[General] titre-page = "Input tool: sTREEts" obligatoire = "required" choisir = "Choose" oui = "Yes" non = "No" [Aide] titre = "Help" description="This tool allows you to simply share your observations with the Tela Botanica network (under CC BY-SA 2.0 FR licence).
Log in to find and modify your data in your Carnet en ligne. Create up to 10 observations (10Mo max of pictures), save them and share them with the \"transmit\" button. Provided some conditions, your data can be displayed on our tools IdentiPlante, PictoFlora, eFlore, map and photo gallery.
For question or to know more, see the help or contact us at cel_remarques@tela-botanica.org." bouton= "Inactive help" contact= "For any questions," contact2= "contact us." [Observateur] titre = "Observer" compte = "Use an account :" connexion = "Log in" inscription = "Create an account" bienvenue = "Hello : " profil = "My profile" deconnexion = "Log out" releves-deb = "You have already entered" releves-fin = "records for Aupres de mon Arbre. Thank you!" courriel = "Email" courriel-confirmation = "Email (confirmation)" courriel-confirmation-title = "Please confirm the email." courriel-title = "Enter your email adress" courriel-input-title = "Enter your Tela Botanica's inscription mail. If you are not registered, you can do it later to manage your data. You will be asked for additional information & nbsp; first name and last name." prenom = "First name" nom = "Last Name" alertcc-title = "Information : copy/paste" alertcc = "Please do not copy / paste your email.
Double entry makes it possible to check for errors. " alertni-title = "Information : Observer not identified" alertni = "Your observation must be linked to either an account or an email.
Please choose either to login, to register or to communicate an email address to identify yourself as the author of the observation.
To find your observations in the Online notebook,
it is necessary to register to Tela Botanica." alertgk-title = "Information : bad geolocation" alertgk = "Some geolocation information has not been transmitted." [Observation] titre-obs = "Observation" titre-info-obs = "Informations about the survey" obs-info = "

This information can not be modified after the creation of the survey

To indicate thata survey item or a tree has changed or correct an error, you must duplicate the existing survey.

See the help for further informations.

" lieu-releve = "Location of the survey" geoloc-title = "Please locate the street of the survey" releves-exist = "Existing surveys : " date = "Date" date-title ="Enter the date of the observation" zone-pietonne = "Pedestrian zone" pres-lampadaires = "Presence of street lamps" commentaires = "comments" [Arbres] Titre = "Trees from the survey" referentiel = "Referential" espece = "Species" certitude = "Identification" certCert = "Certain" certDout = "Dubious" certADet = "To be identified" milieu = "Environment" milieu-ph = "wood, field, cliff, ..." [Image] titre = "Picture(s) of this plant" aide = "Photos must be in JPEG format and must not exceed 5MB each." ajouter = "Add a picuture" [Chpsupp] titre = "Project specific information" select-checkboxes-texte = "Several choices" [Resume] creer = "Create" creer-title = "Once the fields are filled, you can click on this button to add your observation to the list to transmit." alert10max = "Information : 10 observations maximum" alert10max-desc = "You've just added your 10th observation.
If you wish to add ohers, these observations must be transmitted first by clicking the 'transmit' button above." alertchp = "Information : some fields have errors" alertchp-desc = "Some fields in this form are poorly filled.
Please check your data." titre = "Observations to be transmitted :" trans-title = "Add the observations below to your Online Notebook and make them public." trans = "transmit" alert0obs = "Warning : no observation" alert0obs-desc = "Please enter observations to transfer them." info-trans = "Information : transmission of observations" alerttrans = "Error : transmission of observations" nbobs = "observations transmitted" transencours = "Transfer of observations in progress...
This may take several minutes depending on the size of the images and the number of observations to be transferred." transok = "Your observations have been sent.
They are now available through different visualization tools of the network ( eFlore, images galery, identiplante, cartography (widget)...)
If you want to modify or delete them, you can find them by connecting to your Online notebook.
Remember that it is necessary to register on Tela Botanica beforehand, if you have not already done so." transko = "An error occurred while transmitting an observation.
You can try to retransmit it by clicking again on the transmit button or delete it and pass on the following.
Nevertheless, the observations no longer appearing in the \ "observations to be transmitted \" list, were sent during your previous attempt.
If the problem remains, you can report the malfunction on ?service=cel\&pageSource=\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"javascript: window.open( this.getAttribute( 'href' ), 'Tela Botanica - Remarques', config = 'height=700, width=640, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes' )\; return false\;\">the error reporting form."