2613 |
mathias |
1 |
var messages_en = {
2619 |
aurelien |
2 |
"cel-utilisation" : "Use the Carnet En Ligne to manage your observations",
2614 |
aurelien |
3 |
"identifiez-vous" : "log-in",
4 |
"pour-transmettre-tela" : "to transmit them to the Tela Botanica network",
5 |
"connecte-en-tant-que" : "Logged in as {0}",
2615 |
aurelien |
6 |
"deconnexion" : "logout",
7 |
8 |
"filtres" : "Filters",
9 |
"dates" : "Dates",
10 |
"inconnue" : "Unknown",
11 |
"recherche-libre" : "Free search",
12 |
"rechercher" : "Search",
13 |
"afficher-images-tampon" : "Show images in the buffer only",
14 |
"ajouter-images" : "Add images",
15 |
"tampon" : "Buffer",
16 |
"gerer-mots-cles" : "Manage keywords",
17 |
"mots-cles" : "keywords",
18 |
"mots-cles-arbre" : "Keywords",
19 |
"appliquer" : "Apply",
20 |
"annuler" : "Cancel",
21 |
"nouveau-tag" : "New Tag",
22 |
"renommer" : "Rename",
23 |
"supprimer" : "Delete",
2622 |
mathias |
24 |
"localites" : "Locations",
25 |
"projets" : "Projects",
26 |
"ajouter-projet" : "Add a project",
27 |
"supprimer-projet" : "Delete project",
28 |
"mot-cle-non-vide" : "A keyword may not be empty nor contain one of the following characters : {0}",
29 |
"mot-cle-existe-deja" : "A keyword with the same name already exists at the same position",
30 |
"confirmer-suppression-projet" : "Are you sure you want to delete this project ?",
31 |
"impossible-supprimer-racine" : "Cannot delete tree root",
2615 |
aurelien |
32 |
33 |
"plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Multiple files at once",
34 |
"un-fichier-image-fois" : "One file at a time",
35 |
36 |
"ajouter-images-tampon" : "Add selected images to the buffer",
37 |
"vider-tampon" : "Delete buffer content",
38 |
"afficher-tampon" : "Show buffer content",
39 |
"indication-utilisation-tampon" : "With the buffer, you can pick and show images from differents pages",
40 |
"indication-supprimer-images" : "Delete selected images",
41 |
"indication-plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Add images by selecting them one by one or by uploading a whole folder at once",
42 |
"galerie" : "Gallery",
43 |
"images" : "Images",
44 |
"avertissement-aucune-image" : "No image to display",
45 |
"cliquez-plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Click here to upload a whole folder or multiple files at once",
46 |
"necessite-java" : "requires Java",
47 |
"cliquez-un-fichier-image-fois" : "Click here to add files one at a time",
2616 |
aurelien |
48 |
"indication-ajouter-images-plus-tard" : "To add images later click the Add images button on the top bar",
2627 |
mathias |
49 |
"agrandissement" : "enlargement",
50 |
"double-clic-agrandir" : "Double click to enlarge image",
51 |
52 |
"voir-fiche-eflore" : "See eFlore page",
2615 |
aurelien |
53 |
54 |
"numero" : "Number",
55 |
"date" : "Date",
56 |
"lieu" : "Location",
57 |
"appareil" : "Device",
58 |
"image" : "Image",
59 |
"note" : "Note",
60 |
"nom-original" : "Original name",
61 |
"nom-associe" : "Associated name",
62 |
"glissez-deposer-images-obs" : "Drag and drop images on the observations list to link them",
63 |
64 |
"changer-utilisateur" : "Change user",
65 |
66 |
"lier-images-selection-obs" : "Link selected images to selected observations",
67 |
"lier-tampon-selection-obs" : "Link buffer to selected observations",
68 |
"supprimer-liaison" : "Delete link",
2627 |
mathias |
69 |
"images-liees" : "Linked images",
2615 |
aurelien |
70 |
71 |
"taxon" : "Taxon",
72 |
"observations" : "Observations",
2618 |
aurelien |
73 |
"obs" : "Obs",
2615 |
aurelien |
74 |
"toutes-observations" : "All observations",
75 |
"observations-liees" : "Linked observations",
76 |
77 |
"glissez-deposer-obs-images" : "Drag and drop the observation on an image or an image selection to link them",
78 |
79 |
"chargement" : "Loading",
80 |
"lier-images-selectionnes" : "Link to selected images",
81 |
2628 |
aurelien |
82 |
"infos-generales" : "Infos",
2615 |
aurelien |
83 |
"infos-exif" : "Exif",
84 |
"infos-iptc" : "Iptc",
85 |
"infos" : "Infos",
86 |
"commentaires" : "Comments",
87 |
"ok" : "ok",
88 |
"recherche-dans-observations" : "Search in observations",
89 |
"exif-metadonnees" : "Exif metadata",
90 |
"iptc-metadonnees" : "IPTC metadata",
91 |
92 |
"indication-zoom-retour-vue-precedente" : "Double click to go back to the previous view, use the mouse wheel or the arrows to navigate between images",
93 |
"mode-zoom" : "Zoom mode",
94 |
95 |
"choisir-utilisateur" : "Choose user",
96 |
"utilisateurs" : "Users",
2618 |
aurelien |
97 |
"en-recherche" : "Searching",
2615 |
aurelien |
98 |
99 |
"adresser-remarque-probleme" : "Send us your remarks or report a problem",
2626 |
aurelien |
100 |
"admin-consulter-donnees" : "You are currently viewing the observations of {0}",
2630 |
mathias |
101 |
"question-import-anonyme-connecte" : "Do you want to import your anonymous observations into your connected account",
102 |
"import-observations" : "Observations import",
103 |
"enoyer" : "send",
104 |
"telecharger-modele" : "Download a document template",
2631 |
mathias |
105 |
"importer" : "Import",
106 |
"exporter" : "Export",
107 |
"export-nc-ce-bf-bv" : "Export common names, extended fields, Baseflor data and Baseveg syntaxons",
2633 |
mathias |
108 |
"export-etendu" : "Extended export",
2631 |
mathias |
109 |
"etiquettes-pdf" : "Generate labels in PDF format for the current selection",
110 |
"etiquettes" : "Labels",
111 |
"transmis" : "Transmitted",
112 |
"glissez-observations-pour-lier" : "Drag the selected observations onto a projet to link them to it",
2618 |
aurelien |
113 |
2631 |
mathias |
114 |
"referentiel" : "Référentiel",
115 |
"nom-saisi" : "Typed name",
116 |
"nom-retenu" : "Adopted name",
117 |
"famille" : "Family",
118 |
"altitude-court" : "alt",
119 |
"abondance" : "Abundancy",
120 |
"phenologie" : "Phenology",
121 |
"ordre" : "Order",
122 |
2618 |
aurelien |
123 |
"details-images-obs" : "Details and observations",
124 |
"liste" : "List",
125 |
"question-envoi-images-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to upload images. Do you want to log in now ?",
126 |
"message-suppression-images-impossible" : "Deletion error : no image selected",
127 |
128 |
"ajouter-mot-cle" : "Add keyword",
129 |
"renommer-mot-cle" : "Rename keyword",
130 |
"supprimer-mot-cle" : "Delete keyword",
131 |
"nb-images-ajoutees-tampon" : "{0} image(s) added to buffer",
132 |
"contenu-tampon" : "Buffer content",
133 |
"question-lier-images-obs-sel" : "Link selected images to selected observation (this will replace previous links) ?",
134 |
"question-lier-obs-image-point" : "Link selected observations to the image under the cursor (this will replace previous links)",
135 |
"question-lier-obs-images-sel" : "Link selected observations to selected images (this will replace previous links)",
136 |
"question-lier-obs-sel-images-sel" : "Link selected images to selected observations (this will replace previous links)",
137 |
"tampon-vide" : "The buffer is empty",
138 |
"tampon-a-ete-vide" : "The buffer has been emptied",
139 |
"aucune-obs-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
140 |
"aucune-image-selectionnee" : "No image selected",
141 |
"question-supprimer-lien-images-obs" : "Delete link between images and observations",
142 |
143 |
"page" : "Page",
144 |
"sur" : "out of",
145 |
"afficher" : "Show",
146 |
"elements" : "Elements",
147 |
"par-page" : "by page",
148 |
2623 |
aurelien |
149 |
"aide" : "Help",
150 |
"remarques" : "Remarks",
2618 |
aurelien |
151 |
"bugs-remarques" : "Bugs, remarks",
152 |
153 |
"connexion" : "Log in",
154 |
"mail" : "Mail",
155 |
"mail-vide-incorrect" : "Mail is incorrect or empty",
156 |
"mot-de-passe" : "Password",
157 |
"mot-de-passe-vide-incorrect" : "Password is incorrect or empty",
2621 |
aurelien |
158 |
"identifiant-mot-de-passe-invalide" : "Incorrect login/password",
159 |
160 |
"valider" : "Accept",
161 |
"refuser" : "Decline",
162 |
"acceptation-licence" : "CEL licence agreement",
163 |
"lu-accepte-licence" : "I have read and accepted the licence agreement",
164 |
165 |
"tags" : "Tags",
166 |
"impossible-supprimer-racine" : "You can't delete the tree's root",
167 |
168 |
"identification" : "Identification",
169 |
170 |
"probleme-mise-a-jour-donnees" : "An error has occured while updating the data",
171 |
"mots-cles-appliques" : "The following keywords have been applied",
172 |
"erreur-contacter-serveur" : "Cannot reach the server, please check the CEL's configuration or contact an administrator",
173 |
174 |
"mot-cle-supprime" : "Keyword successfully deleted",
175 |
"mot-cle-renomme" : "Keyword successfully renamed",
176 |
"liaison-mot-cle-effectuee" : "Keyword linked successfully",
177 |
"suppression-liaison-mot-cle-effectuee" : "Keyword unlinked successfully",
178 |
"requete-mal-formee" : "Bad request",
179 |
"impossible-geolocaliser-obs" : "Cannot locate this observation",
180 |
181 |
"upload-simple-fichiers" : "Simple file upload",
182 |
"upload-multiple-fichiers" : "Multiple files upload",
2624 |
aurelien |
183 |
"indication-fin-upload-multiple-fermer" : "When the upload is complete, please close the window to access the newly uploaded images",
184 |
185 |
"saisie" : "Input",
186 |
"question-supprimer-observation" : "Are you sure you want to delete this observation",
187 |
"details" : "Details",
2625 |
aurelien |
188 |
"inconnue" : "Unknown",
189 |
190 |
"erreur-nb-obs-étiquettes" : "The labels cannot be generated for more than 300 observations at a time",
191 |
"question-supprimer-lien-image-obs" : "Delete link between image {0} and observation {1}",
192 |
"question-supprimer-observation" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
2637 |
aurelien |
193 |
"question-supprimer-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations",
2630 |
mathias |
194 |
"supprimer-selectionnees" : "Delete the selected observations",
2625 |
aurelien |
195 |
"aucune-observation-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
196 |
"rendre-publiques" : "make public",
2630 |
mathias |
197 |
"rendre-publiques-selectionnees" : "Make the selected observations public",
2625 |
aurelien |
198 |
"rendre-privees" : "make private",
2630 |
mathias |
199 |
"rendre-privees-selectionnes" : "Make the selected observations private",
2625 |
aurelien |
200 |
"question-rendre-publique-privee-observations-sel" : "Are you sure you want to {0} the selected observations",
201 |
"question-publication-observations-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to make your observations public, would you like to log in now ? (all your observations will be kept)",
2626 |
aurelien |
202 |
"question-suppression-liaison-obs-mot-cle" : "Are you sure you want to delete the link between the observation and the keyword",
2629 |
mathias |
203 |
2637 |
aurelien |
204 |
"explication-panneau-carto" : "Specify the location of your observation then click OK. Coordinates are given in decimal degrees, counted positively towards the North for latitude, and towards the East for longitude",
2629 |
mathias |
205 |
"recherche-coordonnees-localite" : "Searching for coordinates and location, please wait",
206 |
"deplacez-marqueur-pour-localiser" : "Move this marker to locate your observation (location and coordinates)",
207 |
"aucune-information" : "No information for this name",
208 |
"aucun-lieu-trouve" : "No location name found for this place",
209 |
"recherche-nom-lieu" : "Searching for location name...",
210 |
"prendre-un-moment" : "This may take a while",
211 |
"que-les-coordonnees" : "If you want coordinates only, you can click OK now",
2626 |
aurelien |
212 |
213 |
"filtres" : "Filters",
214 |
215 |
"annee" : "Year",
216 |
"mois" : "Month",
217 |
218 |
"mois-1" : "january",
219 |
"mois-2" : "february",
220 |
"mois-3" : "march",
221 |
"mois-4" : "april",
222 |
"mois-5" : "may",
223 |
"mois-6" : "june",
224 |
"mois-7" : "july",
225 |
"mois-8" : "august",
226 |
"mois-9" : "september",
227 |
"mois-10" : "october",
228 |
"mois-11": "november",
229 |
"mois-12" : "december",
2628 |
aurelien |
230 |
"mois-inconnu" : "Unknown",
231 |
232 |
"indication-saisie-groupe-champ-etendus" : "You can add multiple fields at once, corresponding to a group "+
233 |
"for exemple fields from the projets 'sauvages de ma rue' or 'florilèges', etc... <br />"+
234 |
"New groups will be added on a regular basis, based on the most used fields",
235 |
"ajouter-groupe-champ-etendus" : "Add fields group",
236 |
"indication-saisie-nom-champ-etendu" : "Enter a field name or choose one from autocompletion "+
237 |
"If you choose an existing field name, this field will be autocompleted "+
238 |
"with values already entered by other users.<br /> "+
239 |
"Fields of the form 'label (key)' are 'standards' fields having specific roles and descriptions",
240 |
"nom-champ-etendu" : "Field name",
241 |
"ajouter-fermer" : "Add and close",
242 |
"indication-ajouter-fermer" : "Add an extended field or a group and close the window",
243 |
"ajouter" : "Add",
244 |
"fermer" : "Close",
245 |
"indication-ajouter-champ-etendu" : "Add an extended field or a group",
246 |
"indication-fermer-champ-etendu" : "Close the window",
247 |
"erreur-nom-vide-champ-etendu" : "Extended field name cannot be empty",
248 |
"indication-aucune-description-champ-etendu" : "No description found for this field",
249 |
"indication-aucune-description-champ-etendu-remplir" : "You can fill it on this page",
2634 |
aurelien |
250 |
"description" : "Description",
251 |
252 |
"creer" : "Create",
253 |
"modifier" : "Update",
254 |
"reinitialiser" : "Reset",
255 |
"valeurs-multiples" : "Multiple values",
256 |
257 |
"localite" : "Locality",
258 |
"station" : "Station",
259 |
"lat" : "Lat",
260 |
"lon" : "Lon",
261 |
"alt" : "Alt. (meters)",
262 |
"coordonnees" : "Coordinates",
263 |
"referentiel" : "Referential",
264 |
"espece" : "Species",
265 |
"abondance" : "Abundancy",
266 |
"lieu-dit" : "Place",
267 |
"milieu" : "Environment",
268 |
"notes" : "Notes",
269 |
"identification" : "Identification",
270 |
"phenologie" : "Phenology",
271 |
"afficher-champs-etendus" : "Show extended fields",
272 |
"cacher-champs-etendus" : "Hide extended fields",
273 |
"ajouter-champ-etendu" : "Add an extended field",
274 |
"indication-champ-etendu-existe-deja" : "The extended field {0} already exists in the form",
275 |
"indication-bouton-creer-obs" : "Submit a new observation with the input values",
276 |
"indication-bouton-modifier-obs" : "Update selected observations",
277 |
"indication-bouton-reinitialiser-obs" : "Empty form",
278 |
"indication-bouton-supprimer-obs" : "Delete selected observations",
2637 |
aurelien |
279 |
"erreur-localisation" : "localization error",
280 |
"localiser-zone" : "Locate the area",
281 |
"aide-lien-localiser" : "With a map, get the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of your observation, You can enter a name as 'locality (french department)' or 'locality (country)' "+
282 |
"with a two-figures french departement number or a two-letters country code(iso 3166 1 format)",
283 |
"indication-formulaire-lat-lon" : "Lat / Lon are latitudes / longitudes, using decimal degrees",
284 |
"saisie-lat-lon" : "Lat/Lon input",
285 |
"indication-formulaire-localiser" : "Click to get the coordinates of your observation through the map",
286 |
"localiser-la-carte" : "Locate on the map",
287 |
"indication-format-date" : "Observation date jj/mm/aaaa format",
288 |
"indication-localite-vide-invalide" : "Please enter a locality followed by a french department number or a two-letter country code \n 'locality (department)' or 'locality (country)'",
289 |
"indication-date-invalide" : "Invalid date format : date must be formatted as jj/mm/aaaa",
290 |
"date-invalide" : "Invalid date",
291 |
"question-modifier-observation" : "Are you sure you want to update the selected observation",
292 |
"question-modifier-champs-observation" : "Do you want to update the following fields : {0} for the selected observations",
293 |
"indication-aucun-champ-modifie" : "No field modified"
2613 |
mathias |
294 |