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Ignore whitespace Rev 821 → Rev 1087

Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,131
ezmlm-php 2.0
Nov 13, 2002
ezmlm-php is a group of files written in php that allow you to fetch messages
from a ezmlm mailing list archive via a web page. It is fully customizable so
it can fit into an existing layout design very well, it is also self contained
so that you can run it with no existing site setup.
The new version has been rewritten from the ground up to exclude all external
dependancies (except one which comes with the source, see makehash later on)
and now implements RFC2045 MIME parsing in pure PHP.
The system is now also object based to allow greater flexibility within the
code itself, it also makes the code much more managable and readable.
The installation of ezmlm-php now requires access to a compiler to build the
included makehash program. See the MAKEHASH section at the end.
1. Unpack the tarball and copy the files to your webroot in the directory you
want the list to be accessed from. For example using /home/www/mailinglist
gzip -d ezmlm-php-2.0.tar.gz
tar xvf ezmlm-php.2.0.tar
cd /home/www/mailinglist
cp ~/ezmlm-php-2.0/*.php .
cp ~/ezmlm-php-2.0/*.def .
2. Build the included makehash program.
cd ~/ezmlm-php-2.0
gzip -d makehash.tar.gz
tar xvf makehash.tar
cd makehash
If you do not have compiler access check the binaries directory in the
makehash.tar file as there are some common binaries there. If you build
makehash on a new platform please feel free to submit the binary for
3. Move the resulting binary to your webroot.
4. Edit ezmlm.php and change the user configurable options. Search for
USER-CONFIG to find where to edit. See CONFIGURATION below.
5. Access to test the installation.
This section will explain each variable. If you used the last version most
of these are the exact same.
Name Meaning
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
listdir This variable should be pointed at the root of the ezmlm
archive. For instance /usr/home/lists/ragga-jungle
listname The name of the list (everything before the @)
listdomain The domain name of the list
tempdir Where to store the cache files. /var/tmp should be fine
for most installations. /tmp is another choice.
sendheaders If set to TRUE then ezmlm will generate the nessesary
page headers. If set to FALSE your header file needs to
generate them. See 'includebefore'
sendbody If set to TRUE then ezmlm will generate the <body></body>
sendfooters If set to TRUE then ezmlm will generate the tage needed
to finish the document. If set to FALSE your footer file
needs to generate them. See 'includeafter'
includebefore This is a file that will be included before ezmlm-php
generates any output. You can have ezmlm-php generate
the nessesary headers (sendheaders = TRUE) and still
include a file of your own. The file is included by the
include_once function.
includeafter This is the exact same as includebefore except the file
is included after ezmlm-php has sent all of it's data.
href This is a string to prepend to the path whenever an
<a href= tag is generated. This option was added to fix
the problem of using a <base href= tag.
prefertype This is the mime type that you wish to send if the
current message is a multipart message. If this type isn't
found it defaults to the first part.
Some examples are: text/html, text/plain, etc...
showheaders This is an array of the headers to show. You can add or
remove any valid RFC822 header you wish to this array.
Some examples: X-Mailer, Message-ID
(This is case-insensitive)
msgtemplate This is a file to use as the message template, if blank
the internal one is used. See the file MSGTEMPLATE for
more information as it is to much to describe here.
tablescolours This is an array of colour hex triplets for use when a
table is generated. For each row that is generated the
next colour is used, just use a single element if you
don't want alternating colours.
(Yes there is a U in colours, the software was written
in Canada ;)
thread_subjlen This is an integer that tells the software how many
characters to allow the subjects when displayed in
threads or on the info page. This is useful if you
want to limit subjects to a certain length so that no
line wrapping occurs.
So what is this little binary you need to build? Simply put it is a small
little C program to generate the nessesary ezmlm-idx hashes for cross
referencing authors. In the last version this was done by recursivley doing
a grep on the /authors directory which isn't very efficient when the list
subscriber base grows above 1000 or so. This program computes the hash by
using the same algorithim the software does and speeds things up a lot.
New file
0,0 → 1,19
// An even simpler version of the index page than version 1. All the actual work of
// determining what needs to be included and what needs to be run is now in the main class.
// Also, 'register_globals' doesn't need to be 'on' anymore.
$ezmlm = new ezmlm_php();
$action = ($_POST['action'] ? $_POST['action'] : ($_GET['action'] ? $_GET['action'] : "list_info"));
$actionargs = ($_POST['actionargs'] ? $_POST['actionargs'] : ($_GET['actionargs'] ? $_GET['actionargs'] : ""));
New file
0,0 → 1,153
// $Id: ezmlm-listinfo.php,v 1.2 2005-09-27 16:43:08 alexandre_tb Exp $
// ezmlm-listinfo.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Displays general list info in the format of a welcome page.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
class ezmlm_listinfo extends ezmlm_php {
function ezmlm_listinfo () {
return is_dir($this->listdir.'/archive/0') ;
function display() {
if (!is_dir($this->listdir.'/archive/0')) { // On teste si il y a au moins un message, cad le répertoire 0
echo $this->listdir.'/archive/0' ;
return false ;
$parser = new ezmlm_parser();
$parser->listdir = $this->listdir ;
$threads = new ezmlm_threads();
$threads->listdir = $this->listdir ;
$threads->listname = $this->listname ;
$threads->forcehref = $this->forcehref ; /// ajout alex
$threads->listmessages() ;
return true ;
function show_info_file() {
if (@is_file($this->listdir . "/text/info")) {
$infofile = @file($this->listdir . "/text/info");
while (list($line_num, $line) = each($infofile)) {
print nl2br($line);
function show_recentmsgs($title = "Messages récents") {
if (!is_dir($this->listdir.'/archive/0')) return false;
$parser = new ezmlm_parser();
$parser->listdir = $this->listdir ;
print '<table class="table_cadre">'."\n";
print '<tr><th class="col1">Num</th><th>De</th><th>Sujet</th><th>Date</th></tr>'."\n";
$ctc = 0;
$recent = $parser->recent_msgs();
$class = array ('ligne_paire', 'ligne_impaire') ;
while (list($key,$val) = each($recent)) {
print '<tr class="'.$class[$ctc].'">'."\n";
print '<td>'.$val->nummessage.'</td>' ;
print '<td>';
$hash = $this->makehash($val->headers['from']);
print $this->makelink("action=show_author_msgs&actionargs[]=" . $hash,$this->decode_iso($this->protect_email($val->headers['from'],TRUE)));
print "</td>\n";
print '<td><b>';
$actionargs = preg_split("/\//", $val->msgfile);
if (count ($actionargs) > 2) {
print $this->makelink("action=show_msg&actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[(count($actionargs) - 2)] .
