3038 |
mathias |
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<title>Public observations of the CEL - Tela Botanica</title>
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<meta property="og:description" content="Map representation of Carnet en Ligne public observations" />
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51 |
52 |
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53 |
urlsLimitesCommunales = '<?= $url_limites_communales; ?>',
54 |
nt = '<?=$num_taxon?>',
55 |
filtreCommun =
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
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67 |
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68 |
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69 |
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70 |
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71 |
72 |
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73 |
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74 |
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75 |
76 |
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77 |
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78 |
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79 |
80 |
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81 |
if (referentiel != null) {
82 |
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83 |
84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
urlImage = '<?= ($image != null) ? $image : "null"; ?>',
88 |
stationsUrl = '<?=$url_cel_carto?>/tout'+'?' + 'num_taxon=' + nt + filtreCommun,
89 |
taxonsUrl = '<?=$url_cel_carto?>/taxons'+'?' + 'num_taxon=' + nt + filtreCommun,
90 |
observationsUrl = '<?=$url_cel_carto?>/observations' + '?' +
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
communeImageUrl = '<?= $communeImageUrl; ?>',
95 |
pointImageUrl = '<?= $pointImageUrl; ?>',
96 |
groupeImageUrlTpl = '<?= $groupeImageUrlTpl; ?>';
97 |
98 |
99 |
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100 |
101 |
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102 |
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103 |
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104 |
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105 |
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<!-- Google Analytics -->
107 |
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108 |
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109 |
<?php endif; ?>
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
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114 |
<img id="img-chargement" src="<?=$url_base?>modules/cartopoint/squelettes/images/chargement_transparent.gif" alt="Chargement en cours..." />
115 |
<div id="legende-chargement">Loading points...</div>
116 |
117 |
<?php if($logo != null) { ?>
118 |
<div id="logo">
119 |
<?php if($url_site != null) { ?>
120 |
<a href="<?= $url_site; ?>"
121 |
title="<?= $url_site; ?>"
122 |
onclick="ouvrirNouvelleFenetre(this, event)">
123 |
<img height="60px" class="image-logo" src="<?= $logo ?>" alt="logo" />
124 |
125 |
<?php } else { ?>
126 |
<img class="image-logo" src="<?= $logo ?>" alt="logo" />
127 |
<?php } ?>
128 |
129 |
<?php } else { ?>
130 |
<div id="logo">
131 |
<a href="http://www.tela-botanica.org/site:accueil"
132 |
title="Aller à l'accueil de Tela Botanica"
133 |
onclick="ouvrirNouvelleFenetre(this, event)">
134 |
<img height="60px" class="image-logo" src="https://resources.tela-botanica.org/tb/img/128x128/logo_carre_officiel.png" alt="TB" />
135 |
136 |
137 |
<?php } ?>
138 |
<?php if($titre !== "0" && $titre != null) : ?>
139 |
<div id="zone-titre" class="element-overlay">
140 |
<h1 id="carte-titre">
141 |
<span id="carte-titre-infos"><?= htmlspecialchars($titre); ?></span>
142 |
143 |
144 |
<?php endif; ?>
145 |
<? if ($num_taxon == '*') : ?>
146 |
<div id="panneau-lateral" class="element-overlay <?= ($titre != 0) ? 'carte_titree"': 'carte_non_titree"'; ?>>
147 |
<div id="pl-ouverture" title="Filter observations by species">
148 |
<span>Panel >></span>
149 |
<div id="pl-indication-filtre"> Filter
150 |
151 |
152 |
<div id="pl-fermeture" title="Close side panel"><span><< Close [x]</span></div>
153 |
<div id="pl-contenu">
154 |
<div id="pl-entete">
155 |
<h2>Filter on <span class="plantes-nbre"> </span> plants</h2>
156 |
157 |
Click a plant name to filter map observations.<br />
158 |
To go back to initial state, click the selected name again.
