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// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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// | PHP version 5.1.1 |
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// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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// | Copyright (C) 2006 Tela Botanica (accueil@tela-botanica.org) |
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// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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// | This file is part of eFlore-Fiche. |
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// | |
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// | Foobar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
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// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
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// | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
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// | (at your option) any later version. |
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// | |
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// | Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
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// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
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// | GNU General Public License for more details. |
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// | |
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// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
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// | along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software |
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// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
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// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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// CVS : $Id: effi_cel.action.php,v 1.9 2007-11-06 10:54:03 jp_milcent Exp $
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* Fichier d'action du module eFlore-Fiche : Cel
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* Appel Carnet en ligne
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*@package eFlore
32 |
*@subpackage ef_fiche
33 |
//Auteur original :
34 |
*@author David Delon <dd@clapas.net>
35 |
//Autres auteurs :
36 |
*@author aucun
37 |
*@copyright Tela-Botanica 2000-2006
38 |
*@version $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2007-11-06 10:54:03 $
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// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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// TODO : CSS specifique (id)
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class Cartes {
55 |
private $tab_code_insee = array();
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56 |
public $src_map;
57 |
private $cartesFormateur = null;
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58 |
const MIME_MAP = 'text/html';
59 |
const MIME_JPG = 'image/jpeg';
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61 |
public function consulter($ressources, $param) {
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62 |
// Initialisation des variables
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63 |
$this->ressources = $ressources;
64 |
$this->param = $param;
65 |
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69 |
$inventories = $this->cartesFormateur->chargerDonnees();
70 |
$retour = '';
71 |
if (is_array($inventories) && $inventories !== array()){
72 |
// Connection referentiel communes
73 |
74 |
list($text, $merge) = $this->calculerRepartition($inventories);
75 |
// D�finition des couleurs des points
76 |
$couleurs = $this->cartesFormateur->definirCouleurs();
77 |
if ($text) {
78 |
$usemap = $this->cartesFormateur->dessinerPoint($text, $merge, $couleurs);
79 |
80 |
if (isset($usemap)) {
81 |
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82 |
$retour = $this->cartesFormateur->formaterCartes($usemap);
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84 |
85 |
if ($retour == '') {
86 |
$retour = $this->formaterCarteVide();
87 |
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88 |
$resultat = new ResultatService();
89 |
$resultat->corps = ($this->info['retour'] == self::MIME_MAP) ? $retour : file_get_contents($retour);
90 |
$resultat->mime = ($this->info['retour'] == self::MIME_MAP) ? self::MIME_MAP : self::MIME_JPG;
91 |
return $resultat;
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public function creerFormateur(){
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95 |
$projet = ucwords($this->info['projet']);
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96 |
$Classe = $projet.'Formateur';
97 |
$chemin = dirname(__FILE__).DS.'cartes'.DS;
98 |
$cheminClasse = $chemin.$Classe.'.php';
99 |
$cheminInterface = $chemin.'Formateur.php';
100 |
if (file_exists($cheminInterface)) {
101 |
include_once $cheminInterface;
102 |
if (file_exists($cheminClasse)) {
103 |
include_once $cheminClasse;
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104 |
$this->cartesFormateur = new $Classe($this->info);
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105 |
} else {
106 |
$message = "La classe '$Classe' est introuvable.";Debug::printr($message);
107 |
throw new Exception($message);
108 |
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private function traiterParametres() {
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113 |
$this->info['miniature'] = (isset($this->param['retour.format'])) ? $this->param['retour.format'] : false;
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114 |
$this->info['src_map'] = ($this->info['miniature'] == 'min') ? 'france_utm_miniature.jpg' : 'france_utm_600x564.jpg';
115 |
$this->info['retour'] = (isset($this->param['retour'])) ? $this->param['retour'] : self::MIME_JPG ;
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// Ajout du code du r�f�rentiel
117 |
$this->info['referentiel'] = 'bdtfx';
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118 |
$projets = array('cenlr', 'cel', 'cbnmed', 'sophy');
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119 |
if (isset($this->param['projet']) && in_array($this->param['projet'], $projets)) {
120 |
$this->info['projet'] = $this->param['projet'];
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} else {
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122 |
$this->info['projet'] = 'general';
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// R�cup�ration d'infos g�n�rales
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125 |
// donnees exemple nn = 141; nt = 8522; nom = 'Acer campestre L.'; nom_ss_auteur = 'Acer campestre';
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126 |
$this->info['nn'] = $this->param['masque.nn'];
127 |
$this->info['nt'] = $this->param['masque.nt'];
128 |
$this->info['nom'] = $this->param['masque.ns'].' '.$this->param['masque.au'];
129 |
$this->info['nom_ss_auteur'] = $this->param['masque.ns'];
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private function chargerVille() {
133 |
$requete = "SELECT * FROM tb_cel.locations";
134 |
$villes = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
135 |
foreach ($villes as $ville) {
136 |
$this->tab_code_insee[$ville['insee_code']] = $ville;
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
private function calculerRepartition($inventories) {
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141 |
$text = '';
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142 |
// Recuperation du positionnement de la carte
143 |
$jpg_txt = file_get_contents(Config::get('Cartes.chemin').str_replace('jpg', 'txt', $this->info['src_map']));
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145 |
// "Resolution" calculer à partir du fichier $jpg_txt par fuseau
146 |
$p['31T'] = ($X231T - $X131T) / ($X231TUTM - $X131TUTM);
147 |
$p['32T'] = ($X231T - $X131T ) / ($X231TUTM - $X131TUTM);
148 |
$p['30T'] = ($X231T - $X131T ) / ($X231TUTM - $X131TUTM);
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150 |
$text = array();
151 |
$merge = array();
152 |
foreach ($inventories as $inventory){
153 |
$utm = $this->cartesFormateur->chercherVille($inventory, $this->tab_code_insee);
154 |
// Ultime tentative
155 |
if (!$utm) {
156 |
$requete = "SELECT * FROM tb_cel.locations WHERE name LIKE ".$this->getBdd()->proteger($inventory['location']);
157 |
$utm = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
158 |
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// Si des doublons sur la commune : pas d'affichage , il vaut mieux ne rien afficher que d'afficher des erreurs.
161 |
if (sizeof($utm) == 1) {
162 |
$utm = $utm[0];
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// On centre le point au milieu de la maille 10x10 par defaut ...
165 |
$utm = $this->chercherCentreMaille($utm);
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// Calcul coordonnes x, y sur l'image
168 |
if ($utm['sector']=='31T') {// Fuseau 31 T
169 |
$x = (($utm['x_utm'] - $X131TUTM) * $p['31T'] ) + $X131T;
170 |
$y = $Y231T - (($utm['y_utm'] - $Y131TUTM) * $p['31T'] );
171 |
} elseif ($utm['sector'] == '32T') {// Fuseau 32 T : une rotation + translation est appliqu�e
172 |
$cosa = cos(deg2rad($angle3132));
173 |
$sina = sin(deg2rad($angle3132));
174 |
$xp = (($utm['x_utm'] - $X132TUTM) * $cosa) + (($utm['y_utm']- $Y132TUTM) * $sina);
175 |
$yp = (-($utm['x_utm'] - $X132TUTM)* $sina) + (($utm['y_utm'] - $Y132TUTM) * $cosa);
176 |
$x = ($xp * $p['32T'] ) + $X132T;
177 |
$y = $Y232T-($yp * $p['32T'] );
178 |
} elseif ($utm['sector'] == '30T') {// Fuseau 30 T : une rotation + translation est appliqu�e
179 |
$cosa = cos(deg2rad($angle3031));
180 |
$sina = sin(deg2rad($angle3031));
181 |
$xp = (($utm['x_utm'] - $X130TUTM) * $cosa) + (($utm['y_utm'] - $Y130TUTM) * $sina);
182 |
$yp = (-($utm['x_utm'] - $X130TUTM) * $sina) + (($utm['y_utm'] - $Y130TUTM) * $cosa);
183 |
$x = ($xp * $p['30T'] ) + $X130T;
184 |
$y = $Y230T - ($yp * $p['30T'] );
185 |
186 |
$x = round($x);
187 |
$y = round($y);
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190 |
if ($utm['name'] != null) {
191 |
$name = utf8_decode($utm['name']);
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193 |
$comment = ($this->info['retour'] == self::MIME_MAP) ? $this->cartesFormateur->formerCommentaire($utm, $inventory) : '';
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194 |
// On stocke les commentaires pour affichage dans les tooltips
195 |
// Commentaire deja pr�sent ? : on ajoute � la suite
196 |
list($text, $merge) = $this->cartesFormateur->stockerCommentaire($text, $merge, $name, $comment, $inventory['collection_code'],$x,$y);
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200 |
return array($text, $merge);
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private function formaterCarteVide() {
206 |
$this->cheminCartesBase = Config::get('Cartes.chemin');
207 |
$dest_map['vide'] = 'vide_'.$this->info['src_map'];
208 |
$img['vide'] = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->cheminCartesBase.$this->info['src_map']);
209 |
imagejpeg($img['vide'], Config::get('cache.stockageChemin').$dest_map['vide'], 90);
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210 |
$retour = Config::get('cel_dst').$dest_map['vide'];
211 |
if ($this->info['retour'] == self::MIME_MAP) {
212 |
$retour = "<img src=\"".$retour."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" />\n";
213 |
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return $retour;
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// sous fonction de calculer répartition
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223 |
224 |
private function chercherCentreMaille($utm) {
225 |
$pad = str_repeat ('0' ,(7 - strlen( $utm['x_utm'])));
226 |
$utm['x_utm'] = $pad.$utm['x_utm'];
227 |
228 |
$pad = str_repeat ('0' ,(7 - strlen( $utm['y_utm'])));
229 |
$utm['y_utm'] = $pad.$utm['y_utm'];
230 |
231 |
$utm['x_utm'] = substr($utm['x_utm'] ,0,3);
232 |
$utm['x_utm'] = $utm['x_utm'].'5000';
233 |
234 |
$utm['y_utm'] = substr($utm['y_utm'] ,0,3);
235 |
$utm['y_utm'] = $utm['y_utm'].'5000';
236 |
return $utm;
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// Méthodes d'accès aux objets du Framework
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242 |
* Méthode de connection à la base de données sur demande.
243 |
* Tous les services web n'ont pas besoin de s'y connecter.
244 |
245 |
protected function getBdd() {
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246 |
if (! isset($this->Bdd)) {
247 |
$this->Bdd = new Bdd();
248 |
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249 |
return $this->Bdd;
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