610 |
delphine |
1 |
2 |
// Encodage : UTF-8
3 |
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 |
5 |
* Migration des utilisateurs vers wordpress
6 |
7 |
* Description : classe permettant de migrer les profils de l'annuaire vers les profils wordpress
8 |
* Utilisation : php cli.php migrationwp -a tous
614 |
delphine |
9 |
* /usr/local/bin/php -d memory_limit=4000M cli.php migrationwp -a tous
612 |
delphine |
10 |
* vérifier le nom de la base et le préfixe des tables définis dans $basewp
610 |
delphine |
11 |
12 |
//Auteur original :
13 |
* @author Aurélien PERONNET <jpm@tela-botanica.org>
14 |
* @copyright Tela-Botanica 1999-2014
15 |
* @licence GPL v3 & CeCILL v2
16 |
* @version $Id$
17 |
18 |
19 |
class Migrationwp extends Script {
614 |
delphine |
20 |
private $basewp = "wordpress.site_";
21 |
private $table = "site_";
618 |
delphine |
22 |
private $doc_loc = array();
610 |
delphine |
23 |
24 |
public function executer() {
25 |
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
26 |
//$this->bdd->setAttribute(MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true);
27 |
// évite les erreurs 2006 "MySQL has gone away"
28 |
$this->bdd->executer("SET wait_timeout=300");
29 |
30 |
$cmd = $this->getParametre('a');
31 |
$this->mode_verbeux = $this->getParametre('v');
32 |
33 |
$retour = array();
34 |
35 |
switch($cmd) {
36 |
case "tous":
37 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateur();
38 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateurMeta();
614 |
delphine |
39 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateurProfil();
610 |
delphine |
40 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateurActivite();
41 |
42 |
case "utilisateur": //liste wordpress
43 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateur();
44 |
45 |
case "meta": //role
46 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateurMeta();
47 |
48 |
case "profil":
49 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateurProfil();
50 |
51 |
case "activite": // obligatoire pour affichage
52 |
$retour = $this->migrerUtilisateurActivite();
53 |
618 |
delphine |
54 |
case "actualiteTout" :
55 |
$retour = $this->migrerActualites();
56 |
$retour .= $this->migrerActualitesRubrique();
57 |
$retour .= $this->migrerActualitesCommentaires();
58 |
614 |
delphine |
59 |
case "actualite" :
618 |
delphine |
60 |
$retour = $this->migrerActualites();
614 |
delphine |
61 |
62 |
case "actualiteRubrique" :
618 |
delphine |
63 |
$retour = $this->migrerActualitesRubrique();
614 |
delphine |
64 |
65 |
case "actualiteComm" :
618 |
delphine |
66 |
$retour = $this->migrerActualitesCommentaires();
614 |
delphine |
67 |
68 |
default: break;
610 |
delphine |
69 |
70 |
71 |
if($this->mode_verbeux) {
72 |
// echo pour que bash capte la sortie et stocke dans le log
73 |
//echo 'Identifiants des mails traites : '.implode(',', $retour)."--";
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
private function migrerUtilisateur() {
614 |
delphine |
78 |
$requete = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."users
610 |
delphine |
79 |
(`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_status`, `display_name`)
614 |
delphine |
80 |
SELECT `U_ID`, `U_MAIL`, `U_PASSWD`,concat(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(lower(concat(`U_SURNAME`,'-',`U_NAME`,'-')),' ',''),'\'',''),'é','e'),'è','e'),'ï','i'),'ü','u'),'ø',''),'œ','oe'),'ë','e'),'ç','c'),cast(`U_ID` as char)),
81 |
`U_MAIL` as mail, '' as user_url, `U_DATE`, '0', concat(`U_SURNAME`,' ',`U_NAME`) FROM tela_prod_v4.`annuaire_tela`";
610 |
delphine |
82 |
$retour = $this->bdd->executer($requete);
83 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' utilisateurs migrés '."--";
84 |
return $retour;
85 |
86 |
87 |
614 |
delphine |
88 |
//TODO encoder nick/first/last name pour '
610 |
delphine |
89 |
private function migrerUtilisateurMeta() {
90 |
$retour = array();
614 |
delphine |
91 |
$requete = "SELECT `U_ID`, `U_NAME`, `U_SURNAME` FROM `annuaire_tela`;";
610 |
delphine |
92 |
$utilisateurs = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
93 |
foreach ($utilisateurs as $utilisateur) {
614 |
delphine |
94 |
// _access est pour définir les catégories d'articles que l'utilisateur pourra écrire
95 |
$requete_insert = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."usermeta (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES
610 |
delphine |
96 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'last_activity', '2016-05-18 15:38:18'),
614 |
delphine |
97 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'first_name', {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['U_SURNAME'])}),
98 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'last_name', {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['U_NAME'])}),
610 |
delphine |
99 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'description', ''),
100 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'rich_editing', 'true'),
101 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'comment_shortcuts', 'false'),
102 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'admin_color', 'fresh'),
103 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'use_ssl', '0'),
104 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'show_admin_bar_front', 'true'),
614 |
delphine |
105 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, '".$this->basewp."capabilities', 'a:1:{s:11:\"contributor\";b:1;}'),
106 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, '".$this->basewp."user_level', '1'),
610 |
delphine |
107 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'dismissed_wp_pointers', ''),
108 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'wp_dashboard_quick_press_last_post_id', '63'),
109 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, '_restrict_media', '1'),
614 |
delphine |
110 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, '_access', 'a:4:{i:0;s:1:\"2\";i:1;s:1:\"5\";i:2;s:1:\"6\";i:3;s:1:\"7\";}'),
111 |
({$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'bp_xprofile_visibility_levels', 'a:12:{i:1;s:6:\"public\";i:60;s:6:\'public\';i:61;s:6:\'public\';i:49;s:6:\'public\';i:55;s:6:\'public\';i:48;s:6:\'public\';i:62;s:6:\'public\';i:63;s:6:\'public\';i:68;s:6:\'public\';i:76;s:6:\'public\';i:120;s:6:\'public\';i:81;s:6:\'public\';}');";
610 |
delphine |
112 |
$retour[] = $this->bdd->executer($requete_insert);
113 |
114 |
// echo pour que bash capte la sortie et stocke dans le log
115 |
//echo 'Il y a '.count($utilisateurs).' utilisateurs '."--";
116 |
117 |
return $retour;
118 |
119 |
120 |
private function migrerUtilisateurActivite() {
121 |
$retour = array();
122 |
$requete = "SELECT `U_ID`, `U_NAME`, `U_SURNAME` FROM `annuaire_tela`;";
123 |
$utilisateurs = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
124 |
foreach ($utilisateurs as $utilisateur) {
614 |
delphine |
125 |
$requete_insert = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."bp_activity
610 |
delphine |
126 |
(`id`, `user_id`, `component`, `type`, `action`, `content`, `primary_link`, `item_id`, `secondary_item_id`, `date_recorded`, `hide_sitewide`, `mptt_left`, `mptt_right`, `is_spam`)
127 |
VALUES (NULL, {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, 'members', 'last_activity', '', '', '', '0', NULL, '2016-05-19 15:06:16', '0', '0', '0', '0');";
128 |
$retour[] = $this->bdd->executer($requete_insert);
129 |
130 |
// echo pour que bash capte la sortie et stocke dans le log
131 |
//echo 'Il y a '.count($utilisateurs).' utilisateurs '."--";
132 |
133 |
return $retour;
134 |
135 |
136 |
private function migrerUtilisateurProfil() {
614 |
delphine |
137 |
$retour = array();
138 |
$requete = "SELECT `U_ID`, `U_NAME`, `U_SURNAME`, U_WEB, `U_CITY`, `U_COUNTRY`, pays, `U_NIV`, `LABEL_NIV` FROM `annuaire_tela`
139 |
left join (select `amo_nom` as pays, `amo_abreviation` FROM `annu_meta_ontologie` WHERE `amo_ce_parent` = 1074) liste_pays on `amo_abreviation` = `U_COUNTRY`
140 |
141 |
$utilisateurs = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
142 |
$requete_supp = "SELECT * FROM `annu_meta_valeurs` WHERE `amv_ce_colonne` in (2,137, 99, 125) and (amv_valeur != '' and amv_valeur != 0)";
143 |
$infos_supp = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete_supp);
144 |
$codes_langues = array("30842"=>"Anglais",
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
foreach ($infos_supp as $infos) {
152 |
if ($infos['amv_ce_colonne'] == 2) {
153 |
//exemple a:3:{i:0;s:7:"Anglais";i:1;s:8:"Espagnol";i:2;s:7:"Italien";}
154 |
$langues = explode(";;", $infos['amv_valeur']);
155 |
$valeur = "a:".count($langues).':{';
156 |
foreach ($langues as $n=>$langue) {
157 |
$valeur .= 'i:'.$n.';s:'.strlen($codes_langues[$langue]).':"'.$codes_langues[$langue].'";';
158 |
159 |
$valeur .='}';
160 |
$supp[$infos['amv_cle_ligne']][$infos['amv_ce_colonne']] = $valeur;
161 |
} else {
162 |
$supp[$infos['amv_cle_ligne']][$infos['amv_ce_colonne']] = $infos['amv_valeur'];
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
$correspondance_categories = array("99"=>"1",
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
foreach ($utilisateurs as $utilisateur) {
171 |
$requete_insert = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."bp_xprofile_data (`field_id`, `user_id`, `value`, `last_updated`) VALUES
172 |
