448 |
ddelon |
1 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
2 |
// $Id: ezmlm-threads.php,v 2008-11-05 09:45:04 aperonnet Exp $
448 |
ddelon |
3 |
4 |
// ezmlm-threads.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
5 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
// Builds, maintains & displays thread caches
7 |
// These cache files live in $ezmlm->tmpdir and are serialized
8 |
// php objects that can be unserialized and displayed easily
9 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------
10 |
11 |
12 |
1336 |
neiluj |
13 |
require_once ('ezmlm-langue-fr.php');
448 |
ddelon |
14 |
15 |
// CLASS: ezmlm_threads will build, maintain & display thread files (even if a thread is only 1 msg)
16 |
class ezmlm_threads extends ezmlm_php {
17 |
18 |
// load: this is the main function that should be called.
19 |
// it first checks to see if the cache files are stale, if they are it calls build
20 |
// other wise it loads them and calls display
21 |
function load($month) {
22 |
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
23 |
$checksum = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month . "-" . "checksum";
24 |
} else {
25 |
$checksum = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month . "-" . "checksum";
26 |
27 |
$md5 = '' ;
28 |
if (!is_file($checksum)) {
29 |
30 |
} else {
31 |
$fd = fopen($checksum,"r");
32 |
while (!preg_match('/^md5:/', $md5)) { $md5 = fgets($fd,4096); }
33 |
34 |
$md5 = rtrim(preg_replace('/^md5:/', '', $md5), "\n");
35 |
if ($md5 != $this->md5_of_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month)) {
36 |
print "<!-- $md5 ne " . $this->md5_of_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month) . " -->\n";
37 |
38 |
39 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
40 |
return $this->display($month);
448 |
ddelon |
41 |
42 |
43 |
// display: this loads each cache file sequentially and displays the messages in them
44 |
// there is no checking of checksum's done here so load() is the preferred method to
45 |
// view the threads
46 |
function display($month) {
47 |
$seq = 0;
48 |
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
49 |
$cache = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month;
50 |
} else {
51 |
$cache = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month;
52 |
53 |
// Le lien par date et par thread
1965 |
aperonnet |
54 |
$html = '[ '.$this->makelink('action=show_month&actionargs[]='.$month, 'par date').' ]' ;
55 |
$months = array(1 => 'January', 2 => 'February', 3 => 'March', 4 => 'April', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'June', 7 => 'July', 8 => 'August',
56 |
9 => 'September', 10 => 'October', 11 => 'November', 12 => 'December');
448 |
ddelon |
57 |
// remplacé par le tableau globals $mois dans ezmlm.php
1965 |
aperonnet |
58 |
$html = '<h2>'.FIL_DE_DISCUSSION.' pour '.$GLOBALS['mois'][((int)substr($month,4,2) / 1)] .', ' . substr($month,0,4) . '</h2>'."\n";
448 |
ddelon |
59 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
60 |
$html = '<table class="table_cadre">'."\n";
61 |
$html = '<tr><th>Num</th><th>De</th><th>Sujet</th><th>Date</th></tr>'."\n";
62 |
$html = '<tr><td colspan="3"><hr /></td></tr>'."\n";
448 |
ddelon |
63 |
$ctc = 0;
64 |
65 |
if (is_file($cache)) {
66 |
67 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
68 |
$html = '<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>'."\n";
69 |
$html = '</table>'."\n";
448 |
ddelon |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
function thread_to_html($thread) {
74 |
$html = '';
75 |
$lastdepth = -1;
76 |
$ctc = 0 ;
77 |
$thread_curr = $thread;
78 |
$class = array ('ligne_paire', 'ligne_impaire') ;
79 |
while ($thread_curr != NULL) {
80 |
preg_match ('!/archive/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)!', $thread_curr->file, $match) ;
81 |
if (!isset($GLOBALS['fichiers_analyses'][$match[1]][$match[2]])) {
82 |
$message = file_get_contents($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile) ;
83 |
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
84 |
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
85 |
//$msg = new ezmlm_parser();
86 |
//$msg->parse_file($this->listdir . $thread_curr->file, TRUE);
87 |
88 |
} else {
89 |
$mailDecode = $GLOBALS['fichiers_analyses'][$match[1]][$match[2]] ;
90 |
91 |
$actionargs = preg_split("/\//", $thread_curr->file);
92 |
$html .= '<tr class="'.$class[$ctc].'">'."\n";
93 |
$html .= '<td>'.$actionargs[2].$actionargs[3].'</td><td>';
94 |
$html .= $this->makelink('action=show_author_msgs&actionargs[]='.
95 |
96 |
$html .= '</td>'."\n";
97 |
$html .= '<td><b>';
98 |
//$html .= " <a name=\"" . urlencode($thread_curr->file) . "\">"; A quoi ça sert ?
99 |
for ($i = 0; $i < $thread_curr->depth; $i++) {
100 |
$html .= " ";
101 |
102 |
if (($this->thread_subjlen > 0) and (strlen($this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject'])) > $this->thread_subjlen)) {
103 |
$subject = substr($this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject']), 0, ($this->thread_subjlen - 3 - ($thread_curr->depth * 2)));
104 |
$subject = $subject . "...";
105 |
} else {
106 |
$subject = $this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject']);
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
$subject = preg_replace("/\[" . $this->listname . "\]/", "", $subject);
111 |
$html .= $this->makelink("action=show_msg&actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[2] . "&actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[3], $subject);
112 |
$html .= "</b></td>\n";
113 |
$html .= '<td>' .$this->date_francaise($mailDecode->headers['date']).'</td>'."\n";
114 |
$html .= "</tr>\n";
115 |
116 |
117 |
if ($ctc == count($this->tablecolours)) { $ctc = 0; }
118 |
119 |
$lastdepth = $thread_curr->depth;
120 |
$thread_curr = $thread_curr->next;
121 |
122 |
123 |
$html .= '<tr><td colspan="3"><hr noshade size="1" /></td></tr>'."\n";
124 |
return $html;
125 |
126 |
127 |
// build: takes one argument in the format YYYYMM and builds the thread cache file
128 |
// for that month if the ezmlm thread file exists. The resulting cache file is then
129 |
// stored in $this->tmpdir;
130 |
function build($month) {
131 |
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month)) { return FALSE; }
132 |
133 |
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
134 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month,"w+");
135 |
} else {
136 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month,"w+");
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
// ouverture du fichier thread de ezmlm
141 |
// Ils sont classés mois par mois
142 |
$fd1 = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month, "r");
143 |
while (!feof($fd1)) {
144 |
$line = fgets($fd1,4096);
145 |
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*\:[a-z]* \[.*/', $line)) {
146 |
// valid ezmlm thread file entry
147 |
148 |
// On place dans $subjectfile le chemin vers le fichier sujet
149 |
$subjectfile = preg_replace("/^[0-9]*\:([a-z]*) \[.*/", "\\1", $line);
150 |
$subjectfile = substr($subjectfile,0,2) . '/' . substr($subjectfile,2,18);
151 |
152 |
$thread_head = NULL;
153 |
$thread_curr = NULL;
154 |
$thread_temp = NULL;
155 |
$thread_depth = 1;
156 |
157 |
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/subjects/" . $subjectfile)) { continue; }
158 |
// on ouvre le fichier sujet
159 |
// Celui-ci contient sur la première ligne le hash du sujet puis le sujet
160 |
// sur les autres lignes :
161 |
// num_message:annéemois:hash_auteur nom_auteur
162 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/subjects/" . $subjectfile, "r");
163 |
while (!feof($fd2)) {
164 |
$line2 = fgets($fd2,4096);
165 |
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]/',$line2)) {
166 |
$msgnum = preg_replace('/^([0-9]*):.*/', '\\1', $line2);
167 |
$msgfile = $msgnum % 100;
168 |
$msgdir = (int)($msgnum / 100);
169 |
if ($msgfile < 10) { $msgfile = "0" . $msgfile; }
170 |
//$msg = new ezmlm_parser();
171 |
//$msg->parse_file_headers($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile, TRUE);
172 |
173 |
$message = file_get_contents($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile) ;
174 |
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
175 |
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
176 |
177 |
178 |
1336 |
neiluj |
179 |
// On stocke le fichier analysée pour réutilisation ultàrieure
448 |
ddelon |
180 |
$GLOBALS['fichiers_analyses'][$msgdir][$msgfile] = $mailDecode ;
181 |
$msgid = (isset ($mailDecode->headers['message-id']) ? $mailDecode->headers['message-id'] : '');
182 |
$inreply = (isset($mailDecode->headers['in-reply-to']) ? $mailDecode->headers['in-reply-to'] : '');
183 |
$references = (isset ($mailDecode->headers['references']) ? $mailDecode->headers['references'] : '') ;
184 |
$thread_depth = 1;
185 |
186 |
if ($thread_head == NULL) {
187 |
$thread_head = new ezmlm_thread(0,'/archive/' . $msgdir . '/' . $msgfile,$msgid);
188 |
} else {
189 |
$thread_curr = new ezmlm_thread($depth,'/archive/' . $msgdir . '/' . $msgfile,$msgid);
190 |
if ($inreply != '') { $thread_curr->inreply = $inreply; }
191 |
if ($references != '') { $thread_curr->references = $references; }
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
// so now after all that mess $thread_head contains a full thread tree
199 |
// first build the depth of each message based on 'in-reply-to' and 'references'
200 |
201 |
$thread_temp = NULL;
202 |
$thread_curr =& $thread_head->next;
203 |
while (get_class($thread_curr) == 'ezmlm_thread') {
204 |
205 |
$thread_temp = NULL;
206 |
207 |
if ($thread_curr->inreply != '') { $thread_temp =& $thread_head->find_msgid($thread_curr->inreply); }
208 |
if ($thread_temp == NULL) {
209 |
if ($thread_curr->references != '') {
210 |
$refs = preg_split('/ /', $thread_curr->references);
211 |
$refs = array_pop($refs);
212 |
$thread_temp =& $thread_head->find_msgid($refs);
213 |
214 |
215 |
if ($thread_temp == NULL) {
216 |
// we couldn't find anything... set depth to 1, the default
217 |
$thread_curr->depth = 1;
218 |
} else {
219 |
// we found a reference, set it to it's depth + 1
220 |
$thread_curr->depth = $thread_temp->depth + 1;
221 |
222 |
$thread_curr =& $thread_curr->next;
223 |
224 |
225 |
// now write it to a temp file named MONTH-SEQ where seq is cronologic sequence order of the thread.
226 |
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
227 |
@mkdir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname, 0755);
228 |
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
229 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month, "a");
230 |
} else {
231 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month, "a");
232 |
233 |
} else {
234 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month, "a");
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
// finally store our checksum
242 |
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
243 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month . "-" . "checksum","w+");
244 |
} else {
245 |
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month . "-" . "checksum","w+");
246 |
247 |
fputs($fd2,"md5:" . $this->md5_of_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month) . "\n");
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
return TRUE;
252 |
253 |
254 |
// listmessages: prints out a nice little calendar and displays the message
255 |
// totals for each month. The link jumps to the thread listing.
1965 |
aperonnet |
256 |
// On lit le repetoire archive/threads/ qui contient un fichier par moi avec tous les thread, par sujet
257 |
// Presentes comme suit
448 |
ddelon |
258 |
// num_thread:hash [taille_du_thread] Sujet du thread (le dernier)
1965 |
aperonnet |
259 |
// les messages sont ranges par leur numero
448 |
ddelon |
260 |
function listmessages() {
261 |
if (!is_dir($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/")) {
262 |
return false ;
263 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
264 |
265 |
$res = '<table id="petit_calendrier">'."\n";
266 |
$res .= " <tr>\n";
267 |
$res .= " <td></td>" ;
268 |
foreach ($GLOBALS['mois'] as $valeur) $res .= '<th>'.$valeur.'</th>' ;
269 |
$res .=" </tr>\n";
270 |
$res .= $this->calendrierMessage();
271 |
$res .= "</table>\n";
272 |
return $res;
273 |
1336 |
neiluj |
274 |
$threadcount = array();
275 |
276 |
$repertoire_archive = opendir($this->listdir . "/archive/");
1965 |
aperonnet |
277 |
$tableau_annee = array();
1336 |
neiluj |
278 |
while (false !== ($item = readdir($repertoire_archive))) {
279 |
// $item contient les noms des repertoires
280 |
// on ne garde que ceux qui sont des chiffres
281 |
282 |
if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $item)) {
283 |
// on ouvre le fichier d index de chaque repertoire
284 |
$fichier_index = fopen($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$item.'/index', 'r');
285 |
$compteur = 0 ;
286 |
287 |
while (!feof($fichier_index)) {
288 |
// On ignore la premiere ligne
289 |
$temp = fgets($fichier_index, 4096);
290 |
// dans la seconde on recupere la date
291 |
$temp = fgets($fichier_index, 4096);
292 |
preg_match('/\t([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])/', $temp, $match) ;
293 |
if ($match[0] != '') {
1965 |
aperonnet |
294 |
1336 |
neiluj |
295 |
$threadmonth = date('n', strtotime($match[0])) ;
296 |
$threadyear = date('Y', strtotime($match[0])) ;
297 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
298 |
if (!in_array($threadyear, $tableau_annee)) array_push ($tableau_annee, $threadyear);
1336 |
neiluj |
299 |
448 |
ddelon |
300 |
1336 |
neiluj |
301 |
fclose ($fichier_index);
448 |
ddelon |
302 |
303 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
304 |
if (count($threadcount) == 0) return 'Il n\y a pas de messages dans les archives';
305 |
// La partie qui suit, simple, cree la table avec le nombre de message echange chaque mois
551 |
alexandre_ |
306 |
$res = '<table id="petit_calendrier">'."\n";
448 |
ddelon |
307 |
$res .= " <tr>\n";
308 |
$res .= " <td></td>" ;
1965 |
aperonnet |
309 |
foreach ($GLOBALS['mois'] as $valeur) $res .= '<th>'.$valeur.'</th>' ;
448 |
ddelon |
310 |
$res .=" </tr>\n";
1965 |
aperonnet |
311 |
312 |
foreach ($tableau_annee as $annee) {
448 |
ddelon |
313 |
$res .= " <tr>\n";
1965 |
aperonnet |
314 |
$res .= ' <td class="col_annee">'.$annee.'</td>';
448 |
ddelon |
315 |
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
1965 |
aperonnet |
316 |
$res .= '<td class="mois">';
317 |
if (isset($threadcount[$annee][$i]) && $threadcount[$annee][$i] > 0) {
318 |
$res .= $this->makelink('action=show_month&actionargs[]='.$annee.($i < 10 ? '0'.$i:$i),$threadcount[$annee][$i]);
319 |
320 |
$res .= '</td>';
448 |
ddelon |
321 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
322 |
$res .= '</tr>'."\n";
448 |
ddelon |
323 |
324 |
$res .= "</table>\n";
1965 |
aperonnet |
325 |
return $res ;
326 |
448 |
ddelon |
327 |
1965 |
aperonnet |
328 |
329 |
* Cree un fichier liste.calendrierPermanent qui contient
330 |
* le nombre de message par mois pour toutes les annees
331 |
* depuis le debut de la liste sauf la derniere
332 |
333 |
334 |
function calculeCalendrierPermanent($Annnee = '') {
335 |
$numArchive = $this->getNumArchive();
336 |
$dernierRepertoire = floor($numArchive / 100);
337 |
338 |
$threadcount = array();
339 |
$tableau_annee = array();
340 |
341 |
342 |
