| // | | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: RSS.php,v 1.1 2005-04-18 16:13:31 jpm Exp $ // require_once 'XML/Parser.php'; /** * RSS parser class. * * This class is a parser for Resource Description Framework (RDF) Site * Summary (RSS) documents. For more information on RSS see the * website of the RSS working group (http://www.purl.org/rss/). * * @author Martin Jansen * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * @access public */ class XML_RSS extends XML_Parser { // {{{ properties /** * @var string */ var $insideTag = ''; /** * @var string */ var $activeTag = ''; /** * @var array */ var $channel = array(); /** * @var array */ var $items = array(); /** * @var array */ var $item = array(); /** * @var array */ var $image = array(); /** * @var array */ var $textinput = array(); /** * @var array */ var $textinputs = array(); /** * @var array */ var $parentTags = array('CHANNEL', 'ITEM', 'IMAGE', 'TEXTINPUT'); /** * @var array */ var $channelTags = array('TITLE', 'LINK', 'DESCRIPTION', 'IMAGE', 'ITEMS', 'TEXTINPUT'); /** * @var array */ var $itemTags = array('TITLE', 'LINK', 'DESCRIPTION', 'PUBDATE'); /** * @var array */ var $imageTags = array('TITLE', 'URL', 'LINK'); var $textinputTags = array('TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'NAME', 'LINK'); /** * List of allowed module tags * * Currently Dublin Core Metadata and the blogChannel RSS module * are supported. * * @var array */ var $moduleTags = array('DC:TITLE', 'DC:CREATOR', 'DC:SUBJECT', 'DC:DESCRIPTION', 'DC:PUBLISHER', 'DC:CONTRIBUTOR', 'DC:DATE', 'DC:TYPE', 'DC:FORMAT', 'DC:IDENTIFIER', 'DC:SOURCE', 'DC:LANGUAGE', 'DC:RELATION', 'DC:COVERAGE', 'DC:RIGHTS', 'BLOGCHANNEL:BLOGROLL', 'BLOGCHANNEL:MYSUBSCRIPTIONS', 'BLOGCHANNEL:MYSUBSCRIPTIONS', 'BLOGCHANNEL:CHANGES'); // }}} // {{{ Constructor /** * Constructor * * @access public * @param mixed File pointer or name of the RDF file. * @return void */ function XML_RSS($handle = '') { $this->XML_Parser(); if (@is_resource($handle)) { $this->setInput($handle); } elseif ($handle != '') { $this->setInputFile($handle); } else { $this->raiseError('No filename passed.'); } } // }}} // {{{ startHandler() /** * Start element handler for XML parser * * @access private * @param object XML parser object * @param string XML element * @param array Attributes of XML tag * @return void */ function startHandler($parser, $element, $attribs) { switch ($element) { case 'CHANNEL': case 'ITEM': case 'IMAGE': case 'TEXTINPUT': $this->insideTag = $element; break; default: $this->activeTag = $element; } } // }}} // {{{ endHandler() /** * End element handler for XML parser * * If the end of , , or * is reached, this function updates the structure array * $this->struct[] and adds the field "type" to this array, * that defines the type of the current field. * * @access private * @param object XML parser object * @param string * @return void */ function endHandler($parser, $element) { if ($element == $this->insideTag) { $this->insideTag = ''; $this->struct[] = array_merge(array('type' => strtolower($element)), $this->last); } if ($element == 'ITEM') { $this->items[] = $this->item; $this->item = ''; } if ($element == 'IMAGE') { $this->images[] = $this->image; $this->image = ''; } if ($element == 'TEXTINPUT') { $this->textinputs = $this->textinput; $this->textinput = ''; } $this->activeTag = ''; } // }}} // {{{ cdataHandler() /** * Handler for character data * * @access private * @param object XML parser object * @param string CDATA * @return void */ function cdataHandler($parser, $cdata) { if (in_array($this->insideTag, $this->parentTags)) { $tagName = strtolower($this->insideTag); $var = $this->{$tagName . 'Tags'}; if (in_array($this->activeTag, $var) || in_array($this->activeTag, $this->moduleTags)) { $this->_add($tagName, strtolower($this->activeTag), $cdata); } } } // }}} // {{{ defaultHandler() /** * Default handler for XML parser * * @access private * @param object XML parser object * @param string CDATA * @return void */ function defaultHandler($parser, $cdata) { return; } // }}} // {{{ _add() /** * Add element to internal result sets * * @access private * @param string Name of the result set * @param string Fieldname * @param string Value * @return void * @see cdataHandler */ function _add($type, $field, $value) { if (empty($this->{$type}) || empty($this->{$type}[$field])) { $this->{$type}[$field] = $value; } else { $this->{$type}[$field] .= $value; } $this->last = $this->{$type}; } // }}} // {{{ getStructure() /** * Get complete structure of RSS file * * @access public * @return array */ function getStructure() { return (array)$this->struct; } // }}} // {{{ getchannelInfo() /** * Get general information about current channel * * This function returns an array containing the information * that has been extracted from the -tag while parsing * the RSS file. * * @access public * @return array */ function getChannelInfo() { return (array)$this->channel; } // }}} // {{{ getItems() /** * Get items from RSS file * * This function returns an array containing the set of items * that are provided by the RSS file. * * @access public * @return array */ function getItems() { return (array)$this->items; } // }}} // {{{ getImages() /** * Get images from RSS file * * This function returns an array containing the set of images * that are provided by the RSS file. * * @access public * @return array */ function getImages() { return (array)$this->images; } // }}} // {{{ getTextinputs() /** * Get text input fields from RSS file * * @access public * @return array */ function getTextinputs() { return (array)$this->textinputs; } // }}} } ?>