com * License: LGPL as per: */ class Proj4phpProjAea { /** * * @return void */ public function init() { if( abs( $this->lat1 + $this->lat2 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) { Proj4php::reportError( "aeaInitEqualLatitudes" ); return; } $this->temp = $this->b / $this->a; $this->es = 1.0 - pow( $this->temp, 2 ); $this->e3 = sqrt( $this->es ); $this->sin_po = sin( $this->lat1 ); $this->cos_po = cos( $this->lat1 ); $this->t1 = $this->sin_po; $this->con = $this->sin_po; $this->ms1 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po ); $this->qs1 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po ); $this->sin_po = sin( $this->lat2 ); $this->cos_po = cos( $this->lat2 ); $this->t2 = $this->sin_po; $this->ms2 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po ); $this->qs2 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po ); $this->sin_po = sin( $this->lat0 ); $this->cos_po = cos( $this->lat0 ); $this->t3 = $this->sin_po; $this->qs0 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po ); if( abs( $this->lat1 - $this->lat2 ) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) { $this->ns0 = ($this->ms1 * $this->ms1 - $this->ms2 * $this->ms2) / ($this->qs2 - $this->qs1); } else { $this->ns0 = $this->con; } $this->c = $this->ms1 * $this->ms1 + $this->ns0 * $this->qs1; $this->rh = $this->a * sqrt( $this->c - $this->ns0 * $this->qs0 ) / $this->ns0; } /** * Albers Conical Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y * * @param Point $p * @return Point $p */ public function forward( $p ) { $lon = $p->x; $lat = $p->y; $this->sin_phi = sin( $lat ); $this->cos_phi = cos( $lat ); $qs = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_phi, $this->cos_phi ); $rh1 = $this->a * sqrt( $this->c - $this->ns0 * $qs ) / $this->ns0; $theta = $this->ns0 * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 ); $x = rh1 * sin( $theta ) + $this->x0; $y = $this->rh - $rh1 * cos( $theta ) + $this->y0; $p->x = $x; $p->y = $y; return $p; } /** * * @param Point $p * @return Point $p */ public function inverse( $p ) { $p->x -= $this->x0; $p->y = $this->rh - $p->y + $this->y0; if( $this->ns0 >= 0 ) { $rh1 = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y ); $con = 1.0; } else { $rh1 = -sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y ); $con = -1.0; } $theta = 0.0; if( $rh1 != 0.0 ) { $theta = atan2( $con * $p->x, $con * $p->y ); } $con = $rh1 * $this->ns0 / $this->a; $qs = ($this->c - $con * $con) / $this->ns0; if( $this->e3 >= 1e-10 ) { $con = 1 - .5 * (1.0 - $this->es) * log( (1.0 - $this->e3) / (1.0 + $this->e3) ) / $this->e3; if( abs( abs( $con ) - abs( $qs ) ) > .0000000001 ) { $lat = $this->phi1z( $this->e3, $qs ); } else { if( $qs >= 0 ) { $lat = .5 * Proj4php::$Common->PI; } else { $lat = -.5 * Proj4php::$Common->PI; } } } else { $lat = $this->phi1z( $this->e3, $qs ); } $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $theta / $this->ns0 + $this->long0 ); $p->x = $lon; $p->y = $lat; return $p; } /** * Function to compute phi1, the latitude for the inverse of the Albers Conical Equal-Area projection. * * @param type $eccent * @param type $qs * @return $phi or null on Convergence error */ public function phi1z( $eccent, $qs ) { $phi = Proj4php::$common->asinz( .5 * $qs ); if( $eccent < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) return $phi; $eccnts = $eccent * $eccent; for( $i = 1; $i <= 25; ++$i ) { $sinphi = sin( $phi ); $cosphi = cos( $phi ); $con = $eccent * $sinphi; $com = 1.0 - $con * $con; $dphi = .5 * $com * $com / $cosphi * ($qs / (1.0 - $eccnts) - $sinphi / $com + .5 / $eccent * log( (1.0 - $con) / (1.0 + $con) )); $phi = $phi + $dphi; if( abs( $dphi ) <= 1e-7 ) return $phi; } Proj4php::reportError( "aea:phi1z:Convergence error" ); return null; } } Proj4php::$proj['aea'] = new Proj4phpProjAea();