60 |
jpm |
1 |
Artichow 1.1
2 |
3 |
- All new driver-based architecture: Artichow now draws the graphs using drivers, located in 'inc/drivers/'. The move will ease development of new drawing formats (SVG, Flash, etc.) while keeping backward compatibility very high: you shouldn't have to change anything to your existing code and only two methods from the Font class have disappeared (see below) (Laurent)
4 |
- Added Image::setDriver() to allow driver selection (Laurent)
5 |
- Changed the Drawer class name to Driver. The class is now abstract, the implementation has to be made in the driver file itself. (Laurent)
6 |
- Added the GDDriver class to draw with GD: the file is 'inc/drivers/gd.class.php' (Laurent)
7 |
- Modified GDDriver::rectangle() so that it doesn't tamper with the Line object passed as an argument any more (Laurent)
8 |
- Fixed a bug where calling GDDriver::polygon() wouldn't close the polygon being drawn when using a non-solid border (Laurent)
9 |
- Added the constant ARTICHOW_DRIVER to define the default driver to use when none is selected (defaults to 'gd') (Laurent)
10 |
- Changed and reorganised the Font related classes: added FileFont and PHPFont, reworked inheritance (Laurent)
11 |
- Deleted Font::getTextWidth() and Font::getTextHeight(), replaced by Driver::getTextWidth() and Driver::getTextHeight() (Laurent)
12 |
- Added two new helping classes for Font manipulation, PHPFontDriver and FileFontDriver (Laurent)
13 |
- Fixed a bug that prevented values passed to Grid::setGrid() to have any effect (Laurent)
14 |
- Added four new types of Mark (Mark::INVERTED_TRIANGLE, Mark::RHOMBUS, Mark::CROSS, Mark::PLUS) (Geoffrey)
15 |
- Updated Image::drawError() so that it doesn't display HTML tags any more (Laurent)
16 |
- Modified Lable::setCallbackFunction() so that it now accepts static method callbacks (i.e. setCallbackFunction(array($this, 'methodName'))) (Vincent)
17 |
- Code cleanup and tweaking
18 |
19 |
Artichow 1.0.9
20 |
21 |
- Fixed a bug in Font class (second argument of wordwrap() can not be empty) (Vincent)
22 |
- Fixed a bug in Drawer class (text size was not handled correctly) (Vincent)
23 |
- Added support for using font paths containing space character when using GD <= 2.0.18 (bug#12) (Vincent)
24 |
- Fixed a bug where the HTTP headers were sent even though the draw() method was called with Graph::DRAW_RETURN or a filename (Laurent)
25 |
- Added support for antialiased pies on non-white background (only work with plain colors) (thanks to Eldwin) (Laurent)
26 |
- Anti-aliasing is now handled by the Drawer class (Laurent)
27 |
- Added method Drawer::setAntiAliasing() to turn anti-aliasing on or off (Laurent)
28 |
- Fixed a bug where a LinePlot with multiple lines of different thickness wouldn't have its anti-aliasing setting correctly handled (Laurent)
29 |
- Fixed a bug where the X axis wouldn't be labelled properly (bug#16) (Laurent)
30 |
- Added a new type of Mark (Mark::TRIANGLE) (Laurent)
31 |
- Fixed a bug where calling Axis::setYMax() wouldn't have any effect when drawing the axis (Vincent)
32 |
- Fixed a bug where a dashed line wouldn't been drawn properly in certain circumstances (Laurent)
33 |
- Fixed a bug where using Label::setFormat() or Label::setCallbackFunction() would be overriden by Axis::setLabelPrecision() (Laurent)
34 |
- Fixed a "division by zero" error when using a gradient fill on a LinePlot with zeroed values (bug#19) (Laurent)
35 |
- General code cleanup
36 |
37 |
Artichow 1.0.8
38 |
39 |
- Enhanced error support
40 |
- Added multi-line text support
41 |
- Updated and improved documentation
42 |
- Changed Graph::draw() method to accept more options
43 |
- Deleted first parameter of Image::send() method
44 |
- Added a third parameter to Image::send() method to disable auto-sending of Content-Type header
45 |
- Added a second parameter to Image::send() method to return an image instead of outputing it
46 |
- Fixed a fatal error on direct access to files Image.class.php and inc/*
47 |
- Fixed a bug in configuration file (bad constant definition check for ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY)
48 |
49 |
Artichow 1.0.7
50 |
51 |
- Added constant ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY to choose cache directory
52 |
- Fixed a division by zero bug in Axis class
53 |
- Improved cache handling
54 |
- Fixed a bug with ob_* handlers
55 |
- Fixed a bug for lines thickness
56 |
- Shadow color now works fine
57 |
58 |
Artichow 1.0.6
59 |
60 |
- Added method Plot::setYAxisZero()
61 |
- Added auto-scaling for plots
62 |
- Added constant ARTICHOW_CACHE to enable/disable the cache
63 |
- Improved prefix for classes
64 |
65 |
Artichow 1.0.5
66 |
67 |
- Added constant ARTICHOW_PREFIX to prefix Artichow's classes (bug #000002)
68 |
- Added methods Shadow::hide() and Shadow::show()
69 |
- Added method Plot::reduce()
70 |
- It is now possible to save its charts in a file
71 |
- Fixed a bug in PlotGroup (setYMin() / setYMax() did not work)
72 |
- Fixed an incoherent behaviour if some values in $datay are not numeric (LinePlot, BarPlot, ScatterPlot)
73 |
- Fixed an inclusion bug in Pattern
74 |
- Fixed a bug for PHP 5.1.0
75 |
76 |
Artichow 1.0.4
77 |
78 |
- Added support for GIF images
79 |
- Added patterns (Pattern.class.php)
80 |
- Added titles on axis
81 |
- Renamed Artichow.class.php to Graph.class.php (break backward compatibility)
82 |
- Added a README file
83 |
- Added support for ScatterPlot
84 |
- Merged setBackgroundColor() and setBackgroundGradient() into setFill() in class Mark (break backward compatibility)
85 |
- Added an optional argument $size to Mark::setType()
86 |
- Grid background in now default to white in class Plot
87 |
- Changed class Polygon to accept NULL values
88 |
- Added a new legend type (Legend::MARKONLY)
89 |
- Added method Legend::show()
90 |
- Added methods Mark::move(), Mark::hide() and Mark::show()
91 |
- Added new marks (star, book, ...)
92 |
- Added methods Label::setBackground() and Legend::setBackground()
93 |
- Added methods Plot::setXMax(), Plot::setXMin(), PlotGroup::setXMax() and PlotGroup::setXMin()
94 |
- Added new colors to default theme in Pie
95 |
- Removed methods Drawer::setBackground*()
96 |
- Tests have been removed from the archive
97 |
- Moved methods Component::addLabel() and Component::addAbsLabel() to class Graph
98 |
- Modes LinePlot::MIDDLE and LinePlot::BAR have been merged into LinePlot::MIDDLE (break backward compatibility)
99 |
- Fixed a bug in Artichow.cfg.php (unable to use some ttf fonts)
100 |
- Fixed a bug in Legend (position of marks was sometimes broken)
101 |
- Fixed a bug in Pie (pies can now take only a single value)
102 |
- Fixed some bugs in Plot / LinePlot
103 |
- Fixed a bug in Font::draw() (call to undefined function trigger__error)
104 |
105 |
Artichow 1.0.3 (beta)
106 |
107 |
- Added EXPERIMENTAL support for PHP 4
108 |
- Changed class BarPlot so it now uses class Border instead of setBorderThickness() and setBorderColor()
109 |
- Changed class Legend so it now uses class Border instead of setBorderSize() and setBorderColor()
110 |
- Changed class Mark so it now uses class Border instead of setBorderSize() and setBorderColor()
111 |
- Changed class Text so it now uses class Border instead of setBorderColor()
112 |
- Changed class Label so it now uses class Border instead of setBorderColor()
113 |
- Drawer::drawRectangle() and Drawer::drawFilledRectangle() now take a line as second argument
114 |
- Added styles to rectangles and polygons
115 |
- BarPlot::setBarPadding() takes now values in per-cent instead of pixels
116 |
- Merged drawFilledRectangleColor() and drawFilledRectangleGradient() into drawFilledRectangle() in class Drawer
117 |
- Merged drawFilledPolygonColor() and drawFilledPolygonGradient() into drawFilledPolygon() in class Drawer
118 |
- Merged drawFilledEllipseColor() and drawFilledEllipseGradient() into drawFilledEllipse() in class Drawer
119 |
- Added method BarPlot::setBarWidth()
120 |
- Added an optional border to the class Image
121 |
- Added a new class Border
122 |
- Added support for MathPlot
123 |
- LinePlot::STEP has been removed
124 |
- Merged classes Paragraph and Label (no changes in the API)
125 |
- Method Plot::setLabelCenter() is obsolete and has been removed
126 |
- Rewrited Axis (add a new class Tick) (break backward compatibility)
127 |
- Removed draw*Triangle* from class Drawer (use polygons instead)
128 |
- Removed prefix draw in each method of class Drawer
129 |
- Renamed LinePlot::setLineType() into LinePlot::setStyle()
130 |
- Renamed LinePlot::setLineThickness() into LinePlot::setThickness()
131 |
- Renamed LinePlot::setLineColor() into LinePlot::setColor()
132 |
- Renamed LinePlot::setLineBackgroundColor() to LinePlot::setFillColor()
133 |
- Renamed LinePlot::setLineBackgroundGradient() to LinePlot::setFillGradient()
134 |
- Renamed Line::setType() to Line::setStyle()
135 |
- Added methods Label::get(), Label::setFormat() and change method Label::setFont()
136 |
- Added a parameter $smooth in Shadow::setSize();
137 |
- Added filled areas in LinePlot
138 |
- Added lots of new features in Math.class.php
139 |
- Fixed a bug in Math::isVertical() and Math::isHorizontal()
140 |
- Fixed a bug in Legend (shadow is now well-positioned is there is no border on the legend)
141 |
- Lots of minor changes
142 |
143 |
Artichow 1.0.2 (beta)
144 |
145 |
- Added support for pies (2D & 3D)
146 |
- Moved shadow from class Component to class Image
147 |
- X Axis are now centered on 0 by default on bar and line plots
148 |
- Added title to Graphs
149 |
- Added 4 named fonts
150 |
- Added 50 named colors
151 |
- Added shadow to legends
152 |
- Added method Image::setBackgroundGradient()
153 |
- Added methods Label::setCallbackFunction() and Label::hide()
154 |
- Added method Legend::hide()
155 |
- Added methods Drawer::copyResizeImage(), Drawer::drawArc() and Drawer::drawFilledArcColor()
156 |
- Renamed Positionable::setHorizontalAlign() and Positionable::setVerticalAlign() to Positionable::setAlign()
157 |
- API for ellipses has changed
158 |
- Title is now a property instead of a method in Component
159 |
- Removed old code, that fixes a bug in the grid
160 |
- Fixed a bug that affects position of bars in some cases
161 |
- Fixed wrong size of shadow
162 |
- Fixed a bug in Plot::setYMin() and Plot::setYMax()
163 |
164 |
Artichow 1.0.1 (alpha)
165 |
166 |
- Added anti-spam images
167 |
168 |
Artichow 1.0.0 (alpha)
169 |
170 |
- Initial release