831 |
florian |
1 |
{! --- defines are used by the engine and vars are used by the template --- }
2 |
3 |
{! --- This is used to indent messages in threaded view --- }
4 |
{define indentstring }
5 |
6 |
{! --- This is used to load the message-bodies in the message-list for that template if set to 1 --- }
7 |
{define bodies_in_list 1}
8 |
9 |
{! --- This is used to load all the message-bodies in the read-message-view also in threaded-view for that template if set to 1 --- }
10 |
{define all_bodies_in_threaded_read 0}
11 |
12 |
{! --- This is the marker for messages in threaded view --- }
13 |
{define marker <img src="templates/default/images/carat.gif" border="0" width="8" height="8" alt="" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> }
14 |
15 |
{! --- these are the colors used in the style sheet --- }
16 |
17 |
{! --- you can use them or replace them in the style sheet --- }
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
{! --- common body-colors --- }
22 |
{var bodybackground White}
23 |
{var defaulttextcolor Black}
24 |
{var backcolor White}
25 |
{var forumwidth 100%}
26 |
{var forumalign center}
27 |
{var newflagcolor #CC0000}
28 |
{var errorfontcolor Red}
29 |
30 |
31 |
{! --- for the forum-list ... alternating colors --- }
32 |
{var altbackcolor #EEEEEE}
33 |
{var altlisttextcolor #000000}
34 |
35 |
{! --- common link-settings --- }
36 |
{var linkcolor #000099}
37 |
{var activelinkcolor #FF6600}
38 |
{var visitedlinkcolor #000099}
39 |
{var hoverlinkcolor #FF6600}
40 |
41 |
{! --- for the Navigation --- }
42 |
{var navbackcolor #EEEEEE}
43 |
{var navtextcolor #000000}
44 |
{var navhoverbackcolor #FFFFFF}
45 |
{var navhoverlinkcolor #FF6600}
46 |
{var navtextweight normal}
47 |
{var navfont Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Arial}
48 |
{var navfontsize 12px}
49 |
50 |
{! --- for the PhorumHead ... the list-header --- }
51 |
{var headerbackcolor #EEEEEE}
52 |
{var headertextcolor #000000}
53 |
{var headertextweight bold}
54 |
{var headerfont Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Arial}
55 |
{var headerfontsize 12px}
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
{var tablebordercolor #808080}
60 |
61 |
{var listlinecolor #F2F2F2}
62 |
63 |
{var listpagelinkcolor #707070}
64 |
{var listmodlinkcolor #707070}
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
{! --- You can set the table width globaly here ... ONLY tables, no divs are changed--- }
71 |
{var tablewidth 100%}
72 |
{var narrowtablewidth 600px}
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
{! --- Some font stuff --- }
77 |
{var defaultfont Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Arial}
78 |
{var largefont Trebuchet MS,Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}
79 |
{var tinyfont Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}
80 |
{var fixedfont Lucida Console, Andale Mono, Courier New, Courier}
81 |
{var defaultfontsize 12px}
82 |
{var largefontsize 16px}
83 |
{var smallfontsize 11px}
84 |
{var tinyfontsize 10px}