1318 |
alexandre_ |
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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All Rights Reserved.
4 |
5 |
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
6 |
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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dojo.io.repubsubTranport = new function () {
17 |
var rps = dojo.io.repubsub;
18 |
this.canHandle = function (kwArgs) {
19 |
if ((kwArgs["mimetype"] == "text/javascript") && (kwArgs["method"] == "repubsub")) {
20 |
return true;
21 |
22 |
return false;
23 |
24 |
this.bind = function (kwArgs) {
25 |
if (!rps.isInitialized) {
26 |
27 |
28 |
if (!rps.topics[kwArgs.url]) {
29 |
kwArgs.rpsLoad = function (evt) {
30 |
kwArgs.load("load", evt);
31 |
32 |
rps.subscribe(kwArgs.url, kwArgs, "rpsLoad");
33 |
34 |
if (kwArgs["content"]) {
35 |
var cEvt = dojo.io.repubsubEvent.initFromProperties(kwArgs.content);
36 |
rps.publish(kwArgs.url, cEvt);
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
dojo.io.repubsub = new function () {
42 |
this.initDoc = "init.html";
43 |
this.isInitialized = false;
44 |
this.subscriptionBacklog = [];
45 |
this.debug = true;
46 |
this.rcvNodeName = null;
47 |
this.sndNodeName = null;
48 |
this.rcvNode = null;
49 |
this.sndNode = null;
50 |
this.canRcv = false;
51 |
this.canSnd = false;
52 |
this.canLog = false;
53 |
this.sndTimer = null;
54 |
this.windowRef = window;
55 |
this.backlog = [];
56 |
this.tunnelInitCount = 0;
57 |
this.tunnelFrameKey = "tunnel_frame";
58 |
this.serverBaseURL = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + location.pathname;
59 |
this.logBacklog = [];
60 |
this.getRandStr = function () {
61 |
return Math.random().toString().substring(2, 10);
62 |
63 |
this.userid = "guest";
64 |
this.tunnelID = this.getRandStr();
65 |
this.attachPathList = [];
66 |
this.topics = [];
67 |
this.parseGetStr = function () {
68 |
var baseUrl = document.location.toString();
69 |
var params = baseUrl.split("?", 2);
70 |
if (params.length > 1) {
71 |
var paramStr = params[1];
72 |
var pairs = paramStr.split("&");
73 |
var opts = [];
74 |
for (var x in pairs) {
75 |
var sp = pairs[x].split("=");
76 |
try {
77 |
opts[sp[0]] = eval(sp[1]);
78 |
79 |
catch (e) {
80 |
opts[sp[0]] = sp[1];
81 |
82 |
83 |
return opts;
84 |
} else {
85 |
return [];
86 |
87 |
88 |
var getOpts = this.parseGetStr();
89 |
for (var x in getOpts) {
90 |
this[x] = getOpts[x];
91 |
92 |
if (!this["tunnelURI"]) {
93 |
this.tunnelURI = ["/who/", escape(this.userid), "/s/", this.getRandStr(), "/kn_journal"].join("");
94 |
95 |
if (window["repubsubOpts"] || window["rpsOpts"]) {
96 |
var optObj = window["repubsubOpts"] || window["rpsOpts"];
97 |
for (var x in optObj) {
98 |
this[x] = optObj[x];
99 |
100 |
101 |
this.tunnelCloseCallback = function () {
102 |
dojo.io.setIFrameSrc(this.rcvNode, this.initDoc + "?callback=repubsub.rcvNodeReady&domain=" + document.domain);
103 |
104 |
this.receiveEventFromTunnel = function (evt, srcWindow) {
105 |
if (!evt["elements"]) {
106 |
this.log("bailing! event received without elements!", "error");
107 |
108 |
109 |
var e = {};
110 |
for (var i = 0; i < evt.elements.length; i++) {
111 |
var ee = evt.elements[i];
112 |
e[ee.name || ee.nameU] = (ee.value || ee.valueU);
113 |
this.log("[event]: " + (ee.name || ee.nameU) + ": " + e[ee.name || ee.nameU]);
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
this.widenDomain = function (domainStr) {
118 |
var cd = domainStr || document.domain;
119 |
if (cd.indexOf(".") == -1) {
120 |
121 |
122 |
var dps = cd.split(".");
123 |
if (dps.length <= 2) {
124 |
125 |
126 |
dps = dps.slice(dps.length - 2);
127 |
document.domain = dps.join(".");
128 |
129 |
