2150 |
mathias |
1 |
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.Lightbox"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
2 |
dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.Lightbox"] = true;
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
// summary:
12 |
// a dojo-based Lightbox implementation.
13 |
14 |
// description:
15 |
// an Elegant, keyboard accessible, markup and store capable Lightbox widget to show images
16 |
// in a modal dialog-esque format. Can show individual images as Modal dialog, or can group
17 |
// images with multiple entry points, all using a single "master" Dialog for visualization
18 |
19 |
// examples:
20 |
21 |
// <a href="image1.jpg" dojoType="dojox.image.Lightbox">show lightbox</a>
22 |
// <a href="image2.jpg" dojoType="dojox.image.Lightbox" group="one">show group lightbox</a>
23 |
// <a href="image3.jpg" dojoType="dojox.image.Lightbox" group="one">show group lightbox</a>
24 |
25 |
// FIXME: not implemented fully yet, though works with basic datastore access. need to manually call
26 |
// widget._attachedDialog.addImage(item,"fromStore") for each item in a store result set.
27 |
// <div dojoType="dojox.image.Lightbox" group="fromStore" store="storeName"></div>
28 |
29 |
// group: String
30 |
// grouping images in a page with similar tags will provide a 'slideshow' like grouping of images
31 |
group: "",
32 |
33 |
// title: String
34 |
// A string of text to be shown in the Lightbox beneath the image (empty if using a store)
35 |
title: "",
36 |
37 |
// href; String
38 |
// link to image to use for this Lightbox node (empty if using a store).
39 |
href: "",
40 |
41 |
// duration: Integer
42 |
// generic time in MS to adjust the feel of widget. could possibly add various
43 |
// durations for the various actions (dialog fadein, sizeing, img fadein ...)
44 |
duration: 500,
45 |
46 |
// _allowPassthru: Boolean
47 |
// privately set this to disable/enable natural link of anchor tags
48 |
_allowPassthru: false,
49 |
_attachedDialog: null, // try to share a single underlay per page?
50 |
51 |
startup: function(){
52 |
this.inherited("startup", arguments);
53 |
// setup an attachment to the masterDialog (or create the masterDialog)
54 |
var tmp = dijit.byId('dojoxLightboxDialog');
55 |
56 |
this._attachedDialog = tmp;
57 |
58 |
// this is the first instance to start, so we make the masterDialog
59 |
this._attachedDialog = new dojox.image._LightboxDialog({ id: "dojoxLightboxDialog" });
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
// FIXME: full store support lacking, have to manually call this._attachedDialog.addImage(imgage,group) as it stands
64 |
65 |
this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "_handleClick");
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
_addSelf: function(){
70 |
71 |
href: this.href,
72 |
title: this.title
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
_handleClick: function(/* Event */e){
77 |
// summary: handle the click on the link
78 |
if(!this._allowPassthru){ e.preventDefault(); }
79 |
else{ return; }
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
show: function(){
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
disable: function(){
88 |
// summary, disables event clobbering and dialog, and follows natural link
89 |
this._allowPassthru = true;
90 |
91 |
92 |
enable: function(){
93 |
// summary: enables the dialog (prevents default link)
94 |
this._allowPassthru = false;
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
// Description:
103 |
104 |
// a widget that intercepts anchor links (typically around images)
105 |
// and displays a modal Dialog. this is the actual Popup, and should
106 |
// not be created directly.
107 |
108 |
// there will only be one of these on a page, so all dojox.image.Lightbox's will us it
109 |
// (the first instance of a Lightbox to be show()'n will create me If i do not exist)
110 |
111 |
// note: the could be the ImagePane i was talking about?
112 |
113 |
// title: String
114 |
// the current title
115 |
title: "",
116 |
117 |
// FIXME: implement titleTemplate
118 |
119 |
// inGroup: Array
120 |
// Array of objects. this is populated by from the JSON object _groups, and
121 |
// should not be populate manually. it is a placeholder for the currently
122 |
// showing group of images in this master dialog
123 |
inGroup: null,
124 |
125 |
// imgUrl: String
126 |
// the src="" attrib of our imageNode (can be null at statup)
127 |
imgUrl: "",
128 |
129 |
// an array of objects, each object being a unique 'group'
130 |
_groups: { XnoGroupX: [] },
131 |
_imageReady: false,
132 |
133 |
templateString:"<div class=\"dojoxLightbox\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\">\n\t<div style=\"position:relative\">\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"imageContainer\" class=\"dojoxLightboxContainer\">\n\t\t\t<img dojoAttachPoint=\"imgNode\" src=\"${imgUrl}\" class=\"dojoxLightboxImage\" alt=\"${title}\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"dojoxLightboxFooter\" dojoAttachPoint=\"titleNode\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitInline LightboxClose\" dojoAttachPoint=\"closeNode\"></div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitInline LightboxNext\" dojoAttachPoint=\"nextNode\"></div>\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitInline LightboxPrev\" dojoAttachPoint=\"prevNode\"></div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dojoxLightboxText\"><span dojoAttachPoint=\"textNode\">${title}</span><span dojoAttachPoint=\"groupCount\" class=\"dojoxLightboxGroupText\"></span></div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\t\n\t\t\n\t</div>\n</div>\n",
134 |
135 |
startup: function(){
136 |
// summary: add some extra event handlers, and startup our superclass.
