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<pre><code><span id="1" class="l"><a class="l" href="#1"> 1: </a><span class="xlang"><?php</span>
96 |
</span><span id="2" class="l"><a class="l" href="#2"> 2: </a><span class="php-comment">// declare(encoding='UTF-8');</span>
97 |
</span><span id="3" class="l"><a class="l" href="#3"> 3: </a><span class="php-comment">/**
98 |
</span></span><span id="4" class="l"><a class="l" href="#4"> 4: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Classe fournissant des constantes correspondant à des expressions régulières de vérification très courrantes.
99 |
</span></span><span id="5" class="l"><a class="l" href="#5"> 5: </a><span class="php-comment"> *
100 |
</span></span><span id="6" class="l"><a class="l" href="#6"> 6: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @category PHP 5.2
101 |
</span></span><span id="7" class="l"><a class="l" href="#7"> 7: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @package Utilitaire
102 |
</span></span><span id="8" class="l"><a class="l" href="#8"> 8: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <jpm@tela-botanica.org>
103 |
</span></span><span id="9" class="l"><a class="l" href="#9"> 9: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009, Tela Botanica (accueil@tela-botanica.org)
104 |
</span></span><span id="10" class="l"><a class="l" href="#10">10: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Licence GNU-GPL-v3
105 |
</span></span><span id="11" class="l"><a class="l" href="#11">11: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @license http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt Licence CECILL-v2
106 |
</span></span><span id="12" class="l"><a class="l" href="#12">12: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @version $Id: Pattern.php 299 2011-01-18 14:03:46Z jpm $
107 |
</span></span><span id="13" class="l"><a class="l" href="#13">13: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @link /doc/framework/
108 |
</span></span><span id="14" class="l"><a class="l" href="#14">14: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
109 |
</span><span id="15" class="l"><a class="l" href="#15">15: </a><span class="php-keyword1">class</span> <span class="php-keyword2">Pattern</span> {
110 |
</span><span id="16" class="l"><a class="l" href="#16">16: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="PRENOM" href="#PRENOM">PRENOM</a> = <span class="php-quote">"[\p{L}-]+"</span>;<span class="php-comment">// Pattern prénom</span>
111 |
</span><span id="17" class="l"><a class="l" href="#17">17: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="NOM" href="#NOM">NOM</a> = <span class="php-quote">"[\p{Lu}]+"</span>;<span class="php-comment">// Pattern nom</span>
112 |
</span><span id="18" class="l"><a class="l" href="#18">18: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="COURRIEL" href="#COURRIEL">COURRIEL</a> = <span class="php-quote">"[a-z0-9!#</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?"</span>;<span class="php-comment">// Pattern courriel</span>
113 |
</span><span id="19" class="l"><a class="l" href="#19">19: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="URL" href="#URL">URL</a> = <span class="php-quote">"^(?:(?:ht|f)tp(?:s?)\\:\\/\\/|~/|/)?(?:\\w+:\\w+@)?(?:(?:[-\\w]+\\.)+(?:com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum|travel|[a-z]{2}))(?::[\\d]{1,5})?(?:(?:(?:/(?:[-\\w~!</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">+|.,=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})+)+|/)+|\\?|#)?(?:(?:\\?(?:[-\\w~!</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">+|.,*:]|%[a-f\\d{2}])+=(?:[-\\w~!</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})*)(?:&(?:[-\\w~!</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">+|.,*:]|%[a-f\\d{2}])+=(?:[-\\w~!</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})*)*)*(?:#(?:[-\\w~!</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})*)?</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">"</span>;
114 |
</span><span id="20" class="l"><a class="l" href="#20">20: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="HEURE_MINUTE" href="#HEURE_MINUTE">HEURE_MINUTE</a> = <span class="php-quote">"^(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):(?:[0-5][0-9]|60)</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">"</span>;<span class="php-comment">// Heure au format 24h avec séparateur d'heure et minute ':' </span>
115 |
</span><span id="21" class="l"><a class="l" href="#21">21: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="LATITUDE" href="#LATITUDE">LATITUDE</a> = <span class="php-quote">"^-?([0-8]?[0-9]([.,][0-9]*)?|90)</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">"</span>; <span class="php-comment">// Nombre décimal positif ou négatif allant de 0 à 89 ou nombre entier valant 90 avec pour séparateur des décimales "." ou ","</span>
116 |
</span><span id="22" class="l"><a class="l" href="#22">22: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">const</span> <a id="LONGITUDE" href="#LONGITUDE">LONGITUDE</a> = <span class="php-quote">"^-?((1[0-7][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])([.,][0-9]*)?|180)</span><span class="php-var">$</span><span class="php-quote">"</span>; <span class="php-comment">// Nombre décimal positif ou négatif allant de 0 à 179 ou nombre entier valant 180 avec pour séparateur des décimales "." ou ","</span>
117 |
</span><span id="23" class="l"><a class="l" href="#23">23: </a>}
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</span><span id="24" class="l"><a class="l" href="#24">24: </a></span><span class="xlang">?></span></code></pre>
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TBFramework - v0.3 API documentation generated by <a href="http://apigen.org">ApiGen 2.8.0</a>
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