7 |
david |
1 |
2 |
3 |
// This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
4 |
5 |
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
6 |
7 |
8 |
// 0
9 |
'0_URL' => 'http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-dev',
10 |
'0_langue' => 'English [en]',
11 |
'0_liste' => 'spip-en@rezo.net',
12 |
'0_mainteneur' => 'George Kandalaft (george@diwanalarab.com)',
13 |
14 |
15 |
// A
16 |
'access_interface_graphique' => 'Back to the complete graphical interface',
17 |
'access_mode_texte' => 'Show the simplified text interface',
18 |
'admin_debug' => 'debug',
19 |
'admin_modifier_article' => 'Modify this article',
20 |
'admin_modifier_auteur' => 'Modify this author',
21 |
'admin_modifier_breve' => 'Modify this news item',
22 |
'admin_modifier_mot' => 'Modify this keyword',
23 |
'admin_modifier_rubrique' => 'Modify this section',
24 |
'admin_recalculer' => 'Refresh this page',
25 |
'alerte_maj_impossible' => '<b>Warning!</b> Failed to update the MySQL database to version @version@, maybe due to a permissions problem on the database. Please contact your ISP.',
26 |
'analyse_xml' => 'XML parsing',
27 |
'avis_archive_incorrect' => 'archive file is not a valid SPIP file',
28 |
'avis_archive_invalide' => 'archive file is not valid',
29 |
'avis_attention' => 'CAUTION!',
30 |
'avis_champ_incorrect_type_objet' => 'Invalid field name @name@ for object of type @type@',
31 |
'avis_colonne_inexistante' => 'Column @col@ does not exist',
32 |
'avis_echec_syndication_01' => 'Syndication failed: either the selected backend is unreadable or it does not offer any article.',
33 |
'avis_echec_syndication_02' => 'Syndication failed: could not reach the backend of this site.',
34 |
'avis_erreur' => 'Error: see below\';',
35 |
'avis_erreur_connexion' => 'Connection error',
36 |
'avis_erreur_cookie' => 'cookie problem',
37 |
'avis_erreur_fonction_contexte' => 'Programming error. This function should not be called in this context.',
38 |
'avis_erreur_mysql' => 'MySQL error',
39 |
'avis_erreur_sauvegarde' => 'Error in backup (@type@ @id_objet@)!',
40 |
41 |
42 |
// B
43 |
'barre_a_accent_grave' => 'Insert a capital A with grave accent',
44 |
'barre_aide' => 'Use the typographic short cuts to refine your layout',
45 |
'barre_e_accent_aigu' => 'Insert a capital E with acute accent',
46 |
'barre_eo' => 'Insert an oe-ligature',
47 |
'barre_eo_maj' => 'Insert a capital EO-ligature',
48 |
'barre_euro' => 'Insert the € symbol',
49 |
'barre_gras' => 'Put in {{bold type}}',
50 |
'barre_guillemets' => 'Place between "double quotes"',
51 |
'barre_guillemets_simples' => 'Place between single quotes',
52 |
'barre_intertitre' => 'Turn into a {{{subheading}}}',
53 |
'barre_italic' => 'Put in {italics}',
54 |
'barre_lien' => 'Turn into a [hyperlink->http://...]',
55 |
'barre_lien_input' => 'Please enter the target of your hyperlink (you may give an internet URL in the form http://www.mysite.com or else simply the number of an article on this site).',
56 |
'barre_note' => 'Turn into a [[Footnote]]',
57 |
'barre_quote' => '<quote>Quote a message</quote>',
58 |
'bouton_ajouter_document' => 'ADD A DOCUMENT',
59 |
'bouton_ajouter_image' => 'ADD AN IMAGE',
60 |
'bouton_changer' => 'Modify',
61 |
'bouton_chercher' => 'Search',
62 |
'bouton_choisir' => 'Select',
63 |
'bouton_enregistrer' => 'Save',
64 |
'bouton_radio_desactiver_messagerie_interne' => 'Disable internal messaging',
65 |
'bouton_radio_envoi_annonces' => 'Send editorial announcements',
66 |
'bouton_radio_non_envoi_annonces' => 'Do not send any announcements',
67 |
'bouton_radio_non_envoi_liste_nouveautes' => 'Do not send latest news list',
68 |
'bouton_recharger_page' => 'reload this page',
69 |
'bouton_telecharger' => 'Upload',
70 |
'bouton_valider' => 'Submit',
71 |
72 |
73 |
// C
74 |
'cal_apresmidi' => 'afternoon (p.m.)',
75 |
'cal_jour_entier' => 'entire day',
76 |
'cal_matin' => 'morning (a.m.)',
77 |
'cal_par_jour' => 'daily calendar',
78 |
'cal_par_mois' => 'monthly calendar',
79 |
'cal_par_semaine' => 'weekly calendar',
80 |
'confirm_changer_statut' => 'Confirmation required: You have asked to change this article\'s status. Do you wish to continue?',
81 |
82 |
83 |
// D
84 |
'date_aujourdhui' => 'today',
85 |
'date_avant_jc' => 'B.C.',
86 |
'date_dans' => 'in @delai@',
87 |
'date_de_mois_1' => '@j@ @nommois@',
88 |
'date_de_mois_10' => '@j@ @nommois@',
89 |
'date_de_mois_11' => '@j@ @nommois@',
90 |
'date_de_mois_12' => '@j@ @nommois@',
91 |
'date_de_mois_2' => '@j@ @nommois@',
92 |
'date_de_mois_3' => '@j@ @nommois@',
93 |
'date_de_mois_4' => '@j@ @nommois@',
94 |
'date_de_mois_5' => '@j@ @nommois@',
95 |
'date_de_mois_6' => '@j@ @nommois@',
96 |
'date_de_mois_7' => '@j@ @nommois@',
97 |
'date_de_mois_8' => '@j@ @nommois@',
98 |
'date_de_mois_9' => '@j@ @nommois@',
99 |
'date_demain' => 'tomorrow',
100 |
'date_fmt_heures_minutes' => '@h@:@m@',
101 |
'date_fmt_jour_heure' => '@jour@ at @heure@',
102 |
'date_fmt_jour_mois' => '@jourmois@',
103 |
'date_fmt_jour_mois_annee' => '@jourmois@ @annee@',
104 |
'date_fmt_mois_annee' => '@nommois@ @annee@',
105 |
'date_fmt_nomjour_date' => 'on @nomjour@ @date@',
106 |
'date_heures' => 'hours',
107 |
'date_hier' => 'yesterday',
108 |
'date_il_y_a' => '@delai@ ago',
109 |
'date_jnum1' => '1',
110 |
'date_jnum10' => '10',
111 |
'date_jnum11' => '11',
112 |
'date_jnum12' => '12',
113 |
'date_jnum13' => '13',
114 |
'date_jnum14' => '14',
115 |
'date_jnum15' => '15',
116 |
'date_jnum16' => '16',
117 |
'date_jnum17' => '17',
118 |
'date_jnum18' => '18',
119 |
'date_jnum19' => '19',
120 |
'date_jnum2' => '2',
121 |
'date_jnum20' => '20',
122 |
'date_jnum21' => '21',
123 |
'date_jnum22' => '22',
124 |
'date_jnum23' => '23',
125 |
'date_jnum24' => '24',
126 |
'date_jnum25' => '25',
127 |
'date_jnum26' => '26',
128 |
'date_jnum27' => '27',
129 |
'date_jnum28' => '28',
130 |
'date_jnum29' => '29',
131 |
'date_jnum3' => '3',
132 |
'date_jnum30' => '30',
133 |
'date_jnum31' => '31',
134 |
'date_jnum4' => '4',
135 |
'date_jnum5' => '5',
136 |
'date_jnum6' => '6',
137 |
'date_jnum7' => '7',
138 |
'date_jnum8' => '8',
139 |
'date_jnum9' => '9',
140 |
'date_jour_1' => 'Sunday',
141 |
'date_jour_2' => 'Monday',
142 |
'date_jour_3' => 'Tuesday',
143 |
'date_jour_4' => 'Wednesday',
144 |
'date_jour_5' => 'Thursday',
145 |
'date_jour_6' => 'Friday',
146 |
'date_jour_7' => 'Saturday',
147 |
'date_jours' => 'days',
148 |
'date_minutes' => 'minutes',
149 |
'date_mois' => 'months',
150 |
'date_mois_1' => 'January',
151 |
'date_mois_10' => 'October',
152 |
'date_mois_11' => 'November',
153 |
'date_mois_12' => 'December',
154 |
'date_mois_2' => 'February',
155 |
'date_mois_3' => 'March',
156 |
'date_mois_4' => 'April',
157 |
'date_mois_5' => 'May',
158 |
'date_mois_6' => 'June',
159 |
'date_mois_7' => 'July',
160 |
'date_mois_8' => 'August',
161 |
'date_mois_9' => 'September',
162 |
'date_saison_1' => 'winter',
163 |
'date_saison_2' => 'spring',
164 |
'date_saison_3' => 'summer',
165 |
'date_saison_4' => 'autumn',
166 |
'date_semaines' => 'weeks',
167 |
'dirs_commencer' => ' in order to really start the installation',
168 |
'dirs_preliminaire' => 'Preliminary: <b>Setting up access permissions</b>',
169 |
'dirs_probleme_droits' => '<b>Problem in access permissions</b>',
170 |
'dirs_repertoires_absents' => '<b>The following directories have not been found: <ul>@bad_dirs@.</ul> </b>
171 |
<p />The possible cause is a bad lower or upper case handling.
172 |
Please make sure that the lower and upper case letters of these directories match what is displayed
173 |
above; if they don\'t, rename the directories using your FTP client in order to correct the error.
174 |
<p />Once this is done, you can',
175 |
'dirs_repertoires_suivants' => '<b>The following directories do not have write permission: <ul>@bad_dirs@.</ul> </b>
176 |
177 |
<p />To change this, use your FTP client in order to set access permissions for each
178 |
179 |
of these directories. The procedure is detailed in the install guide.
180 |
181 |
<p />Once you achieve this operation, you can ',
182 |
183 |
184 |
// E
185 |
'entree_dimensions' => 'Size:',
186 |
'entree_titre_document' => 'Document title:',
187 |
'entree_titre_image' => 'Image title:',
188 |
'envoi_via_le_site' => 'Send via the site',
189 |
190 |
191 |
// F
192 |
'fichier_introuvable' => 'File not found: @fichier@',
193 |
'form_deja_inscrit' => 'You are already registered.',
194 |
'form_email_non_valide' => 'Your e-mail address is not valid.',
195 |
'form_forum_access_refuse' => 'You do not have access to this site anymore.',
196 |
'form_forum_bonjour' => 'Good day @nom@,',
197 |
'form_forum_email_deja_enregistre' => 'This e-mail address is already registered, consequently you can use your usual password.',
198 |
'form_forum_identifiant_mail' => 'Your new identifier has just been sent to you by e-mail.',
199 |
'form_forum_identifiants' => 'Personal identifiers',
200 |
'form_forum_indiquer_nom_email' => 'Enter here your name and e-mail address. You will receive your personal identifier shortly by e-mail.',
201 |
'form_forum_login' => 'login:',
202 |
'form_forum_message_auto' => '(this is an automated message)',
203 |
'form_forum_pass' => 'password:',
204 |
'form_forum_probleme_mail' => 'Mail problem: the identifier could not be sent.',
205 |
'form_forum_voici1' => 'Here are your identifiers to participate in the site\'s life
206 |
"@nom_site_spip@" (@adresse_site@/):',
207 |
'form_forum_voici2' => 'Here are your identifiers to submit articles for
208 |
the site "@nom_site_spip@" (@adresse_site@/ecrire/):',
209 |
'form_indiquer_email' => 'Please enter your e-mail address.',
210 |
'form_indiquer_nom' => 'Please enter your name.',
211 |
'form_indiquer_nom_site' => 'Please enter your sites name.',
212 |
'form_pet_adresse_site' => 'Your site\'s URL',
213 |
'form_pet_aucune_signature' => 'No signature matches this code...',
214 |
'form_pet_confirmation' => 'Please confirm your signature:',
215 |
'form_pet_deja_enregistre' => 'This site is already registered',
216 |
'form_pet_deja_signe' => 'You have already signed this text.',
217 |
'form_pet_envoi_mail_confirmation' => 'A confirmation e-mail has just been sent to you. You should visit the URL mentioned in this mail to validate your signature.',
218 |
'form_pet_mail_confirmation' => 'Good day,
219 |
220 |
You requested to sign the petition:
221 |
222 |
223 |
You provided the following information:
224 |
Name: @nom_email@
225 |
Site: @nom_site@ - @url_site@
226 |
227 |
228 |
To validate your signature, you just have to connect to
229 |
the address below (otherwise, your request
230 |
will be rejected):
231 |
232 |
233 |
Thank you for your participation
234 |
235 |
'form_pet_message_commentaire' => 'Any message or comment?',
236 |
'form_pet_nom_site2' => 'Name of your web site',
237 |
'form_pet_probleme_technique' => 'Technical problem, signatures are interrupted momentarily.',
238 |
'form_pet_signature_pasprise' => 'Your signature has been ignored.',
239 |
'form_pet_signature_validee' => 'Your signature is valid. Thank you!',
240 |
'form_pet_site_deja_enregistre' => 'This site is already registered',
241 |
'form_pet_url_invalide' => 'The URL that you have entered is not valid.',
242 |
'form_pet_votre_email' => 'Your e-mail address',
243 |
'form_pet_votre_nom' => 'Your name or alias',
244 |
'form_pet_votre_site' => 'If you have a web site, you can enter it below',
245 |
'form_prop_confirmer_envoi' => 'Confirm dispatch',
246 |
'form_prop_description' => 'Description/comment',
247 |
'form_prop_enregistre' => 'Your proposal has been recorded, it will appear online after being validated by the administrators of this site.',
248 |
'form_prop_envoyer' => 'Send a message',
249 |
'form_prop_indiquer_email' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address',
250 |
'form_prop_indiquer_nom_site' => 'Please enter the site\'s name.',
251 |
'form_prop_indiquer_sujet' => 'Please enter a subject',
252 |
'form_prop_message_envoye' => 'Message sent',
253 |
'form_prop_nom_site' => 'Site\'s name',
254 |
'form_prop_non_enregistre' => 'Your proposal has not been recorded.',
255 |
'form_prop_sujet' => 'Subject',
256 |
'form_prop_url_site' => 'Site\'s URL',
257 |
'forum_acces_refuse' => 'You have not access to these forums anymore.',
258 |
'forum_attention_dix_caracteres' => '<b>Warning!</b> Your message needs to be at least ten characters in length.',
259 |
'forum_attention_trois_caracteres' => '<b>Warning!</b> Your title needs to be at least three characters in length.',
260 |
'forum_avez_selectionne' => 'You have selected:',
261 |
'forum_cliquer_retour' => 'Click <a href=\'@retour_forum@\'>here</a> to continue.',
262 |
'forum_forum' => 'forum',
263 |
'forum_info_modere' => 'This forum is moderated beforehand: your contribution will only appear after being validated by a site administrator.',
264 |
'forum_lien_hyper' => '<b>Hypertext link</b> (optional)',
265 |
'forum_message_definitif' => 'Final message: send to the site',
266 |
'forum_message_trop_long' => 'Your message is too long. Maximum length should be 20000 characters.',
267 |
'forum_ne_repondez_pas' => 'Do not reply to this mail but in the forum at the following address:',
268 |
'forum_non_inscrit' => 'Either you are not registered or the address or password are wrong.',
269 |
'forum_page_url' => '(If your message refers to an article published on the web or to a page providing further information, please enter the title of the page and its URL below).',
270 |
'forum_par_auteur' => 'by @auteur@',
271 |
'forum_poste_par' => 'Message posted@parauteur@ following your article.',
272 |
'forum_probleme_database' => 'Database problem, your message could not be recorded.',
273 |
'forum_qui_etes_vous' => '<b>Who are you?</b> (optional)',
274 |
'forum_texte' => 'Text of your message:',
275 |
'forum_titre' => 'Subject:',
276 |
'forum_titre_erreur' => 'Error...',
277 |
'forum_url' => 'URL:',
278 |
'forum_valider' => 'Validate this choice',
279 |
'forum_voir_avant' => 'Preview message before posting',
280 |
'forum_votre_email' => 'Your e-mail address:',
281 |
'forum_votre_nom' => 'Your name (or alias):',
282 |
'forum_vous_enregistrer' => 'Prior to participating in
283 |
this forum, you must register. Thank you
284 |
for entering the personal identifier
285 |
supplied to you. If you are not already registered, you must',
286 |
'forum_vous_inscrire' => 'register.',
287 |
288 |
289 |
// I
290 |
'ical_texte_rss_articles' => 'The address of the backend file of the site\'s articles is:',
291 |
'ical_texte_rss_articles2' => 'Also, you can get backend files for the articles of each section of the site:',
292 |
'ical_texte_rss_breves' => 'Furthermore, there is a file containing the site\'s news items. By selecting a section number, you could get only the news items of that section.',
293 |
'icone_a_suivre' => 'Launch pad',
294 |
'icone_admin_site' => 'Site administration',
295 |
'icone_agenda' => 'Calendar',
296 |
'icone_aide_ligne' => 'Help',
297 |
'icone_articles' => 'Articles',
298 |
'icone_auteurs' => 'Authors',
299 |
'icone_breves' => 'News',
300 |
'icone_brouteur' => 'Quick browsing',
301 |
'icone_configuration_site' => 'Configuration',
302 |
'icone_configurer_site' => 'Configure your site',
303 |
'icone_creer_mot_cle' => 'Create a new keyword and link it to this article',
304 |
'icone_creer_nouvel_auteur' => 'Create a new author',
305 |
'icone_creer_rubrique' => 'Create a section',
306 |
'icone_creer_sous_rubrique' => 'Create a sub-section',
307 |
'icone_deconnecter' => 'Log out',
308 |
'icone_discussions' => 'Discussions',
309 |
'icone_doc_rubrique' => 'Attached documents',
310 |
'icone_ecrire_article' => 'Write a new article',
311 |
'icone_edition_site' => 'Site edit',
312 |
'icone_forum_administrateur' => 'Administrators\' forum',
313 |
'icone_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up',
314 |
'icone_gestion_langues' => 'Language management',
315 |
'icone_informations_personnelles' => 'Personal information',
316 |
'icone_interface_complet' => 'complete interface',
317 |
'icone_interface_simple' => 'Simplified interface',
318 |
'icone_maintenance_site' => 'Site maintenance',
319 |
'icone_messagerie_personnelle' => 'Personal messaging',
320 |
'icone_mots_cles' => 'Keywords',
321 |
'icone_nouvelle_breve' => 'Write a new news item',
322 |
'icone_repartition_actuelle' => 'Show current distribution',
323 |
'icone_repartition_debut' => 'Show distribution from the start',
324 |
'icone_repartition_visites' => 'Visits distribution',
325 |
'icone_rubriques' => 'Sections',
326 |
'icone_sauver_site' => 'Site backup',
327 |
'icone_site_entier' => 'The entire site',
328 |
'icone_sites_references' => 'Referenced sites',
329 |
'icone_statistiques' => 'Site statistics',
330 |
'icone_statistiques_visites' => 'Statistics',
331 |
'icone_suivi_activite' => 'Follow-up of the site\'s activity',
332 |
'icone_suivi_actualite' => 'Site statistics',
333 |
'icone_suivi_forums' => 'Manage forums',
334 |
'icone_suivi_pettions' => 'Manage petitions',
335 |
'icone_suivi_revisions' => 'Article revisions',
336 |
'icone_supprimer_document' => 'Delete this document',
337 |
'icone_supprimer_image' => 'Delete this image',
338 |
'icone_supprimer_message' => 'Delete this message',
339 |
'icone_tous_articles' => 'All your articles',
340 |
'icone_tous_auteur' => 'All the authors',
341 |
'icone_valider_message' => 'Validate this message',
342 |
'icone_visiter_site' => 'Visit the site',
343 |
'icone_voir_en_ligne' => 'View online',
344 |
'image_tourner_180' => 'Rotate 180°',
345 |
'image_tourner_droite' => 'Rotate 90° right',
346 |
'image_tourner_gauche' => 'Rotate 90° left',
347 |
'img_indisponible' => 'image unavailable',
348 |
'info_a_suivre' => 'LAUNCH PAD»',
349 |
'info_a_valider' => '[to be validated]',
350 |
'info_acces_interdit' => 'Access forbidden',
351 |
'info_acces_refuse' => 'Access denied',
352 |
'info_action' => 'Action: @action@',
353 |
'info_administrer_rubriques' => 'You can manage this section and its sub-sections',
354 |
'info_adresse_non_indiquee' => 'You did not specify an address to test!',
355 |
'info_aide' => 'HELP:',
356 |
'info_ajouter_mot' => 'Add this keyword',
357 |
'info_annonce' => 'ANNOUNCEMENT',
358 |
'info_annonces_generales' => 'General announcements:',
359 |
'info_article_propose' => 'Article submitted',
360 |
'info_article_publie' => 'Article published',
361 |
'info_article_redaction' => 'Article in progress',
362 |
'info_article_refuse' => 'Article rejected',
363 |
'info_article_supprime' => 'Article deleted',
364 |
'info_articles' => 'Articles',
365 |
'info_articles_a_valider' => 'Articles to be validated',
366 |
'info_articles_proposes' => 'Articles submitted',
367 |
'info_auteurs_nombre' => 'author(s):',
368 |
'info_authentification_ftp' => 'Authentication (by FTP).',
369 |
'info_bloquer_lien' => 'block this link',
370 |
'info_breves_02' => 'News',
371 |
'info_breves_2' => 'news',
372 |
'info_breves_valider' => 'News items to be validated',
373 |
'info_connexion_refusee' => 'Connection denied',
374 |
'info_contact_developpeur' => 'Please contact a developer.',
