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1 |
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
2 |
<DBMODEL Version="4.0">
3 |
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4 |
<GLOBALSETTINGS ModelName="coel" IDModel="0" IDVersion="0" VersionStr="" Comments="" UseVersionHistroy="1" AutoIncVersion="1" DatabaseType="MySQL" ZoomFac="100.00" XPos="0" YPos="0" DefaultDataType="5" DefaultTablePrefix="0" DefSaveDBConn="" DefSyncDBConn="" DefQueryDBConn="" Printer="" HPageCount="4.0" PageAspectRatio="1.440892512336408" PageOrientation="1" PageFormat="A4 (210x297 mm, 8.26x11.7 inches)" SelectedPages="" UsePositionGrid="0" PositionGridX="20" PositionGridY="20" TableNameInRefs="0" DefaultTableType="0" ActivateRefDefForNewRelations="0" FKPrefix="" FKPostfix="" CreateFKRefDefIndex="0" DBQuoteCharacter="`" CreateSQLforLinkedObjects="0" DefModelFont="nimbus sans l" CanvasWidth="4096" CanvasHeight="2842" />
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5 |
6 |
<DATATYPEGROUP Name="Numeric Types" Icon="1" />
7 |
<DATATYPEGROUP Name="Date and Time Types" Icon="2" />
8 |
<DATATYPEGROUP Name="String Types" Icon="3" />
9 |
<DATATYPEGROUP Name="Blob and Text Types" Icon="4" />
10 |
<DATATYPEGROUP Name="User defined Types" Icon="5" />
11 |
<DATATYPEGROUP Name="Geographic Types" Icon="6" />
12 |
13 |
14 |
<DATATYPE ID="1" IDGroup="0" TypeName="TINYINT" Description="A very small integer. The signed range is -128 to 127. The unsigned range is 0 to 255." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="2" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
15 |
16 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
17 |
18 |
19 |
<OPTION Name="UNSIGNED" Default="1" />
20 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
21 |
22 |
23 |
<DATATYPE ID="2" IDGroup="0" TypeName="SMALLINT" Description="A small integer. The signed range is -32768 to 32767. The unsigned range is 0 to 65535." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="2" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
24 |
25 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
26 |
27 |
28 |
<OPTION Name="UNSIGNED" Default="1" />
29 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
30 |
31 |
32 |
<DATATYPE ID="3" IDGroup="0" TypeName="MEDIUMINT" Description="A medium-size integer. The signed range is -8388608 to 8388607. The unsigned range is 0 to 16777215." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="2" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
33 |
34 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
35 |
36 |
37 |
<OPTION Name="UNSIGNED" Default="1" />
38 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
39 |
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41 |
<DATATYPE ID="4" IDGroup="0" TypeName="INT" Description="A normal-size integer. The signed range is -2147483648 to 2147483647. The unsigned range is 0 to 4294967295." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="2" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="1" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
42 |
43 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
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45 |
46 |
<OPTION Name="UNSIGNED" Default="0" />
47 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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50 |
<DATATYPE ID="5" IDGroup="0" TypeName="INTEGER" Description="A normal-size integer. The signed range is -2147483648 to 2147483647. The unsigned range is 0 to 4294967295." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="2" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="1" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
51 |
52 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
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55 |
<OPTION Name="UNSIGNED" Default="1" />
56 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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59 |
<DATATYPE ID="6" IDGroup="0" TypeName="BIGINT" Description="A large integer. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="2" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
60 |
61 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
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64 |
<OPTION Name="UNSIGNED" Default="0" />
65 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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68 |
<DATATYPE ID="7" IDGroup="0" TypeName="FLOAT" Description="A small (single-precision) floating-point number. Cannot be unsigned. Allowable values are -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="1" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
69 |
70 |
<PARAM Name="precision" />
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73 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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76 |
<DATATYPE ID="8" IDGroup="0" TypeName="FLOAT" Description="A small (single-precision) floating-point number. Cannot be unsigned. Allowable values are -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38." ParamCount="2" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
77 |
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<PARAM Name="length" />
79 |
<PARAM Name="decimals" />
80 |
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82 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
83 |
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85 |
<DATATYPE ID="9" IDGroup="0" TypeName="DOUBLE" Description="A normal-size (double-precision) floating-point number. Cannot be unsigned. Allowable values are -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308." ParamCount="2" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="2" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
86 |
87 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
88 |
<PARAM Name="decimals" />
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91 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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94 |
<DATATYPE ID="10" IDGroup="0" TypeName="DOUBLE PRECISION" Description="This is a synonym for DOUBLE." ParamCount="2" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="2" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
95 |
96 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
97 |
<PARAM Name="decimals" />
98 |
99 |
100 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
101 |
102 |
103 |
<DATATYPE ID="11" IDGroup="0" TypeName="REAL" Description="This is a synonym for DOUBLE." ParamCount="2" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="2" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
104 |
105 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
106 |
<PARAM Name="decimals" />
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109 |
<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
110 |
111 |
112 |
<DATATYPE ID="12" IDGroup="0" TypeName="DECIMAL" Description="An unpacked floating-point number. Cannot be unsigned. Behaves like a CHAR column." ParamCount="2" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="3" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
113 |
114 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
115 |
<PARAM Name="decimals" />
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<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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121 |
<DATATYPE ID="13" IDGroup="0" TypeName="NUMERIC" Description="This is a synonym for DECIMAL." ParamCount="2" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="1" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="3" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
122 |
123 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
124 |
<PARAM Name="decimals" />
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<OPTION Name="ZEROFILL" Default="0" />
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<DATATYPE ID="14" IDGroup="1" TypeName="DATE" Description="A date. The supported range is \a1000-01-01\a to \a9999-12-31\a." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
131 |
132 |
<DATATYPE ID="15" IDGroup="1" TypeName="DATETIME" Description="A date and time combination. The supported range is \a1000-01-01 00:00:00\a to \a9999-12-31 23:59:59\a." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
133 |
134 |
<DATATYPE ID="16" IDGroup="1" TypeName="TIMESTAMP" Description="A timestamp. The range is \a1970-01-01 00:00:00\a to sometime in the year 2037. The length can be 14 (or missing), 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, or 2 representing YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, ... , YYYYMMDD, ... , YY formats." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
135 |
136 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
137 |
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139 |
<DATATYPE ID="17" IDGroup="1" TypeName="TIME" Description="A time. The range is \a-838:59:59\a to \a838:59:59\a." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
140 |
141 |
<DATATYPE ID="18" IDGroup="1" TypeName="YEAR" Description="A year in 2- or 4-digit format (default is 4-digit)." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
142 |
143 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
144 |
145 |
146 |
<DATATYPE ID="19" IDGroup="2" TypeName="CHAR" Description="A fixed-length string (1 to 255 characters) that is always right-padded with spaces to the specified length when stored. values are sorted and compared in case-insensitive fashion according to the default character set unless the BINARY keyword is given." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="1" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
147 |
148 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
149 |
150 |
151 |
<OPTION Name="BINARY" Default="0" />
152 |
153 |
154 |
<DATATYPE ID="20" IDGroup="2" TypeName="VARCHAR" Description="A variable-length string (1 to 255 characters). Values are sorted and compared in case-sensitive fashion unless the BINARY keyword is given." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="1" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
155 |
156 |
<PARAM Name="length" />
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159 |
<OPTION Name="BINARY" Default="0" />
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162 |
<DATATYPE ID="21" IDGroup="2" TypeName="BIT" Description="This is a synonym for CHAR(1)." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
163 |
164 |
<DATATYPE ID="22" IDGroup="2" TypeName="BOOL" Description="This is a synonym for CHAR(1)." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
165 |
166 |
<DATATYPE ID="23" IDGroup="3" TypeName="TINYBLOB" Description="A column maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters. Values are sorted and compared in case-sensitive fashion." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
167 |
168 |
<DATATYPE ID="24" IDGroup="3" TypeName="BLOB" Description="A column maximum length of 65535 (2^16 - 1) characters. Values are sorted and compared in case-sensitive fashion." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
169 |
170 |
<DATATYPE ID="25" IDGroup="3" TypeName="MEDIUMBLOB" Description="A column maximum length of 16777215 (2^24 - 1) characters. Values are sorted and compared in case-sensitive fashion." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
171 |
172 |
<DATATYPE ID="26" IDGroup="3" TypeName="LONGBLOB" Description="A column maximum length of 4294967295 (2^32 - 1) characters. Values are sorted and compared in case-sensitive fashion." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
173 |
174 |
<DATATYPE ID="27" IDGroup="3" TypeName="TINYTEXT" Description="A column maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
175 |
176 |
<DATATYPE ID="28" IDGroup="3" TypeName="TEXT" Description="A column maximum length of 65535 (2^16 - 1) characters." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
177 |
178 |
<DATATYPE ID="29" IDGroup="3" TypeName="MEDIUMTEXT" Description="A column maximum length of 16777215 (2^24 - 1) characters." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
179 |
180 |
<DATATYPE ID="30" IDGroup="3" TypeName="LONGTEXT" Description="A column maximum length of 4294967295 (2^32 - 1) characters." ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
181 |
182 |
<DATATYPE ID="31" IDGroup="3" TypeName="ENUM" Description="An enumeration. A string object that can have only one value, chosen from the list of values." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="1" EditParamsAsString="1" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
183 |
184 |
<PARAM Name="values" />
185 |
186 |
187 |
<DATATYPE ID="32" IDGroup="3" TypeName="SET" Description="A set. A string object that can have zero or more values, each of which must be chosen from the list of values." ParamCount="1" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="1" EditParamsAsString="1" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
188 |
189 |
<PARAM Name="values" />
190 |
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192 |
<DATATYPE ID="33" IDGroup="4" TypeName="Varchar(20)" Description="" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
193 |
194 |
<OPTION Name="BINARY" Default="0" />
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197 |
<DATATYPE ID="34" IDGroup="4" TypeName="Varchar(45)" Description="" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
198 |
199 |
<OPTION Name="BINARY" Default="0" />
200 |
201 |
202 |
<DATATYPE ID="35" IDGroup="4" TypeName="Varchar(255)" Description="" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="1" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
203 |
204 |
<OPTION Name="BINARY" Default="0" />
205 |
206 |
207 |
<DATATYPE ID="36" IDGroup="5" TypeName="GEOMETRY" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
208 |
209 |
<DATATYPE ID="38" IDGroup="5" TypeName="LINESTRING" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
210 |
211 |
<DATATYPE ID="39" IDGroup="5" TypeName="POLYGON" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
212 |
213 |
<DATATYPE ID="40" IDGroup="5" TypeName="MULTIPOINT" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
214 |
215 |
<DATATYPE ID="41" IDGroup="5" TypeName="MULTILINESTRING" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
216 |
217 |
<DATATYPE ID="42" IDGroup="5" TypeName="MULTIPOLYGON" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
218 |
219 |
