207 |
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1 |
2 |
3 |
class OdsExport extends OdsTriple {
4 |
5 |
const PREFIXE = 'get';
6 |
const ABBR_LISTE_EVENEMENTS = 'evenement';
7 |
const ABBR_LISTE_ESPECES = 'espece';
249 |
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8 |
const ABBR_LISTE_MILIEUX = 'environnement';
9 |
246 |
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10 |
private $type_mime = 'text/html';
11 |
207 |
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12 |
13 |
* Méthodes d'extractions d'informations
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
* Méthode appelée avec une requête de type GET.
18 |
19 |
20 |
function getElement($param = array()) {
21 |
22 |
$type = $param[0];
23 |
24 |
if ($type == '*' || is_numeric($type)) {
25 |
$info = $this->getElementParDefaut($param);
26 |
} else {
27 |
$methode = self::PREFIXE.$type;
28 |
if (method_exists($this, $methode)) {
29 |
30 |
$info = $this->$methode($param);
31 |
} else {
32 |
$this->messages[] = "Le type d'information demandé '$type' n'est pas disponible.";
33 |
34 |
249 |
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36 |
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39 |
public function getExportObservation($start = null,$limit = null, $order_by = 'oo_date') {
227 |
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40 |
207 |
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41 |
$requete_selection_observations = 'SELECT * FROM ods_observations '.
42 |
' LEFT JOIN ods_individus '.
43 |
' ON oi_id_individu = oo_ce_individu'.
44 |
' LEFT JOIN ods_stations '.
45 |
' ON oi_ce_station = os_id_station ';
46 |
47 |
$requete_selection_observations .= $this->construireConditionRequete();
48 |
$requete_selection_observations .= ' ORDER BY oo_date DESC';
49 |
50 |
$res_selection_observations = $this->executerRequete($requete_selection_observations);
51 |
52 |
return $res_selection_observations;
53 |
54 |
55 |
public function construireConditionRequete() {
56 |
235 |
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57 |
$condition = ' WHERE oo_date != "0000-00-00" AND DAY(oo_date) != "00" AND ';
207 |
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58 |
59 |
foreach($_GET as $cle => $valeur) {
60 |
61 |
switch($cle) {
62 |
63 |
case 'type_espece':
64 |
$condition .= 'oi_ce_espece IN (SELECT oe_id_espece FROM ods_especes WHERE oe_ce_type = '.$this->proteger($valeur).')';
65 |
66 |
67 |
case 'annee':
235 |
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68 |
if($this->anneesMultiplesDemandees($valeur)) {
69 |
$valeur = rtrim($valeur,',');
70 |
$condition .= 'YEAR(oo_date) IN ('.$valeur.')';
71 |
} else {
72 |
$condition .= 'YEAR(oo_date) ';
73 |
$condition .= ' = '.$this->proteger($valeur);
74 |
207 |
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75 |
76 |
77 |
case 'mois':
78 |
$condition .= 'MONTH(oo_date) <= '.$this->proteger($valeur);
79 |
80 |
81 |
case 'espece':
235 |
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82 |
$condition .= 'oi_ce_espece IN ('.$valeur.') ';
207 |
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83 |
84 |
85 |
case 'evenement':
86 |
$condition .= 'oo_ce_evenement = '.$this->proteger($valeur);
87 |
88 |
89 |
case 'departement':
90 |
$condition .= 'os_ce_commune LIKE "'.$valeur.'%" ';
91 |
92 |
93 |
case 'utilisateur':
94 |
$condition .= 'oo_ce_participant = '.$this->proteger($valeur);
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
$condition .= ' AND ';
102 |
103 |
104 |
$condition = rtrim($condition,'AND ');
105 |
227 |
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106 |
$id_demo = $this->config['appli']['id_participant_demo'];
107 |
$id_admin = $this->config['appli']['id_participant_admin'];
108 |
109 |
$condition .= ' AND oo_ce_participant != '.$id_demo;
110 |
$condition .= ' AND oo_ce_participant != '.$id_admin;
111 |
207 |
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112 |
return $condition;
113 |
114 |
235 |
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115 |
private function anneesMultiplesDemandees($annee) {
116 |
// un ensemble d'identifiants est une suite d'identifiants séparés par des virgules
117 |
// sans virgule terminale
118 |
$reg_exp = "/^(([0-9])+,)*([0-9])+$/";
119 |
return preg_match($reg_exp, $annee);
120 |
121 |
210 |
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122 |
public function getExportObservationPlat() {
123 |
124 |
$donnees = $this->getExportObservation();
249 |
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125 |
$donnees_formatees = $this->formaterPourExportCSV($donnees);
210 |
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126 |
127 |
return $donnees_formatees ;
128 |
129 |
207 |
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130 |
public function getExportObservationJson() {
131 |
132 |
$donnees = $this->getExportObservation();
249 |