"&actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[(count($actionargs) - 1)] ,$this->decode_iso($val->headers['subject']));
print "</b></td>\n";
print '<td>'.$this->date_francaise($val->headers['date']).'</td>'."\n";
print "</tr>\n";
if ($ctc == 2) { $ctc = 0; }
print '</table>'."\n";
return true;
function show_month ($month) {
// Le nom du fichier est annéemoi ex 200501 pour janvier 2005
// on ouvre chaque fichier en lecture
$fd = file_get_contents($this->listdir . '/archive/threads/' . $month, 'r');
$fichier = explode ("\n", $fd) ;
// on récupère la première ligne
$premiere_ligne = $fichier[0] ;
$derniere_ligne = $fichier[count($fichier)-2];
preg_match ('/[0-9]+/', $premiere_ligne, $match) ;
$numero_premier_mail = $match[0] ;
preg_match ('/[0-9]+/', $derniere_ligne, $match1) ;
$numero_dernier_mail = $match1[0] ;
// On cherche le répertoire du premier mail
$repertoire_premier_mail = (int) ($numero_premier_mail / 100) ;
print '<table class="table_cadre">'."\n";
print '<tr><th class="col1">Num</th><th>De</th><th>Sujet</th><th>Date</th></tr>'."\n";
$ctc = 0;
$class = array ('ligne_paire', 'ligne_impaire') ;
for ($i = $numero_premier_mail, $compteur = $numero_premier_mail ; $compteur <= $numero_dernier_mail; $i++, $compteur++) {
if ($i > 99) {
$multiplicateur = (int) ($i / 100) ;
// pour les nails > 99, on retranche n fois 100, ex 256 => 56 cad 256 - 2 * 100
$i = $i - $multiplicateur * 100 ;
if ($i < 10) $num_message = '0'.$i ; else $num_message = $i ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode(file_get_contents ($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$repertoire_premier_mail.'/'.$num_message)) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
if ($i == 99) {
$i = -1;
print '<tr class="'.$class[$ctc].'">'."\n";
print '<td>'.$repertoire_premier_mail.$num_message.'</td><td>';
$hash = $this->makehash($mailDecode->headers['from']);
print $this->makelink("action=show_author_msgs&actionargs[]=" . $hash,$this->decode_iso($this->protect_email($mailDecode->headers['from'],TRUE)));
print "</td>\n";
print '<td><b>';
$actionargs[0] = $repertoire_premier_mail ;
$actionargs[1] = $num_message ;
if (count ($actionargs) > 1) {
print $this->makelink("action=show_msg&actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[(count($actionargs) - 2)] .
"&actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[(count($actionargs) - 1)] ,$this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject']));
print "</b></td>\n";
print '<td>'.$this->date_francaise($mailDecode->headers['date']).'</td>'."\n";
print "</tr>\n";
if ($ctc == 2) { $ctc = 0; }
print '</table>'."\n";
return true;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,347
// $Id: ezmlm-threads.php,v 1.4 2006-04-19 13:50:13 alexandre_tb Exp $
// ezmlm-threads.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Builds, maintains & displays thread caches
// These cache files live in $ezmlm->tmpdir and are serialized
// php objects that can be unserialized and displayed easily
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: ezmlm_threads will build, maintain & display thread files (even if a thread is only 1 msg)
class ezmlm_threads extends ezmlm_php {
// load: this is the main function that should be called.
// it first checks to see if the cache files are stale, if they are it calls build
// other wise it loads them and calls display
function load($month) {
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
$checksum = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month . "-" . "checksum";
} else {
$checksum = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month . "-" . "checksum";
$md5 = '' ;
if (!is_file($checksum)) {
} else {
$fd = fopen($checksum,"r");
while (!preg_match('/^md5:/', $md5)) { $md5 = fgets($fd,4096); }
$md5 = rtrim(preg_replace('/^md5:/', '', $md5), "\n");
if ($md5 != $this->md5_of_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month)) {
print "<!-- $md5 ne " . $this->md5_of_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month) . " -->\n";
// display: this loads each cache file sequentially and displays the messages in them
// there is no checking of checksum's done here so load() is the preferred method to
// view the threads
function display($month) {
$seq = 0;
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
$cache = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month;
} else {
$cache = $this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month;
// Le lien par date et par thread
echo '[ '.$this->makelink('action=show_month&amp;actionargs[]='.$month, 'par date').' ]' ;
$months = array(1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
// remplacé par le tableau globals $mois dans ezmlm.php
print '<h2>'.PROJET_FILE_DE_DISCUSSION.' pour '.$GLOBALS['mois'][((int)substr($month,4,2) / 1)] .', ' . substr($month,0,4) . '</h2>'."\n";
print '<table class="table_cadre">'."\n";
print '<tr><th>Num</th><th>De</th><th>Sujet</th><th>Date</th></tr>'."\n";
print '<tr><td colspan="3"><hr /></td></tr>'."\n";
$ctc = 0;
if (is_file($cache)) {
print '<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>'."\n";
print '</table>'."\n";
function thread_to_html($thread) {
$html = '';
$lastdepth = -1;
$ctc = 0 ;
$thread_curr = $thread;
$class = array ('ligne_paire', 'ligne_impaire') ;
while ($thread_curr != NULL) {
preg_match ('!/archive/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)!', $thread_curr->file, $match) ;
if (!isset($GLOBALS['fichiers_analyses'][$match[1]][$match[2]])) {
$message = file_get_contents($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
//$msg = new ezmlm_parser();
//$msg->parse_file($this->listdir . $thread_curr->file, TRUE);
} else {
$mailDecode = $GLOBALS['fichiers_analyses'][$match[1]][$match[2]] ;
$actionargs = preg_split("/\//", $thread_curr->file);
$html .= '<tr class="'.$class[$ctc].'">'."\n";
$html .= '<td>'.$actionargs[2].$actionargs[3].'</td><td>';
$html .= $this->makelink('action=show_author_msgs&amp;actionargs[]='.
$html .= '</td>'."\n";
$html .= '<td><b>';
//$html .= " <a name=\"" . urlencode($thread_curr->file) . "\">"; A quoi ça sert ?
for ($i = 0; $i < $thread_curr->depth; $i++) {
$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (($this->thread_subjlen > 0) and (strlen($this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject'])) > $this->thread_subjlen)) {
$subject = substr($this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject']), 0, ($this->thread_subjlen - 3 - ($thread_curr->depth * 2)));
$subject = $subject . "...";
} else {
$subject = $this->decode_iso($mailDecode->headers['subject']);
$subject = preg_replace("/\[" . $this->listname . "\]/", "", $subject);
$html .= $this->makelink("action=show_msg&amp;actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[2] . "&amp;actionargs[]=" . $actionargs[3], $subject);
$html .= "</b></td>\n";
$html .= '<td>' .$this->date_francaise($mailDecode->headers['date']).'</td>'."\n";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
if ($ctc == count($this->tablecolours)) { $ctc = 0; }
$lastdepth = $thread_curr->depth;
$thread_curr = $thread_curr->next;
$html .= '<tr><td colspan="3"><hr noshade size="1" /></td></tr>'."\n";
return $html;
// build: takes one argument in the format YYYYMM and builds the thread cache file
// for that month if the ezmlm thread file exists. The resulting cache file is then
// stored in $this->tmpdir;
function build($month) {
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month)) { return FALSE; }
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month,"w+");
} else {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month,"w+");
// ouverture du fichier thread de ezmlm
// Ils sont classés mois par mois
$fd1 = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month, "r");
while (!feof($fd1)) {
$line = fgets($fd1,4096);
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*\:[a-z]* \[.*/', $line)) {
// valid ezmlm thread file entry
// On place dans $subjectfile le chemin vers le fichier sujet
$subjectfile = preg_replace("/^[0-9]*\:([a-z]*) \[.*/", "\\1", $line);
$subjectfile = substr($subjectfile,0,2) . '/' . substr($subjectfile,2,18);
$thread_head = NULL;
$thread_curr = NULL;
$thread_temp = NULL;
$thread_depth = 1;
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/subjects/" . $subjectfile)) { continue; }
// on ouvre le fichier sujet
// Celui-ci contient sur la première ligne le hash du sujet puis le sujet
// sur les autres lignes :
// num_message:annéemois:hash_auteur nom_auteur
$fd2 = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/subjects/" . $subjectfile, "r");
while (!feof($fd2)) {
$line2 = fgets($fd2,4096);
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]/',$line2)) {
$msgnum = preg_replace('/^([0-9]*):.*/', '\\1', $line2);
$msgfile = $msgnum % 100;
$msgdir = (int)($msgnum / 100);
if ($msgfile < 10) { $msgfile = "0" . $msgfile; }
//$msg = new ezmlm_parser();
//$msg->parse_file_headers($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile, TRUE);
$message = file_get_contents($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
// On stocke le fichier analysée pour réutilisation ultérieure
$GLOBALS['fichiers_analyses'][$msgdir][$msgfile] = $mailDecode ;
$msgid = (isset ($mailDecode->headers['message-id']) ? $mailDecode->headers['message-id'] : '');
$inreply = (isset($mailDecode->headers['in-reply-to']) ? $mailDecode->headers['in-reply-to'] : '');
$references = (isset ($mailDecode->headers['references']) ? $mailDecode->headers['references'] : '') ;
$thread_depth = 1;
if ($thread_head == NULL) {
$thread_head = new ezmlm_thread(0,'/archive/' . $msgdir . '/' . $msgfile,$msgid);
} else {
$thread_curr = new ezmlm_thread($depth,'/archive/' . $msgdir . '/' . $msgfile,$msgid);
if ($inreply != '') { $thread_curr->inreply = $inreply; }
if ($references != '') { $thread_curr->references = $references; }
// so now after all that mess $thread_head contains a full thread tree
// first build the depth of each message based on 'in-reply-to' and 'references'
$thread_temp = NULL;
$thread_curr =& $thread_head->next;
while (get_class($thread_curr) == 'ezmlm_thread') {
$thread_temp = NULL;
if ($thread_curr->inreply != '') { $thread_temp =& $thread_head->find_msgid($thread_curr->inreply); }
if ($thread_temp == NULL) {
if ($thread_curr->references != '') {
$refs = preg_split('/ /', $thread_curr->references);
$refs = array_pop($refs);
$thread_temp =& $thread_head->find_msgid($refs);
if ($thread_temp == NULL) {
// we couldn't find anything... set depth to 1, the default
$thread_curr->depth = 1;
} else {
// we found a reference, set it to it's depth + 1
$thread_curr->depth = $thread_temp->depth + 1;
$thread_curr =& $thread_curr->next;
// now write it to a temp file named MONTH-SEQ where seq is cronologic sequence order of the thread.
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
@mkdir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname, 0755);
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month, "a");
} else {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month, "a");
} else {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month, "a");
// finally store our checksum
if (!is_dir($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname)) {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "-" . $month . "-" . "checksum","w+");
} else {
$fd2 = fopen($this->tempdir . "/ezmlm-php-" . $this->listname . "/" . $month . "-" . "checksum","w+");
fputs($fd2,"md5:" . $this->md5_of_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month) . "\n");
return TRUE;
// listmessages: prints out a nice little calendar and displays the message
// totals for each month. The link jumps to the thread listing.
// On lit le répetoire archive/threads/ qui contient un fichier par moi avec tous les thread, par sujet
// Présentés comme suit
// num_thread:hash [taille_du_thread] Sujet du thread (le dernier)
// les messages sont rangés par leur numéro
function listmessages() {
if (!is_dir($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/")) {
return false ;
$dir = opendir($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/");
while ($item = readdir($dir)) {
if (($item == ".") or ($item == "..")) { continue; }
// Le nom du fichier est annéemoi ex 200501 pour janvier 2005
if (preg_match("/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/",$item)) {
// on ouvre chaque fichier en lecture
$fd = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $item, "r");
$count = 0; // on initialise un compteur
while(!feof($fd)) {
$curthread = fgets($fd,4096);
$num = preg_replace("/.*\[([0-9].*)\].*/", "\\1", $curthread); // $num contient le nbre de message du thread
$count = $count + $num;
$threadyear = substr($item,0,4);
$threadmonth = substr($item,4,2);
// on construit un tableau à 2 entrée [année][mois] = nbre_message
$threadcount[$threadyear][$threadmonth] = $count;
arsort($threadcount); // modifié par alex, car remplace l'année par 0
// La partie qui suit, simple, crée la table avec le nombre de message échangé chaque mois
$res = '<table id="petit_calendrier">'."\n";
$res .= " <tr>\n";
$res .= " <td></td>" ;
foreach ($GLOBALS['mois'] as $valeur) $res .= '<td>'.$valeur.'</td>' ;
$res .=" </tr>\n";
while (list($key,$val) = each($threadcount)) {
$res .= " <tr>\n";
$res .= " <td>$key</td>";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
if ($i < 10) { $key2 = "0" . $i; }
else { $key2 = $i; }
if (isset($threadcount[$key][$key2]) && $threadcount[$key][$key2] > 0) {
$res .= "<td bgcolor=\"" . $this->tablecolours[0] . "\" valign=\"middle\">";
$res .= $this->makelink("action=show_month&amp;actionargs[]=$key$key2",$threadcount[$key][$key2]);
$res .= "</td>";
} else {
$res .= "<td bgcolor=\"" . $this->tablecolours[0] . "\"></td>";
$res .= "</tr>\n";
$res .= "</table>\n";
echo $res ;
// CLASS: ezmlm-thread is a quick little class to allow us to define
// a structure of the current thread in a single-linked list.
// it's a little messy since php doesn't support pointers like C does
// so we have to use references and a head object to append to the list.
class ezmlm_thread {
var $next;
var $depth;
var $file;
var $msgid;
var $inreply;
var $references;
function append($thread) {
$thread_curr =& $this;
while ($thread_curr->next != NULL) {
$thread_curr =& $thread_curr->next;
$thread_curr->next = $thread;
function &find_msgid($msgid) {
$thread_curr =& $this;
while ($thread_curr->next != NULL) {
if (trim($thread_curr->msgid) == trim($msgid)) { return $thread_curr; }
$thread_curr =& $thread_curr->next;
return NULL;
function ezmlm_thread($depth,$file,$msgid) {
$this->depth = $depth;
$this->file = $file;
$this->msgid = $msgid;
$this->next = NULL;
New file
0,0 → 1,232
// $Id: ezmlm-msgdisplay.php,v 1.3 2006-04-19 13:50:04 alexandre_tb Exp $
// ezmlm-msgdisplay.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Will parse a template (if specified) and display a message.
// Includes a default template.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require_once("Mail/mimeDecode.php") ;
class ezmlm_msgdisplay extends ezmlm_php {
// our template
var $msgtmpl;
var $message_rendu ;
var $_auth ;
// display: parses a message (using ezmlm_parser) and displays it
// using a template
function display($msgfile) {
if (!is_file($msgfile)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $msgfile)) { $msgfile = $this->listdir . "/" . $msgfile; }
else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgfile)) { $msgfile = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgfile; }
else { return FALSE; }
$message = file_get_contents($msgfile) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode(array('decode_bodies' => 'true', 'include_bodies' => 'true')) ;
// $msg->msgfile contient le chemin du fichier du mail en partant de la racine
// Le point d'exclamation est le délimiteur de l'expression régulière
$relfile = preg_replace('!' . $this->listdir . '!', '', $msgfile);
$a1 = preg_replace('!/archive/(.*)/.*$!', '\1', $relfile); // $a1 contient le nom du répertoire
$a2 = preg_replace('!/archive/.*/(.*)$!', '\1', $relfile); // $a2 contient le nom du fichier
if (isset($mailDecode->headers['date'])) $msgtime = strtotime(preg_replace ('/CEST/', '', $mailDecode->headers['date']));
$threadidx = date("Ym", $msgtime);
if ($a2 <= 10) $numero_precedent = '0'.($a2 - 1) ; else $numero_precedent = ($a2 - 1) ;
if ($a2 < 9) $numero_suivant = '0'.($a2 + 1) ; else $numero_suivant = ($a2 + 1);
// On teste si le message suivant existe
$decoupe = explode ('/', $msgfile) ;
// Les nom de fichiers sont du format :
// archive/0/01
// archive/0/02 ... 0/99 archive/1/01 ...
