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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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All Rights Reserved.
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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dojo.widget.DocPane = function () {
23 |
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/docs/function/results", this, "onDocResults");
24 |
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25 |
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26 |
27 |
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font: 1em Georgia,Times,\"Times New Roman\",serif; }\n\n.dojoDocPane .container{ }\n\n.dojoDocPane .dialog{ }\n.dojoDocPane .dialog .container{ padding: 0.5em; background: #fff; border: 2px solid #333; }\n.dojoDocPane .dialog .docDialog{ background: transparent; width: 20em; }\n.dojoDocPane .dialog .docDialog h2{ margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; }\n.dojoDocPane .dialog .docDialog input { float: right; margin-right: 1em; }\n.dojoDocPane .dialog .docDialog p{ clear: both; }\n#dojoDocUserName, #dojoDocPassword { width: 10em; }\n\n.dojoDocPane .nav{ }\n.dojoDocPane .nav span{ }\n\n.dojoDocPane .detail{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail h1{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail h1 span.fn{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .description{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .params{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .params .row{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .params .row span{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .variables{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .variables .row{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .signature{ }\n.dojoDocPane .detail .signature .source{ white-space: pre; font: 0.8em Monaco, Courier, \"Courier New\", monospace; 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28 |
this.requires = dojo.html.removeNode(this.requires);
29 |
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30 |
this.rRow2.style.display = "none";
31 |
this.methods = dojo.html.removeNode(this.methods);
32 |
this.mRow.style.display = "none";
33 |
this.dialog = dojo.widget.createWidget("dialog", {}, this.dialog);
34 |
35 |
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36 |
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37 |
dojo.event.connect(this.edit, "onclick", dojo.lang.hitch(this, function () {
38 |
if (!this._isLoggedIn) {
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
dojo.event.connect(this.logIn, "onclick", this, "_logIn");
43 |
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44 |
dojo.event.connect(dojo.docs, "logInSuccess", this, "_loggedIn");
45 |
this.homeSave = this.containerNode.cloneNode(true);
46 |
this.detailSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.detail);
47 |
this.resultSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.result);
48 |
this.packageSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.packag);
49 |
this.results = dojo.html.removeNode(this.results);
50 |
this.rowParent = this.row.parentNode;
51 |
this.rowSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.row);
52 |
this.vParent = this.vRow.parentNode;
53 |
this.vSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.vRow);
54 |
this.pParent = this.pRow.parentNode;
55 |
this.pSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.pRow);
56 |
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57 |
this.sPNameSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.sPName);
58 |
this.navSave = dojo.html.removeNode(this.nav);
59 |
}, _logIn:function () {
60 |
61 |
62 |
}, _loggedIn:function () {
63 |
this._isLoggedIn = true;
64 |
65 |
this.pkgEditor = dojo.widget.createWidget("editor2", {toolbarAlwaysVisible:true}, this.pkgDescription);
66 |
}, _save:function () {
67 |
if (this.pkgEditor) {
68 |
dojo.docs.savePackage(this._pkgPath, {description:this.pkgEditor.getEditorContent()});
69 |
70 |
}, onDocSelectFunction:function (message) {
71 |
72 |
for (var key in message) {
73 |
dojo.debug(key + ": " + dojo.json.serialize(message[key]));
74 |
75 |
var meta = message.meta;
76 |
if (meta) {
77 |
var variables = meta.variables;
78 |
var this_variables = meta.this_variables;
79 |
var child_variables = meta.child_variables;
80 |
var parameters = meta.parameters;
81 |
82 |
var doc = message.doc;
83 |
84 |
var appends = this._appends;
85 |
86 |
this.fn.innerHTML = message.name;
87 |
this.variables.style.display = "block";
88 |
var all = [];
89 |
if (variables) {
90 |
all = variables;
91 |
92 |
if (this_variables) {
93 |
all = all.concat(this_variables);
94 |
95 |
if (child_variables) {
96 |
all = all.concat(child_variables);
97 |
98 |
if (!all.length) {
99 |
this.variables.style.display = "none";
100 |
} else {
101 |
for (var i = 0, one; one = all[i]; i++) {
102 |
this.vLink.innerHTML = one;
103 |
this.vDesc.parentNode.style.display = "none";
