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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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All Rights Reserved.
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.TabContainer", dojo.widget.PageContainer, {labelPosition:"top", closeButton:"none", templateString:null, templateString:"<div id=\"${this.widgetId}\" class=\"dojoTabContainer\">\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"tablistNode\"></div>\n\t<div class=\"dojoTabPaneWrapper\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onKey\" waiRole=\"tabpanel\"></div>\n</div>\n", templateCssString:".dojoTabContainer {\n\tposition : relative;\n}\n\n.dojoTabPaneWrapper {\n\tborder : 1px solid #6290d2;\n\t_zoom: 1; /* force IE6 layout mode so top border doesnt disappear */\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tclear: both;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-top {\n\tposition : relative;\n\ttop : 0px;\n\tleft : 0px;\n\toverflow : visible;\n\tmargin-bottom : -1px;\n\twidth : 100%;\n\tz-index: 2;\t/* so the bottom of the tab label will cover up the border of dojoTabPaneWrapper */\n}\n\n.dojoTabNoLayout.dojoTabLabels-top .dojoTab {\n\tmargin-bottom: -1px;\n\t_margin-bottom: 0px; /* IE filter so top border lines up correctly */\n}\n\n.dojoTab {\n\tposition : relative;\n\tfloat : left;\n\tpadding-left : 9px;\n\tborder-bottom : 1px solid #6290d2;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_left.gif) no-repeat left top;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\tz-index: 3;\n}\n\n.dojoTab div {\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tpadding : 4px 15px 4px 6px;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_top_right.gif) no-repeat right top;\n\tcolor : #333;\n\tfont-size : 90%;\n}\n\n.dojoTab .close {\n\tdisplay : inline-block;\n\theight : 12px;\n\twidth : 12px;\n\tpadding : 0 12px 0 0;\n\tmargin : 0 -10px 0 10px;\n\tcursor : default;\n\tfont-size: small;\n}\n\n.dojoTab .closeImage {\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_close.gif) no-repeat right top;\n}\n\n.dojoTab .closeHover {\n\tbackground-image : url(images/tab_close_h.gif);\n}\n\n.dojoTab.current {\n\tpadding-bottom : 1px;\n\tborder-bottom : 0;\n\tbackground-position : 0 -150px;\n}\n\n.dojoTab.current div {\n\tpadding-bottom : 5px;\n\tmargin-bottom : -1px;\n\tbackground-position : 100% -150px;\n}\n\n/* bottom tabs */\n\n.dojoTabLabels-bottom {\n\tposition : relative;\n\tbottom : 0px;\n\tleft : 0px;\n\toverflow : visible;\n\tmargin-top : -1px;\n\twidth : 100%;\n\tz-index: 2;\n}\n\n.dojoTabNoLayout.dojoTabLabels-bottom {\n\tposition : relative;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-bottom .dojoTab {\n\tborder-top : 1px solid #6290d2;\n\tborder-bottom : 0;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_bot_left.gif) no-repeat left bottom;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-bottom .dojoTab div {\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_bot_right.gif) no-repeat right bottom;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-bottom .dojoTab.current {\n\tborder-top : 0;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_bot_left_curr.gif) no-repeat left bottom;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-bottom .dojoTab.current div {\n\tpadding-top : 4px;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_bot_right_curr.gif) no-repeat right bottom;\n}\n\n/* right-h tabs */\n\n.dojoTabLabels-right-h {\n\toverflow : visible;\n\tmargin-left : -1px;\n\tz-index: 2;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-right-h .dojoTab {\n\tpadding-left : 0;\n\tborder-left : 1px solid #6290d2;\n\tborder-bottom : 0;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_bot_right.gif) no-repeat right bottom;\n\tfloat : none;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-right-h .dojoTab div {\n\tpadding : 4px 15px 4px 15px;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-right-h .dojoTab.current {\n\tborder-left : 0;\n\tborder-bottom : 1px solid #6290d2;\n}\n\n/* left-h tabs */\n\n.dojoTabLabels-left-h {\n\toverflow : visible;\n\tmargin-right : -1px;\n\tz-index: 2;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-left-h .dojoTab {\n\tborder-right : 1px solid #6290d2;\n\tborder-bottom : 0;\n\tfloat : none;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_top_left.gif) no-repeat left top;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-left-h .dojoTab.current {\n\tborder-right : 0;\n\tborder-bottom : 1px solid #6290d2;\n\tpadding-bottom : 0;\n\tbackground : url(images/tab_top_left.gif) no-repeat 0 -150px;\n}\n\n.dojoTabLabels-left-h .dojoTab div {\n\tbackground : 0;\n\tborder-bottom : 1px solid #6290d2;\n}\n", templateCssPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/TabContainer.css"), selectedTab:"", postMixInProperties:function () {
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if (this.selectedTab) {
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dojo.deprecated("selectedTab deprecated, use selectedChild instead, will be removed in", "0.5");
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this.selectedChild = this.selectedTab;
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if (this.closeButton != "none") {
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dojo.deprecated("closeButton deprecated, use closable='true' on each child instead, will be removed in", "0.5");
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dojo.widget.TabContainer.superclass.postMixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
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}, fillInTemplate:function () {
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this.tablist = dojo.widget.createWidget("TabController", {id:this.widgetId + "_tablist", labelPosition:this.labelPosition, doLayout:this.doLayout, containerId:this.widgetId}, this.tablistNode);
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dojo.widget.TabContainer.superclass.fillInTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
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}, postCreate:function (args, frag) {
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dojo.widget.TabContainer.superclass.postCreate.apply(this, arguments);
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}, _setupChild:function (tab) {
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if (this.closeButton == "tab" || this.closeButton == "pane") {
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tab.closable = true;
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dojo.html.addClass(tab.domNode, "dojoTabPane");
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dojo.widget.TabContainer.superclass._setupChild.apply(this, arguments);
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}, onResized:function () {
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if (!this.doLayout) {
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var labelAlign = this.labelPosition.replace(/-h/, "");
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var children = [{domNode:this.tablist.domNode, layoutAlign:labelAlign}, {domNode:this.containerNode, layoutAlign:"client"}];
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dojo.widget.html.layout(this.domNode, children);
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if (this.selectedChildWidget) {
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var containerSize = dojo.html.getContentBox(this.containerNode);
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this.selectedChildWidget.resizeTo(containerSize.width, containerSize.height);
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}, selectTab:function (tab, callingWidget) {
53 |
dojo.deprecated("use selectChild() rather than selectTab(), selectTab() will be removed in", "0.5");
54 |
this.selectChild(tab, callingWidget);
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}, onKey:function (e) {
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if (e.keyCode == e.KEY_UP_ARROW && e.ctrlKey) {
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var button = this.correspondingTabButton || this.selectedTabWidget.tabButton;
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} else {
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if (e.keyCode == e.KEY_DELETE && e.altKey) {
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if (this.selectedChildWidget.closable) {
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}, destroy:function () {
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dojo.widget.TabContainer.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
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dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.TabController", dojo.widget.PageController, {templateString:"<div wairole='tablist' dojoAttachEvent='onKey'></div>", labelPosition:"top", doLayout:true, "class":"", buttonWidget:"TabButton", postMixInProperties:function () {
73 |
if (!this["class"]) {
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this["class"] = "dojoTabLabels-" + this.labelPosition + (this.doLayout ? "" : " dojoTabNoLayout");
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dojo.widget.TabController.superclass.postMixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
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dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.TabButton", dojo.widget.PageButton, {templateString:"<div class='dojoTab' dojoAttachEvent='onClick'>" + "<div dojoAttachPoint='innerDiv'>" + "<span dojoAttachPoint='titleNode' tabIndex='-1' waiRole='tab'>${this.label}</span>" + "<span dojoAttachPoint='closeButtonNode' class='close closeImage' style='${this.closeButtonStyle}'" + " dojoAttachEvent='onMouseOver:onCloseButtonMouseOver; onMouseOut:onCloseButtonMouseOut; onClick:onCloseButtonClick'></span>" + "</div>" + "</div>", postMixInProperties:function () {
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this.closeButtonStyle = this.closeButton ? "" : "display: none";
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dojo.widget.TabButton.superclass.postMixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
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}, fillInTemplate:function () {
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dojo.widget.TabButton.superclass.fillInTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
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}, onCloseButtonClick:function (evt) {
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dojo.widget.TabButton.superclass.onCloseButtonClick.apply(this, arguments);
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dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.a11y.TabButton", dojo.widget.TabButton, {imgPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/tab_close.gif"), templateString:"<div class='dojoTab' dojoAttachEvent='onClick;onKey'>" + "<div dojoAttachPoint='innerDiv'>" + "<span dojoAttachPoint='titleNode' tabIndex='-1' waiRole='tab'>${this.label}</span>" + "<img class='close' src='${this.imgPath}' alt='[x]' style='${this.closeButtonStyle}'" + " dojoAttachEvent='onClick:onCloseButtonClick'>" + "</div>" + "</div>"});
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