159 |
160 |
161 |
<hr class="nettoyage" />
162 |
<div id="pl-corps" onMouseOver="map.setOptions({'scrollwheel':false});" onMouseOut="map.setOptions({'scrollwheel':true});">
163 |
<hr class="nettoyage" />
164 |
<!-- Insertion des lignes à partir du squelette tpl-taxons-liste -->
165 |
<span class="raz-filtre-taxons taxon-actif" title="Show all taxa">
166 |
Show all taxa
167 |
168 |
<ol id="taxons">
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
<? endif ?>
174 |
<div id="carte" <?= ($titre != 0) ? 'class="carte_titree"': 'class="carte_non_titree"'; ?>></div>
175 |
<div id="lien_plein_ecran" class="element-overlay">
176 |
<a href="#" title="Fullscreen (opens a new window)">
177 |
<img class="icone" src="<?=$url_base?>modules/cartopoint/squelettes/images/plein_ecran.png" alt="Fullscreen" />
178 |
179 |
180 |
<div id="zone-stats" style="display:none" class="element-overlay">
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
<div id="conteneur-filtre-utilisateur" class="ferme element-overlay">
185 |
<div id="lien-affichage-filtre-utilisateur">My map</div>
186 |
<div id="formulaire-filtre-utilisateur">
187 |
<span class="indication-filtre-utilisateur">Display a map of your observations</span>
188 |
<input type="text" id="filtre-utilisateur" placeholder="type your email" value="<?= ($utilisateur != '*') ? $utilisateur : '' ?>" title="type another user's email to see his⋅her data" />
189 |
<input id="valider-filtre-utilisateur" type="button" value="ok" />
190 |
<a href="#" id="raz-filtre-utilisateur">Show global map</a>
191 |
192 |
193 |
<?php if($image != null) { ?>
194 |
<div id="image-utilisateur">
195 |
<img width="155px" src="<?= $image ?>" alt="image" />
196 |
197 |
<?php } ?>
198 |
<div id="origine-donnees">
199 |
Network observations <a href="http://www.tela-botanica.org/site:botanique"
200 |
onClick="ouvrirNouvelleFenetre(this, event)">
201 |
Tela Botanica
202 |
203 |
- Map : <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" target="_blank">© OpenStreetMap contributors</a>
204 |
- Tiles : <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.fr" target="_blank">OsmFr</a>
205 |
206 |
<div id="lien-voir-cc" class="element-overlay">
207 |
<a href="<?=$url_base?>cartoPoint?carte=avertissement" title="Show this widget's information and terms of use">
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
<!-- Blocs chargés à la demande : par défaut avec un style display à none -->
213 |
214 |
<!-- Squelette du message de chargement des observations -->
215 |
<script id="tpl-chargement" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
216 |
<div id="chargement" style="height:300px;">
217 |
<img src="<?=$url_base?>modules/cartopoint/squelettes/images/chargement.gif" alt="Loading..." />
218 |
<p>Loading observations...</p>
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
<!-- Squelette du contenu d'une info-bulle observation -->
223 |
<script id="tpl-obs" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
224 |
<div id="info-bulle" style="width:{largeur}px;">
225 |
<div id="obs">
226 |
<h2 id="obs-station-titre">Station</h2>
227 |
<div class="navigation"> </div>
228 |
229 |
230 |
<li><a href="#obs-vue-tableau">Table</a></li>
231 |
<li><a href="#obs-vue-liste">List</a></li>
232 |
233 |
234 |
<div id="observations">
235 |
<div id="obs-vue-tableau" style="display:none;">
236 |
<table id="obs-tableau">
237 |
238 |
239 |
<th title="User defined scientific name">Name</th>
240 |
<th title="Observation date">Date</th>
241 |
<th title="Observation location">Location</th>
242 |
<th title="Observation author">Author</th>
243 |
244 |
245 |
<tbody id="obs-tableau-lignes" class="obs-conteneur">
246 |
<!-- Insertion des lignes à partir du squelette tpl-obs-tableau -->
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
<div id="obs-vue-liste" style="display:none;">
251 |
<ol id="obs-liste-lignes" class="obs-conteneur">
252 |
<!-- Insertion des lignes à partir du squelette tpl-obs-liste -->
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
<div id="obs-pieds-page">
257 |
<p>Id : <span id="obs-station-id"> </span></p>
258 |
259 |
<div class="navigation"> </div>
260 |
<div class="conteneur-lien-saisie" style="display:none;">
261 |
<a href="#" class="lien-widget-saisie">
262 |
Add an observation on this site
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
<!-- Squelette du contenu du tableau des observations -->
270 |
<script id="tpl-obs-tableau" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
271 |
<tr class="cel-obs-${idObs}">
272 |
273 |
<span class="nom-sci">
274 |
{{if nn != null && nn != 0 && nn != ''}}
275 |
<a href="${urlEflore}"
276 |
onclick="ouvrirNouvelleFenetre(this, event)">
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
<td class="date">{{if date}}${date}{{else}} {{/if}}</td>
285 |
<td class="lieu">{{if lieu}}${lieu}{{else}} {{/if}}</td>
286 |
287 |
{{if observateur}}
288 |
{{if observateurId}}
289 |
<a class="contact obs-${idObs} contributeur-${observateurId}"
290 |
291 |
title="Write to this contributor">
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
<a class="contact obs-${idObs}"
296 |
297 |
title="Write to this contributor">
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
<!-- Squelette du contenu de la liste des observations -->
309 |
<script id="tpl-obs-liste" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
310 |
311 |
<div class="cel-obs-${idObs}">
312 |
{{if images}}
313 |
{{each(index, img) images}}
314 |
<div{{if index == 0}} class="cel-img-principale" {{else}} class="cel-img-secondaire"{{/if}}>
315 |
<a class="cel-img"
316 |
317 |
title="${nomSci} {{if nn != null && nn != 0 && nn != ''}} [${nn}] {{/if}} by ${observateur} - Published on ${datePubli} - GUID : ${img.guid}"
318 |
319 |
<img src="${img.miniature}" alt="Image #${img.idImg} for observation #${nn}" />
320 |
321 |
<p id="cel-info-${img.idImg}" class="cel-infos">
322 |
<a class="cel-img-titre" href="${urlEflore}"
323 |
onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"
324 |
title="Click to show eFlore page">
325 |
<strong>${nomSci} {{if nn}} [nn${nn}] {{/if}}</strong> by <em>${observateur}</em>
326 |
327 |
<br />
328 |
<span class="cel-img-date">Published on ${datePubli}</span>
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
<dt class="champ-nom-sci">Nom</dt>
335 |
<dd title="User defined name{{if nn != 0}}. Click to show eFlore page.{{/if}}">
336 |
<span class="nom-sci">
337 |
{{if nn != null && nn != 0 && nn != ''}}
338 |
<a href="${urlEflore}"
339 |
onclick="ouvrirNouvelleFenetre(this, event)">
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
<dt title="Observation location">Location</dt><dd class="lieu"> ${lieu}</dd>
348 |
<dt title="Observation date">Date</dt><dd class="date"> ${date}</dd>
349 |
<dt title="Observation author">Published by</dt>
350 |
351 |
{{if observateur}}
352 |
{{if observateurId}}
353 |
<a class="contact obs-${idObs} contributeur-${observateurId}"
354 |
355 |
title="Write to this contributor">
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
<a class="contact obs-${idObs}"
360 |
361 |
title="Write to this contributor">
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
<hr class="nettoyage"/>
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
<!-- Squelette de la liste des taxons -->
376 |
<script id="tpl-taxons-liste" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
377 |
{{each(index, taxon) taxons}}
378 |
<li id="taxon-${taxon.nt}">
379 |
<span class="taxon" title="Taxinomic number : ${taxon.nt} - Family : ${taxon.famille}">
380 |
${taxon.nom} <span class="nt" title="Taxinomic number">${taxon.nt}</span>
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
<!-- Squelette du formulaire de contact -->
388 |
<div id="tpl-form-contact" style="display:none;">
389 |
<form id="form-contact" method="post" action="">
390 |
<div id="fc-zone-dialogue"></div>
391 |
392 |
<dt><label for="fc_sujet">Subject</label></dt>
393 |
<dd><input id="fc_sujet" name="fc_sujet"/></dd>
394 |
<dt><label for="fc_message">Message</label></dt>
395 |
<dd><textarea id="fc_message" name="fc_message"></textarea></dd>
396 |
<dt><label for="fc_utilisateur_courriel" title="Use the email address you provided when subscribing to Tela Botanica">Your email address</label></dt>
397 |
<dd><input id="fc_utilisateur_courriel" name="fc_utilisateur_courriel"/></dd>
398 |
399 |
400 |
<input id="fc_destinataire_id" name="fc_destinataire_id" type="hidden" value="" />
401 |
<input id="fc_copies" name="fc_copies" type="hidden" value="eflore_remarques@tela-botanica.org" />
402 |
<input type="hidden" name="fc_type_envoi" id="fc_type_envoi" value="inscrit" />
403 |
<button id="fc_annuler" type="button">Cancel</button>
404 |
405 |
<button id="fc_effacer" type="reset">Clear</button>
406 |
407 |
<input id="fc_envoyer" type="submit" value="Send" />
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |