416 |
aurelien |
1 |
885 |
aurelien |
2 |
3 |
* PHP Version 5
4 |
5 |
* @category PHP
6 |
* @package jrest
7 |
* @author David Delon <david.delon@clapas.net>
8 |
* @copyright 2010 Tela-Botanica
9 |
* @license http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt Licence CECILL
10 |
* @version SVN: <svn_id>
11 |
* @link /doc/jrest/
12 |
416 |
aurelien |
13 |
14 |
15 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL de la page d'accueil de Photoflora.*/
16 |
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA', 'http://photoflora.free.fr/');
17 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL de la page de Photoflora affichant toutes les images d'un taxon donn.es.*/
18 |
19 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL du dossier de photoflora contenant les images miniatures.*/
20 |
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_IMG_MIN', 'http://www.tela-botanica.org/~photoflo/photos/%s/min/%s');
21 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL du dossier de photoflora contenant les images normale.*/
22 |
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_IMG_MAX', 'http://www.tela-botanica.org/~photoflo/photos/%s/max/%s');
23 |
/** Constante stockant l'expression r.guli.re r.cup.rant l'abr.viation du photographe et le nom du fichier.*/
24 |
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP', '/\/photos\/([^\/]+)\/max\/(.+)$/');
25 |
/** Constante stockant l'URL du service XML de Photoflora.*/
26 |
define('EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_SERVICE', EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA.'ef_photoflora.php?nt=%s');
27 |
885 |
aurelien |
28 |
29 |
* InventoryPDF.php
30 |
31 |
* in : utf8
32 |
* out : iso8859
33 |
34 |
* Formatage pdf d'un releve (a revoir)
35 |
36 |
class InventoryPDF extends Cel {
416 |
aurelien |
37 |
38 |
var $extendPDFProductor;
2450 |
jpm |
39 |
416 |
aurelien |
40 |
function InventoryPDF($config) {
41 |
885 |
aurelien |
42 |
43 |
416 |
aurelien |
44 |
45 |
// Pas d'heritage multiple en php :(
46 |
$this->extendPDFProductor = new PDFProductor();
47 |
48 |
2450 |
jpm |
49 |
885 |
aurelien |
50 |
51 |
* uid[0] : utilisateur obligatoire
52 |
* uid[1] : si absent : valeur 'all' (commune)
53 |
* uid[2] : si absent : valeur 'all' (date)
54 |
* uid[3] : si absent : valeur 'all' (recherche libre)
55 |
* uid[4] : si absent : valeur 'all' (station)
56 |
416 |
aurelien |
57 |
function getElement($uid){
2450 |
jpm |
58 |
59 |
// Controle detournement utilisateur
885 |
aurelien |
60 |
2450 |
jpm |
61 |
885 |
aurelien |
62 |
if (!isset($uid[1]) || $uid[1]=="" || $uid[1]=="all" ) {
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
else {
1765 |
raphael |
67 |
$requete_location=" AND location= ".Cel::db()->proteger($uid[1])." ";
885 |
aurelien |
68 |
2450 |
jpm |
69 |
885 |
aurelien |
70 |
if (!isset($uid[2]) || $uid[2]=="" || $uid[2]=="all") {
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
else {
1765 |
raphael |
75 |
$requete_date=" AND date_observation= ".Cel::db()->proteger($uid[2])." ";
885 |
aurelien |
76 |
2450 |
jpm |
77 |
885 |
aurelien |
78 |
if (!isset($uid[3]) || $uid[3]=="" || $uid[3]=="all") {
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
else {
1765 |
raphael |
83 |
$requete_libre=" AND (nom_sel LIKE ".Cel::db()->proteger('%'.$uid[3].'%').
84 |
" OR nom_ret LIKE ".Cel::db()->proteger('%'.$uid[3].'%').
85 |
" OR station LIKE ".Cel::db()->proteger('%'.$uid[3].'%').
86 |
" OR commentaire LIKE ".Cel::db()->proteger('%'.$uid[3].'%');
885 |
aurelien |
87 |
416 |
aurelien |
88 |
885 |
aurelien |
89 |
if (!isset($uid[4]) || $uid[4]=="" || $uid[4]=="all") {
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
else {
1765 |
raphael |
94 |
$requete_station=" AND station= ".Cel::db()->proteger($uid[4])." ";
885 |
aurelien |
95 |
2450 |
jpm |
96 |
885 |
aurelien |
97 |
2450 |
jpm |
98 |
99 |
$requete="SELECT ce_utilisateur, ordre, nom_sel, nom_sel_nn, nom_ret, nom_ret_nn, nt, famille, zone_geo, date_observation, " .
100 |
"station, commentaire, transmission FROM cel_obs WHERE ce_utilisateur = ".Cel::db()->proteger($uid[0])." " .
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
885 |
aurelien |
105 |
" ORDER BY ordre ";
2450 |
jpm |
106 |
1765 |
raphael |
107 |
$resultat_requete = Cel::db()->requeter($requete);
2450 |
jpm |
108 |
885 |
aurelien |
109 |
$observations = array();;
110 |
if(is_array($resultat_requete)) {
111 |
$observations = $resultat_requete;
112 |
2450 |
jpm |
113 |
885 |
aurelien |
114 |
// Set up the pdf object.
115 |
$pdf = &File_PDF::factory(array('orientation' => 'P', 'format' => 'A4'));
116 |
// DesActivate compression.
