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<pre><code><span id="1" class="l"><a class="l" href="#1"> 1: </a><span class="xlang"><?php</span>
104 |
</span><span id="2" class="l"><a class="l" href="#2"> 2: </a><span class="php-comment">// declare(encoding='UTF-8');</span>
105 |
</span><span id="3" class="l"><a class="l" href="#3"> 3: </a><span class="php-comment">/**
106 |
</span></span><span id="4" class="l"><a class="l" href="#4"> 4: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Classe de gestion des exceptions.
107 |
</span></span><span id="5" class="l"><a class="l" href="#5"> 5: </a><span class="php-comment"> * C'est un Singleton.
108 |
</span></span><span id="6" class="l"><a class="l" href="#6"> 6: </a><span class="php-comment"> *
109 |
</span></span><span id="7" class="l"><a class="l" href="#7"> 7: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @category PHP 5.2
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110 |
</span></span><span id="8" class="l"><a class="l" href="#8"> 8: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @package Framework
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111 |
</span></span><span id="9" class="l"><a class="l" href="#9"> 9: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @author Aurélien PERONNET <aurelien@tela-botanica.org>
112 |
</span></span><span id="10" class="l"><a class="l" href="#10"> 10: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <jmp@tela-botanica.org>
113 |
</span></span><span id="11" class="l"><a class="l" href="#11"> 11: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009, Tela Botanica (accueil@tela-botanica.org)
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114 |
</span></span><span id="12" class="l"><a class="l" href="#12"> 12: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @license GNU-GPL-v3 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
115 |
</span></span><span id="13" class="l"><a class="l" href="#13"> 13: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @license CECILL-v2 <http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt>
116 |
</span></span><span id="14" class="l"><a class="l" href="#14"> 14: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
117 |
</span><span id="15" class="l"><a class="l" href="#15"> 15: </a><span class="php-keyword1">class</span> <a id="GestionnaireException" href="#GestionnaireException">GestionnaireException</a> {
118 |
</span><span id="16" class="l"><a class="l" href="#16"> 16: </a>
119 |
</span><span id="17" class="l"><a class="l" href="#17"> 17: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="MODE_CLI" href="#MODE_CLI">MODE_CLI</a> = <span class="php-quote">'cli'</span>;
120 |
</span><span id="18" class="l"><a class="l" href="#18"> 18: </a>
121 |
</span><span id="19" class="l"><a class="l" href="#19"> 19: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Liste des exceptions enregistrées */</span>
122 |
</span><span id="20" class="l"><a class="l" href="#20"> 20: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">private</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-var"><a id="$exceptions" href="#$exceptions">$exceptions</a></span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>();
123 |
</span><span id="21" class="l"><a class="l" href="#21"> 21: </a>
124 |
</span><span id="22" class="l"><a class="l" href="#22"> 22: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Détermine si l'on affiche ou non le contexte */</span>
125 |
</span><span id="23" class="l"><a class="l" href="#23"> 23: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">private</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-var"><a id="$contexte" href="#$contexte">$contexte</a></span> = <span class="php-keyword1">false</span>;
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126 |
</span><span id="24" class="l"><a class="l" href="#24"> 24: </a>
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127 |
</span><span id="25" class="l"><a class="l" href="#25"> 25: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Détermine si l'on loggue ou non les erreurs */</span>
128 |
</span><span id="26" class="l"><a class="l" href="#26"> 26: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">private</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-var"><a id="$logger" href="#$logger">$logger</a></span> = <span class="php-keyword1">false</span>;
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129 |
</span><span id="27" class="l"><a class="l" href="#27"> 27: </a>
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130 |
</span><span id="28" class="l"><a class="l" href="#28"> 28: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Détermine si l'affichage des erreurs est forcé (true) ou pas (false) à la destruction de la classe */</span>
131 |
</span><span id="29" class="l"><a class="l" href="#29"> 29: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">private</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-var"><a id="$afficher" href="#$afficher">$afficher</a></span> = <span class="php-keyword1">false</span>;
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132 |
</span><span id="30" class="l"><a class="l" href="#30"> 30: </a>
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133 |
</span><span id="31" class="l"><a class="l" href="#31"> 31: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Definit si php est lancé en ligne de commande ou en mode serveur */</span>
134 |
</span><span id="32" class="l"><a class="l" href="#32"> 32: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">private</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-var"><a id="$mode" href="#$mode">$mode</a></span> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span> ;
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135 |
</span><span id="33" class="l"><a class="l" href="#33"> 33: </a>
476 |
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136 |
</span><span id="34" class="l"><a class="l" href="#34"> 34: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Initialise le Gestionnaire d'exceptions et d'erreur sans tenir comptes des paramêtres de config. */</span>
137 |
</span><span id="35" class="l"><a class="l" href="#35"> 35: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_initialiser" href="#_initialiser">initialiser</a>() {
138 |
</span><span id="36" class="l"><a class="l" href="#36"> 36: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$mode</span> = <span class="php-keyword2">php_sapi_name</span>();
139 |
</span><span id="37" class="l"><a class="l" href="#37"> 37: </a> <span class="php-comment">// Désactivation des balises HTML dans les messages d'erreur de PHP en mode ligne de commande</span>
140 |
</span><span id="38" class="l"><a class="l" href="#38"> 38: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (self::<span class="php-var">$mode</span> == self::MODE_CLI) {
141 |
</span><span id="39" class="l"><a class="l" href="#39"> 39: </a> <span class="php-keyword2">ini_set</span>(<span class="php-quote">'html_errors'</span>, <span class="php-num">0</span>);
142 |
</span><span id="40" class="l"><a class="l" href="#40"> 40: </a> }
143 |
</span><span id="41" class="l"><a class="l" href="#41"> 41: </a>
144 |
</span><span id="42" class="l"><a class="l" href="#42"> 42: </a> <span class="php-keyword2">set_exception_handler</span>(<span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-keyword2">get_class</span>(),<span class="php-quote">'gererException'</span>));
145 |
</span><span id="43" class="l"><a class="l" href="#43"> 43: </a> <span class="php-keyword2">set_error_handler</span>(<span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-keyword2">get_class</span>(),<span class="php-quote">'gererErreur'</span>));
146 |
</span><span id="44" class="l"><a class="l" href="#44"> 44: </a> }
147 |
</span><span id="45" class="l"><a class="l" href="#45"> 45: </a>
148 |
</span><span id="46" class="l"><a class="l" href="#46"> 46: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Configure le Gestionnaire d'exceptions et d'erreur à partir des paramêtres de config. */</span>
149 |
</span><span id="47" class="l"><a class="l" href="#47"> 47: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_configurer" href="#_configurer">configurer</a>() {
150 |
</span><span id="48" class="l"><a class="l" href="#48"> 48: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$contexte</span> = Config::get(<span class="php-quote">'fw_debogage_contexte'</span>);
151 |
</span><span id="49" class="l"><a class="l" href="#49"> 49: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$logger</span> = Config::get(<span class="php-quote">'fw_log_debogage'</span>);
152 |
</span><span id="50" class="l"><a class="l" href="#50"> 50: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$afficher</span> = Config::get(<span class="php-quote">'fw_debogage'</span>);
153 |
</span><span id="51" class="l"><a class="l" href="#51"> 51: </a> }
154 |
</span><span id="52" class="l"><a class="l" href="#52"> 52: </a>
155 |
</span><span id="53" class="l"><a class="l" href="#53"> 53: </a> <span class="php-comment">/** Renvoie le booleen définissant si l'on affiche le contexte ou non */</span>
156 |
</span><span id="54" class="l"><a class="l" href="#54"> 54: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_getContexte" href="#_getContexte">getContexte</a>() {
157 |
</span><span id="55" class="l"><a class="l" href="#55"> 55: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> self::<span class="php-var">$contexte</span>;
158 |
</span><span id="56" class="l"><a class="l" href="#56"> 56: </a> }
159 |
</span><span id="57" class="l"><a class="l" href="#57"> 57: </a>
160 |
</span><span id="58" class="l"><a class="l" href="#58"> 58: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
161 |
</span></span><span id="59" class="l"><a class="l" href="#59"> 59: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Definit si l'on veut afficher le contexte ou non
162 |
</span></span><span id="60" class="l"><a class="l" href="#60"> 60: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param bool true si on veut afficher le contexte, false sinon, par défaut vaut false
467 |
jpm |
163 |
</span></span><span id="61" class="l"><a class="l" href="#61"> 61: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
476 |
jpm |
164 |
</span><span id="62" class="l"><a class="l" href="#62"> 62: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_setContexte" href="#_setContexte">setContexte</a>(<span class="php-var">$contexte</span>) {
165 |
</span><span id="63" class="l"><a class="l" href="#63"> 63: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$contexte</span> = <span class="php-var">$contexte</span>;
467 |
jpm |
166 |
</span><span id="64" class="l"><a class="l" href="#64"> 64: </a> }
476 |
jpm |
167 |
</span><span id="65" class="l"><a class="l" href="#65"> 65: </a>
168 |
</span><span id="66" class="l"><a class="l" href="#66"> 66: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
169 |
</span></span><span id="67" class="l"><a class="l" href="#67"> 67: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Fonction de gestion des exceptions, remplace le handler par défaut
170 |
</span></span><span id="68" class="l"><a class="l" href="#68"> 68: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param Exception $e l'exception à traiter
467 |
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171 |
</span></span><span id="69" class="l"><a class="l" href="#69"> 69: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
476 |
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172 |
</span><span id="70" class="l"><a class="l" href="#70"> 70: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_gererException" href="#_gererException">gererException</a>(Exception <span class="php-var">$e</span>) {
173 |
</span><span id="71" class="l"><a class="l" href="#71"> 71: </a> <span class="php-comment">// pour le moment on se contente de l'ajouter au tableau et de les afficher</span>
174 |
</span><span id="72" class="l"><a class="l" href="#72"> 72: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$exceptions</span>[] = <span class="php-var">$e</span>;
175 |
</span><span id="73" class="l"><a class="l" href="#73"> 73: </a> <span class="php-comment">// Log si nécéssaire</span>
176 |
</span><span id="74" class="l"><a class="l" href="#74"> 74: </a> self::loggerException(<span class="php-var">$e</span>);
177 |
</span><span id="75" class="l"><a class="l" href="#75"> 75: </a> }
178 |
</span><span id="76" class="l"><a class="l" href="#76"> 76: </a>
179 |
</span><span id="77" class="l"><a class="l" href="#77"> 77: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
180 |
</span></span><span id="78" class="l"><a class="l" href="#78"> 78: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Gère les erreurs en les convertissant en exceptions (remplace la fonction gestion d'erreurs native de php)
181 |
</span></span><span id="79" class="l"><a class="l" href="#79"> 79: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param int $niveau le niveau de l'erreur
182 |
</span></span><span id="80" class="l"><a class="l" href="#80"> 80: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $message le message associé à l'erreur
183 |
</span></span><span id="81" class="l"><a class="l" href="#81"> 81: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $fichier le nom du fichier où l'erreur s'est produite
184 |
</span></span><span id="82" class="l"><a class="l" href="#82"> 82: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param int $ligne la ligne où l'erreur s'est produite
185 |
</span></span><span id="83" class="l"><a class="l" href="#83"> 83: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $contexte le contexte associé à l'erreur
186 |
</span></span><span id="84" class="l"><a class="l" href="#84"> 84: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
187 |
</span><span id="85" class="l"><a class="l" href="#85"> 85: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_gererErreur" href="#_gererErreur">gererErreur</a>(<span class="php-var">$niveau</span>, <span class="php-var">$message</span>, <span class="php-var">$fichier</span>, <span class="php-var">$ligne</span>, <span class="php-var">$contexte</span>){
188 |
</span><span id="86" class="l"><a class="l" href="#86"> 86: </a> <span class="php-comment">// Si un rapport d'erreur existe, création d'une exception</span>
189 |
</span><span id="87" class="l"><a class="l" href="#87"> 87: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (<span class="php-keyword2">error_reporting</span>() != <span class="php-num">0</span>) {
190 |
</span><span id="88" class="l"><a class="l" href="#88"> 88: </a> <span class="php-var">$e</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">new</span> ErrorException(<span class="php-var">$message</span>, <span class="php-num">0</span>, <span class="php-var">$niveau</span>, <span class="php-var">$fichier</span>, <span class="php-var">$ligne</span>);
191 |
</span><span id="89" class="l"><a class="l" href="#89"> 89: </a> <span class="php-comment">// que l'on donne au tableau d'exceptions</span>
192 |
</span><span id="90" class="l"><a class="l" href="#90"> 90: </a> self::<span class="php-var">$exceptions</span>[] = <span class="php-var">$e</span>;
193 |
</span><span id="91" class="l"><a class="l" href="#91"> 91: </a> <span class="php-comment">// Log si nécéssaire</span>
194 |
</span><span id="92" class="l"><a class="l" href="#92"> 92: </a> self::loggerException(<span class="php-var">$e</span>);
195 |
</span><span id="93" class="l"><a class="l" href="#93"> 93: </a> }
196 |
</span><span id="94" class="l"><a class="l" href="#94"> 94: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-keyword1">null</span>;
197 |
</span><span id="95" class="l"><a class="l" href="#95"> 95: </a> }
198 |
</span><span id="96" class="l"><a class="l" href="#96"> 96: </a>
199 |
</span><span id="97" class="l"><a class="l" href="#97"> 97: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
200 |
</span></span><span id="98" class="l"><a class="l" href="#98"> 98: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Renvoie les exceptions au format (X)HTML
201 |
</span></span><span id="99" class="l"><a class="l" href="#99"> 99: </a><span class="php-comment"> * ou bien au format texte suivant le mode d'utilisation de PHP
202 |
</span></span><span id="100" class="l"><a class="l" href="#100">100: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
203 |
</span><span id="101" class="l"><a class="l" href="#101">101: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_getExceptions" href="#_getExceptions">getExceptions</a>() {
204 |
</span><span id="102" class="l"><a class="l" href="#102">102: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> = <span class="php-quote">''</span>;
205 |
</span><span id="103" class="l"><a class="l" href="#103">103: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">foreach</span> (self::<span class="php-var">$exceptions</span> <span class="php-keyword1">as</span> <span class="php-var">$cle</span> => <span class="php-var">$e</span>) {
206 |
</span><span id="104" class="l"><a class="l" href="#104">104: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">switch</span> (self::<span class="php-var">$mode</span>) {
207 |
</span><span id="105" class="l"><a class="l" href="#105">105: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">case</span> self::MODE_CLI :
208 |
</span><span id="106" class="l"><a class="l" href="#106">106: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-var">$e</span>->getMessage().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
209 |
</span><span id="107" class="l"><a class="l" href="#107">107: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'Fichier : '</span>.<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getFile().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
210 |
</span><span id="108" class="l"><a class="l" href="#108">108: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'Ligne : '</span>.<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getLine().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
211 |
</span><span id="109" class="l"><a class="l" href="#109">109: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (self::getContexte()) {
212 |
</span><span id="110" class="l"><a class="l" href="#110">110: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'Contexte : '</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>.<span class="php-keyword2">print_r</span>(<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getTraceAsString(), <span class="php-keyword1">true</span>).<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
213 |
</span><span id="111" class="l"><a class="l" href="#111">111: </a> }
214 |
</span><span id="112" class="l"><a class="l" href="#112">112: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">break</span>;
215 |
</span><span id="113" class="l"><a class="l" href="#113">113: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">default</span>:
216 |
</span><span id="114" class="l"><a class="l" href="#114">114: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'<div class="debogage">'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
217 |
</span><span id="115" class="l"><a class="l" href="#115">115: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-var">$e</span>->getMessage().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
218 |
</span><span id="116" class="l"><a class="l" href="#116">116: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'<span class="debogage_fichier">'</span>.<span class="php-quote">'Fichier : '</span>.<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getFile().<span class="php-quote">'</span>'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
219 |
</span><span id="117" class="l"><a class="l" href="#117">117: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'<span class="debogage_ligne">'</span>.<span class="php-quote">'Ligne : '</span>.<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getLine().<span class="php-quote">'</span>'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
220 |
</span><span id="118" class="l"><a class="l" href="#118">118: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (self::getContexte()) {
221 |
</span><span id="119" class="l"><a class="l" href="#119">119: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'<pre>'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
222 |
</span><span id="120" class="l"><a class="l" href="#120">120: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'<strong>Contexte : </strong>'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>.<span class="php-keyword2">print_r</span>(<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getTraceAsString(), <span class="php-keyword1">true</span>).<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
223 |
</span><span id="121" class="l"><a class="l" href="#121">121: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'</pre>'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
224 |
</span><span id="122" class="l"><a class="l" href="#122">122: </a> }
225 |
</span><span id="123" class="l"><a class="l" href="#123">123: </a> <span class="php-var">$retour</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'</div>'</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
226 |
</span><span id="124" class="l"><a class="l" href="#124">124: </a> }
227 |
</span><span id="125" class="l"><a class="l" href="#125">125: </a> <span class="php-comment">// Nous vidons le tableau des exceptions au fur et à mesure</span>
228 |
</span><span id="126" class="l"><a class="l" href="#126">126: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">unset</span>(self::<span class="php-var">$exceptions</span>[<span class="php-var">$cle</span>]);
229 |
</span><span id="127" class="l"><a class="l" href="#127">127: </a> }
230 |
</span><span id="128" class="l"><a class="l" href="#128">128: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$retour</span>;
231 |
</span><span id="129" class="l"><a class="l" href="#129">129: </a> }
232 |
</span><span id="130" class="l"><a class="l" href="#130">130: </a>
233 |
</span><span id="131" class="l"><a class="l" href="#131">131: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
234 |
</span></span><span id="132" class="l"><a class="l" href="#132">132: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Logue une exception donnée sous une forme lisible si self::logger vaut true.
235 |
</span></span><span id="133" class="l"><a class="l" href="#133">133: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param Exception $e l'exception à logger
236 |
</span></span><span id="134" class="l"><a class="l" href="#134">134: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
237 |
</span><span id="135" class="l"><a class="l" href="#135">135: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">private</span> <span class="php-keyword1">static</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_loggerException" href="#_loggerException">loggerException</a>(<span class="php-var">$e</span>) {
238 |
</span><span id="136" class="l"><a class="l" href="#136">136: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (self::<span class="php-var">$logger</span>) {
239 |
</span><span id="137" class="l"><a class="l" href="#137">137: </a> <span class="php-var">$erreur</span> = <span class="php-quote">''</span>;
240 |
</span><span id="138" class="l"><a class="l" href="#138">138: </a> <span class="php-var">$erreur</span> .= <span class="php-var">$e</span>->getMessage().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
241 |
</span><span id="139" class="l"><a class="l" href="#139">139: </a> <span class="php-var">$erreur</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'Fichier : '</span>.<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getFile().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
242 |
</span><span id="140" class="l"><a class="l" href="#140">140: </a> <span class="php-var">$erreur</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'Ligne : '</span>.<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getLine().<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
243 |
</span><span id="141" class="l"><a class="l" href="#141">141: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (self::getContexte()) {
244 |
</span><span id="142" class="l"><a class="l" href="#142">142: </a> <span class="php-var">$erreur</span> .= <span class="php-quote">'Contexte : '</span>.<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>.<span class="php-keyword2">print_r</span>(<span class="php-var">$e</span>->getTraceAsString(), <span class="php-keyword1">true</span>).<span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
245 |
</span><span id="143" class="l"><a class="l" href="#143">143: </a> }
246 |
</span><span id="144" class="l"><a class="l" href="#144">144: </a> <span class="php-var">$erreur</span> .= <span class="php-quote">"\n"</span>;
247 |
</span><span id="145" class="l"><a class="l" href="#145">145: </a> <span class="php-keyword2">Log</span>::ajouterEntree(<span class="php-quote">'erreurs'</span>, <span class="php-var">$erreur</span>);
248 |
</span><span id="146" class="l"><a class="l" href="#146">146: </a> }
249 |
</span><span id="147" class="l"><a class="l" href="#147">147: </a> }
250 |
</span><span id="148" class="l"><a class="l" href="#148">148: </a>
251 |
</span><span id="149" class="l"><a class="l" href="#149">149: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="___destruct" href="#___destruct">__destruct</a>() {
252 |
</span><span id="150" class="l"><a class="l" href="#150">150: </a> <span class="php-comment">// Si des erreurs n'ont pas été affichée nous forçons leur affichage</span>
253 |
</span><span id="151" class="l"><a class="l" href="#151">151: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">if</span> (self::<span class="php-var">$afficher</span> && <span class="php-keyword2">count</span>(self::<span class="php-var">$exceptions</span>) > <span class="php-num">0</span>) {
254 |
</span><span id="152" class="l"><a class="l" href="#152">152: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">echo</span> self::getExceptions();
255 |
</span><span id="153" class="l"><a class="l" href="#153">153: </a> }
256 |
</span><span id="154" class="l"><a class="l" href="#154">154: </a> }
257 |
</span><span id="155" class="l"><a class="l" href="#155">155: </a>
258 |
</span><span id="156" class="l"><a class="l" href="#156">156: </a>}
259 |
</span><span id="157" class="l"><a class="l" href="#157">157: </a></span><span class="xlang">?></span></code></pre>
467 |
jpm |
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TBFramework - v0.2 API documentation generated by <a href="http://apigen.org">ApiGen 2.8.0</a>
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