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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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All Rights Reserved.
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.Clock", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, function () {
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var self = this;
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this.timeZoneOffset = 0;
22 |
this.label = "";
23 |
this.date = new Date();
24 |
this.handColor = "#788598";
25 |
this.handStroke = "#6f7b8c";
26 |
this.secondHandColor = [201, 4, 5, 0.8];
27 |
this.topLabelColor = "#efefef";
28 |
this.labelColor = "#fff";
29 |
this.timer = new dojo.lang.timing.Timer(1000);
30 |
this.center = {x:75, y:75};
31 |
this.hands = {hour:null, minute:null, second:null};
32 |
this.shadows = {hour:{shadow:null, shift:{dx:2, dy:2}}, minute:{shadow:null, shift:{dx:2, dy:3}}, second:{shadow:null, shift:{dx:4, dy:4}}};
33 |
this.image = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/clock.png");
34 |
this.surface = null;
35 |
this.labelNode = null;
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this.topLabelNode = null;
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this.draw = function () {
38 |
self.date = new Date();
39 |
var h = (self.date.getHours() + self.timeZoneOffset) % 12;
40 |
var m = self.date.getMinutes();
41 |
var s = self.date.getSeconds();
42 |
self.placeHour(h, m, s);
43 |
self.placeMinute(m, s);
44 |
45 |
self.topLabelNode.innerHTML = ((self.date.getHours() + self.timeZoneOffset) > 11) ? "PM" : "AM";
46 |
47 |
this.timer.onTick = self.draw;
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}, {set:function (dt) {
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this.date = dt;
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if (!this.timer.isRunning) {
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}, start:function () {
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}, stop:function () {
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}, _initPoly:function (parent, points) {
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var path = parent.createPath();
59 |
var first = true;
60 |
dojo.lang.forEach(points, function (c) {
61 |
if (first) {
62 |
path.moveTo(c.x, c.y);
63 |
first = false;
64 |
} else {
65 |
path.lineTo(c.x, c.y);
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67 |
68 |
return path;
69 |
}, _placeHand:function (shape, angle, shift) {
70 |
var move = {dx:this.center.x + (shift ? shift.dx : 0), dy:this.center.y + (shift ? shift.dy : 0)};
71 |
return shape.setTransform([move, dojo.gfx.matrix.rotateg(-angle)]);
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}, placeHour:function (h, m, s) {
73 |
var angle = 30 * (h + m / 60 + s / 3600);
74 |
this._placeHand(this.hands.hour, angle);
75 |
this._placeHand(this.shadows.hour.shadow, angle, this.shadows.hour.shift);
76 |
}, placeMinute:function (m, s) {
77 |
var angle = 6 * (m + s / 60);
78 |
this._placeHand(this.hands.minute, angle);
79 |
this._placeHand(this.shadows.minute.shadow, angle, this.shadows.minute.shift);
80 |
}, placeSecond:function (s) {
81 |
var angle = 6 * s;
82 |
this._placeHand(this.hands.second, angle);
83 |
this._placeHand(this.shadows.second.shadow, angle, this.shadows.second.shift);
84 |
}, init:function () {
85 |
if (this.domNode.style.position != "absolute") {
86 |
this.domNode.style.position = "relative";
87 |
88 |
while (this.domNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
89 |
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91 |
this.domNode.style.width = "150px";
92 |
this.domNode.style.height = "150px";
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this.surface = dojo.gfx.createSurface(this.domNode, 150, 150);
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this.surface.createRect({width:150, height:150});
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this.surface.createImage({width:150, height:150, src:this.image + ""});
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var hP = [{x:-3, y:-4}, {x:3, y:-4}, {x:1, y:-27}, {x:-1, y:-27}, {x:-3, y:-4}];
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var mP = [{x:-3, y:-4}, {x:3, y:-4}, {x:1, y:-38}, {x:-1, y:-38}, {x:-3, y:-4}];
98 |
var sP = [{x:-2, y:-2}, {x:2, y:-2}, {x:1, y:-45}, {x:-1, y:-45}, {x:-2, y:-2}];
99 |
this.shadows.hour.shadow = this._initPoly(this.surface, hP).setFill([0, 0, 0, 0.1]);
100 |
this.hands.hour = this._initPoly(this.surface, hP).setStroke({color:this.handStroke, width:1}).setFill({type:"linear", x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:-27, colors:[{offset:0, color:"#fff"}, {offset:0.33, color:this.handColor}]});
101 |
this.shadows.minute.shadow = this._initPoly(this.surface, mP).setFill([0, 0, 0, 0.1]);
102 |
this.hands.minute = this._initPoly(this.surface, mP).setStroke({color:this.handStroke, width:1}).setFill({type:"linear", x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:-38, colors:[{offset:0, color:"#fff"}, {offset:0.33, color:this.handColor}]});
103 |
this.surface.createCircle({r:6}).setStroke({color:this.handStroke, width:2}).setFill("#fff").setTransform({dx:75, dy:75});
104 |
this.shadows.second.shadow = this._initPoly(this.surface, sP).setFill([0, 0, 0, 0.1]);
105 |
this.hands.second = this._initPoly(this.surface, sP).setFill(this.secondHandColor);
106 |
this.surface.createCircle({r:4}).setFill(this.secondHandColor).setTransform({dx:75, dy:75});
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this.topLabelNode = document.createElement("div");
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with (this.topLabelNode.style) {
109 |
position = "absolute";
110 |
top = "3px";
111 |
left = "0px";
112 |
color = this.topLabelColor;
113 |
textAlign = "center";
114 |
width = "150px";
115 |
fontFamily = "sans-serif";
116 |
fontSize = "11px";
117 |
textTransform = "uppercase";
118 |
fontWeight = "bold";
119 |
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this.topLabelNode.innerHTML = ((this.date.getHours() + this.timeZoneOffset) > 11) ? "PM" : "AM";
121 |
122 |
this.labelNode = document.createElement("div");
123 |
with (this.labelNode.style) {
124 |
position = "absolute";
125 |
top = "134px";
126 |
left = "0px";
127 |
color = this.labelColor;
128 |
textAlign = "center";
129 |
width = "150px";
130 |
fontFamily = "sans-serif";
131 |
fontSize = "10px";
132 |
textTransform = "uppercase";
133 |
fontWeight = "bold";
134 |
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this.labelNode.innerHTML = this.label || " ";
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}, postCreate:function () {
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