2150 |
mathias |
1 |
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._Container"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
2 |
dojo._hasResource["dijit._Container"] = true;
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
// summary
9 |
// Mixin for widgets that are children of a container widget
10 |
11 |
getParent: function(){
12 |
// summary:
13 |
// returns the parent widget of this widget, assuming the parent
14 |
// implements dijit._Container
15 |
for(var p=this.domNode.parentNode; p; p=p.parentNode){
16 |
var id = p.getAttribute && p.getAttribute("widgetId");
17 |
18 |
var parent = dijit.byId(id);
19 |
return parent.isContainer ? parent : null;
20 |
21 |
22 |
return null;
23 |
24 |
25 |
_getSibling: function(which){
26 |
var node = this.domNode;
27 |
28 |
node = node[which+"Sibling"];
29 |
}while(node && node.nodeType != 1);
30 |
if(!node){ return null; } // null
31 |
var id = node.getAttribute("widgetId");
32 |
return dijit.byId(id);
33 |
34 |
35 |
getPreviousSibling: function(){
36 |
// summary:
37 |
// returns null if this is the first child of the parent,
38 |
// otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "left".
39 |
40 |
return this._getSibling("previous");
41 |
42 |
43 |
getNextSibling: function(){
44 |
// summary:
45 |
// returns null if this is the last child of the parent,
46 |
// otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "right".
47 |
48 |
return this._getSibling("next");
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
// summary
57 |
// Mixin for widgets that contain a list of children like SplitContainer
58 |
59 |
isContainer: true,
60 |
61 |
addChild: function(/*Widget*/ widget, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
62 |
// summary:
63 |
// Process the given child widget, inserting it's dom node as
64 |
// a child of our dom node
65 |
66 |
if(insertIndex === undefined){
67 |
insertIndex = "last";
68 |
69 |
var refNode = this.containerNode || this.domNode;
70 |
if(insertIndex && typeof insertIndex == "number"){
71 |
var children = dojo.query("> [widgetid]", refNode);
72 |
if(children && children.length >= insertIndex){
73 |
refNode = children[insertIndex-1]; insertIndex = "after";
74 |
75 |
76 |
dojo.place(widget.domNode, refNode, insertIndex);
77 |
78 |
// If I've been started but the child widget hasn't been started,
79 |
// start it now. Make sure to do this after widget has been
80 |
// inserted into the DOM tree, so it can see that it's being controlled by me,
81 |
// so it doesn't try to size itself.
82 |
if(this._started && !widget._started){
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
removeChild: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
88 |
// summary:
89 |
// removes the passed widget instance from this widget but does
90 |
// not destroy it
91 |
var node = widget.domNode;
92 |
node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // detach but don't destroy
93 |
94 |
95 |
_nextElement: function(node){
96 |
97 |
node = node.nextSibling;
98 |
}while(node && node.nodeType != 1);
99 |
return node;
100 |
101 |
102 |
_firstElement: function(node){
103 |
node = node.firstChild;
104 |
if(node && node.nodeType != 1){
105 |
node = this._nextElement(node);
106 |
107 |
return node;
108 |
109 |
110 |
getChildren: function(){
111 |
// summary:
112 |
// Returns array of children widgets
113 |
return dojo.query("> [widgetId]", this.containerNode || this.domNode).map(dijit.byNode); // Array
114 |
115 |
116 |
hasChildren: function(){
117 |
// summary:
118 |
// Returns true if widget has children
119 |
var cn = this.containerNode || this.domNode;
120 |
return !!this._firstElement(cn); // Boolean
121 |
122 |
123 |
_getSiblingOfChild: function(/*Widget*/ child, /*int*/ dir){
124 |
// summary:
125 |
// get the next or previous widget sibling of child
126 |
// dir:
127 |
// if 1, get the next sibling
128 |
// if -1, get the previous sibling
129 |
var node = child.domNode;
130 |
var which = (dir>0 ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling");
131 |
132 |
node = node[which];
133 |
}while(node && (node.nodeType != 1 || !dijit.byNode(node)));
134 |
return node ? dijit.byNode(node) : null;
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
// summary:
144 |
// A _Container with keyboard navigation of its children.
145 |
// To use this mixin, call connectKeyNavHandlers() in
146 |
// postCreate() and call startupKeyNavChildren() in startup().
147 |
148 |
149 |
// focusedChild: Widget
150 |
// The currently focused child widget, or null if there isn't one
151 |
focusedChild: null,
152 |
153 |
154 |
_keyNavCodes: {},
155 |
156 |
connectKeyNavHandlers: function(/*Array*/ prevKeyCodes, /*Array*/ nextKeyCodes){
157 |
// summary:
158 |
// Call in postCreate() to attach the keyboard handlers
159 |
// to the container.
160 |
// preKeyCodes: Array
161 |
// Key codes for navigating to the previous child.
162 |
// nextKeyCodes: Array
163 |
// Key codes for navigating to the next child.
164 |
165 |
var keyCodes = this._keyNavCodes = {};
166 |
var prev = dojo.hitch(this, this.focusPrev);
167 |
var next = dojo.hitch(this, this.focusNext);
168 |
dojo.forEach(prevKeyCodes, function(code){ keyCodes[code] = prev });
169 |
dojo.forEach(nextKeyCodes, function(code){ keyCodes[code] = next });
170 |
this.connect(this.domNode, "onkeypress", "_onContainerKeypress");
171 |
172 |
this.connect(this.domNode, "onactivate", "_onContainerFocus");
173 |
this.connect(this.domNode, "ondeactivate", "_onContainerBlur");
174 |
175 |
this.connect(this.domNode, "onfocus", "_onContainerFocus");
176 |
this.connect(this.domNode, "onblur", "_onContainerBlur");
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
startupKeyNavChildren: function(){
181 |
// summary:
182 |
// Call in startup() to set child tabindexes to -1
183 |
dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), dojo.hitch(this, "_setTabIndexMinusOne"));
184 |
185 |
186 |
addChild: function(/*Widget*/ widget, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
187 |
// summary: Add a child to our _Container
188 |
dijit._KeyNavContainer.superclass.addChild.apply(this, arguments);
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
focus: function(){
193 |
// summary: Default focus() implementation: focus the first child.
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
focusFirstChild: function(){
198 |
// summary: Focus the first focusable child in the container.
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
focusNext: function(){
203 |
// summary: Focus the next widget or focal node (for widgets
204 |
// with multiple focal nodes) within this container.
205 |
if(this.focusedChild && this.focusedChild.hasNextFocalNode
206 |
&& this.focusedChild.hasNextFocalNode()){
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
var child = this._getNextFocusableChild(this.focusedChild, 1);
211 |
212 |
this.focusChild(child, child.getFocalNodes()[0]);
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
focusPrev: function(){
219 |
// summary: Focus the previous widget or focal node (for widgets
220 |
// with multiple focal nodes) within this container.
221 |
if(this.focusedChild && this.focusedChild.hasPrevFocalNode
222 |
&& this.focusedChild.hasPrevFocalNode()){
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
var child = this._getNextFocusableChild(this.focusedChild, -1);
227 |
228 |
var nodes = child.getFocalNodes();
229 |
this.focusChild(child, nodes[nodes.length-1]);
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
focusChild: function(/*Widget*/ widget, /*Node?*/ node){
236 |
// summary: Focus widget. Optionally focus 'node' within widget.
237 |
238 |
if(this.focusedChild && widget !== this.focusedChild){
239 |
240 |
241 |
this.focusedChild = widget;
242 |
if(node && widget.focusFocalNode){
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
_setTabIndexMinusOne: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
251 |
252 |
dojo.forEach(widget.getFocalNodes(), function(node){
253 |
node.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1);
254 |
255 |
256 |
(widget.focusNode || widget.domNode).setAttribute("tabIndex", -1);
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
_onContainerFocus: function(evt){
261 |
this.domNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1);
262 |
if(evt.target === this.domNode){
263 |
264 |
265 |
var widget = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(evt.target);
266 |
if(widget && widget.isFocusable()){
267 |
this.focusedChild = widget;
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
_onContainerBlur: function(evt){
273 |
274 |
this.domNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
_onContainerKeypress: function(evt){
279 |
if(evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey){ return; }
280 |
var func = this._keyNavCodes[evt.keyCode];
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
_onChildBlur: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
288 |
// summary:
289 |
// Called when focus leaves a child widget to go
290 |
// to a sibling widget.
291 |
292 |
293 |
_getFirstFocusableChild: function(){
294 |
return this._getNextFocusableChild(null, 1);
295 |
296 |
297 |
_getNextFocusableChild: function(child, dir){
298 |
299 |
child = this._getSiblingOfChild(child, dir);
300 |
301 |
var children = this.getChildren();
302 |
for(var i=0; i < children.length; i++){
303 |
304 |
child = children[(dir>0) ? 0 : (children.length-1)];
305 |
306 |
307 |
return child;
308 |
309 |
child = this._getSiblingOfChild(child, dir);
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |