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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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All Rights Reserved.
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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alexandre_ |
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alexandre_ |
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try {
16 |
if ((!djConfig["preventBackButtonFix"]) && (!dojo.hostenv.post_load_)) {
17 |
document.write("<iframe style='border: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; visibility: visible;' name='djhistory' id='djhistory' src='" + (djConfig["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"] || dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri() + "iframe_history.html") + "'></iframe>");
18 |
19 |
20 |
catch (e) {
21 |
22 |
if (dojo.render.html.opera) {
23 |
dojo.debug("Opera is not supported with dojo.undo.browser, so back/forward detection will not work.");
24 |
25 |
dojo.undo.browser = {initialHref:(!dj_undef("window")) ? window.location.href : "", initialHash:(!dj_undef("window")) ? window.location.hash : "", moveForward:false, historyStack:[], forwardStack:[], historyIframe:null, bookmarkAnchor:null, locationTimer:null, setInitialState:function (args) {
26 |
this.initialState = this._createState(this.initialHref, args, this.initialHash);
27 |
}, addToHistory:function (args) {
28 |
this.forwardStack = [];
29 |
var hash = null;
30 |
var url = null;
31 |
if (!this.historyIframe) {
32 |
if (djConfig["useXDomain"] && !djConfig["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"]) {
33 |
dojo.debug("dojo.undo.browser: When using cross-domain Dojo builds," + " please save iframe_history.html to your domain and set djConfig.dojoIframeHistoryUrl" + " to the path on your domain to iframe_history.html");
34 |
35 |
this.historyIframe = window.frames["djhistory"];
36 |
37 |
if (!this.bookmarkAnchor) {
38 |
this.bookmarkAnchor = document.createElement("a");
39 |
40 |
this.bookmarkAnchor.style.display = "none";
41 |
42 |
if (args["changeUrl"]) {
43 |
hash = "#" + ((args["changeUrl"] !== true) ? args["changeUrl"] : (new Date()).getTime());
44 |
if (this.historyStack.length == 0 && this.initialState.urlHash == hash) {
45 |
this.initialState = this._createState(url, args, hash);
46 |
47 |
} else {
48 |
if (this.historyStack.length > 0 && this.historyStack[this.historyStack.length - 1].urlHash == hash) {
49 |
this.historyStack[this.historyStack.length - 1] = this._createState(url, args, hash);
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
this.changingUrl = true;
54 |
setTimeout("window.location.href = '" + hash + "'; dojo.undo.browser.changingUrl = false;", 1);
55 |
this.bookmarkAnchor.href = hash;
56 |
if (dojo.render.html.ie) {
57 |
url = this._loadIframeHistory();
58 |
var oldCB = args["back"] || args["backButton"] || args["handle"];
59 |
var tcb = function (handleName) {
60 |
if (window.location.hash != "") {
61 |
setTimeout("window.location.href = '" + hash + "';", 1);
62 |
63 |
oldCB.apply(this, [handleName]);
64 |
65 |
if (args["back"]) {
66 |
args.back = tcb;
67 |
} else {
68 |
if (args["backButton"]) {
69 |
args.backButton = tcb;
70 |
} else {
71 |
if (args["handle"]) {
72 |
args.handle = tcb;
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
var oldFW = args["forward"] || args["forwardButton"] || args["handle"];
77 |
var tfw = function (handleName) {
78 |
if (window.location.hash != "") {
79 |
window.location.href = hash;
80 |
81 |
if (oldFW) {
82 |
oldFW.apply(this, [handleName]);
83 |
84 |
85 |
if (args["forward"]) {
86 |
args.forward = tfw;
87 |
} else {
88 |
if (args["forwardButton"]) {
89 |
args.forwardButton = tfw;
90 |
} else {
91 |
if (args["handle"]) {
92 |
args.handle = tfw;
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
} else {
97 |
if (dojo.render.html.moz) {
98 |
if (!this.locationTimer) {
99 |
this.locationTimer = setInterval("dojo.undo.browser.checkLocation();", 200);
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
} else {
104 |
url = this._loadIframeHistory();
105 |
106 |
this.historyStack.push(this._createState(url, args, hash));
107 |
}, checkLocation:function () {
108 |
if (!this.changingUrl) {
109 |
var hsl = this.historyStack.length;
110 |
if ((window.location.hash == this.initialHash || window.location.href == this.initialHref) && (hsl == 1)) {
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
if (this.forwardStack.length > 0) {
115 |
if (this.forwardStack[this.forwardStack.length - 1].urlHash == window.location.hash) {
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
if ((hsl >= 2) && (this.historyStack[hsl - 2])) {
121 |
if (this.historyStack[hsl - 2].urlHash == window.location.hash) {
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
}, iframeLoaded:function (evt, ifrLoc) {
128 |
if (!dojo.render.html.opera) {
129 |
var query = this._getUrlQuery(ifrLoc.href);
130 |
if (query == null) {
131 |
if (this.historyStack.length == 1) {
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
if (this.moveForward) {
137 |
this.moveForward = false;
138 |
139 |
140 |
if (this.historyStack.length >= 2 && query == this._getUrlQuery(this.historyStack[this.historyStack.length - 2].url)) {
141 |
142 |
} else {
143 |
if (this.forwardStack.length > 0 && query == this._getUrlQuery(this.forwardStack[this.forwardStack.length - 1].url)) {
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
}, handleBackButton:function () {
149 |
var current = this.historyStack.pop();
150 |
if (!current) {
151 |
152 |
153 |
var last = this.historyStack[this.historyStack.length - 1];
154 |
if (!last && this.historyStack.length == 0) {
155 |
last = this.initialState;
156 |
157 |
if (last) {
158 |
if (last.kwArgs["back"]) {
159 |
160 |
} else {
161 |
if (last.kwArgs["backButton"]) {
162 |
163 |
} else {
164 |
if (last.kwArgs["handle"]) {
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
}, handleForwardButton:function () {
172 |
var last = this.forwardStack.pop();
173 |
if (!last) {
174 |
175 |
176 |
if (last.kwArgs["forward"]) {
177 |
178 |
} else {
179 |
if (last.kwArgs["forwardButton"]) {
180 |
181 |
} else {
182 |
if (last.kwArgs["handle"]) {
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
}, _createState:function (url, args, hash) {
189 |
return {"url":url, "kwArgs":args, "urlHash":hash};
190 |
}, _getUrlQuery:function (url) {
191 |
var segments = url.split("?");
192 |
if (segments.length < 2) {
193 |
return null;
194 |
} else {
195 |
return segments[1];
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}, _loadIframeHistory:function () {
198 |
var url = (djConfig["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"] || dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri() + "iframe_history.html") + "?" + (new Date()).getTime();
199 |
this.moveForward = true;
200 |
dojo.io.setIFrameSrc(this.historyIframe, url, false);
201 |
return url;
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