<DATATYPE ID="43" IDGroup="5" TypeName="GEOMETRYCOLLECTION" Description="Geographic Datatype" ParamCount="0" OptionCount="0" ParamRequired="0" EditParamsAsString="0" SynonymGroup="0" PhysicalMapping="0" PhysicalTypeName="" >
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<TABLEPREFIX Name="Defaut (pas de prefixe)" />
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<REGIONCOLOR Color="Yellow=#FEFDED" />
240 |
<REGIONCOLOR Color="Green=#EAFFE5" />
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<REGIONCOLOR Color="Blue=#F0F1FE" />
243 |
<REGIONCOLOR Color="Magenta=#FFEBFA" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
247 |
<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
249 |
<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
251 |
<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
254 |
<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<POSITIONMARKER ZoomFac="-1.0" X="0" Y="0" />
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<REGION ID="21340" RegionName="Projet" XPos="1040" YPos="18" Width="604" Height="404" RegionColor="5" TablePrefix="0" TableType="0" OverwriteTablePrefix="0" OverwriteTableType="0" Comments="" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="71" />
262 |
<REGION ID="21218" RegionName="Publication" XPos="19" YPos="1695" Width="744" Height="352" RegionColor="4" TablePrefix="0" TableType="0" OverwriteTablePrefix="0" OverwriteTableType="0" Comments="Module de gestion des Publications.\nAbreviation : CPU\nAide : en cours...\nEtat: en cours...\nRevision : $Revision: 23 $" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="60" />
263 |
<REGION ID="18447" RegionName="M\195\169tadonn\195\169es" XPos="20" YPos="16" Width="1012" Height="405" RegionColor="3" TablePrefix="0" TableType="0" OverwriteTablePrefix="0" OverwriteTableType="0" Comments="Module de gestion des M\195\169tadonn\195\169es.\nAbreviation : CM\nAide : en cours...\nEtat: en cours...\nRevision : $Revision: 23 $" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="19" />
264 |
<REGION ID="18417" RegionName="Personne" XPos="1655" YPos="18" Width="448" Height="973" RegionColor="2" TablePrefix="0" TableType="0" OverwriteTablePrefix="0" OverwriteTableType="0" Comments="Module de gestion des Personnes.\nAbreviation : CP\nAide : OK\nEtat: OK\nRevision : $Revision: 23 $" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="16" />
265 |
<REGION ID="18416" RegionName="Structure" XPos="773" YPos="436" Width="720" Height="959" RegionColor="1" TablePrefix="0" TableType="0" OverwriteTablePrefix="0" OverwriteTableType="0" Comments="Module de gestion des Structures.\nAbreviation : CS\nAide : en cours...\nEtat: en cours...\nRevision : $Revision: 23 $" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="15" />
266 |
<REGION ID="1443" RegionName="Collection" XPos="24" YPos="431" Width="744" Height="1251" RegionColor="0" TablePrefix="0" TableType="0" OverwriteTablePrefix="0" OverwriteTableType="0" Comments="Module de gestion des Collections.\nAbreviation : CC\nAide : en cours...\nEtat: en cours...\nRevision : $Revision: 23 $" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="2" />
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<TABLE ID="1444" Tablename="coel_collection" PrevTableName="Table_01" XPos="31" YPos="659" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Contient les informations sur les collections." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="5" >
14 |
jpm |
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20 |
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271 |
<COLUMN ID="1449" ColName="cc_id_collection" PrevColName="" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la collection.">
14 |
jpm |
272 |
273 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
274 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
275 |
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23 |
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277 |
<COLUMN ID="21630" ColName="cc_ce_projet" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
278 |
279 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
280 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
281 |
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20 |
jpm |
283 |
<COLUMN ID="21167" ColName="cc_ce_mere" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Identifiant de la collection parente. Si la collection courrante n\aa pas de parente laisser la valeur 0 par d\195\169faut.">
16 |
jpm |
284 |
285 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
286 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
287 |
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20 |
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289 |
<COLUMN ID="20821" ColName="cc_ce_structure" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Identifiant de la structure habritant physiquement la collection. Si c\aest un particulier, laisser la valeur 0 par d\195\169faut et utiliser la table liant les collections aux personnes.">
16 |
jpm |
290 |
291 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
292 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
293 |
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<COLUMN ID="21095" ColName="cc_guid" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant global unique de type LSID ou URI.">
296 |
297 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
298 |
299 |
300 |
<COLUMN ID="21099" ColName="cc_truk_identifiant_alternatif" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Autres identifiants de la structure.">
301 |
302 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
303 |
304 |
305 |
<COLUMN ID="21096" ColName="cc_truk_code" PrevColName="cc_truk_sigle_usage" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Code(s) de la collection.">
306 |
307 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
308 |
309 |
310 |
<COLUMN ID="21100" ColName="cc_nom" PrevColName="" Pos="10" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de la collection dans la langue d\aorigine. Afficher vis \195\160 vis du public.">
311 |
312 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
313 |
314 |
315 |
<COLUMN ID="21101" ColName="cc_truk_nom_alternatif" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom alternatif de la collection.">
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
<COLUMN ID="21141" ColName="cc_description" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Description principale de la collection pour un large public.">
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
<COLUMN ID="21142" ColName="cc_description_specialiste" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Description de la collection pour un public de sp\195\169cialistes.">
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
<COLUMN ID="21187" ColName="cc_historique" PrevColName="" Pos="20" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Historique de la collection (acquisition, diff\195\169rentes interventions de restauration, de traitement ...).">
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
<COLUMN ID="21182" ColName="cc_truk_url" PrevColName="cc_url" Pos="18" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL(s) du site web ou de la page concernant la collection.">
332 |
333 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
334 |
335 |
336 |
<COLUMN ID="21333" ColName="cc_truk_url_objet" PrevColName="" Pos="34" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL(s) indiquant un web service ou une page permettant d\aacc\195\168der \195\160 des informations sur les objets de la collection.">
337 |
338 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
339 |
340 |
341 |
<COLUMN ID="21262" ColName="cc_truk_groupement_principe" PrevColName="cc_ce_truk_principe_groupe" Pos="21" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Principal but de groupement de la collection au niveau int\195\169lectuel plut\195\180t que physique.">
342 |
343 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
344 |
345 |
346 |
<COLUMN ID="21265" ColName="cc_truk_groupement_but" PrevColName="" Pos="22" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Principal but de r\195\169alisation de la collection.">
347 |
348 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
349 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
350 |
351 |
352 |
<COLUMN ID="21146" ColName="cc_ce_type" PrevColName="" Pos="14" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type de la collection vis \195\160 vis du standard NCD.">
353 |
354 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
355 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
356 |
357 |
358 |
<COLUMN ID="21177" ColName="cc_truk_type_depot" PrevColName="cc_ce_type_depot" Pos="17" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de d\195\169p\195\180t de la collection.">
359 |
360 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
361 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
362 |
363 |
364 |
<COLUMN ID="21175" ColName="cc_cote" PrevColName="" Pos="15" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="C\195\180te de la collection.">
365 |
366 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
367 |
368 |
369 |
<COLUMN ID="21176" ColName="cc_dimenssion" PrevColName="" Pos="16" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Dimenssion, taille de la collection sous forme de texte libre.">
370 |
371 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
372 |
373 |
374 |
<COLUMN ID="21307" ColName="cc_condition_acces" PrevColName="" Pos="23" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Condition d\aacc\195\168s \195\160 la collection. Peut \195\170tre d\195\169finit par d\195\169faut par la structure.">
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
<COLUMN ID="21308" ColName="cc_condition_usage" PrevColName="" Pos="24" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Condition d\ausages de la collection. Peut \195\170tre d\195\169finit par d\195\169faut par la structure.">
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
<COLUMN ID="21183" ColName="cc_truk_couverture_vernaculaire" PrevColName="cc_truk_nature" Pos="19" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nature de la collection sous forme de nom(s) vernaculaire(s).">
383 |
384 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
385 |
386 |
387 |
<COLUMN ID="21313" ColName="cc_truk_couverture_taxonomique" PrevColName="cc_couverture_taxonomique" Pos="25" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de famille ou de taxons sup\195\169rieurs pr\195\169sent dans la collection.">
388 |
389 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
390 |
391 |
392 |
<COLUMN ID="21327" ColName="cc_truk_couverture_regne" PrevColName="" Pos="32" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Liste des r\195\168gnes couverts par la collection.">
393 |
394 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
395 |
396 |
397 |
<COLUMN ID="21314" ColName="cc_truk_couverture_temporelle" PrevColName="cc_couverture_temporelle" Pos="26" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="P\195\169riode de temps couverte par la collection.">
398 |
399 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
400 |
401 |
402 |
<COLUMN ID="21326" ColName="cc_truk_couverture_vie" PrevColName="cc_truk_couverture_periode_vie" Pos="31" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="P\195\169riode de temps durant laquelle le mat\195\169riel biologique \195\169tait en vie. Inclu les p\195\169riodes de temps pal\195\169ontologiques.">
403 |
404 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
405 |
406 |
407 |
<COLUMN ID="20841" ColName="cc_truk_conservation_statut" PrevColName="cc_ce_etat" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indiquer la date d\aune estimation s\195\169par\195\169e par un di\195\168se du statut estim\195\169 utilisant l\a\195\169chelle de McGinley. Plusieurs estimations seront s\195\169par\195\169s par un point virgule.">
408 |
409 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
410 |
411 |
412 |
<COLUMN ID="21328" ColName="cc_truk_preservation" PrevColName="" Pos="33" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Liste indiquant les proc\195\169dures ou techniques de conservation utilis\195\169es pour les collections non vivantes.">
413 |
414 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
415 |
416 |
417 |
<COLUMN ID="21335" ColName="cc_ce_developpement" PrevColName="" Pos="35" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indique le changement potentiel dans la port\195\169e de la collection.">
418 |
419 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
420 |
421 |
23 |
jpm |
422 |
<COLUMN ID="21337" ColName="cc_truk_periode_constitution" PrevColName="cc_truk_periode_formation" Pos="36" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Liste de p\195\169riodes de temps durant laquelle la collection a \195\169t\195\169 assembl\195\169e.">
20 |
jpm |
423 |
424 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
425 |
426 |
23 |
jpm |
427 |
<COLUMN ID="21338" ColName="cc_truk_couverture_lieu" PrevColName="" Pos="37" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Liste de lieux (continent, pays, region, d\195\169partement, commune, autres lieux historique ou texte libre) desquels le mat\195\169riel de la collection est originaire.">
20 |
jpm |
428 |
429 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
430 |
431 |
432 |
<COLUMN ID="21339" ColName="cc_truk_coordonnee" PrevColName="" Pos="38" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Liste de coordonn\195\169es d\195\169cimales des lieux d\aorigine du mat\195\169riel de la collection.">
433 |
434 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
435 |
436 |
23 |
jpm |
437 |
<COLUMN ID="21325" ColName="cc_ce_specimen_type" PrevColName="cc_mark_specimen_type" Pos="30" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Y-a-t\ail des \195\169chantillons-types?">
20 |
jpm |
438 |
23 |
jpm |
439 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
440 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
20 |
jpm |
441 |
442 |
23 |
jpm |
443 |
<COLUMN ID="21506" ColName="cc_specimen_type_nbre" PrevColName="" Pos="41" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nombre de sp\195\169cimen type pr\195\169sent dans la collection.">
444 |
445 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
446 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
447 |
448 |
449 |
<COLUMN ID="21507" ColName="cc_ce_speciment_type_nbre_precision" PrevColName="" Pos="41" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pr\195\169cision sur le nombre de sp\195\169cimens types indiqu\195\169 (exact, approximatif).">
450 |
451 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
452 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
453 |
454 |
455 |
<COLUMN ID="21508" ColName="cc_ce_specimen_type_classement" PrevColName="" Pos="42" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type de classement des specimens types.">
456 |
457 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
458 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
459 |
460 |
22 |
jpm |
461 |
<COLUMN ID="21345" ColName="cc_expedition_nom" PrevColName="" Pos="39" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de l\aexp\195\169dition durant laquelle le mat\195\169riel a \195\169t\195\169 collect\195\169.">
462 |
463 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
464 |
465 |
20 |
jpm |
466 |
<COLUMN ID="21323" ColName="cc_truk_digital_medium" PrevColName="" Pos="29" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pour les collections digitales, listes des types de support d\aenregistrement. Ex. : DVD-R.">
467 |
468 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
469 |
470 |
471 |
<COLUMN ID="21322" ColName="cc_truk_digital_format" PrevColName="" Pos="28" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pour les collections digitales, listes des types MIME.">
472 |
473 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
474 |
475 |
16 |
jpm |
476 |
<COLUMN ID="20838" ColName="cc_notes" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Notes sur l\aenregistrement. Information sur les modification effectu\195\169es. Permet de recr\195\169er l\ahitorique des modifications. ">
477 |
478 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
479 |
480 |
481 |
<COLUMN ID="20839" ColName="cc_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
482 |
483 |
484 |
485 |
<COLUMN ID="20840" ColName="cc_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la personne ayant effectu\195\169 la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement. ">
486 |
487 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
488 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
489 |
490 |
20 |
jpm |
491 |
<COLUMN ID="21320" ColName="cc_ce_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat de l\aenregistrement.">
16 |
jpm |
492 |
493 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
494 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
495 |
496 |
14 |
jpm |
497 |
16 |
jpm |
498 |
499 |
20 |
jpm |
500 |
501 |
502 |
23 |
jpm |
503 |
504 |
16 |
jpm |
505 |
506 |
507 |
<RELATION_END ID="20817" />
508 |
<RELATION_END ID="20819" />
509 |
<RELATION_END ID="20842" />
23 |
jpm |
510 |
<RELATION_END ID="21628" />
16 |
jpm |
511 |
14 |
jpm |
512 |
513 |
<INDEX ID="1450" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
514 |
515 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="1449" LengthParam="0" />
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
23 |
jpm |
520 |
<TABLE ID="1445" Tablename="coel_structure" PrevTableName="Table_02" XPos="794" YPos="460" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Contient les informations sur les structures." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="37" >
14 |
jpm |
521 |
16 |
jpm |
522 |
<COLUMN ID="18411" ColName="cs_id_structure" PrevColName="idcoel_structure" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la structure.">
14 |
jpm |
523 |
524 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
525 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
526 |
527 |
23 |
jpm |
528 |
<COLUMN ID="21627" ColName="cs_ce_projet" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
529 |
530 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
531 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
532 |
533 |
20 |
jpm |
534 |
<COLUMN ID="21165" ColName="cs_ce_mere" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
16 |
jpm |
535 |
536 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
537 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
538 |
539 |
20 |
jpm |
540 |
<COLUMN ID="18555" ColName="cs_guid" PrevColName="cs_uri" Pos="1" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URI (LSID ou URL) de la structure. Dans le format RDF, cela sera utilis\195\169 comme URI des donn\195\169es de l\ainstitutions.">
16 |
jpm |
541 |
542 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
543 |
544 |
20 |
jpm |
545 |
<COLUMN ID="18561" ColName="cs_truk_identifiant_alternatif" PrevColName="cs_identifiant_alternatif" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant alternatif. Par exemple, l\aacronyme de l\aIndex Herbariorum ou du MNHN. S\195\169parer les diff\195\169rentes valeurs par un point virgule \A;\A et le type d\aidentifiant de sa valeur par un di\195\168ze \A#\A. Exemple : IH#MPU;MNHN#163">
16 |
jpm |
546 |
547 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
548 |
549 |
550 |
<COLUMN ID="18556" ColName="cs_nom" PrevColName="cs_intitule" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom officiel de la structure dans sa langue d\aorigine.">
551 |
552 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
553 |
554 |
20 |
jpm |
555 |
<COLUMN ID="18557" ColName="cs_truk_nom_alternatif" PrevColName="cs_intitule_alternatif" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Autres noms de la structures. S\195\169parer les diff\195\169rentes valeurs par un point virgule \A;\A.">
16 |
jpm |
556 |
557 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
558 |
559 |
560 |
<COLUMN ID="18560" ColName="cs_description" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Description de la structure pour le public.">
561 |
562 |
563 |
20 |
jpm |
564 |
<COLUMN ID="20789" ColName="cs_ce_type" PrevColName="cs_ce_statut" Pos="17" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant du type de la structure vis \195\160 vis du standard NCD.">
16 |
jpm |
565 |
20 |
jpm |
566 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
16 |
jpm |
567 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
568 |
569 |
20 |
jpm |
570 |
<COLUMN ID="21169" ColName="cs_ce_truk_type_prive" PrevColName="" Pos="24" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Type priv\195\169 de structure.">
571 |
572 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
573 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
574 |
575 |
576 |
<COLUMN ID="21170" ColName="cs_ce_truk_type_public" PrevColName="" Pos="25" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Type public de structure.">
577 |
578 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
579 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
580 |
581 |
16 |
jpm |
582 |
<COLUMN ID="20777" ColName="cs_adresse_01" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Adresse principale.">
583 |
584 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
585 |
586 |
587 |
<COLUMN ID="20778" ColName="cs_adresse_02" PrevColName="" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Compl\195\169ment d\aadresse.">
588 |
589 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
590 |
591 |
592 |
<COLUMN ID="20780" ColName="cs_date_fondation" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="14" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de fondation de la structure.">
593 |
594 |
595 |
596 |
<COLUMN ID="20781" ColName="cs_code_postal" PrevColName="" Pos="10" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(16)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Code postal.">
597 |
598 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
599 |
600 |
601 |
<COLUMN ID="20782" ColName="cs_ville" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Ville.">
602 |
603 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
604 |
605 |
606 |
<COLUMN ID="20783" ColName="cs_region" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de la r\195\169gion (\195\169tat, province) o\195\185 est situ\195\169 la structure. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-2.">
607 |
608 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
609 |
610 |
611 |
<COLUMN ID="20784" ColName="cs_pays" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pays de la structure. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-1.">
612 |
613 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
614 |
615 |
616 |
<COLUMN ID="20785" ColName="cs_telephone" PrevColName="" Pos="14" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="T\195\169l\195\169phone principale de la structure.">
617 |
618 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
619 |
620 |
621 |
<COLUMN ID="20786" ColName="cs_fax" PrevColName="" Pos="15" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Fax de la structure.">
622 |
623 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
624 |
625 |
20 |
jpm |
626 |
<COLUMN ID="20787" ColName="cs_courriel" PrevColName="" Pos="16" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Courriel principal de contact de l\aorganisation ex : accueil@organisation.org, pas de mail individuel.">
16 |
jpm |
627 |
628 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
629 |
630 |
20 |
jpm |
631 |
<COLUMN ID="21159" ColName="cs_truk_url" PrevColName="" Pos="22" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL du site web principal de la structure ou de page web particuli\195\168re.">
632 |
633 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
634 |
635 |
16 |
jpm |
636 |
<COLUMN ID="20816" ColName="cs_nbre_personne" PrevColName="" Pos="19" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nombre de personne pr\195\169sentent dans la structure.">
637 |
638 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
639 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
640 |
641 |
20 |
jpm |
642 |
<COLUMN ID="21310" ColName="cs_condition_acces" PrevColName="" Pos="26" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Conditions d\aacc\195\168s \195\160 la structure.">
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
<COLUMN ID="21311" ColName="cs_condition_usage" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Conditions d\ausage g\195\169n\195\169rales des collections de la structure.">
647 |
648 |
649 |
16 |
jpm |
650 |
<COLUMN ID="20824" ColName="cs_notes" PrevColName="" Pos="20" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Notes sur l\aenregistrement. Information sur les modification effectu\195\169es. Permet de recr\195\169er l\ahitorique des modifications.">
651 |
652 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
653 |
654 |
655 |
<COLUMN ID="20825" ColName="cs_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="21" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
656 |
657 |
658 |
659 |
<COLUMN ID="20826" ColName="cs_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="22" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la personne ayant effectu\195\169 la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement. ">
660 |
661 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
662 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
663 |
664 |
665 |
<COLUMN ID="20827" ColName="cs_ce_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="23" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat de cet enregistrement. ">
666 |
667 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
668 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
669 |
670 |
14 |
jpm |
671 |
672 |
673 |
16 |
jpm |
674 |
675 |
676 |
20 |
jpm |
677 |
23 |
jpm |
678 |
14 |
jpm |
679 |
16 |
jpm |
680 |
681 |
<RELATION_END ID="20830" />
20 |
jpm |
682 |
<RELATION_END ID="21163" />
23 |
jpm |
683 |
<RELATION_END ID="21625" />
16 |
jpm |
684 |
14 |
jpm |
685 |
686 |
<INDEX ID="18412" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
687 |
688 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="18411" LengthParam="0" />
689 |
690 |
691 |
692 |
23 |
jpm |
693 |
<TABLE ID="1446" Tablename="coel_personne" PrevTableName="Table_03" XPos="1671" YPos="311" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Contient les informations sur les personnes.\nPar personne nous entendons \195\160 la fois les utilisateurs de l\aapplication mais aussi les personnes contacts, les botanistes collecteurs, auteurs..." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="64" >
14 |
jpm |
694 |
695 |
<COLUMN ID="1456" ColName="cp_id_personne" PrevColName="cco_id_contact" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant d\aun contact.">
696 |
697 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
698 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
699 |
700 |
23 |
jpm |
701 |
<COLUMN ID="21624" ColName="cp_ce_projet" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
702 |
703 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
704 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
705 |
706 |
20 |
jpm |
707 |
<COLUMN ID="1458" ColName="cp_fmt_nom_complet" PrevColName="cco_nom_complet" Pos="1" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom complet du contact format\195\169 pour l\aaffichage avec : pr\195\169fixe+\A \A+Pr\195\169nom+\A \A+NOM+\A \A+suffixe">
14 |
jpm |
708 |
709 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
710 |
711 |
20 |
jpm |
712 |
<COLUMN ID="1462" ColName="cp_ce_truk_prefix" PrevColName="cco_prefix" Pos="5" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(20)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pr\195\169fixe du nom principal. Exemple : Dr, Mr.">
14 |
jpm |
713 |
714 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
715 |
716 |
20 |
jpm |
717 |
<COLUMN ID="1460" ColName="cp_prenom" PrevColName="cco_prenom" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pr\195\169nom principal (le plus connu, r\195\169pandu) de la personne. Un point virgul peut s\195\169parer le pr\195\169nom principal de pr\195\169noms secondaires \195\160 ne pas afficher dans le nom complet.">
14 |
jpm |
718 |
719 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
720 |
721 |
20 |
jpm |
722 |
<COLUMN ID="1459" ColName="cp_nom" PrevColName="cco_nom" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de famille principal (le plus connu, r\195\169pandu). Un point virgule peut s\195\169parer le nom principal de noms secondaires \195\160 ne pas afficher dans le nom complet.">
14 |
jpm |
723 |
724 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
725 |
726 |
20 |
jpm |
727 |
<COLUMN ID="1463" ColName="cp_ce_truk_suffix" PrevColName="cco_suffix" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(20)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Suffixe du nom principal. Exemple : Jr, III.">
14 |
jpm |
728 |
729 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
730 |
731 |
20 |