$nom_fichier = $decoupe[count($decoupe)-1] ;
$nom_repertoire = $decoupe[count($decoupe)-2] ;
$repertoire_suivant = $nom_repertoire ; $repertoire_precedent = $nom_repertoire ;
if ($nom_fichier > 8) {
$fichier_suivant = $nom_fichier + 1 ;
if ($nom_fichier == 99) {
$fichier_suivant = '01' ;
$repertoire_suivant = $nom_repertoire + 1 ;
} else {
$fichier_suivant = '0'.($nom_fichier + 1) ;
if ($nom_fichier > 10) {
$fichier_precedent = $nom_fichier - 1 ;
} else {
if ($nom_fichier == '01') {
$fichier_precedent = '99' ;
$repertoire_precedent = $nom_repertoire - 1 ;
} else {
$fichier_precedent = '0'.($nom_fichier - 1) ;
if (is_file($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$repertoire_precedent.'/'.$fichier_precedent)) {
print "[" . $this->makelink("action=show_msg&actionargs[]=$a1&actionargs[]=" . $numero_precedent, ' '.PROJET_PRECEDENT.' ') . "] ";
} else {
print '['.PROJET_PRECEDENT.']' ;
if (is_file($this->listdir.'/archive/'.$repertoire_suivant.'/'.$fichier_suivant)) {
print "[" . $this->makelink("action=show_msg&actionargs[]=$a1&actionargs[]=" . $numero_suivant, ' '.PROJET_SUIVANT.' ') . "] ";
} else {
print '['.PROJET_SUIVANT.']' ;
// on crée un lien vers la thread avec une ancre vers le message
$parser = new ezmlm_parser();
$parser->listdir = $this->listdir ;
$recent = $parser->recent_msgs(1);
$actionargs = preg_split("/\//", $recent[0]->msgfile);
print "[" . $this->makelink('action=show_msg&actionargs[]=' . $actionargs[(count($actionargs) - 2)] .
'&actionargs[]=' . $actionargs[(count($actionargs) - 1)] , ' '.PROJET_DERNIER_MESSAGE.' ') . '] ';
if ($this->_auth->getAuth()) {
print '['.$this->makelink('action=repondre&actionargs[]='.$a1.'&actionargs[]='.$a2, PROJET_REPONDRE).'] ';
print '<br />'."\n";
print '<div class="message">' ;
print $this->parse_entete_mail($mailDecode) ;
$this->parse_template($mailDecode, $a2, $a1);
print $this->message_rendu;
print '</div>' ;
* analyse l'entete d'un mail pour en extraire les entêtes
* to, from, subject, date
* met à jour la variable $this->msgtmpl
function parse_entete_mail (&$mailDecode) {
$startpos = strpos(strtolower($this->msgtmpl_entete), '<ezmlm-headers>');
$endpos = strpos(strtolower($this->msgtmpl_entete), '</ezmlm-headers>');
$headers = substr($this->msgtmpl_entete,$startpos + 15,($endpos - $startpos - 15));
$headers_replace = '' ;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->showheaders); $i++) {
$val = $this->showheaders[$i];
$headers_replace .= $headers;
$hnpos = strpos(strtolower($headers_replace), '<ezmlm-header-name>');
$headers_replace = substr_replace($headers_replace, $this->header_en_francais[$val], $hnpos, 19);
$hvpos = strpos(strtolower($headers_replace), '<ezmlm-header-value');
if ($val == 'date') {
$headers_replace = substr_replace($headers_replace, $this->date_francaise($mailDecode->headers[strtolower($val)]), $hvpos, 20);
} else {
$headers_replace = substr_replace($headers_replace, $this->protect_email($mailDecode->headers[strtolower($val)]), $hvpos, 20);
$headers_replace = $this->decode_iso ($headers_replace) ;
return substr_replace($this->msgtmpl_entete, $headers_replace, $startpos, (($endpos + 16) - $startpos));
function parse_template(&$mailDecode, $numero_mail, $numero_mois, $num_part = '') {
static $profondeur = array();
array_push ($profondeur, $num_part) ;
$corps = '' ;
if ($mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'multipart') {
include_once PROJET_CHEMIN_CLASSES.'type_fichier_mime.class.php' ;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mailDecode->parts); $i++) {
switch ($mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_secondary) {
case 'plain' :
case 'html' : $corps .= $mailDecode->parts[$i]->body ;
break ;
case 'mixed' :
case 'rfc822' :
case 'alternative' :
case 'appledouble' :
$this->parse_template($mailDecode->parts[$i], $numero_mail, $numero_mois, $i) ;
break ;
case 'applefile' : continue ;
break ;
default :
if ($mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_secondary == 'octet-stream') {
$nom_piece_jointe = $mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_parameters['name'] ;
$tab = explode ('.', $nom_piece_jointe) ;
$extension = $tab[count ($tab) - 1] ;
$mimeType = type_fichier_mime::factory($extension, $GLOBALS['projet_db']);
$mimeType->setCheminIcone(PROJET_CHEMIN_ICONES) ;
} else {
$nom_piece_jointe = isset ($mailDecode->parts[$i]->d_parameters['filename']) ?
$mailDecode->parts[$i]->d_parameters['filename'] : $mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_parameters['name'] ;
$mimeType = new type_fichier_mime($GLOBALS['projet_db'], $mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_primary.'/'.
$mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_secondary, PROJET_CHEMIN_ICONES) ;
$corps .= '<a href="'.PROJET_CHEMIN_APPLI.'fichier_attache.php?nom_liste='.$this->listname.
if (count ($profondeur) > 0) {
array_shift($profondeur) ;
for ($j= 0; $j < count ($profondeur); $j++) $corps .= '&actionargs[]='.$profondeur[$j];
$corps .= '&actionargs[]='.$i ;
$corps .= '">'.'<img src="'.$mimeType->getCheminIcone().'" alt="'.$nom_piece_jointe.'" />&nbsp;' ;
$corps .= $nom_piece_jointe;
$corps .= '</a><br />' ;
break ;
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($corps,TRUE), $this->msgtmpl);
} else if ($mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'message') {
$this->message_rendu .= "\n".'<div class="message">'.$this->parse_entete_mail($mailDecode->parts[0]);
$corps .= $this->parse_template($mailDecode->parts[0], $numero_mail, $numero_mois, 0) ;
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($corps,true), $this->msgtmpl).'</div>';
} else if ($mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'application' || $mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'image'){
if ($mailDecode->ctype_secondary == 'applefile') return ;
$mimeType = new type_fichier_mime($GLOBALS['projet_db'], $mailDecode->ctype_primary.'/'.$mailDecode->ctype_secondary,PROJET_CHEMIN_ICONES) ;
if ($mimeType->getIdType() != 12) {
$corps .= '<a href="'.PROJET_CHEMIN_APPLI.'fichier_attache.php?nom_liste='.$this->listname.'&actionargs[]='.
'<img src="'.$mimeType->getCheminIcone().'" alt="'.$mailDecode->ctype_parameters['name'].'" />&nbsp;' ;
$corps .= $mailDecode->ctype_parameters['name'].'</a><br />' ;
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($corps,true), $this->msgtmpl);
} else {
if (preg_match('/html/i', $mailDecode->ctype_secondary)) {
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($mailDecode->body,TRUE), $this->msgtmpl);
} else {
if (isset ($mailDecode->ctype_parameters['charset']) && $mailDecode->ctype_parameters['charset'] == 'UTF-8') {
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', '<pre>' . utf8_decode($this->cleanup_body($mailDecode->body,TRUE)) . '</pre>', $this->msgtmpl);
} else {
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', '<pre>' . $this->cleanup_body($mailDecode->body,TRUE) . '</pre>', $this->msgtmpl);
function ezmlm_msgdisplay() {
if (($this->msgtemplate != "") and (is_file($this->msgtemplate))) {
$fd = fopen($this->msgtemplate, "r");
while (!feof($fd)) { $this->msgtmpl .= fgets($fd,4096); }
} else {
$this->msgtmpl = '<pre>
$this->msgtmpl_entete = '<dl><ezmlm-headers>
<dt><ezmlm-header-name> :</dt>
</dl>' ;
New file
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// $Id: ezmlm-parser.php,v 1.2 2005-09-27 16:43:08 alexandre_tb Exp $
// ezmlm-parser.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Contains all the code for parsing messages.
// It handles all the nessesary decoding, attachments, etc...
// Note this does all the parsing itself now removing the dependancy
// on the mailparse library (as it looks like it will never make
// it into the official inclusion with PHP)...
