com * License: LGPL as per: */ //Proj4php.defs["EPSG:28191"] = "+proj=cass +lat_0=31.73409694444445 +lon_0=35.21208055555556 +x_0=170251.555 +y_0=126867.909 +a=6378300.789 +b=6356566.435 +towgs84=-275.722,94.7824,340.894,-8.001,-4.42,-11.821,1 +units=m +no_defs"; // Initialize the Cassini projection // ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Proj4phpProjCass { public function init() { if( !$this->sphere ) { $this->en = Proj4php::$common->pj_enfn( $this->es ); $this->m0 = Proj4php::$common->pj_mlfn( $this->lat0, sin( $this->lat0 ), cos( $this->lat0 ), $this->en ); } } protected $C1 = .16666666666666666666; protected $C2 = .00833333333333333333; protected $C3 = .04166666666666666666; protected $C4 = .33333333333333333333; protected $C5 = .06666666666666666666; /* Cassini forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function forward( $p ) { /* Forward equations ----------------- */ #$x; #$y; $lam = $p->x; $phi = $p->y; $lam = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lam - $this->long0 ); if( $this->sphere ) { $x = asin( cos( $phi ) * sin( $lam ) ); $y = atan2( tan( $phi ), cos( $lam ) ) - $this->phi0; } else { //ellipsoid $this->n = sin( $phi ); $this->c = cos( $phi ); $y = $this->pj_mlfn( $phi, $this->n, $this->c, $this->en ); $this->n = 1. / sqrt( 1. - $this->es * $this->n * $this->n ); $this->tn = tan( $phi ); $this->t = $this->tn * $this->tn; $this->a1 = $lam * $this->c; $this->c *= $this->es * $this->c / (1 - $this->es); $this->a2 = $this->a1 * $this->a1; $x = $this->n * $this->a1 * (1. - $this->a2 * $this->t * ($this->C1 - (8. - $this->t + 8. * $this->c) * $this->a2 * $this->C2)); $y -= $this->m0 - $this->n * $this->tn * $this->a2 * (.5 + (5. - $this->t + 6. * $this->c) * $this->a2 * $this->C3); } $p->x = $this->a * $x + $this->x0; $p->y = $this->a * $y + $this->y0; return $p; } /* Inverse equations ----------------- */ public function inverse( $p ) { $p->x -= $this->x0; $p->y -= $this->y0; $x = $p->x / $this->a; $y = $p->y / $this->a; if( $this->sphere ) { $this->dd = $y + $this->lat0; $phi = asin( sin( $this->dd ) * cos( $x ) ); $lam = atan2( tan( $x ), cos( $this->dd ) ); } else { /* ellipsoid */ $ph1 = Proj4php::$common->pj_inv_mlfn( $this->m0 + $y, $this->es, $this->en ); $this->tn = tan( $ph1 ); $this->t = $this->tn * $this->tn; $this->n = sin( $ph1 ); $this->r = 1. / (1. - $this->es * $this->n * $this->n); $this->n = sqrt( $this->r ); $this->r *= (1. - $this->es) * $this->n; $this->dd = $x / $this->n; $this->d2 = $this->dd * $this->dd; $phi = $ph1 - ($this->n * $this->tn / $this->r) * $this->d2 * (.5 - (1. + 3. * $this->t) * $this->d2 * $this->C3); $lam = $this->dd * (1. + $this->t * $this->d2 * (-$this->C4 + (1. + 3. * $this->t) * $this->d2 * $this->C5)) / cos( $ph1 ); } $p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $lam ); $p->y = $phi; return $p; } } Proj4php::$proj['cass'] = new Proj4phpProjCass();