('3', {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['pays'])}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16'),
173 |
('4', {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['U_CITY'])}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16'),
174 |
('9', {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['U_NAME'])}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16'),
175 |
('10', {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['U_SURNAME'])}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16'),
176 |
('12', {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['LABEL_NIV'])}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16'),
177 |
('21', {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($utilisateur['U_WEB'])}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16')";
178 |
if (isset($supp[$utilisateur['U_ID']])) {
179 |
foreach ($supp[$utilisateur['U_ID']] as $num=>$val){
180 |
$requete_insert .= ",({$correspondance_categories[$num]}, {$utilisateur['U_ID']}, {$this->bdd->proteger($val)}, '2016-05-19 15:06:16')";
181 |
182 |
183 |
$requete_insert .= ";";
184 |
$retour[] = $this->bdd->executer($requete_insert);
185 |
186 |
return $retour;
610 |
delphine |
187 |
188 |
618 |
delphine |
189 |
private function migrerEvenements() {
190 |
$retour = array();
191 |
192 |
* */
193 |
$requete = "";
194 |
$articles = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
195 |
196 |
197 |
$requete_insert = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."posts VALUES ".implode($insert, ', ').";";
198 |
$retour[] = $this->bdd->executer($requete_insert);
199 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' actualités migrées '."--";
200 |
return $retour;
201 |
202 |
203 |
private function migrerEvenementsRubrique() {
204 |
$requete = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`)
205 |
SELECT `bf_id_fiche` +10000, replace( replace( replace( replace( `bf_ce_nature` , '3', '39' ) , '4', '38' ) , '2', '37' ) , '1', '40' )
206 |
FROM `bazar_fiche`
207 |
WHERE year( `bf_date_debut_validite_fiche` ) =2016
208 |
UNION SELECT `bf_id_fiche` +10000, 36 AS cat_evnt
209 |
FROM `bazar_fiche`
210 |
WHERE year( `bf_date_debut_validite_fiche` ) =2016";
211 |
$retour = $this->bdd->executer($requete);
212 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' actualités migrées '."--";
213 |
return $retour;
214 |
215 |
614 |
delphine |
216 |
private function migrerActualites() {
217 |
$retour = array();
218 |
/*INSERT INTO `wp4_posts`
219 |
SELECT spip_articles.`id_article` as ID, `id_auteur` as post_author, `date` as post_date, `date` as post_date_gmt,
220 |
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(convert( convert( texte USING latin1 ) USING utf8 ),'{{{{',''), '}}}}', '<!--more-->'), '{{{','<h2>'), '}}}', '</h2>'), '{{', '<strong>'), '}}', '</strong>'), '{', '<em>'), '}', '</em>'), '_ ', '') as post_content,
221 |
`titre` as post_title, "" as post_excerpt, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`statut`,'poubelle', 'trash'),'publie', 'publish'), 'prepa', 'private'), 'prop', 'pending'), 'refuse', 'trash') as post_status, "open" as comment_status, "open" as ping_status, "" as post_password, spip_articles.`id_article` as post_name, "" as to_ping, "" as pinged, `date_modif` as post_modified,`date_modif` as post_modified_gmt, "" as post_content_filtered, "" as post_parent,
222 |
concat("http://tela-botanica.net/wpsite/actu",spip_articles.`id_article`) as guid, "0" as menu_order, "post" as post_type, "" as post_mime_type, "" as comment_count FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.`spip_articles` left join tela_prod_spip_actu.spip_auteurs_articles on spip_auteurs_articles.`id_article` = spip_articles.`id_article` WHERE id_rubrique in (22,54,70,30,19,51)
223 |
224 |
$requete = "SELECT spip_articles.`id_article` as ID, `id_auteur` as post_author, `date` as post_date, `date` as post_date_gmt,
225 |
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(convert( convert( texte USING latin1 ) USING utf8 ),'{{{{',''), '}}}}', '<!--more-->'), '{{{','<h2>'), '}}}', '</h2>'), '{{', '<strong>'), '}}', '</strong>'), '{', '<em>'), '}', '</em>'), '_ ', '') as post_content,
226 |
`titre` as post_title, \"\" as post_excerpt, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`statut`,'poubelle', 'trash'),'publie', 'publish'), 'prepa', 'private'), 'prop', 'pending'), 'refuse', 'trash') as post_status, \"open\" as comment_status, \"open\" as ping_status, \"\" as post_password, spip_articles.`id_article` as post_name, \"\" as to_ping, \"\" as pinged, `date_modif` as post_modified,`date_modif` as post_modified_gmt, \"\" as post_content_filtered, \"\" as post_parent,
227 |