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require_once("Mail/mimeDecode.php") ;
// CLASS: ezmlm-parser
class ezmlm_parser extends ezmlm_php {
var $headers; // the full untouched headers of the message
var $body; // the full untouched (but decoded) body (this is not $this->parts[0]->body)
var $parts; // all the parts, if it is a multipart message. each part is an ezmlm_parser object...
// Here's the most accessed headers, everything else can be
// accessed from the $this->headers array.
var $to; // To:
var $from; // From:
var $date; // Date:
var $subject; // Subject:
var $replyto; // Reply-To:
var $contenttype; // Content-Type:
var $multipart; // TRUE if the message is a multipart message
var $msgfile; // if parsed from a file, this is the filename...
// functions
// recent_msgs - parses and returns an arbitrary number of the most recent messages
function recent_msgs($show = 20, $month = "") {
if ($month == "") { $month = date("Ym"); }
$threadyear = substr($month,0,4);
$threadmonth = substr($month,4,2);
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month)) {
if ($threadmonth == '01') { $prevthread = ($threadyear - 1) . "12"; }
else if ($threadmonth >= 11) { $prevthread = $threadyear . ($threadmonth - 1); }
else { $prevthread = $threadyear . "0" . ($threadmonth - 1); }
return $this->recent_msgs($show,$prevthread);
// on ouvre les fichiers de threads du dernier mois
$fd = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/threads/" . $month, "r");
// on récupère la dernière ligne
while (!feof($fd)) {
$temp = fgets($fd,4096);
if ($temp != "") { $curthread = $temp; }
$nombre_message = 0 ;
fseek ($fd, 0) ;
while (!feof($fd)) {
///echo "<br />".$curthread."<br />" ;
$subjectfile = preg_replace("/^[0-9]*\:([a-z]*) \[.*/", "\\1", $curthread);
$subjectfile = substr($subjectfile,0,2) . "/" . substr($subjectfile,2,18); // on ne garde que les 2 1ère lettre du hash, slash et le reste du hash
// on ouvre le fichier des sujets
// présenté comme suit :
// hash sujet originel (sur la première ligne)
// num_message:annéemois:hash_auteur Nom Auteur
$fd = fopen($this->listdir . "/archive/subjects/" . $subjectfile, "r");
// on prend la dernière ligne
while (!feof($fd)) {
$temp = fgets($fd,4096);
if ($temp != "") { $cursubject = $temp; }
list($msgnum,$fromthread,$authorid) = split(":",$cursubject);
$msgdir = (int)($msgnum / 100); // on reconstruit le répertoire du message en divisant son numéro par 100
$numshown = 0;
$msgfiles = array();
// on boucle 100 fois
for ($i = 0; $i <= 99; $i++) {
if (($msgdir == 0) and ($i == 0)) { $i++; };
if ($i < 10) { $msgfile = "0" . $i; }
else { $msgfile = $i; }
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile)) { break; }
if ($show == '') $show = $nombre_message ; // Si aucun paramètre n'est passé on renvoie tous les fichiers du mois
while ($numshown < $show) {
if ($i < 0) {
$i = 99;
if ($msgdir < 0) { break; }
if ($i < 10) {
$msgfile = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/0" . $i;
} else {
$msgfile = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $i;
$msg = new ezmlm_parser();
if (!is_file($msgfile)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $msgfile)) {
$msgfile = $this->listdir . "/" . $msgfile;
} else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgfile)) {
$msgfile = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgfile;
} else {
return $msgfiles;
$message = file_get_contents($msgfile) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
$mailDecode->msgfile = $msgfile ;
$mailDecode->nummessage = $msgdir.$i ;
$msgfiles[] = $mailDecode ;
return $msgfiles;
// parse_file - opens a file and feeds the data to parse, file can be relative to the listdir
function parse_file($file,$simple = FALSE) {
if (!is_file($file)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/" . $file; }
else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file; }
else { return FALSE; }
$this->msgfile = $file;
$data = '' ;
$fd = fopen($file, "r");
while (!feof($fd)) { $data .= fgets($fd,4096); }
return $this->parse($data,$simple);
// parse_file_headers - ouvre un fichier et analyse les entêtes
function parse_file_headers($file,$simple = FALSE) {
if (!is_file($file)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/" . $file; }
else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file)) { $file = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $file; }
else { return FALSE; }
$this->msgfile = $file;
$data = file_get_contents ($file) ;
$message = file_get_contents($file) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
return $mailDecode ;
/*$fd = fopen($file, "r");
while (!feof($fd)) { $data .= fgets($fd,4096); }
if ($this->_get_headers($data, $simple)) return true ;
return false ;
// this does all of the work (well it calls two functions that do all the work :)
// all the decoding a part breaking follows RFC2045 (
function parse($data,$simple = FALSE) {
if (($this->_get_headers($data,$simple)) && $this->_get_body($data,$simple)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
// all of these are internal functions, you shouldn't call them directly...
// _ct_parse: parse Content-Type headers -> $ct[0] = Full header, $ct[1] = Content-Type, $ct[2] ... $ct[n] = AP's
function _ct_parse() {
$instr = $this->headers['content-type'];
preg_replace('/\(.*\)/','',$instr); // strip rfc822 comments
if (preg_match('/: /', $instr)) {
$ct = preg_split('/:/',trim($instr),2);
$ct = preg_split('/;/',trim($ct[1]));
} else {
$ct = preg_split('/;/',trim($instr));
if (isset($ct[1])) $attrs = preg_split('/[\s\n]/',$ct[1]);
$i = 2;
$ct[1] = $ct[0];
$ct[0] = $this->headers['content-type'];
if (isset($attrs) && is_array($attrs)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($attrs)) {
if ($val == '') continue;
$ap = preg_split('/=/',$val,2);
if (preg_match('/^"/',$ap[1])) { $ap[1] = substr($ap[1],1,strlen($ap[1])-2); }
$ct[$i] = $ap;
// are we a multipart message?
if (preg_match('/^multipart/i', $ct[1])) { $this->multipart = TRUE; }
return $ct;
// _get_headers: pulls the headers out of the data and builds the $this->headers array
function _get_headers($data,$simple = FALSE) {
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $data);
while (list($key, $val) = each($lines)) {
$val = trim($val);
if ($val == "") break;
if (preg_match('/^From[^:].*$/', $val)) continue; /* strips out any From lines added by the MTA */
$hdr = preg_split('/: /', $val, 2);
if (count($hdr) == 1) {
// this is a continuation of the last header (like a recieved from line)
$this->headers[$last] .= $val;
} else {
$this->headers[strtolower($hdr[0])] = $hdr[1];
//echo htmlspecialchars($this->headers['from'])."<br />" ;
$last = strtolower($hdr[0]);
// ajout alex
// pour supprimer le problème des ISO...
// a déplacer ailleur, et appelé avant affichage
if (preg_match ('/windows-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/', $this->headers['subject'], $nombre)) {
$reg_exp = $nombre[0] ;
} else {
$reg_exp = 'ISO-8859-15?' ;
if (preg_match ('/UTF/i', $this->headers['subject'])) $reg_exp = 'UTF-8' ;
preg_match_all ("/=\?$reg_exp\?(Q|B)\?(.*?)\?=/i", $this->headers['subject'], $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ;
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($match[0]); $i++ ) {
if ($match[1][$i] == 'Q') {
$decode = quoted_printable_decode ($match[2][$i]) ;
} elseif ($match[1][$i] == 'B') {
$decode = base64_decode ($match[2][$i]) ;
$decode = preg_replace ("/_/", " ", $decode) ;
if ($reg_exp == 'UTF-8') {
$decode = utf8_decode ($decode) ;
$this->headers['subject'] = str_replace ($match[0][$i], $decode, $this->headers['subject']) ;
// sanity anyone?
if (!$this->headers['content-type']) { $this->headers['content-type'] = "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"; }
if (!$simple) { $this->headers['content-type'] = $this->_ct_parse(); }
return TRUE;
// _get_body: pulls the body out of the data and fills $this->body, decoding the data if nessesary.
function _get_body($data,$simple = FALSE) {
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $data);
$doneheaders = FALSE;
$data = "";
while (list($key,$val) = each($lines)) {
//echo htmlspecialchars($val)."<br>";
if (($val == '') and (!$doneheaders)) {
$doneheaders = TRUE;
} else if ($doneheaders) {
$data .= $val . "\n";
// now here comes the fun part... decoding.
switch($this->headers['content-transfer-encoding']) {
case 'binary':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($this->_cte_qp($this->_cte_binary($data)),$simple);
case 'base64':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($this->_cte_qp($this->_cte_base64($data)),$simple);
case 'quoted-printable':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($this->_cte_qp($data),$simple);
case '8bit':
$this->body = $this->_cte_8bit($data,$simple);
case '7bit': // 7bit doesn't need to be decoded
default: // And the fall through as well...
$this->body = $data;
//echo $this->headers['content-type'][2][1];
if (isset($this->headers['content-type'][2][1]) && $this->headers['content-type'][2][1] == 'UTF-8') {
//$this->body = utf8_decode ($this->body) ;
//echo quoted_printable_decode(utf8_decode ($this->body)) ;
if ($simple) { return TRUE; }
// if we are a multipart message then break up the parts and decode, set the appropriate variables.
// here comes the best part about making ezmlm-php OOP. since each part is just really a little message
// in itself each part becomes a new parser object and all the wheels turn again... :)
if ($this->multipart) {
$boundary = '';
for ($i = 2; $i <= count($this->headers['content-type']); $i++) {
if (preg_match('/boundary/i', $this->headers['content-type'][$i][0])) {
$boundary = $this->headers['content-type'][$i][1];
if ($boundary != '') {
} else {
// whoopps... something's not right here. we were told that the message is supposed
// to be a multipart message, yet the boundary wasn't set in the content type.
// mark the message as non multipart and add a message to the top of the body.
$this->multipart = FALSE;
return TRUE;
// _get_parts: breaks up $data into parts based on $boundary following the rfc specs
// detailed in section 5 of RFC2046 (
// After the parts are broken up they are then turned into parser objects and the
// resulting array of parts is set to $this->parts;
function _get_parts($data,$boundary) {
$inpart = -1;
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $data);
// La première partie contient l'avertissement pour les client mail ne supportant pas
// multipart, elle est stocké dans parts[-1]
while(list($key,$val) = each($lines)) {
if ($val == "--" . $boundary) { $inpart++; continue; } // start of a part
else if ($val == "--" . $boundary . "--") { break; } // the end of the last part
else { $parts[$inpart] .= $val . "\n"; }
for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts) - 1; $i++) { // On saute la première partie
$part[$i] = new ezmlm_parser();
$this->parts[$i] = $part[$i];
//echo $this->parts[$i]."<br>" ;
// _cte_8bit: decode a content transfer encoding of 8bit
// NOTE: this function is a little bit special. Since the end result will be displayed in
// a web browser _cte_8bit decodes ASCII characters > 127 (the US-ASCII table) into the
// html ordinal equivilant, it also ensures that the messages content-type is changed
// to include text/html if it changes anything...
function _cte_8bit($data,$simple = FALSE) {
if ($simple) { return $data; }
$changed = FALSE;
$chars = preg_split('//',$data);
while (list($key,$val) = each($chars)) {
if (ord($val) > 127) { $out .= '&#' . ord($val) . ';'; $changed = TRUE; }
else { $out .= $val; }
if ($changed) { $this->headers['content-type'][1] = 'text/html'; }
return $out;
// _cte_binary: decode a content transfer encoding of binary
function _cte_binary($data) { return $data; }
// _cte_base64: decode a content transfer encoding of base64
function _cte_base64($data) { return base64_decode($data); }
// _cte_qp: decode a content transfer encoding of quoted_printable
function _cte_qp($data) {
// For the time being we'll use PHP's function, it seems to work well enough.
return quoted_printable_decode($data);
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,187
// $Id: ezmlm-repondre.php,v 1.2 2005-09-27 16:43:08 alexandre_tb Exp $
// ezmlm-msgdisplay.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Will parse a template (if specified) and display a message.
// Includes a default template.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require_once("Mail/mimeDecode.php") ;
class ezmlm_repondre extends ezmlm_php {
// our template
var $msgtmpl;
var $message_rendu ;
// display: parses a message (using ezmlm_parser) and displays it
// using a template
function repondre($msgfile) {
if (!is_file($msgfile)) {
if (is_file($this->listdir . "/" . $msgfile)) { $msgfile = $this->listdir . "/" . $msgfile; }
else if (is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgfile)) { $msgfile = $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgfile; }
else { return FALSE; }
$message = file_get_contents($msgfile) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode(array('decode_bodies' => 'true', 'include_bodies' => 'true')) ;
// $msg->msgfile contient le chemin du fichier du mail en partant de la racine
// Le point d'exclamation est le délimiteur de l'expression régulière
$relfile = preg_replace('!' . $this->listdir . '!', '', $msgfile);
$a1 = preg_replace('!/archive/(.*)/.*$!', '\1', $relfile); // $a1 contient le nom du répertoire
$a2 = preg_replace('!/archive/.*/(.*)$!', '\1', $relfile); // $a2 contient le nom du fichier
if (isset($mailDecode->headers['date'])) $msgtime = strtotime(preg_replace ('/CEST/', '', $mailDecode->headers['date']));
$threadidx = date("Ym", $msgtime);
if ($a2 <= 10) $numero_precedent = '0'.($a2 - 1) ; else $numero_precedent = ($a2 - 1) ;
if ($a2 < 9) $numero_suivant = '0'.($a2 + 1) ; else $numero_suivant = ($a2 + 1);
// On teste si le message suivant existe
$decoupe = explode ('/', $msgfile) ;
// Les nom de fichiers sont du format :
// archive/0/01
// archive/0/02 ... 0/99 archive/1/01 ...
$nom_fichier = $decoupe[count($decoupe)-1] ;
$nom_repertoire = $decoupe[count($decoupe)-2] ;
$repertoire_suivant = $nom_repertoire ; $repertoire_precedent = $nom_repertoire ;
if ($nom_fichier > 8) {
$fichier_suivant = $nom_fichier + 1 ;
if ($nom_fichier == 99) {
$fichier_suivant = '01' ;
$repertoire_suivant = $nom_repertoire + 1 ;
} else {
$fichier_suivant = '0'.($nom_fichier + 1) ;
if ($nom_fichier > 10) {
$fichier_precedent = $nom_fichier - 1 ;
} else {
if ($nom_fichier == '01') {
$fichier_precedent = '99' ;
$repertoire_precedent = $nom_repertoire - 1 ;
} else {
$fichier_precedent = '0'.($nom_fichier - 1) ;
print '<br />'."\n";
$this->parse_template($mailDecode, $a2, $a1);
$formulaireReponse = new HTML_formulaireMail('formulaire_reponse', 'post', str_replace('&amp;', '&', $this->forcehref).'&action=repondre&'.
'actionargs[]='.$a1.'&actionargs[]='.$a2.'&'.PROJET_VARIABLE_ACTION.'='.PROJET_ENVOYER_UN_MAIL_V) ;
$formulaireReponse->construitFormulaire() ;
$formulaireReponse->addElement ('hidden', 'messageid', $mailDecode->headers['message-id']) ;
// Ajout de > au début de chaque ligne du message
$tableau = explode ("\n", $this->message_rendu) ;
$this->message_rendu = "> ".implode ("\n> ", $tableau) ;
$formulaireReponse->setDefaults(array('mail_corps' => $this->message_rendu,
'mail_titre' => 'Re : '.$this->decode_iso ($mailDecode->headers['subject']))) ;
print $formulaireReponse->toHTML() ;
function parse_template(&$mailDecode, $numero_mail, $numero_mois, $num_part = '') {
static $profondeur = array();
array_push ($profondeur, $num_part) ;
$corps = '' ;
if ($mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'multipart') {
include_once PROJET_CHEMIN_CLASSES.'type_fichier_mime.class.php' ;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mailDecode->parts); $i++) {
switch ($mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_secondary) {
case 'plain' :
case 'html' : $corps .= $mailDecode->parts[$i]->body ;
break ;
case 'mixed' :
case 'rfc822' :
case 'alternative' :
case 'appledouble' :
$this->parse_template($mailDecode->parts[$i], $numero_mail, $numero_mois, $i) ;
break ;
case 'applefile' : continue ;
break ;
default :
if ($mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_secondary == 'octet-stream') {
$nom_piece_jointe = $mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_parameters['name'] ;
$tab = explode ('.', $nom_piece_jointe) ;
$extension = $tab[count ($tab) - 1] ;
$mimeType = type_fichier_mime::factory($extension, $GLOBALS['projet_db']);
$mimeType->setCheminIcone(PROJET_CHEMIN_ICONES) ;
} else {
$nom_piece_jointe = isset ($mailDecode->parts[$i]->d_parameters['filename']) ?
$mailDecode->parts[$i]->d_parameters['filename'] : $mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_parameters['name'] ;
$mimeType = new type_fichier_mime($GLOBALS['projet_db'], $mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_primary.'/'.
$mailDecode->parts[$i]->ctype_secondary, PROJET_CHEMIN_ICONES) ;
$corps .= '';
if (count ($profondeur) > 0) {
array_shift($profondeur) ;
//for ($j= 0; $j < count ($profondeur); $j++) $corps .= '&actionargs[]='.$profondeur[$j];
/*$corps .= '&actionargs[]='.$i ;
$corps .= '">'.'<img src="'.$mimeType->getCheminIcone().'" alt="'.$nom_piece_jointe.'" />&nbsp;' ;
$corps .= $nom_piece_jointe;
$corps .= '</a><br />' ;*/
break ;
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($corps,TRUE), $this->msgtmpl);
} else if ($mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'message') {
$this->message_rendu .= "\n".'<div class="message">'.$this->parse_entete_mail($mailDecode->parts[0]);
$corps .= $this->parse_template($mailDecode->parts[0], $numero_mail, $numero_mois, 0) ;
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($corps,true), $this->msgtmpl).'</div>';
} else if ($mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'application' || $mailDecode->ctype_primary == 'image'){
if ($mailDecode->ctype_secondary == 'applefile') return ;
$mimeType = new type_fichier_mime($GLOBALS['projet_db'], $mailDecode->ctype_primary.'/'.$mailDecode->ctype_secondary,PROJET_CHEMIN_ICONES) ;
if ($mimeType->getIdType() != 12) {
$corps .= '' ;
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($corps,true), $this->msgtmpl);
} else {
if (preg_match('/html/i', $mailDecode->ctype_secondary)) {
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($mailDecode->body), $this->msgtmpl);
} else {
if (isset ($mailDecode->ctype_parameters['charset']) && $mailDecode->ctype_parameters['charset'] == 'UTF-8') {
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', utf8_decode($this->cleanup_body($mailDecode->body)) , $this->msgtmpl);
} else {
$this->message_rendu .= preg_replace('/<ezmlm-body>/i', $this->cleanup_body($mailDecode->body), $this->msgtmpl);
function ezmlm_repondre() {
if (($this->msgtemplate != "") and (is_file($this->msgtemplate))) {
$fd = fopen($this->msgtemplate, "r");
while (!feof($fd)) { $this->msgtmpl .= fgets($fd,4096); }
} else {
$this->msgtmpl = '<ezmlm-body>';
$this->msgtmpl_entete = '<dl><ezmlm-headers>
<dt><ezmlm-header-name> :</dt>
</dl>' ;
New file
0,0 → 1,78
// $Id: ezmlm-author.php,v 1.2 2005-09-27 16:43:08 alexandre_tb Exp $
// ezmlm-author.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Displays all messages by a given author
// --------------------------------------------------------------
class ezmlm_author extends ezmlm_php {
function display($authorhash) {
$file = "/archive/authors/" . substr($authorhash,0,2) . "/" . substr($authorhash,2,18);
//echo $file ;
if (!is_file($this->listdir . $file)) { $this->error(EZMLM_INVALID_AUTHOR); return; }
// Le fichier author comprend
// Première ligne hash_auteur nom_auteur
// num_mess:annéemois:hash_sujet sujet
$fd = @fopen($this->listdir . $file, "r");
$i = 0 ;
$class = array ('ligne_impaire', 'ligne_paire') ;
while (!feof($fd)) {
$buf = fgets($fd,4096);
if (preg_match('/^' . $authorhash . '/', $buf)) {
// this should ALWAYS be the first line in the file
$author = preg_replace('/^' . $authorhash . ' /', '', $buf);
print '<h3>'.PROJET_MESSAGES_DE.$author.'</h3>' ;
print '<table class="table_cadre">'."\n";
print '<tr><th class="col1">De</th><th>Sujet</th><th>Date</th></tr>'."\n";
$tableopened = TRUE;
} else if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*:[0-9]/',$buf)) {
// this is a valid message line
// all we need is the first item
// on récupère le numéro du message pour en extraire le nom du fichier
$msgfile = preg_replace('/^([0-9]*):.*/', '\1', $buf);
$msgdir = (int)((int)$msgfile / 100);
$msgfile = (int)$msgfile % 100;
if ($msgfile < 10) { $msgfile = "0" . $msgfile; }
if (!is_file($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile)) {
print "<!-- " . $this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile . " -->\n";
//$msg = new ezmlm_parser();
//$msg->parse_file_headers($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile);
$message = file_get_contents($this->listdir . "/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile) ;
$mimeDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message) ;
$mailDecode = $mimeDecode->decode() ;
$subject = $mailDecode->headers['subject'];
$subject = preg_replace("/\[" . $this->listname . "\]/", "", $subject);
$date = preg_replace ('/CEST/', '', $mailDecode->headers['date']);
print '<tr class="'.$class[$i].'">'."\n";
$hash = $this->makehash($mailDecode->headers['from']);
print '<td>'.$this->makelink("action=show_author_msgs&actionargs[]=" . $hash,$this->decode_iso($this->protect_email($mailDecode->headers['from'],TRUE)));
print '</td>';
print "<td><b>" . $this->makelink("action=show_msg&actionargs[]=" . $msgdir . "&actionargs[]=" . $msgfile, $this->decode_iso($subject)) . "</b></td>";
print "<td>[" . $this->makelink("action=show_threads&actionargs[]=" .
date("Ym", strtotime($date)) . "#" . urlencode("/archive/" . $msgdir . "/" . $msgfile), PROJET_FILE_DE_DISCUSSION) . "]</td>\n";
print "<td>" . $this->date_francaise($mailDecode->headers['date']) . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
if ($i == 2) $i = 0 ;
unset ($mailDecode) ;
if ($tableopened) { print "</table>\n"; }
New file
0,0 → 1,312
// $Id: ezmlm.php,v 1.3 2006-01-10 09:38:27 mathilde Exp $
// ezmlm.php - ezmlm-php v2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// As the site that ezmlm-php was developed for grew, and grew
// the old system used had to be bandaid fixed more, and more
// because the site started moving to an object oriented design
// for all the backend systems and ezmlm wasn't playing nice
// with the new design. So, ezmlm was redesigned too, and here
// it is.
// It may look a little more confusing if you're not used to
// working with objects but it actually is much more effiecient
// and organized in it's new incarnation.
// Simply edit the variables in the ezmlm-php constructor below
// just like you would with the old ezmlm-php-config.php file,
// if you're unsure howto do this check out the file CONFIG,
// then check the USAGE file for how you should include and use
// the new classes if you are integrating ezmlm-php into your
// site.
