| * +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * $Id: pro_langue_fr.inc.php,v 1.17 2008-02-08 09:05:21 alexandre_tb Exp $ */ // LA liste des projet define ('PROJET_TEXTE_NON_IDENTIFIE', 'You are not logged in. Log in to access your projects or to subscribe projects') ; define ('PROJET_TEXTE_PARTICIPANT_NON_IDENTIFIE', 'You are not logged in. Log in to access the participant list.') ; define ('PROJET_S_INSCRIRE', 'Subscribe') ; define ('PROJET_S_INSCRIRE_AU_PROJET', 'Subscribe to this project') ; define ('PROJET_MESSAGE_LISTE_PRIVEE', 'This list is private. You have to be logged in to access.') ; define ('PROJET_VOUS_ETES', 'You are ') ; define ('PROJET_VOUS_N_ETES_PAS_INSCRIT', 'You are not member of this project') ; define ('PROJET_VOUS_ETES_PARTICIPANT', 'You are a member of this project') ; define ('PROJET_CONTRIBUTEUR', 'Participants') ; define ('PROJET_INSCRIPTION_PROJET', 'Project subscription') ; define ('PROJET_MESSAGE_LISTE', 'Forum messages') ; define ('PROJET_INSCRIPTION_LISTE_NORMAL', 'I want a copy of each message in my email box') ; define ('PROJET_INSCRIPTION_PAS_DE_MAIL', 'I don\'t want to receive email. I will consult messages via the Forum tab.') ; define ("PROJET_FICHIER_ANNULER", "Cancel") ; define ('PROJET_LAIUS_INSCRIPTION_MODERE', 'Your subscription demand has been transfered to project manager. A confirmation email will be sent to you as soon as you subription will be accepted. Then you will have access to every function'); define ('PROJET_FERMER_FENETRE', 'Close window'); define ('PROJET_EN_ATTENTE', 'Waiting validation by project manager'); define ('PROJET_MODERE', 'Moderate subscription'); define ('PROJET_NON_MODERE', 'Free subscription'); define ('PROJET_INSCRIPTION', 'Inscription') ; define ("PROJET_NOUVEAU_UTILISATEUR", "New user") ; define ('PROJET_NOM', 'First name'); define ('PROJET_PRENOM', 'Last name'); define ('PROJET_MAIL', 'Email'); define ('PROJET_DATE_INSCRIPTION', 'Subscription date'); define ('PROJET_STATUT', 'Status'); define ('PROJET_LISTE_DE_DISCUSSION', 'Forum'); define ('PROJET_FICHIER_SUPPRIMER', 'Delete'); define('PROJET_INSCRIT', 'Registered'); define('PROJET_NON_INSCRIT', 'Non registered'); define ('PROJET_SE_DESINSCRIRE', 'Unsubscribe project') ; define ('PROJET_DOCUMENT', 'Documents') ; define ('PROJET_FORUM', 'Forum') ; define ('PROJET_ADRESSE_ECRIRE', 'Email adress to write to forum') ; define ('PROJET_TOUS_LES_MESSAGES', 'All the messages') ; define ("PROJET_ECRIRE_LISTE", "Send a message") ; define ('PROJET_NE_PAS_RECEVOIR_MESSAGES', 'Do not receive messages by mail') ; define ('PROJET_CREER_LISTE', 'Create a Forum') ; define ('PROJET_LISTE_DE_DISCUSSION', 'Forum') ; define ('PROJET_SUPPRIMER_LISTE', 'Delete Forum') ; define ('PROJET_SUPPRIMER_LISTE_CONFIRMATION', 'Delete forum ?') ; define ('PROJET_NOM_DE_LA_LISTE', 'Forum name') ; define ('PROJET_NOM_DE_LA_LISTE_REQUIRED', 'Forum name is required') ; define ('PROJET_DOMAINE_DE_LA_LISTE', 'Forum domain') ; define ('PROJET_DOMAINE_LISTE_REQUIRED', 'Domain is required') ; define ('PROJET_MESSAGE_LISTE_DOUBLE', 'Forum already exists') ; define ('PROJET_PAS_DE_LISTE', 'No forum') ; define ('PROJET_FORUM', 'Forum') ; if (!defined ('PROJET_PROPOSER_PROJET')) { define ('PROJET_PROPOSER_PROJET', '
define ('PROJET_RETOUR_RESUME', 'Back to summary');
define ('PROJET_REFERENCER_LISTE', 'Associate an external forum') ;
define ('PROJET_MODIFIER_PROPRIETES', 'Edit project') ;
define ('PROJET_SUPPRIMER_LE_PROJET', 'Delete project') ;
define ('PROJET_SUPPRIMER_PROJET_CONFIRMATION', 'Delete project ?') ;
define ('PROJET_CREER_WIKI', 'Manage wikinis') ;
define ('PROJET_ASSOCIER_WIKI', 'Associate a Wikini');
define ('PROJET_NOUVEAU_UTILISATEUR_LAIUS', 'For adding one new participant, fill-in the mail field and click on '.PROJET_NOUVEAU_UTILISATEUR) ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_COUPER", "Move") ;
define ("PROJET_CHAMPS_REQUIS", "Required fields") ;
define ("PROJET_MAIL_TITRE", "Title") ;
define ("PROJET_MAIL_TITRE_REQUIS", "Title is required") ;
define ("PROJET_MAIL_CORPS", "Body") ;
define ('PROJET_LISTES_ASSOCIEES', 'Forum associated to project') ;
define ('PROJET_RECEVOIR_MESSAGES', 'Receive forum message by mail') ;
define ("PROJET_TITRE", "Title") ;
// ========== Onglets ===============================
define ('PROJET_SYNTHESE', 'Summary') ;
define ('PROJET_DESCRIPTION', 'Description') ;
define ('PROJET_WIKINI', 'Wikini') ;
// ========== Synth�se ===============================
define ('PROJET_RESUME', 'Summary') ;
define ('PROJET_WIKI_ASSOCIE', 'Linked wiki') ;
define ('PROJET_ALLER_SUR_WIKINI', 'Go to wiki') ;
define ('PROJET_ESPACE_INTERNET', 'Home page') ;
define ('PROJET_PAS_DE_SITE', 'No external website') ;
define ('PROJET_DERNIERS_MESSAGES', 'Last message in the discussion list') ;
define ('PROJET_FICHIERS_RECENTS', 'Last uploaded files') ;
define ('PROJET_PAS_DE_DOCUMENTS', 'No associated documents') ;
// ========== Partie concernant la description su projet =================================
define ("PROJET_ALERTE_TITRE", "The title field must be filled in") ;
define ("PROJET_DECONNEXION", "Sign off") ;
define ("PROJET_ADMINISTRATION", "Administration") ;
define ("PROJET_ADMINISTRATEUR", "Administrator") ;
define ("PROJET_NOUVEAU_PROJET", "New project") ;
define ("PROJET_DESTRUCTION_PROJET", "Cancel a project") ;
define ("PROJET_GESTION_UTILISATEUR", "Users administration") ;
define ("PROJET_NOUVEAU_UTILISATEUR", "New user") ;
define ("PROJET_MOD_UTILISATEUR", "User modification") ;
define ("PROJET_DESTRUCTION_UTILISATEUR", "Delete a user") ;
define ("PROJET_GERER", "Administrate") ;
define ("PROJET_GERER_FICHIER", "Files administration") ;
define ("PROJET_VOIR_PROJET", "To see the project") ;
define ("PROJET_VOIR_FICHIER", "See files") ;
define ("PROJET_PRENOM", "First name") ;
define ("PROJET_MAIL", "E-mail") ;
define ("PROJET_LABEL_PAYS", "Country") ;
define ("PROJET_DATE_INSCRIPTION", "Registration date") ;
define ("PROJET_STATUT", "Status") ;
define ("PROJET_CHEF", "Coordinator") ;
define ("PROJET_PAS_D_INSCRIT", "No registered user") ;
define ("PROJET_PARTICIPER", "Projects you are participating in") ;
define ("PROJET_VOUS_PARTICIPEZ", "you are participating in") ;
define ("PROJET_TOUS", "all projects.") ;
define ("PROJET_PROJETS", "projects") ;
define ("PROJET_VOTRE_STATUT", "Your status") ;
define ("PROJET_ACTION", "Action") ;
define ("PROJET_DESTRUCTION_LAIUS", "The cancellation of a project implies the end of all the rights of its".
"users, as well as the links with other projects.") ;
define ("PROJET_DESTRUCTION_EFFECTUEE", "Cancellation done") ;
define ("PROJET_GESTION_PROJET", "Project administration") ;
define ("PROJET_EN_TANT_QUE", "As") ;
define ("PROJET_INTERVENIR", "You can take part in the following items") ;
define ("PROJET_PROPRIETES", "Project ownership") ;
define ("PROJET_SELECTIONNER", "Select a target directory") ;
define ("PROJET_PB_COPIE", "A problem has been encountered while copying") ;
define ("PROJET_RETABLISSEMENT", "Restoration of the data base") ;
define ("PROJET_RETBLISSEMENT_EFFECTUE", "Restoration done. You can try again.") ;
define ("PROJET_METTRE_FICHIER", "Publish a file on line") ;
define ("PROJET_CREER_REP", "Create a directory") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_ASSOCIES", "Files associated to this project") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_NOM", "Name") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_CREE_LE", "Created on the") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_PAR", "By") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_TAILLE", "Size") ;
define ("PROJET_RACINE", "Usenet hierarchy") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_VISIBILITE", "Visibility") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIERS_ACTION", "Action") ;
define ("PROJET_LEGENDE", "Legend") ;
define ("PROJET_LEGENDE_DEPLACE", "Move a file") ;
define ("PROJET_LEGENDE_MODIFIE", "Modify the informations of a document") ;
define ("PROJET_LEGENDE_SUPPR", "Delete a file") ;
define ("PROJET_EMAIL", "E-mail") ;
define ("PROJET_MOT_DE_PASSE", "Password") ;
define ("PROJET_TEXTE_PERDU", "If you forgot your password, enter your e-mail address in the Login ".
