Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1371 → Rev 1372

New file
0,0 → 1,178
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
*/ = dojo.hostenv.name_ = "dashboard";
dojo.hostenv.println = function (message) {
return alert(message);
dojo.hostenv.getXmlhttpObject = function (kwArgs) {
if (widget.system && kwArgs) {
if ((kwArgs.contentType && kwArgs.contentType.indexOf("text/") != 0) || (kwArgs.headers && kwArgs.headers["content-type"] && kwArgs.headers["content-type"].indexOf("text/") != 0)) {
var curl = new dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest;
curl._save = true;
return curl;
} else {
if (kwArgs.method && kwArgs.method.toUpperCase() == "HEAD") {
return new dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest;
} else {
if (kwArgs.headers && kwArgs.header.referer) {
return new dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest;
return new XMLHttpRequest;
dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest = function () {
this.onreadystatechange = null;
this.readyState = 0;
this.responseText = "";
this.responseXML = null;
this.status = 0;
this.statusText = "";
this._method = "";
this._url = "";
this._async = true;
this._referrer = "";
this._headers = [];
this._save = false;
this._responseHeader = "";
this._responseHeaders = {};
this._fileName = "";
this._username = "";
this._password = "";
}; = function (method, url, async, username, password) {
this._method = method;
this._url = url;
if (async) {
this._async = async;
if (username) {
this._username = username;
if (password) {
this._password = password;
dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function (label, value) {
switch (label) {
case "Referer":
this._referrer = value;
case "content-type":
this._headers.push(label + "=" + value);
dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders = function () {
return this._responseHeader;
dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader = function (headerLabel) {
return this._responseHeaders[headerLabel];
dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest.prototype.send = function (content) {
this.readyState = 1;
if (this.onreadystatechange) {;
var query = {sS:""};
if (this._referrer) {
query.e = this._referrer;
if (this._headers.length) {
query.H = this._headers.join("&");
if (this._username) {
if (this._password) {
query.u = this._username + ":" + this._password;
} else {
query.u = this._username;
if (content) {
query.d = this.content;
if (this._method != "POST") {
query.G = "";
if (this._method == "HEAD") {
query.I = "";
} else {
if (this._save) {
query.I = "";
} else {
query.i = "";
var system = widget.system(dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest._formatCall(query, this._url), null);
this.readyState = 2;
if (this.onreadystatechange) {;
if (system.errorString) {
this.responseText = system.errorString;
this.status = 0;
} else {
if (this._save) {
this._responseHeader = system.outputString;
} else {
var split = system.outputString.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n\n", 2);
this._responseHeader = split[0];
this.responseText = split[1];
split = this._responseHeader.split("\n");
this.statusText = split.shift();
this.status = this.statusText.split(" ")[1];
for (var i = 0, header; header = split[i]; i++) {
var header_split = header.split(": ", 2);
this._responseHeaders[header_split[0]] = header_split[1];
if (this._save) {
widget.system("/bin/mkdir cache", null);
this._fileName = this._url.split("/").pop().replace(/\W/g, "");
this._fileName += "." + this._responseHeaders["Content-Type"].replace(/[\r\n]/g, "").split("/").pop();
delete query.I;
query.o = "cache/" + this._fileName;
system = widget.system(dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest._formatCall(query, this._url), null);
if (!system.errorString) {
this.responseText = "cache/" + this._fileName;
} else {
if (this._method == "HEAD") {
this.responseText = this._responseHeader;
this.readyState = 4;
if (this.onreadystatechange) {;
dojo.hostenv.CurlRequest._formatCall = function (query, url) {
var call = ["/usr/bin/curl"];
for (var key in query) {
if (query[key] != "") {
call.push("-" + key + " '" + query[key].replace(/'/g, "'") + "'");
} else {
call.push("-" + key);
call.push("'" + url.replace(/'/g, "'") + "'");
return call.join(" ");
dojo.hostenv.exit = function () {
if (widget.system) {
widget.system("/bin/rm -rf cache/*", null);