// (SEARCH FOR: USER-CONFIG to find where to edit.)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
$GLOBALS['mois'] = array ('Janv', 'Fév', 'Mars', 'Avri', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juil', 'Août', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Déc') ;
// CLASS: ezmlm_php
// the base class, contains common functions and the config
class ezmlm_php {
var $listdir; // the root directory of the list
var $listname; // the list address upto the @
var $listdomain; // the domain for the list
var $tempdir; // a directory in which the webserver can write cache files
var $sendheaders; // send generic page headers
var $sendbody; // send generic body definitions
var $sendfooters; // send generic page footers
var $includebefore; // a file to include before the content
var $includeafter; // a file to include after the content
var $href; // what to add before the '?param=value' in links
var $prefertype; // what mime type do you prefer?
var $showheaders; // what headers should we show?
var $msgtemplate; // the template for displaying messages (see the file TEMPLATE)
var $tablecolours; // what are the colours for the table rows?
var $thread_subjlen; // the maximum length of subjects in the thread view (0 = no limit)
var $forcehref; // force the base of makelink();
// --------- END USER CONFIGURATION ---------
// Internal variables
var $action = '';
var $actionargs;
function ezmlm_php() {
// USER-CONFIG section
// these variables act the same way ezmlm-php-config.php did in the first release
// simply edit these variables to match your setup
$this->listdir = "/home/telabotap/sd/testv4/client/synchroliste/liste/";
$this->listname = "equipe";
$this->listdomain = "";
$this->tempdir = "/home/telabotap/www/tmp";
$this->sendheaders = TRUE;
$this->sendbody = TRUE;
$this->sendfooters = TRUE;
$this->includebefore = "";
$this->includeafter = "";
$this->href = "";
$this->prefertype = "text/html";
$this->showheaders = array(
$this->header_en_francais = array ('to' => 'A',
'from' => 'De',
'subject' => 'Sujet',
'date' => 'Date') ;
$this->msgtemplate = "<pre><ezmlm-body></pre>"; // if blank it will use the internal one
$this->tablecolours = array(
// delete the next line if you don't want alternating colours
$this->thread_subjlen = 55;
// some sanity checking
if ((!is_dir($this->listdir . "/archive")) or
(!is_dir($this->listdir . "/archive/authors")) or
(!is_dir($this->listdir . "/archive/threads")) or
(!is_dir($this->listdir . "/archive/subjects"))) {
return false ;
function set_action($action) {
if (is_array($action)) { $this->error(EZMLM_INVALID_SYNTAX,TRUE); }
$this->action = $action;
function set_actionargs($actionargs) {
if ($this->action == '') { $this->error(EZMLM_INVALID_SYNTAX,TRUE); }
$this->actionargs = $actionargs;
function run() {
if ($this->action == '') { $this->error(EZMLM_INVALID_SYNTAX,TRUE); }
if ($this->sendheaders) { $this->sendheaders(); }
if ($this->sendbody) { $this->sendbody(); }
if ($this->includebefore != '') { @include_once($this->includebefore); }
switch ($this->action) {
case "list_info":
$info = new ezmlm_listinfo();
case "show_msg":
if (count($this->actionargs) < 2) {
$show_msg = new ezmlm_msgdisplay();
$show_msg->display($this->actionargs[0] . "/" . $this->actionargs[1]);
case "show_threads":
$threads = new ezmlm_threads();
case "show_author_msgs":
$author = new ezmlm_author();
if ($this->includeafter != '') { @include_once($this->includeafter); }
if ($this->sendfooters) { $this->sendfooters(); }
function sendheaders() {
print "<html><head>\n";
print "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
print "<!--\n";
print ".heading { font-family: helvetica; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; font-weight: bold; }\n";
print "//-->\n";
print "</style>\n";
print "</head>\n";
function sendbody() {
print "<body>\n";
function sendfooters() {
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";
// begin common functions
// makehash - generates an author hash using the included makehash program
function makehash($str) {
$str = preg_replace ('/>/', '', $str) ;
$handle = popen ('/usr/local/lib/safe_mode/makehash \''.$str.'\'', 'r') ;
$hash = fread ($handle, 256) ;
pclose ($handle) ;
return $hash;
// makelink - writes the <a href=".."> tag
function makelink($params,$text) {
if ($this->forcehref != "") {
$basehref = $this->forcehref;
} else {
$basehref = preg_replace('/^(.*)\?.*/', '\\1', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$link = '<a href="'. $basehref . '&amp;' . $params . '">' . $text . '</a>';
return $link;
// md5_of_file - provides wrapper function that emulates md5_file for PHP < 4.2.0
function md5_of_file($file) {
if (function_exists("md5_file")) { // php >= 4.2.0
return md5_file($file);
} else {
if (is_file($file)) {
$fd = fopen($file, "rb");
$filecontents = fread($fd, filesize($file));
fclose ($fd);
return md5($filecontents);
} else {
return FALSE;
// protect_email - protects email address turns into user@d...
function protect_email($str,$short = FALSE) {
if (preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]\@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*\./", $str)) {
$outstr = preg_replace("/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*\@)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.])[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*/","\\1\\2...",$str);
$outstr = preg_replace("/\</", '&lt;', $outstr);
$outstr = preg_replace("/\>/", '&gt;', $outstr);
} else {
$outstr = $str;
if ($short) {
$outstr = preg_replace("/&lt;.*&gt;/", '', $outstr);
$outstr = preg_replace("/[\"']/", '', $outstr);
return trim($outstr);
// cleanup_body: sortta like protect_email, just for message bodies
function cleanup_body($str) {
$outstr = preg_replace("/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*\@)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.])[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*/","\\1\\2...",$str);
return $outstr;
function error($def, $critical = FALSE) {
global $ezmlm_error;
print "\n\n";
print "<table width=600 border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>\n";
print "<tr bgcolor=\"#cccccc\"><td><b>EZMLM-PHP Error: " . $ezmlm_error[$def]['title'] . "</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr bgcolor=\"#aaaaaa\"><td>" . $ezmlm_error[$def]['body'] . "</td></tr>\n";
print "</table>\n\n";
if ($critical) { die; }
* Parse une chaime et supprime les problême d'encodage de type ISO-4 ...
* @return string
function decode_iso ($chaine) {
if (preg_match ('/windows-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/i', $chaine, $nombre)) {
$reg_exp = $nombre[0] ;
} else {
$reg_exp = 'ISO-8859-15?' ;
if (preg_match ('/UTF/i', $chaine)) $reg_exp = 'UTF-8' ;
preg_match_all ("/=\?$reg_exp\?(Q|B)\?(.*?)\?=/i", $chaine, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ;
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($match[0]); $i++ ) {
if ($match[1][$i] == 'Q') {
$decode = quoted_printable_decode ($match[2][$i]) ;
} elseif ($match[1][$i] == 'B') {
$decode = base64_decode ($match[2][$i]) ;
$decode = preg_replace ("/_/", " ", $decode) ;
if ($reg_exp == 'UTF-8') {
$decode = utf8_decode ($decode) ;
$chaine = str_replace ($match[0][$i], $decode, $chaine) ;
return $chaine ;
* @return
function date_francaise ($date_mail) {
$date_mail = preg_replace ('/CEST/', '', $date_mail) ;
$numero_mois = date('m ', strtotime($date_mail)) - 1 ;
$date = date ('d ', strtotime($date_mail)).$GLOBALS['mois'][$numero_mois] ; // Le jour et le mois
$date .= date(' Y ', strtotime($date_mail)) ; // l'année
if (date('a', strtotime($date_mail)) == 'pm') {
$date .= (int) date('g', strtotime($date_mail)) + 12 ; // Les heures
} else {
$date .= date('g', strtotime($date_mail)) ;
$date .= date(':i', strtotime($date_mail)) ; // Les minutes
return $date ;
// FIN