"field below and click on Validate");
// ========== Partie concernant l'upload de fichier =================================
define ("PROJET_DOCUMENT_DU_PROJET", "Project document") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_MISE_EN_LIGNE", "Publish a file online, step 1") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_NOM_DOCUMENT", "Name of the document") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_NOM_DOCUMENT_EXPLICATION", "Enter an explicit name since it will correspond to the text giving ".
"access to the file with a click.") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_DESCRIPTION", "Description") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_PUBLIC", "All type of users") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_PRIVEE", "Project only") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_LE_FICHIER", "The file") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_CONTINUER", "Continue") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_MISE_EN_LIGNE_2", "Publish a file online, step 2") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_LABEL", "Label") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_TYPE", "Type") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_TRANSFERT_T", "File transfer done...") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_VALIDER", "Validate") ;
define ("PROJET_FICHIER_MODIFIER", "Edit") ;
define ("", "CANCEL") ;
// Directory creation
define ("PROJET_REP", "Project directory") ;
define ("PROJET_REP_CREER", "Creation of a new directory") ;
define ("PROJET_REP_MODIFIER", "Modification of a directory") ;
define ("PROJET_REP_SUPPRIMER", "Are you sure you want to delete this directory.") ;
// ========== Partie concernant les wikini ===========================================
define ('PROJET_ASSOCIER_WIKI', 'Associer un wikini') ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_POSSEDE", "This project has a wiki site") ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_ALLER", "Go on the wiki site") ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_SUPPRIMER", "Supress wiki ") ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_CHOISIR_NOM", "Choose a name for the wiki") ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_NOM_EXPLICATION", "The name has to be in wiki format, this means without accents, without ".
"spaces and with at least two capital letters. ex MyProject.") ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_NOM_INVALIDE", "This is not a valid wiki name") ;
define ("PROJET_WIKINI_NOM_EXISTE", "This wiki name already exists!") ;
define ("PROJET_LISTE_PARTICIPANT", "Participants list") ;
define ("PROJET_LISTE_PARTICIPANT_LAIUS", "As project manager you are allowed to modify the status of the ".
"participants or unsubscribe them if necessary.
"Attention! this action can have some consequences...
"As project manager, you cannot modify your own status. If you wish to ".
"leave this function, ask the system administrator. ");
define ("PROJET_DESINSCRIRE_SUR", "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?") ;
// ========== Labels pour projet_liste ===========================================
define ("PROJET_LISTE", "Projects list") ;
define ("PROJET_NOMBRE_EN_COURS", "Number of projects in progress") ;
// ========== Labels pour projet_inscription ===========================================
define ("PROJET_PROJET", "Project") ;
define ("PROJET_VOTRE_STATUT", "Your status") ;
define ("BAZ_EST_INSCRIT_COMME", "is registered as") ;
define ("BAZ_PAS_INSCRIT", "is not registered for this project") ;
define ("BAZ_JE_SOUHAITE", "I want to be a member of the project's team") ;
define ("BAZ_INSCRIT_CONTRIBUTEUR", "I want to be an active member in this project") ;
define ("BAZ_INSCRIT_OBSERVATEUR", "I want to be an observer in this project") ;
define ("BAZ_LAIUS_CONTRIBUTEUR", "Active members work in collaboration with the project manager and with members of the team. They appear as co-author of resulting achievements.") ;
define ("BAZ_LAIUS_OBSERVATEUR", "If you do not have the opportunity or skills to be an active member, you can still register as an observer in order to bring your own personal remarks throughout the steps of the project. However you will not be considered as co-author.") ;
define ("BAZ_INSCRIT_SUPPRIMER", "I don't want to be part of the project team") ;
define ("BAZ_LAIUS_DESINSCRIPTION", "You do not wish to be part of the project team. You can still register in the future.") ;
define ("BAZ_VALIDER", "Update changes") ;
define ("BAZ_ANNULER", "Cancel") ;
define ("BAZ_RETOUR_LISTE", "Back to project list") ;
define ("BAZ_MAIL_DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_SUJET", "I-Jumelage : une personne souhaite s'inscrire � un projet ") ;
define ("BAZ_MAIL_DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_CORPS_1", "La personne avec le mail suivant :\n") ;
define ("BAZ_MAIL_DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_CORPS_2", "\nsouhaite s'inscrire au projet : \n") ;
define ("BAZ_MAIL_DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_CORPS_3", "\nEn tant que coordinateur, vous devez mod�rer cette inscription.") ;
define ("BAZ_DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_PRISE_EN_COMPTE", "Votre demande d'inscription a ét;é transmise aux coordinateurs du projet") ;