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David Delon david.delon@clapas.net 2007
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Ce logiciel est r�gi par la licence CeCILL soumise au droit fran�ais et
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respectant les principes de diffusion des logiciels libres. Vous pouvez
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utiliser, modifier et/ou redistribuer ce programme sous les conditions
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de la licence CeCILL telle que diffus�e par le CEA, le CNRS et l'INRIA
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sur le site "http://www.cecill.info".
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En contrepartie de l'accessibilit� au code source et des droits de copie,
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de modification et de redistribution accord�s par cette licence, il n'est
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offert aux utilisateurs qu'une garantie limit�e. Pour les m�mes raisons,
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seule une responsabilit� restreinte p�se sur l'auteur du programme, le
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titulaire des droits patrimoniaux et les conc�dants successifs.
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A cet �gard l'attention de l'utilisateur est attir�e sur les risques
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associ�s au chargement, � l'utilisation, � la modification et/ou au
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d�veloppement et � la reproduction du logiciel par l'utilisateur �tant
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donn� sa sp�cificit� de logiciel libre, qui peut le rendre complexe �
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manipuler et qui le r�serve donc � des d�veloppeurs et des professionnels
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avertis poss�dant des connaissances informatiques approfondies. Les
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utilisateurs sont donc invit�s � charger et tester l'ad�quation du
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logiciel � leurs besoins dans des conditions permettant d'assurer la
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s�curit� de leurs syst�mes et ou de leurs donn�es et, plus g�n�ralement,
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� l'utiliser et l'exploiter dans les m�mes conditions de s�curit�.
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Le fait que vous puissiez acc�der � cet en-t�te signifie que vous avez
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pris connaissance de la licence CeCILL, et que vous en avez accept� les
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// in : utf8
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// out : 8859
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* NameImage.php
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* Cas d'utilisation :
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* Service recherche d'image a partir d'un numero nomenclatural
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* 1: Le service recoit un numero nomenclatural
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* 2: Le service calcul le numero taxonomique associe
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* 3: Le service recherche une image disponible pour ce numero taxonomique
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* 4: Le service redimensionne l'image et la renvoie
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/** Constante stockant l'URL de la page d'accueil de Photoflora.*/
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define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA', 'http://photoflora.free.fr/');
53 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL de la page de Photoflora affichant toutes les images d'un taxon donn�es.*/
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/** Constante stockant l'URL du dossier de photoflora contenant les images miniatures.*/
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define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_IMG_MIN', 'http://photoflora.free.fr/photos/%s/min/%s');
57 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL du service XML de Photoflora.*/
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define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_SERVICE', EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA.'ef_photoflora.php?nt=%s');
59 |
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define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP_01', '/\/photos\/([^\/]+)\/max\/(.+)$/');
61 |
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP_02', '/photoflora([^.]+)\.free\.fr\/max\/(.+)$/');
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Class NameImage extends DBAccessor {
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var $config;
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function NameImage($config) {
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function getElement($uid){
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// Num nomenclatural
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$query = "SELECT DISTINCT b.esn_id_taxon FROM eflore_nom, eflore_nom_rang," .
83 |
" eflore_selection_nom a, eflore_selection_nom b".
84 |
" WHERE a.esn_id_nom= ".$uid[0].
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" AND a.esn_id_version_projet_taxon = 25 ".
86 |
" AND a.esn_id_taxon=b.esn_id_taxon ".
87 |
" AND b.esn_ce_statut=3 ".
88 |
" AND a.esn_id_version_projet_taxon=b.esn_id_version_projet_taxon" .
89 |
" AND en_ce_rang = enrg_id_rang" .
90 |
" AND en_id_nom = b.esn_id_nom" .
91 |
" AND a.esn_id_version_projet_taxon=en_id_version_projet_nom ";
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$res =& $DB->query($query);
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if (DB::isError($res)) {
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while ($row =& $res->fetchrow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
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$projet_photo = 'photoflora';
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$tab_retour[$projet_photo]=chercherIllustrationsServiceXml(sprintf(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_SERVICE, $nt));
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foreach ($tab_retour[$projet_photo] as $cle => $illustration) {
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if (preg_match(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP_01, $illustration['about'], $match)) {
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$abreviation = $match[1];
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$fichier = $match[2];
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else {
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if (preg_match(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP_02, $illustration['about'], $match)) {
124 |
$abreviation = $match[1];
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$fichier = $match[2];
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if (isset($abreviation)) {
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$url_miniature = sprintf(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_IMG_MIN, $abreviation, $fichier);;
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$url_max = $illustration['about'];
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// Priorite aux images en png
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if (strstr($fichier, '.png')) {
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$output = json_encode($value);
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function chercherIllustrationsServiceXml($url)
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return analyserFichierRdf($url);
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function analyserFichierRdf($chemin)
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$aso_info = array();
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$dom = new DOMDocument();
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$dom->validateOnParse = true;
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if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//', $chemin)) {
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} else {
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$tab_infos = array();
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foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#', 'Description') as $rdf_description) {
169 |
$aso_info['about'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('about');
170 |
$aso_info['dc:identifier'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('identifier');
171 |
$aso_info['dc:title'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('title'));
172 |
$aso_info['dc:creator'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('creator'));
173 |
$aso_info['dc:contributor'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('contributor'));
174 |
$aso_info['dc:publisher'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('publisher'));
175 |
$aso_info['dc:type'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('type'));
176 |
$aso_info['dc:format'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('format'));
177 |
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
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if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $rdf_description->getAttribute('created'))) {
181 |
$aso_info['dcterms:created'] = date('j-m-Y � H:i:s', strtotime($rdf_description->getAttribute('created')));
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} else {
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$aso_info['dcterms:created'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('created');
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$aso_info['dcterms:dateSubmitted'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('dateSubmitted'));
186 |
$aso_info['dcterms:spatial'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('spatial'));
187 |
$aso_info['dcterms:licence'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('licence'));
188 |
$tab_infos[$rdf_description->getAttribute('identifier')] = $aso_info;
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return $tab_infos;
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/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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* $Log$
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* Revision 1.4 2008-11-13 11:29:12 ddelon
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* Reecriture gwt-ext
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* Revision 1.2 2008-01-30 08:57:28 ddelon
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* fin mise en place mygwt
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* Revision 1.1 2007-06-06 13:31:16 ddelon
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* v0.09
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