* @copyright 2005 James Stewart * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU LGPL 2.1 * @version CVS: $Id: AtomElement.php,v 1.2 2007-07-25 15:05:34 jp_milcent Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/XML_Feed_Parser/ */ /** * This class provides support for atom entries. It will usually be called by * XML_Feed_Parser_Atom with which it shares many methods. * * @author James Stewart * @version Release: 1.0.2 * @package XML_Feed_Parser */ class XML_Feed_Parser_AtomElement extends XML_Feed_Parser_Atom { /** * This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want * to use a 'fallback' rule * @var XML_Feed_Parser_Atom */ protected $parent; /** * When performing XPath queries we will use this prefix * @var string */ private $xpathPrefix = ''; /** * xml:base values inherited by the element * @var string */ protected $xmlBase; /** * Here we provide a few mappings for those very special circumstances in * which it makes sense to map back to the RSS2 spec or to manage other * compatibilities (eg. with the Univeral Feed Parser). Key is the other version's * name for the command, value is an array consisting of the equivalent in our atom * api and any attributes needed to make the mapping. * @var array */ protected $compatMap = array( 'guid' => array('id'), 'links' => array('link'), 'tags' => array('category'), 'contributors' => array('contributor')); /** * Our specific element map * @var array */ protected $map = array( 'author' => array('Person', 'fallback'), 'contributor' => array('Person'), 'id' => array('Text', 'fail'), 'published' => array('Date'), 'updated' => array('Date', 'fail'), 'title' => array('Text', 'fail'), 'rights' => array('Text', 'fallback'), 'summary' => array('Text'), 'content' => array('Content'), 'link' => array('Link'), 'enclosure' => array('Enclosure'), 'category' => array('Category')); /** * Store useful information for later. * * @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element * @param XML_Feed_Parser_Atom $parent - the feed of which this is a member */ function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') { $this->model = $element; $this->parent = $parent; $this->xmlBase = $xmlBase; $this->xpathPrefix = "//atom:entry[atom:id='" . $this->id . "']/"; $this->xpath = $this->parent->xpath; } /** * Provides access to specific aspects of the author data for an atom entry * * Author data at the entry level is more complex than at the feed level. * If atom:author is not present for the entry we need to look for it in * an atom:source child of the atom:entry. If it's not there either, then * we look to the parent for data. * * @param array * @return string */ function getAuthor($arguments) { /* Find out which part of the author data we're looking for */ if (isset($arguments['param'])) { $parameter = $arguments['param']; } else { $parameter = 'name'; } $test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('author'); if ($test->length > 0) { $item = $test->item(0); return $item->getElementsByTagName($parameter)->item(0)->nodeValue; } $source = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source'); if ($source->length > 0) { $test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('author'); if ($test->length > 0) { $item = $test->item(0); return $item->getElementsByTagName($parameter)->item(0)->nodeValue; } } return $this->parent->getAuthor($arguments); } /** * Returns the content of the content element or info on a specific attribute * * This element may or may not be present. It cannot be present more than * once. It may have a 'src' attribute, in which case there's no content * If not present, then the entry must have link with rel="alternate". * If there is content we return it, if not and there's a 'src' attribute * we return the value of that instead. The method can take an 'attribute' * argument, in which case we return the value of that attribute if present. * eg. $item->content("type") will return the type of the content. It is * recommended that all users check the type before getting the content to * ensure that their script is capable of handling the type of returned data. * (data carried in the content element can be either 'text', 'html', 'xhtml', * or any standard MIME type). * * @return string|false */ protected function getContent($method, $arguments = array()) { $attribute = empty($arguments[0]) ? false : $arguments[0]; $tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('content'); if ($tags->length == 0) { return false; } $content = $tags->item(0); if (! $content->hasAttribute('type')) { $content->setAttribute('type', 'text'); } if (! empty($attribute)) { return $content->getAttribute($attribute); } $type = $content->getAttribute('type'); if (! empty($attribute)) { if ($content->hasAttribute($attribute)) { return $content->getAttribute($attribute); } return false; } if ($content->hasAttribute('src')) { return $content->getAttribute('src'); } return $this->parseTextConstruct($content); } /** * For compatibility, this method provides a mapping to access enclosures. * * The Atom spec doesn't provide for an enclosure element, but it is * generally supported using the link element with rel='enclosure'. * * @param string $method - for compatibility with our __call usage * @param array $arguments - for compatibility with our __call usage * @return array|false */ function getEnclosure($method, $arguments = array()) { $offset = isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : 0; $query = "//atom:entry[atom:id='" . $this->getText('id', false) . "']/atom:link[@rel='enclosure']"; $encs = $this->parent->xpath->query($query); if ($encs->length > $offset) { try { if (! $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('href')) { return false; } $attrs = $encs->item($offset)->attributes; $length = $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('length') ? $encs->item($offset)->getAttribute('length') : false; return array( 'url' => $attrs->getNamedItem('href')->value, 'type' => $attrs->getNamedItem('type')->value, 'length' => $length); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } return false; } /** * Get details of this entry's source, if available/relevant * * Where an atom:entry is taken from another feed then the aggregator * is supposed to include an atom:source element which replicates at least * the atom:id, atom:title, and atom:updated metadata from the original * feed. Atom:source therefore has a very similar structure to atom:feed * and if we find it we will return it as an XML_Feed_Parser_Atom object. * * @return XML_Feed_Parser_Atom|false */ function getSource() { $test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source'); if ($test->length == 0) { return false; } $source = new XML_Feed_Parser_Atom($test->item(0)); } /** * Get the entry as an XML string * * Return an XML serialization of the feed, should it be required. Most * users however, will already have a serialization that they used when * instantiating the object. * * @return string XML serialization of element */ function __toString() { $simple = simplexml_import_dom($this->model); return $simple->asXML(); } } ?>