1 |
aurelien |
1 |
<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAnm2MSMmwsDuoh7THcVDnlBQH9AL26AfEfaraxwo1G6_adyVjPRRQE4Gx2u7MomK9DJWf9kMLJ9y-ZA"
2 |
3 |
<script type="text/javascript">
4 |
5 |
6 |
var latFr = 47;
7 |
var lonFr = 1.7;
8 |
9 |
var latFrMin = 34;
10 |
var latFrMax = 58;
11 |
var lonFrMin = -12;
12 |
var lonFrMax = 15;
13 |
14 |
function load() {
15 |
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
16 |
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
17 |
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(latFr, lonFr), 6);
18 |
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
19 |
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
20 |
21 |
//map.addControl(new GSmallZoomControl());
22 |
// window.setTimeout(function() {
23 |
GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", function() {
24 |
var bounds = map.getBounds();
25 |
var southWest = bounds.getSouthWest();
26 |
var northEast = bounds.getNorthEast();
27 |
if (southWest.lng()<lonFrMin || southWest.lat()<latFrMin
28 |
|| northEast.lng()>lonFrMax || northEast.lat()>latFrMax)
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
}, 20);
33 |
34 |
// Creates a marker at the given point with the given number label
35 |
function createMarker(point, text, text2) {
36 |
var marker = new GMarker(point);
37 |
var html = "<b>" + text + "</b> participants inscrits à " + text2;
38 |
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);});
39 |
return marker;
40 |
41 |
//on va poser les points des villes
42 |
<? while ($participants = mysql_fetch_row($req_participants)) { ?>
43 |
var point = new GLatLng(<?= $participants[1] ?>, <?= $participants[2] ?>);
44 |
map.addOverlay(createMarker(point, "<?= $participants[0] ?>", "<?= $participants[3] ?>"));
45 |
<? } ?>
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