137 |
this.inherited("startup", arguments);
138 |
139 |
// FIXME: these are supposed to be available in dijit.Dialog already,
140 |
// but aren't making it over.
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
this.connect(this.nextNode, "onclick", "_nextImage");
145 |
this.connect(this.prevNode, "onclick", "_prevImage");
146 |
this.connect(this.closeNode, "onclick", "hide");
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
show: function(/* Object */groupData){
151 |
// summary: starts the chain of events to show an image in the dialog, including showing the dialog
152 |
// if it is not already visible
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
// we only need to call dijit.Dialog.show() if we're not already open.
158 |
if(!this.open){ this.inherited("show", arguments); }
159 |
160 |
this._imageReady = false;
161 |
162 |
this.imgNode.src = groupData.href;
163 |
if((groupData.group && !(groupData == "XnoGroupX")) || this.inGroup){
164 |
165 |
this.inGroup = this._groups[(groupData.group)];
166 |
var i = 0;
167 |
// determine where we were or are in the show
168 |
169 |
if (g.href == groupData.href){
170 |
this._positionIndex = i;
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
if(!this._positionIndex){ this._positionIndex=0; this.imgNode.src = this.inGroup[this._positionIndex].href; }
176 |
this.groupCount.innerHTML = " (" +(this._positionIndex+1) +" of "+this.inGroup.length+")";
177 |
this.prevNode.style.visibility = "visible";
178 |
this.nextNode.style.visibility = "visible";
179 |
180 |
this.groupCount.innerHTML = "";
181 |
this.prevNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
182 |
this.nextNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
183 |
184 |
this.textNode.innerHTML = groupData.title;
185 |
186 |
if(!this._imageReady || this.imgNode.complete === true){
187 |
this._imgConnect = dojo.connect(this.imgNode,"onload", this, function(){
188 |
this._imageReady = true;
189 |
this.resizeTo({ w: this.imgNode.width, h:this.imgNode.height, duration:this.duration });
190 |
191 |
192 |
// onload doesn't fire in IE if you connect before you set the src.
193 |
// hack to re-set the src after onload connection made:
194 |
if(dojo.isIE){ this.imgNode.src = this.imgNode.src; }
195 |
196 |
// do it quickly. kind of a hack, but image is ready now
197 |
this.resizeTo({ w: this.imgNode.width, h:this.imgNode.height, duration:1 });
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
_nextImage: function(){
202 |
// summary: load next image in group
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
this._positionIndex = 0;
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
_prevImage: function(){
212 |
// summary: load previous image in group
213 |
214 |
this._positionIndex = this.inGroup.length-1;
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
_loadImage: function(){
222 |
// summary: do the prep work before we can show another image
223 |
var _loading = dojo.fx.combine([
224 |
dojo.fadeOut({ node:this.imgNode, duration:(this.duration/2) }),
225 |
dojo.fadeOut({ node:this.titleNode, duration:(this.duration/2) })
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
_prepNodes: function(){
232 |
// summary: a localized hook to accompany _loadImage
233 |
this._imageReady = false;
234 |
235 |
href: this.inGroup[this._positionIndex].href,
236 |
title: this.inGroup[this._positionIndex].title
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
resizeTo: function(/* Object */size){
241 |
// summary: resize our dialog container, and fire _showImage
242 |
var _sizeAnim = dojox.fx.sizeTo({
243 |
node: this.containerNode,
244 |
245 |
width: size.w,
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
_showImage: function(){
253 |
// summary: fade in the image, and fire showNav
254 |
dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.imgNode, duration:this.duration,
255 |
onEnd: dojo.hitch(this,"_showNav")
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
_showNav: function(){
260 |
// summary: fade in the footer, and setup our connections.
261 |
dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.titleNode, duration:200 }).play(25);
262 |
263 |
264 |
hide: function(){
265 |
// summary: close the Lightbox
266 |
dojo.fadeOut({node:this.titleNode, duration:200 }).play(25);
267 |
this.inherited("hide", arguments);
268 |
this.inGroup = null;
269 |
this._positionIndex = null;
270 |
271 |
272 |
addImage: function(/* object */child,/* String? */group){
273 |
// summary: add an image to this master dialog
274 |
275 |
// child.href: String - link to image (required)
276 |
// child.title: String - title to display
277 |
278 |
// group: String - attach to group of similar tag
279 |
// or null for individual image instance
280 |
281 |
var g = group;
282 |
if(!child.href){ return; }
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
this._groups[(g)] = [(child)];
288 |
289 |
}else{ this._groups["XnoGroupX"].push(child); }
290 |
291 |
292 |
_handleKey: function(/* Event */e){
293 |
// summary: handle keyboard navigation
294 |
if(!this.open){ return; }
295 |
var key = (e.charCode == dojo.keys.SPACE ? dojo.keys.SPACE : e.keyCode);
296 |
297 |
case dojo.keys.ESCAPE: this.hide(); break;
298 |
299 |
case dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW:
300 |
case dojo.keys.RIGHT_ARROW:
301 |
case 78: // key "n"
302 |
this._nextImage(); break;
303 |
304 |
case dojo.keys.UP_ARROW:
305 |
case dojo.keys.LEFT_ARROW:
306 |
case 80: // key "p"
307 |
this._prevImage(); break;
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |