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David Delon david.delon@clapas.net 2007
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* Cel.java (Point d'entree de l'application carnet en ligne)
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* Cas d'utilisation :
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* Initialisation de l'application
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* 1: Le programme initialise la classe intercesseur (mediator), classe ou sont decrites les actions de l'application.
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* 2: Le programme s'enregistre aupres de la classe intercesseur
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* 3: Le programme recherche les informations de connections (utilisateur ou anonyme)
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* 4: Le programme initialise les differents panneaux composant l'affichage
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package org.tela_botanica.client;
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import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.DeferredCommand;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.WindowResizeListener;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DockPanel;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
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import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel;
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* Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>.
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public class Cel implements EntryPoint, WindowResizeListener {
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private TopPanel topPanel = null; // Identifiant de connexion et titre
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private CenterPanel centerPanel = null; // Liste de releves
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private LeftPanel leftPanel = null; // Filtres sur liste de releves
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private EntryPanel entryPanel = null; // Saisie d'un releve
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private ActionPanel actionPanel = null; // Action sur les relevés saisis
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private SearchPanel searchPanel = null; // Recherche dans les relevés saisis
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private VerticalPanel rightPanel = null; // Container panneau précedents (sauf left et popup)
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private Mediator mediator = null; // Intermediaire entre les differents classes
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* Point d'entree : recherche du pres-requis : information de connection.
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public void onModuleLoad() {
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mediator= new Mediator();
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mediator.registerCel(this); // Declaration point d'entree aupres de la classe intercesseur
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mediator.initUser(); // Initialisation environnement utilisateur (Cette methode appelle la methode initAsync() suivante)
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* Fin de l'initialisation
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public void initAsync() {
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centerPanel = new CenterPanel(mediator); // Liste de releves
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topPanel = new TopPanel(mediator); // Identifiant de connection
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leftPanel = new LeftPanel(mediator); // Filte de liste de releves
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entryPanel = new EntryPanel(mediator); // Formulaire de saisie
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actionPanel = new ActionPanel(mediator); // Action sur releves saisis
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searchPanel = new SearchPanel(mediator); // Recherche dans releves
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rightPanel = new VerticalPanel(); // Container des panneaux precedents
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// Assemblage des differents panneaux
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// Disposition générale :
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DockPanel outer = new DockPanel();
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outer.add(topPanel, DockPanel.NORTH);
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outer.add(rightPanel, DockPanel.CENTER);
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outer.add(leftPanel, DockPanel.WEST);
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outer.setCellWidth(rightPanel, "100%");
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// Window.enableScrolling(false);
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// Initialisation des differents contenus ...
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// Call the window resized handler to get the initial sizes setup. Doing
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// this in a deferred command causes it to occur after all widgets' sizes
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// have been computed by the browser.
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DeferredCommand.add(new Command() {
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public void execute() {
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onWindowResized(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight());
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public void onWindowResized(int width, int height) {
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// Adjust the shortcut panel and detail area to take up the available room
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// in the window.
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int shortcutHeight = height - leftPanel.getAbsoluteTop() - 8;
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if (shortcutHeight < 1)
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shortcutHeight = 1;
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leftPanel.setHeight("" + shortcutHeight);
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/* +--Fin du code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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* $Log$
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