117 |
118 |
$pdf->setMargins(0, 0);
119 |
// Enable automatic page breaks.
120 |
121 |
// Start the document.
122 |
123 |
// Start a page.
124 |
125 |
$pdf->setFont('Times', '' , 12);
2450 |
jpm |
126 |
127 |
885 |
aurelien |
128 |
$tempfn = tempnam("","");
2450 |
jpm |
129 |
885 |
aurelien |
130 |
foreach ($observations as $obs) {
2450 |
jpm |
131 |
132 |
// Denullifiage
885 |
aurelien |
133 |
foreach($obs as $k=>$v) {
134 |
if (($v=="null") || ($v=="000null")) {
135 |
416 |
aurelien |
136 |
885 |
aurelien |
137 |
else {
138 |
416 |
aurelien |
139 |
2450 |
jpm |
140 |
141 |
885 |
aurelien |
142 |
if ($obs['date_observation']!="0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
996 |
aurelien |
143 |
list($year,$month,$day)= explode('-',$obs['date_observation']);
144 |
list($day)= explode(' ',$day);
885 |
aurelien |
145 |
146 |
147 |
else {
148 |
149 |
2450 |
jpm |
150 |
885 |
aurelien |
151 |
$text= $obs['nom_sel']." ".$obs['nom_sel_nn']." ".$obs['nom_ret']." ".$obs['nom_ret_nn']." ".$obs['nt']." ".
152 |
$obs['famille']." ".$obs['zone_geo']." ".$obs['ce_zone_geo']." ".$obs['date_observation']." ".$obs['station'];
153 |
2450 |
jpm |
154 |
885 |
aurelien |
155 |
$pdf->write(10, $text."\n");
2450 |
jpm |
156 |
885 |
aurelien |
157 |
$projet_photo = 'photoflora';
2450 |
jpm |
158 |
885 |
aurelien |
159 |
$tab_retour[$projet_photo]=chercherIllustrationsServiceXml(sprintf(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_SERVICE, $obs['nt']));
2450 |
jpm |
160 |
161 |
162 |
$url_miniature ='';
163 |
885 |
aurelien |
164 |
foreach ($tab_retour[$projet_photo] as $cle => $illustration) {
165 |
if (preg_match(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_REGEXP, $illustration['about'], $match)) {
166 |
$abreviation = $match[1];
167 |
$fichier = $match[2];
168 |
$url_miniature = sprintf(EF_URL_PHOTOFLORA_IMG_MIN, $abreviation, $fichier);;
2450 |
jpm |
169 |
885 |
aurelien |
170 |
// Priorite aux images en png
171 |
if (strstr($fichier, '.png')) {
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
2450 |
jpm |
177 |
if ($url_miniature!='') {
996 |
aurelien |
178 |
885 |
aurelien |
179 |
$temp = fopen($tempfn, "w");
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
2450 |
jpm |
185 |
885 |
aurelien |
186 |
187 |
2450 |
jpm |
188 |
416 |
aurelien |
189 |
echo $pdf->output("Rapport");
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
function chercherIllustrationsServiceXml($url)
194 |
195 |
return analyserFichierRdf($url);
196 |
2450 |
jpm |
197 |
416 |
aurelien |
198 |
function analyserFichierRdf($chemin)
199 |
200 |
$aso_info = array();
201 |
$dom = new DOMDocument();
202 |
$dom->validateOnParse = true;
203 |
if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//', $chemin)) {
204 |
205 |
} else {
206 |
207 |
2450 |
jpm |
208 |
416 |
aurelien |
209 |
$tab_infos = array();
210 |
foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#', 'Description') as $rdf_description) {
211 |
$aso_info['about'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('about');
212 |
$aso_info['dc:identifier'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('identifier');
213 |
$aso_info['dc:title'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('title'));
214 |
$aso_info['dc:creator'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('creator'));
215 |
$aso_info['dc:contributor'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('contributor'));
216 |
$aso_info['dc:publisher'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('publisher'));
217 |
$aso_info['dc:type'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('type'));
218 |
$aso_info['dc:format'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('format'));
219 |
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
220 |
221 |
222 |
if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $rdf_description->getAttribute('created'))) {
2450 |
jpm |
223 |
$aso_info['dcterms:created'] = date('j-m-Y � H:i:s', strtotime($rdf_description->getAttribute('created')));
416 |
aurelien |
224 |
} else {
225 |
$aso_info['dcterms:created'] = $rdf_description->getAttribute('created');
226 |
227 |
$aso_info['dcterms:dateSubmitted'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('dateSubmitted'));
228 |
$aso_info['dcterms:spatial'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('spatial'));
229 |
$aso_info['dcterms:licence'] = utf8_decode($rdf_description->getAttribute('licence'));
2450 |
jpm |
230 |
$tab_infos[$rdf_description->getAttribute('identifier')] = $aso_info;
416 |
aurelien |
231 |
885 |
aurelien |
232 |
416 |
aurelien |
233 |
return $tab_infos;
234 |
235 |
236 |
/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
237 |
* $Log$
238 |
* Revision 1.2 2008-01-30 08:57:28 ddelon
239 |
* fin mise en place mygwt
240 |
241 |
* Revision 1.1 2007-06-06 13:31:16 ddelon
242 |
* v0.09
243 |
244 |
* Revision 1.4 2007-05-22 12:54:09 ddelon
245 |
* Securisation acces utilisateur
246 |
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885 |
aurelien |
248 |