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raphael |
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ezmlm-php 2.0
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Nov 13, 2002
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ezmlm-php is a group of files written in php that allow you to fetch messages
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from a ezmlm mailing list archive via a web page. It is fully customizable so
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it can fit into an existing layout design very well, it is also self contained
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so that you can run it with no existing site setup.
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The new version has been rewritten from the ground up to exclude all external
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dependancies (except one which comes with the source, see makehash later on)
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and now implements RFC2045 MIME parsing in pure PHP.
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The system is now also object based to allow greater flexibility within the
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code itself, it also makes the code much more managable and readable.
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The installation of ezmlm-php now requires access to a compiler to build the
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included makehash program. See the MAKEHASH section at the end.
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1. Unpack the tarball and copy the files to your webroot in the directory you
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want the list to be accessed from. For example using /home/www/mailinglist
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gzip -d ezmlm-php-2.0.tar.gz
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tar xvf ezmlm-php.2.0.tar
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cd /home/www/mailinglist
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cp ~/ezmlm-php-2.0/*.php .
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cp ~/ezmlm-php-2.0/*.def .
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2. Build the included makehash program.
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cd ~/ezmlm-php-2.0
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gzip -d makehash.tar.gz
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tar xvf makehash.tar
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cd makehash
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If you do not have compiler access check the binaries directory in the
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makehash.tar file as there are some common binaries there. If you build
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makehash on a new platform please feel free to submit the binary for
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3. Move the resulting binary to your webroot.
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4. Edit ezmlm.php and change the user configurable options. Search for
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USER-CONFIG to find where to edit. See CONFIGURATION below.
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5. Access www.yoursite.com/mailinglist to test the installation.
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This section will explain each variable. If you used the last version most
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of these are the exact same.
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Name Meaning
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~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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listdir This variable should be pointed at the root of the ezmlm
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archive. For instance /usr/home/lists/ragga-jungle
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listname The name of the list (everything before the @)
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listdomain The domain name of the list
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tempdir Where to store the cache files. /var/tmp should be fine
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for most installations. /tmp is another choice.
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sendheaders If set to TRUE then ezmlm will generate the nessesary
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page headers. If set to FALSE your header file needs to
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generate them. See 'includebefore'
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sendbody If set to TRUE then ezmlm will generate the <body></body>
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sendfooters If set to TRUE then ezmlm will generate the tage needed
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to finish the document. If set to FALSE your footer file
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needs to generate them. See 'includeafter'
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includebefore This is a file that will be included before ezmlm-php
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generates any output. You can have ezmlm-php generate
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the nessesary headers (sendheaders = TRUE) and still
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include a file of your own. The file is included by the
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include_once function.
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includeafter This is the exact same as includebefore except the file
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is included after ezmlm-php has sent all of it's data.
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href This is a string to prepend to the path whenever an
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<a href= tag is generated. This option was added to fix
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the problem of using a <base href= tag.
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prefertype This is the mime type that you wish to send if the
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current message is a multipart message. If this type isn't
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found it defaults to the first part.
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Some examples are: text/html, text/plain, etc...
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showheaders This is an array of the headers to show. You can add or
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remove any valid RFC822 header you wish to this array.
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Some examples: X-Mailer, Message-ID
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(This is case-insensitive)
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msgtemplate This is a file to use as the message template, if blank
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the internal one is used. See the file MSGTEMPLATE for
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more information as it is to much to describe here.
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tablescolours This is an array of colour hex triplets for use when a
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table is generated. For each row that is generated the
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next colour is used, just use a single element if you
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don't want alternating colours.
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(Yes there is a U in colours, the software was written
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in Canada ;)
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thread_subjlen This is an integer that tells the software how many
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characters to allow the subjects when displayed in
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threads or on the info page. This is useful if you
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want to limit subjects to a certain length so that no
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line wrapping occurs.
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So what is this little binary you need to build? Simply put it is a small
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little C program to generate the nessesary ezmlm-idx hashes for cross
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referencing authors. In the last version this was done by recursivley doing
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a grep on the /authors directory which isn't very efficient when the list
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subscriber base grows above 1000 or so. This program computes the hash by
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using the same algorithim the software does and speeds things up a lot.
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