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<p><em>Classe fournissant des informations au Framework sur l'application.</em></p>
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<section id="summary">
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<section class="row-fluid heading">
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<section class="span4">
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<a href="#methods">Methods</a>
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<section class="span4">
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<a href="#properties">Properties</a>
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<section class="span4">
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<a href="#constants">Constants</a>
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<section class="row-fluid public">
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<section class="span4">
197 |
<a href="../classes/Application.html#method_setChemin" class="">setChemin()</a><br />
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<a href="../classes/Application.html#method_getChemin" class="">getChemin()</a><br />
199 |
<a href="../classes/Application.html#method_setInfo" class="">setInfo()</a><br />
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<a href="../classes/Application.html#method_getInfo" class="">getInfo()</a><br />
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<section class="span4">
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<em>No public properties found</em>
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<section class="span4">
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<em>No constants found</em>
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<section class="row-fluid protected">
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<em>No protected methods found</em>
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<em>No protected properties found</em>
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<section class="row-fluid private">
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<section class="span4">
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<a href="../classes/Application.html#method_initialiser" class="">initialiser()</a><br />
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<section class="span4">
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<a href="../classes/Application.html#property_info" class="">$info</a><br />
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<a href="../classes/Application.html#property_chemin" class="">$chemin</a><br />
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<section class="span4">
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<aside class="span4 detailsbar">
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<dd><a href="../files/Application.php.html"><div class="path-wrapper">Application.php</div></a></dd>
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<dd><div class="namespace-wrapper">\Framework</div></dd>
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<dt>Class hierarchy</dt>
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<dd class="hierarchy">
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<div class="namespace-wrapper">\Application</div>
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<table class="table table-condensed">
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<p>PHP 5.2</p>
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<p>Jean-Pascal MILCENT <a href="mailto:jpm@tela-botanica.org">jpm@tela-botanica.org</a></p>
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<p>Copyright (c) 2009, Tela Botanica (accueil@tela-botanica.org)</p>
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<p>GNU-GPL-v3 <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html</a></p>
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<p>CECILL-v2 <a href="http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt">http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt</a></p>
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<a id="property_info" name="property_info" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="property">
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<h3 class="private ">$info</h3>
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<pre class="signature">$info</pre>
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<p><em>Tableau d'informations sur l'application</em></p>
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<a id="property_chemin" name="property_chemin" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="property">
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<h3 class="private ">$chemin</h3>
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<pre class="signature">$chemin</pre>
341 |
<p><em>Chemin de base de l'application</em></p>
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<a id="methods" name="methods"></a>
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<div class="span8 content class"><h2>Methods</h2></div>
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<div class="span8 content class">
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<a id="method_setChemin" name="method_setChemin" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="method">
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<h3 class="public ">setChemin()</h3>
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<a href="#source-view" role="button" class="pull-right btn" data-toggle="modal" style="font-size: 1.1em; padding: 9px 14px"><i class="icon-code"></i></a>
376 |
<pre class="signature" style="margin-right: 54px;">setChemin(string <span class="argument">$chemin_fichier_principal</span>)</pre>
377 |
<p><em>Permet d'indiquer le chemin de base de l'Application.</em></p>
378 |
<p>Cette méthode doit obligatoirement être utilisée par l'application pour que le Framework fonctionne correctement.</p>
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<table class="table table-condensed table-hover">
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<td><p>chemin de base</p></td>
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<aside class="span4 detailsbar">
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<h1><i class="icon-arrow-down"></i></h1>
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<span class="label label-info">static</span>
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<table class="table table-condensed">
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<a id="method_getChemin" name="method_getChemin" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="method">
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<h3 class="public ">getChemin()</h3>
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<a href="#source-view" role="button" class="pull-right btn" data-toggle="modal" style="font-size: 1.1em; padding: 9px 14px"><i class="icon-code"></i></a>
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<pre class="signature" style="margin-right: 54px;">getChemin() : string</pre>
417 |
<p><em>accesseur pour le chemin</em></p>
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— <p>le chemin</p>
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<aside class="span4 detailsbar">
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<h1><i class="icon-arrow-down"></i></h1>
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<span class="label label-info">static</span>
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<div class="span8 content class">
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<a id="method_setInfo" name="method_setInfo" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="method">
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<h3 class="public ">setInfo()</h3>
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<a href="#source-view" role="button" class="pull-right btn" data-toggle="modal" style="font-size: 1.1em; padding: 9px 14px"><i class="icon-code"></i></a>
451 |
<pre class="signature" style="margin-right: 54px;">setInfo(array <span class="argument">$info</span>) : void</pre>
452 |
<p><em>Le tableau des informations sur l'application possède les clés suivantes :
453 |
- nom : nom de l'application
454 |
- abr : abréviation de l'application
455 |
- encodage : encodage de l'application (ISO-8859-15, UTF-8.</em></p>
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<table class="table table-condensed table-hover">
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<td><p>tableau fournissant des informations sur l'application</p></td>
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<aside class="span4 detailsbar">
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<h1><i class="icon-arrow-down"></i></h1>
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<span class="label label-info">static</span>
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<table class="table table-condensed">
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<div class="span8 content class">
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<a id="method_getInfo" name="method_getInfo" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="method">
492 |
<h3 class="public ">getInfo()</h3>
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<a href="#source-view" role="button" class="pull-right btn" data-toggle="modal" style="font-size: 1.1em; padding: 9px 14px"><i class="icon-code"></i></a>
494 |
<pre class="signature" style="margin-right: 54px;">getInfo(string <span class="argument">$cle</span>)</pre>
495 |
<p><em>accesseur pour le tableau d'infos</em></p>
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<table class="table table-condensed table-hover">
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<td><p>la clé à laquelle on veut accéder</p></td>
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<aside class="span4 detailsbar">
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<h1><i class="icon-arrow-down"></i></h1>
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<span class="label label-info">static</span>
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<table class="table table-condensed">
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<a id="method_initialiser" name="method_initialiser" class="anchor"></a>
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<article class="method">
532 |
<h3 class="private ">initialiser()</h3>
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534 |
<pre class="signature" style="margin-right: 54px;">initialiser()</pre>
535 |
<p><em>Initialise différentes classes du Framework nécessaires pour le fonctionnement de l'application.</em></p>
536 |
<p>Ces classes sont ensuites controlées via les fichiers de config.ini.
537 |
Elle est appelée automatiquement suite à la définition du chemin de l'application via Application::setChemin().</p>
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<span class="label label-info">static</span>
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Documentation is powered by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org/">phpDocumentor </a> and authored
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on March 18th, 2014 at 19:19.
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