jpm |
732 |
<COLUMN ID="1461" ColName="cp_truk_nom_autre" PrevColName="cco_nom_complement" Pos="4" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom(s) complet alternatif. Pour les valeurs, s\195\169parez l\aidentifiant de l\aabreviation par un symbole pipe \A|\A. Exemple: HUH#105714|Sharp, Aaron John;APN#9544-1|Sharp, Aaron John (\aJack\a)">
14 |
jpm |
733 |
734 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
735 |
736 |
20 |
jpm |
737 |
<COLUMN ID="21132" ColName="cp_abreviation" PrevColName="" Pos="35" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Abreviation retenu du nom.">
14 |
jpm |
738 |
739 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
740 |
741 |
20 |
jpm |
742 |
<COLUMN ID="21133" ColName="cp_truk_abreviation_autre" PrevColName="" Pos="36" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Autres abr\195\169viations du nom. Pour les valeurs, s\195\169parez l\aidentifiant de l\aabreviation par un symbole pipe \A|\A. Exemple: HUH#105714|A. J. Sharp;APN#9544-1|Sharp">
14 |
jpm |
743 |
744 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
745 |
746 |
20 |
jpm |
747 |
<COLUMN ID="21123" ColName="cp_naissance_date" PrevColName="cp_date_naissance" Pos="30" idDatatype="14" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0000-00-00" Comments="Date de naissance de la personne.">
14 |
jpm |
748 |
20 |
jpm |
749 |
750 |
751 |
<COLUMN ID="21126" ColName="cp_naissance_lieu" PrevColName="" Pos="32" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Autres abr\195\169viations du nom. Pour les valeurs, s\195\169parez l\aidentifiant de l\aabreviation par un symbole pipe \A|\A. Exemple: HUH#105714|A. J. Sharp;APN#9544-1|Sharp;BP#?|Sharp">
752 |
14 |
jpm |
753 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
754 |
755 |
20 |
jpm |
756 |
<COLUMN ID="21124" ColName="cp_deces_date" PrevColName="cp_date_deces" Pos="31" idDatatype="14" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de d\195\169c\195\169s de la personne. Par d\195\169faut, si la personne n\aest pas d\195\169c\195\169d\195\169 le champ reste null. Si la personne est d\195\169c\195\169d\195\169e mais que l\aon ne connait pas la date mettre : 0000-00-00">
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 |
<COLUMN ID="21127" ColName="cp_deces_lieu" PrevColName="" Pos="33" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Lieu de d\195\169c\195\169s de la personne.">
761 |
762 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
763 |
764 |
765 |
<COLUMN ID="21258" ColName="cp_biographie" PrevColName="" Pos="35" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Vie et renomm\195\169e (locale, r\195\169gionale, ...) de la personne.">
766 |
767 |
768 |
16 |
jpm |
769 |
<COLUMN ID="18392" ColName="cp_adresse_01" PrevColName="cco_perso_adresse" Pos="13" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Adresse de la personne.">
14 |
jpm |
770 |
771 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
772 |
773 |
16 |
jpm |
774 |
<COLUMN ID="18391" ColName="cp_adresse_02" PrevColName="cco_perso_adresse_complement" Pos="12" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Compl\195\169ment d\aadresse personnelle.">
14 |
jpm |
775 |
776 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
777 |
778 |
16 |
jpm |
779 |
<COLUMN ID="18394" ColName="cp_region" PrevColName="cco_perso_region" Pos="15" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de la r\195\169gion (\195\169tat, province) o\195\185 vit la personne. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-2.">
14 |
jpm |
780 |
781 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
782 |
783 |
16 |
jpm |
784 |
<COLUMN ID="18390" ColName="cp_bp" PrevColName="cco_perso_bp" Pos="11" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(20)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Boite postale de l\aadresse de la personne.">
14 |
jpm |
785 |
786 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
787 |
788 |
16 |
jpm |
789 |
<COLUMN ID="18395" ColName="cp_code_postal" PrevColName="cco_perso_code_postal" Pos="16" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(10)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Code postal (zip) personnel.">
14 |
jpm |
790 |
791 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
792 |
793 |
16 |
jpm |
794 |
<COLUMN ID="18393" ColName="cp_ville" PrevColName="cco_perso_ville" Pos="14" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom de la localit\195\169 (ville) o\195\185 vit la personne.">
14 |
jpm |
795 |
796 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
797 |
798 |
16 |
jpm |
799 |
<COLUMN ID="18396" ColName="cp_pays" PrevColName="cco_perso_pays" Pos="17" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom du pays o\195\185 vit la personne. Utiliser les noms du standard ISO-3166-1.">
14 |
jpm |
800 |
801 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
802 |
803 |
20 |
jpm |
804 |
<COLUMN ID="18400" ColName="cp_truk_telephone" PrevColName="cco_perso_tel_complement" Pos="21" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Num\195\169ro(s) de t\195\169l\195\169phone, pager... personnels compl\195\169mentaires.">
14 |
jpm |
805 |
806 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
807 |
808 |
20 |
jpm |
809 |
<COLUMN ID="21173" ColName="cp_truk_fax" PrevColName="" Pos="34" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Num\195\169ro(s) de fax.">
14 |
jpm |
810 |
811 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
812 |
813 |
20 |
jpm |
814 |
<COLUMN ID="18401" ColName="cp_truk_courriel" PrevColName="cco_perso_courriel" Pos="22" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Adresse(s) de courriel personnel. Ajouter les adresses dans leur ordre d\aimportance.">
14 |
jpm |
815 |
816 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
817 |
818 |
20 |
jpm |
819 |
<COLUMN ID="18402" ColName="cp_truk_url" PrevColName="cco_perso_url" Pos="23" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL(s) de site web personnel. Ajouter les adresses dans leur ordre d\aimportance.">
14 |
jpm |
820 |
821 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
822 |
823 |
20 |
jpm |
824 |
<COLUMN ID="18403" ColName="cp_truk_logo" PrevColName="cco_perso_logo" Pos="24" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URL(s) de logo personnel. Ajouter les adresses dans leur ordre d\aimportance.">
14 |
jpm |
825 |
826 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
827 |
828 |
20 |
jpm |
829 |
<COLUMN ID="18436" ColName="cp_ce_truk_specialite" PrevColName="cp_bota_specialite" Pos="29" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indiquer s\195\169parer par des points virgules \A;\A les sp\195\169cialit\195\169s naturalistes de la personne.">
14 |
jpm |
830 |
831 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
832 |
833 |
20 |
jpm |
834 |
<COLUMN ID="21129" ColName="cp_truk_recolte" PrevColName="" Pos="34" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indiquer les lieux de r\195\169colte (code ISO des pays) s\195\169par\195\169s par des points virgules. Apr\195\168s chaque code ISO indiqu\195\169 les ann\195\169es de r\195\169colte s\195\169par\195\169es par des vigules ou des tirets pour les p\195\169riodes continues). Si le pays de r\195\169colte est inconnu utilis\195\169 un point d\ainterogration. Exemple : FR#1905-1908,1910;PS#1912.">
14 |
jpm |
835 |
836 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
837 |
838 |
23 |
jpm |
839 |
<COLUMN ID="21554" ColName="cp_ce_truk_role" PrevColName="" Pos="36" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="R\195\180le g\195\169n\195\169rale de la personne vis \195\160 vis de l\aensemble des projets : superadmin, admin...">
840 |
841 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
842 |
843 |
844 |
<COLUMN ID="21620" ColName="cp_ce_coordoner_par" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant du coordinateur de la personne.">
845 |
846 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
847 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
848 |
849 |
20 |
jpm |
850 |
<COLUMN ID="18446" ColName="cp_bool_licence" PrevColName="" Pos="33" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Indique quand la valeur vaut 1 que l\autilisateur a accept\195\169 la licence d\autilisation de l\aapplication. ">
14 |
jpm |
851 |
20 |
jpm |
852 |
853 |
854 |
<COLUMN ID="18438" ColName="cp_login" PrevColName="" Pos="31" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Login de la personne pour acc\195\169der \195\160 l\aapplication.">
855 |
14 |
jpm |
856 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
857 |
858 |
20 |
jpm |
859 |
<COLUMN ID="18439" ColName="cp_mot_de_passe" PrevColName="" Pos="32" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Mot de passe de la personne pour acc\195\169der \195\160 l\aapplication.">
14 |
jpm |
860 |
861 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
862 |
863 |
16 |
jpm |
864 |
<COLUMN ID="18404" ColName="cp_notes" PrevColName="cco_notes" Pos="25" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Notes sur l\aenregistrement. Information sur les modification effectu\195\169es. Permet de recr\195\169er l\ahitorique des modifications.">
14 |
jpm |
865 |
866 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
867 |
868 |
20 |
jpm |
869 |
<COLUMN ID="18405" ColName="cp_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="cco_" Pos="26" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0000-00-00 00:00:00" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
14 |
jpm |
870 |
16 |
jpm |
871 |
872 |
873 |
<COLUMN ID="18407" ColName="cp_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="cco_ce_modifier_par" Pos="27" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la personne ayant effectu\195\169 la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
874 |
875 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
14 |
jpm |
876 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
877 |
878 |
16 |
jpm |
879 |
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14 |
jpm |
880 |
881 |
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882 |
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883 |
884 |
16 |
jpm |
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |
890 |
891 |
892 |
20 |
jpm |
893 |
894 |
895 |
896 |
897 |
898 |
23 |
jpm |
899 |
900 |
16 |
jpm |
901 |
902 |
903 |
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23 |
jpm |
904 |
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905 |
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16 |
jpm |
906 |
907 |
908 |
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909 |
910 |
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911 |
912 |
913 |
914 |
23 |
jpm |
915 |
<TABLE ID="1447" Tablename="coel_structure_a_personne" PrevTableName="Table_04" XPos="1193" YPos="606" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Table de liaison permettant d\aindiquer la composition de la structure en personnel.\nElle permet d\aindiquer pour une personne vis \195\160 vis d\aune structure :\n - si elle est contact\n - les informations de la personne sp\195\169cifique \195\160 cette structure (ex. : t\195\169l\195\169phone du travail, fonction, service, statut...)." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="56" >
16 |
jpm |
916 |
23 |
jpm |
917 |
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14 |
jpm |
918 |
919 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
920 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
921 |
922 |
23 |
jpm |
923 |
<COLUMN ID="21567" ColName="csap_id_personne" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
14 |
jpm |
924 |
16 |
jpm |
925 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
14 |
jpm |
926 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
927 |
928 |
23 |
jpm |
929 |
<COLUMN ID="21609" ColName="cspa_id_role" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="R\195\180le de la personne vis \195\160 vis de la structure.">
14 |
jpm |
930 |
23 |
jpm |
931 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
16 |
jpm |
932 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
14 |
jpm |
933 |
934 |
23 |
jpm |
935 |
<COLUMN ID="18533" ColName="csap_ce_truk_fonction" PrevColName="csae_fonction" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Intitul\195\169 de la fonction de la personne dans son travail.">
14 |
jpm |
936 |
16 |
jpm |
937 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
938 |
939 |
23 |
jpm |
940 |
<COLUMN ID="18534" ColName="csap_service" PrevColName="csae_service" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(100)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Nom du service ou d\195\169partement dans lequel la personne travaille.">
16 |
jpm |
941 |
942 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
943 |
944 |
23 |
jpm |
945 |
<COLUMN ID="18537" ColName="csap_ce_truk_statut" PrevColName="csae_statut" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Statut(s) de la personne : salari\195\169, b\195\169n\195\169vole...">
16 |
jpm |
946 |
23 |
jpm |
947 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
16 |
jpm |
948 |
949 |
23 |
jpm |
950 |
<COLUMN ID="18433" ColName="csap_mark_contact" PrevColName="csae_bool_contact" Pos="2" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Si la personne est un contact la valeur vaut 1 sinon c\aest 0.">
16 |
jpm |
951 |
23 |
jpm |
952 |
953 |
954 |
<COLUMN ID="18546" ColName="csap_bota_travail_hebdo_tps" PrevColName="csae_bota_travail_hebdo_tps" Pos="10" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Temps de travail hebdomadaire de la personne dans la structure botanique. Ce champ est \195\160 but statistique et n\aapparaitra pas en ligne.">
955 |
14 |
jpm |
956 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
957 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
958 |
959 |
23 |
jpm |
960 |
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14 |
jpm |
961 |
16 |
jpm |
962 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
963 |
964 |
23 |
jpm |
965 |
<COLUMN ID="18442" ColName="csap_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="csae_date_derniere_modif" Pos="4" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
16 |
jpm |
966 |
967 |
968 |
23 |
jpm |
969 |
<COLUMN ID="21569" ColName="csap_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
16 |
jpm |
970 |
14 |
jpm |
971 |
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972 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
973 |
974 |
23 |
jpm |
975 |
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16 |
jpm |
976 |
977 |
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978 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
979 |
980 |
14 |
jpm |
981 |
16 |
jpm |
982 |
983 |
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984 |
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985 |
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986 |
987 |
988 |
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989 |
23 |
jpm |
990 |
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991 |
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992 |
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16 |
jpm |
993 |
994 |
995 |
996 |
23 |
jpm |
997 |
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16 |
jpm |
998 |
999 |
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1000 |
1001 |
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1002 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
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1006 |
1007 |
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1008 |
1009 |
1010 |
14 |
jpm |
1011 |
16 |
jpm |
1012 |
1013 |
14 |
jpm |
1014 |
1015 |
16 |
jpm |
1016 |
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14 |
jpm |
1017 |
16 |
jpm |
1018 |
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14 |
jpm |
1019 |
1020 |
1021 |
1022 |
23 |
jpm |
1023 |
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14 |
jpm |
1024 |
16 |
jpm |
1025 |
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14 |
jpm |
1026 |
1027 |
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1028 |
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1029 |
1030 |
16 |
jpm |
1031 |
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14 |
jpm |
1032 |
1033 |
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1034 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1035 |
1036 |
16 |
jpm |
1037 |
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14 |
jpm |
1038 |
1039 |
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1040 |
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1041 |
1042 |
16 |
jpm |
1043 |
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14 |
jpm |
1044 |
16 |
jpm |
1045 |
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1046 |
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14 |
jpm |
1047 |
1048 |
16 |
jpm |
1049 |
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14 |
jpm |
1050 |
16 |
jpm |
1051 |
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14 |
jpm |
1052 |
1053 |
16 |
jpm |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
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1057 |
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1058 |
1059 |
1060 |
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1061 |
1062 |
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1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
23 |
jpm |
1067 |
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16 |
jpm |
1068 |
1069 |
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14 |
jpm |
1070 |
1071 |
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1072 |
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1073 |
1074 |
16 |
jpm |
1075 |
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14 |
jpm |
1076 |
1077 |
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1078 |
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1079 |
1080 |
16 |
jpm |
1081 |
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1082 |
1083 |
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1084 |
1085 |
14 |
jpm |
1086 |
16 |
jpm |
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
1090 |
1091 |
14 |
jpm |
1092 |
16 |
jpm |
1093 |
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14 |
jpm |
1094 |
1095 |
16 |
jpm |
1096 |
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14 |
jpm |
1097 |
16 |
jpm |
1098 |
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14 |
jpm |
1099 |
1100 |
16 |
jpm |
1101 |
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14 |
jpm |
1102 |
16 |
jpm |
1103 |
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14 |
jpm |
1104 |
1105 |
16 |
jpm |
1106 |
1107 |
23 |
jpm |
1108 |
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16 |
jpm |
1109 |
1110 |
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1111 |
1112 |
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1113 |
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1114 |
1115 |
1116 |
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1117 |
1118 |
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1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
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1122 |
1123 |
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1124 |
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1125 |
1126 |
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
1131 |
1132 |
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14 |
jpm |
1133 |
16 |
jpm |
1134 |
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14 |
jpm |
1135 |
1136 |
1137 |
1138 |
23 |
jpm |
1139 |
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16 |
jpm |
1140 |
1141 |
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1142 |
1143 |
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1144 |
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1145 |
1146 |
1147 |
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1148 |
1149 |
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1150 |
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1151 |
1152 |
1153 |
1154 |
1155 |
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1156 |
1157 |
1158 |
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1159 |
1160 |
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1161 |
1162 |
1163 |
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1164 |
1165 |
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1166 |
1167 |
1168 |
1169 |
23 |
jpm |
1170 |
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16 |
jpm |
1171 |
1172 |
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1173 |
1174 |
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1175 |
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1176 |
1177 |
1178 |
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1179 |
1180 |
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1181 |
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1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
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1185 |
1186 |
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1187 |
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1188 |
1189 |
1190 |
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1191 |
1192 |
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1193 |
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1194 |
1195 |
1196 |
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1197 |
1198 |
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1199 |
1200 |
1201 |
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1202 |
1203 |
1204 |
1205 |
<COLUMN ID="20846" ColName="cmh_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1206 |
1207 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1208 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1209 |
1210 |
1211 |
<COLUMN ID="18517" ColName="cmh_ce_etat" PrevColName="cmh_mode" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(1)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant indiquant le mode de mise \195\160 jour. Ici cela devrait toujours \195\170tre de la modification.">
1212 |
1213 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1214 |
1215 |
1216 |
<COLUMN ID="18518" ColName="cmh_ip_mac" PrevColName="" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(50)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Adresse ip \195\160 l\aorigine de la modification.">
1217 |
1218 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1219 |
1220 |
1221 |
1222 |
1223 |
<RELATION_END ID="18504" />
1224 |
<RELATION_END ID="20808" />
1225 |
<RELATION_END ID="20844" />
1226 |
1227 |
1228 |
<INDEX ID="18501" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1229 |
1230 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="18500" LengthParam="0" />
1231 |
1232 |
1233 |
<INDEX ID="18523" IndexName="coel_meta_historisation_FKIndex1" IndexKind="1" FKRefDef_Obj_id="18504">
1234 |
1235 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="18526" LengthParam="0" />
1236 |
1237 |
1238 |
1239 |
23 |
jpm |
1240 |
<TABLE ID="20850" Tablename="coel_structure_conservation" PrevTableName="Table_11" XPos="1121" YPos="948" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Toutes les donn\195\169es sp\195\169cifiques \195\160 la conservation au sein d\aune structure." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="50" >
16 |
jpm |
1241 |
20 |
jpm |
1242 |
<COLUMN ID="20978" ColName="csc_id_structure" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la structure.">
16 |
jpm |
1243 |
1244 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1245 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1246 |
1247 |
1248 |
<COLUMN ID="20869" ColName="csc_mark_formation" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Le personnel s\aoccupant des collections botaniques a-t-il suivi des formations en conservation\194\160?">
1249 |
1250 |
1251 |
20 |
jpm |
1252 |
<COLUMN ID="20871" ColName="csc_formation" PrevColName="" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les formations en conservation suvi par le personnel.">
16 |
jpm |
1253 |
1254 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1255 |
1256 |
1257 |
<COLUMN ID="20872" ColName="csc_mark_formation_interet" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Le personnel s\aoccupant des collections botaniques a-t-il suivi des formations en conservation\194\160?">
1258 |
1259 |
1260 |
20 |
jpm |
1261 |
<COLUMN ID="20874" ColName="csc_truk_stockage_local" PrevColName="csc_ce_stockage_local" Pos="4" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Avez-vous des locaux sp\195\169cifiques de stockage des collections botaniques\194\160?">
16 |
jpm |
1262 |
20 |
jpm |
1263 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1264 |
1265 |
1266 |
<COLUMN ID="20912" ColName="csc_truk_stockage_meuble" PrevColName="csc_stockage_meuble" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Avez-vous des meubles sp\195\169cifiques au stockage des collections botaniques\194\160? ">
1267 |
1268 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1269 |
1270 |
1271 |
<COLUMN ID="20914" ColName="csc_truk_stockage_parametre" PrevColName="csc" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Quels param\195\168tres ma\195\174trisez-vous ?">
1272 |
1273 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1274 |
1275 |
1276 |
<COLUMN ID="20952" ColName="csc_mark_collection_commune" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Les collections botaniques sont-elles conserv\195\169es avec d\aautres collections dans les m\195\170mes locaux\194\160(probl\195\168me de conservation en commun) ? ">
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
1280 |
<COLUMN ID="20954" ColName="csc_truk_collection_autre" PrevColName="csc_truk_collection_ature" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Actuellement, vos collections botaniques s\aaccroissent-elles de nouvelles acquisitions\194\160?">
1281 |
1282 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1283 |
1284 |
1285 |
<COLUMN ID="20960" ColName="csc_mark_acces_controle" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="L\aacc\195\168s \195\160 vos collections botaniques est-il contr\195\180l\195\169 (ex.\194\160: manipulation r\195\169serv\195\169e \195\160 des personnes comp\195\169tentes)\194\160?">
1286 |
1287 |
1288 |
1289 |
<COLUMN ID="20961" ColName="csc_mark_restauration" PrevColName="" Pos="10" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Effectuez-vous actuellement des op\195\169rations de restauration ou de remise en \195\169tat de vos collections botaniques\194\160?">
1290 |
1291 |
1292 |
1293 |
<COLUMN ID="20963" ColName="csc_truk_restauration_operation" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les diff\195\169rentes op\195\169rations de restauration actuellement men\195\169es.">
1294 |
1295 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1296 |
1297 |
1298 |
<COLUMN ID="20964" ColName="csc_ce_materiel_conservation" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Utilisez-vous du mat\195\169riel de conservation ?">
1299 |
16 |
jpm |
1300 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1301 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1302 |
1303 |
20 |
jpm |
1304 |
<COLUMN ID="20967" ColName="csc_truk_materiel_autre" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Le mat\195\169riel, dit de \Anon conservation\A utilis\195\169.">
16 |
jpm |
1305 |
1306 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1307 |
1308 |
20 |
jpm |
1309 |
<COLUMN ID="20969" ColName="csc_mark_traitement" PrevColName="" Pos="14" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="R\195\169alisez-vous actuellement des traitements globaux contre les insectes\194\160?">
1310 |
1311 |
1312 |
1313 |
<COLUMN ID="20970" ColName="csc_truk_traitement" PrevColName="" Pos="15" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Traitements globaux contre les insectes.">
1314 |
1315 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1316 |
1317 |
1318 |
<COLUMN ID="20971" ColName="csc_mark_acquisition_collection" PrevColName="csc_mark_acquisition" Pos="16" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Actuellement, vos collections botaniques s\aaccroissent-elles de nouvelles acquisitions\194\160?">
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
1322 |
<COLUMN ID="20973" ColName="csc_mark_acquisition_echantillon" PrevColName="" Pos="17" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Actuellement mettez-vous en herbier de nouveaux \195\169chantillons\194\160? ">
1323 |
1324 |
1325 |
1326 |
<COLUMN ID="20974" ColName="csc_mark_acquisition_traitement" PrevColName="" Pos="18" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Si oui, faites-vous un traitement contre les insectes avant l\aint\195\169gration dans vos collections\194\160?">
1327 |
1328 |
1329 |
1330 |
<COLUMN ID="20975" ColName="csc_truk_acquisition_traitement_poison" PrevColName="" Pos="19" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Traitement de type empoisonnement effectu\195\169 lors des des acquisitions.">
1331 |
1332 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1333 |
1334 |
1335 |
<COLUMN ID="20976" ColName="csc_truk_acquisition_traitement_insecte" PrevColName="" Pos="20" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Traitement de type d\195\169sinctisation effectu\195\169 lors des des acquisitions.">
1336 |
1337 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1338 |
1339 |
16 |
jpm |
1340 |
1341 |
1342 |
<RELATION_END ID="20859" />
1343 |
1344 |
20 |
jpm |
1345 |
<INDEX ID="20979" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
16 |
jpm |
1346 |
20 |
jpm |
1347 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="20978" LengthParam="0" />
16 |
jpm |
1348 |
1349 |
1350 |
1351 |
23 |
jpm |
1352 |
<TABLE ID="20854" Tablename="coel_structure_valorisation" PrevTableName="Table_12" XPos="781" YPos="1015" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Toutes les donn\195\169es sp\195\169cifiques \195\160 la valorisation au sein d\aune structure." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="38" >
16 |
jpm |
1353 |
20 |
jpm |
1354 |
<COLUMN ID="20866" ColName="csv_id_structure" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la structure.">
16 |
jpm |
1355 |
1356 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1357 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1358 |
1359 |
20 |
jpm |
1360 |
<COLUMN ID="20981" ColName="csv_mark_action" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Avez-vous r\195\169alis\195\169 des actions de valorisation de vos collections botaniques\194\160ou avez-vous \195\169t\195\169 sollicit\195\169s pour la valorisation de ces collections ?">
1361 |
1362 |
1363 |
1364 |
<COLUMN ID="20982" ColName="csv_truk_action" PrevColName="" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les actions de valorisation r\195\169alis\195\169es.">
1365 |
1366 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1367 |
1368 |
1369 |
<COLUMN ID="20983" ColName="csv_publication" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Quelques titres des ouvrages, articles scientifiques, ... ?">
1370 |
1371 |
1372 |
1373 |
<COLUMN ID="20984" ColName="csv_collection_autre" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="L\aorganisme dispose-t-il d\aautres collections (permettant une valorisation pluridisciplinaire)\194\160?">
1374 |
1375 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1376 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1377 |
1378 |
1379 |
<COLUMN ID="20985" ColName="csv_mark_action_future" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Envisagez-vous des actions de valorisation dans le cadre de votre politique culturelle\194\160?">
1380 |
1381 |
1382 |
1383 |
<COLUMN ID="20986" ColName="csv_action_future" PrevColName="" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les actions de valorisation futures envisag\195\169es.">
1384 |
1385 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1386 |
1387 |
1388 |
<COLUMN ID="20987" ColName="csv_mark_recherche" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Vos collections botaniques sont-elles utilis\195\169es pour des recherches scientifiques\194\160?">
1389 |
1390 |
1391 |
1392 |
<COLUMN ID="20988" ColName="csv_truk_recherche_provenance" PrevColName="" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Si oui, par des chercheurs (professionnels ou amateurs ) de quelle provenance\194\160?">
1393 |
1394 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1395 |
1396 |
1397 |
<COLUMN ID="20990" ColName="csv_truk_recherche_type" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Et pour quelles types de recherches\194\160? ">
1398 |
1399 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
<COLUMN ID="20992" ColName="csv_mark_acces_ss_motif" PrevColName="" Pos="10" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Peut-on consulter vos collections botaniques sans motif de recherches scientifiques ?">
1403 |
1404 |
1405 |
1406 |
<COLUMN ID="20993" ColName="csv_acces_ss_motif" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Si oui, quelles d\195\169marches doit-on faire pour les consulter\194\160?">
1407 |
1408 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1409 |
1410 |
1411 |
<COLUMN ID="20994" ColName="csv_mark_visite_ss_motif" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Peut-on visiter vos collections botaniques en dehors d\aobjectif de recherches scientifiques\194\160?">
1412 |
1413 |
1414 |
1415 |
<COLUMN ID="20995" ColName="csv_visite_ss_motif" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Si oui, quelles d\195\169marches doit-on faire pour les visiter\194\160?">
1416 |
1417 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1418 |
1419 |
16 |
jpm |
1420 |
1421 |
1422 |
<RELATION_END ID="20861" />
1423 |
1424 |
1425 |
<INDEX ID="20867" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1426 |
1427 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="20866" LengthParam="0" />
1428 |
1429 |
1430 |
1431 |
23 |
jpm |
1432 |
<TABLE ID="21104" Tablename="coel_collection_a_personne" PrevTableName="Table_14" XPos="403" YPos="438" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Permet de lister les personnes en rapport avec une collection." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="22" >
20 |
jpm |
1433 |
23 |
jpm |
1434 |
<COLUMN ID="21106" ColName="ccap_id_collection" PrevColName="" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la collection associ\195\169e \195\160 une personne.">
20 |
jpm |
1435 |
1436 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1437 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1438 |
1439 |
1440 |
<COLUMN ID="21112" ColName="ccap_id_personne" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la personne associ\195\169e \195\160 une collection.">
1441 |
1442 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1443 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1444 |
1445 |
23 |
jpm |
1446 |
<COLUMN ID="21139" ColName="ccap_id_role" PrevColName="ccap_ce_truk_role" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="R\195\180le(s) de la personne : auteur, collecteur... permet aussi de conna\195\174tre qui a les droits de modification sur la collection.">
20 |
jpm |
1447 |
1448 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
<COLUMN ID="21114" ColName="ccap_notes" PrevColName="" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Notes sur l\aenregistrement. Information sur les modification effectu\195\169es. Permet de recr\195\169er l\ahitorique des modifications. ">
1452 |
1453 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1454 |
1455 |
1456 |
<COLUMN ID="21115" ColName="ccap_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement. ">
1457 |
1458 |
1459 |
1460 |
<COLUMN ID="21116" ColName="ccap_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la personne ayant effectu\195\169 la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
1461 |
1462 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1463 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1464 |
1465 |
1466 |
<COLUMN ID="21117" ColName="ccap_ce_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat de cet enregistrement.">
1467 |
1468 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1469 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1470 |
1471 |
1472 |
1473 |
1474 |
<RELATION_END ID="21108" />
1475 |
<RELATION_END ID="21110" />
1476 |
<RELATION_END ID="21118" />
1477 |
1478 |
1479 |
<INDEX ID="21107" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1480 |
1481 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21106" LengthParam="0" />
1482 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21112" LengthParam="0" />
23 |
jpm |
1483 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21139" LengthParam="0" />
20 |
jpm |
1484 |
1485 |
1486 |
1487 |
23 |
jpm |
1488 |
<TABLE ID="21148" Tablename="coel_collection_botanique" PrevTableName="Table_14" XPos="449" YPos="966" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Toutes les informations sp\195\169cialis\195\169es sur une collection de type : botanique" Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="8" >
20 |
jpm |
1489 |
1490 |
<COLUMN ID="21150" ColName="ccb_id_collection" PrevColName="" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la collection botanique.">
1491 |
1492 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1493 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1494 |
1495 |
1496 |
<COLUMN ID="21156" ColName="ccb_ce_truk_type" PrevColName="ccb_ce_type" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) pr\195\169cis de collection botanique.">
1497 |
1498 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1499 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1500 |
1501 |
23 |
jpm |
1502 |
<COLUMN ID="21343" ColName="ccb_truk_unite_rangement" PrevColName="ccb_truk" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(510)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) unit\195\169 de rangement de la collection botanique. \\\nPour chaque type : indication du nombre d\aunit\195\169, de la pr\195\169cision du nom (exact, approximatif), des formats.">
22 |
jpm |
1503 |
1504 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1505 |
1506 |
1507 |
<COLUMN ID="21348" ColName="ccb_ce_unite_rangement_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat de la majorit\195\169 des unit\195\169s de rangements (\195\169tat des rubans, des poign\195\169es, des sangles, des cartons...).">
1508 |
1509 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1510 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1511 |
1512 |
23 |
jpm |
1513 |
<COLUMN ID="21350" ColName="ccb_truk_unite_base" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(510)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) d\aunit\195\169 de base de la collection,\194\160 si diff\195\169rent de l\aunit\195\169 de rangement. \\\nEx. : si l\aunit\195\169 de rangement est un carton, l\aunit\195\169 de base peut \195\170tre une enveloppe. \\\nPour chaque type : indication du nombre d\aunit\195\169, de la pr\195\169cision du nom (exact, approximatif), des formats, du nombre de parts, de la pr\195\169cision sur le nombre de parts (exact, approximatif), du nombre d\aesp\195\168ces, de la pr\195\169cision sur le nombre d\aesp\195\168ces (exact, approximatif).">
22 |
jpm |
1514 |
1515 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1516 |
1517 |
1518 |
<COLUMN ID="21355" ColName="ccb_truk_conservation_papier_type" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) du papier de conservation.">
1519 |
1520 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1521 |
1522 |
1523 |
<COLUMN ID="21356" ColName="ccb_truk_conservation_methode" PrevColName="" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de m\195\169thode de conservation.">
1524 |
1525 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1526 |
1527 |
1528 |
<COLUMN ID="21357" ColName="ccb_specimen_fixation_pourcent" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pourcentage de sp\195\169cimens fix\195\169s.">
1529 |
1530 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1531 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1532 |
1533 |
1534 |
<COLUMN ID="21358" ColName="ccb_etiquette_fixation_pourcent" PrevColName="" Pos="8" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pourcentage d\a\195\169tiquettes fix\195\169es.">
1535 |
1536 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1537 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
<COLUMN ID="21359" ColName="ccb_truk_specimen_fixation_methode" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de fixation des sp\195\169cimens.">
1541 |
1542 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1543 |
1544 |
1545 |
<COLUMN ID="21361" ColName="ccb_truk_etiquette_fixation_support" PrevColName="" Pos="10" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de fixation des \195\169tiquettes fix\195\169es au support.">
1546 |
1547 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1548 |
1549 |
1550 |
<COLUMN ID="21362" ColName="ccb_truk_etiquette_fixation_specimen" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de fixation des \195\169tiquettes fix\195\169es au sp\195\169cimen.">
1551 |
1552 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1553 |
1554 |
1555 |
<COLUMN ID="21364" ColName="ccb_truk_etiquette_ecriture" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) d\a\195\169criture sur les \195\169tiquettes.">
1556 |
1557 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1558 |
1559 |
1560 |
<COLUMN ID="21365" ColName="ccb_ce_traitement" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="La collection botanique semble-t-elle avoir \195\169t\195\169 empoisonn\195\169e ou d\195\169sinsectis\195\169e lors de sa r\195\169alisation ?">
1561 |
1562 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1563 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1564 |
1565 |
1566 |
<COLUMN ID="21366" ColName="ccb_truk_traitement_poison" PrevColName="" Pos="14" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) d\aempoisonement de la collection.">
1567 |
1568 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1569 |
1570 |
1571 |
<COLUMN ID="21367" ColName="ccb_truk_traitement_isecte" PrevColName="" Pos="15" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de d\195\169sinctisation de la collection.">
1572 |
1573 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1574 |
1575 |
1576 |
<COLUMN ID="21368" ColName="ccb_ce_etat_general" PrevColName="" Pos="16" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat g\195\169n\195\169ral de la collection\194\160(grosses attaques d\ainsectes, pourriture, papier tr\195\168s fragile, etc... de 1 tr\195\168s mauvais \195\160 5 tr\195\168s bon \195\169tat).">
1577 |
1578 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1579 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1580 |
1581 |
1582 |
<COLUMN ID="21369" ColName="ccb_truk_degradation_specimen" PrevColName="" Pos="17" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de causes des d\195\169gradations des sp\195\169cimens not\195\169es de 1 tr\195\168s mauvais \195\160 5 tr\195\168s bon \195\169tat.">
1583 |
1584 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1585 |
1586 |
1587 |
<COLUMN ID="21370" ColName="ccb_truk_degradation_presentation" PrevColName="" Pos="18" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type(s) de causes des d\195\169gradations de la pr\195\169sentation not\195\169es de 1 tr\195\168s mauvais \195\160 5 tr\195\168s bon \195\169tat.">
1588 |
1589 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1590 |
1591 |