this.parseCookie = function () {
130 |
var cs = document.cookie;
131 |
var keypairs = cs.split(";");
132 |
for (var x = 0; x < keypairs.length; x++) {
133 |
keypairs[x] = keypairs[x].split("=");
134 |
if (x != keypairs.length - 1) {
135 |
cs += ";";
136 |
137 |
138 |
return keypairs;
139 |
140 |
this.setCookie = function (keypairs, clobber) {
141 |
if ((clobber) && (clobber == true)) {
142 |
document.cookie = "";
143 |
144 |
var cs = "";
145 |
for (var x = 0; x < keypairs.length; x++) {
146 |
cs += keypairs[x][0] + "=" + keypairs[x][1];
147 |
if (x != keypairs.length - 1) {
148 |
cs += ";";
149 |
150 |
151 |
document.cookie = cs;
152 |
153 |
this.log = function (str, lvl) {
154 |
if (!this.debug) {
155 |
156 |
157 |
while (this.logBacklog.length > 0) {
158 |
if (!this.canLog) {
159 |
160 |
161 |
var blo = this.logBacklog.shift();
162 |
this.writeLog("[" + blo[0] + "]: " + blo[1], blo[2]);
163 |
164 |
this.writeLog(str, lvl);
165 |
166 |
this.writeLog = function (str, lvl) {
167 |
dojo.debug(((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()) + ": " + str);
168 |
169 |
this.init = function () {
170 |
171 |
172 |
this.isInitialized = true;
173 |
while (this.subscriptionBacklog.length) {
174 |
this.subscribe.apply(this, this.subscriptionBacklog.shift());
175 |
176 |
177 |
this.clobber = function () {
178 |
if (this.rcvNode) {
179 |
this.setCookie([[this.tunnelFrameKey, "closed"], ["path", "/"]], false);
180 |
181 |
182 |
this.openTunnel = function () {
183 |
this.rcvNodeName = "rcvIFrame_" + this.getRandStr();
184 |
this.setCookie([[this.tunnelFrameKey, this.rcvNodeName], ["path", "/"]], false);
185 |
this.rcvNode = dojo.io.createIFrame(this.rcvNodeName);
186 |
dojo.io.setIFrameSrc(this.rcvNode, this.initDoc + "?callback=repubsub.rcvNodeReady&domain=" + document.domain);
187 |
this.sndNodeName = "sndIFrame_" + this.getRandStr();
188 |
this.sndNode = dojo.io.createIFrame(this.sndNodeName);
189 |
dojo.io.setIFrameSrc(this.sndNode, this.initDoc + "?callback=repubsub.sndNodeReady&domain=" + document.domain);
190 |
191 |
this.rcvNodeReady = function () {
192 |
var statusURI = [this.tunnelURI, "/kn_status/", this.getRandStr(), "_", String(this.tunnelInitCount++)].join("");
193 |
194 |
var initURIArr = [this.serverBaseURL, "/kn?kn_from=", escape(this.tunnelURI), "&kn_id=", escape(this.tunnelID), "&kn_status_from=", escape(statusURI)];
195 |
dojo.io.setIFrameSrc(this.rcvNode, initURIArr.join(""));
196 |
this.subscribe(statusURI, this, "statusListener", true);
197 |
198 |
199 |
this.sndNodeReady = function () {
200 |
this.canSnd = true;
201 |
202 |
203 |
if (this.backlog.length > 0) {
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
this.statusListener = function (evt) {
208 |
this.log("status listener called");
209 |
this.log(evt.status, "info");
210 |
211 |
this.dispatch = function (evt) {
212 |
if (evt["to"] || evt["kn_routed_from"]) {
213 |
var rf = evt["to"] || evt["kn_routed_from"];
214 |
var topic = rf.split(this.serverBaseURL, 2)[1];
215 |
if (!topic) {
216 |
topic = rf;
217 |
218 |
this.log("[topic] " + topic);
219 |
if (topic.length > 3) {
220 |
if (topic.slice(0, 3) == "/kn") {
221 |
topic = topic.slice(3);
222 |
223 |
224 |
if (this.attachPathList[topic]) {
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
this.subscribe = function (topic, toObj, toFunc, dontTellServer) {
230 |
if (!this.isInitialized) {
231 |
this.subscriptionBacklog.push([topic, toObj, toFunc, dontTellServer]);
232 |
233 |
234 |
if (!this.attachPathList[topic]) {
235 |
this.attachPathList[topic] = function () {
236 |
return true;
237 |
238 |
this.log("subscribing to: " + topic);
239 |
240 |
241 |
var revt = new dojo.io.repubsubEvent(this.tunnelURI, topic, "route");
242 |