for ($rep_courant = $dernierRepertoire; $rep_courant >= 0; $rep_courant--) {
343 |
$fichier_index = file ($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$rep_courant.'/index', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
344 |
345 |
// On parcours le fichier a l envers
346 |
for ($j = count($fichier_index)-1; $j >= 0; $j-=2) {
347 |
preg_match('/\t([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])/', $fichier_index[$j], $match) ;
348 |
if ($match[0] != '') {
349 |
$threadmonth = date('n', strtotime($match[0])) ;
350 |
$threadyear = date('Y', strtotime($match[0])) ;
351 |
if ($Annnee != '') {
352 |
if ($threadyear < date('Y')) {
353 |
$sortir = true;
354 |
355 |
356 |
} else {
357 |
if ($threadyear == date('Y')) continue;
358 |
359 |
360 |
if (!in_array($threadyear, $tableau_annee)) array_push ($tableau_annee, $threadyear);
361 |
362 |
363 |
if ($sortir) break;
364 |
365 |
$res = '';
366 |
367 |
foreach ($tableau_annee as $annee) {
368 |
$res .= " <tr>\n";
369 |
$res .= ' <td class="col_annee">'.$annee.'</td>';
370 |
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
371 |
$res .= '<td class="mois">';
372 |
if (isset($threadcount[$annee][$i]) && $threadcount[$annee][$i] > 0) {
373 |
$res .= $this->makelink('action=show_month&actionargs[]='.$annee.($i < 10 ? '0'.$i:$i),$threadcount[$annee][$i]);
374 |
375 |
$res .= '</td>';
376 |
377 |
$res .= '</tr>'."\n";
378 |
379 |
return $res;
380 |
381 |
function ecrireFichierCalendrier() {
382 |
$html = $this->calculeCalendrierPermanent();
383 |
$f = fopen ('tmp/'.$this->listname.'.calendrier', 'w') ;
384 |
fwrite ($f, $html);
385 |
386 |
return $html;
387 |
388 |
389 |
function calendrierMessage() {
390 |
$html = '';
391 |
// On ajoute la derniere annee
392 |
$html .= $this->calculeCalendrierPermanent(date ('Y'));
393 |
394 |
if ($this->isFichierCalendrierExiste()) {
395 |
// S il existe mais qu il est trop vieux, il faut le recalculer
396 |
if ($this->isDoitRecalculerCalendrier()) {
397 |
$annees = $this->getAnneesARecalculer();
398 |
$html .= $this->calculeCalendrierPermanent($annees);
399 |
400 |
$html .= file_get_contents('tmp/'.$this->listname.'.calendrier');
401 |
} else {
402 |
$html .= $this->ecrireFichierCalendrier();
403 |
404 |
return $html;
405 |
406 |
407 |
function isFichierCalendrierExiste() {
408 |
if (file_exists('tmp/'.$this->listname.'.calendrier')) {
409 |
return true;
410 |
411 |
return false;
412 |
413 |
function isDoitRecalculerCalendrier() {
414 |
415 |
if (date ('Y', fileatime('tmp/'.$this->listname.'.calendrier')) != date('Y')) return true;
416 |
return false;
417 |
418 |
419 |
function getAnneesARecalculer() {
420 |
// On suppose que l index de ezmlm est correct
421 |
$anneeFichierCalendrier = date ('Y', fileatime('tmp/'.$this->listname.'.calendrier'));
422 |
return $anneeFichierCalendrier + 1;
423 |
424 |
448 |
ddelon |
425 |
426 |
427 |
// CLASS: ezmlm-thread is a quick little class to allow us to define
428 |
// a structure of the current thread in a single-linked list.
429 |
// it's a little messy since php doesn't support pointers like C does
430 |
// so we have to use references and a head object to append to the list.
431 |
class ezmlm_thread {
432 |
var $next;
433 |
var $depth;
434 |
var $file;
435 |
var $msgid;
436 |
var $inreply;
437 |
var $references;
438 |
function append($thread) {
439 |
$thread_curr =& $this;
440 |
while ($thread_curr->next != NULL) {
441 |
$thread_curr =& $thread_curr->next;
442 |
443 |
$thread_curr->next = $thread;
444 |
445 |
function &find_msgid($msgid) {
446 |
$thread_curr =& $this;
447 |
while ($thread_curr->next != NULL) {
448 |
if (trim($thread_curr->msgid) == trim($msgid)) { return $thread_curr; }
449 |
$thread_curr =& $thread_curr->next;
450 |
451 |
return NULL;
452 |
453 |
function ezmlm_thread($depth,$file,$msgid) {
454 |
$this->depth = $depth;
455 |
$this->file = $file;
456 |
$this->msgid = $msgid;
457 |
$this->next = NULL;
458 |
459 |
460 |