1592 |
<COLUMN ID="21371" ColName="ccb_ce_determination" PrevColName="" Pos="19" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les \195\169chantillons sont-ils d\195\169terminables ? (de 1\194\160: quelques fragment de plantes \195\160 5 plantes enti\195\168res).">
1593 |
1594 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1595 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1596 |
1597 |
23 |
jpm |
1598 |
<COLUMN ID="21471" ColName="ccb_recolte_date_debut" PrevColName="" Pos="20" idDatatype="14" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date extr\195\170me de d\195\169but de r\195\169colte.">
1599 |
1600 |
1601 |
1602 |
<COLUMN ID="21472" ColName="ccb_ce_recolte_date_debut_type" PrevColName="" Pos="21" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type de date extr\195\170me de d\195\169but de r\195\169colte.">
1603 |
1604 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1605 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1606 |
1607 |
1608 |
<COLUMN ID="21474" ColName="ccb_recolte_date_fin" PrevColName="" Pos="22" idDatatype="14" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date extr\195\170me de fin de r\195\169colte.">
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
1612 |
<COLUMN ID="21475" ColName="ccb_ce_recolte_date_fin_type" PrevColName="" Pos="23" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Type de date extr\195\170me de fin de r\195\169colte.">
1613 |
1614 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1615 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1616 |
1617 |
1618 |
<COLUMN ID="21477" ColName="ccb_annotation_classement" PrevColName="ccb_classement" Pos="24" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indiquer le type de classement ou des informations concernant un \195\169ventuel classement.">
1619 |
1620 |
1621 |
1622 |
<COLUMN ID="21478" ColName="ccb_ce_classement_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="25" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat du classement (de 1 tr\195\168s mauvais \195\160 5 tr\195\168s bon).">
1623 |
1624 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1625 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1626 |
1627 |
1628 |
<COLUMN ID="21479" ColName="ccb_truk_etiquette_renseignement" PrevColName="" Pos="26" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pourcentage pour chaque type de renseignements port\195\169s sur l\a\195\169tiquette\194\160ou sur la part.">
1629 |
1630 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1631 |
1632 |
1633 |
<COLUMN ID="21480" ColName="ccb_ce_precision_localite" PrevColName="" Pos="27" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les localit\195\169s sont elles pr\195\169cises?">
1634 |
1635 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1636 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1637 |
1638 |
1639 |
<COLUMN ID="21481" ColName="ccb_ce_precision_date" PrevColName="" Pos="28" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les dates sont elles pr\195\169cises?">
1640 |
1641 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1642 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1643 |
1644 |
1645 |
<COLUMN ID="21483" ColName="ccb_annotation_diverse" PrevColName="ccb_truk_annotation" Pos="29" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Autres annotations (dons, annotations personnelles, recettes, utilisations m\195\169dicales...).">
1646 |
1647 |
1648 |
1649 |
<COLUMN ID="21501" ColName="ccb_ce_collection_integre" PrevColName="" Pos="30" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="La collection observ\195\169e int\195\168gre-t-elle des collections botaniques ant\195\169rieures ?">
1650 |
1651 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1652 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1653 |
1654 |
1655 |
<COLUMN ID="21502" ColName="ccb_ce_collection_integre_info" PrevColName="ccb_collection_integre_info" Pos="31" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Les noms de ces collections sont-ils not\195\169s sur les \195\169tiquettes de chaque \195\169chantillon\194\160?">
1656 |
1657 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1658 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1659 |
1660 |
1661 |
<COLUMN ID="21514" ColName="ccb_ce_inventaire" PrevColName="" Pos="32" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Existe-t-il un inventaire de cette collection?">
1662 |
1663 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1664 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1665 |
1666 |
1667 |
<COLUMN ID="21515" ColName="ccb_ce_inventaire_auteur" PrevColName="" Pos="33" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="L\aauteur de la collection a-t-il particip\195\169 \195\160 cet inventaire?">
1668 |
1669 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1670 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1671 |
1672 |
1673 |
<COLUMN ID="21517" ColName="ccb_ce_inventaire_forme" PrevColName="" Pos="35" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Forme de l\ainventaire (mnauscrit, informatique...).">
1674 |
1675 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1676 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1677 |
1678 |
1679 |
<COLUMN ID="21516" ColName="ccb_inventaire_info" PrevColName="" Pos="34" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Quelles informations retrouve-t-on?">
1680 |
1681 |
1682 |
1683 |
<COLUMN ID="21518" ColName="ccb_ce_truk_inventaire_digital" PrevColName="" Pos="36" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Si inventaire digial, quel logiciel utilisez vous?">
1684 |
1685 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1686 |
1687 |
1688 |
<COLUMN ID="21519" ColName="ccb_inventaire_digital_pourcent" PrevColName="" Pos="37" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Pourcentage de la documentation en base de donn\195\169es.">
1689 |
1690 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1691 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1692 |
1693 |
1694 |
<COLUMN ID="21520" ColName="ccb_ce_inventaire_etat" PrevColName="ccb_inventaire_etat" Pos="38" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="L\ainventaire est il complet ou partiel?">
1695 |
1696 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1697 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1698 |
1699 |
1700 |
<COLUMN ID="21521" ColName="ccb_inventaire_donnee_type" PrevColName="" Pos="39" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Quels sont les \195\169l\195\169ments qui ont d\195\169j\195\160 \195\169t\195\169 inventori\195\169s (Ex. : familles, localit\195\169s...) ?">
1701 |
1702 |
1703 |
20 |
jpm |
1704 |
1705 |
1706 |
<RELATION_END ID="21152" />
1707 |
1708 |
1709 |
<INDEX ID="21151" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1710 |
1711 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21150" LengthParam="0" />
1712 |
1713 |
1714 |
1715 |
23 |
jpm |
1716 |
<TABLE ID="21188" Tablename="coel_publication" PrevTableName="Table_15" XPos="56" YPos="1729" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Publication de type articles scientifiques, ouvrages ou sites web." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="72" >
20 |
jpm |
1717 |
1718 |
<COLUMN ID="21190" ColName="cpu_id_publication" PrevColName="cp_id_publication" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la publication.">
1719 |
1720 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1721 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1722 |
1723 |
23 |
jpm |
1724 |
<COLUMN ID="21633" ColName="cpu_ce_projet" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
20 |
jpm |
1725 |
1726 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1727 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1728 |
1729 |
23 |
jpm |
1730 |
<COLUMN ID="21613" ColName="cpu_ce_auteur" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1731 |
1732 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1733 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1734 |
1735 |
20 |
jpm |
1736 |
<COLUMN ID="21305" ColName="cpu_uri" PrevColName="" Pos="15" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="URI de la publication qui peut \195\170tre un site web...">
1737 |
1738 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1739 |
1740 |
23 |
jpm |
1741 |
<COLUMN ID="21205" ColName="cpu_fmt_auteur" PrevColName="cpu_truk_auteur" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Contient le nom format\195\169 de l\aintitul\195\169 auteur(s). Si plusieurs personnes sont auteurs, l\aintitul\195\169 est format\195\169 ici.">
20 |
jpm |
1742 |
1743 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1744 |
1745 |
1746 |
<COLUMN ID="21193" ColName="cpu_titre" PrevColName="cp_titre" Pos="1" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Titre de l\aarticle ou de l\aouvrage.">
1747 |
1748 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1749 |
1750 |
23 |
jpm |
1751 |
<COLUMN ID="21198" ColName="cpu_collection" PrevColName="cpu_intitule_collection" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Intitul\195\169 de la collection, c\aest \195\160 dire de la revue.">
20 |
jpm |
1752 |
1753 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1754 |
1755 |
23 |
jpm |
1756 |
<COLUMN ID="21203" ColName="cpu_ce_editeur" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="0" Comments="Identifiant de la structure \195\169ditrice.">
20 |
jpm |
1757 |
1758 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1759 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1760 |
1761 |
1762 |
<COLUMN ID="21204" ColName="cpu_truk_editeur" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Contient le nom de l\a\195\169diteur s\ail n\aest pas renseign\195\169e par cpu_ce_editeur. Si cpu_ce_editeur est diff\195\169rent de 0 alors il contient le nom complet de la structure \195\169ditrice.">
1763 |
1764 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1765 |
1766 |
1767 |
<COLUMN ID="21206" ColName="cpu_date_parution" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="14" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de parution de la publication.">
1768 |
1769 |
1770 |
1771 |
<COLUMN ID="21211" ColName="cpu_indication_nvt" PrevColName="" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indication du num\195\169ro, volume ou tome de la publication. Plut\195\180t utilis\195\169 pour les ouvrages et non les articles de revue.">
1772 |
1773 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1774 |
1775 |
23 |
jpm |
1776 |
<COLUMN ID="21212" ColName="cpu_fascicule" PrevColName="cpu_titre_fascicule" Pos="9" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indication du titre du fascicule. Surtout utilis\195\169 pour les revues.">
20 |
jpm |
1777 |
1778 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
<COLUMN ID="21213" ColName="cpu_truk_pages" PrevColName="" Pos="10" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(25)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Indication du nombre de pages (pour les ouvrages) ou des pages de d\195\169but et de fin pour un artcile. Dans le cas des ouvrages un nombre doit \195\170tre pr\195\169sent. Pour les articles deux nombres ou point d\aint\195\169rogation s\195\169par\195\169s par un tiret.">
1782 |
1783 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1784 |
1785 |
1786 |
<COLUMN ID="21214" ColName="cpu_notes" PrevColName="" Pos="11" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Notes sur l\aenregistrement. Information sur les modification effectu\195\169es. Permet de recr\195\169er l\ahitorique des modifications. ">
1787 |
1788 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1789 |
1790 |
1791 |
<COLUMN ID="21215" ColName="cpu_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="12" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement. ">
1792 |
1793 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1794 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
<COLUMN ID="21216" ColName="cpu_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="13" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="Identifiant de la personne ayant effectu\195\169 la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
1798 |
1799 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1800 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1801 |
1802 |
1803 |
<COLUMN ID="21217" ColName="cpu_ce_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="14" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat de cet enregistrement. ">
1804 |
1805 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1806 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1807 |
1808 |
1809 |
1810 |
1811 |
1812 |
1813 |
1814 |
1815 |
<RELATION_END ID="21194" />
1816 |
<RELATION_END ID="21254" />
23 |
jpm |
1817 |
<RELATION_END ID="21616" />
1818 |
<RELATION_END ID="21631" />
20 |
jpm |
1819 |
1820 |
1821 |
<INDEX ID="21191" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1822 |
1823 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21190" LengthParam="0" />
1824 |
1825 |
1826 |
1827 |
23 |
jpm |
1828 |
<TABLE ID="21219" Tablename="coel_collection_a_publication" PrevTableName="Table_16" XPos="58" YPos="1492" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Permet de lister les publication li\195\169es \195\160 une collection." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="21" >
20 |
jpm |
1829 |
1830 |
<COLUMN ID="21225" ColName="ccapu_id_collection" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1831 |
1832 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1833 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1834 |
1835 |
1836 |
<COLUMN ID="21244" ColName="ccapu_id_publication" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1837 |
1838 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1839 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1840 |
1841 |
1842 |
<COLUMN ID="21316" ColName="ccapu_mark_licence" PrevColName="" Pos="6" idDatatype="22" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Bool\195\169en indiquant si la publication indiqu\195\169 correspond aux droits de propri\195\169t\195\169s intellectuelles de la collection.">
1843 |
1844 |
1845 |
1846 |
<COLUMN ID="21231" ColName="ccapu_notes" PrevColName="" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1847 |
1848 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1849 |
1850 |
1851 |
<COLUMN ID="21232" ColName="ccapu_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1852 |
1853 |
1854 |
1855 |