var rstr = [this.serverBaseURL + "/kn", revt.toGetString()].join("");
243 |
dojo.event.kwConnect({once:true, srcObj:this.attachPathList, srcFunc:topic, adviceObj:toObj, adviceFunc:toFunc});
244 |
if (!this.rcvNode) {
245 |
246 |
if (dontTellServer) {
247 |
248 |
249 |
this.log("sending subscription to: " + topic);
250 |
this.sendTopicSubToServer(topic, rstr);
251 |
252 |
this.sendTopicSubToServer = function (topic, str) {
253 |
if (!this.attachPathList[topic]["subscriptions"]) {
254 |
255 |
this.attachPathList[topic].subscriptions = 0;
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
this.unSubscribe = function (topic, toObj, toFunc) {
260 |
dojo.event.kwDisconnect({srcObj:this.attachPathList, srcFunc:topic, adviceObj:toObj, adviceFunc:toFunc});
261 |
262 |
this.publish = function (topic, event) {
263 |
var evt = dojo.io.repubsubEvent.initFromProperties(event);
264 |
evt.to = topic;
265 |
var evtURLParts = [];
266 |
evtURLParts.push(this.serverBaseURL + "/kn");
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
this.enqueueEventStr = function (evtStr) {
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
this.dequeueEvent = function (force) {
276 |
277 |
if (this.backlog.length <= 0) {
278 |
279 |
280 |
if ((this.canSnd) || (force)) {
281 |
dojo.io.setIFrameSrc(this.sndNode, this.backlog.shift() + "&callback=repubsub.sndNodeReady");
282 |
this.canSnd = false;
283 |
} else {
284 |
this.log("sndNode not available yet!", "debug");
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent = function (to, from, method, id, routeURI, payload, dispname, uid) {
289 |
this.to = to;
290 |
this.from = from;
291 |
this.method = method || "route";
292 |
this.id = id || repubsub.getRandStr();
293 |
this.uri = routeURI;
294 |
this.displayname = dispname || repubsub.displayname;
295 |
this.userid = uid || repubsub.userid;
296 |
this.payload = payload || "";
297 |
this.flushChars = 4096;
298 |
this.initFromProperties = function (evt) {
299 |
if (evt.constructor = dojo.io.repubsubEvent) {
300 |
for (var x in evt) {
301 |
this[x] = evt[x];
302 |
303 |
} else {
304 |
for (var x in evt) {
305 |
if (typeof this.forwardPropertiesMap[x] == "string") {
306 |
this[this.forwardPropertiesMap[x]] = evt[x];
307 |
} else {
308 |
this[x] = evt[x];
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
this.toGetString = function (noQmark) {
314 |
var qs = [((noQmark) ? "" : "?")];
315 |
for (var x = 0; x < this.properties.length; x++) {
316 |
var tp = this.properties[x];
317 |
if (this[tp[0]]) {
318 |
qs.push(tp[1] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(this[tp[0]])));
319 |
320 |
321 |
return qs.join("&");
322 |
323 |
324 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.properties = [["from", "kn_from"], ["to", "kn_to"], ["method", "do_method"], ["id", "kn_id"], ["uri", "kn_uri"], ["displayname", "kn_displayname"], ["userid", "kn_userid"], ["payload", "kn_payload"], ["flushChars", "kn_response_flush"], ["responseFormat", "kn_response_format"]];
325 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.forwardPropertiesMap = {};
326 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.reversePropertiesMap = {};
327 |
for (var x = 0; x < dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.properties.length; x++) {
328 |
var tp = dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.properties[x];
329 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.reversePropertiesMap[tp[0]] = tp[1];
330 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent.prototype.forwardPropertiesMap[tp[1]] = tp[0];
331 |
332 |
dojo.io.repubsubEvent.initFromProperties = function (evt) {
333 |
var eventObj = new dojo.io.repubsubEvent();
334 |
335 |
return eventObj;
336 |
337 |