concat(\"http://tela-botanica.net/wpsite/actu\",spip_articles.`id_article`) as guid, \"0\" as menu_order, \"post\" as post_type, \"\" as post_mime_type, \"\" as comment_count FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.`spip_articles` left join tela_prod_spip_actu.spip_auteurs_articles on spip_auteurs_articles.`id_article` = spip_articles.`id_article` WHERE id_rubrique in (22,54,70,30,19,51)";
228 |
$articles = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete);
618 |
delphine |
229 |
$requete_doc = "SELECT d.`id_document`, `fichier`, `id_article` FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.`spip_documents` d left join tela_prod_spip_actu.spip_documents_articles da on da.`id_document` = d.`id_document`";
614 |
delphine |
230 |
$documents = $this->bdd->recupererTous($requete_doc);
231 |
foreach ($documents as $doc) {
618 |
delphine |
232 |
$this->doc_loc[$doc['id_document']] = $doc['fichier'];
233 |
614 |
delphine |
234 |
foreach ($articles as $article) {
618 |
delphine |
235 |
236 |
$article['post_content'] = preg_replace("/\[([^\[]*)\-\>([^\[]*)\]/", '<a href="\2" target="_blank">\1</a>', $article['post_content']);
614 |
delphine |
237 |
//$images = preg_grep("\<img([0-9]*)\|[a-z]*\>", $article['post_content']);
618 |
delphine |
238 |
$article['post_content'] = preg_replace_callback("/\<img([0-9]*)\|[a-z]*\>/", array($this, transformerNumEnUrl), $article['post_content']);
239 |
$insert[] = "(".implode($this->bdd->proteger($article), ', ').")"; $i++;
240 |
if ($i >50) {
241 |
$requete_insert = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."posts VALUES ".implode($insert, ', ').";";
242 |
$retour[] = $this->bdd->executer($requete_insert);
243 |
$insert = array(); $i = 0;
244 |
614 |
delphine |
245 |
618 |
delphine |
246 |
$requete_insert = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."posts VALUES ".implode($insert, ', ').";";
614 |
delphine |
247 |
$retour[] = $this->bdd->executer($requete_insert);
248 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' actualités migrées '."--";
249 |
return $retour;
250 |
251 |
618 |
delphine |
252 |
private function transformerNumEnUrl($matches) {
253 |
$remplace = "";
254 |
if (isset($matches[1])) {
255 |
$remplace = '<img src="http://www.tela-botanica.org/actu/'.$this->doc_loc[$matches[1]].'" \/\>';
256 |
257 |
return $remplace;
258 |
259 |
614 |
delphine |
260 |
private function migrerActualitesRubrique() {
618 |
delphine |
261 |
$requete = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`)
614 |
delphine |
262 |
SELECT `id_article`, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`id_rubrique`, 22, 20), 54, 21), 30, 23), 19, 24), 51, 25), 70, 22)
618 |
delphine |
263 |
FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.`spip_articles` WHERE id_rubrique in (22,54,70,30,19,51)";
614 |
delphine |
264 |
$retour = $this->bdd->executer($requete);
265 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' actualités migrées '."--";
266 |
return $retour;
267 |
268 |
269 |
private function migrerActualitesCommentaires() {
618 |
delphine |
270 |
$requete = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp.'comments (`comment_ID`, `comment_post_ID`, `comment_author`, `comment_author_email`, `comment_author_url`, `comment_author_IP`, `comment_date`, `comment_date_gmt`, `comment_content`, `comment_karma`, `comment_approved`, `comment_agent`, `comment_type`, `comment_parent`, `user_id`)
614 |
delphine |
271 |
SELECT `id_forum` , `id_article` , `auteur` , `email_auteur` , "" AS url, `ip` , `date_heure` , `date_heure` AS gmt, `texte` , "0" AS karma, replace(`statut`, "publie", "1") , "" AS agent, "" AS
272 |
TYPE , `id_parent` , `id_auteur`
273 |
FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.`spip_forum`
274 |
WHERE id_article in (SELECT `id_article` FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.`spip_articles` WHERE id_rubrique in (22,54,70,30,19,51))';
275 |
276 |
$retour = $this->bdd->executer($requete);
277 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' actualités migrées '."--";
278 |
return $retour;
279 |
280 |
281 |
private function migrerActualitesLogo() {
282 |
$requete = "INSERT INTO ".$this->basewp."term_relationships`(`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`)
283 |
SELECT `id_article`, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`id_rubrique`, 22, 20), 54, 21), 30, 23), 19, 24), 51, 25), 70, 22)
284 |
FROM `spip_articles` WHERE id_rubrique in (22,54,70,30,19,51)";
285 |
286 |
$retour = $this->bdd->executer($requete);
287 |
echo 'Il y a '.count($retour).' actualités migrées '."--";
288 |
return $retour;
289 |
290 |
610 |
delphine |
291 |
614 |
delphine |
292 |