*@copyright Tela-Botanica 2000-2004
*@version $Revision: 1.3 $
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: ezmlm-parser.php,v 1.3 2007/04/19 15:34:35 neiluj Exp $
require_once("Mail/mimeDecode.php") ;
// CLASS: ezmlm-parser
class ezmlm_parser extends ezmlm_php {
var $headers; // the full untouched headers of the message
var $body; // the full untouched (but decoded) body (this is not $this->parts[0]->body)
var $parts; // all the parts, if it is a multipart message. each part is an ezmlm_parser object...
// Here's the most accessed headers, everything else can be
// accessed from the $this->headers array.
var $to; // To:
var $from; // From:
var $date; // Date:
var $subject; // Subject:
var $replyto; // Reply-To:
var $contenttype; // Content-Type:
var $multipart; // TRUE if the message is a multipart message
var $msgfile; // if parsed from a file, this is the filename...
// functions
* recent_msgs renvoie les derniers messages de la liste de discussion
* ezmlm
* (
* [0] => Array
* (
* [1] => sujet
* [2] => date en anglais
* [3] => le hash de l auteur
* [4] => l auteur
* )
* [1] => ...
* )
* @param int le nombre de message a renvoye
* @return array un tableau contenant les messages
* @access public
function recent_msgs($show = 20, $month = "") {
$repertoire_archive = opendir($this->listdir . "/archive/");
$repertoire_message = array() ;
$dernier_repertoire = 0 ;
while (false !== ($item = readdir($repertoire_archive))) {
// $item contient les noms des repertoires
// on ne garde que ceux qui sont des chiffres
if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $item)) {
// on ouvre le fichier d index de chaque repertoire
if ((int) $item > $dernier_repertoire) $dernier_repertoire = (int) $item;
$tableau_message = array() ;
$compteur_message = 0 ;
$fichier_index = fopen ($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$dernier_repertoire.'/index', 'r') ;
while (!feof($fichier_index)) {
// Recuperation du numero de message, du hash du sujet et du sujet
$temp = fgets($fichier_index, 4096);
preg_match('/([0-9]+): ([a-z]+) (.*)/', $temp, $match) ;
// dans la seconde on recupere la date, hash auteur et auteur
$temp = fgets($fichier_index, 4096);
preg_match('/\t([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) ([^;]+);([^ ]*) (.*)/', $temp, $match_deuxieme_ligne) ;
if ($match[1] != '') {
$tableau_message[$match[1]] = array ($match[2], $match[3],
$match_deuxieme_ligne[1].' '.$match_deuxieme_ligne[2].' '.$match_deuxieme_ligne[3],
fclose ($fichier_index);
// on renverse le tableau pour afficher les derniers messages en premier
$tableau_message = array_reverse($tableau_message, true);
// On compte le nombre de message, s il est inferieur $show et que l on est
// pas dans le premier index, on ouvre le fichier precedent et recupere
// le n dernier message
if (count ($tableau_message) < $show && $dernier_repertoire != '0') {
$avant_dernier_repertoire = $dernier_repertoire - 1 ;
// On utilise file_get_contents pour renverser le fichier
$fichier_index = array_reverse(
explode ("\n",
preg_replace ('/\n$/', '',
file_get_contents ($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$avant_dernier_repertoire.'/index')) ), true) ;
reset ($fichier_index);
//var_dump ($fichier_index);
for ($i = count ($tableau_message); $i <= $show; $i++) {
// Recuperation du numero de message, du hash du sujet et du sujet
// dans la seconde on recupere la date, hash auteur et auteur
preg_match('/\t([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) ([^;]+);([^ ]*) (.*)/',
current ($fichier_index), $match_deuxieme_ligne) ;
preg_match('/([0-9]+): ([a-z]+) (.*)/', next($fichier_index), $match) ;
next ($fichier_index);
if ($match[1] != '') {
$tableau_message[$match[1]] = array ($match[2], $match[3],
$match_deuxieme_ligne[1].' '.$match_deuxieme_ligne[2].' '.$match_deuxieme_ligne[3],
} else {
// Si le nombre de message est > $show on limite le tableau de retour
$tableau_message = array_slice($tableau_message, 0, $show, true);
return $tableau_message ;
// parse_file - opens a file and feeds the data to parse, file can be relative to the listdir
function parse_file($file,$simple = FALSE) {
if (!is_file($file)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/" . $file; }
else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file; }
else { return FALSE; }
$this->msgfile = $file;
$data = '' ;
$fd = fopen($file, "r");
while (!feof($fd)) { $data .= fgets($fd,4096); }
return $this->parse($data,$simple);
// parse_file_headers - ouvre un fichier et analyse les ent�tes
function parse_file_headers($file,$simple = FALSE) {
if (!is_file($file)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/" . $file; }
else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file; }
else { return FALSE; }
$this->msgfile = $file;
$data = file_get_contents ($file) ;
$message = file_get_contents($file) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
return $mailDecode ;
// this does all of the work (well it calls two functions that do all the work :)
// all the decoding a part breaking follows RFC2045 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2045.html)
function parse($data,$simple = FALSE) {
if (($this->_get_headers($data,$simple)) && $this->_get_body($data,$simple)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
// all of these are internal functions, you shouldn't call them directly...
// _ct_parse: parse Content-Type headers -> $ct[0] = Full header, $ct[1] = Content-Type, $ct[2] ... $ct[n] = AP's
function _ct_parse() {
$instr = $this->headers['content-type'];
preg_replace('/\(.*\)/','',$instr); // strip rfc822 comments
if (preg_match('/: /', $instr)) {
$ct = preg_split('/:/',trim($instr),2);
$ct = preg_split('/;/',trim($ct[1]));
} else {
$ct = preg_split('/;/',trim($instr));
if (isset($ct[1])) $attrs = preg_split('/[\s\n]/',$ct[1]);
$i = 2;
$ct[1] = $ct[0];
$ct[0] = $this->headers['content-type'];
if (isset($attrs) && is_array($attrs)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($attrs)) {
if ($val == '') continue;
$ap = preg_split('/=/',$val,2);
if (preg_match('/^"/',$ap[1])) { $ap[1] = substr($ap[1],1,strlen($ap[1])-2); }
$ct[$i] = $ap;
// are we a multipart message?
if (preg_match('/^multipart/i', $ct[1])) { $this->multipart = TRUE; }
return $ct;
// _get_headers: pulls the headers out of the data and builds the $this->headers array
function _get_headers($data,$simple = FALSE) {
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $data);
while (list($key, $val) = each($lines)) {
$val = trim($val);
if ($val == "") break;
if (preg_match('/^From[^:].*$/', $val)) continue; /* strips out any From lines added by the MTA */
$hdr = preg_split('/: /', $val, 2);
if (count($hdr) == 1) {
// this is a continuation of the last header (like a recieved from line)
$this->headers[$last] .= $val;
} else {
$this->headers[strtolower($hdr[0])] = $hdr[1];
//echo htmlspecialchars($this->headers['from'])."
" ;
$last = strtolower($hdr[0]);
// ajout alex
// pour supprimer le probl�me des ISO...
// a d�placer ailleur, et appel� avant affichage
if (preg_match ('/windows-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/', $this->headers['subject'], $nombre)) {
$reg_exp = $nombre[0] ;
} else {
$reg_exp = 'ISO-8859-15?' ;
if (preg_match ('/UTF/i', $this->headers['subject'])) $reg_exp = 'UTF-8' ;
preg_match_all ("/=\?$reg_exp\?(Q|B)\?(.*?)\?=/i", $this->headers['subject'], $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ;
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($match[0]); $i++ ) {
if ($match[1][$i] == 'Q') {
$decode = quoted_printable_decode ($match[2][$i]) ;
} elseif ($match[1][$i] == 'B') {
$decode = base64_decode ($match[2][$i]) ;
$decode = preg_replace ("/_/", " ", $decode) ;
if ($reg_exp == 'UTF-8') {
$decode = utf8_decode ($decode) ;
$this->headers['subject'] = str_replace ($match[0][$i], $decode, $this->headers['subject']) ;
// sanity anyone?
if (!$this->headers['content-type']) { $this->headers['content-type'] = "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"; }
if (!$simple) { $this->headers['content-type'] = $this->_ct_parse(); }
return TRUE;
// _get_body: pulls the body out of the data and fills $this->body, decoding the data if nessesary.
function _get_body($data,$simple = FALSE) {
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $data);
$doneheaders = FALSE;
$data = "";
while (list($key,$val) = each($lines)) {
//echo htmlspecialchars($val)."
if (($val == '') and (!$doneheaders)) {
$doneheaders = TRUE;
} else if ($doneheaders) {
$data .= $val . "\n";
// now here comes the fun part... decoding.
switch($this->headers['content-transfer-encoding']) {
case 'binary':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($this->_cte_qp($this->_cte_binary($data)),$simple);
case 'base64':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($this->_cte_qp($this->_cte_base64($data)),$simple);
case 'quoted-printable':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($this->_cte_qp($data),$simple);
case '8bit':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($data,$simple);
case '7bit': // 7bit doesn't need to be decoded
default: // And the fall through as well...
$this->body = $data;
//echo $this->headers['content-type'][2][1];
if (isset($this->headers['content-type'][2][1]) && $this->headers['content-type'][2][1] == 'UTF-8') {
//$this->body = utf8_decode ($this->body) ;
//echo quoted_printable_decode(utf8_decode ($this->body)) ;
if ($simple) { return TRUE; }
// if we are a multipart message then break up the parts and decode, set the appropriate variables.
// here comes the best part about making ezmlm-php OOP. since each part is just really a little message
// in itself each part becomes a new parser object and all the wheels turn again... :)
if ($this->multipart) {
$boundary = '';
for ($i = 2; $i <= count($this->headers['content-type']); $i++) {
if (preg_match('/boundary/i', $this->headers['content-type'][$i][0])) {
$boundary = $this->headers['content-type'][$i][1];
if ($boundary != '') {
} else {
// whoopps... something's not right here. we were told that the message is supposed
// to be a multipart message, yet the boundary wasn't set in the content type.
// mark the message as non multipart and add a message to the top of the body.
$this->multipart = FALSE;
return TRUE;
// _get_parts: breaks up $data into parts based on $boundary following the rfc specs
// detailed in section 5 of RFC2046 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2046.html)
// After the parts are broken up they are then turned into parser objects and the
// resulting array of parts is set to $this->parts;
function _get_parts($data,$boundary) {
$inpart = -1;
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $data);
// La premi�re partie contient l'avertissement pour les client mail ne supportant pas
// multipart, elle est stock� dans parts[-1]
while(list($key,$val) = each($lines)) {
if ($val == "--" . $boundary) { $inpart++; continue; } // start of a part
else if ($val == "--" . $boundary . "--") { break; } // the end of the last part
else { $parts[$inpart] .= $val . "\n"; }
for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts) - 1; $i++) { // On saute la premi�re partie
$part[$i] = new ezmlm_parser();
$this->parts[$i] = $part[$i];
//echo $this->parts[$i]."
" ;
// _cte_8bit: decode a content transfer encoding of 8bit
// NOTE: this function is a little bit special. Since the end result will be displayed in
// a web browser _cte_8bit decodes ASCII characters > 127 (the US-ASCII table) into the
// html ordinal equivilant, it also ensures that the messages content-type is changed
// to include text/html if it changes anything...
function _cte_8bit($data,$simple = FALSE) {
if ($simple) { return $data; }
$changed = FALSE;
$chars = preg_split('//',$data);
while (list($key,$val) = each($chars)) {
if (ord($val) > 127) { $out .= '' . ord($val) . ';'; $changed = TRUE; }
else { $out .= $val; }
if ($changed) { $this->headers['content-type'][1] = 'text/html'; }
return $out;
// _cte_binary: decode a content transfer encoding of binary
function _cte_binary($data) { return $data; }
// _cte_base64: decode a content transfer encoding of base64
function _cte_base64($data) { return base64_decode($data); }
// _cte_qp: decode a content transfer encoding of quoted_printable
function _cte_qp($data) {
// For the time being we'll use PHP's function, it seems to work well enough.
return quoted_printable_decode($data);