* @author Richard Heyes * @copyright 2003-2006 Lorenzo Alberton, Richard Heyes * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @version CVS: $Id: Pager.php 19 2010-03-24 18:22:25Z jpm $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Pager */ /** * Pager - Wrapper class for [Sliding|Jumping]-window Pager * Usage examples can be found in the PEAR manual * * @category HTML * @package Pager * @author Lorenzo Alberton * @author Richard Heyes , * @copyright 2003-2005 Lorenzo Alberton, Richard Heyes * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Pager */ class Pager { // {{{ Pager() /** * Constructor * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * VALID options are (default values are set some lines before): * - mode (string): "Jumping" or "Sliding" -window - It determines * pager behaviour. See the manual for more details * - totalItems (int): # of items to page. * - perPage (int): # of items per page. * - delta (int): # of page #s to show before and after the current * one * - linkClass (string): name of CSS class used for link styling. * - append (bool): if true pageID is appended as GET value to the * URL - if false it is embedded in the URL * according to "fileName" specs * - httpMethod (string): Specifies the HTTP method to use. Valid values * are 'GET' or 'POST' * according to "fileName" specs * - importQuery (bool): if true (default behaviour), variables and * values are imported from the submitted data * (query string) and used in the generated links * otherwise they're ignored completely * - path (string): complete path to the page (without the page name) * - fileName (string): name of the page, with a %d if append=true * - urlVar (string): name of pageNumber URL var, for example "pageID" * - altPrev (string): alt text to display for prev page, on prev link. * - altNext (string): alt text to display for next page, on next link. * - altPage (string): alt text to display before the page number. * - prevImg (string): sth (it can be text such as "<< PREV" or an * as well...) to display instead of "<<". * - nextImg (string): same as prevImg, used for NEXT link, instead of * the default value, which is ">>". * - separator (string): what to use to separate numbers (can be an * , a comma, an hyphen, or whatever. * - spacesBeforeSeparator * (int): number of spaces before the separator. * - firstPagePre (string): * string used before first page number (can be an * , a "{", an empty string, or whatever. * - firstPageText (string): * string used in place of first page number * - firstPagePost (string): * string used after first page number (can be an * , a "}", an empty string, or whatever. * - lastPagePre (string): * similar to firstPagePre. * - lastPageText (string): * similar to firstPageText. * - lastPagePost (string): * similar to firstPagePost. * - spacesAfterSeparator * (int): number of spaces after the separator. * - firstLinkTitle (string): * string used as title in tag * - lastLinkTitle (string): * string used as title in tag * - prevLinkTitle (string): * string used as title in tag * - nextLinkTitle (string): * string used as title in tag * - curPageLinkClassName * (string): name of CSS class used for current page link. * - clearIfVoid(bool): if there's only one page, don't display pager. * - extraVars (array): additional URL vars to be added to the querystring * - excludeVars (array): URL vars to be excluded in the querystring * - itemData (array): array of items to page. * - useSessions (bool): if true, number of items to display per page is * stored in the $_SESSION[$_sessionVar] var. * - closeSession (bool): if true, the session is closed just after R/W. * - sessionVar (string): name of the session var for perPage value. * A value != from default can be useful when * using more than one Pager istance in the page. * - pearErrorMode (constant): * PEAR_ERROR mode for raiseError(). * Default is PEAR_ERROR_RETURN. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * REQUIRED options are: * - fileName IF append==false (default is true) * - itemData OR totalItems (if itemData is set, totalItems is overwritten) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * @param mixed $options An associative array of option names and * their values. * @access public */ function Pager($options = array()) { //this check evaluates to true on 5.0.0RC-dev, //so i'm using another one, for now... //if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0') == -1) { if (get_class($this) == 'pager') { //php4 lowers class names // assign factoried method to this for PHP 4 eval('$this = Pager::factory($options);'); } else { //php5 is case sensitive $msg = 'Pager constructor is deprecated.' .' You must use the "Pager::factory($params)" method' .' instead of "new Pager($params)"'; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } } // }}} // {{{ factory() /** * Return a pager based on $mode and $options * * @param array $options Optional parameters for the storage class * @return object Object Storage object * @static * @access public */ static function &factory($options = array()) { $mode = (isset($options['mode']) ? ucfirst($options['mode']) : 'Jumping'); $classname = 'Pager_' . $mode; $classfile = 'Pager' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mode . '.php'; // Attempt to include a custom version of the named class, but don't treat // a failure as fatal. The caller may have already included their own // version of the named class. if (!class_exists($classname)) { include_once $classfile; } // If the class exists, return a new instance of it. if (class_exists($classname)) { $pager = new $classname($options); return $pager; } $null = null; return $null; } // }}} } ?>