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133 |
$donnees_formatees = $this->formaterPourExportJson($donnees);
134 |
246 |
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135 |
$this->type_mime = 'application/json';
136 |
207 |
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137 |
return $donnees_formatees;
138 |
139 |
249 |
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140 |
public function formaterPourExportJson($tableau_observations_infos) {
207 |
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141 |
142 |
$gestionnaire_especes = new OdsEspece($this->config);
143 |
$gestionnaire_communes = new OdsCommune($this->config);
144 |
145 |
$especes = $gestionnaire_especes->getToutesEspeces();
146 |
$evenements = $this->obtenirValeursListeParAbreviation(self::ABBR_LISTE_EVENEMENTS);
249 |
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147 |
$milieux = $this->obtenirValeursListeParAbreviation(self::ABBR_LISTE_MILIEUX);
207 |
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148 |
149 |
$resultats_formates = array();
150 |
151 |
foreach($tableau_observations_infos as $observations_infos) {
152 |
153 |
$id_espece = $observations_infos['oi_ce_espece'];
154 |
$nom_espece = $especes[$id_espece]['nom_scientifique'];
155 |
156 |
$id_evenement = $observations_infos['oo_ce_evenement'];
157 |
$chaine_evenement = $evenements[$id_evenement]['ot_cle'];
158 |
159 |
$infos_evenement = $this->renvoyerInformationStadeAPartirChaineTriple($chaine_evenement);
160 |
161 |
$date_observation_formatee = date($this->config['appli']['format_date'], strtotime($observations_infos['oo_date']));
162 |
163 |
$id_observation = $observations_infos['oo_id_observation'];
164 |
$infos_formatees = array(
165 |
'date' => $date_observation_formatee,
166 |
'evenenement' => $infos_evenement['nom'],
167 |
'code_bbch' => $infos_evenement['numero'],
168 |
'nom_scientifique' => $nom_espece,
235 |
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169 |
'id_espece' => $id_espece,
170 |
'participant' => $observations_infos['os_ce_participant']
207 |
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171 |
172 |
173 |
$id_station = $observations_infos['oi_ce_station'];
174 |
175 |
if(!isset($resultats_formates[$id_station])) {
176 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['station'] = $observations_infos['os_nom'];
177 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['code_commune'] = $observations_infos['os_ce_commune'];
178 |
//$resultats_formates[$id_station]['nom_commune'] = $gestionnaire_communes->obtenirNomCommuneParCodeInsee($observations_infos['os_ce_commune']);
179 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['latitude'] = $observations_infos['os_latitude'];
180 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['longitude'] = $observations_infos['os_longitude'];
181 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['altitude'] = $observations_infos['os_altitude'];
249 |
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182 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['milieu'] = $milieux[$observations_infos['os_ce_environnement']]['ot_valeur'];
207 |
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183 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['participant'] = $observations_infos['os_ce_participant'];
184 |
185 |
186 |
$resultats_formates[$id_station]['obs'][$id_observation] = $infos_formatees;
187 |
188 |
189 |
return $resultats_formates;
190 |
191 |
210 |
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192 |
public function getFichierExportObservationCsv() {
193 |
194 |
$donnees = $this->getExportObservation();
249 |
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195 |
$donnees_formatees = $this->formaterPourExportCSV($donnees);
210 |
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196 |
$chaine_csv = $this->convertirTableauAssocVersCSV($donnees_formatees);
207 |
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197 |
210 |
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198 |
207 |
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199 |
200 |
249 |
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201 |
public function formaterPourExportCSV($tableau_observations_infos) {
207 |
aurelien |
202 |
203 |
$gestionnaire_especes = new OdsEspece($this->config);
204 |
$gestionnaire_communes = new OdsCommune($this->config);
227 |
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205 |
$gestionnaire_utilisateurs = new OdsUtilisateur($this->config);
207 |
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206 |
207 |
$especes = $gestionnaire_especes->getToutesEspeces();
208 |
$evenements = $this->obtenirValeursListeParAbreviation(self::ABBR_LISTE_EVENEMENTS);
249 |
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209 |
$milieux = $this->obtenirValeursListeParAbreviation(self::ABBR_LISTE_MILIEUX);
207 |