375 |
'info_contenance' => 'This site contains:',
376 |
'info_contribution' => 'forum contributions',
377 |
'info_copyright' => '@spip@ is free software distributed @lien_gpl@.',
378 |
'info_copyright_doc' => 'For further information, see <a href=\'http://www.spip.net/en\'>http://www.spip.net/en</a>.',
379 |
'info_copyright_gpl' => 'under the GPL license',
380 |
'info_cours_edition' => 'Your articles in progress',
381 |
'info_creer_repertoire' => 'Please create a file or a directory called:',
382 |
'info_creer_repertoire_2' => 'inside the sub-directory <b>ecrire/data/</b>, then',
383 |
'info_creer_vignette' => 'automated creation of the thumbnail',
384 |
'info_deplier' => 'Unfold',
385 |
'info_descriptif_nombre' => 'description(s):',
386 |
'info_description' => 'Description:',
387 |
'info_description_2' => 'Description:',
388 |
'info_dimension' => 'Size:',
389 |
'info_document' => 'Document',
390 |
'info_documents' => 'Documents',
391 |
'info_echange_message' => 'SPIP allows the exchange of messages and the creation of private
392 |
discussion forums between participants to the site. You can enable or
393 |
disable this feature.',
394 |
'info_ecire_message_prive' => 'Write a private message',
395 |
'info_email_invalide' => 'Invalid e-mail address.',
396 |
'info_en_cours_validation' => 'Your articles in progress',
397 |
'info_en_ligne' => 'Online now:',
398 |
'info_envoyer_message_prive' => 'Send a private message to this author',
399 |
'info_erreur_requete' => 'Error in query:',
400 |
'info_erreur_squelette2' => 'No available template <b>@fichier@</b>...',
401 |
'info_erreur_systeme' => 'System error (errno @errsys@)',
402 |
'info_erreur_systeme2' => '<b>The hard disk might be full or the database damaged. <br>
403 |
<font color=\'red\'>try <a href=\'ecrire/admin_repair.php3\'>repairing the database</a>,
404 |
or contact your host.</font><br></b>',
405 |
'info_fini' => 'Done!',
406 |
'info_format_image' => 'Image format to be used for the creation of vignettes: @gd_formats@.',
407 |
'info_format_non_defini' => 'undefined format',
408 |
'info_grand_ecran' => 'Large display',
409 |
'info_image_aide' => 'HELP',
410 |
'info_image_process_titre' => 'How to create thumbnails',
411 |
'info_impossible_lire_page' => '<B>Error!</b> The page could not be read <tt><html>@test_proxy@</html></tt> through the proxy <tt>',
412 |
'info_inclusion_directe' => 'Direct inclusion:',
413 |
'info_inclusion_vignette' => 'Include vignette:',
414 |
'info_installation_systeme_publication' => 'Publication system installation ...',
415 |
'info_installer_documents' => 'You can automatically install all the documents which are in the folder <i>upload</i>.',
416 |
'info_installer_ftp' => 'As an administrator, you can install (by FTP) files in the folder ecrire/upload in order to select them later directly from here.',
417 |
'info_installer_images' => 'You can install images of formats JPEG, GIF et PNG.',
418 |
'info_installer_images_dossier' => 'Install images in folder /ecrire/upload to be able to select them here.',
419 |
'info_installer_tous_documents' => 'Install all the documents',
420 |
'info_interface_complete' => 'complete interface',
421 |
'info_interface_simple' => 'Simplified interface',
422 |
'info_joindre_document_article' => 'You can attach to your article documents of types',
423 |
'info_joindre_document_rubrique' => 'You can add to this section documents of types',
424 |
'info_joindre_documents_article' => 'You can attach to your article documents of types:',
425 |
'info_l_article' => 'the article',
426 |
'info_la_breve' => 'the news item',
427 |
'info_la_rubrique' => 'the section',
428 |
'info_langue_principale' => 'Main site language',
429 |
'info_largeur_vignette' => '@largeur_vignette@ × @hauteur_vignette@ pixels',
430 |
'info_les_auteurs_1' => 'by @les_auteurs@',
431 |
'info_logo_format_interdit' => 'Only logos in the formats @formats@ are allowed.',
432 |
'info_logo_max_poids' => 'Logos must be less than @maxi@ (this file is @actuel@).',
433 |
'info_logo_max_taille' => 'Logos must be less than @maxi@ (this file is @actuel@).',
434 |
'info_mail_fournisseur' => 'you@isp.com',
435 |
'info_message_2' => 'MESSAGE',
436 |
'info_message_supprime' => 'MESSAGE DELETED',
437 |
'info_mise_en_ligne' => 'Date of online publication:',
438 |
'info_modification_parametres_securite' => 'modifying security parameters',
439 |
'info_mois_courant' => 'During the month:',
440 |
'info_mot_cle_ajoute' => 'The following keyword was added to',
441 |
'info_multi_herit' => 'Default language',
442 |
'info_multi_langues_soulignees' => 'The <u>underlined languages</u> provide a translation of all the texts of the interface. If you select these languages, many elements of the public site (dates, forms) will be automatically translated. As for the non-underlined languages, those elements will appear in the main language of the site.',
443 |
'info_multilinguisme' => 'Multilingual',
444 |
'info_nom_non_utilisateurs_connectes' => 'Your name does not appear in the list of connected users.',
445 |
'info_nom_utilisateurs_connectes' => 'Your name appears in the list of connected users.',
446 |
'info_nombre_en_ligne' => 'Online now:',
447 |
'info_non_resultat' => 'No results for "@cherche_mot@"',
448 |
'info_non_utilisation_messagerie' => 'You are not using the internal messaging of this site.',
449 |
'info_nouveau_message' => 'YOU HAVE A NEW MESSAGE',
450 |
'info_nouveaux_messages' => 'YOU HAVE @total_messages@ NEW MESSAGES',
451 |
'info_numero_abbreviation' => 'No',
452 |
'info_panne_site_syndique' => 'Syndicated site out of order',
453 |
'info_pense_bete' => 'MEMO',
454 |
'info_petit_ecran' => 'Small display',
455 |
'info_pixels' => 'pixels',
456 |
'info_plusieurs_mots_trouves' => 'Several keywords were found for "@cherche_mot@":',
457 |
'info_popularite_5' => 'popularity:',
458 |
'info_portfolio' => 'Portfolio',
459 |
'info_portfolio_automatique' => 'Automated portfolio:',
460 |
'info_premier_resultat' => '[@debut_limit@ first results out of @total@]',
461 |
'info_premier_resultat_sur' => '[@debut_limit@ first results out of @total@]',
462 |
'info_probleme_grave' => 'error of',
463 |
'info_propose_1' => '[@nom_site_spip@] Submitted: @titre@',
464 |
'info_propose_2' => 'Article submitted
465 |
466 |
'info_propose_3' => 'The article "@titre@" is submitted for publication.',
467 |
'info_propose_4' => 'You are invited to review it and to give your opinion',
468 |
'info_propose_5' => 'in the forum linked to it. It is available at the address:',
469 |
'info_publie_01' => 'The article "@titre@" was validated by @connect_nom@.',
470 |
'info_publie_1' => '[@nom_site_spip@] PUBLISHED: @titre@',
471 |
'info_publie_2' => 'Article published
472 |
473 |
'info_rechercher' => 'Search',
474 |
'info_rechercher_02' => 'Search:',
475 |
'info_remplacer_vignette' => 'Replace the default vignette by a customised logo:',
476 |
'info_retablir_lien' => 'restore this link',
477 |
'info_retirer_mot' => 'Remove this keyword',
478 |
'info_retirer_mots' => 'Remove all keywords',
479 |
'info_sans_titre_2' => 'untitled',
480 |
'info_selectionner_fichier' => 'You can select a file from the folder <i>upload</i>',
481 |
'info_selectionner_fichier_2' => 'Select a file:',
482 |
'info_site_attente' => 'Web site pending validation',
483 |
'info_site_reference' => 'Referenced sites online',
484 |
'info_site_refuse' => 'Web site rejected',
485 |
'info_sites_referencer' => 'Referencing a site',
486 |
'info_supprimer_vignette' => 'delete the vignette',
487 |
'info_symbole_bleu' => 'The symbol <B>blue</B> indicates a <B>memo</B>: i.e. a message for your personal use.',
488 |
'info_symbole_jaune' => 'The symbol <B>yellow</B> indicates an <B>announcement to all editors</B>: it can be edited by all administrators, and is visible to all editors.',
489 |
'info_symbole_vert' => 'The symbol <B>green</B> indicates the <B>messages exchanged with other users</B> of the site.',
490 |
'info_syndication' => 'syndication:',
491 |
'info_syndication_articles' => 'article(s)',
492 |
'info_telecharger' => 'Upload from your computer:',
493 |
'info_telecharger_nouveau_logo' => 'Upload a new logo:',
494 |
'info_telecharger_ordinateur' => 'Upload from your computer:',
495 |
'info_tous_resultats_enregistres' => '[all the results are recorded]',
496 |
'info_tout_afficher' => 'Show all',
497 |
'info_travaux_texte' => 'This site is not yet set up. Please come back later...',
498 |
'info_travaux_titre' => 'Site under construction',
499 |
'info_trop_resultat' => 'Too many results for "@cherche_mot@"; please refine the search.',
500 |
'info_utilisation_messagerie_interne' => 'You are using the internal messaging of this site.',
501 |
'info_valider_lien' => 'validate this link',
502 |
'info_verifier_image' => ', please make sure your images have been transferred correctly.',
503 |
'info_vignette_defaut' => 'Default vignette',
504 |
'info_vignette_personnalisee' => 'Customised vignette',
505 |
'info_visite' => 'visit:',
506 |
'info_visites' => 'visits:',
507 |
'info_vos_rendez_vous' => 'Your future appointments',
508 |
'info_zoom' => 'zoom',
509 |
'infos_vos_pense_bete' => 'Your memos',
510 |
'item_breve_proposee' => 'News item submitted',
511 |
512 |
513 |
// L
514 |
'lien_afficher_icones_seuls' => 'Show icons only',
515 |
'lien_afficher_texte_icones' => 'Show icons and text',
516 |
'lien_afficher_texte_seul' => 'Show text only',
517 |
'lien_icones_interface' => 'The interface icons are from <a href=\'http://jimmac.musichall.cz/\'>Jakub \'Jimmac\' Steiner</a>.',
518 |
'lien_liberer' => 'release',
519 |
'lien_liberer_tous' => 'free these articles',
520 |
'lien_nouvea_pense_bete' => 'NEW MEMO',
521 |
'lien_nouveau_message' => 'NEW MESSAGE',
522 |
'lien_nouvelle_annonce' => 'NEW ANNOUNCEMENT',
523 |
'lien_petitions' => 'PETITION',
524 |
'lien_popularite' => 'popularity: @popularite@%',
525 |
'lien_racine_site' => 'SITE ROOT',
526 |
'lien_reessayer' => 'try again',
527 |
'lien_repondre_message' => 'Reply to this message',
528 |
'lien_supprimer' => 'delete',
529 |
'lien_tout_afficher' => 'Show all',
530 |
'lien_visite_site' => 'visit this site',
531 |
'lien_visites' => '@visites@ visits',
532 |
'lien_voir_auteur' => 'Check this author',
533 |
'login_acces_prive' => 'access to the private area',
534 |
'login_autre_identifiant' => 'use a different ID',
535 |
'login_connexion_refusee' => 'Connection rejected.',
536 |
'login_cookie_accepte' => 'Please set your browser to accept them (at least for this site).',
537 |
'login_cookie_oblige' => 'To identify yourself securely, you must accept cookies.',
538 |
'login_deconnexion_ok' => 'Logged out.',
539 |
'login_erreur_pass' => 'Password error.',
540 |
'login_espace_prive' => 'private area',
541 |
'login_identifiant_inconnu' => 'The identifier "@login@" is unknown.',
542 |
'login_login' => 'Login:',
543 |
'login_login2' => 'Login (identifier for connection to the site):',
544 |
'login_login_pass_incorrect' => '(Wrong login or password).',
545 |
'login_motpasseoublie' => 'password forgotten?',
546 |
'login_non_securise' => 'Caution, this form is not secure.
547 |
If you do not want your password to be open to
548 |
interception on the network, please activate Javascript
549 |
in your browser and',
550 |
'login_nouvelle_tentative' => 'New attempt',
551 |
'login_par_ici' => 'You are registered... this way...',
552 |
'login_pass2' => 'Password:',
553 |
'login_preferez_refuser' => '<b>If you prefer to refuse the cookies</b>, there is another connection method (less secure) at your disposal:',
554 |
'login_recharger' => 'reload this page',
555 |
'login_rester_identifie' => 'Remember my ID for a few days',
556 |
'login_retour_public' => 'Back to the public site',
557 |
'login_retour_site' => 'Back to the public site',
558 |
'login_retoursitepublic' => 'back to the public site',
559 |
'login_sans_cookiie' => 'Identification without cookie',
560 |
'login_sinscrire' => 'register',
561 |
'login_test_navigateur' => 'testing browser/reconnection',
562 |
'login_verifiez_navigateur' => '(However, verify that your browser did not memorize your password...)',
563 |
564 |
565 |
// M
566 |
'module_fichiers_langues' => 'Language files',
567 |
568 |
569 |
// N
570 |
'navigateur_pas_redirige' => 'If your browser is not redirected, click here to continue.',
571 |
572 |
573 |
// O
574 |
'onglet_affacer_base' => 'Delete the database',
575 |
'onglet_auteur' => 'The author',
576 |
'onglet_contenu_site' => 'The site\'s content',
577 |
'onglet_evolution_visite_mod' => 'Visits level',
578 |
'onglet_fonctions_avances' => 'Advanced functions',
579 |
'onglet_informations_personnelles' => 'Personal Information',
580 |
'onglet_interactivite' => 'Interactivity',
581 |
'onglet_messagerie' => 'Messaging',
582 |
'onglet_messages_internes' => 'Internal messages',
583 |
'onglet_messages_publics' => 'Public messages',
584 |
'onglet_messages_vide' => 'Messages without text',
585 |
'onglet_origine_visites' => 'Visits Origin',
586 |
'onglet_repartition_debut' => 'from the start',
587 |
'onglet_repartition_lang' => 'Distribution by languages',
588 |
'onglet_repartition_rubrique' => 'Distribution by section',
589 |
'onglet_save_restaur_base' => 'Backup/restore the database',
590 |
'onglet_vider_cache' => 'Empty the cache',
591 |
'ortho_trop_de_fautes2' => 'Start by correcting the most obvious mistakes, then try again.',
592 |
593 |
594 |
// P
595 |
'pass_choix_pass' => 'Please choose your new password:',
596 |
'pass_erreur' => 'Error',
597 |
'pass_erreur_acces_refuse' => '<b>Error:</b> you do not have access to this site anymore.',
598 |
'pass_erreur_code_inconnu' => '<b>Error:</b> this code does not match any visitor with access permission to this site.',
599 |
'pass_erreur_non_enregistre' => '<b>Error :</b> the address <tt>@email_oubli@</tt> is not registered in this site.',
600 |
'pass_erreur_non_valide' => '<b>Error :</b> the e-mail <tt>@email_oubli@</tt> is not valid!',
601 |
'pass_erreur_probleme_technique' => '<b>Error :</b> this e-mail could not be sent due to a technical problem.',
602 |
'pass_espace_prive_bla' => 'The private area of this site is opened to
603 |
visitors after registration. Once you have registered,
604 |
you can review the articles in progress,
605 |
submit articles and participate in all the forums.',
606 |
'pass_forum_bla' => 'You have requested to take part in a forum
607 |
reserved for registered visitors.',
608 |
'pass_indiquez_cidessous' => 'Enter below the e-mail address with which you
609 |
registered previously. You
610 |
will receive an e-mail explaining how you
611 |
can retreive your access.',
612 |
'pass_mail_passcookie' => '(this is an automated message)
613 |
614 |
To retrieve your access to the site
615 |
@nom_site_spip@ (@adresse_site@)
616 |
617 |
Please go to the following address:
618 |
619 |
620 |
You can then enter a new password
621 |
and connect again to the site.
622 |
623 |
'pass_mot_oublie' => 'Password forgotten',
624 |
'pass_nouveau_enregistre' => 'Your new password has been recorded.',
625 |
'pass_nouveau_pass' => 'New password',
626 |
'pass_ok' => 'OK',
627 |
'pass_oubli_mot' => 'Forgetting password',
628 |
'pass_quitter_fenetre' => 'Quit this window',
629 |
'pass_rappel_login' => 'Reminder: your identifier (login) is "@login@".',
630 |
'pass_recevoir_mail' => 'You will receive an e-mail explaining how you can retrieve your access to the site.',
631 |
'pass_retour_public' => 'Back to the public site',
632 |
'pass_rien_a_faire_ici' => 'Nothing to do here.',
633 |
'pass_vousinscrire' => 'Registering with the site',
634 |
'precedent' => 'previous',
635 |
'previsualisation' => 'Preview',
636 |
'previsualiser' => 'Show preview',
637 |
638 |
639 |
// S
640 |
'stats_visites_et_popularite' => '@visites@ visits; popularity: @popularite@',
641 |
'suivant' => 'next',
642 |
643 |
644 |
// T
645 |
'taille_ko' => '@taille@ kb',
646 |
'taille_mo' => '@taille@ Mb',
647 |
'taille_octets' => '@taille@ bytes',
648 |
'texte_actualite_site_1' => 'When you become familiar with the interface, click on the «',
649 |
'texte_actualite_site_2' => 'complete interface',
650 |
'texte_actualite_site_3' => '» to make more features available.',
651 |
'texte_creation_automatique_vignette' => 'Automated creation of preview vignettes is enabled in this site. if you install, through this form, images in the format(s) @gd_formats@, they will be coupled with a vignette which maximum size is @taille_preview@ pixels.',
652 |
'texte_documents_associes' => 'The following documents are associated with the article,,
653 |
but they were not directly
654 |
inserted. Based on the public site\'s layout,
655 |
they could appear as attached documents.',
656 |
'texte_erreur_mise_niveau_base' => 'Database error during upgrade.
657 |
The image <B>@fichier@</B> could not be passed (article @id_article@).<p>
658 |
Note carefully this reference, retry the upgrade procedure,
659 |
and finally make sure that the images still appear
660 |
in the articles.',
661 |
'texte_inc_auth_1' => 'You identified yourself with the login
662 |
<B>@auth_login@</B>, but it does not exist in the database (anymore).
663 |
Try to',
664 |
'texte_inc_auth_2' => 'reconnect',
665 |
'texte_inc_auth_3' => 'having quit then
666 |
restarted your browser if necessary.',
667 |
'texte_inc_config' => 'The modifications entered below influence notably
668 |
the functioning of the site. You are advised not to deal with them unless you are
669 |
familiar with the functioning of the SPIP system. <P align="justify"><B>More
670 |
generally, you are strongly advised
671 |
to let the main webmaster of your site deal with this page.</b>',
672 |
'texte_inc_meta_1' => 'The system encountered an error when trying to write the file <code>ecrire/data/meta_cache.php3</code>. As a site administrator, please',
673 |
'texte_inc_meta_2' => 'verify write permissions',
674 |
'texte_inc_meta_3' => 'of the directory <code>ecrire/data/</code>.',
675 |
'texte_statut_en_cours_redaction' => 'editing in progress',
676 |
'texte_statut_poubelle' => 'in the dustbin',
677 |
'texte_statut_propose_evaluation' => 'submitted for evaluation',
678 |
'texte_statut_publie' => 'published online',
679 |
'texte_statut_refuse' => 'rejected',
680 |
'titre_ajouter_mot_cle' => 'ADD A KEYWORD:',
681 |
'titre_breve_proposee' => 'Submitted news item',
682 |
'titre_breve_publiee' => 'News item published',
683 |
'titre_breve_refusee' => 'News item rejected',
684 |
'titre_cadre_raccourcis' => 'SHORTCUTS:',
685 |
'titre_changer_couleur_interface' => 'Changing interface colour',
686 |
'titre_forum' => 'Forum',
687 |
'titre_image_admin_article' => 'You can administer this article',
688 |
'titre_image_administrateur' => 'Administrator',
689 |
'titre_image_aide' => 'Help on this item',
690 |
'titre_image_auteur_supprime' => 'Author deleted',
691 |
'titre_image_redacteur' => 'Editor without access',
692 |
'titre_image_redacteur_02' => 'Editor',
693 |
'titre_image_visiteur' => 'Visitor',
694 |
'titre_joindre_document' => 'ATTACH A DOCUMENT',
695 |
'titre_liens_entrants' => 'Incoming links',
696 |
'titre_mots_cles' => 'KEYWORDS',
697 |
'titre_probleme_technique' => 'Warning: a technical problem (MySQL server) prevents access to this part of the site.<p>Thank you for your understanding.',
698 |
'titre_publier_document' => 'PUBLISH A DOCUMENT IN THIS SECTION',
699 |
'titre_statistiques' => 'Site statistics',
700 |
'titre_titre_document' => 'Document title:',
701 |
'trad_reference' => '(reference article)',
702 |
703 |
704 |
// U
705 |
'upload_fichier_zip' => 'ZIP file',
706 |
'upload_fichier_zip_texte' => 'The file you are intending to install is a ZIP file.',
707 |
'upload_fichier_zip_texte2' => 'This file can be:',
708 |
'upload_limit' => 'This file is too big for the server; the maximum size allowed for <i>upload</i> is @max@.',
709 |
'upload_zip_decompacter' => 'decompressed and each file it contains will be installed on the site. The files which will be installed are:',
710 |
'upload_zip_telquel' => 'installed as is, as a ZIP file;',
711 |
712 |
713 |
// Z
714 |
'zbug_balise_b_aval' => ': B tag too late in loop',
715 |
'zbug_boucle' => 'loop',
716 |
'zbug_boucle_recursive_undef' => 'undefined recursive loop',
717 |
'zbug_champ_hors_boucle' => 'Field @champ@ outside loop',
718 |
'zbug_champ_hors_motif' => 'Field @champ@ outside loop tagged @motif@',
719 |
'zbug_code' => 'code',
720 |
'zbug_critere_inconnu' => 'unknown criterion @critere@',
721 |
'zbug_distant_interdit' => 'external data forbidden',
722 |
'zbug_erreur_boucle_double' => 'BOUCLE@id@: double definition',
723 |
'zbug_erreur_boucle_fermant' => 'BOUCLE@id@: missing closing tag',
724 |
'zbug_erreur_boucle_syntaxe' => 'Incorrect loop (BOUCLE) syntax ',
725 |
'zbug_erreur_execution_page' => 'error in page calculation',
726 |
'zbug_erreur_filtre' => 'Error - undefined filter: <b>"@filtre@"</b>',
727 |
'zbug_erreur_meme_parent' => '{meme_parent} only applies to loops (FORUMS) and (RUBRIQUES)',
728 |
'zbug_erreur_squelette' => 'Error(s) in template',
729 |
'zbug_info_erreur_squelette' => 'ُError in the site',
730 |
'zbug_inversion_ordre_inexistant' => 'reversal of nonexistent order',
731 |
'zbug_parametres_inclus_incorrects' => 'Wrong inclusion parameters',
732 |
'zbug_resultat' => 'result',
733 |
'zbug_serveur_indefini' => 'undefined SQL server',
734 |
'zbug_table_inconnue' => 'Unknown SQL table "@table@"'
735 |
736 |
737 |
738 |
739 |