<COLUMN ID="21233" ColName="ccapu_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1856 |
1857 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1858 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1859 |
1860 |
1861 |
<COLUMN ID="21234" ColName="ccapu_ce_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1862 |
1863 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1864 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1865 |
1866 |
1867 |
1868 |
1869 |
<RELATION_END ID="21223" />
1870 |
<RELATION_END ID="21226" />
1871 |
1872 |
1873 |
<INDEX ID="21222" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1874 |
1875 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21225" LengthParam="0" />
1876 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21244" LengthParam="0" />
1877 |
1878 |
1879 |
1880 |
23 |
jpm |
1881 |
<TABLE ID="21235" Tablename="coel_publication_a_personne" PrevTableName="Table_17" XPos="418" YPos="1767" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Permet de lister les publications d\aune personne." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="73" >
20 |
jpm |
1882 |
23 |
jpm |
1883 |
<COLUMN ID="21571" ColName="cpuap_id_publication" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
20 |
jpm |
1884 |
1885 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1886 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1887 |
1888 |
23 |
jpm |
1889 |
<COLUMN ID="21572" ColName="cpuap_id_personne" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
20 |
jpm |
1890 |
1891 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1892 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1893 |
1894 |
23 |
jpm |
1895 |
<COLUMN ID="21611" ColName="cpupa_id_role" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="R\195\180le de la personne vis \195\160 vis de la publication : contributeur, auteur...">
20 |
jpm |
1896 |
23 |
jpm |
1897 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
20 |
jpm |
1898 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1899 |
1900 |
23 |
jpm |
1901 |
<COLUMN ID="21247" ColName="cpuap_ce_truk_type" PrevColName="cpap_ce_truk_type" Pos="2" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Contient le type de r\195\169f\195\169rence bibliographique : n\195\169crologie, biographie, publication personnelle...">
20 |
jpm |
1902 |
1903 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1904 |
1905 |
23 |
jpm |
1906 |
<COLUMN ID="21248" ColName="cpuap_notes" PrevColName="cpap_notes" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Notes sur l\aenregistrement. Information sur les modification effectu\195\169es. Permet de recr\195\169er l\ahitorique des modifications. ">
20 |
jpm |
1907 |
23 |
jpm |
1908 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
20 |
jpm |
1909 |
1910 |
23 |
jpm |
1911 |
<COLUMN ID="21249" ColName="cpuap_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="cpap_date_derniere_modif" Pos="4" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="Date de la derni\195\168re modification sur cet enregistrement.">
20 |
jpm |
1912 |
23 |
jpm |
1913 |
1914 |
1915 |
<COLUMN ID="21573" ColName="cpuap_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1916 |
20 |
jpm |
1917 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1918 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1919 |
1920 |
23 |
jpm |
1921 |
<COLUMN ID="21251" ColName="cpuap_ce_etat" PrevColName="cpap_ce_etat" Pos="6" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="\195\137tat de cet enregistrement.">
20 |
jpm |
1922 |
1923 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1924 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
1928 |
1929 |
<RELATION_END ID="21239" />
1930 |
<RELATION_END ID="21241" />
1931 |
<RELATION_END ID="21252" />
1932 |
1933 |
1934 |
<INDEX ID="21238" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1935 |
23 |
jpm |
1936 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21571" LengthParam="0" />
1937 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21572" LengthParam="0" />
1938 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21611" LengthParam="0" />
20 |
jpm |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
1942 |
23 |
jpm |
1943 |
<TABLE ID="21486" Tablename="coel_collection_a_relation" PrevTableName="Table_18" XPos="89" YPos="437" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="Permet de lister les relations entre collection autre que hi\195\169rarchique." Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="20" >
1944 |
1945 |
<COLUMN ID="21660" ColName="ccar_id_collection_01" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1946 |
1947 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1948 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1949 |
1950 |
1951 |
<COLUMN ID="21661" ColName="ccar_id_collection_02" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1952 |
1953 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1954 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1955 |
1956 |
1957 |
<COLUMN ID="21491" ColName="ccar_ce_relation" PrevColName="ccr_ce_relation" Pos="2" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(3)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1958 |
1959 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1960 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
<COLUMN ID="21492" ColName="ccar_notes" PrevColName="ccr_notes" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1964 |
1965 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
<COLUMN ID="21493" ColName="ccar_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="ccr_date_derniere_modif" Pos="4" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1969 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
<COLUMN ID="21494" ColName="ccar_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="ccr_ce_modifier_par" Pos="5" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1973 |
1974 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1975 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
<COLUMN ID="21495" ColName="ccar_ce_etat" PrevColName="ccr_ce_etat" Pos="6" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
1979 |
1980 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
1981 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
<RELATION_END ID="21496" />
1987 |
<RELATION_END ID="21498" />
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
<INDEX ID="21489" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
1991 |
1992 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21660" LengthParam="0" />
1993 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21661" LengthParam="0" />
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
<TABLE ID="21522" Tablename="coel_projet" PrevTableName="EFLORE_PROJET" XPos="1048" YPos="43" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="" Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="3" >
1999 |
2000 |
<COLUMN ID="21523" ColName="cpr_id_projet" PrevColName="EPR_ID_PROJET" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="1" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2001 |
2002 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2003 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
<COLUMN ID="21526" ColName="cpr_nom" PrevColName="EPR_INTITULE_PROJET" Pos="4" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2007 |
2008 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
<COLUMN ID="21527" ColName="cpr_abreviation" PrevColName="EPR_ABREVIATION_PROJET" Pos="5" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(40)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2012 |
2013 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
<COLUMN ID="21528" ColName="cpr_resume" PrevColName="EPR_DESCRIPTION_PROJET" Pos="6" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2017 |
2018 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
<COLUMN ID="21538" ColName="cpr_description" PrevColName="" Pos="6" idDatatype="28" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
<COLUMN ID="21529" ColName="cpr_url" PrevColName="EPR_LIEN_WEB" Pos="7" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2026 |
2027 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2028 |
2029 |
2030 |
<COLUMN ID="21530" ColName="cpr_notes" PrevColName="EPR_NOTES_PROJET" Pos="8" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2031 |
2032 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2033 |
2034 |
2035 |
<COLUMN ID="21539" ColName="cpr_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="7" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2036 |
2037 |
2038 |
2039 |
<COLUMN ID="21540" ColName="cpr_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="8" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2040 |
2041 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2042 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2043 |
2044 |
2045 |
<COLUMN ID="21541" ColName="cpr_ce_etat" PrevColName="" Pos="9" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2046 |
2047 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2048 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2049 |
2050 |
2051 |
2052 |
2053 |
2054 |
2055 |
2056 |
2057 |
2058 |
2059 |
2060 |
2061 |
<INDEX ID="21532" IndexName="PRIMARY" IndexKind="0" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
2062 |
2063 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21523" LengthParam="0" />
2064 |
2065 |
2066 |
<INDEX ID="21533" IndexName="EFLORE_PROJET_PK" IndexKind="1" FKRefDef_Obj_id="-1">
2067 |
2068 |
<INDEXCOLUMN idColumn="21523" LengthParam="0" />
2069 |
2070 |
2071 |
2072 |
2073 |
<TABLE ID="21544" Tablename="coel_personne_a_projet" PrevTableName="Table_20" XPos="1683" YPos="58" TableType="0" TablePrefix="0" nmTable="0" Temporary="0" UseStandardInserts="0" StandardInserts="\n" TableOptions="DelayKeyTblUpdates=0\nPackKeys=0\nRowChecksum=0\nRowFormat=0\nUseRaid=0\nRaidType=0\n" Comments="" Collapsed="0" IsLinkedObject="0" IDLinkedModel="-1" Obj_id_Linked="-1" OrderPos="65" >
2074 |
2075 |
<COLUMN ID="21546" ColName="cpap_id_personne" PrevColName="" Pos="0" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2076 |
2077 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2078 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2079 |
2080 |
2081 |
<COLUMN ID="21548" ColName="cpap_ce_truk_role" PrevColName="cpap_id_projet" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2082 |
2083 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2084 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
<COLUMN ID="21562" ColName="cpap_id_projet" PrevColName="" Pos="1" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="0" Prec="0" PrimaryKey="1" NotNull="1" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="1" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2088 |
2089 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2090 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2091 |
2092 |
2093 |
<COLUMN ID="21549" ColName="cpap_ce_role" PrevColName="" Pos="2" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2094 |
2095 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2096 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2097 |
2098 |
2099 |
<COLUMN ID="21556" ColName="cpap_notes" PrevColName="" Pos="3" idDatatype="20" DatatypeParams="(255)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2100 |
2101 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2102 |
2103 |
2104 |
<COLUMN ID="21557" ColName="cpap_date_derniere_modif" PrevColName="" Pos="4" idDatatype="15" DatatypeParams="" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2105 |
2106 |
2107 |
2108 |
<COLUMN ID="21558" ColName="cpap_ce_modifier_par" PrevColName="" Pos="5" idDatatype="5" DatatypeParams="(11)" Width="-1" Prec="-1" PrimaryKey="0" NotNull="0" AutoInc="0" IsForeignKey="0" DefaultValue="" Comments="">
2109 |
2110 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="1" />
2111 |
<OPTIONSELECT Value="0" />
2112 |
2113 |
2114 |
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2115 |
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2137 |
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2138 |
2139 |
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2140 |
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2141 |
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2143 |
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2146 |
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2147 |
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2150 |
2151 |
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2152 |
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2154 |
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2155 |
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2157 |
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2159 |
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2160 |
2161 |
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2164 |
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2169 |
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2170 |
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2172 |
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2174 |
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2178 |
2179 |
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2182 |
2183 |
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2184 |
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2185 |
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2187 |
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2188 |
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2230 |
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2231 |
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2232 |
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2233 |
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2235 |
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2236 |
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2237 |
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2238 |
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2239 |
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2240 |
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2241 |
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2242 |
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2243 |
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2244 |
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2245 |
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2246 |
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