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
this.sParams.innerHTML = "";
108 |
var first = true;
109 |
for (var param in parameters) {
110 |
var paramType = parameters[param].type;
111 |
var paramSummary = parameters[param].summary;
112 |
var paramName = param;
113 |
this.parameters.style.display = "block";
114 |
this.pLink.innerHTML = paramName;
115 |
this.pOpt.style.display = "none";
116 |
if (parameters[param].opt) {
117 |
this.pOpt.style.display = "inline";
118 |
119 |
this.pType.parentNode.style.display = "none";
120 |
if (parameters[param][0]) {
121 |
this.pType.parentNode.style.display = "inline";
122 |
this.pType.innerHTML = paramType;
123 |
124 |
this.pDesc.parentNode.style.display = "none";
125 |
if (paramSummary) {
126 |
this.pDesc.parentNode.style.display = "inline";
127 |
this.pDesc.innerHTML = paramSummary;
128 |
129 |
130 |
if (!first) {
131 |
this.sParams.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", "));
132 |
133 |
first = false;
134 |
if (paramType) {
135 |
136 |
this.sPTypeSave.innerHTML = paramType;
137 |
138 |
this.sParams.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
139 |
140 |
141 |
this.sPNameSave.innerHTML = paramName;
142 |
143 |
144 |
if (message.returns) {
145 |
this.sType.innerHTML = message.returns;
146 |
} else {
147 |
this.sType.innerHTML = "void";
148 |
149 |
this.sName.innerHTML = message.name;
150 |
151 |
152 |
for (var i = 0, append; append = appends[i]; i++) {
153 |
154 |
155 |
}, onPkgResult:function (results) {
156 |
if (this.pkgEditor) {
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
var methods = results.methods;
161 |
var requires = results.requires;
162 |
var description = results.description;
163 |
this._pkgPath = results.path;
164 |
var requireLinks = [];
165 |
var appends = this._appends;
166 |
while (appends.length) {
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
this.pkg.innerHTML = results.pkg;
171 |
var hasRequires = false;
172 |
for (var env in requires) {
173 |
hasRequires = true;
174 |
this.rH3.style.display = "none";
175 |
if (env != "common") {
176 |
this.rH3.style.display = "";
177 |
this.rH3.innerHTML = env;
178 |
179 |
for (var i = 0, require; require = requires[env][i]; i++) {
180 |
181 |
this.rLink.innerHTML = require;
182 |
this.rLink.href = "#" + require;
183 |
var rRow2 = this.rRow2.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rRow2.cloneNode(true), this.rRow2);
184 |
rRow2.style.display = "";
185 |
186 |
187 |
var rRow = this.rRow.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rRow.cloneNode(true), this.rRow);
188 |
rRow.style.display = "";
189 |
190 |
191 |
if (hasRequires) {
192 |
193 |
194 |
if (results.size) {
195 |
for (var i = 0, method; method = methods[i]; i++) {
196 |
this.mLink.innerHTML = method.name;
197 |
this.mLink.href = "#" + method.name;
198 |
this.mDesc.parentNode.style.display = "none";
199 |
if (method.summary) {
200 |
this.mDesc.parentNode.style.display = "inline";
201 |
this.mDesc.innerHTML = method.summary;
202 |
203 |
var mRow = this.mRow.parentNode.insertBefore(this.mRow.cloneNode(true), this.mRow);
204 |
mRow.style.display = "";
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
this.pkgDescription.innerHTML = description;
211 |
function makeSelect(fOrP, x) {
212 |
return function (e) {
213 |
dojo.event.topic.publish("/docs/" + fOrP + "/select", x);
214 |
215 |
216 |
var as = this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("a");
217 |
for (var i = 0, a; a = as[i]; i++) {
218 |
if (a.className == "docMLink") {
219 |
dojo.event.connect(a, "onclick", makeSelect("function", methods[i]));
220 |
} else {
221 |
if (a.className == "docRLink") {
222 |
dojo.event.connect(a, "onclick", makeSelect("package", requireLinks[i]));
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
}, onDocResults:function (fns) {
227 |
dojo.debug("onDocResults(): called");
228 |
if (fns.length == 1) {
229 |
dojo.event.topic.publish("/docs/function/select", fns[0]);
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
this.count.innerHTML = fns.length;
234 |
var appends = [];
235 |
for (var i = 0, fn; fn = fns[i]; i++) {
236 |
this.fnLink.innerHTML = fn.name;
237 |
this.fnLink.href = "#" + fn.name;
238 |
if (fn.id) {
239 |
this.fnLink.href = this.fnLink.href + "," + fn.id;
240 |
241 |
this.summary.parentNode.style.display = "none";
242 |
if (fn.summary) {
243 |
this.summary.parentNode.style.display = "inline";
244 |
this.summary.innerHTML = fn.summary;
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
function makeSelect(x) {
249 |
return function (e) {
250 |
dojo.event.topic.publish("/docs/function/select", x);
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
var as = this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("a");
255 |
for (var i = 0, a; a = as[i]; i++) {
256 |
dojo.event.connect(a, "onclick", makeSelect(fns[i]));
257 |
258 |
for (var i = 0, append; append = appends[i]; i++) {
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |