0; return (++$l4 % 2 ? "

" : "

"); } // header level 3 else if ($thing == "====") { static $l3 = 0; $br = 0; return (++$l3 % 2 ? "

" : "

"); } // header level 2 else if ($thing == "=====") { static $l2 = 0; $br = 0; return (++$l2 % 2 ? "

" : "

"); } // header level 1 else if ($thing == "======") { static $l1 = 0; $br = 0; return (++$l1 % 2 ? "

" : "

"); } // forced line breaks else if ($thing == "---") { return "
"; } // escaped text else if (preg_match("/^\"\"(.*)\"\"$/s", $thing, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } // code text else if (preg_match("/^\%\%(.*)\%\%$/s", $thing, $matches)) { // check if a language has been specified $code = $matches[1]; $language=''; if (preg_match("/^\((.+?)\)(.*)$/s", $code, $matches)) { list(, $language, $code) = $matches; } //Select formatter for syntaxe hightlighting if (file_exists("formatters/coloration_".$language.".php")){ $formatter = "coloration_".$language; }else{ $formatter = "code"; } $output = "
"; $output .= $wiki->Format(trim($code), $formatter); $output .= "
"; return $output; } // raw inclusion from another wiki // (regexp documentation : see "forced link" below) else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\|(\S*)(\s+(.+))?\]\]$/", $thing, $matches)) { list (,$url,,$text) = $matches; if (!$text) $text = "404"; if ($url) { $url.="/wakka.php?wiki=".$text."/raw"; return $wiki->Format($wiki->Format($url, "raw"),"wakka"); } else { return ""; } } // forced links // \S : any character that is not a whitespace character // \s : any whitespace character else if (preg_match("/^\[\[(\S*)\s+(.+)?\]\]$/", $thing, $matches)) { list (, $url, $text) = $matches; if ($url) { if ($url!=($url=(preg_replace("/@@|££|\[\[/","",$url))))$result=""; if (!$text) $text = $url; $text=preg_replace("/@@|££|\[\[/","",$text); return $result.$wiki->Link($url, "", $text); } else { return ""; } } // indented text else if ((preg_match("/\n(\t+|([ ]{1})+)(-|([0-9,a-z,A-Z]+)\))?/s", $thing, $matches)) || (preg_match("/^(\t+|([ ]{1})+)(-|([0-9,a-z,A-Z]+)\))?/s", $thing, $matches) && $brf=1)) { // new line if ($brf) $br=0; $result .= ($br ? "
\n" : ""); // we definitely want no line break in this one. $br = 0; // find out which indent type we want if (!isset($matches[3])) $matches[3] = ''; $newIndentType = $matches[3]; if (!$newIndentType) { $opener = "
"; $closer = "
"; $br = 1; } else if ($newIndentType == "-") { $opener = ""; $li = 1; } else { $opener = "
    \n"; $closer = "\n
"; $li = 1; } // get new indent level if (strpos($matches[1],"\t")) $newIndentLevel = strlen($matches[1]); else { $newIndentLevel=$oldIndentLevel; $newIndentLength = strlen($matches[1]); if ($newIndentLength>$oldIndentLength) { $newIndentLevel++; $newIndentSpace[$newIndentLength]=$newIndentLevel; } else if ($newIndentLength<$oldIndentLength) $newIndentLevel=$newIndentSpace[$newIndentLength]; } $op=0; if ($newIndentLevel > $oldIndentLevel) { for ($i = 0; $i < $newIndentLevel - $oldIndentLevel; $i++) { $result .= $opener; $op=1; array_push($indentClosers, $closer); } } else if ($newIndentLevel < $oldIndentLevel) { for ($i = 0; $i < $oldIndentLevel - $newIndentLevel; $i++) { $op=1; $result .= array_pop($indentClosers); if ($oldIndentLevel && $li) $result .= ""; } } if (isset($li) && $op) $result .= "
  • "; else if (isset($li)) $result .= "
  • \n
  • "; $oldIndentLevel = $newIndentLevel; $oldIndentLength= $newIndentLength; return $result; } // new lines else if ($thing == "\n") { // if we got here, there was no tab in the next line; this means that we can close all open indents. $c = count($indentClosers); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $result .= array_pop($indentClosers); $br = 0; } $oldIndentLevel = 0; $oldIndentLength= 0; $newIndentSpace=array(); $result .= ($br ? "
    \n" : "\n"); $br = 1; return $result; } // events else if (preg_match("/^\{\{(.*?)\}\}$/s", $thing, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) return $wiki->Action($matches[1]); else return "{{}}"; } // interwiki links! else if (preg_match("/^[A-Z][A-Z,a-z]+[:]([A-Z,a-z,0-9]*)$/s", $thing)) { return $wiki->Link($thing); } // wiki links! else if (preg_match("/^[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z,0-9][A-Z,a-z,0-9]*$/s", $thing)) { return $wiki->Link($thing); } // separators else if (preg_match("/-{4,}/", $thing, $matches)) { // TODO: This could probably be improved for situations where someone puts text on the same line as a separator. // Which is a stupid thing to do anyway! HAW HAW! Ahem. $br = 0; return "
    "; } // if we reach this point, it must have been an accident. return $thing; } } $text = str_replace("\r", "", $text); $text = chop($text)."\n"; $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\%\%.*?\%\%|". "^\[\|.*?\|\]|". //EF => tableaux "\"\".*?\"\"|". "\[\[.*?\]\]|". "\b[a-z]+:\/\/\S+|". "\*\*|\#\#|@@|££|__|<|>|\/\/|". "======|=====|====|===|==|". "-{4,}|---|". "\n(\t+|([ ]{1})+)(-|[0-9,a-z,A-Z]+\))?|". "^(\t+|([ ]{1})+)(-|[0-9,a-z,A-Z]+\))?|". "\{\{.*?\}\}|". "\b[A-Z][A-Z,a-z]+[:]([A-Z,a-z,0-9]*)\b|". "\b([A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z,0-9][A-Z,a-z,0-9]*)\b|". "\n)/ms", "wakka2callback", $text); // we're cutting the last
    $text = preg_replace("/
    $/","", trim($text)); echo $text ; ?>