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alexandre_ |
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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
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All Rights Reserved.
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Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
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dojo.event.topic.subscribe("dojo.widget.Editor2::onLoad", function (editor) {
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if (editor.toolbarAlwaysVisible) {
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var p = new dojo.widget.Editor2Plugin.AlwaysShowToolbar(editor);
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17 |
dojo.declare("dojo.widget.Editor2Plugin.AlwaysShowToolbar", null, function (editor) {
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this.editor = editor;
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}, {_scrollSetUp:false, _fixEnabled:false, _scrollThreshold:false, _handleScroll:true, setup:function () {
22 |
var tdn = this.editor.toolbarWidget;
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if (!tdn.tbBgIframe) {
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tdn.tbBgIframe = new dojo.html.BackgroundIframe(tdn.domNode);
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27 |
this.scrollInterval = setInterval(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "globalOnScrollHandler"), 100);
28 |
dojo.event.connect("before", this.editor.toolbarWidget, "destroy", this, "destroy");
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}, globalOnScrollHandler:function () {
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var isIE = dojo.render.html.ie;
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if (!this._handleScroll) {
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var dh = dojo.html;
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var tdn = this.editor.toolbarWidget.domNode;
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var db = dojo.body();
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if (!this._scrollSetUp) {
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this._scrollSetUp = true;
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var editorWidth = dh.getMarginBox(this.editor.domNode).width;
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this._scrollThreshold = dh.abs(tdn, true).y;
41 |
if ((isIE) && (db) && (dh.getStyle(db, "background-image") == "none")) {
42 |
with (db.style) {
43 |
backgroundImage = "url(" + dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/blank.gif") + ")";
44 |
backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
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var scrollPos = (window["pageYOffset"]) ? window["pageYOffset"] : (document["documentElement"] || document["body"]).scrollTop;
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if (scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold) {
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if (!this._fixEnabled) {
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var tdnbox = dojo.html.getMarginBox(tdn);
52 |
this.editor.editorObject.style.marginTop = tdnbox.height + "px";
53 |
if (isIE) {
54 |
tdn.style.left = dojo.html.abs(tdn, dojo.html.boxSizing.MARGIN_BOX).x;
55 |
if (tdn.previousSibling) {
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this._IEOriginalPos = ["after", tdn.previousSibling];
57 |
} else {
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if (tdn.nextSibling) {
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this._IEOriginalPos = ["before", tdn.nextSibling];
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} else {
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this._IEOriginalPos = ["", tdn.parentNode];
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dojo.html.addClass(tdn, "IEFixedToolbar");
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} else {
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with (tdn.style) {
68 |
position = "fixed";
69 |
top = "0px";
70 |
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72 |
tdn.style.width = tdnbox.width + "px";
73 |
tdn.style.zIndex = 1000;
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this._fixEnabled = true;
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if (!dojo.render.html.safari) {
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var eHeight = (this.height) ? parseInt(this.editor.height) : this.editor._lastHeight;
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if (scrollPos > (this._scrollThreshold + eHeight)) {
79 |
tdn.style.display = "none";
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} else {
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tdn.style.display = "";
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} else {
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if (this._fixEnabled) {
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(this.editor.object || this.editor.iframe).style.marginTop = null;
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with (tdn.style) {
88 |
position = "";
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top = "";
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zIndex = "";
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display = "";
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if (isIE) {
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tdn.style.left = "";
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dojo.html.removeClass(tdn, "IEFixedToolbar");
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if (this._IEOriginalPos) {
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dojo.html.insertAtPosition(tdn, this._IEOriginalPos[1], this._IEOriginalPos[0]);
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this._IEOriginalPos = null;
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} else {
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dojo.html.insertBefore(tdn, this.editor.object || this.editor.iframe);
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tdn.style.width = "";
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this._fixEnabled = false;
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}, destroy:function () {
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this._IEOriginalPos = null;
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this._handleScroll = false;
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if (dojo.render.html.ie) {
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dojo.html.removeClass(this.editor.toolbarWidget.domNode, "IEFixedToolbar");
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