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210 |
210 |
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211 |
$codes_insee_communes = array();
212 |
207 |
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213 |
$resultats_formates = array();
214 |
215 |
foreach($tableau_observations_infos as $observations_infos) {
216 |
217 |
$id_espece = $observations_infos['oi_ce_espece'];
218 |
$nom_espece = $especes[$id_espece]['nom_scientifique'];
219 |
220 |
$id_evenement = $observations_infos['oo_ce_evenement'];
221 |
$chaine_evenement = $evenements[$id_evenement]['ot_cle'];
222 |
223 |
$infos_evenement = $this->renvoyerInformationStadeAPartirChaineTriple($chaine_evenement);
224 |
225 |
$date_observation_formatee = date($this->config['appli']['format_date'], strtotime($observations_infos['oo_date']));
226 |
227 |
$id_observation = $observations_infos['oo_id_observation'];
228 |
229 |
$infos_formatees = array(
230 |
'id_observation' => $id_observation,
231 |
'date' => $date_observation_formatee,
232 |
'evenenement' => $infos_evenement['nom'],
233 |
'code_bbch' => $infos_evenement['numero'],
234 |
'nom_scientifique' => $nom_espece,
235 |
'station' => $observations_infos['os_nom'],
236 |
'code_commune' => $observations_infos['os_ce_commune'],
210 |
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237 |
'nom_commune' => '',
207 |
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238 |
'latitude' => $observations_infos['os_latitude'],
239 |
'longitude' => $observations_infos['os_longitude'],
240 |
'altitude' => $observations_infos['os_altitude'],
249 |
aurelien |
241 |
'milieu' => $milieux[$observations_infos['os_ce_environnement']]['ot_valeur'],
227 |
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242 |
'id_participant' => $observations_infos['os_ce_participant'],
243 |
'pseudo_participant' => '',
244 |
'mail_participant' => ''
207 |
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245 |
246 |
247 |
$resultats_formates[] = $infos_formatees;
210 |
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248 |
249 |
if(is_numeric($observations_infos['os_ce_commune'])) {
250 |
$codes_insee_communes[] = $observations_infos['os_ce_commune'];
251 |
207 |
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252 |
253 |
210 |
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254 |
$correspondance_codes_insee_noms = $gestionnaire_communes->obtenirTableauNomsCommunesParTableauCodesInsee($codes_insee_communes);
227 |
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255 |
$correspondance_id_utilisateur = $gestionnaire_utilisateurs->getListeUtilisateurFormateeId();
210 |
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256 |
257 |
foreach($resultats_formates as &$resultat) {
258 |
227 |
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259 |
if(isset($correspondance_codes_insee_noms[$resultat['code_commune']]) && trim($correspondance_codes_insee_noms[$resultat['code_commune']]) != '') {
210 |
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260 |
$resultat['nom_commune'] = $correspondance_codes_insee_noms[$resultat['code_commune']];
261 |
227 |
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262 |
263 |
$resultat['pseudo_participant'] = $correspondance_id_utilisateur[$resultat['id_participant']]['name'];
264 |
$resultat['mail_participant'] = $correspondance_id_utilisateur[$resultat['id_participant']]['mail'];
210 |
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265 |
266 |
207 |
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267 |
return $resultats_formates;
268 |
269 |
270 |
public function convertirTableauAssocVersCSV($tableau) {
271 |
272 |
$csv = '';
273 |
$colonnes = array_keys($tableau[0]);
274 |
$csv .= implode(';',$colonnes).";\n";
275 |
276 |
foreach($tableau as $elements) {
277 |
$csv .= implode(';',$elements).";\n";
278 |
279 |
280 |
return $csv;
281 |
282 |
283 |
public function envoyerFichier($contenu) {
284 |
285 |
$nom_fichier = "observations_export.csv";
286 |
$chemin_fichier = $this->config['appli']['chemin_fichiers_temp'].'/'.$nom_fichier;
287 |
288 |
file_put_contents($chemin_fichier, $contenu);
289 |
290 |
$contenu = file_get_contents($chemin_fichier);
291 |
$taille_fichier = filesize($chemin_fichier);
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
header('Pragma: public');
298 |
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
299 |
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
300 |
301 |
header('Content-Tranfer-Encoding: none');
302 |
303 |
header('Content-Type: application/octetstream; name="'.$nom_fichier.'"');
304 |
header('Content-Disposition: attachement; filename="'.$nom_fichier.'"');
305 |
306 |
header('Content-Length: '.$taille_fichier);
307 |
308 |
echo $contenu;
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
private function formaterInformationPourEnvoi($tableauinfos) {
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |