Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel

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Ignore whitespace Rev 2219 → Rev 2221

New file
0,0 → 1,13
<files *.ini>
order deny,allow
deny from all
#AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
RewriteEngine On
# Redirections générale vers le fichier principal de Widget.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php/
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0,0 → 1,431
abstract class WidgetCommun {
protected $config = null;
protected $parametres = null;
protected $messages = array();
protected $debug = array();
public function __construct($config, $parametres) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->parametres = $parametres;
* Parse le fichier ini donné en paramètre
* @param string $fichier_ini nom du fichier ini à parser
* @return boolean true si le fichier ini a été trouvé.
private function parserFichierIni($fichier_ini) {
$retour = false;
if (file_exists($fichier_ini)) {
$ini = parse_ini_file($fichier_ini, true);
$retour = true;
return $retour;
* fusionne un tableau de paramètres avec le tableau de config global
* @param array $ini le tableau à fusionner
private function fusionner(array $ini) {
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $ini);
protected function traiterNomMethodeExecuter($nom) {
$methode = 'executer';
$methode .= str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', strtolower($nom))));
return $methode;
protected function getDao() {
if (! isset($this->dao)) {
$this->dao = new Dao();
return $this->dao;
protected function getUrlImage($id, $format = 'L') {
$url_tpl = $this->config['chemins']['celImgUrlTpl'];
$id = sprintf('%09s', $id).$format;
$url = sprintf($url_tpl, $id);
return $url;
protected function encoderMotCle($mot_cle) {
return md5(mb_strtolower($mot_cle));
private function protegerMotsCles($mots_cles, $type) {
$separateur = ($type == self::TYPE_IMG) ? ',' : ';' ;
$mots_cles_a_proteger = explode($separateur,rtrim(trim($mots_cles), $separateur));
foreach ($mots_cles_a_proteger as $mot) {
$mots_cles_proteges[] = $this->bdd->quote($mot);
$mots_cles = implode(',', $mots_cles_proteges);
return $mots_cles;
protected function tronquerCourriel($courriel) {
$courriel = preg_replace('/[^@]+$/i', '...', $courriel);
return $courriel;
protected function nettoyerTableau($tableau) {
foreach ($tableau as $cle => $valeur) {
if (is_array($valeur)) {
$valeur = $this->nettoyerTableau($valeur);
} else {
$valeur = $this->nettoyerTexte($valeur);
$tableau[$cle] = $valeur;
return $tableau;
protected function nettoyerTexte($txt) {
$txt = preg_replace('/&(?!([a-z]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9][a-f]+);)/i', '&amp;', $txt);
$txt = preg_replace('/^(?:000null|null)$/i', '', $txt);
return $txt;
protected function etreVide($valeur) {
$vide = false;
if ($valeur == '' || $valeur == 'null'|| $valeur == '000null' || $valeur == '0') {
$vide = true;
return $vide;
protected function formaterDate($date_heure_mysql, $format = '%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M') {
$date_formatee = '';
if (!$this->etreVide($date_heure_mysql)) {
$timestamp = $this->convertirDateHeureMysqlEnTimestamp($date_heure_mysql);
$date_formatee = strftime($format, $timestamp);
return $date_formatee;
protected function convertirDateHeureMysqlEnTimestamp($date_heure_mysql){
$val = explode(' ', $date_heure_mysql);
$date = explode('-', $val[0]);
$heure = explode(':', $val[1]);
return mktime((int) $heure[0], (int) $heure[1], (int) $heure[2], (int) $date[1], (int) $date[2], (int) $date[0]);
protected function getAuthIdentifiant() {
$id = (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] : null;
return $id;
protected function getAuthMotDePasse() {
$mdp = (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] : null;
return $mdp;
protected function authentifierAdmin() {
$message_accueil = "Veuillez vous identifier avec votre compte Tela Botanica.";
$message_echec = "Accès limité aux administrateurs du CEL.\n".
"Votre tentative d'identification a échoué.\n".
"Actualiser la page pour essayer à nouveau si vous êtes bien inscrit comme administrateur.";
return $this->authentifier($message_accueil, $message_echec, 'Admin');
protected function authentifierUtilisateur() {
$message_accueil = "Veuillez vous identifier avec votre compte Tela Botanica.";
$message_echec = "Accès limité aux utilisateur du CEL.\n".
"Inscrivez vous pour le devenir.\n".
"Votre tentative d'identification a échoué.\n".
"Actualiser la page pour essayer à nouveau si vous êtes déjà inscrit ou contacter ''.";
return $this->authentifier($message_accueil, $message_echec, 'Utilisateur');
private function authentifier($message_accueil, $message_echec, $type) {
$id = $this->getAuthIdentifiant();
if (!isset($id)) {
$this->envoyerAuth($message_accueil, $message_echec);
} else {
if ($type == 'Utilisateur' && $this->getAuthMotDePasse() == 'debug') {
$autorisation = true;
} else {
$methodeAutorisation = "etre{$type}Autorise";
$autorisation = $this->$methodeAutorisation();
if ($autorisation == false) {
$this->envoyerAuth($message_accueil, $message_echec);
return true;
protected function etreUtilisateurAutorise() {
$identifiant = $this->getAuthIdentifiant();
$mdp = md5($this->getAuthMotDePasse());
$url = sprintf($this->config['authentification']['serviceUrlTpl'], $identifiant, $mdp);
$json = $this->getDao()->consulter($url);
$existe = json_decode($json);
$autorisation = (isset($existe) && $existe) ? true :false;
return $autorisation;
protected function etreAdminAutorise($identifiant) {
$identifiant = $this->getAuthIdentifiant();
$autorisation = ($this->etreUtilisateurAutorise() && $this->etreAdminCel($identifiant)) ? true : false;
return $autorisation;
protected function etreAdminCel($courriel) {
$admins = $this->config['authentification']['administrateurs'];
$courriels_autorises = explode(',', $admins);
$autorisation = (in_array($courriel, $courriels_autorises)) ? true : false ;
return $autorisation;
* Prend en paramêtre un tableau de courriels et retourne après avoir intérogé un service we de l'annuaire
* une tableau avec en clé le courriel et en valeur, un tableau associatif :
* - nom : le nom de l'utilisateur
* - prenom : le prénom de l'utilisateur.
* @param array $courriels un tableau de courriels pour lesquels il faut recherche le prénom et nom.
protected function recupererUtilisateursNomPrenom(Array $courriels) {
// Récupération des données au format Json
$service = "utilisateur/prenom-nom-par-courriel/".implode(',', $courriels);
$url = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesAnnuaireTpl'], $service);
$json = $this->getDao()->consulter($url);
return (array) json_decode($json);
protected function recupererUtilisateursIdentite(Array $courriels) {
// Récupération des données au format Json
$service = "utilisateur/identite-par-courriel/".implode(',', $courriels);
$url = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesAnnuaireTpl'], $service);
$json = $this->getDao()->consulter($url);
$utilisateurs = json_decode($json);
foreach ($courriels as $courriel) {
$info = array('id' => null, 'intitule' => '');
if (isset($utilisateurs->$courriel)) {
$info['intitule'] = $utilisateurs->$courriel->intitule;
$info['id'] = $utilisateurs->$courriel->id;
} else {
$info['intitule'] = $this->tronquerCourriel($courriel);
$noms[$courriel] = $info;
return $noms;
protected function envoyerJsonp($donnees = null, $encodage = 'utf-8') {
$contenu = $_GET['callback'].'('.json_encode($donnees).');';
$this->envoyer($contenu, 'text/html', $encodage);
protected function envoyer($donnees = null, $mime = 'text/html', $encodage = 'utf-8') {
// Traitements des messages d'erreurs et données
if (count($this->messages) != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
$mime = 'text/html';
$encodage = 'utf-8';
$sortie = '<html>'.
'<body><pre>'.implode("\n", $this->messages).'</pre><body>'.
} else {
$sortie = $donnees;
if (is_null($donnees)) {
$sortie = 'OK';
// Gestion de l'envoie du déboguage
// Envoie sur la sortie standard
$this->envoyerContenu($encodage, $mime, $sortie);
private function envoyerDebogage() {
if (!is_array($this->debug)) {
$this->debug[] = $this->debug;
if (count($this->debug) != 0) {
foreach ($this->debug as $cle => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$this->debug[$cle] = print_r($val, true);
private function envoyerContenu($encodage, $mime, $contenu) {
if (!is_null($mime) && !is_null($encodage)) {
header("Content-Type: $mime; charset=$encodage");
} else if (!is_null($mime) && is_null($encodage)) {
header("Content-Type: $mime");
private function envoyerAuth($message_accueil, $message_echec) {
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.mb_convert_encoding($message_accueil, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8').'"');
header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
print $message_echec;
* Méthode prenant en paramètre un tableau associatif, les clés seront recherchées dans le texte pour être
* remplacer par la valeur. Dans le texte, les clés devront être entre accolades : {}
* @param String $txt le texte où chercher les motifs.
* @param Array $donnees un tableau associatif contenant les motifs à remplacer.
* @return String le texte avec les motifs remplacer par les valeurs du tableau.
protected static function traiterSqueletteTxt($txt, Array $donnees = array()) {
$motifs = array();
$valeurs = array();
foreach ($donnees as $cle => $valeur) {
if (strpos($cle, '{') === false && strpos($cle, '}') === false) {
$motifs = '{'.$cle.'}';
$valeurs = $valeur;
$txt = str_replace($motifs, $valeurs, $txt);
return $txt;
* Méthode prenant en paramètre un chemin de fichier squelette et un tableau associatif de données,
* en extrait les variables, charge le squelette et retourne le résultat des deux combinés.
* @param String $fichier le chemin du fichier du squelette
* @param Array $donnees un tableau associatif contenant les variables a injecter dans le squelette.
* @return boolean false si le squelette n'existe pas, sinon la chaine résultat.
protected static function traiterSquelettePhp($fichier, Array $donnees = array()) {
$sortie = false;
if (file_exists($fichier)) {
// Extraction des variables du tableau de données
// Démarage de la bufferisation de sortie
// Si les tags courts sont activés
if ((bool) @ini_get('short_open_tag') === true) {
// Simple inclusion du squelette
include $fichier;
} else {
// Sinon, remplacement des tags courts par la syntaxe classique avec echo
$html_et_code_php = self::traiterTagsCourts($fichier);
// Pour évaluer du php mélangé dans du html il est nécessaire de fermer la balise php ouverte par eval
$html_et_code_php = '?>'.$html_et_code_php;
// Interprétation du html et du php dans le buffer
echo eval($html_et_code_php);
// Récupèration du contenu du buffer
$sortie = ob_get_contents();
// Suppression du buffer
} else {
$msg = "Le fichier du squelette '$fichier' n'existe pas.";
trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING);
// Retourne le contenu
return $sortie;
* Fonction chargeant le contenu du squelette et remplaçant les tags court php (<?= ...) par un tag long avec echo.
* @param String $chemin_squelette le chemin du fichier du squelette
* @return string le contenu du fichier du squelette php avec les tags courts remplacés.
private static function traiterTagsCourts($chemin_squelette) {
$contenu = file_get_contents($chemin_squelette);
// Remplacement de tags courts par un tag long avec echo
$contenu = str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', $contenu);
// Ajout systématique d'un point virgule avant la fermeture php
$contenu = preg_replace("/;*\s*\?>/", "; ?>", $contenu);
return $contenu;
* Permet de trier un tableau multi-dimenssionnel en gardant l'ordre des clés.
* @param Array $array le tableau à trier
* @param Array $cols tableau indiquant en clé la colonne à trier et en valeur l'ordre avec SORT_ASC ou SORT_DESC
* @author cagret at gmail dot com
* @see Post du 21-Jun-2009 12:38
public static function trierTableauMd($array, $cols) {
$colarr = array();
foreach ($cols as $col => $order) {
$colarr[$col] = array();
foreach ($array as $k => $row) {
$colarr[$col]['_'.$k] = strtolower(self::supprimerAccents($row[$col]));
$params = array();
foreach ($cols as $col => $order) {
$params[] =& $colarr[$col];
$params = array_merge($params, (array)$order);
call_user_func_array('array_multisort', $params);
$ret = array();
$keys = array();
$first = true;
foreach ($colarr as $col => $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
if ($first) {
$keys[$k] = substr($k,1);
$k = $keys[$k];
if (!isset($ret[$k])) {
$ret[$k] = $array[$k];
$ret[$k][$col] = $array[$k][$col];
$first = false;
return $ret;
private static function supprimerAccents($str, $charset='utf-8')
$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset);
$str = preg_replace('#&([A-za-z])(?:acute|cedil|circ|grave|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);#', '\1', $str);
$str = preg_replace('#&([A-za-z]{2})(?:lig);#', '\1', $str); // pour les ligatures e.g. '&oelig;'
$str = preg_replace('#&[^;]+;#', '', $str); // supprime les autres caractères
return $str;
New file
0,0 → 1,155
// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
* Classe modèle spécifique à l'application, donc d'accés au données, elle ne devrait pas être appelée de l'extérieur.
* @category php5
* @package Widget
* @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <>
* @copyright 2010 Tela-Botanica
* @license Licence CECILL
* @license Licence GNU-GPL
* @version SVN: $Id$
class Dao {
private $http_methodes = array('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'CONNECT', 'TRACE');
protected $parametres = null;
private $url = null;
private $reponse_entetes = null;
public function getReponseEntetes($cle) {
return $this->reponse_entetes;
public function getParametre($cle) {
$valeur = (isset($this->parametres[$cle])) ? $this->parametres[$cle] : null;
return $valeur;
public function ajouterParametre($cle, $valeur) {
$this->parametres[$cle] = $valeur;
public function supprimerParametre($cle) {
public function nettoyerParametres() {
$this->parametres = null;
public function consulter($url) {
$retour = $this->envoyerRequete($url, 'GET');
return $retour;
public function ajouter($url, Array $donnees) {
$retour = $this->envoyerRequete($url, 'PUT', $donnees);
return $retour;
public function modifier($url, Array $donnees) {
$retour = $this->envoyerRequete($url, 'POST', $donnees);
return $retour;
public function supprimer($url) {
$retour = $this->envoyerRequete($url, 'DELETE');
return $retour;
public function envoyerRequete($url, $mode, Array $donnees = array()) {
$this->url = $url;
$contenu = false;
if (! in_array($mode, $this->http_methodes)) {
$e = "Le mode de requête '$mode' n'est pas accepté!";
trigger_error($e, E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
if ($mode == 'GET') {
$contexte = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'method' => $mode,
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'content' => http_build_query($donnees, null, self::HTTP_URL_REQUETE_SEPARATEUR))));
$flux = @fopen($this->url, 'r', false, $contexte);
if (!$flux) {
$this->reponse_entetes = $http_response_header;
$e = "L'ouverture de l'url '{$this->url}' par la méthode HTTP '$mode' a échoué!";
trigger_error($e, E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// Informations sur les en-têtes et métadonnées du flux
$this->reponse_entetes = stream_get_meta_data($flux);
// Contenu actuel de $url
$contenu = stream_get_contents($flux);
return $contenu;
private function traiterUrlParametres() {
$parametres = array();
if (count($this->parametres) > 0) {
foreach ($this->parametres as $cle => $valeur) {
$cle = rawurlencode($cle);
$valeur = rawurlencode($valeur);
$parametres[] = $cle.self::HTTP_URL_REQUETE_CLE_VALEUR_SEPARATEUR.$valeur;
$url_parametres = implode(self::HTTP_URL_REQUETE_SEPARATEUR, $parametres);
$this->url = $this->url.'?'.$url_parametres;
private function traiterEntete() {
$infos = $this->analyserEntete();
private function analyserEntete() {
$entetes = $this->reponse_entetes;
$infos = array('date' => null, 'uri' => $this->url, 'debogages' => null);
if (isset($entetes['wrapper_data'])) {
$entetes = $entetes['wrapper_data'];
foreach ($entetes as $entete) {
if (preg_match('/^X_REST_DEBOGAGE_MESSAGES: (.+)$/', $entete, $match)) {
$infos['debogages'] = json_decode($match[1]);
if (preg_match('/^Date: .+ ([012][0-9]:[012345][0-9]:[012345][0-9]) .*$/', $entete, $match)) {
$infos['date'] = $match[1];
return $infos;
private function traiterEnteteDebogage($entetes_analyses) {
if (isset($entetes['debogages'])) {
$date = $entetes['date'];
$uri = $entetes['uri'];
$debogages = $entetes['debogages'];
foreach ($debogages as $debogage) {
$e = "DEBOGAGE : $date - $uri :\n$debogage";
trigger_error($e, E_USER_NOTICE);
private function reinitialiser() {
New file
0,0 → 1,5
require 'Widget.php';
$widget = new Widget();
New file
0,0 → 1,51
;Memoire maxi pour les services : 128Mo = 134217728 ; 256Mo = 268435456 ; 512Mo = 536870912 ; 1Go = 1073741824
limiteMemoire = "512M"
; Niveau d'erreur PHP
erreurNiveau = 30719 ; E_ALL = 30719
; Séparateur d'url en entrée
argSeparatorInput = "&"
; Indication de la locale (setLocale(LC_ALL, ?)) pour les classes appelées par Widget.php
locale = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
; Indication du fuseau horraire par défaut date_default_timezone_set(?)pour les classes appelées par Widget.php
fuseauHoraire = "Europe/Paris"
; Mode (serveur) : "prod", "test" ou "local"
modeServeur = "prod"
; Chemins à utiliser dans la méthode autoload des widgets
autoload = "bibliotheque/"
; Dossier contenant les widgets
widgetsDossier = "modules/"
; Dossier contenant le widget demandé construit dynamiquement dans le fichier Widget.php
widgetCourantDossier = ""
; Dossier contenant les fichiers des bibliothèques tierces
bibliothequeDossier = "bibliotheque/"
; Base de l'url servant à appeler les widgets
baseURL = "/widget:cel:"
; URL de base absolue des Widgets du CEL construit dynamiquement dans le fichier WidgetCommun.php
baseURLAbsoluDyn = ""
; URL des services web du CEL sous forme de template à utiliser avec sprintf
baseURLServicesCelTpl = ""
; URL des services web du CEL sous forme de template à utiliser avec sprintf
baseURLServicesAnnuaireTpl = ""
; Squelette d'Url permettant d'afficher une image du CEL (remplace %s par l'id de l'image sans underscore)
celImgUrlTpl = ""
; Squelette d'URL pour les services web d'eFlore.
baseURLServicesEfloreTpl = ""
; Dossier de stockage temporaire des images (ATTENTION : mettre le slash à la fin)
imagesTempDossier = "/home/telabotap/www/eflore/cel/cache/images/"
; Url du service fournissant des infos sur les noms à partir d'un num tax
infosTaxonUrl = ""
; Url du service wiki fournissant les pages d'aide
aideWikiniUrl = '{page}?txt.format=text/html';
; URL du widget de remarques
widgetRemarquesUrl = ""
; URL de base du dépôt de ressources
baseURLRessources = ""
serviceUrlTpl = ""
administrateurs =,,,
New file
0,0 → 1,221
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Générateur de widgets</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var url_base_widget = 'http://localhost/widget:cel:';
var timer = null;
var criteresPourWidget = new Object();
criteresPourWidget['carto'] = new Array('utilisateur', 'dept', 'commune', 'projet', 'taxon');
criteresPourWidget['cartoPoint'] = new Array('utilisateur', 'dept', 'commune', 'projet', 'taxon', 'titre', 'logo', 'url_site','image', 'photos');
criteresPourWidget['observation'] = new Array('utilisateur', 'dept', 'commune', 'projet', 'taxon');
criteresPourWidget['photo'] = new Array('utilisateur', 'dept', 'commune', 'projet', 'taxon', 'titre');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#mise_a_jour_auto').change(function() {
if($('#mise_a_jour_auto').val() == 'on') {
} else {
$('#mise_a_jour').click(function(event) {
$("#formulaire_widget_carto_point input").keypress(function (event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
function htmlEncode(value){
if (value) {
return jQuery('<div />').text(value).html();
} else {
return '';
Object.size = function(obj) {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
function genererIFrame(url, hauteur, largeur) {
return '<iframe src="'+url+'" width="'+largeur+'" height="'+hauteur+'">';
function afficherCriteresPourWidget() {
var type_widget = $('input[name=type_widget]:checked').val();
$('#options .critere').each(function() {
var nom = $(this).find('.modificateur').attr("name");
if(critereExistePourWidget(type_widget, nom)) {
} else {
function critereExistePourWidget(type_widget, nom) {
var champsAffiches = criteresPourWidget[type_widget];
return (champsAffiches.indexOf(nom) != -1);
function activerTimerMaj() {
$('.modificateur').change(function(event) {
if(timer != null) {
timer = setTimeout(function(){mettreAjourApercu();},500);
function desactiverTimerMaj() {
if(timer != null) {
function mettreAjourApercu() {
var valeurs_form = new Object();
var type_widget = $('input[name=type_widget]:checked').val();
$('#options .critere').each(function() {
var nom = $(this).find('.modificateur').attr("name");
var valeur = $(this).find('.modificateur').val();
if(critereExistePourWidget(type_widget, nom) && valeur != "") {
valeurs_form[nom] = valeur;
var url_widget = url_base_widget+type_widget;
if(Object.keys(valeurs_form).length > 0) {
params_iframe = $.param(valeurs_form);
url_widget += "?"+params_iframe;
var hauteur = $('#hauteur').val();
var largeur = $('#largeur').val();
var lien_widget = '<a href="'+url_widget+'">'+url_widget+'</a>';
$('#code_widget').html("Vous pouvez voir ce widget en plein écran en cliquant sur ce lien "+lien_widget);
var code_widget_apercu = genererIFrame(url_widget, hauteur, largeur);
var code_widget_inclure = genererIFrame(url_widget, hauteur, largeur);
$('#code_widget').html("Copiez-collez ce code pour inclure le widget sur votre site "+"<pre>"+htmlEncode(code_widget_inclure)+"</pre>");
#formulaire_widget_carto_point {
border:1px solid grey;
width: 30%;
.critere {
.modificateur.droite {
float: right;
width: 420px;
#url_widget {
border: 1px solid grey;
background-color : #F5F5F5;
padding: 10px;
display: none;
#apercu {
border: 1px solid grey;
background-color : #F5F5F5;
padding: 10px;
display: none;
float: right;
width: 60%;
#contenu_widget_apercu {
width: 100%;
.nettoyage {
visibility: hidden;
clear: both;
<div id="formulaire_widget_carto_point">
<div class="critere"><label for="utilisateur">Type de widget : </label><br />
<input autocomplete="off" class="modificateur" type="radio" name="type_widget" value="carto">Carto à la commune<br />
<input autocomplete="off" class="modificateur" type="radio" name="type_widget" value="cartoPoint">Carto au point précis <br />
<input autocomplete="off" class="modificateur" type="radio" name="type_widget" value="observation">Observations <br />
<input autocomplete="off" class="modificateur" type="radio" name="type_widget" value="photo">Photos <br />
<div id="options">
<div class="critere"><label for="utilisateur">Utilisateur : </label><input class="modificateur droite" type="text" name="utilisateur" id="utilisateur" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="dept">Département : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="dept" id="dept" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="commune">Commune : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="commune" id="commune" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="projet">Projet : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="projet" id="projet" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="taxon">Taxon : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="taxon" id="taxon" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="titre">Titre : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="titre" id="titre" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="logo">Url du logo : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="logo" id="logo" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="image">Url de l'image : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="image" id="image" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="url_site">Url du site : </label><input type="text" class="modificateur droite" name="url_site" id="url_site" /></div>
<div class="critere"><label for="photos">Présence de photos : </label>
<select class="modificateur" name="photos" id="photos">
<option selected="selected" value="">Toutes les observations</option>
<option value="1">Uniquement avec photos</option>
<div id="options_secondaires">
<div class="critere"><label for="largeur">Largeur : </label>
<input type="text" class="modificateur" size="10" name="largeur" id="largeur" value="700"/>
<label for="hauteur">Hauteur : </label>
<input type="text" class="modificateur" size="10" name="hauteur" id="hauteur" value="700"/>
<label for="mise_a_jour_auto">Maj auto de la carte à chaque changement : </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="mise_a_jour_auto" name="mise_a_jour_auto" />
<button id="mise_a_jour" name="mise_a_jour">Rafraichir</button>
<div id="apercu">Aperçu en temps réel
<div id="contenu_widget_apercu"></div>
<hr class="nettoyage" />
<div id="code_widget"></div>
New file
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<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n";?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
<atom:link href="<?=$lien_service?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<?php if (isset($items)) : ?>
<?php foreach ($items as $item) : ?>
<? if (isset($item['lien'])) : ?>
<? endif; ?>
<category><?= $item['categorie'] ?></category>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
New file
0,0 → 1,111
// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
class Telechargement extends WidgetCommun {
private $description_url = null;
private $infos_images_url = null;
private $telechargement_url = null;
private $id_image = null;
* Méthode appelée par défaut pour charger ce widget.
public function executer() {
if(!isset($_GET['id_image']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id_image'])) {
$this->messages[] = "Ce widget nécéssite un identifiant d'image.";
} else {
$this->id_image = $_GET['id_image'];
if(!empty($this->messages)) {
$contenu = 'Un problème est survenu : '.print_r($this->messages, true);
} else {
$donnees = $this->obtenirDescriptionFormats();
$squelette = dirname(__FILE__).'/squelettes'.'/telechargement.tpl.html';
$donnees['informations_image'] = $this->obtenirInformationsImages();
$donnees['resolution_originale'] = $this->formaterResolutionOriginale($donnees['informations_image']);
$donnees['auteur_fmt'] = $this->formaterAuteur($donnees['informations_image']);
$donnees['attribution'] = $this->formaterAttribution($donnees['informations_image']);
$donnees['url_base'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], '');
$donnees['date_televersement'] = $this->formaterDateTeleversement($donnees['informations_image']);
$donnees['url_image_exemple'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesCelTpl'], 'CelImageFormat').'/'.$this->id_image.'?methode=afficher&format=CS';
$donnees['url_image_originale'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['celImgUrlTpl'], str_pad($this->id_image, 9, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).'O');
$donnees['base_url_telechargement'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesCelTpl'], 'CelImageFormat').'/'.$this->id_image.'?methode=telecharger&format=%s';
$contenu = $this->traiterSquelettePhp($squelette, $donnees);
private function formaterAttribution($infos_images) {
$attr = $this->formaterAuteur($infos_images).' '.
'[CC BY-SA], via Tela Botanica';
return $attr;
private function formaterAuteur($infos_images) {
$auteur_fmt = "";
if(isset($infos_images['prenom_utilisateur'])) {
$auteur_fmt .= $infos_images['prenom_utilisateur'].' ';
if(isset($infos_images['nom_utilisateur'])) {
$auteur_fmt .= $infos_images['nom_utilisateur'];
if(trim($auteur_fmt) == "") {
$auteur_fmt = 'Auteur inconnu';
return trim($auteur_fmt);
private function formaterResolutionOriginale($infos_image) {
$res_fmt = "";
if(isset($infos_image['hauteur']) && isset($infos_image['largeur'])) {
$res_fmt = $infos_image['hauteur'].' x '.$infos_image['largeur'].' px';
} else {
$res_fmt = 'Taille inconnue';
return $res_fmt;
private function formaterDateTeleversement($infos_image) {
$date = "Date inconnue";
if(isset($infos_image['date_creation'])) {
$date = date("d/m/Y",strtotime($infos_image['date_creation']));
return $date;
private function obtenirDescriptionFormats() {
$this->description_url = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesCelTpl'], 'CelImageFormat');
$description = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->description_url), true);
return $description;
private function obtenirInformationsImages() {
$this->infos_images_url = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesCelTpl'], 'CelImage');
$infos = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->infos_images_url."/image?imgId=".$this->id_image), true);
return $infos;
public static function obtenirLegendeFormatSimplifiee($format) {
$legende = "";
if(strpos($format, 'CR') !== false) {
$legende = "(Carrée, rognée)";
if(strpos($format, 'C') !== false && strpos($format, 'R') === false) {
$legende = "(Carrée)";
return $legende;
New file
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#zone-appli {
max-width: 735px;
.image_exemple, #liste_formats, .titre_section {
margin-left: 10px;
.image_exemple img {
float: left;
width: 300px;
.image_infos {
float: left;
padding-top: 45px;
.liste_infos li {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 16px;
hr.nettoyage {
visibility: hidden;
clear: both;
.champ_selection_texte {
color: #333333;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 18px;
border: none;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: -3px;
.attribution, .lien_image_originale {
width: auto;
input#lien_image_originale {
cursor: pointer;
input#attribution {
cursor: default;
.sans_padding_bt {
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-top: 0;
New file
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Téléchargement d'une image du cel</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-style-type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-script-type" content="text/javascript" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="fr" />
<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 days" />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="author" content="Aurélien Peronnet" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tela Botanica, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de téléchargement des images du carnet en ligne" />
<!-- Favicones -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" />
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<!-- CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="<?= $url_base; ?>modules/telechargement/squelettes/css/telechargement.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= $url_base; ?>modules/telechargement/squelettes/js/telechargement.js" ></script>
<div id="zone-appli" class="container">
<h2 class="titre_section">Téléchargement d'une image</h2>
<div class="image_exemple">
<a href="<?= $url_image_originale ?>" target="_blank"><img src="<?= $url_image_exemple ?>" /></a>
<div class="image_infos">
<ul class="liste_infos">
<li>Titre original : <?= $informations_image['nom_original'] ?></li>
<li>Téléversée par : <?= $auteur_fmt ?></li>
<li>Le : <?= $date_televersement ?></li>
<li>Licence : <a target="_blank" href="">CC BY-SA</a></li>
<li class="sans_padding_bt">Attribution : <input readonly="readonly" id="attribution" class="champ_selection_texte attribution" value="<?= $attribution ?>">
<li class="sans_padding_bt">Url : <input readonly="readonly" id="lien_image_originale" class="champ_selection_texte lien_image_originale" value="<?= $url_image_originale ?>"></li>
<hr class="nettoyage" />
<ul id="liste_formats">
<?php foreach($formats as $format) { ?>
<?php if($format != "O") { ?>
<a href="<?= sprintf($base_url_telechargement, $format); ?>" title="<?= $resolutions[$format]['notes']; ?>">
<?= $resolutions[$format]['hauteur'];?>px <?= Telechargement::obtenirLegendeFormatSimplifiee($format);?></a>
<span class="separation"> | </span>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?= sprintf($base_url_telechargement, $format); ?>" title="<?= $resolutions[$format]['notes']; ?>">
Format original (<?= $resolution_originale; ?>)</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- Stats : Google Analytics-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-20092557-1']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
New file
0,0 → 1,19
$(document).ready(function() {
function() {
}, function() {
// rien à faire sur le mouseout
function () {$(this).val(), '_blank');
$(".champ_selection_texte").each(function() {
$(this).attr('size', $(this).val().length - 10);
New file
0,0 → 1,5
; Chemin vers le dossier contenant les fichiers kmz des limites communales
communesKmzChemin = "/home/telabotap/www/commun/google/map/3/kmz/communes/,/home/telabotap/www/commun/google/map/3/kmz/communes_incompletes/"
; Template de l'url où charger les fichiers kml des limites communales.
limitesCommunaleUrlTpl = ""
New file
0,0 → 1,201
// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
* Service fournissant une carte dynamique des obsertions publiques du CEL.
* Encodage en entrée : utf8
* Encodage en sortie : utf8
* Cas d'utilisation et documentation :
* @link
* Paramètres :
* ===> utilisateur = identifiant
* Affiche seulement les observations d'un utilisateur donné. L'identifiant correspond au courriel de
* l'utilisateur avec lequel il s'est inscrit sur Tela Botanica.
* ===> dept = code_du_département
* Affiche seulement les observations pour le département français métropolitain indiqué. Les codes de département utilisables
* sont : 01 à 19, 2A, 2B et 21 à 95.
* ===> projet = mot-clé
* Affiche seulement les observations pour le projet d'observations indiqué. Dans l'interface du CEL, vous pouvez taguer vos
* observations avec un mot-clé de projet. Si vous voulez regrouper des observations de plusieurs utilisateurs, communiquez un
* mot-clé de projet à vos amis et visualisez les informations ainsi regroupées.
* ===> num_taxon = num_taxon
* Affiche seulement les observations pour la plante indiquée. Le num_taxon correspond au numéro taxonomique de la plante.
* Ce numéro est disponible dans les fiches d'eFlore. Par exemple, pour "Poa bulbosa L." le numéro taxonomique vaut 7080.
* @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <>
* @license GPL v3 <>
* @license CECILL v2 <>
* @version $Id$
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Tela Botanica (
class Carto extends WidgetCommun {
const SERVICE_CARTO_NOM = 'CelWidgetMap';
const SERVICE_CARTO_ACTION_DEFAUT = 'carte-defaut';
private $carte = null;
private $utilisateur = null;
private $projet = null;
private $dept = null;
private $num_taxon = null;
private $station = null;
private $format = null;// Format des obs pour les stations (tableau/liste)
private $photos = null; // Seulement les obs avec photos ou bien toutes
* Méthode appelée par défaut pour charger ce widget.
public function executer() {
$retour = null;
$methode = $this->traiterNomMethodeExecuter($this->carte);
if (method_exists($this, $methode)) {
$retour = $this->$methode();
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Ce type de service '$methode' n'est pas disponible.";
if (is_null($retour)) {
$info = 'Un problème est survenu : '.print_r($this->messages, true);
} else {
$squelette = dirname(__FILE__).self::DS.'squelettes'.self::DS.$retour['squelette'].'.tpl.html';
$html = $this->traiterSquelettePhp($squelette, $retour['donnees']);
public function extraireParametres() {
$this->carte = (isset($carte) ? $carte : self::SERVICE_CARTO_ACTION_DEFAUT);
$this->utilisateur = (isset($utilisateur) ? $utilisateur : '*');
$this->projet = (isset($projet) ? $projet : '*');
$this->tag = (isset($tag) ? $tag : '*');
$this->tag = (isset($motcle) ? $motcle : $this->tag);
$this->dept = (isset($dept) ? $dept : '*');
$this->commune = (isset($commune) ? $commune : '*');
$this->num_taxon = (isset($num_taxon) ? $num_taxon : '*');
$this->date = (isset($date) ? $date : '*');
$this->taxon = (isset($taxon) ? $taxon : '*');
$this->commentaire = (isset($commentaire) ? $commentaire : null);
$this->station = (isset($station) ? $station : null);
$this->format = (isset($format) ? $format : null);
$this->photos = (isset($photos) ? $photos : null);
$this->start = (isset($start) ? $start : null);
$this->limit = (isset($limit) ? $limit : null);
* Carte par défaut
public function executerCarteDefaut() {
$widget = null;
$url_stations = $this->contruireUrlServiceCarto('stations');
$url_base = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], '');
// Création des infos du widget
$widget['donnees']['url_cel_carto'] = $this->contruireUrlServiceCarto();
$widget['donnees']['url_stations'] = $url_stations;
$widget['donnees']['url_base'] = $url_base;
$widget['donnees']['utilisateur'] = $this->utilisateur;
$widget['donnees']['projet'] = $this->projet;
$widget['donnees']['tag'] = $this->tag;
$widget['donnees']['dept'] = $this->dept;
$widget['donnees']['commune'] = $this->commune;
$widget['donnees']['num_taxon'] = $this->num_taxon;
$widget['donnees']['date'] = $this->date;
$widget['donnees']['taxon'] = $this->taxon;
$widget['donnees']['commentaire'] = $this->commentaire;
$widget['donnees']['photos'] = $this->photos;
$widget['donnees']['url_limites_communales'] = $this->obtenirUrlsLimitesCommunales();
$widget['squelette'] = 'carte_defaut';
return $widget;
private function contruireUrlServiceCarto($action = null) {
// Création url données json
$url = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLServicesCelTpl'], self::SERVICE_CARTO_NOM);
if ($action) {
$url .= "/$action";
$parametres_retenus = array();
$parametres_a_tester = array('station', 'utilisateur', 'projet', 'tag', 'dept', 'commune',
'num_taxon', 'taxon', 'date', 'commentaire',
'start', 'limit', 'photos');
foreach ($parametres_a_tester as $param) {
if (isset($this->$param) && $this->$param != '*') {
$parametres_retenus[$param] = $this->$param;
if (count($parametres_retenus) > 0) {
$parametres_url = array();
foreach ($parametres_retenus as $cle => $valeur) {
$parametres_url[] = $cle.'='.$valeur;
$url .= '?'.implode('&', $parametres_url);
return $url;
private function obtenirUrlsLimitesCommunales() {
$urls = null;
if (isset($this->dept)) {
// si on veut afficher les limites départementales on va compter et chercher les noms de fichiers
$fichiersKml = $this->chercherFichierKml();
if (count($fichiersKml) > 0) {
foreach ($fichiersKml as $kml => $dossier){
$url_limites_communales = sprintf($this->config['carto']['limitesCommunaleUrlTpl'], $dossier, $kml);
$urls[] = $url_limites_communales;
$urls = json_encode($urls);
return $urls;
private function chercherFichierKml(){
$fichiers = array();
$chemins = explode(',', $this->config['carto']['communesKmzChemin']);
$departements = explode(',', $this->dept);// plrs code de départements peuvent être demandés séparés par des virgules
$departements_trouves = array();
foreach ($chemins as $dossier_chemin) {
if ($dossier_ressource = opendir($dossier_chemin)) {
while ($element = readdir($dossier_ressource)) {
if ($element != '.' && $element != '..') {
foreach ($departements as $departement) {
$nom_dossier = basename($dossier_chemin);
if (!isset($departements_trouves[$departement]) || $departements_trouves[$departement] == $nom_dossier) {
$dept_protege = preg_quote($departement);
if (!is_dir($dossier_chemin.'/'.$element) && preg_match("/^$dept_protege(?:_[0-9]+|)\.km[lz]$/", $element)) {
$fichiers[$element] = $nom_dossier;
$departements_trouves[$departement] = $nom_dossier;
return $fichiers;
* Afficher message d'avertissement.
public function executerAvertissement() {
$widget = null;
// Création des infos du widget
$widget['donnees']['url_base'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], '');
$widget['donnees']['url_remarques'] = $this->config['chemins']['widgetRemarquesUrl'];
$widget['squelette'] = 'avertissement';
return $widget;
New file
0,0 → 1,43
<div class="info-bulle-contenu">
<div class="onglets">
<li class="inactif"><a class="onglet" onclick="chargerFormatObs('<?=$station_id?>', 'tableau');return false;" href="#">Tableau</a></li>
<li class="actif"><span class="onglet">Liste</span></li>
<div id="observations">
<h2><?=count($observations)?> observations pour <?=(isset($commune) ? $commune : '?')?></h2>
<? foreach ($observations as $obs) : ?>
<? if (isset($images[$obs['id']])) : ?>
<? foreach ($images[$obs['id']] as $num => $urls) : ?>
<div<?=($num == 0) ? ' class="cel-img-principale"': ' class="cel-img-secondaire"'?>>
<a class="cel-img" href="<?=$urls['normale']?>" rel="cel-obs-<?=$obs['id']?>">
<img src="<?=$urls['miniature']?>" alt="Image #<?=$urls['id']?> de l'osbervation #<?=$obs['id']?>" />
<? endforeach ?>
<? endif ?>
<dt class="champ_nom_latin">Nom</dt>
<? if (isset($obs['nn']) && $obs['nn'] != '' && $obs['nn'] != 0) : ?>
<a href="<?=$obs['nn']?>" onclick="; arreter(event); return false; "><?=$obs['nom']?></a>
<? else : ?>
<? endif; ?>
<dt>Publié par</dt><dd>&nbsp;<?=$obs['observateur']?></dd>
<hr class="nettoyage"/>
<? endforeach; ?>
<? include(dirname(__FILE__).'/obs_msg_info.tpl.html') ?>
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<p id="obs-msg-info">
Les observations de cette carte sont regroupées par commune.
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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<title>Observations publiques du CEL - Tela Botanica</title>
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<meta name="author" content="Delphine CAUQUIL, Jean-Pascal MILCENT" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tela Botanica, cartographie, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de cartographie des observations publiques de plantes saisies dans le Carnet en Ligne (CEL)" />
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<!-- Javascript : données -->
<script src="<?=$url_stations?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Javascript : appli carto -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var urlsLimitesCommunales = <?=$url_limites_communales?>;
var nt = '<?=$num_taxon?>';
var filtreCommun =
var photos = '<?= ($photos != null) ? $photos : null; ?>';
if(photos != null) {
filtreCommun += '&photos=<?=rawurlencode($photos)?>';
var stationsUrl = '<?=$url_cel_carto?>/stations'+'?'+
var taxonsUrl = '<?=$url_cel_carto?>/taxons'+'?'+
var observationsUrl = '<?=$url_cel_carto?>/observations'+'?'+
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$url_base?>modules/carto/squelettes/scripts/carto.js"></script>
<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" />
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<div id="zone-titre">
<h1 id="carte-titre">
<span id="logo">
<a href=""
title="Aller à l'accueil de Tela Botanica"
onclick="; arreter(event); return false;">
<img src="" alt="TB" />
<span id="obs-nbre">&nbsp;</span> observations <?= ($photos != null && $photos == 1) ? 'avec photos' : ''; ?>
<span class="plante-titre">concernant <span class="plantes-nbre">&nbsp;</span> plantes</span> sur
<span id="commune-nbre">&nbsp;</span> communes
- <a href="" title="Carnet en Ligne" onclick="; arreter(event); return false;">CEL</a> (<a href="" onclick="; arreter(event); return false;">Tela Botanica</a>)
<div id="zone-info">
<a href="<?=$url_base?>carto?carte=avertissement" onClick="ouvrirPopUp('<?=$url_base?>carto?carte=avertissement', 'Avertissement'); arreter(event); return false;">
<img src="<?=$url_base?>modules/carto/squelettes/images/information.png"
alt="Avertissements" title="Avertissements &amp; informations" />
<? if ($num_taxon == '*') : ?>
<div id="panneau-lateral">
<div id="pl-ouverture" title="Ouvrir le panneau latéral"><span>Panneau >></span></div>
<div id="pl-fermeture" title="Fermer le panneau latéral"><span><< Fermer [x]</span></div>
<div id="pl-contenu">
<div id="pl-entete">
<h2>Filtre sur <span class="plantes-nbre">&nbsp;</span> plantes</h2>
Cliquez sur un nom de plante pour filtrer les observations sur la carte.<br />
Pour revenir à l'état initial, cliquez à nouveau sur le nom sélectionné.
<div id="pl-corps" onMouseOver="map.setOptions({'scrollwheel':false});" onMouseOut="map.setOptions({'scrollwheel':true});">
<!-- Insertion des lignes à partir du squelette tpl-taxons-liste -->
<? endif ?>
<div id="carte"></div>
<!-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -->
<!-- Blocs chargés à la demande : par défaut avec un style display à none -->
<!-- Squelette du message de chargement des observations -->
<script id="tpl-chargement" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div id="chargement" style="height:500px;">
<img src="<?=$url_base?>modules/carto/squelettes/images/chargement.gif" alt="Chargement en cours..." />
<p>Chargement des observations en cours...</p>
<!-- Squelette du contenu d'une info-bulle observation -->
<script id="tpl-obs" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div id="info-bulle" style="width:{largeur}px;">
<div id="obs">
<h2><span id="obs-total">&nbsp;</span> observations pour <span id="obs-commune">&nbsp;</span></h2>
<div class="navigation">&nbsp;</div>
<li><a href="#obs-vue-tableau">Tableau</a></li>
<li><a href="#obs-vue-liste">Liste</a></li>
<div id="observations">
<div id="obs-vue-tableau" style="display:none;">
<table id="obs-tableau">
<th title="Nom scientifique défini par l'utilisateur.">Nom</th>
<th title="Date de l'observation">Date</th>
<th title="Lieu d'observation">Lieu</th>
<th title="Auteur de l'observation">Observateur</th>
<tbody id="obs-tableau-lignes" class="obs-conteneur">
<!-- Insertion des lignes à partir du squelette tpl-obs-tableau -->
<div id="obs-vue-liste" style="display:none;">
<ol id="obs-liste-lignes" class="obs-conteneur">
<!-- Insertion des lignes à partir du squelette tpl-obs-liste -->
<div class="navigation">&nbsp;</div>
<div id="obs-pieds-page">
<p id="obs-msg-info">Les observations de cette carte sont regroupées par commune.</p>
<p>Id : <span id="obs-station-id">&nbsp;</span></p>
<!-- Squelette du contenu du tableau des observation -->
<script id="tpl-obs-tableau" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<tr class="cel-obs-${idObs}">
<span class="nom-sci">&nbsp;
{{if nn != 0}}
<a href="${nn}"
onclick="; arreter(event); return false; ">
<td class="date">{{if date}}${date}{{else}}&nbsp;{{/if}}</td>
<td class="lieu">{{if lieu}}${lieu}{{else}}&nbsp;{{/if}}</td>
{{if observateur}}
{{if observateurId}}
<a class="contact obs-${idObs} contributeur-${observateurId}"
title="Contactez ce contributeur">
<!-- Squelette du contenu de la liste des observations -->
<script id="tpl-obs-liste" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div class="cel-obs-${idObs}">
{{if images}}
{{each(index, img) images}}
<div{{if index == 0}} class="cel-img-principale" {{else}} class="cel-img-secondaire"{{/if}}>
<a class="cel-img"
title="${nomSci} {{if nn}} [${nn}] {{/if}} par ${observateur} - Publiée le ${datePubli} - GUID : ${img.guid}"
<img src="${img.miniature}" alt="Image #${img.idImg} de l'osbervation #${nn}" />
<p id="cel-info-${img.idImg}" class="cel-infos">
<a class="cel-img-titre" href="${urlEflore}"
onclick=";return false;"
title="Cliquez pour accéder à la fiche eFlore">
<strong>${nomSci} {{if nn}} [nn${nn}] {{/if}}</strong> par <em>${observateur}</em>
<br />
<span class="cel-img-date">Publiée le ${datePubli}</span>
<dt class="champ-nom-sci">Nom</dt>
<dd title="Nom défini par l'utilisateur{{if nn != 0}}. Cliquez pour accéder à la fiche d'eFlore.{{/if}}">
<span class="nom-sci">&nbsp;
{{if nn != 0}}
<a href="${nn}"
onclick="; arreter(event); return false; ">
<dt title="Lieu d'observation">Lieu</dt><dd class="lieu">&nbsp;${lieu}</dd>
<dt title="Date d'observation">Le</dt><dd class="date">&nbsp;${date}</dd>
<dt title="Auteur de l'observation">Publié par</dt>
{{if observateur}}
{{if observateurId}}
<a class="contact obs-${idObs} contributeur-${observateurId}"
title="Contactez ce contributeur">
<hr class="nettoyage"/>
<!-- Squelette de la liste des taxons -->
<script id="tpl-taxons-liste" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<ol id="taxons">
{{each(index, taxon) taxons}}
<li id="taxon-${taxon.nt}">
<span class="taxon" title="Numéro taxonomique : ${taxon.nt} - Famille : ${taxon.famille}">
${taxon.nom} <span class="nt" title="Numéro taxonomique">${taxon.nt}</span>
<!-- Squelette du formulaire de contact -->
<div id="tpl-form-contact" style="display:none;">
<form id="form-contact" method="post" action="">
<div id="fc-zone-dialogue"></div>
<dt><label for="fc_sujet">Sujet</label></dt>
<dd><input id="fc_sujet" name="fc_sujet"/></dd>
<dt><label for="fc_message">Message</label></dt>
<dd><textarea id="fc_message" name="fc_message"></textarea></dd>
<dt><label for="fc_utilisateur_courriel" title="Utilisez le courriel avec lequel vous êtes inscrit à Tela Botanica">Votre courriel</label></dt>
<dd><input id="fc_utilisateur_courriel" name="fc_utilisateur_courriel"/></dd>
<input id="fc_destinataire_id" name="fc_destinataire_id" type="hidden" value="" />
<input id="fc_copies" name="fc_copies" type="hidden" value="" />
<button id="fc_annuler" type="button">Annuler</button>
<button id="fc_effacer" type="reset">Effacer</button>
<input id="fc_envoyer" type="submit" value="Envoyer" />
<!-- Stats : Google Analytics -->
<script type="text/javascript">
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New file
0,0 → 1,736
// Mettre à true pour afficher les messages de débogage
var DEBUG = false;
var pointImageUrl = ',008CFF,000000&ext=.png';
var pointsOrigine = null;
var boundsOrigine = null;
var markerClusterer = null;
var map = null;
var infoBulle = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var pointClique = null;
var carteCentre = new google.maps.LatLng(46.4, 3.10);
var carteOptions = {
zoom: 6,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: ['OSM',
var ctaLayer = null;
var osmMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
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zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png";
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alt: "OpenStreetMap",
name: "OSM",
maxZoom: 19
var pagineur = {'limite':50, 'start':0, 'total':0, 'stationId':null, 'format':'tableau'};
var station = {'commune':'', 'obsNbre':0};
var obsStation = new Array();
var obsPage = new Array();
var taxonsCarte = new Array();
//Déclenchement d'actions quand JQuery et le document HTML sont OK
$(document).ready(function() {
function initialiserWidget() {
function afficherStats() {
// Ajout du nombre de communes où des observations ont eu lieu
// Ajout du nombre d'observations
function definirTailleTitre() {
var largeurViewPort = $(window).width();
var taille = null;
if (largeurViewPort < 400) {
taille = '0.8';
} else if (largeurViewPort >= 400 && largeurViewPort < 800) {
taille = '1.0';
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taille = '1.6';
$("#carte-titre").css('font-size', taille+'em');
function initialiserAffichageCarte() {
$('#carte').height($(window).height() - 35);
$('#carte').width($(window).width() - 24);
if (nt != '*') {
$('#carte').css('left', 0);
function initialiserCarte() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('carte'), carteOptions);
// Ajout de la couche OSM à la carte
map.mapTypes.set('OSM', osmMapType);
function chargerLimitesCommunales() {
if (urlsLimitesCommunales != null) {
for (urlId in urlsLimitesCommunales) {
var url = urlsLimitesCommunales[urlId];
ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(url, {preserveViewport: true});
function rafraichirCarte() {
var points = [];
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
for (var i = 0; i < stations.stats.communes; ++i) {
var maLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(stations.points[i].latitude, stations.points[i].longitude);
var pointImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage(pointImageUrl, new google.maps.Size(24, 32));
var point = new google.maps.Marker({
position: maLatLng,
map: map,
icon: pointImage,
stationId: stations.points[i].id
google.maps.event.addListener(point, 'click', function() {
pointClique = this;, this);
var limites = map.getBounds();
var centre = limites.getCenter();
var nordEst = limites.getNorthEast();
var centreSudLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, centre.lng());
chargerObs(0, 0);
if (pointsOrigine == null && boundsOrigine == null) {
pointsOrigine = points;
boundsOrigine = bounds;
executerMarkerClusterer(points, bounds);
function deplacerCartePointClique() {
function executerMarkerClusterer(points, bounds) {
if (markerClusterer) {
markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer(map, points);
function initialiserInfoBulle() {
google.maps.event.addListener(infoBulle, 'domready', initialiserContenuInfoBulle);
google.maps.event.addListener(infoBulle, 'closeclick', deplacerCartePointClique);
function afficherInfoBulle() {
var obsHtml = $("#tpl-obs").html();
var largeur = definirLargeurInfoBulle();
obsHtml = obsHtml.replace(/\{largeur\}/, largeur);
function definirLargeurInfoBulle() {
var largeurViewPort = $(window).width();
var lageurInfoBulle = null;
if (largeurViewPort < 800) {
largeurInfoBulle = 400;
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largeurInfoBulle = 500;
} else if (largeurViewPort >= 1200) {
largeurInfoBulle = 600;
return largeurInfoBulle;
function afficherMessageChargement(element) {
if ($('#chargement').get() == '') {
function supprimerMessageChargement() {
function chargerObs(depart, total) {
if (depart == 0 || depart < total) {
var limite = 300;
if (depart == 0) {
obsStation = new Array();
//console.log("Chargement de "+depart+" à "+(depart+limite));
var urlObs = observationsUrl+'&start={start}&limit='+limite;
urlObs = urlObs.replace(/\{stationId\}/g, pointClique.stationId);
urlObs = urlObs.replace(/\{nt\}/g, nt);
urlObs = urlObs.replace(/\{start\}/g, depart);
$.getJSON(urlObs, function(observations){
obsStation = obsStation.concat(observations.observations);
if (depart == 0) {
//console.log("Chargement ok");
chargerObs(depart+limite, station.obsNbre);
} else {
if (pagineur.limite < total) {
} else {
surClicPagePagination(0, null);
function actualiserInfosStation(infos) {
station.commune = infos.commune;
station.obsNbre =;
function actualiserPagineur() {
pagineur.stationId = pointClique.stationId; = station.obsNbre;
//console.log("Total pagineur: ";
if ( > 4) {
pagineur.format = 'tableau';
} else {
pagineur.format = 'liste';
function afficherPagination(observations) {
$(".navigation").pagination(, {
function surClicPagePagination(pageIndex, paginationConteneur) {
var index = pageIndex * pagineur.limite;
var indexMax = index + pagineur.limite;
pagineur.depart = index;
obsPage = new Array();
for(index; index < indexMax; index++) {
return false;
function mettreAJourObservations() {
$("#obs-vue-"+pagineur.format).css('display', 'block');
$(".obs-conteneur").css('counter-reset', 'item '+pagineur.depart);
// Actualisation de Fancybox
if (pagineur.format == 'liste') {
function creerTitreInfoBulle() {
function initialiserContenuInfoBulle() {
function afficherOnglets() {
var $tabs = $('#obs').tabs();
$('#obs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
if ( == 'obs-vue-tableau') {
} else if ( == 'obs-vue-liste') {
$tabs.tabs('select', "#obs-vue-"+pagineur.format);
function selectionnerOnglet(onglet) {
$('#obs').tabs('select', onglet);
function afficherTextStationId() {
function corrigerLargeurInfoWindow() {
$("#info-bulle").width($("#info-bulle").width() - 17);
function surClicAffichageTableau(event) {
pagineur.format = 'tableau';
function surClicAffichageListe(event) {
pagineur.format = 'liste';
function ajouterTableauTriable(element) {
// add parser through the tablesorter addParser method
// Définition d'un id unique pour ce parsseur
id: 'date_cel',
is: function(s) {
// doit retourner false si le parsseur n'est pas autodétecté
return /^\s*\d{2}[\/-]\d{2}[\/-]\d{4}\s*$/.test(s);
format: function(date) {
// Transformation date jj/mm/aaaa en aaaa/mm/jj
date = date.replace(/^\s*(\d{2})[\/-](\d{2})[\/-](\d{4})\s*$/, "$3/$2/$1");
// Remplace la date par un nombre de millisecondes pour trier numériquement
return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(new Date(date).getTime());
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'
headers: {
1: {
function mettreAJourTableauTriable(element) {
function ajouterGaleriePhoto(element) {
speedIn :600,
titleFormat:function (titre, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) {
var motif = /urn:lsid:tela-botanica[.]org:cel:img([0-9]+)$/;
var id = RegExp.$1;
var info = $('#cel-info-'+id).clone().html();
var tpl =
'<div class="cel-legende">'+
'<p class="cel-legende-vei">'+'Image n°' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' sur ' + currentArray.length +'<\/p>'+
(titre && titre.length ? '<p>'+info+'<\/p>' : '' )+
return tpl;
}).live('click', function(e) {
if (e.stopPropagation) {
return false;
function ajouterFomulaireContact(element) {
speedIn :600,
scrolling: 'no',
titleShow: false,
onStart: function(selectedArray, selectedIndex, selectedOpts) {
var element = selectedArray[selectedIndex];
var motif = / contributeur-([0-9]+)$/;
var id = RegExp.$1;
//console.log('Destinataire id : '+id);
$("#fc_destinataire_id").attr('value', id);
var motif = / obs-([0-9]+) /;
var id = RegExp.$1;
//console.log('Obs id : '+id);
onCleanup: function() {
//console.log('Avant fermeture fancybox');
$("#fc_destinataire_id").attr('value', '');
$("#fc_sujet").attr('value', '');
onClosed: function(e) {
//console.log('Fermeture fancybox');
if (e.stopPropagation) {
return false;
function chargerInfoObsPourMessage(idObs) {
var nomSci = trim($(".cel-obs-"+idObs+" .nom-sci:eq(0)").text());
var date = trim($(".cel-obs-"+idObs+" .date:eq(0)").text());
var lieu = trim($(".cel-obs-"+idObs+" .lieu:eq(0)").text());
var sujet = "Observation #"+idObs+" de "+nomSci;
var message = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n--\nConcerne l'observation de \""+nomSci+'" du "'+date+'" au lieu "'+lieu+'".';
$("#fc_sujet").attr('value', sujet);
function initialiserFormulaireContact() {
//console.log('Initialisation du form contact');
rules: {
fc_sujet : "required",
fc_message : "required",
fc_utilisateur_courriel : {
required : true,
email : true}
$("#form-contact").bind("submit", envoyerCourriel);
$("#fc_annuler").bind("click", function() {$.fancybox.close();});
function envoyerCourriel() {
//console.log('Formulaire soumis');
if ($("#form-contact").valid()) {
//console.log('Formulaire valide');
var destinataireId = $("#fc_destinataire_id").attr('value');
var urlMessage = ""+destinataireId+"/message"
var erreurMsg = "";
var donnees = new Array();
$.each($(this).serializeArray(), function (index, champ) {
var cle =;
cle = cle.replace(/^fc_/, '');
if (cle == 'sujet') {
champ.value += " - Carnet en ligne - Tela Botanica";
if (cle == 'message') {
champ.value += "\n--\n"+
"Ce message vous est envoyé par l'intermédiaire du widget Cartographique "+
"du Carnet en Ligne du réseau Tela Botanica.\n"+
donnees[index] = {'name':cle,'value':champ.value};
type : "POST",
cache : false,
url : urlMessage,
data : donnees,
beforeSend : function() {
success : function(data) {
$("#fc-zone-dialogue").append('<pre class="msg info">'+data.message+'</pre>');
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur Ajax :\ntype : "+textStatus+' '+errorThrown+"\n";
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "\n";
complete : function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = '';
if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data") != '') {
debugInfos = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data"));
if (debugInfos != null) {
$.each(debugInfos, function (cle, valeur) {
debugMsg += valeur + "\n";
if (erreurMsg != '') {
$("#fc-zone-dialogue").append('<p class="msg">'+
'Une erreur est survenue lors de la transmission de votre message.'+'<br />'+
'Vous pouvez signaler le disfonctionnement à <a href="'+
'subject=Disfonctionnement du widget de Cartographie'+
"&body="+erreurMsg+"\nDébogage :\n"+debugMsg+
if (DEBUG) {
console.log('Débogage : '+debugMsg);
//console.log('Débogage : '+debugMsg);
//console.log('Erreur : '+erreurMsg);
return false;
function initialiserAffichagePanneauLateral() {
$('#panneau-lateral').height($(window).height() - 35);
if (nt == '*') {
$('#pl-ouverture').bind('click', afficherPanneauLateral);
$('#pl-fermeture').bind('click', cacherPanneauLateral);
chargerTaxons(0, 0);
function chargerTaxons(depart, total) {
if (depart == 0 || depart < total) {
var limite = 7000;
//console.log("Chargement des taxons de "+depart+" à "+(depart+limite));
var urlTax = taxonsUrl+'&start={start}&limit='+limite;
urlTax = urlTax.replace(/\{start\}/g, depart);
$.getJSON(urlTax, function(infos) {
taxonsCarte = taxonsCarte.concat(infos.taxons);
//console.log("Nbre taxons :"+taxonsCarte.length);
} else {
if (nt == '*') {
} else {
function afficherTaxons() {
// Ajout du nombre de plantes au titre
$('.taxon').live('click', filtrerParTaxon);
function afficherNomPlante() {
if (nt != '*') {
var taxon = taxonsCarte[0];
$('.plante-titre').text('pour '+taxon.nom);
function afficherPanneauLateral() {
$('#pl-contenu').css('display', 'block');
$('#pl-ouverture').css('display', 'none');
$('#pl-fermeture').css('display', 'block');
$('#carte').css('left', '300px');
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
function cacherPanneauLateral() {
$('#pl-contenu').css('display', 'none');
$('#pl-ouverture').css('display', 'block');
$('#pl-fermeture').css('display', 'none');
$('#carte').css('left', '24px');
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
function ouvrirPopUp(url, nom) {, nom, 'scrollbars=yes,width=650,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no');
function filtrerParTaxon() {
var ntAFiltrer = $('.nt', this).text();
if (nt == ntAFiltrer) {
nt = '*';
executerMarkerClusterer(pointsOrigine, boundsOrigine);
} else {
var url = stationsUrl.replace(/num_taxon=[*0-9]+/, 'num_taxon='+ntAFiltrer)+
$.getJSON(url, function (stationsFiltrees) {
stations = stationsFiltrees;
nt = ntAFiltrer;
function arreter(event) {
if (event.stopPropagation) {
} else if (window.event) {
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
* +-------------------------------------+
* Number.prototype.formaterNombre
* +-------------------------------------+
* Params (facultatifs):
* - Int decimales: nombre de decimales (exemple: 2)
* - String signe: le signe precedent les decimales (exemple: "," ou ".")
* - String separateurMilliers: comme son nom l'indique
* Returns:
* - String chaine formatee
* @author ::mastahbenus::
* @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <> : ajout détection auto entier/flotant
* @souce
Number.prototype.formaterNombre = function (decimales, signe, separateurMilliers) {
var _sNombre = String(this), i, _sRetour = "", _sDecimales = "";
function is_int(nbre) {
nbre = nbre.replace(',', '.');
return !(parseFloat(nbre)-parseInt(nbre) > 0);
if (decimales == undefined) {
if (is_int(_sNombre)) {
decimales = 0;
} else {
decimales = 2;
if (signe == undefined) {
if (is_int(_sNombre)) {
signe = '';
} else {
signe = '.';
if (separateurMilliers == undefined) {
separateurMilliers = ' ';
function separeMilliers (sNombre) {
var sRetour = "";
while (sNombre.length % 3 != 0) {
sNombre = "0"+sNombre;
for (i = 0; i < sNombre.length; i += 3) {
if (i == sNombre.length-1) separateurMilliers = '';
sRetour += sNombre.substr(i, 3) + separateurMilliers;
while (sRetour.substr(0, 1) == "0") {
sRetour = sRetour.substr(1);
return sRetour.substr(0, sRetour.lastIndexOf(separateurMilliers));
if (_sNombre.indexOf('.') == -1) {
for (i = 0; i < decimales; i++) {
_sDecimales += "0";
_sRetour = separeMilliers(_sNombre) + signe + _sDecimales;
} else {
var sDecimalesTmp = (_sNombre.substr(_sNombre.indexOf('.')+1));
if (sDecimalesTmp.length > decimales) {
var nDecimalesManquantes = sDecimalesTmp.length - decimales;
var nDiv = 1;
for (i = 0; i < nDecimalesManquantes; i++) {
nDiv *= 10;
_sDecimales = Math.round(Number(sDecimalesTmp) / nDiv);
_sRetour = separeMilliers(_sNombre.substr(0, _sNombre.indexOf('.')))+String(signe)+_sDecimales;
return _sRetour;
function debug(objet) {
var msg = '';
if (objet != null) {
$.each(objet, function (cle, valeur) {
msg += cle+":"+valeur + "\n";
} else {
msg = "La variable vaut null.";
function trim (chaine) {
return chaine.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, '');
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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<title>Avertissements - CEL widget cartographie</title>
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<meta name="author" content="Delphine CAUQUIL, Jean-Pascal MILCENT" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Avertissement, Tela Botanica, cartographie, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Avertissement du widget de cartographie des observations publiques de plantes saisies dans le Carnet en Ligne (CEL)" />
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<div id="zone-avertissement">
<h1>Avertissements &amp; informations</h1>
<h2>C'est quoi ces chiffres sur la carte ?</h2>
Afin de ne pas divulguer la localisation des stations d'espèces rares ou protégées, l'ensemble des observations
a été regroupé par commune.<br />
Ainsi les nombres apparaissant sur la carte représentent le nombre de communes où des observations ont été
réalisées.<br />
Ce nombre varie en fonction du niveau de zoom auquel vous vous trouvez, jusqu'à faire apparaître l'icône
<img src=",008CFF,000000&ext=.png" alt="Icône de regroupement des observations" />.
Il indique le centre d'une commune et permet en cliquant dessus d'afficher l'ensemble des observations que l'on
peut y trouver.
Les observations affichées sur cette carte proviennent des saisies des membres du réseau Tela Botanica réalisées à l'aide
de l'application <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Carnet en Ligne (CEL)</a>.<br />
Bien que la plupart des botanistes cherchent à déterminer avec un maximum de rigueur les espèces qu'ils observent, il arrive que des erreurs soient faites.<br />
Il est donc important de garder un esprit critique vis à vis des observations diffusées sur cette carte.<br />
Nous souhaitons prochainement ajouter à cette application cartographique un moyen de contacter les auteurs des observations.
Cette fonctionnalité permettra de faciliter la correction d'eventuelles erreurs.<br />
Pour l'instant, si vous constatez des problèmes,
<a href="<?= $url_remarques ?>?">contactez-nous</a>
<h2>Le <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Carnet en Ligne (CEL)</a>, c'est quoi ?</h2>
<h3>Un outil pour gérer mes relevés de terrain</h3>
Le Carnet en ligne est <a href="" onclick="; return false;">accessible en ligne sur le site de Tela Botanica</a>.
Vous pouvez y déposer vos observations de plantes de manière simple et efficace
(aide à la saisie, visualisation de la chorologie d’une plante, utilisation de Google Map),
les trier et les rechercher.
<h3>Des fonctionnalités à la demande</h3>
<li>Un module cartographique vous permet de géolocaliser vos observations grâce aux coordonnées ou bien par pointage sur une carte (en France métropolitaine).</li>
<li>Un module image vous permet d’ajouter des images et des les associer à vos observations.</li>
<li>Un module projet vous permet de créer des projets et d’y associer des observations.</li>
<li>Un module import/export au format tableur pour traiter ses données.</li>
<h3>Partage des données</h3>
Partager vos observations permet d’alimenter la base de données eFlore, de compléter automatiquement la carte
de répartition des espèces du site de Tela Botanica, de servir de source de données pour des projets externes...<br />
Les données sont publiées sous licence libre <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Creative commons</a>
afin d'en faciliter la divulgation.
<h3>Vous souhaitez participer ?</h3>
<p>Consulter le mode d'emploi ci-dessous pour facilement prendre en main cet outil.</p>
<object style="width: 600px; height: 282px;">
<param value=";viewMode=presentation&amp;;showFlipBtn=true&amp;autoFlip=true&amp;autoFlipTime=6000&amp;documentId=100624090135-b3beeea0f20641bf8f277c49ebc5bbee&amp;docName=cel&amp;username=marietela&amp;loadingInfoText=Carnet%20en%20ligne&amp;et=1277375679622&amp;er=55" name="movie">
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<p style="width: 600px; text-align: left;"><a target="_blank" href=";viewMode=presentation&amp;;showFlipBtn=true&amp;autoFlip=true&amp;autoFlipTime=6000">Open publication</a> - Free <a target="_blank" href="">publishing</a> - <a target="_blank" href="">More terrain</a></p>
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<div class="info-bulle-contenu">
<div class="onglets">
<li class="actif"><span class="onglet">Tableau</span></li>
<li class="inactif"><a class="onglet" onclick="chargerFormatObs('<?=$station_id?>', 'liste');return false;" href="#">Liste</a></li>
<div id="observations">
<caption><h2><?=count($observations)?> observations pour <?=(isset($commune) ? $commune : '?')?></h2></caption>
<? foreach ($observations as $obs) : ?>
<? if (isset($obs['nn']) && $obs['nn'] != '' && $obs['nn'] != 0) : ?>
<a href="<?=$obs['nn']?>" onclick="; arreter(event); return false; "><?=$obs['nom']?></a>
<? else : ?>
<? endif; ?>
<? endforeach; ?>
<? include(dirname(__FILE__).'/obs_msg_info.tpl.html') ?>
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
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// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
* Service affichant les dernières photo publiques du CEL ouvrable sous forme de diaporama.
* Encodage en entrée : utf8
* Encodage en sortie : utf8
* Cas d'utilisation et documentation :
* @link
* Paramètres :
* ===> extra = booléen (1 ou 0) [par défaut : 1]
* Affiche / Cache la vignette en taille plus importante au bas du widget.
* ===> vignette = [0-9]+,[0-9]+ [par défaut : 4,3]
* Indique le nombre de vignette par ligne et le nombre de ligne.
* @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <>
* @license GPL v3 <>
* @license CECILL v2 <>
* @version $Id$
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Tela Botanica (
class Photo extends WidgetCommun {
const SERVICE_DEFAUT = 'photo';
private $flux_rss_url = null;
private $eflore_url_tpl = null;
* Méthode appelée par défaut pour charger ce widget.
public function executer() {
$retour = null;
// Pour la création de l'id du cache nous ne tenons pas compte du paramètre de l'url callback
if (!isset($mode)) {
$mode = self::SERVICE_DEFAUT;
$this->eflore_url_tpl = $this->config['photo']['efloreUrlTpl'];
$this->flux_rss_url = $this->config['photo']['fluxRssUrl'];
$cache_activation = $this->config['photo.cache']['activation'];
$cache_stockage = $this->config['photo.cache']['stockageDossier'];
$ddv = $this->config['photo.cache']['dureeDeVie'];
$cache = new Cache($cache_stockage, $ddv, $cache_activation);
$id_cache = 'photo-'.hash('adler32', print_r($this->parametres, true));
if (! $contenu = $cache->charger($id_cache)) {
$methode = $this->traiterNomMethodeExecuter($mode);
if (method_exists($this, $methode)) {
$retour = $this->$methode();
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Ce type de service '$methode' n'est pas disponible.";
$contenu = '';
if (is_null($retour)) {
$this->messages[] = 'La ressource demandée a retourné une valeur nulle.';
} else {
if (isset($retour['donnees'])) {
$squelette = dirname(__FILE__).self::DS.'squelettes'.self::DS.$retour['squelette'].'.tpl.html';
$contenu = $this->traiterSquelettePhp($squelette, $retour['donnees']);
$cache->sauver($id_cache, $contenu);
} else {
$this->messages[] = 'Les données à transmettre au squelette sont nulles.';
if (isset($_GET['callback'])) {
$this->envoyerJsonp(array('contenu' => $contenu));
} else {
private function executerAjax() {
$widget = $this->executerPhoto();
$widget['squelette'] = 'photo_ajax';
return $widget;
private function executerPopup() {
$galerie_id = $_GET['galerie_id'];
$widget['donnees']['url_image'] = $_GET['url_image'];
$widget['donnees']['infos_images'] = $_SESSION[$galerie_id]['infos_images'];
$widget['donnees']['urls'] = $_SESSION[$galerie_id]['urls'];
$widget['donnees']['url_widget'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'photo');
$widget['donnees']['url_css'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/photo/squelettes/css/');
$widget['donnees']['url_js'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/photo/squelettes/js/');
$widget['squelette'] = 'popup';
return $widget;
private function executerContact() {
$widget['donnees']['id_image'] = $_GET['id_image'];
$widget['donnees']['nom_sci'] = $_GET['nom_sci'];
$widget['donnees']['nn'] = $_GET['nn'];
$widget['donnees']['date'] = $_GET['date'];
$widget['donnees']['sujet'] = "Image #".$_GET['id_image']." de ".$_GET['nom_sci'];
$widget['donnees']['message'] = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n--\nConcerne l'image de \"".$_GET['nom_sci'].'" du "'.$_GET['date'];
$widget['donnees']['url_css'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/photo/squelettes/css/');
$widget['donnees']['url_js'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/photo/squelettes/js/');
$widget['squelette'] = 'contact';
return $widget;
private function decouperTitre($titre) {
$tab_titre = explode('[nn', $titre);
$nom_sci = $tab_titre[0];
$tab_titre_suite = explode(' par ', $tab_titre[1]);
$nn = '[nn'.$tab_titre_suite[0];
$tab_titre_fin = explode(' le ', $tab_titre_suite[1]);
$utilisateur = $tab_titre_fin[0];
$date = $tab_titre_fin[1];
$titre_decoupe = array('nom_sci' => $nom_sci, 'nn' => $nn, 'date' => $date, 'auteur' => $utilisateur);
return $titre_decoupe;
private function executerPhoto() {
$_SESSION['urls'] = array();
$widget = null;
$extra = (isset($extra) && $extra == 0) ? false : ($this->config['photo']['extraActif'] ? true : false);
$vignette = (isset($vignette) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+,[0-9]+$/', $vignette)) ? $vignette : '4,3';
$id = '-'.(isset($id) ? $id : '1');
$titre = isset($titre) ? htmlentities(rawurldecode($titre)) : '';
$icone_rss = (isset($_GET['rss']) && $_GET['rss'] != 1) ? false : true;
$utilise_fancybox = (isset($_GET['mode_zoom']) && $_GET['mode_zoom'] != 'fancybox') ? false : true;
list($colonne, $ligne) = explode(',', $vignette);
$this->flux_rss_url .= $this->traiterParametres();
if (@file_get_contents($this->flux_rss_url, false) != false) {
$xml = file_get_contents($this->flux_rss_url);
if ($xml) {
try {
$flux = new XmlFeedParser($xml);
$widget['donnees']['id'] = $id;
$widget['donnees']['titre'] = $titre;
$widget['donnees']['flux_rss_url'] = $this->flux_rss_url;
$widget['donnees']['url_widget'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'photo');
$widget['donnees']['url_css'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/photo/squelettes/css/');
$widget['donnees']['url_js'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/photo/squelettes/js/');
$widget['donnees']['colonne'] = $colonne;
$widget['donnees']['extra_actif'] = $extra;
$widget['donnees']['icone_rss'] = $icone_rss;
$widget['donnees']['utilise_fancybox'] = $utilise_fancybox;
$max_photo = $colonne * $ligne;
$num = 0;
$galerie_id = md5(http_build_query($_GET));
$widget['donnees']['galerie_id'] = $galerie_id;
foreach ($flux as $entree) {
if ($num == $max_photo) {
$item = array();
// Formatage date
$date = $entree->updated ? $entree->updated : null;
$date = $entree->pubDate ? $entree->pubDate : $date;
$item['date'] = strftime('%A %d %B %Y', $date);
$item['lien'] = $entree->link;
$item['url_tpl'] = preg_replace('/(XS|[SML]|X(?:[23]|)L|CR(?:|X2)S|C(?:|X)S)\.jpg$/', '%s.jpg', $entree->guid);
// Formatage titre
$item['titre'] = $entree->title;
$item['infos'] = $this->decouperTitre($item['titre']);
$item['nn'] = '';
$item['eflore_url'] = '#';
if (preg_match('/\[nn([0-9]+)\]/', $entree->title, $match)) {
$item['nn'] = $match[1];
$item['eflore_url'] = $item['lien'] ;
// Récupération du GUID - aaaaah c'est cracra si on change la config yatoukipett !! Satan is in this code !!!
if (preg_match($this->config['photo']['motif_guid'], $entree->guid, $match)) {
$item['guid'] = (int) $match[1];
} else {
$item['guid'] = $entree->guid;
// Ajout aux items et si première photo à extra
if ($num == 0) {
$widget['donnees']['extra'] = $item;
$widget['donnees']['items'][$num++] = $item;
//TODO: voir si l'on ne peut pas faire mieux
$url_galerie_popup = sprintf($item['url_tpl'],'XL');
$_SESSION[$galerie_id]['urls'][] = $url_galerie_popup;
$_SESSION[$galerie_id]['infos_images'][$url_galerie_popup] = array('titre' => $item['titre'],
'date' => $item['titre'],
'guid' => $item['guid'],
'lien' => $item['lien']
$widget['squelette'] = 'photo';
} catch (XmlFeedParserException $e) {
trigger_error('Flux invalide : '.$e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Fichier xml invalide.";
} else {
$this->messages[] = "L'URI suivante est invalide : $this->flux_rss_url.\n".
"Veuillez vérifier les paramêtres indiqués et la présence d'images associées.";
return $widget;
private function traiterParametres() {
$parametres_flux = '?';
$criteres = array('utilisateur', 'commune', 'dept', 'taxon', 'commentaire', 'date', 'tag', 'motcle', 'projet', 'num_taxon');
foreach($this->parametres as $nom_critere => $valeur_critere) {
if (in_array($nom_critere, $criteres)) {
$valeur_critere = str_replace(' ', '%20', $valeur_critere);
$parametres_flux .= $nom_critere.'='.$valeur_critere.'&';
if ($parametres_flux == '?') {
$parametres_flux = '';
} else {
$parametres_flux = rtrim($parametres_flux, '&');
return $parametres_flux;
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; Chemin pour l'autoload à ajouter
autoload = "bibliotheque/;bibliotheque/xml_feed_parser/1.0.4/;bibliotheque/xml_feed_parser/1.0.4/parsers/"
; URL ou chemin du flux RSS contenant les liens vers les photos - ne pas oublier de changer motif_guid en même temps!
fluxRssUrl = ""
; Expression régulière pour récupérer le numéro de l'image à partir de l'URL renvoyée par le flux Atom
motif_guid = "/appli:cel-img:([0-9]+)[^.]+\.jpg$/"
; Squelette d'url pour accéder à la fiche eFlore
efloreUrlTpl = ""
; Nombre de vignette à afficher : nombre de vignettes par ligne et nombre de lignes séparés par une vigule (ex. : 4,3).
vignette = 4,3
; Afficher/Cacher l'affichage en grand de la dernière image ajoutée
extraActif = true
; Active/Désactive le cache
activation = true
; Dossier où stocker les fichiers de cache du widget
stockageDossier = "/tmp"
; Durée de vie du fichier de cache
dureeDeVie = 86400
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class Cache {
private $actif = null;
private $dossier_stockage = null;
private $duree_de_vie = null;
public function __construct($dossier_stockage = null, $duree_de_vie = null, $activation = true) {
$this->actif = ($activation) ? true : false;
if ($this->actif) {
$this->dossier_stockage = $dossier_stockage;
if (is_null($dossier_stockage)) {
$this->dossier_stockage = self::getDossierTmp();
$this->duree_de_vie = $duree_de_vie;
if (is_null($duree_de_vie)) {
$this->duree_de_vie = 3600*24;
public function charger($id) {
$contenu = false;
if ($this->actif) {
$chemin_fichier_cache = $this->dossier_stockage.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$id.'.txt';
if (file_exists($chemin_fichier_cache ) && (time() - @filemtime($chemin_fichier_cache) < $this->duree_de_vie)) {
$contenu = file_get_contents($chemin_fichier_cache);
return $contenu;
public function sauver($id, $contenu) {
if ($this->actif) {
$chemin_fichier_cache = $this->dossier_stockage.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$id.'.txt';
if (!file_exists($chemin_fichier_cache) || (time() - @filemtime($chemin_fichier_cache) > $this->duree_de_vie)) {
$fh = fopen($chemin_fichier_cache,'w+');
if ($fh) {
fputs($fh, $contenu);
* Détermine le dossier système temporaire et détecte si nous y avons accès en lecture et écriture.
* Inspiré de Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Abstract & Zend_Cache
* @return string|false le chemine vers le dossier temporaire ou false en cas d'échec.
private static function getDossierTmp() {
$dossier_tmp = false;
foreach (array($_ENV, $_SERVER) as $environnement) {
foreach (array('TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP', 'windir', 'SystemRoot') as $cle) {
if (isset($environnement[$cle])) {
if (($cle == 'windir') or ($cle == 'SystemRoot')) {
$dossier = realpath($environnement[$cle] . '\\temp');
} else {
$dossier = realpath($environnement[$cle]);
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
break 2;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp) {
$dossier_televersement_tmp = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
if ($dossier_televersement_tmp) {
$dossier = realpath($dossier_televersement_tmp);
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp) {
if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
$dossier = sys_get_temp_dir();
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp) {
// Tentative de création d'un fichier temporaire
$fichier_tmp = tempnam(md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)), '');
if ($fichier_tmp) {
$dossier = realpath(dirname($fichier_tmp));
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp && self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture('/tmp')) {
$dossier_tmp = '/tmp';
if ( ! $dossier_tmp && self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture('\\temp')) {
$dossier_tmp = '\\temp';
return $dossier_tmp;
* Vérifie si le fichier ou dossier est accessible en lecture et écriture.
* @param $ressource chemin vers le dossier ou fichier à tester
* @return boolean true si la ressource est accessible en lecture et écriture.
protected static function etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($ressource){
$accessible = false;
if (is_readable($ressource) && is_writable($ressource)) {
$accessible = true;
return $accessible;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Key gateway class for XML_Feed_Parser package
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL
* @version CVS: $Id: Parser.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This is the core of the XML_Feed_Parser package. It identifies feed types
* and abstracts access to them. It is an iterator, allowing for easy access
* to the entire feed.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParser implements Iterator {
* This is where we hold the feed object
* @var Object
private $feed;
* To allow for extensions, we make a public reference to the feed model
* @var DOMDocument
public $model;
* A map between entry ID and offset
* @var array
protected $idMappings = array();
* A storage space for Namespace URIs.
* @var array
private $feedNamespaces = array(
'rss2' => array(
* Detects feed types and instantiate appropriate objects.
* Our constructor takes care of detecting feed types and instantiating
* appropriate classes. For now we're going to treat Atom 0.3 as Atom 1.0
* but raise a warning. I do not intend to introduce full support for
* Atom 0.3 as it has been deprecated, but others are welcome to.
* @param string $feed XML serialization of the feed
* @param bool $strict Whether or not to validate the feed
* @param bool $suppressWarnings Trigger errors for deprecated feed types?
* @param bool $tidy Whether or not to try and use the tidy library on input
function __construct($feed, $strict = false, $suppressWarnings = true, $tidy = true) {
$this->model = new DOMDocument;
if (! $this->model->loadXML($feed)) {
if (extension_loaded('tidy') && $tidy) {
$tidy = new tidy;
$tidy->parseString($feed, array('input-xml' => true, 'output-xml' => true));
if (! $this->model->loadXML((string) $tidy)) {
throw new XmlFeedParserException("Entrée invalide : le flux n'est pas du XML valide");
} else {
throw new XmlFeedParserException("Entrée invalide : le flux n'est pas du XML valide");
/* detect feed type */
$doc_element = $this->model->documentElement;
$error = false;
switch (true) {
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserAtom';
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserAtom';
$error = "Atom 0.3 est déprécié, le parseur en version 1.0 sera utilisé mais toutes les options ne seront pas disponibles.";
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''
|| ($doc_element->hasChildNodes() && $doc_element->childNodes->length > 1
&& $doc_element->childNodes->item(1)->namespaceURI == '')):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss1';
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''
|| ($doc_element->hasChildNodes()
&& $doc_element->childNodes->length > 1
&& $doc_element->childNodes->item(1)->namespaceURI == '')):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss11';
case (($doc_element->hasChildNodes()
&& $doc_element->childNodes->length > 1
&& $doc_element->childNodes->item(1)->namespaceURI == '')
|| $doc_element->namespaceURI == ''):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss09';
case ($doc_element->tagName == 'rss'
and $doc_element->hasAttribute('version')
&& $doc_element->getAttribute('version') == 0.91):
$error = 'RSS 0.91 has been superceded by RSS2.0. Using RSS2.0 parser.';
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss2';
case ($doc_element->tagName == 'rss'
and $doc_element->hasAttribute('version')
&& $doc_element->getAttribute('version') == 0.92):
$error = 'RSS 0.92 has been superceded by RSS2.0. Using RSS2.0 parser.';
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss2';
case (in_array($doc_element->namespaceURI, $this->feedNamespaces['rss2'])
|| $doc_element->tagName == 'rss'):
if (! $doc_element->hasAttribute('version') || $doc_element->getAttribute('version') != 2) {
$error = 'RSS version not specified. Parsing as RSS2.0';
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss2';
throw new XmlFeedParserException('Type de flux de syndicaton inconnu');
if (! $suppressWarnings && ! empty($error)) {
trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING);
/* Instantiate feed object */
$this->feed = new $class($this->model, $strict);
* Proxy to allow feed element names to be used as method names
* For top-level feed elements we will provide access using methods or
* attributes. This function simply passes on a request to the appropriate
* feed type object.
* @param string $call - the method being called
* @param array $attributes
function __call($call, $attributes) {
$attributes = array_pad($attributes, 5, false);
list($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $attributes;
return $this->feed->$call($a, $b, $c, $d, $e);
* Proxy to allow feed element names to be used as attribute names
* To allow variable-like access to feed-level data we use this
* method. It simply passes along to __call() which in turn passes
* along to the relevant object.
* @param string $val - the name of the variable required
function __get($val) {
return $this->feed->$val;
* Provides iteration functionality.
* Of course we must be able to iterate... This function simply increases
* our internal counter.
function next() {
if (isset($this->current_item) &&
$this->current_item <= $this->feed->numberEntries - 1) {
} else if (! isset($this->current_item)) {
$this->current_item = 0;
} else {
return false;
* Return XML_Feed_Type object for current element
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Type Object
function current() {
return $this->getEntryByOffset($this->current_item);
* For iteration -- returns the key for the current stage in the array.
* @return int
function key() {
return $this->current_item;
* For iteration -- tells whether we have reached the
* end.
* @return bool
function valid() {
return $this->current_item < $this->feed->numberEntries;
* For iteration -- resets the internal counter to the beginning.
function rewind() {
$this->current_item = 0;
* Provides access to entries by ID if one is specified in the source feed.
* As well as allowing the items to be iterated over we want to allow
* users to be able to access a specific entry. This is one of two ways of
* doing that, the other being by offset. This method can be quite slow
* if dealing with a large feed that hasn't yet been processed as it
* instantiates objects for every entry until it finds the one needed.
* @param string $id Valid ID for the given feed format
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Type|false
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->getEntryByOffset($this->idMappings[$id]);
* Since we have not yet encountered that ID, let's go through all the
* remaining entries in order till we find it.
* This is a fairly slow implementation, but it should work.
return $this->feed->getEntryById($id);
* Retrieve entry by numeric offset, starting from zero.
* As well as allowing the items to be iterated over we want to allow
* users to be able to access a specific entry. This is one of two ways of
* doing that, the other being by ID.
* @param int $offset The position of the entry within the feed, starting from 0
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Type|false
function getEntryByOffset($offset) {
if ($offset < $this->feed->numberEntries) {
if (isset($this->feed->entries[$offset])) {
return $this->feed->entries[$offset];
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
$id = $this->feed->entries[$offset]->getID();
$this->idMappings[$id] = $offset;
return $this->feed->entries[$offset];
} else {
return false;
* Retrieve version details from feed type class.
* @return void
* @author James Stewart
function version() {
return $this->feed->version;
* Returns a string representation of the feed.
* @return String
function __toString() {
return $this->feed->__toString();
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1 Element class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS11Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 1.1 entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS11 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss11Element extends XmlFeedParserRss11 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'id' => array('Id'),
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'description' => array('Text'), # or dc:description
'category' => array('Category'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date'), # dc:date
'content' => array('Content')
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS1.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'content' => array('content'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'published' => array('date'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'updated' => array('date'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'contributor' => array('contributor')
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
* If an rdf:about attribute is specified, return that as an ID
* There is no established way of showing an ID for an RSS1 entry. We will
* simulate it using the rdf:about attribute of the entry element. This cannot
* be relied upon for unique IDs but may prove useful.
* @return string|false
function getId() {
if ($this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')) {
return $this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')->nodeValue;
return false;
* Return the entry's content
* The official way to include full content in an RSS1 entry is to use
* the content module's element 'encoded'. Often, however, the 'description'
* element is used instead. We will offer that as a fallback.
* @return string|false
function getContent() {
$options = array('encoded', 'description');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length == 0) {
if ($test->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
$value = '';
foreach ($test->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child instanceof DOMText) {
$value .= $child->nodeValue;
} else {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($child);
$value .= $simple->asXML();
return $value;
} else if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->nodeValue;
return false;
* How RSS1.1 should support for enclosures is not clear. For now we will return
* false.
* @return false
function getEnclosure() {
return false;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Class representing entries in an RSS2 feed.
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS2Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 2.0 entries. It will usually be
* called by XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss2Element extends XmlFeedParserRss2 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'guid' => array('Guid'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'author' => array('Text'),
'comments' => array('Text'),
'enclosure' => array('Enclosure'),
'pubDate' => array('Date'),
'source' => array('Source'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'content' => array('Content'));
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'id' => array('guid'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'published' => array('pubdate'),
'guidislink' => array('guid', 'ispermalink'),
'summary' => array('description'));
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
* Get the value of the guid element, if specified
* guid is the closest RSS2 has to atom's ID. It is usually but not always a
* URI. The one attribute that RSS2 can posess is 'ispermalink' which specifies
* whether the guid is itself dereferencable. Use of guid is not obligatory,
* but is advisable. To get the guid you would call $item->id() (for atom
* compatibility) or $item->guid(). To check if this guid is a permalink call
* $item->guid("ispermalink").
* @param string $method - the method name being called
* @param array $params - parameters required
* @return string the guid or value of ispermalink
protected function getGuid($method, $params) {
$attribute = (isset($params[0]) and $params[0] == 'ispermalink') ?
true : false;
$tag = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('guid');
if ($tag->length > 0) {
if ($attribute) {
if ($tag->hasAttribute("ispermalink")) {
return $tag->getAttribute("ispermalink");
return $tag->item(0)->nodeValue;
return false;
* Access details of file enclosures
* The RSS2 spec is ambiguous as to whether an enclosure element must be
* unique in a given entry. For now we will assume it needn't, and allow
* for an offset.
* @param string $method - the method being called
* @param array $parameters - we expect the first of these to be our offset
* @return array|false
protected function getEnclosure($method, $parameters) {
$encs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('enclosure');
$offset = isset($parameters[0]) ? $parameters[0] : 0;
if ($encs->length > $offset) {
try {
if (! $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('url')) {
return false;
$attrs = $encs->item($offset)->attributes;
return array(
'url' => $attrs->getNamedItem('url')->value,
'length' => $attrs->getNamedItem('length')->value,
'type' => $attrs->getNamedItem('type')->value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Get the entry source if specified
* source is an optional sub-element of item. Like atom:source it tells
* us about where the entry came from (eg. if it's been copied from another
* feed). It is not a rich source of metadata in the same way as atom:source
* and while it would be good to maintain compatibility by returning an
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2 element, it makes a lot more sense to return an array.
* @return array|false
protected function getSource() {
$get = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source');
if ($get->length) {
$source = $get->item(0);
$array = array(
'content' => $source->nodeValue);
foreach ($source->attributes as $attribute) {
$array[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
return $array;
return false;
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0,0 → 1,267
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1 class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS1.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS1.0 feeds.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @todo Find a Relax NG URI we can use
class XmlFeedParserRss1 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'rss10.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 1.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss1Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'textinput' => array('TextInput'),
'updatePeriod' => array('Text'),
'updateFrequency' => array('Text'),
'updateBase' => array('Date'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'description' => array('Text'), # dc:description
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date') # dc:contributor
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'link' => array('link'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'updated' => array('date'));
* We will be working with multiple namespaces and it is useful to
* keep them together
* @var array
protected $namespaces = array(
'rdf' => '',
'rss' => '',
'dc' => '',
'content' => '',
'sy' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Allows retrieval of an entry by ID where the rdf:about attribute is used
* This is not really something that will work with RSS1 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs. We will employ the
* _very_ hit and miss method of selecting entries based on the rdf:about
* attribute. If DOMXPath::evaluate is available, we also use that to store
* a reference to the entry in the array used by getEntryByOffset so that
* method does not have to seek out the entry if it's requested that way.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1Element
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//rss:item[@rdf:about='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$classname = $this->itemClass;
$entry = new $classname($entries->item(0), $this);
if (in_array('evaluate', get_class_methods($this->xpath))) {
$offset = $this->xpath->evaluate("count(preceding-sibling::rss:item)", $entries->item(0));
$this->entries[$offset] = $entry;
$this->idMappings[$id] = $entry;
return $entry;
return false;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('image');
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$details = array();
if ($image->hasChildNodes()) {
$details = array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'link' => $image->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->value);
} else {
$details = array('title' => false,
'link' => false,
'url' => $image->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue);
$details = array_merge($details, array('description' => false, 'height' => false, 'width' => false));
if (! empty($details)) {
return $details;
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness we will support it.
* @return array|false
protected function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('textinput');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
$results = array();
$results['title'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['description'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['name'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['link'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value : null;
if (empty($results['link']) and
$input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')) {
$results['link'] =
if (! empty($results)) {
return $results;
return false;
* Employs various techniques to identify the author
* Dublin Core provides the dc:creator, dc:contributor, and dc:publisher
* elements for defining authorship in RSS1. We will try each of those in
* turn in order to simulate the atom author element and will return it
* as text.
* @return array|false
function getAuthor() {
$options = array('creator', 'contributor', 'publisher');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->value;
return false;
* Retrieve a link
* In RSS1 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them.
* @return string
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,266
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1.1 class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS11.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS1.1 feeds. RSS1.1 is documented at:
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @todo Support for RDF:List
* @todo Ensure xml:lang is accessible to users
class XmlFeedParserRss11 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'rss11.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 1.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss11Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'updatePeriod' => array('Text'),
'updateFrequency' => array('Text'),
'updateBase' => array('Date'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'description' => array('Text'), # dc:description
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date') # dc:contributor
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'link' => array('link'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'updated' => array('date'));
* We will be working with multiple namespaces and it is useful to
* keep them together. We will retain support for some common RSS1.0 modules
* @var array
protected $namespaces = array(
'rdf' => '',
'rss' => '',
'dc' => '',
'content' => '',
'sy' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Attempts to identify an element by ID given by the rdf:about attribute
* This is not really something that will work with RSS1.1 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs. We will employ the
* _very_ hit and miss method of selecting entries based on the rdf:about
* attribute. Please note that this is even more hit and miss with RSS1.1 than
* with RSS1.0 since RSS1.1 does not require the rdf:about attribute for items.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1Element
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//rss:item[@rdf:about='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$classname = $this->itemClass;
$entry = new $classname($entries->item(0), $this);
return $entry;
return false;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('image');
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$details = array();
if ($image->hasChildNodes()) {
$details = array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->value);
if ($image->getElementsByTagName('link')->length > 0) {
$details['link'] =
} else {
$details = array('title' => false,
'link' => false,
'url' => $image->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue);
$details = array_merge($details,
array('description' => false, 'height' => false, 'width' => false));
if (! empty($details)) {
return $details;
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness we will support it.
* @return array|false
protected function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('textinput');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
$results = array();
$results['title'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['description'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['name'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['link'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value : null;
if (empty($results['link']) and
$input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')) {
$results['link'] = $input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue;
if (! empty($results)) {
return $results;
return false;
* Attempts to discern authorship
* Dublin Core provides the dc:creator, dc:contributor, and dc:publisher
* elements for defining authorship in RSS1. We will try each of those in
* turn in order to simulate the atom author element and will return it
* as text.
* @return array|false
function getAuthor() {
$options = array('creator', 'contributor', 'publisher');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->value;
return false;
* Retrieve a link
* In RSS1 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them.
* @return string
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,323
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Class representing feed-level data for an RSS2 feed
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS2.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS2 feeds.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss2 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'rss20.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 2.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss2Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'ttl' => array('Text'),
'pubDate' => array('Date'),
'lastBuildDate' => array('Date'),
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'language' => array('Text'),
'copyright' => array('Text'),
'managingEditor' => array('Text'),
'webMaster' => array('Text'),
'category' => array('Text'),
'generator' => array('Text'),
'docs' => array('Text'),
'ttl' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'skipDays' => array('skipDays'),
'skipHours' => array('skipHours'));
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'rights' => array('copyright'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'date' => array('pubDate'),
'author' => array('managingEditor'));
protected $namespaces = array(
'dc' => '',
'content' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XmlFeedParserException('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Retrieves an entry by ID, if the ID is specified with the guid element
* This is not really something that will work with RSS2 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs. But we can emulate
* it by allowing access based on the 'guid' element. If DOMXPath::evaluate
* is available, we also use that to store a reference to the entry in the array
* used by getEntryByOffset so that method does not have to seek out the entry
* if it's requested that way.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2Element
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//item[guid='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$entry = new $this->itemElement($entries->item(0), $this);
if (in_array('evaluate', get_class_methods($this->xpath))) {
$offset = $this->xpath->evaluate("count(preceding-sibling::item)", $entries->item(0));
$this->entries[$offset] = $entry;
$this->idMappings[$id] = $entry;
return $entry;
* Get a category from the element
* The category element is a simple text construct which can occur any number
* of times. We allow access by offset or access to an array of results.
* @param string $call for compatibility with our overloading
* @param array $arguments - arg 0 is the offset, arg 1 is whether to return as array
* @return string|array|false
function getCategory($call, $arguments = array()) {
$categories = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('category');
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$array = empty($arguments[1]) ? false : true;
if ($categories->length <= $offset) {
return false;
if ($array) {
$list = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
array_push($list, $category->nodeValue);
return $list;
return $categories->item($offset)->nodeValue;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->xpath->query("//image");
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$desc = $image->getElementsByTagName('description');
$description = $desc->length ? $desc->item(0)->nodeValue : false;
$heigh = $image->getElementsByTagName('height');
$height = $heigh->length ? $heigh->item(0)->nodeValue : false;
$widt = $image->getElementsByTagName('width');
$width = $widt->length ? $widt->item(0)->nodeValue : false;
return array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'link' => $image->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'description' => $description,
'height' => $height,
'width' => $width);
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness...
* @return array|false
function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('input');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
return array(
'title' => $input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'description' =>
'name' => $input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value,
'link' => $input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value);
return false;
* Utility function for getSkipDays and getSkipHours
* This is a general function used by both getSkipDays and getSkipHours. It simply
* returns an array of the values of the children of the appropriate tag.
* @param string $tagName The tag name (getSkipDays or getSkipHours)
* @return array|false
protected function getSkips($tagName) {
$hours = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($tagName);
if ($hours->length == 0) {
return false;
$skipHours = array();
foreach($hours->item(0)->childNodes as $hour) {
if ($hour instanceof DOMElement) {
array_push($skipHours, $hour->nodeValue);
return $skipHours;
* Retrieve skipHours data
* The skiphours element provides a list of hours on which this feed should
* not be checked. We return an array of those hours (integers, 24 hour clock)
* @return array
function getSkipHours() {
return $this->getSkips('skipHours');
* Retrieve skipDays data
* The skipdays element provides a list of days on which this feed should
* not be checked. We return an array of those days.
* @return array
function getSkipDays() {
return $this->getSkips('skipDays');
* Return content of the little-used 'cloud' element
* The cloud element is rarely used. It is designed to provide some details
* of a location to update the feed.
* @return array an array of the attributes of the element
function getCloud() {
$cloud = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('cloud');
if ($cloud->length == 0) {
return false;
$cloudData = array();
foreach ($cloud->item(0)->attributes as $attribute) {
$cloudData[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
return $cloudData;
* Get link URL
* In RSS2 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them. We maintain the
* parameter used by the atom getLink method, though we only use the offset
* parameter.
* @param int $offset The position of the link within the feed. Starts from 0
* @param string $attribute The attribute of the link element required
* @param array $params An array of other parameters. Not used.
* @return string
function getLink($offset, $attribute = 'href', $params = array()) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,254
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* AtomElement class for XML_Feed_Parser package
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: AtomElement.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for atom entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_Atom with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserAtomElement extends XmlFeedParserAtom {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_Atom
protected $parent;
* When performing XPath queries we will use this prefix
* @var string
private $xpathPrefix = '';
* xml:base values inherited by the element
* @var string
protected $xmlBase;
* Here we provide a few mappings for those very special circumstances in
* which it makes sense to map back to the RSS2 spec or to manage other
* compatibilities (eg. with the Univeral Feed Parser). Key is the other version's
* name for the command, value is an array consisting of the equivalent in our atom
* api and any attributes needed to make the mapping.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'guid' => array('id'),
'links' => array('link'),
'tags' => array('category'),
'contributors' => array('contributor'));
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'author' => array('Person', 'fallback'),
'contributor' => array('Person'),
'id' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'published' => array('Date'),
'updated' => array('Date', 'fail'),
'title' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'rights' => array('Text', 'fallback'),
'summary' => array('Text'),
'content' => array('Content'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'enclosure' => array('Enclosure'),
'category' => array('Category'));
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_Atom $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->xmlBase = $xmlBase;
$this->xpathPrefix = "//atom:entry[atom:id='" . $this->id . "']/";
$this->xpath = $this->parent->xpath;
* Provides access to specific aspects of the author data for an atom entry
* Author data at the entry level is more complex than at the feed level.
* If atom:author is not present for the entry we need to look for it in
* an atom:source child of the atom:entry. If it's not there either, then
* we look to the parent for data.
* @param array
* @return string
function getAuthor($arguments) {
/* Find out which part of the author data we're looking for */
if (isset($arguments['param'])) {
$parameter = $arguments['param'];
} else {
$parameter = 'name';
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('author');
if ($test->length > 0) {
$item = $test->item(0);
return $item->getElementsByTagName($parameter)->item(0)->nodeValue;
$source = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source');
if ($source->length > 0) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('author');
if ($test->length > 0) {
$item = $test->item(0);
return $item->getElementsByTagName($parameter)->item(0)->nodeValue;
return $this->parent->getAuthor($arguments);
* Returns the content of the content element or info on a specific attribute
* This element may or may not be present. It cannot be present more than
* once. It may have a 'src' attribute, in which case there's no content
* If not present, then the entry must have link with rel="alternate".
* If there is content we return it, if not and there's a 'src' attribute
* we return the value of that instead. The method can take an 'attribute'
* argument, in which case we return the value of that attribute if present.
* eg. $item->content("type") will return the type of the content. It is
* recommended that all users check the type before getting the content to
* ensure that their script is capable of handling the type of returned data.
* (data carried in the content element can be either 'text', 'html', 'xhtml',
* or any standard MIME type).
* @return string|false
protected function getContent($method, $arguments = array()) {
$attribute = empty($arguments[0]) ? false : $arguments[0];
$tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('content');
if ($tags->length == 0) {
return false;
$content = $tags->item(0);
if (! $content->hasAttribute('type')) {
$content->setAttribute('type', 'text');
if (! empty($attribute)) {
return $content->getAttribute($attribute);
$type = $content->getAttribute('type');
if (! empty($attribute)) {
if ($content->hasAttribute($attribute))
return $content->getAttribute($attribute);
return false;
if ($content->hasAttribute('src')) {
return $content->getAttribute('src');
return $this->parseTextConstruct($content);
* For compatibility, this method provides a mapping to access enclosures.
* The Atom spec doesn't provide for an enclosure element, but it is
* generally supported using the link element with rel='enclosure'.
* @param string $method - for compatibility with our __call usage
* @param array $arguments - for compatibility with our __call usage
* @return array|false
function getEnclosure($method, $arguments = array()) {
$offset = isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : 0;
$query = "//atom:entry[atom:id='" . $this->getText('id', false) .
$encs = $this->parent->xpath->query($query);
if ($encs->length > $offset) {
try {
if (! $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('href')) {
return false;
$attrs = $encs->item($offset)->attributes;
$length = $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('length') ?
$encs->item($offset)->getAttribute('length') : false;
return array(
'url' => $attrs->getNamedItem('href')->value,
'type' => $attrs->getNamedItem('type')->value,
'length' => $length);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Get details of this entry's source, if available/relevant
* Where an atom:entry is taken from another feed then the aggregator
* is supposed to include an atom:source element which replicates at least
* the atom:id, atom:title, and atom:updated metadata from the original
* feed. Atom:source therefore has a very similar structure to atom:feed
* and if we find it we will return it as an XML_Feed_Parser_Atom object.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Atom|false
function getSource() {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source');
if ($test->length == 0) {
return false;
$source = new XML_Feed_Parser_Atom($test->item(0));
* Get the entry as an XML string
* Return an XML serialization of the feed, should it be required. Most
* users however, will already have a serialization that they used when
* instantiating the object.
* @return string XML serialization of element
function __toString() {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($this->model);
return $simple->asXML();
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS0.9 Element class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS09Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 0.9 entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS09 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss09Element extends XmlFeedParserRss09 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS09
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'));
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Keeps the exception class for XML_Feed_Parser.
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL
* @version CVS: $Id: Exception.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* XML_Feed_Parser_Exception is a simple extension of PEAR_Exception, existing
* to help with identification of the source of exceptions.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserException extends Exception {
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Atom feed class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: Atom.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This is the class that determines how we manage Atom 1.0 feeds
* How we deal with constructs:
* date - return as unix datetime for use with the 'date' function unless specified otherwise
* text - return as is. optional parameter will give access to attributes
* person - defaults to name, but parameter based access
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserAtom extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'atom.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
public $xpath;
* When performing XPath queries we will use this prefix
* @var string
private $xpathPrefix = '//';
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'Atom 1.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserAtomElement';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'entry';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'author' => array('Person'),
'contributor' => array('Person'),
'icon' => array('Text'),
'logo' => array('Text'),
'id' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'rights' => array('Text'),
'subtitle' => array('Text'),
'title' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'updated' => array('Date', 'fail'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'generator' => array('Text'),
'category' => array('Category'),
'content' => array('Text'));
* Here we provide a few mappings for those very special circumstances in
* which it makes sense to map back to the RSS2 spec. Key is RSS2 version
* value is an array consisting of the equivalent in atom and any attributes
* needed to make the mapping.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'guid' => array('id'),
'links' => array('link'),
'tags' => array('category'),
'contributors' => array('contributor'));
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->model);
$this->xpath->registerNamespace('atom', '');
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('entry');
* Implement retrieval of an entry based on its ID for atom feeds.
* This function uses XPath to get the entry based on its ID. If DOMXPath::evaluate
* is available, we also use that to store a reference to the entry in the array
* used by getEntryByOffset so that method does not have to seek out the entry
* if it's requested that way.
* @param string $id any valid Atom ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_AtomElement
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//atom:entry[atom:id='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$xmlBase = $entries->item(0)->baseURI;
$entry = new $this->itemClass($entries->item(0), $this, $xmlBase);
if (in_array('evaluate', get_class_methods($this->xpath))) {
$offset = $this->xpath->evaluate("count(preceding-sibling::atom:entry)", $entries->item(0));
$this->entries[$offset] = $entry;
$this->idMappings[$id] = $entry;
return $entry;
* Retrieves data from a person construct.
* Get a person construct. We default to the 'name' element but allow
* access to any of the elements.
* @param string $method The name of the person construct we want
* @param array $arguments An array which we hope gives a 'param'
* @return string|false
protected function getPerson($method, $arguments) {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$parameter = empty($arguments[1]['param']) ? 'name' : $arguments[1]['param'];
$section = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($parameter == 'url') {
$parameter = 'uri';
if ($section->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$param = $section->item($offset)->getElementsByTagName($parameter);
if ($param->length == 0) {
return false;
return $param->item(0)->nodeValue;
* Retrieves an element's content where that content is a text construct.
* Get a text construct. When calling this method, the two arguments
* allowed are 'offset' and 'attribute', so $parser->subtitle() would
* return the content of the element, while $parser->subtitle(false, 'type')
* would return the value of the type attribute.
* @todo Clarify overlap with getContent()
* @param string $method The name of the text construct we want
* @param array $arguments An array which we hope gives a 'param'
* @return string
protected function getText($method, $arguments) {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0: $arguments[0];
$attribute = empty($arguments[1]) ? false : $arguments[1];
$tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($tags->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$content = $tags->item($offset);
if (! $content->hasAttribute('type')) {
$content->setAttribute('type', 'text');
$type = $content->getAttribute('type');
if (! empty($attribute) and
! ($method == 'generator' and $attribute == 'name')) {
if ($content->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
return $content->getAttribute($attribute);
} else if ($attribute == 'href' and $content->hasAttribute('uri')) {
return $content->getAttribute('uri');
return false;
return $this->parseTextConstruct($content);
* Extract content appropriately from atom text constructs
* Because of different rules applied to the content element and other text
* constructs, they are deployed as separate functions, but they share quite
* a bit of processing. This method performs the core common process, which is
* to apply the rules for different mime types in order to extract the content.
* @param DOMNode $content the text construct node to be parsed
* @return String
* @author James Stewart
protected function parseTextConstruct(DOMNode $content) {
if ($content->hasAttribute('type')) {
$type = $content->getAttribute('type');
} else {
$type = 'text';
if (strpos($type, 'text/') === 0) {
$type = 'text';
switch ($type) {
case 'text':
case 'html':
return $content->textContent;
case 'xhtml':
$container = $content->getElementsByTagName('div');
if ($container->length == 0) {
return false;
$contents = $container->item(0);
if ($contents->hasChildNodes()) {
/* Iterate through, applying xml:base and store the result */
$result = '';
foreach ($contents->childNodes as $node) {
$result .= $this->traverseNode($node);
return $result;
case preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z]+/[a-zA-Z+]*xml@i', $type) > 0:
return $content;
case 'application/octet-stream':
return base64_decode(trim($content->nodeValue));
return false;
* Get a category from the entry.
* A feed or entry can have any number of categories. A category can have the
* attributes term, scheme and label.
* @param string $method The name of the text construct we want
* @param array $arguments An array which we hope gives a 'param'
* @return string
function getCategory($method, $arguments) {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0: $arguments[0];
$attribute = empty($arguments[1]) ? 'term' : $arguments[1];
$categories = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('category');
if ($categories->length <= $offset) {
$category = $categories->item($offset);
if ($category->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
return $category->getAttribute($attribute);
return false;
* This element must be present at least once with rel="feed". This element may be
* present any number of further times so long as there is no clash. If no 'rel' is
* present and we're asked for one, we follow the example of the Universal Feed
* Parser and presume 'alternate'.
* @param int $offset the position of the link within the container
* @param string $attribute the attribute name required
* @param array an array of attributes to search by
* @return string the value of the attribute
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
if (is_array($params) and !empty($params)) {
$terms = array();
$alt_predicate = '';
$other_predicate = '';
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'rel' && $value == 'alternate') {
$alt_predicate = '[not(@rel) or @rel="alternate"]';
} else {
$terms[] = "@$key='$value'";
if (!empty($terms)) {
$other_predicate = '[' . join(' and ', $terms) . ']';
$query = $this->xpathPrefix . 'atom:link' . $alt_predicate . $other_predicate;
$links = $this->xpath->query($query);
} else {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length > $offset) {
if ($links->item($offset)->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
$value = $links->item($offset)->getAttribute($attribute);
if ($attribute == 'href') {
$value = $this->addBase($value, $links->item($offset));
return $value;
} else if ($attribute == 'rel') {
return 'alternate';
return false;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS0.9 class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS09.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS0.9 feeds.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @todo Find a Relax NG URI we can use
class XmlFeedParserRss09 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = '';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 0.9';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss09Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'textinput' => array('TextInput'));
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'link' => array('link'),
'subtitle' => array('description'));
* We will be working with multiple namespaces and it is useful to
* keep them together
* @var array
protected $namespaces = array(
'rdf' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @todo RelaxNG validation
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Included for compatibility -- will not work with RSS 0.9
* This is not something that will work with RSS0.9 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return false
function getEntryById($id) {
return false;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('image');
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$details = array();
if ($image->hasChildNodes()) {
$details = array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'link' => $image->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->value);
} else {
$details = array('title' => false,
'link' => false,
'url' => $image->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue);
$details = array_merge($details,
array('description' => false, 'height' => false, 'width' => false));
if (! empty($details)) {
return $details;
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness we will support it.
* @return array|false
protected function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('textinput');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
$results = array();
$results['title'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['description'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['name'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['link'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value : null;
if (empty($results['link']) &&
$input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')) {
$results['link'] = $input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue;
if (! empty($results)) {
return $results;
return false;
* Get details of a link from the feed.
* In RSS1 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them.
* @return string
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
* Not implemented - no available validation.
public function relaxNGValidate() {
return true;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Abstract class providing common methods for XML_Feed_Parser feeds.
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: Type.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This abstract class provides some general methods that are likely to be
* implemented exactly the same way for all feed types.
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
abstract class XmlFeedParserType {
* Where we store our DOM object for this feed
* @var DOMDocument
public $model;
* For iteration we'll want a count of the number of entries
* @var int
public $numberEntries;
* Where we store our entry objects once instantiated
* @var array
public $entries = array();
* Store mappings between entry IDs and their position in the feed
public $idMappings = array();
* Proxy to allow use of element names as method names
* We are not going to provide methods for every entry type so this
* function will allow for a lot of mapping. We rely pretty heavily
* on this to handle our mappings between other feed types and atom.
* @param string $call - the method attempted
* @param array $arguments - arguments to that method
* @return mixed
function __call($call, $arguments = array()) {
if (! is_array($arguments)) {
$arguments = array();
if (isset($this->compatMap[$call])) {
$tempMap = $this->compatMap;
$tempcall = array_pop($tempMap[$call]);
if (! empty($tempMap)) {
$arguments = array_merge($arguments, $tempMap[$call]);
$call = $tempcall;
/* To be helpful, we allow a case-insensitive search for this method */
if (! isset($this->map[$call])) {
foreach (array_keys($this->map) as $key) {
if (strtoupper($key) == strtoupper($call)) {
$call = $key;
if (empty($this->map[$call])) {
return false;
$method = 'get' . $this->map[$call][0];
if ($method == 'getLink') {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$attribute = empty($arguments[1]) ? 'href' : $arguments[1];
$params = isset($arguments[2]) ? $arguments[2] : array();
return $this->getLink($offset, $attribute, $params);
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
return $this->$method($call, $arguments);
return false;
* Proxy to allow use of element names as attribute names
* For many elements variable-style access will be desirable. This function
* provides for that.
* @param string $value - the variable required
* @return mixed
function __get($value) {
return $this->__call($value, array());
* Utility function to help us resolve xml:base values
* We have other methods which will traverse the DOM and work out the different
* xml:base declarations we need to be aware of. We then need to combine them.
* If a declaration starts with a protocol then we restart the string. If it
* starts with a / then we add on to the domain name. Otherwise we simply tag
* it on to the end.
* @param string $base - the base to add the link to
* @param string $link
function combineBases($base, $link) {
if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+:\/\//', $link)) {
return $link;
} else if (preg_match('/^\//', $link)) {
/* Extract domain and suffix link to that */
preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]+:\/\/.*)?\/*/', $base, $results);
$firstLayer = $results[0];
return $firstLayer . "/" . $link;
} else if (preg_match('/^\.\.\//', $base)) {
/* Step up link to find place to be */
preg_match('/^((\.\.\/)+)(.*)$/', $link, $bases);
$suffix = $bases[3];
$count = preg_match_all('/\.\.\//', $bases[1], $steps);
$url = explode("/", $base);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
return implode("/", $url) . "/" . $suffix;
} else if (preg_match('/^(?!\/$)/', $base)) {
$base = preg_replace('/(.*\/).*$/', '$1', $base) ;
return $base . $link;
} else {
/* Just stick it on the end */
return $base . $link;
* Determine whether we need to apply our xml:base rules
* Gets us the xml:base data and then processes that with regard
* to our current link.
* @param string
* @param DOMElement
* @return string
function addBase($link, $element) {
if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+:\/\//', $link)) {
return $link;
return $this->combineBases($element->baseURI, $link);
* Get an entry by its position in the feed, starting from zero
* As well as allowing the items to be iterated over we want to allow
* users to be able to access a specific entry. This is one of two ways of
* doing that, the other being by ID.
* @param int $offset
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1Element
function getEntryByOffset($offset) {
if (! isset($this->entries[$offset])) {
$entries = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($this->itemElement);
if ($entries->length > $offset) {
$xmlBase = $entries->item($offset)->baseURI;
$this->entries[$offset] = new $this->itemClass(
$entries->item($offset), $this, $xmlBase);
if ($id = $this->entries[$offset]->id) {
$this->idMappings[$id] = $this->entries[$offset];
} else {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('No entries found');
return $this->entries[$offset];
* Return a date in seconds since epoch.
* Get a date construct. We use PHP's strtotime to return it as a unix datetime, which
* is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
* @link
* @param string $method The name of the date construct we want
* @param array $arguments Included for compatibility with our __call usage
* @return int|false datetime
protected function getDate($method, $arguments) {
$time = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($time->length == 0 || empty($time->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
return false;
return strtotime($time->item(0)->nodeValue);
* Get a text construct.
* @param string $method The name of the text construct we want
* @param array $arguments Included for compatibility with our __call usage
* @return string
protected function getText($method, $arguments = array()) {
$tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($tags->length > 0) {
$value = $tags->item(0)->nodeValue;
return $value;
return false;
* Apply various rules to retrieve category data.
* There is no single way of declaring a category in RSS1/1.1 as there is in RSS2
* and Atom. Instead the usual approach is to use the dublin core namespace to
* declare categories. For example delicious use both:
* <dc:subject>PEAR</dc:subject> and: <taxo:topics><rdf:Bag>
* <rdf:li resource="" /></rdf:Bag></taxo:topics>
* to declare a categorisation of 'PEAR'.
* We need to be sensitive to this where possible.
* @param string $call for compatibility with our overloading
* @param array $arguments - arg 0 is the offset, arg 1 is whether to return as array
* @return string|array|false
protected function getCategory($call, $arguments) {
$categories = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('subject');
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$array = empty($arguments[1]) ? false : true;
if ($categories->length <= $offset) {
return false;
if ($array) {
$list = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
array_push($list, $category->nodeValue);
return $list;
return $categories->item($offset)->nodeValue;
* Count occurrences of an element
* This function will tell us how many times the element $type
* appears at this level of the feed.
* @param string $type the element we want to get a count of
* @return int
protected function count($type) {
if ($tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($type)) {
return $tags->length;
return 0;
* Part of our xml:base processing code
* We need a couple of methods to access XHTML content stored in feeds.
* This is because we dereference all xml:base references before returning
* the element. This method handles the attributes.
* @param DOMElement $node The DOM node we are iterating over
* @return string
function processXHTMLAttributes($node) {
$return = '';
foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
if ($attribute->name == 'src' or $attribute->name == 'href') {
$attribute->value = $this->addBase(htmlentities($attribute->value, NULL, 'utf-8'), $attribute);
if ($attribute->name == 'base') {
$return .= $attribute->name . '="' . htmlentities($attribute->value, NULL, 'utf-8') .'" ';
if (! empty($return)) {
return ' ' . trim($return);
return '';
* Convert HTML entities based on the current character set.
* @param String
* @return String
function processEntitiesForNodeValue($node) {
if (function_exists('iconv')) {
$current_encoding = $node->ownerDocument->encoding;
$value = iconv($current_encoding, 'UTF-8', $node->nodeValue);
} else if ($current_encoding == 'iso-8859-1') {
$value = utf8_encode($node->nodeValue);
} else {
$value = $node->nodeValue;
$decoded = html_entity_decode($value, NULL, 'UTF-8');
return htmlentities($decoded, NULL, 'UTF-8');
* Part of our xml:base processing code
* We need a couple of methods to access XHTML content stored in feeds.
* This is because we dereference all xml:base references before returning
* the element. This method recurs through the tree descending from the node
* and builds our string.
* @param DOMElement $node The DOM node we are processing
* @return string
function traverseNode($node) {
$content = '';
/* Add the opening of this node to the content */
if ($node instanceof DOMElement) {
$content .= '<' . $node->tagName .
$this->processXHTMLAttributes($node) . '>';
/* Process children */
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
$content .= $this->traverseNode($child);
if ($node instanceof DOMText) {
$content .= $this->processEntitiesForNodeValue($node);
/* Add the closing of this node to the content */
if ($node instanceof DOMElement) {
$content .= '</' . $node->tagName . '>';
return $content;
* Get content from RSS feeds (atom has its own implementation)
* The official way to include full content in an RSS1 entry is to use
* the content module's element 'encoded', and RSS2 feeds often duplicate that.
* Often, however, the 'description' element is used instead. We will offer that
* as a fallback. Atom uses its own approach and overrides this method.
* @return string|false
protected function getContent() {
$options = array('encoded', 'description');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length == 0) {
if ($test->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
$value = '';
foreach ($test->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child instanceof DOMText) {
$value .= $child->nodeValue;
} else {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($child);
$value .= $simple->asXML();
return $value;
} else if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->nodeValue;
return false;
* Checks if this element has a particular child element.
* @param String
* @param Integer
* @return bool
function hasKey($name, $offset = 0) {
$search = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($name);
return $search->length > $offset;
* Return an XML serialization of the feed, should it be required. Most
* users however, will already have a serialization that they used when
* instantiating the object.
* @return string XML serialization of element
function __toString() {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($this->model);
return $simple->asXML();
* Get directory holding RNG schemas. Method is based on that
* found in Contact_AddressBook.
* @return string PEAR data directory.
* @access public
* @static
static function getSchemaDir() {
return dirname(__FILE__).'/../schemas';
public function relaxNGValidate() {
$dir = self::getSchemaDir();
$path = $dir . '/' . $this->relax;
return $this->model->relaxNGValidate($path);
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1 Element class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS1Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 1.0 entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss1Element extends XmlFeedParserRss1 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'id' => array('Id'),
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'description' => array('Text'), # or dc:description
'category' => array('Category'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date'), # dc:date
'content' => array('Content')
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS1.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'content' => array('content'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'published' => array('date'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'updated' => array('date'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'contributor' => array('contributor')
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
* If an rdf:about attribute is specified, return it as an ID
* There is no established way of showing an ID for an RSS1 entry. We will
* simulate it using the rdf:about attribute of the entry element. This cannot
* be relied upon for unique IDs but may prove useful.
* @return string|false
function getId() {
if ($this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')) {
return $this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')->nodeValue;
return false;
* How RSS1 should support for enclosures is not clear. For now we will return
* false.
* @return false
function getEnclosure() {
return false;
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Most of these schemas are only available in RNC (RelaxNG, Compact) format.
libxml (and therefor PHP) only supports RelaxNG - the XML version.
To update these, you will need a conversion utility, like trang (
clockwerx@clockwerx-desktop:~/trang$ java -jar trang.jar -I rnc -O rng atom.rng
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<grammar xmlns=''
<element name='RDF' ns=''>
<ref name='RDFContent'/>
<define name='RDFContent' ns=''>
<element name='channel'>
<ref name='channelContent'/>
<element name='image'><ref name='imageContent'/></element>
<element name='item'><ref name='itemContent'/></element>
<define name='channelContent' combine="interleave">
<element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<element name='description'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='image'>
<attribute name='resource' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<element name='items'>
<ref name='itemsContent'/>
<attribute name='about' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name="itemsContent">
<element name="Seq" ns=''>
<element name="li" ns=''>
<attribute name='resource'> <!-- Why doesn't RDF/RSS1.0 ns qualify this attribute? -->
<data type='anyURI'/>
<attribute name='resource' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name='imageContent'>
<element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<element name='url'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<attribute name='about' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name='itemContent'>
<element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<optional><element name='description'><data type='string'/></element></optional>
<ref name="anyThing"/>
<attribute name='about' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name='anyThing'>
<ref name='anyThing'/>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
RELAX NG Compact Schema for RSS 1.1
Sean B. Palmer,
Christopher Schmidt,
License: This schema is in the public domain
<grammar xmlns:rss="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:rdf="" ns="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<ref name="Channel"/>
<define name="Channel">
<element name="Channel">
<ref name="Channel.content"/>
<define name="Channel.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrXMLBase"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFAbout"/>
<ref name="title"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<ref name="description"/>
<ref name="image"/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<ref name="items"/>
<define name="title">
<element name="title">
<ref name="title.content"/>
<define name="title.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<define name="link">
<element name="link">
<ref name="link.content"/>
<define name="link.content">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="description">
<element name="description">
<ref name="description.content"/>
<define name="description.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<define name="image">
<element name="image">
<ref name="image.content"/>
<define name="image.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFResource"/>
<ref name="title"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<ref name="url"/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<define name="url">
<element name="url">
<ref name="url.content"/>
<define name="url.content">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="items">
<element name="items">
<ref name="items.content"/>
<define name="items.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFCollection"/>
<ref name="item"/>
<define name="item">
<element name="item">
<ref name="item.content"/>
<define name="item.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFAbout"/>
<ref name="title"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<ref name="description"/>
<ref name="image"/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<define name="Any">
<ref name="Any.content"/>
<define name="Any.content">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<define name="AttrXMLLang">
<attribute name="xml:lang">
<data type="language"/>
<define name="AttrXMLBase">
<attribute name="xml:base">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="AttrRDFAbout">
<attribute name="rdf:about">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="AttrRDFResource">
<attribute name="rdf:parseType">
<define name="AttrRDFCollection">
<attribute name="rdf:parseType">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- ======================================================================
* Author: Dino Morelli
* Began: 2004-Feb-18
* Build #: 0001
* Version: 0.1
* E-Mail:
* URL: (none yet)
* License: (none yet)
* ========================================================================
* RSS v2.0 Relax NG schema
* ==================================================================== -->
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="element-rss" />
<define name="element-title">
<element name="title">
<text />
<define name="element-description">
<element name="description">
<text />
<define name="element-link">
<element name="link">
<text />
<define name="element-category">
<element name="category">
<attribute name="domain" />
<text />
<define name="element-rss">
<element name="rss">
<attribute name="version">
<element name="channel">
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-link" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<element name="language"><text /></element>
<element name="copyright"><text /></element>
<element name="lastBuildDate"><text /></element>
<element name="docs"><text /></element>
<element name="generator"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-category" />
<element name="managingEditor"><text /></element>
<element name="webMaster"><text /></element>
<element name="pubDate"><text /></element>
<element name="rating"><text /></element>
<element name="image">
<element name="url"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-link" />
<element name="width"><text /></element>
<element name="height"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-description" />
<element name="cloud">
<attribute name="domain" />
<attribute name="port" />
<attribute name="path" />
<attribute name="registerProcedure" />
<attribute name="protocol" />
<element name="textInput">
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<element name="name"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-link" />
<element name="skipHours">
<element name="hour">
<element name="skipDays">
<element name="day">
<element name="ttl"><text /></element>
<element name="item">
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<ref name="element-link" />
<element name="author"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-category" />
<element name="comments"><text /></element>
<element name="enclosure">
<attribute name="url" />
<attribute name="length" />
<attribute name="type" />
<text />
<element name="guid">
<attribute name="isPermaLink">
<text />
<element name="pubDate"><text /></element>
<element name="source">
<attribute name="url" />
<text />
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-*- rnc -*-
RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the
Atom Format Specification Version 11
<grammar ns="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<ref name="atomFeed"/>
<ref name="atomEntry"/>
<!-- Common attributes -->
<define name="atomCommonAttributes">
<attribute name="xml:base">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="xml:lang">
<ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
<ref name="undefinedAttribute"/>
<!-- Text Constructs -->
<define name="atomPlainTextConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<define name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
<define name="atomTextConstruct">
<ref name="atomPlainTextConstruct"/>
<ref name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct"/>
<!-- Person Construct -->
<define name="atomPersonConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<element name="atom:name">
<element name="atom:uri">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<element name="atom:email">
<ref name="atomEmailAddress"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<!-- Date Construct -->
<define name="atomDateConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<data type="dateTime"/>
<!-- atom:feed -->
<define name="atomFeed">
<element name="atom:feed">
<s:rule context="atom:feed">
<s:assert test="atom:author or not(atom:entry[not(atom:author)])">An atom:feed must have an atom:author unless all of its atom:entry children have an atom:author.</s:assert>
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomAuthor"/>
<ref name="atomCategory"/>
<ref name="atomContributor"/>
<ref name="atomGenerator"/>
<ref name="atomIcon"/>
<ref name="atomId"/>
<ref name="atomLink"/>
<ref name="atomLogo"/>
<ref name="atomRights"/>
<ref name="atomSubtitle"/>
<ref name="atomTitle"/>
<ref name="atomUpdated"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<ref name="atomEntry"/>
<!-- atom:entry -->
<define name="atomEntry">
<element name="atom:entry">
<s:rule context="atom:entry">
<s:assert test="atom:link[@rel='alternate'] or atom:link[not(@rel)] or atom:content">An atom:entry must have at least one atom:link element with a rel attribute of 'alternate' or an atom:content.</s:assert>
<s:rule context="atom:entry">
<s:assert test="atom:author or ../atom:author or atom:source/atom:author">An atom:entry must have an atom:author if its feed does not.</s:assert>
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomAuthor"/>
<ref name="atomCategory"/>
<ref name="atomContent"/>
<ref name="atomContributor"/>
<ref name="atomId"/>
<ref name="atomLink"/>
<ref name="atomPublished"/>
<ref name="atomRights"/>
<ref name="atomSource"/>
<ref name="atomSummary"/>
<ref name="atomTitle"/>
<ref name="atomUpdated"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<!-- atom:content -->
<define name="atomInlineTextContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<define name="atomInlineXHTMLContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
<define name="atomInlineOtherContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="atomMediaType"/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<define name="atomOutOfLineContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="atomMediaType"/>
<attribute name="src">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<define name="atomContent">
<ref name="atomInlineTextContent"/>
<ref name="atomInlineXHTMLContent"/>
<ref name="atomInlineOtherContent"/>
<ref name="atomOutOfLineContent"/>
<!-- atom:author -->
<define name="atomAuthor">
<element name="atom:author">
<ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:category -->
<define name="atomCategory">
<element name="atom:category">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="term"/>
<attribute name="scheme">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="label"/>
<ref name="undefinedContent"/>
<!-- atom:contributor -->
<define name="atomContributor">
<element name="atom:contributor">
<ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:generator -->
<define name="atomGenerator">
<element name="atom:generator">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="uri">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="version"/>
<!-- atom:icon -->
<define name="atomIcon">
<element name="atom:icon">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<!-- atom:id -->
<define name="atomId">
<element name="atom:id">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<!-- atom:logo -->
<define name="atomLogo">
<element name="atom:logo">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<!-- atom:link -->
<define name="atomLink">
<element name="atom:link">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="href">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="rel">
<ref name="atomNCName"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="atomMediaType"/>
<attribute name="hreflang">
<ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
<attribute name="title"/>
<attribute name="length"/>
<ref name="undefinedContent"/>
<!-- atom:published -->
<define name="atomPublished">
<element name="atom:published">
<ref name="atomDateConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:rights -->
<define name="atomRights">
<element name="atom:rights">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:source -->
<define name="atomSource">
<element name="atom:source">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomAuthor"/>
<ref name="atomCategory"/>
<ref name="atomContributor"/>
<ref name="atomGenerator"/>
<ref name="atomIcon"/>
<ref name="atomId"/>
<ref name="atomLink"/>
<ref name="atomLogo"/>
<ref name="atomRights"/>
<ref name="atomSubtitle"/>
<ref name="atomTitle"/>
<ref name="atomUpdated"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<!-- atom:subtitle -->
<define name="atomSubtitle">
<element name="atom:subtitle">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:summary -->
<define name="atomSummary">
<element name="atom:summary">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:title -->
<define name="atomTitle">
<element name="atom:title">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:updated -->
<define name="atomUpdated">
<element name="atom:updated">
<ref name="atomDateConstruct"/>
<!-- Low-level simple types -->
<define name="atomNCName">
<data type="string">
<param name="minLength">1</param>
<param name="pattern">[^:]*</param>
<!-- Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash -->
<define name="atomMediaType">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">.+/.+</param>
<!-- As defined in RFC 3066 -->
<define name="atomLanguageTag">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*</param>
Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into
xsd:anyURI so let's not try to constrain it here
<define name="atomUri">
<!-- Whatever an email address is, it contains at least one @ -->
<define name="atomEmailAddress">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">.+@.+</param>
<!-- Simple Extension -->
<define name="simpleExtensionElement">
<nsName ns=""/>
<!-- Structured Extension -->
<define name="structuredExtensionElement">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<!-- Other Extensibility -->
<define name="extensionElement">
<ref name="simpleExtensionElement"/>
<ref name="structuredExtensionElement"/>
<define name="undefinedAttribute">
<nsName ns=""/>
<define name="undefinedContent">
<ref name="anyForeignElement"/>
<define name="anyElement">
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<define name="anyForeignElement">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<!-- XHTML -->
<define name="anyXHTML">
<ref name="anyXHTML"/>
<define name="xhtmlDiv">
<element name="xhtml:div">
<ref name="anyXHTML"/>
<!-- EOF -->
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\ No newline at end of property
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<div id="cel-photo-contenu<?=$id?>" class="cel-photo-contenu">
<!-- Feuilles de styles -->
<style type="text/css">
#cel-photo-contenu<?=$id?>, #cel-galerie-photo<?=$id?>{
width:<?=(($colonne * 69))?>px;
#cel-galerie-photo<?=$id?> #cel-photo-extra<?=$id?> img{
width:<?=(($colonne * 69)-6)?>px;
<?php if (isset($erreurs) || isset($informations)) : ?>
<h1>Erreur &amp; informations</h1>
<p>Impossible d'afficher le flux.</p>
<!-- Affichage des erreurs et messages d'information : -->
<?php if ($erreurs) : ?>
<?php foreach ($erreurs as $erreur) : ?>
<p class="erreur"><?=$erreur;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($informations) : ?>
<?php foreach ($informations as $information) : ?>
<p class="info"><?=$information;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<? if (!empty($titre)) : ?>
<? endif ; ?>
<? if($icone_rss) : ?>
<a href="<?=$flux_rss_url?>"
title="Suivre les images"
onclick=";return false;">
<img src="" alt="Suivre les images" />
<? endif; ?>
<div id="cel-galerie-photo<?=$id?>">
<?php foreach ($items as $item) : ?>
<div class="cel-photo">
<a href="<?=sprintf($item['url_tpl'], 'XL')?>" class="cel-img" title="<?=$item['titre']?> - Publiée le <?=$item['date']?> - GUID : <?=$item['guid']?>" rel="galerie-princ<?=$id?>">
<img src="<?=sprintf($item['url_tpl'], 'CRX2S')?>" alt="<?=$item['titre']?>"/>
<div id="cel-info-<?=$item['guid']?>" class="cel-infos">
<?php if ($item['eflore_url'] != '#' && $item['eflore_url'] != '') { ?>
<a class="cel-img-titre" href="<?=$item['eflore_url']?>"
onclick=";return false;"
title="Cliquez pour accéder à la fiche eFlore">
</a> par
<a class="cel-img-contact"
href="<?= $url_widget ?>?mode=contact&nn=<?= urlencode($item['infos']['nn']) ;?>&nom_sci=<?= urlencode($item['infos']['nom_sci']) ;?>&date=<?= urlencode($item['infos']['date']) ;?>&id_image=<?= $item['guid']; ?>"
title="Cliquez pour contacter l'auteur de la photo">
le <?=$item['infos']['date']?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
</strong><br />
<span class="cel-img-date">Publiée le <?=$item['date']?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($extra_actif) : ?>
<div id="cel-photo-extra<?=$id?>" class="cel-photo cel-photo-extra">
<a href="<?=sprintf($extra['url_tpl'], 'XL')?>" class="cel-img" title="<?=$extra['titre']?> - Publiée le <?=$extra['date']?> - GUID : <?=$extra['guid']?>" rel="galerie-princ<?=$id?>">
<img src="<?=sprintf($extra['url_tpl'], 'CRS')?>" alt="<?=$extra['titre']?>"/>
<?php endif ?>
<p class="cel-photo-pieds discretion nettoyage">
<span class="cel-photo-source">
Source :
<a href="" title="Carnet en Ligne" onclick=";return false;">
<span class="cel-photo-date-generation">Au <?=strftime('%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S')?></span>
<script type="text/Javascript">
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$(document).ready(function() {
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speedIn :600,
titleFormat:function (titre, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) {
var motif = /GUID : ([0-9]+)$/;
var guid = RegExp.$1;
var info = $('#cel-info-'+guid).clone().html();
var tpl =
'<div class="cel-legende">'+
'<p class="cel-legende-vei">'+'Image n°' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' sur ' + currentArray.length +'<\/p>'+
(titre && titre.length ? '<p>'+info+'<\/p>' : '' )+
return tpl;
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$('a.cel-img').click(function(event) {
$(document).ready(function() {
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function ouvrirFenetrePopup(lienImage) {
var url = "?mode=popup&url_image="+lienImage.attr('href')+'&galerie_id=<?= $galerie_id ?>';, '', 'directories=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no, width='+(700)+', height='+(650));
function ouvrirFenetreContact(lienImage) {
var url = lienImage.attr("href");, '_blank', 'directories=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no, width='+(400)+', height='+(550));
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New file
0,0 → 1,145
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var urls = [<?= '"'.implode($urls, '","').'"'; ?>];
var infos_images = <?= json_encode($infos_images); ?>;
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var urlImage = "<?= $url_image; ?>";
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function redimensionnerImage(objet) {
var hauteurImage = objet.height();
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function imageSuivante() {
if(indexImage >= urls.length) {
indexImage = 0;
$('#illustration').attr('src', urls[indexImage]);
function imagePrecedente() {
if(indexImage <= 0) {
indexImage = urls.length - 1;
$('#illustration').attr('src', urls[indexImage]);
function afficherTitreImage() {
item = infos_images[urls[indexImage]];
var titre = item['titre'];
var infos = decouperTitre(titre);
var lienContact = '<?= $url_widget ?>?mode=contact&nn='+infos.nn+
titre = '<a href="'+item['lien']+'">'+infos.nom_sci+'</a> '+
' par <a class="lien_contact" href="'+lienContact+'">'+infos.auteur+'</a> '+
' le '' ';
function decouperTitre(titre) {
var tab_titre = titre.split('[nn');
var nom_sci = tab_titre[0];
var tab_titre_suite = tab_titre[1].split(' par ');
var nn = '[nn'+tab_titre_suite[0];
var tab_titre_fin = tab_titre_suite[1].split(' le ');
var utilisateur = tab_titre_fin[0];
var date = tab_titre_fin[1];
var titre_decoupe = {'nom_sci' : nom_sci, 'nn' : nn, 'date' : date, 'auteur' : utilisateur};
return titre_decoupe;
function ouvrirFenetreContact(lienImage) {
var url = lienImage.attr("href");, '_blank', 'directories=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no, width='+(400)+', height='+(550));
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indexImage = Array.indexOf(urls, urlImage);
$('#illustration').attr('src', urls[indexImage]);
$('#illustration').load(function() {
$("body").keydown(function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 37) { // gauche
else if(e.keyCode == 39) { // droite
$('.lien_contact').live('click', function(event) {
<div id="info-img-galerie">
<div class="conteneur-precedent">
<a id="precedent" href="#" title="cliquez ici ou utilisez la flèche gauche pour afficher l'image précédente">
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<div class="img-cadre">
<img id="illustration" src="<?=$urls[0]?>" alt="" /><br />
<div class="conteneur-suivant">
<a id="suivant" href="#" title="cliquez ici ou utilisez la flèche droite pour afficher l'image suivante">
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<hr class="nettoyage" />
<div id="bloc-infos-img"></div>
New file
0,0 → 1,85
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text-align: center;
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position: absolute;
bottom: 10px;
left: 60px;
New file
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/* Général */
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/* Galerie Photos CEL */
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border:1px dotted #FD8C13;
.cel-photo-contenu .cel-photo a img{
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.cel-photo-contenu .cel-infos {
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New file
0,0 → 1,17
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padding: 15px;
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width: 100% !important;
textarea {
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.error {
color: red;
New file
0,0 → 1,183
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Photographies publiques du CEL - Tela Botanica</title>
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<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 days" />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="author" content="Jean-Pascal MILCENT, Grégoire DUCHÉ" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tela Botanica, photographie, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de présentation des dernières photo publiées sur le Carnet en Ligne de Tela Botanica" />
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<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
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html {
#cel-photo-contenu<?=$id?>, #cel-galerie-photo<?=$id?>{
width:<?=(($colonne * 69))?>px;
#cel-galerie-photo<?=$id?> #cel-photo-extra<?=$id?> img{
width:<?=(($colonne * 69)-6)?>px;
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<?php if (isset($erreurs) || isset($informations)) : ?>
<h1>Erreur &amp; informations</h1>
<p>Impossible d'afficher le flux.</p>
<!-- Affichage des erreurs et messages d'information : -->
<?php if ($erreurs) : ?>
<?php foreach ($erreurs as $erreur) : ?>
<p class="erreur"><?=$erreur;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($informations) : ?>
<?php foreach ($informations as $information) : ?>
<p class="info"><?=$information;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<? if (!empty($titre)) : ?>
<? endif ; ?>
<? if($icone_rss) : ?>
<a href="<?=$flux_rss_url?>"
title="Suivre les images"
onclick=";return false;">
<img src="" alt="Suivre les images" />
<? endif; ?>
<div id="cel-galerie-photo<?=$id?>">
<?php foreach ($items as $item) : ?>
<div class="cel-photo">
<a href="<?=sprintf($item['url_tpl'], 'XL')?>" class="cel-img" title="<?=$item['titre']?> - Publiée le <?=$item['date']?> - GUID : <?=$item['guid']?>" rel="galerie-princ<?=$id?>">
<img src="<?=sprintf($item['url_tpl'], 'CRX2S')?>" alt="<?=$item['titre']?>"/>
<div id="cel-info-<?=$item['guid']?>" class="cel-infos">
<?php if ($item['eflore_url'] != '#' && $item['eflore_url'] != '') { ?>
<a class="cel-img-titre" href="<?=$item['eflore_url']?>"
onclick=";return false;"
title="Cliquez pour accéder à la fiche eFlore">
</a> par
<a class="cel-img-contact"
href="?mode=contact&nn=<?= urlencode($item['infos']['nn']) ;?>&nom_sci=<?= urlencode($item['infos']['nom_sci']) ;?>&date=<?= urlencode($item['infos']['date']) ;?>&id_image=<?= $item['guid']; ?>"
title="Cliquez pour contacter l'auteur de la photo">
le <?=$item['infos']['date']?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
</strong><br />
<span class="cel-img-date">Publiée le <?=$item['date']?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($extra_actif) : ?>
<div id="cel-photo-extra<?=$id?>" class="cel-photo-extra cel-photo">
<a href="<?=sprintf($extra['url_tpl'], 'XL')?>" class="cel-img" title="<?=$extra['titre']?> - Publiée le <?=$extra['date']?> - GUID : <?=$extra['guid']?>" rel="galerie-princ<?=$id?>">
<img src="<?=sprintf($extra['url_tpl'], 'CRS')?>" alt="<?=$extra['titre']?>"/>
<?php endif ?>
<p class="cel-photo-pieds discretion nettoyage">
<span class="cel-photo-source">
Source :
<a href="" title="Carnet en Ligne" onclick=";return false;">
<span class="cel-photo-date-generation">Au <?=strftime('%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S')?></span>
<script type="text/Javascript">
var utiliseFancybox = "<?= $utilise_fancybox; ?>";
if(utiliseFancybox) {
$('a.cel-img').attr('rel', 'galerie-princ<?=$id?>').fancybox({
speedIn :600,
titleFormat:function (titre, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) {
var motif = /GUID : ([0-9]+)$/;
var guid = RegExp.$1;
var info = $('#cel-info-'+guid).clone().html();
var tpl =
'<div class="cel-legende">'+
'<p class="cel-legende-vei">'+'Image n°' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' sur ' + currentArray.length +'<\/p>'+
(titre && titre.length ? '<p>'+info+'<\/p>' : '' )+
return tpl;
} else {
$('a.cel-img').click(function(event) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a.cel-img-contact').live('click', function(event) {
function ouvrirFenetrePopup(lienImage) {
var url = "?mode=popup&url_image="+lienImage.attr('href')+'&galerie_id=<?= $galerie_id ?>';, '', 'directories=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no, width='+(700)+', height='+(650));
function ouvrirFenetreContact(lienImage) {
var url = lienImage.attr("href");, '_blank', 'directories=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no, width='+(400)+', height='+(550));
<?php endif; ?>
New file
0,0 → 1,134
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Contacter l'auteur de l'image</title>
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var donnees = new Array();
function envoyerCourriel() {
//console.log('Formulaire soumis');
if ($("#form-contact").valid()) {
var destinataireId = $("#fc_destinataire_id").attr('value');
var typeEnvoi = $("#fc_type_envoi").attr('value');
// l'envoi aux non inscrits passe par le service intermédiaire du cel
// qui va récupérer le courriel associé à l'image indiquée
var urlMessage = ""+destinataireId;
var erreurMsg = "";
$.each($("#form-contact").serializeArray(), function (index, champ) {
var cle =;
cle = cle.replace(/^fc_/, '');
if (cle == 'sujet') {
champ.value += " - Carnet en ligne - Tela Botanica";
if (cle == 'message') {
champ.value += "\n--\n"+
"Ce message vous est envoyé par l'intermédiaire du widget photo "+
"du Carnet en Ligne du réseau Tela Botanica.\n"+
donnees[index] = {'name':cle,'value':champ.value};
type : "POST",
cache : false,
url : urlMessage,
data : donnees,
beforeSend : function() {
success : function(data) {
$("#fc-zone-dialogue").append('<pre class="msg info">'+data.message+'</pre>');
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur Ajax :\ntype : "+textStatus+' '+errorThrown+"\n";
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "\n";
complete : function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = '';
if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data") != '') {
debugInfos = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data"));
if (debugInfos != null) {
$.each(debugInfos, function (cle, valeur) {
debugMsg += valeur + "\n";
if (erreurMsg != '') {
$("#fc-zone-dialogue").append('<p class="msg">'+
'Une erreur est survenue lors de la transmission de votre message.'+'<br />'+
'Vous pouvez signaler le disfonctionnement à <a href="'+
'subject=Disfonctionnement du widget carto'+
"&body="+erreurMsg+"\nDébogage :\n"+debugMsg+
return false;
function initialiserFormulaireContact() {
rules: {
fc_sujet : "required",
fc_message : "required",
fc_utilisateur_courriel : {
required : true,
email : true}
$("#form-contact").live("submit", function(event) {
$("#fc_annuler").live("click", function() {window.close();});
$(document).ready(function() {
<!-- Squelette du formulaire de contact -->
<div id="tpl-form-contact">
<form id="form-contact" method="post" action="">
<div id="fc-zone-dialogue"></div>
<div><label for="fc_sujet">Sujet</label></div>
<div><input id="fc_sujet" name="fc_sujet" value="<?= $donnees['sujet'] ?>"/></div>
<div><label for="fc_message">Message</label></div>
<div><textarea id="fc_message" name="fc_message"><?= $donnees['message'] ?></textarea></div>
<div><label for="fc_utilisateur_courriel" title="Utilisez le courriel avec lequel vous êtes inscrit à Tela Botanica">Votre courriel</label></div>
<div><input id="fc_utilisateur_courriel" name="fc_utilisateur_courriel"/></div>
<input id="fc_destinataire_id" name="fc_destinataire_id" type="hidden" value="<?= $donnees['id_image'] ?>" />
<input id="fc_copies" name="fc_copies" type="hidden" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="fc_type_envoi" id="fc_type_envoi" value="non-inscrit" />
<input id="fc_annuler" type="button" value="Annuler">
<input id="fc_effacer" type="reset" value="Effacer">
<input id="fc_envoyer" type="submit" value="Envoyer" />
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:ignore
New file
0,0 → 1,128
class Cache {
private $actif = null;
private $dossier_stockage = null;
private $duree_de_vie = null;
public function __construct($dossier_stockage = null, $duree_de_vie = null, $activation = true) {
$this->actif = ($activation) ? true : false;
if ($this->actif) {
$this->dossier_stockage = $dossier_stockage;
if (is_null($dossier_stockage)) {
$this->dossier_stockage = self::getDossierTmp();
$this->duree_de_vie = $duree_de_vie;
if (is_null($duree_de_vie)) {
$this->duree_de_vie = 3600*24;
public function charger($id) {
$contenu = false;
if ($this->actif) {
$chemin_fichier_cache = $this->dossier_stockage.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$id.'.txt';
if (file_exists($chemin_fichier_cache ) && (time() - @filemtime($chemin_fichier_cache) < $this->duree_de_vie)) {
$contenu = file_get_contents($chemin_fichier_cache);
return $contenu;
public function sauver($id, $contenu) {
if ($this->actif) {
$chemin_fichier_cache = $this->dossier_stockage.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$id.'.txt';
if (!file_exists($chemin_fichier_cache) || (time() - @filemtime($chemin_fichier_cache) > $this->duree_de_vie)) {
$fh = fopen($chemin_fichier_cache,'w+');
if ($fh) {
fputs($fh, $contenu);
* Détermine le dossier système temporaire et détecte si nous y avons accès en lecture et écriture.
* Inspiré de Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Abstract & Zend_Cache
* @return string|false le chemine vers le dossier temporaire ou false en cas d'échec.
private static function getDossierTmp() {
$dossier_tmp = false;
foreach (array($_ENV, $_SERVER) as $environnement) {
foreach (array('TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP', 'windir', 'SystemRoot') as $cle) {
if (isset($environnement[$cle])) {
if (($cle == 'windir') or ($cle == 'SystemRoot')) {
$dossier = realpath($environnement[$cle] . '\\temp');
} else {
$dossier = realpath($environnement[$cle]);
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
break 2;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp) {
$dossier_televersement_tmp = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
if ($dossier_televersement_tmp) {
$dossier = realpath($dossier_televersement_tmp);
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp) {
if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
$dossier = sys_get_temp_dir();
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp) {
// Tentative de création d'un fichier temporaire
$fichier_tmp = tempnam(md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)), '');
if ($fichier_tmp) {
$dossier = realpath(dirname($fichier_tmp));
if (self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($dossier)) {
$dossier_tmp = $dossier;
if ( ! $dossier_tmp && self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture('/tmp')) {
$dossier_tmp = '/tmp';
if ( ! $dossier_tmp && self::etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture('\\temp')) {
$dossier_tmp = '\\temp';
return $dossier_tmp;
* Vérifie si le fichier ou dossier est accessible en lecture et écriture.
* @param $ressource chemin vers le dossier ou fichier à tester
* @return boolean true si la ressource est accessible en lecture et écriture.
protected static function etreAccessibleEnLectureEtEcriture($ressource){
$accessible = false;
if (is_readable($ressource) && is_writable($ressource)) {
$accessible = true;
return $accessible;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Keeps the exception class for XML_Feed_Parser.
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL
* @version CVS: $Id: Exception.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* XML_Feed_Parser_Exception is a simple extension of PEAR_Exception, existing
* to help with identification of the source of exceptions.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserException extends Exception {
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Atom feed class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: Atom.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This is the class that determines how we manage Atom 1.0 feeds
* How we deal with constructs:
* date - return as unix datetime for use with the 'date' function unless specified otherwise
* text - return as is. optional parameter will give access to attributes
* person - defaults to name, but parameter based access
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserAtom extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'atom.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
public $xpath;
* When performing XPath queries we will use this prefix
* @var string
private $xpathPrefix = '//';
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'Atom 1.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserAtomElement';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'entry';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'author' => array('Person'),
'contributor' => array('Person'),
'icon' => array('Text'),
'logo' => array('Text'),
'id' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'rights' => array('Text'),
'subtitle' => array('Text'),
'title' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'updated' => array('Date', 'fail'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'generator' => array('Text'),
'category' => array('Category'),
'content' => array('Text'));
* Here we provide a few mappings for those very special circumstances in
* which it makes sense to map back to the RSS2 spec. Key is RSS2 version
* value is an array consisting of the equivalent in atom and any attributes
* needed to make the mapping.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'guid' => array('id'),
'links' => array('link'),
'tags' => array('category'),
'contributors' => array('contributor'));
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->model);
$this->xpath->registerNamespace('atom', '');
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('entry');
* Implement retrieval of an entry based on its ID for atom feeds.
* This function uses XPath to get the entry based on its ID. If DOMXPath::evaluate
* is available, we also use that to store a reference to the entry in the array
* used by getEntryByOffset so that method does not have to seek out the entry
* if it's requested that way.
* @param string $id any valid Atom ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_AtomElement
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//atom:entry[atom:id='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$xmlBase = $entries->item(0)->baseURI;
$entry = new $this->itemClass($entries->item(0), $this, $xmlBase);
if (in_array('evaluate', get_class_methods($this->xpath))) {
$offset = $this->xpath->evaluate("count(preceding-sibling::atom:entry)", $entries->item(0));
$this->entries[$offset] = $entry;
$this->idMappings[$id] = $entry;
return $entry;
* Retrieves data from a person construct.
* Get a person construct. We default to the 'name' element but allow
* access to any of the elements.
* @param string $method The name of the person construct we want
* @param array $arguments An array which we hope gives a 'param'
* @return string|false
protected function getPerson($method, $arguments) {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$parameter = empty($arguments[1]['param']) ? 'name' : $arguments[1]['param'];
$section = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($parameter == 'url') {
$parameter = 'uri';
if ($section->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$param = $section->item($offset)->getElementsByTagName($parameter);
if ($param->length == 0) {
return false;
return $param->item(0)->nodeValue;
* Retrieves an element's content where that content is a text construct.
* Get a text construct. When calling this method, the two arguments
* allowed are 'offset' and 'attribute', so $parser->subtitle() would
* return the content of the element, while $parser->subtitle(false, 'type')
* would return the value of the type attribute.
* @todo Clarify overlap with getContent()
* @param string $method The name of the text construct we want
* @param array $arguments An array which we hope gives a 'param'
* @return string
protected function getText($method, $arguments) {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0: $arguments[0];
$attribute = empty($arguments[1]) ? false : $arguments[1];
$tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($tags->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$content = $tags->item($offset);
if (! $content->hasAttribute('type')) {
$content->setAttribute('type', 'text');
$type = $content->getAttribute('type');
if (! empty($attribute) and
! ($method == 'generator' and $attribute == 'name')) {
if ($content->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
return $content->getAttribute($attribute);
} else if ($attribute == 'href' and $content->hasAttribute('uri')) {
return $content->getAttribute('uri');
return false;
return $this->parseTextConstruct($content);
* Extract content appropriately from atom text constructs
* Because of different rules applied to the content element and other text
* constructs, they are deployed as separate functions, but they share quite
* a bit of processing. This method performs the core common process, which is
* to apply the rules for different mime types in order to extract the content.
* @param DOMNode $content the text construct node to be parsed
* @return String
* @author James Stewart
protected function parseTextConstruct(DOMNode $content) {
if ($content->hasAttribute('type')) {
$type = $content->getAttribute('type');
} else {
$type = 'text';
if (strpos($type, 'text/') === 0) {
$type = 'text';
switch ($type) {
case 'text':
case 'html':
return $content->textContent;
case 'xhtml':
$container = $content->getElementsByTagName('div');
if ($container->length == 0) {
return false;
$contents = $container->item(0);
if ($contents->hasChildNodes()) {
/* Iterate through, applying xml:base and store the result */
$result = '';
foreach ($contents->childNodes as $node) {
$result .= $this->traverseNode($node);
return $result;
case preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z]+/[a-zA-Z+]*xml@i', $type) > 0:
return $content;
case 'application/octet-stream':
return base64_decode(trim($content->nodeValue));
return false;
* Get a category from the entry.
* A feed or entry can have any number of categories. A category can have the
* attributes term, scheme and label.
* @param string $method The name of the text construct we want
* @param array $arguments An array which we hope gives a 'param'
* @return string
function getCategory($method, $arguments) {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0: $arguments[0];
$attribute = empty($arguments[1]) ? 'term' : $arguments[1];
$categories = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('category');
if ($categories->length <= $offset) {
$category = $categories->item($offset);
if ($category->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
return $category->getAttribute($attribute);
return false;
* This element must be present at least once with rel="feed". This element may be
* present any number of further times so long as there is no clash. If no 'rel' is
* present and we're asked for one, we follow the example of the Universal Feed
* Parser and presume 'alternate'.
* @param int $offset the position of the link within the container
* @param string $attribute the attribute name required
* @param array an array of attributes to search by
* @return string the value of the attribute
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
if (is_array($params) and !empty($params)) {
$terms = array();
$alt_predicate = '';
$other_predicate = '';
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'rel' && $value == 'alternate') {
$alt_predicate = '[not(@rel) or @rel="alternate"]';
} else {
$terms[] = "@$key='$value'";
if (!empty($terms)) {
$other_predicate = '[' . join(' and ', $terms) . ']';
$query = $this->xpathPrefix . 'atom:link' . $alt_predicate . $other_predicate;
$links = $this->xpath->query($query);
} else {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length > $offset) {
if ($links->item($offset)->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
$value = $links->item($offset)->getAttribute($attribute);
if ($attribute == 'href') {
$value = $this->addBase($value, $links->item($offset));
return $value;
} else if ($attribute == 'rel') {
return 'alternate';
return false;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS0.9 class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS09.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS0.9 feeds.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @todo Find a Relax NG URI we can use
class XmlFeedParserRss09 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = '';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 0.9';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss09Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'textinput' => array('TextInput'));
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'link' => array('link'),
'subtitle' => array('description'));
* We will be working with multiple namespaces and it is useful to
* keep them together
* @var array
protected $namespaces = array(
'rdf' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @todo RelaxNG validation
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Included for compatibility -- will not work with RSS 0.9
* This is not something that will work with RSS0.9 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return false
function getEntryById($id) {
return false;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('image');
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$details = array();
if ($image->hasChildNodes()) {
$details = array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'link' => $image->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->value);
} else {
$details = array('title' => false,
'link' => false,
'url' => $image->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue);
$details = array_merge($details,
array('description' => false, 'height' => false, 'width' => false));
if (! empty($details)) {
return $details;
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness we will support it.
* @return array|false
protected function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('textinput');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
$results = array();
$results['title'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['description'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['name'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['link'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value : null;
if (empty($results['link']) &&
$input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')) {
$results['link'] = $input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue;
if (! empty($results)) {
return $results;
return false;
* Get details of a link from the feed.
* In RSS1 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them.
* @return string
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
* Not implemented - no available validation.
public function relaxNGValidate() {
return true;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Abstract class providing common methods for XML_Feed_Parser feeds.
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: Type.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This abstract class provides some general methods that are likely to be
* implemented exactly the same way for all feed types.
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
abstract class XmlFeedParserType {
* Where we store our DOM object for this feed
* @var DOMDocument
public $model;
* For iteration we'll want a count of the number of entries
* @var int
public $numberEntries;
* Where we store our entry objects once instantiated
* @var array
public $entries = array();
* Store mappings between entry IDs and their position in the feed
public $idMappings = array();
* Proxy to allow use of element names as method names
* We are not going to provide methods for every entry type so this
* function will allow for a lot of mapping. We rely pretty heavily
* on this to handle our mappings between other feed types and atom.
* @param string $call - the method attempted
* @param array $arguments - arguments to that method
* @return mixed
function __call($call, $arguments = array()) {
if (! is_array($arguments)) {
$arguments = array();
if (isset($this->compatMap[$call])) {
$tempMap = $this->compatMap;
$tempcall = array_pop($tempMap[$call]);
if (! empty($tempMap)) {
$arguments = array_merge($arguments, $tempMap[$call]);
$call = $tempcall;
/* To be helpful, we allow a case-insensitive search for this method */
if (! isset($this->map[$call])) {
foreach (array_keys($this->map) as $key) {
if (strtoupper($key) == strtoupper($call)) {
$call = $key;
if (empty($this->map[$call])) {
return false;
$method = 'get' . $this->map[$call][0];
if ($method == 'getLink') {
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$attribute = empty($arguments[1]) ? 'href' : $arguments[1];
$params = isset($arguments[2]) ? $arguments[2] : array();
return $this->getLink($offset, $attribute, $params);
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
return $this->$method($call, $arguments);
return false;
* Proxy to allow use of element names as attribute names
* For many elements variable-style access will be desirable. This function
* provides for that.
* @param string $value - the variable required
* @return mixed
function __get($value) {
return $this->__call($value, array());
* Utility function to help us resolve xml:base values
* We have other methods which will traverse the DOM and work out the different
* xml:base declarations we need to be aware of. We then need to combine them.
* If a declaration starts with a protocol then we restart the string. If it
* starts with a / then we add on to the domain name. Otherwise we simply tag
* it on to the end.
* @param string $base - the base to add the link to
* @param string $link
function combineBases($base, $link) {
if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+:\/\//', $link)) {
return $link;
} else if (preg_match('/^\//', $link)) {
/* Extract domain and suffix link to that */
preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]+:\/\/.*)?\/*/', $base, $results);
$firstLayer = $results[0];
return $firstLayer . "/" . $link;
} else if (preg_match('/^\.\.\//', $base)) {
/* Step up link to find place to be */
preg_match('/^((\.\.\/)+)(.*)$/', $link, $bases);
$suffix = $bases[3];
$count = preg_match_all('/\.\.\//', $bases[1], $steps);
$url = explode("/", $base);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
return implode("/", $url) . "/" . $suffix;
} else if (preg_match('/^(?!\/$)/', $base)) {
$base = preg_replace('/(.*\/).*$/', '$1', $base) ;
return $base . $link;
} else {
/* Just stick it on the end */
return $base . $link;
* Determine whether we need to apply our xml:base rules
* Gets us the xml:base data and then processes that with regard
* to our current link.
* @param string
* @param DOMElement
* @return string
function addBase($link, $element) {
if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+:\/\//', $link)) {
return $link;
return $this->combineBases($element->baseURI, $link);
* Get an entry by its position in the feed, starting from zero
* As well as allowing the items to be iterated over we want to allow
* users to be able to access a specific entry. This is one of two ways of
* doing that, the other being by ID.
* @param int $offset
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1Element
function getEntryByOffset($offset) {
if (! isset($this->entries[$offset])) {
$entries = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($this->itemElement);
if ($entries->length > $offset) {
$xmlBase = $entries->item($offset)->baseURI;
$this->entries[$offset] = new $this->itemClass(
$entries->item($offset), $this, $xmlBase);
if ($id = $this->entries[$offset]->id) {
$this->idMappings[$id] = $this->entries[$offset];
} else {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('No entries found');
return $this->entries[$offset];
* Return a date in seconds since epoch.
* Get a date construct. We use PHP's strtotime to return it as a unix datetime, which
* is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
* @link
* @param string $method The name of the date construct we want
* @param array $arguments Included for compatibility with our __call usage
* @return int|false datetime
protected function getDate($method, $arguments) {
$time = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($time->length == 0 || empty($time->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
return false;
return strtotime($time->item(0)->nodeValue);
* Get a text construct.
* @param string $method The name of the text construct we want
* @param array $arguments Included for compatibility with our __call usage
* @return string
protected function getText($method, $arguments = array()) {
$tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($method);
if ($tags->length > 0) {
$value = $tags->item(0)->nodeValue;
return $value;
return false;
* Apply various rules to retrieve category data.
* There is no single way of declaring a category in RSS1/1.1 as there is in RSS2
* and Atom. Instead the usual approach is to use the dublin core namespace to
* declare categories. For example delicious use both:
* <dc:subject>PEAR</dc:subject> and: <taxo:topics><rdf:Bag>
* <rdf:li resource="" /></rdf:Bag></taxo:topics>
* to declare a categorisation of 'PEAR'.
* We need to be sensitive to this where possible.
* @param string $call for compatibility with our overloading
* @param array $arguments - arg 0 is the offset, arg 1 is whether to return as array
* @return string|array|false
protected function getCategory($call, $arguments) {
$categories = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('subject');
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$array = empty($arguments[1]) ? false : true;
if ($categories->length <= $offset) {
return false;
if ($array) {
$list = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
array_push($list, $category->nodeValue);
return $list;
return $categories->item($offset)->nodeValue;
* Count occurrences of an element
* This function will tell us how many times the element $type
* appears at this level of the feed.
* @param string $type the element we want to get a count of
* @return int
protected function count($type) {
if ($tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($type)) {
return $tags->length;
return 0;
* Part of our xml:base processing code
* We need a couple of methods to access XHTML content stored in feeds.
* This is because we dereference all xml:base references before returning
* the element. This method handles the attributes.
* @param DOMElement $node The DOM node we are iterating over
* @return string
function processXHTMLAttributes($node) {
$return = '';
foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
if ($attribute->name == 'src' or $attribute->name == 'href') {
$attribute->value = $this->addBase(htmlentities($attribute->value, NULL, 'utf-8'), $attribute);
if ($attribute->name == 'base') {
$return .= $attribute->name . '="' . htmlentities($attribute->value, NULL, 'utf-8') .'" ';
if (! empty($return)) {
return ' ' . trim($return);
return '';
* Convert HTML entities based on the current character set.
* @param String
* @return String
function processEntitiesForNodeValue($node) {
if (function_exists('iconv')) {
$current_encoding = $node->ownerDocument->encoding;
$value = iconv($current_encoding, 'UTF-8', $node->nodeValue);
} else if ($current_encoding == 'iso-8859-1') {
$value = utf8_encode($node->nodeValue);
} else {
$value = $node->nodeValue;
$decoded = html_entity_decode($value, NULL, 'UTF-8');
return htmlentities($decoded, NULL, 'UTF-8');
* Part of our xml:base processing code
* We need a couple of methods to access XHTML content stored in feeds.
* This is because we dereference all xml:base references before returning
* the element. This method recurs through the tree descending from the node
* and builds our string.
* @param DOMElement $node The DOM node we are processing
* @return string
function traverseNode($node) {
$content = '';
/* Add the opening of this node to the content */
if ($node instanceof DOMElement) {
$content .= '<' . $node->tagName .
$this->processXHTMLAttributes($node) . '>';
/* Process children */
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
$content .= $this->traverseNode($child);
if ($node instanceof DOMText) {
$content .= $this->processEntitiesForNodeValue($node);
/* Add the closing of this node to the content */
if ($node instanceof DOMElement) {
$content .= '</' . $node->tagName . '>';
return $content;
* Get content from RSS feeds (atom has its own implementation)
* The official way to include full content in an RSS1 entry is to use
* the content module's element 'encoded', and RSS2 feeds often duplicate that.
* Often, however, the 'description' element is used instead. We will offer that
* as a fallback. Atom uses its own approach and overrides this method.
* @return string|false
protected function getContent() {
$options = array('encoded', 'description');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length == 0) {
if ($test->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
$value = '';
foreach ($test->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child instanceof DOMText) {
$value .= $child->nodeValue;
} else {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($child);
$value .= $simple->asXML();
return $value;
} else if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->nodeValue;
return false;
* Checks if this element has a particular child element.
* @param String
* @param Integer
* @return bool
function hasKey($name, $offset = 0) {
$search = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($name);
return $search->length > $offset;
* Return an XML serialization of the feed, should it be required. Most
* users however, will already have a serialization that they used when
* instantiating the object.
* @return string XML serialization of element
function __toString() {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($this->model);
return $simple->asXML();
* Get directory holding RNG schemas. Method is based on that
* found in Contact_AddressBook.
* @return string PEAR data directory.
* @access public
* @static
static function getSchemaDir() {
return dirname(__FILE__).'/../schemas';
public function relaxNGValidate() {
$dir = self::getSchemaDir();
$path = $dir . '/' . $this->relax;
return $this->model->relaxNGValidate($path);
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1 Element class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS1Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 1.0 entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss1Element extends XmlFeedParserRss1 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'id' => array('Id'),
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'description' => array('Text'), # or dc:description
'category' => array('Category'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date'), # dc:date
'content' => array('Content')
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS1.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'content' => array('content'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'published' => array('date'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'updated' => array('date'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'contributor' => array('contributor')
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
* If an rdf:about attribute is specified, return it as an ID
* There is no established way of showing an ID for an RSS1 entry. We will
* simulate it using the rdf:about attribute of the entry element. This cannot
* be relied upon for unique IDs but may prove useful.
* @return string|false
function getId() {
if ($this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')) {
return $this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')->nodeValue;
return false;
* How RSS1 should support for enclosures is not clear. For now we will return
* false.
* @return false
function getEnclosure() {
return false;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1 Element class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS11Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 1.1 entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS11 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss11Element extends XmlFeedParserRss11 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'id' => array('Id'),
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'description' => array('Text'), # or dc:description
'category' => array('Category'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date'), # dc:date
'content' => array('Content')
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS1.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'content' => array('content'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'published' => array('date'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'updated' => array('date'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'contributor' => array('contributor')
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
* If an rdf:about attribute is specified, return that as an ID
* There is no established way of showing an ID for an RSS1 entry. We will
* simulate it using the rdf:about attribute of the entry element. This cannot
* be relied upon for unique IDs but may prove useful.
* @return string|false
function getId() {
if ($this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')) {
return $this->model->attributes->getNamedItem('about')->nodeValue;
return false;
* Return the entry's content
* The official way to include full content in an RSS1 entry is to use
* the content module's element 'encoded'. Often, however, the 'description'
* element is used instead. We will offer that as a fallback.
* @return string|false
function getContent() {
$options = array('encoded', 'description');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length == 0) {
if ($test->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
$value = '';
foreach ($test->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child instanceof DOMText) {
$value .= $child->nodeValue;
} else {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($child);
$value .= $simple->asXML();
return $value;
} else if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->nodeValue;
return false;
* How RSS1.1 should support for enclosures is not clear. For now we will return
* false.
* @return false
function getEnclosure() {
return false;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Class representing entries in an RSS2 feed.
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS2Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 2.0 entries. It will usually be
* called by XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss2Element extends XmlFeedParserRss2 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'guid' => array('Guid'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'author' => array('Text'),
'comments' => array('Text'),
'enclosure' => array('Enclosure'),
'pubDate' => array('Date'),
'source' => array('Source'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'content' => array('Content'));
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'id' => array('guid'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'published' => array('pubdate'),
'guidislink' => array('guid', 'ispermalink'),
'summary' => array('description'));
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
* Get the value of the guid element, if specified
* guid is the closest RSS2 has to atom's ID. It is usually but not always a
* URI. The one attribute that RSS2 can posess is 'ispermalink' which specifies
* whether the guid is itself dereferencable. Use of guid is not obligatory,
* but is advisable. To get the guid you would call $item->id() (for atom
* compatibility) or $item->guid(). To check if this guid is a permalink call
* $item->guid("ispermalink").
* @param string $method - the method name being called
* @param array $params - parameters required
* @return string the guid or value of ispermalink
protected function getGuid($method, $params) {
$attribute = (isset($params[0]) and $params[0] == 'ispermalink') ?
true : false;
$tag = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('guid');
if ($tag->length > 0) {
if ($attribute) {
if ($tag->hasAttribute("ispermalink")) {
return $tag->getAttribute("ispermalink");
return $tag->item(0)->nodeValue;
return false;
* Access details of file enclosures
* The RSS2 spec is ambiguous as to whether an enclosure element must be
* unique in a given entry. For now we will assume it needn't, and allow
* for an offset.
* @param string $method - the method being called
* @param array $parameters - we expect the first of these to be our offset
* @return array|false
protected function getEnclosure($method, $parameters) {
$encs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('enclosure');
$offset = isset($parameters[0]) ? $parameters[0] : 0;
if ($encs->length > $offset) {
try {
if (! $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('url')) {
return false;
$attrs = $encs->item($offset)->attributes;
return array(
'url' => $attrs->getNamedItem('url')->value,
'length' => $attrs->getNamedItem('length')->value,
'type' => $attrs->getNamedItem('type')->value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Get the entry source if specified
* source is an optional sub-element of item. Like atom:source it tells
* us about where the entry came from (eg. if it's been copied from another
* feed). It is not a rich source of metadata in the same way as atom:source
* and while it would be good to maintain compatibility by returning an
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2 element, it makes a lot more sense to return an array.
* @return array|false
protected function getSource() {
$get = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source');
if ($get->length) {
$source = $get->item(0);
$array = array(
'content' => $source->nodeValue);
foreach ($source->attributes as $attribute) {
$array[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
return $array;
return false;
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1 class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS1.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS1.0 feeds.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @todo Find a Relax NG URI we can use
class XmlFeedParserRss1 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'rss10.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 1.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss1Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'textinput' => array('TextInput'),
'updatePeriod' => array('Text'),
'updateFrequency' => array('Text'),
'updateBase' => array('Date'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'description' => array('Text'), # dc:description
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date') # dc:contributor
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'link' => array('link'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'updated' => array('date'));
* We will be working with multiple namespaces and it is useful to
* keep them together
* @var array
protected $namespaces = array(
'rdf' => '',
'rss' => '',
'dc' => '',
'content' => '',
'sy' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Allows retrieval of an entry by ID where the rdf:about attribute is used
* This is not really something that will work with RSS1 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs. We will employ the
* _very_ hit and miss method of selecting entries based on the rdf:about
* attribute. If DOMXPath::evaluate is available, we also use that to store
* a reference to the entry in the array used by getEntryByOffset so that
* method does not have to seek out the entry if it's requested that way.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1Element
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//rss:item[@rdf:about='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$classname = $this->itemClass;
$entry = new $classname($entries->item(0), $this);
if (in_array('evaluate', get_class_methods($this->xpath))) {
$offset = $this->xpath->evaluate("count(preceding-sibling::rss:item)", $entries->item(0));
$this->entries[$offset] = $entry;
$this->idMappings[$id] = $entry;
return $entry;
return false;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('image');
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$details = array();
if ($image->hasChildNodes()) {
$details = array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'link' => $image->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->value);
} else {
$details = array('title' => false,
'link' => false,
'url' => $image->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue);
$details = array_merge($details, array('description' => false, 'height' => false, 'width' => false));
if (! empty($details)) {
return $details;
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness we will support it.
* @return array|false
protected function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('textinput');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
$results = array();
$results['title'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['description'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['name'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['link'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value : null;
if (empty($results['link']) and
$input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')) {
$results['link'] =
if (! empty($results)) {
return $results;
return false;
* Employs various techniques to identify the author
* Dublin Core provides the dc:creator, dc:contributor, and dc:publisher
* elements for defining authorship in RSS1. We will try each of those in
* turn in order to simulate the atom author element and will return it
* as text.
* @return array|false
function getAuthor() {
$options = array('creator', 'contributor', 'publisher');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->value;
return false;
* Retrieve a link
* In RSS1 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them.
* @return string
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
Property changes:
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0,0 → 1,266
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS1.1 class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS11.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS1.1 feeds. RSS1.1 is documented at:
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @todo Support for RDF:List
* @todo Ensure xml:lang is accessible to users
class XmlFeedParserRss11 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'rss11.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 1.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss11Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Text'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'updatePeriod' => array('Text'),
'updateFrequency' => array('Text'),
'updateBase' => array('Date'),
'rights' => array('Text'), # dc:rights
'description' => array('Text'), # dc:description
'creator' => array('Text'), # dc:creator
'publisher' => array('Text'), # dc:publisher
'contributor' => array('Text'), # dc:contributor
'date' => array('Date') # dc:contributor
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'link' => array('link'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'author' => array('creator'),
'updated' => array('date'));
* We will be working with multiple namespaces and it is useful to
* keep them together. We will retain support for some common RSS1.0 modules
* @var array
protected $namespaces = array(
'rdf' => '',
'rss' => '',
'dc' => '',
'content' => '',
'sy' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XML_Feed_Parser_Exception('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Attempts to identify an element by ID given by the rdf:about attribute
* This is not really something that will work with RSS1.1 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs. We will employ the
* _very_ hit and miss method of selecting entries based on the rdf:about
* attribute. Please note that this is even more hit and miss with RSS1.1 than
* with RSS1.0 since RSS1.1 does not require the rdf:about attribute for items.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1Element
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//rss:item[@rdf:about='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$classname = $this->itemClass;
$entry = new $classname($entries->item(0), $this);
return $entry;
return false;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('image');
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$details = array();
if ($image->hasChildNodes()) {
$details = array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->value);
if ($image->getElementsByTagName('link')->length > 0) {
$details['link'] =
} else {
$details = array('title' => false,
'link' => false,
'url' => $image->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue);
$details = array_merge($details,
array('description' => false, 'height' => false, 'width' => false));
if (! empty($details)) {
return $details;
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness we will support it.
* @return array|false
protected function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('textinput');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
$results = array();
$results['title'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['description'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['name'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value : null;
$results['link'] = isset(
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value) ?
$input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value : null;
if (empty($results['link']) and
$input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')) {
$results['link'] = $input->attributes->getNamedItem('resource')->nodeValue;
if (! empty($results)) {
return $results;
return false;
* Attempts to discern authorship
* Dublin Core provides the dc:creator, dc:contributor, and dc:publisher
* elements for defining authorship in RSS1. We will try each of those in
* turn in order to simulate the atom author element and will return it
* as text.
* @return array|false
function getAuthor() {
$options = array('creator', 'contributor', 'publisher');
foreach ($options as $element) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($element);
if ($test->length > 0) {
return $test->item(0)->value;
return false;
* Retrieve a link
* In RSS1 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them.
* @return string
function getLink($offset = 0, $attribute = 'href', $params = false) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Class representing feed-level data for an RSS2 feed
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS2.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class handles RSS2 feeds.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss2 extends XmlFeedParserType {
* The URI of the RelaxNG schema used to (optionally) validate the feed
* @var string
protected $relax = 'rss20.rng';
* We're likely to use XPath, so let's keep it global
* @var DOMXPath
protected $xpath;
* The feed type we are parsing
* @var string
public $version = 'RSS 2.0';
* The class used to represent individual items
* @var string
protected $itemClass = 'XmlFeedParserRss2Element';
* The element containing entries
* @var string
protected $itemElement = 'item';
* Here we map those elements we're not going to handle individually
* to the constructs they are. The optional second parameter in the array
* tells the parser whether to 'fall back' (not apt. at the feed level) or
* fail if the element is missing. If the parameter is not set, the function
* will simply return false and leave it to the client to decide what to do.
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'ttl' => array('Text'),
'pubDate' => array('Date'),
'lastBuildDate' => array('Date'),
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'description' => array('Text'),
'language' => array('Text'),
'copyright' => array('Text'),
'managingEditor' => array('Text'),
'webMaster' => array('Text'),
'category' => array('Text'),
'generator' => array('Text'),
'docs' => array('Text'),
'ttl' => array('Text'),
'image' => array('Image'),
'skipDays' => array('skipDays'),
'skipHours' => array('skipHours'));
* Here we map some elements to their atom equivalents. This is going to be
* quite tricky to pull off effectively (and some users' methods may vary)
* but is worth trying. The key is the atom version, the value is RSS2.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'title' => array('title'),
'rights' => array('copyright'),
'updated' => array('lastBuildDate'),
'subtitle' => array('description'),
'date' => array('pubDate'),
'author' => array('managingEditor'));
protected $namespaces = array(
'dc' => '',
'content' => '');
* Our constructor does nothing more than its parent.
* @param DOMDocument $xml A DOM object representing the feed
* @param bool (optional) $string Whether or not to validate this feed
function __construct(DOMDocument $model, $strict = false) {
$this->model = $model;
if ($strict) {
if (! $this->relaxNGValidate()) {
throw new XmlFeedParserException('Failed required validation');
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->model);
foreach ($this->namespaces as $key => $value) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace($key, $value);
$this->numberEntries = $this->count('item');
* Retrieves an entry by ID, if the ID is specified with the guid element
* This is not really something that will work with RSS2 as it does not have
* clear restrictions on the global uniqueness of IDs. But we can emulate
* it by allowing access based on the 'guid' element. If DOMXPath::evaluate
* is available, we also use that to store a reference to the entry in the array
* used by getEntryByOffset so that method does not have to seek out the entry
* if it's requested that way.
* @param string $id any valid ID.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_RSS2Element
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->entries[$this->idMappings[$id]];
$entries = $this->xpath->query("//item[guid='$id']");
if ($entries->length > 0) {
$entry = new $this->itemElement($entries->item(0), $this);
if (in_array('evaluate', get_class_methods($this->xpath))) {
$offset = $this->xpath->evaluate("count(preceding-sibling::item)", $entries->item(0));
$this->entries[$offset] = $entry;
$this->idMappings[$id] = $entry;
return $entry;
* Get a category from the element
* The category element is a simple text construct which can occur any number
* of times. We allow access by offset or access to an array of results.
* @param string $call for compatibility with our overloading
* @param array $arguments - arg 0 is the offset, arg 1 is whether to return as array
* @return string|array|false
function getCategory($call, $arguments = array()) {
$categories = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('category');
$offset = empty($arguments[0]) ? 0 : $arguments[0];
$array = empty($arguments[1]) ? false : true;
if ($categories->length <= $offset) {
return false;
if ($array) {
$list = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
array_push($list, $category->nodeValue);
return $list;
return $categories->item($offset)->nodeValue;
* Get details of the image associated with the feed.
* @return array|false an array simply containing the child elements
protected function getImage() {
$images = $this->xpath->query("//image");
if ($images->length > 0) {
$image = $images->item(0);
$desc = $image->getElementsByTagName('description');
$description = $desc->length ? $desc->item(0)->nodeValue : false;
$heigh = $image->getElementsByTagName('height');
$height = $heigh->length ? $heigh->item(0)->nodeValue : false;
$widt = $image->getElementsByTagName('width');
$width = $widt->length ? $widt->item(0)->nodeValue : false;
return array(
'title' => $image->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'link' => $image->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'url' => $image->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'description' => $description,
'height' => $height,
'width' => $width);
return false;
* The textinput element is little used, but in the interests of
* completeness...
* @return array|false
function getTextInput() {
$inputs = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('input');
if ($inputs->length > 0) {
$input = $inputs->item(0);
return array(
'title' => $input->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->value,
'description' =>
'name' => $input->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->value,
'link' => $input->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->value);
return false;
* Utility function for getSkipDays and getSkipHours
* This is a general function used by both getSkipDays and getSkipHours. It simply
* returns an array of the values of the children of the appropriate tag.
* @param string $tagName The tag name (getSkipDays or getSkipHours)
* @return array|false
protected function getSkips($tagName) {
$hours = $this->model->getElementsByTagName($tagName);
if ($hours->length == 0) {
return false;
$skipHours = array();
foreach($hours->item(0)->childNodes as $hour) {
if ($hour instanceof DOMElement) {
array_push($skipHours, $hour->nodeValue);
return $skipHours;
* Retrieve skipHours data
* The skiphours element provides a list of hours on which this feed should
* not be checked. We return an array of those hours (integers, 24 hour clock)
* @return array
function getSkipHours() {
return $this->getSkips('skipHours');
* Retrieve skipDays data
* The skipdays element provides a list of days on which this feed should
* not be checked. We return an array of those days.
* @return array
function getSkipDays() {
return $this->getSkips('skipDays');
* Return content of the little-used 'cloud' element
* The cloud element is rarely used. It is designed to provide some details
* of a location to update the feed.
* @return array an array of the attributes of the element
function getCloud() {
$cloud = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('cloud');
if ($cloud->length == 0) {
return false;
$cloudData = array();
foreach ($cloud->item(0)->attributes as $attribute) {
$cloudData[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
return $cloudData;
* Get link URL
* In RSS2 a link is a text element but in order to ensure that we resolve
* URLs properly we have a special function for them. We maintain the
* parameter used by the atom getLink method, though we only use the offset
* parameter.
* @param int $offset The position of the link within the feed. Starts from 0
* @param string $attribute The attribute of the link element required
* @param array $params An array of other parameters. Not used.
* @return string
function getLink($offset, $attribute = 'href', $params = array()) {
$links = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('link');
if ($links->length <= $offset) {
return false;
$link = $links->item($offset);
return $this->addBase($link->nodeValue, $link);
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* AtomElement class for XML_Feed_Parser package
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: AtomElement.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for atom entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_Atom with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserAtomElement extends XmlFeedParserAtom {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_Atom
protected $parent;
* When performing XPath queries we will use this prefix
* @var string
private $xpathPrefix = '';
* xml:base values inherited by the element
* @var string
protected $xmlBase;
* Here we provide a few mappings for those very special circumstances in
* which it makes sense to map back to the RSS2 spec or to manage other
* compatibilities (eg. with the Univeral Feed Parser). Key is the other version's
* name for the command, value is an array consisting of the equivalent in our atom
* api and any attributes needed to make the mapping.
* @var array
protected $compatMap = array(
'guid' => array('id'),
'links' => array('link'),
'tags' => array('category'),
'contributors' => array('contributor'));
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'author' => array('Person', 'fallback'),
'contributor' => array('Person'),
'id' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'published' => array('Date'),
'updated' => array('Date', 'fail'),
'title' => array('Text', 'fail'),
'rights' => array('Text', 'fallback'),
'summary' => array('Text'),
'content' => array('Content'),
'link' => array('Link'),
'enclosure' => array('Enclosure'),
'category' => array('Category'));
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_Atom $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->xmlBase = $xmlBase;
$this->xpathPrefix = "//atom:entry[atom:id='" . $this->id . "']/";
$this->xpath = $this->parent->xpath;
* Provides access to specific aspects of the author data for an atom entry
* Author data at the entry level is more complex than at the feed level.
* If atom:author is not present for the entry we need to look for it in
* an atom:source child of the atom:entry. If it's not there either, then
* we look to the parent for data.
* @param array
* @return string
function getAuthor($arguments) {
/* Find out which part of the author data we're looking for */
if (isset($arguments['param'])) {
$parameter = $arguments['param'];
} else {
$parameter = 'name';
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('author');
if ($test->length > 0) {
$item = $test->item(0);
return $item->getElementsByTagName($parameter)->item(0)->nodeValue;
$source = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source');
if ($source->length > 0) {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('author');
if ($test->length > 0) {
$item = $test->item(0);
return $item->getElementsByTagName($parameter)->item(0)->nodeValue;
return $this->parent->getAuthor($arguments);
* Returns the content of the content element or info on a specific attribute
* This element may or may not be present. It cannot be present more than
* once. It may have a 'src' attribute, in which case there's no content
* If not present, then the entry must have link with rel="alternate".
* If there is content we return it, if not and there's a 'src' attribute
* we return the value of that instead. The method can take an 'attribute'
* argument, in which case we return the value of that attribute if present.
* eg. $item->content("type") will return the type of the content. It is
* recommended that all users check the type before getting the content to
* ensure that their script is capable of handling the type of returned data.
* (data carried in the content element can be either 'text', 'html', 'xhtml',
* or any standard MIME type).
* @return string|false
protected function getContent($method, $arguments = array()) {
$attribute = empty($arguments[0]) ? false : $arguments[0];
$tags = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('content');
if ($tags->length == 0) {
return false;
$content = $tags->item(0);
if (! $content->hasAttribute('type')) {
$content->setAttribute('type', 'text');
if (! empty($attribute)) {
return $content->getAttribute($attribute);
$type = $content->getAttribute('type');
if (! empty($attribute)) {
if ($content->hasAttribute($attribute))
return $content->getAttribute($attribute);
return false;
if ($content->hasAttribute('src')) {
return $content->getAttribute('src');
return $this->parseTextConstruct($content);
* For compatibility, this method provides a mapping to access enclosures.
* The Atom spec doesn't provide for an enclosure element, but it is
* generally supported using the link element with rel='enclosure'.
* @param string $method - for compatibility with our __call usage
* @param array $arguments - for compatibility with our __call usage
* @return array|false
function getEnclosure($method, $arguments = array()) {
$offset = isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : 0;
$query = "//atom:entry[atom:id='" . $this->getText('id', false) .
$encs = $this->parent->xpath->query($query);
if ($encs->length > $offset) {
try {
if (! $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('href')) {
return false;
$attrs = $encs->item($offset)->attributes;
$length = $encs->item($offset)->hasAttribute('length') ?
$encs->item($offset)->getAttribute('length') : false;
return array(
'url' => $attrs->getNamedItem('href')->value,
'type' => $attrs->getNamedItem('type')->value,
'length' => $length);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Get details of this entry's source, if available/relevant
* Where an atom:entry is taken from another feed then the aggregator
* is supposed to include an atom:source element which replicates at least
* the atom:id, atom:title, and atom:updated metadata from the original
* feed. Atom:source therefore has a very similar structure to atom:feed
* and if we find it we will return it as an XML_Feed_Parser_Atom object.
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Atom|false
function getSource() {
$test = $this->model->getElementsByTagName('source');
if ($test->length == 0) {
return false;
$source = new XML_Feed_Parser_Atom($test->item(0));
* Get the entry as an XML string
* Return an XML serialization of the feed, should it be required. Most
* users however, will already have a serialization that they used when
* instantiating the object.
* @return string XML serialization of element
function __toString() {
$simple = simplexml_import_dom($this->model);
return $simple->asXML();
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* RSS0.9 Element class for XML_Feed_Parser
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: RSS09Element.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This class provides support for RSS 0.9 entries. It will usually be called by
* XML_Feed_Parser_RSS09 with which it shares many methods.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParserRss09Element extends XmlFeedParserRss09 {
* This will be a reference to the parent object for when we want
* to use a 'fallback' rule
* @var XML_Feed_Parser_RSS09
protected $parent;
* Our specific element map
* @var array
protected $map = array(
'title' => array('Text'),
'link' => array('Link'));
* Store useful information for later.
* @param DOMElement $element - this item as a DOM element
* @param XML_Feed_Parser_RSS1 $parent - the feed of which this is a member
function __construct(DOMElement $element, $parent, $xmlBase = '') {
$this->model = $element;
$this->parent = $parent;
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Most of these schemas are only available in RNC (RelaxNG, Compact) format.
libxml (and therefor PHP) only supports RelaxNG - the XML version.
To update these, you will need a conversion utility, like trang (
clockwerx@clockwerx-desktop:~/trang$ java -jar trang.jar -I rnc -O rng atom.rng
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<grammar xmlns=''
<element name='RDF' ns=''>
<ref name='RDFContent'/>
<define name='RDFContent' ns=''>
<element name='channel'>
<ref name='channelContent'/>
<element name='image'><ref name='imageContent'/></element>
<element name='item'><ref name='itemContent'/></element>
<define name='channelContent' combine="interleave">
<element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<element name='description'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='image'>
<attribute name='resource' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<element name='items'>
<ref name='itemsContent'/>
<attribute name='about' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name="itemsContent">
<element name="Seq" ns=''>
<element name="li" ns=''>
<attribute name='resource'> <!-- Why doesn't RDF/RSS1.0 ns qualify this attribute? -->
<data type='anyURI'/>
<attribute name='resource' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name='imageContent'>
<element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<element name='url'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<attribute name='about' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name='itemContent'>
<element name='title'><data type='string'/></element>
<element name='link'><data type='anyURI'/></element>
<optional><element name='description'><data type='string'/></element></optional>
<ref name="anyThing"/>
<attribute name='about' ns=''>
<data type='anyURI'/>
<define name='anyThing'>
<ref name='anyThing'/>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
RELAX NG Compact Schema for RSS 1.1
Sean B. Palmer,
Christopher Schmidt,
License: This schema is in the public domain
<grammar xmlns:rss="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:rdf="" ns="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<ref name="Channel"/>
<define name="Channel">
<element name="Channel">
<ref name="Channel.content"/>
<define name="Channel.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrXMLBase"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFAbout"/>
<ref name="title"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<ref name="description"/>
<ref name="image"/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<ref name="items"/>
<define name="title">
<element name="title">
<ref name="title.content"/>
<define name="title.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<define name="link">
<element name="link">
<ref name="link.content"/>
<define name="link.content">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="description">
<element name="description">
<ref name="description.content"/>
<define name="description.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<define name="image">
<element name="image">
<ref name="image.content"/>
<define name="image.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFResource"/>
<ref name="title"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<ref name="url"/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<define name="url">
<element name="url">
<ref name="url.content"/>
<define name="url.content">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="items">
<element name="items">
<ref name="items.content"/>
<define name="items.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFCollection"/>
<ref name="item"/>
<define name="item">
<element name="item">
<ref name="item.content"/>
<define name="item.content">
<ref name="AttrXMLLang"/>
<ref name="AttrRDFAbout"/>
<ref name="title"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<ref name="description"/>
<ref name="image"/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<define name="Any">
<ref name="Any.content"/>
<define name="Any.content">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="Any"/>
<define name="AttrXMLLang">
<attribute name="xml:lang">
<data type="language"/>
<define name="AttrXMLBase">
<attribute name="xml:base">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="AttrRDFAbout">
<attribute name="rdf:about">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<define name="AttrRDFResource">
<attribute name="rdf:parseType">
<define name="AttrRDFCollection">
<attribute name="rdf:parseType">
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- ======================================================================
* Author: Dino Morelli
* Began: 2004-Feb-18
* Build #: 0001
* Version: 0.1
* E-Mail:
* URL: (none yet)
* License: (none yet)
* ========================================================================
* RSS v2.0 Relax NG schema
* ==================================================================== -->
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="element-rss" />
<define name="element-title">
<element name="title">
<text />
<define name="element-description">
<element name="description">
<text />
<define name="element-link">
<element name="link">
<text />
<define name="element-category">
<element name="category">
<attribute name="domain" />
<text />
<define name="element-rss">
<element name="rss">
<attribute name="version">
<element name="channel">
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-link" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<element name="language"><text /></element>
<element name="copyright"><text /></element>
<element name="lastBuildDate"><text /></element>
<element name="docs"><text /></element>
<element name="generator"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-category" />
<element name="managingEditor"><text /></element>
<element name="webMaster"><text /></element>
<element name="pubDate"><text /></element>
<element name="rating"><text /></element>
<element name="image">
<element name="url"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-link" />
<element name="width"><text /></element>
<element name="height"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-description" />
<element name="cloud">
<attribute name="domain" />
<attribute name="port" />
<attribute name="path" />
<attribute name="registerProcedure" />
<attribute name="protocol" />
<element name="textInput">
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<element name="name"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-link" />
<element name="skipHours">
<element name="hour">
<element name="skipDays">
<element name="day">
<element name="ttl"><text /></element>
<element name="item">
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<ref name="element-title" />
<ref name="element-description" />
<ref name="element-link" />
<element name="author"><text /></element>
<ref name="element-category" />
<element name="comments"><text /></element>
<element name="enclosure">
<attribute name="url" />
<attribute name="length" />
<attribute name="type" />
<text />
<element name="guid">
<attribute name="isPermaLink">
<text />
<element name="pubDate"><text /></element>
<element name="source">
<attribute name="url" />
<text />
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,598
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-*- rnc -*-
RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the
Atom Format Specification Version 11
<grammar ns="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<ref name="atomFeed"/>
<ref name="atomEntry"/>
<!-- Common attributes -->
<define name="atomCommonAttributes">
<attribute name="xml:base">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="xml:lang">
<ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
<ref name="undefinedAttribute"/>
<!-- Text Constructs -->
<define name="atomPlainTextConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<define name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
<define name="atomTextConstruct">
<ref name="atomPlainTextConstruct"/>
<ref name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct"/>
<!-- Person Construct -->
<define name="atomPersonConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<element name="atom:name">
<element name="atom:uri">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<element name="atom:email">
<ref name="atomEmailAddress"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<!-- Date Construct -->
<define name="atomDateConstruct">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<data type="dateTime"/>
<!-- atom:feed -->
<define name="atomFeed">
<element name="atom:feed">
<s:rule context="atom:feed">
<s:assert test="atom:author or not(atom:entry[not(atom:author)])">An atom:feed must have an atom:author unless all of its atom:entry children have an atom:author.</s:assert>
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomAuthor"/>
<ref name="atomCategory"/>
<ref name="atomContributor"/>
<ref name="atomGenerator"/>
<ref name="atomIcon"/>
<ref name="atomId"/>
<ref name="atomLink"/>
<ref name="atomLogo"/>
<ref name="atomRights"/>
<ref name="atomSubtitle"/>
<ref name="atomTitle"/>
<ref name="atomUpdated"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<ref name="atomEntry"/>
<!-- atom:entry -->
<define name="atomEntry">
<element name="atom:entry">
<s:rule context="atom:entry">
<s:assert test="atom:link[@rel='alternate'] or atom:link[not(@rel)] or atom:content">An atom:entry must have at least one atom:link element with a rel attribute of 'alternate' or an atom:content.</s:assert>
<s:rule context="atom:entry">
<s:assert test="atom:author or ../atom:author or atom:source/atom:author">An atom:entry must have an atom:author if its feed does not.</s:assert>
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomAuthor"/>
<ref name="atomCategory"/>
<ref name="atomContent"/>
<ref name="atomContributor"/>
<ref name="atomId"/>
<ref name="atomLink"/>
<ref name="atomPublished"/>
<ref name="atomRights"/>
<ref name="atomSource"/>
<ref name="atomSummary"/>
<ref name="atomTitle"/>
<ref name="atomUpdated"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<!-- atom:content -->
<define name="atomInlineTextContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<define name="atomInlineXHTMLContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
<define name="atomInlineOtherContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="atomMediaType"/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<define name="atomOutOfLineContent">
<element name="atom:content">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="atomMediaType"/>
<attribute name="src">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<define name="atomContent">
<ref name="atomInlineTextContent"/>
<ref name="atomInlineXHTMLContent"/>
<ref name="atomInlineOtherContent"/>
<ref name="atomOutOfLineContent"/>
<!-- atom:author -->
<define name="atomAuthor">
<element name="atom:author">
<ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:category -->
<define name="atomCategory">
<element name="atom:category">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="term"/>
<attribute name="scheme">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="label"/>
<ref name="undefinedContent"/>
<!-- atom:contributor -->
<define name="atomContributor">
<element name="atom:contributor">
<ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:generator -->
<define name="atomGenerator">
<element name="atom:generator">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="uri">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="version"/>
<!-- atom:icon -->
<define name="atomIcon">
<element name="atom:icon">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<!-- atom:id -->
<define name="atomId">
<element name="atom:id">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<!-- atom:logo -->
<define name="atomLogo">
<element name="atom:logo">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<!-- atom:link -->
<define name="atomLink">
<element name="atom:link">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<attribute name="href">
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="rel">
<ref name="atomNCName"/>
<ref name="atomUri"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="atomMediaType"/>
<attribute name="hreflang">
<ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
<attribute name="title"/>
<attribute name="length"/>
<ref name="undefinedContent"/>
<!-- atom:published -->
<define name="atomPublished">
<element name="atom:published">
<ref name="atomDateConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:rights -->
<define name="atomRights">
<element name="atom:rights">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:source -->
<define name="atomSource">
<element name="atom:source">
<ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
<ref name="atomAuthor"/>
<ref name="atomCategory"/>
<ref name="atomContributor"/>
<ref name="atomGenerator"/>
<ref name="atomIcon"/>
<ref name="atomId"/>
<ref name="atomLink"/>
<ref name="atomLogo"/>
<ref name="atomRights"/>
<ref name="atomSubtitle"/>
<ref name="atomTitle"/>
<ref name="atomUpdated"/>
<ref name="extensionElement"/>
<!-- atom:subtitle -->
<define name="atomSubtitle">
<element name="atom:subtitle">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:summary -->
<define name="atomSummary">
<element name="atom:summary">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:title -->
<define name="atomTitle">
<element name="atom:title">
<ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
<!-- atom:updated -->
<define name="atomUpdated">
<element name="atom:updated">
<ref name="atomDateConstruct"/>
<!-- Low-level simple types -->
<define name="atomNCName">
<data type="string">
<param name="minLength">1</param>
<param name="pattern">[^:]*</param>
<!-- Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash -->
<define name="atomMediaType">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">.+/.+</param>
<!-- As defined in RFC 3066 -->
<define name="atomLanguageTag">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*</param>
Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into
xsd:anyURI so let's not try to constrain it here
<define name="atomUri">
<!-- Whatever an email address is, it contains at least one @ -->
<define name="atomEmailAddress">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">.+@.+</param>
<!-- Simple Extension -->
<define name="simpleExtensionElement">
<nsName ns=""/>
<!-- Structured Extension -->
<define name="structuredExtensionElement">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<!-- Other Extensibility -->
<define name="extensionElement">
<ref name="simpleExtensionElement"/>
<ref name="structuredExtensionElement"/>
<define name="undefinedAttribute">
<nsName ns=""/>
<define name="undefinedContent">
<ref name="anyForeignElement"/>
<define name="anyElement">
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<define name="anyForeignElement">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="anyElement"/>
<!-- XHTML -->
<define name="anyXHTML">
<ref name="anyXHTML"/>
<define name="xhtmlDiv">
<element name="xhtml:div">
<ref name="anyXHTML"/>
<!-- EOF -->
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,304
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Key gateway class for XML_Feed_Parser package
* PHP versions 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category XML
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
* @author James Stewart <>
* @copyright 2005 James Stewart <>
* @license GNU LGPL
* @version CVS: $Id: Parser.php 304308 2010-10-11 12:05:50Z clockwerx $
* @link
* This is the core of the XML_Feed_Parser package. It identifies feed types
* and abstracts access to them. It is an iterator, allowing for easy access
* to the entire feed.
* @author James Stewart <>
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @package XML_Feed_Parser
class XmlFeedParser implements Iterator {
* This is where we hold the feed object
* @var Object
private $feed;
* To allow for extensions, we make a public reference to the feed model
* @var DOMDocument
public $model;
* A map between entry ID and offset
* @var array
protected $idMappings = array();
* A storage space for Namespace URIs.
* @var array
private $feedNamespaces = array(
'rss2' => array(
* Detects feed types and instantiate appropriate objects.
* Our constructor takes care of detecting feed types and instantiating
* appropriate classes. For now we're going to treat Atom 0.3 as Atom 1.0
* but raise a warning. I do not intend to introduce full support for
* Atom 0.3 as it has been deprecated, but others are welcome to.
* @param string $feed XML serialization of the feed
* @param bool $strict Whether or not to validate the feed
* @param bool $suppressWarnings Trigger errors for deprecated feed types?
* @param bool $tidy Whether or not to try and use the tidy library on input
function __construct($feed, $strict = false, $suppressWarnings = true, $tidy = true) {
$this->model = new DOMDocument;
if (! $this->model->loadXML($feed)) {
if (extension_loaded('tidy') && $tidy) {
$tidy = new tidy;
$tidy->parseString($feed, array('input-xml' => true, 'output-xml' => true));
if (! $this->model->loadXML((string) $tidy)) {
throw new XmlFeedParserException("Entrée invalide : le flux n'est pas du XML valide");
} else {
throw new XmlFeedParserException("Entrée invalide : le flux n'est pas du XML valide");
/* detect feed type */
$doc_element = $this->model->documentElement;
$error = false;
switch (true) {
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserAtom';
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserAtom';
$error = "Atom 0.3 est déprécié, le parseur en version 1.0 sera utilisé mais toutes les options ne seront pas disponibles.";
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''
|| ($doc_element->hasChildNodes() && $doc_element->childNodes->length > 1
&& $doc_element->childNodes->item(1)->namespaceURI == '')):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss1';
case ($doc_element->namespaceURI == ''
|| ($doc_element->hasChildNodes()
&& $doc_element->childNodes->length > 1
&& $doc_element->childNodes->item(1)->namespaceURI == '')):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss11';
case (($doc_element->hasChildNodes()
&& $doc_element->childNodes->length > 1
&& $doc_element->childNodes->item(1)->namespaceURI == '')
|| $doc_element->namespaceURI == ''):
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss09';
case ($doc_element->tagName == 'rss'
and $doc_element->hasAttribute('version')
&& $doc_element->getAttribute('version') == 0.91):
$error = 'RSS 0.91 has been superceded by RSS2.0. Using RSS2.0 parser.';
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss2';
case ($doc_element->tagName == 'rss'
and $doc_element->hasAttribute('version')
&& $doc_element->getAttribute('version') == 0.92):
$error = 'RSS 0.92 has been superceded by RSS2.0. Using RSS2.0 parser.';
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss2';
case (in_array($doc_element->namespaceURI, $this->feedNamespaces['rss2'])
|| $doc_element->tagName == 'rss'):
if (! $doc_element->hasAttribute('version') || $doc_element->getAttribute('version') != 2) {
$error = 'RSS version not specified. Parsing as RSS2.0';
$class = 'XmlFeedParserRss2';
throw new XmlFeedParserException('Type de flux de syndicaton inconnu');
if (! $suppressWarnings && ! empty($error)) {
trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING);
/* Instantiate feed object */
$this->feed = new $class($this->model, $strict);
* Proxy to allow feed element names to be used as method names
* For top-level feed elements we will provide access using methods or
* attributes. This function simply passes on a request to the appropriate
* feed type object.
* @param string $call - the method being called
* @param array $attributes
function __call($call, $attributes) {
$attributes = array_pad($attributes, 5, false);
list($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $attributes;
return $this->feed->$call($a, $b, $c, $d, $e);
* Proxy to allow feed element names to be used as attribute names
* To allow variable-like access to feed-level data we use this
* method. It simply passes along to __call() which in turn passes
* along to the relevant object.
* @param string $val - the name of the variable required
function __get($val) {
return $this->feed->$val;
* Provides iteration functionality.
* Of course we must be able to iterate... This function simply increases
* our internal counter.
function next() {
if (isset($this->current_item) &&
$this->current_item <= $this->feed->numberEntries - 1) {
} else if (! isset($this->current_item)) {
$this->current_item = 0;
} else {
return false;
* Return XML_Feed_Type object for current element
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Type Object
function current() {
return $this->getEntryByOffset($this->current_item);
* For iteration -- returns the key for the current stage in the array.
* @return int
function key() {
return $this->current_item;
* For iteration -- tells whether we have reached the
* end.
* @return bool
function valid() {
return $this->current_item < $this->feed->numberEntries;
* For iteration -- resets the internal counter to the beginning.
function rewind() {
$this->current_item = 0;
* Provides access to entries by ID if one is specified in the source feed.
* As well as allowing the items to be iterated over we want to allow
* users to be able to access a specific entry. This is one of two ways of
* doing that, the other being by offset. This method can be quite slow
* if dealing with a large feed that hasn't yet been processed as it
* instantiates objects for every entry until it finds the one needed.
* @param string $id Valid ID for the given feed format
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Type|false
function getEntryById($id) {
if (isset($this->idMappings[$id])) {
return $this->getEntryByOffset($this->idMappings[$id]);
* Since we have not yet encountered that ID, let's go through all the
* remaining entries in order till we find it.
* This is a fairly slow implementation, but it should work.
return $this->feed->getEntryById($id);
* Retrieve entry by numeric offset, starting from zero.
* As well as allowing the items to be iterated over we want to allow
* users to be able to access a specific entry. This is one of two ways of
* doing that, the other being by ID.
* @param int $offset The position of the entry within the feed, starting from 0
* @return XML_Feed_Parser_Type|false
function getEntryByOffset($offset) {
if ($offset < $this->feed->numberEntries) {
if (isset($this->feed->entries[$offset])) {
return $this->feed->entries[$offset];
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
$id = $this->feed->entries[$offset]->getID();
$this->idMappings[$id] = $offset;
return $this->feed->entries[$offset];
} else {
return false;
* Retrieve version details from feed type class.
* @return void
* @author James Stewart
function version() {
return $this->feed->version;
* Returns a string representation of the feed.
* @return String
function __toString() {
return $this->feed->__toString();
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,80
@charset "UTF-8";
/* Widget */
padding:0 5px;
margin:5px auto;
#cel-observation-contenu h1 {
#cel-observation-contenu h1 a{
color: #AAAAAA !important
#cel-observation-contenu h1 #cel-observation-flux{
#cel-observation-contenu img {
#cel-observation-contenu a, #cel-observation-contenu a:active, #cel-observation-contenu a:visited {
border-bottom:1px dotted #666;
#cel-observation-contenu a:active {
#cel-observation-contenu a:focus {
outline:thin dotted;
#cel-observation-contenu a:hover {
border-bottom:1px dotted #56B80E;
/* Général */
#cel-observation-contenu .discretion {
#cel-observation-contenu .nettoyage {
/* Galerie observations CEL */
#cel-observation-contenu .cel-observation {
border:1px solid white;
#cel-observation-contenu .cel-observation h2{
#cel-observation-contenu .cel-infos{
New file
0,0 → 1,126
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Observations publiques du CEL - Tela Botanica</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-style-type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-script-type" content="text/javascript" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="fr" />
<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 days" />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="author" content="Jean-Pascal MILCENT, Grégoire DUCHÉ" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tela Botanica, observation, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de présentation des dernières observations publiées sur le Carnet en Ligne de Tela Botanica" />
<!-- Spécial mobile -->
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<!-- Favicones -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" />
<!-- Feuilles de styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$url_css?>observation.css" media="screen" />
<!-- Javascript : bibliothèques -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="cel-observation-contenu">
<?php if (isset($erreurs) || isset($informations)) : ?>
<h1>Erreur &amp; informations</h1>
<p>Impossible d'afficher le flux.</p>
<!-- Affichage des erreurs et messages d'information : -->
<?php if ($erreurs) : ?>
<?php foreach ($erreurs as $erreur) : ?>
<p class="erreur"><?=$erreur;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($informations) : ?>
<?php foreach ($informations as $information) : ?>
<p class="info"><?=$information;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<? if (!empty($titre)) : ?>
<? endif ; ?>
<? if($icone_rss) : ?>
<a href="<?=$flux_rss_url?>" id="cel-observation-flux" title="Suivre les observations"
onclick=";return false;">
<img src="" alt="Suivre les observations" />
<? endif; ?>
<div id="cel-liste-observation">
<?php foreach ($items as $item) : ?>
<div id="cel-observation-<?=$item['guid']?>" class="cel-observation" rel="<?=$item['guid']?>" >
<img id="imPlus-<?=$item['guid']?>" width="10" height="10"
name="imPlus-<?=$item['guid']?>" title="Voir les informations complémentaires" alt="+"
src="" />
<img id="imMoins-<?=$item['guid']?>" width="10" height="10" class="imMoins"
name="imMoins-<?=$item['guid']?>" title="Cacher les informations complémentaires" alt="+"
src="" />
<?php if ($item['eflore_url'] != '#' && $item['eflore_url'] != '' && $item['eflore_url'] != '') { ?>
<a class="cel-img-titre" href="<?=$item['eflore_url']?>"
onclick=";return false;"
title="Cliquez pour accéder à la fiche eFlore">
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
</strong><br />
<span class="cel-img-date">Publiée le <?=$item['date']?></span><br />
<div id="cel-info-<?=$item['guid']?>" class="cel-infos">
<?php endforeach; ?>
<p id="cel-observation-pieds" class="cel-observation-pieds discretion nettoyage">
<span class="cel-observation-source">
Source :
<a href="" title="Carnet en Ligne" onclick=";return false;">
<span class="cel-observation-date-generation">Au <?=strftime('%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S')?></span>
<script type="text/Javascript">
// Function pour cacher / afficher le détail des observations
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.cel-observation').hover(function() {
var id_obs = $(this).attr("rel");
function() {
var id_obs = $(this).attr("rel");
<?php endif; ?>
New file
0,0 → 1,89
<div id="cel-observation-contenu">
<?php if (isset($erreurs) || isset($informations)) : ?>
<h1>Erreur &amp; informations</h1>
<p>Impossible d'afficher le flux.</p>
<!-- Affichage des erreurs et messages d'information : -->
<?php if ($erreurs) : ?>
<?php foreach ($erreurs as $erreur) : ?>
<p class="erreur"><?=$erreur;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($informations) : ?>
<?php foreach ($informations as $information) : ?>
<p class="info"><?=$information;?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<? if (!empty($titre)) : ?>
<? endif ; ?>
<? if($icone_rss) : ?>
<a href="<?=$flux_rss_url?>" id="cel-observation-flux" title="Suivre les observations"
onclick=";return false;">
<img src="" alt="Suivre les observations" />
<? endif; ?>
<div id="cel-liste-observation">
<?php foreach ($items as $item) : ?>
<div id="cel-observation-<?=$item['guid']?>" class="cel-observation" rel="<?=$item['guid']?>" >
<img id="imPlus-<?=$item['guid']?>" width="10" height="10"
name="imPlus-<?=$item['guid']?>" title="Voir les informations complémentaires" alt="+"
src="" />
<img id="imMoins-<?=$item['guid']?>" width="10" height="10" class="imMoins"
name="imMoins-<?=$item['guid']?>" title="Cacher les informations complémentaires" alt="+"
src="" />
<?php if ($item['eflore_url'] != '#' && $item['eflore_url'] != '' && $item['eflore_url'] != '') { ?>
<a class="cel-img-titre" href="<?=$item['eflore_url']?>"
onclick=";return false;"
title="Cliquez pour accéder à la fiche eFlore">
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
</strong><br />
<span class="cel-img-date">Publiée le <?=$item['date']?></span><br />
<div id="cel-info-<?=$item['guid']?>" class="cel-infos">
<?php endforeach; ?>
<p id="cel-observation-pieds" class="cel-observation-pieds discretion nettoyage">
<span class="cel-observation-source">
Source :
<a href="" title="Carnet en Ligne" onclick=";return false;">
<span class="cel-observation-date-generation">Au <?=strftime('%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S')?></span>
<script type="text/Javascript">
// Function pour cacher / afficher le détail des observations
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.cel-observation').hover(function() {
var id_obs = $(this).attr("rel");
function() {
var id_obs = $(this).attr("rel");
<?php endif; ?>
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// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
* Service affichant les dernières observations publiques du CEL.
* Encodage en entrée : utf8
* Encodage en sortie : utf8
* Cas d'utilisation et documentation :
* @link
* Paramètres :
* ===> vignette = [0-9]+,[0-9]+ [par défaut : 4,3]
* Indique le nombre de vignette par ligne et le nombre de ligne.
* @author Delphine <>
* @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <>
* @license GPL v3 <>
* @license CECILL v2 <>
* @version $Id$
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Tela Botanica (
class Observation extends WidgetCommun {
const SERVICE_DEFAUT = 'observation';
private $flux_rss_url = null;
private $eflore_url_tpl = null;
* Méthode appelée par défaut pour charger ce widget.
public function executer() {
$retour = null;
// Pour la création de l'id du cache nous ne tenons pas compte du paramètre de l'url callback
if (!isset($mode)) {
$mode = self::SERVICE_DEFAUT;
$this->eflore_url_tpl = $this->config['observation']['efloreUrlTpl'];
$this->flux_rss_url = $this->config['observation']['fluxRssUrl'];
$cache_activation = $this->config['observation.cache']['activation'];
$cache_stockage = $this->config['observation.cache']['stockageDossier'];
$ddv = $this->config['observation.cache']['dureeDeVie'];
$cache = new Cache($cache_stockage, $ddv, $cache_activation);
$id_cache = 'observation-'.hash('adler32', print_r($this->parametres, true));
if (! $contenu = $cache->charger($id_cache)) {
$methode = $this->traiterNomMethodeExecuter($mode);
if (method_exists($this, $methode)) {
$retour = $this->$methode();
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Ce type de service '$methode' n'est pas disponible.";
if (is_null($retour)) {
$contenu = 'Un problème est survenu : '.print_r($this->messages, true);
} else {
$squelette = dirname(__FILE__).self::DS.'squelettes'.self::DS.$retour['squelette'].'.tpl.html';
$contenu = $this->traiterSquelettePhp($squelette, $retour['donnees']);
$cache->sauver($id_cache, $contenu);
if (isset($_GET['callback'])) {
$this->envoyerJsonp(array('contenu' => $contenu));
} else {
private function executerAjax() {
$widget = $this->executerObservation();
$widget['squelette'] = 'observation_ajax';
return $widget;
private function executerObservation() {
$widget = null;
$max_obs = (isset($max_obs) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+,[0-9]+$/', $max_obs)) ? $max_obs : '10';
$icone_rss = (isset($_GET['rss']) && $_GET['rss'] != 1) ? false : true;
$this->flux_rss_url .= $this->traiterParametres();
$titre = isset($titre) ? htmlentities(rawurldecode($titre)) : '';
if (@file_get_contents($this->flux_rss_url, false) != false) {
$xml = file_get_contents($this->flux_rss_url);
if ($xml) {
try {
$flux = new XmlFeedParser($xml);
$widget['donnees']['flux_rss_url'] = $this->flux_rss_url;
$widget['donnees']['url_css'] = sprintf($this->config['chemins']['baseURLAbsoluDyn'], 'modules/observation/squelettes/css/');
$widget['donnees']['colonne'] = 1;
$widget['donnees']['icone_rss'] = $icone_rss;
$widget['donnees']['titre'] = $titre;
$num = 0;
foreach ($flux as $entree) {
if ($num == $max_obs) {
$item = array();
// Formatage date
$date = $entree->updated ? $entree->updated : null;
$date = $entree->pubDate ? $entree->pubDate : $date;
$item['date'] = strftime('%A %d %B %Y', $date);
// Formatage titre
$item['titre'] = $entree->title;
$item['nn'] = '';
$item['eflore_url'] = '#';
if (preg_match('/\[nn([0-9]+)\]/', $entree->title, $match)) {
$item['nn'] = $match[1];
$item['eflore_url'] = $entree->link;
// Récupération du GUID
if (preg_match('/[0-9]+)$/', $entree->id, $match)) {
$item['guid'] = (int) $match[1];
} else {
$item['guid'] = $entree->id;
$item['description'] = $entree->content;
$widget['donnees']['items'][$num++] = $item;
$widget['squelette'] = 'observation';
} catch (XmlFeedParserException $e) {
trigger_error('Flux invalide : '.$e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Fichier xml invalide.";
} else {
$this->messages[] = "L'URI, $this->flux_rss_url, est invalide.";
return $widget;
private function traiterParametres() {
$parametres_flux = '?';
$criteres = array('utilisateur', 'commune', 'dept', 'taxon', 'commentaire', 'date', 'projet', 'motcle', 'num_taxon');
foreach($this->parametres as $nom_critere => $valeur_critere) {
if (in_array($nom_critere, $criteres)) {
$valeur_critere = str_replace(' ', '%20', $valeur_critere);
$parametres_flux .= $nom_critere.'='.$valeur_critere.'&';
if ($parametres_flux == '?') {
$parametres_flux = '';
} else {
$parametres_flux = rtrim($parametres_flux, '&');
return $parametres_flux;
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0,0 → 1,18
; Chemin pour l'autoload à ajouter
autoload = "bibliotheque/;bibliotheque/xml_feed_parser/1.0.4/;bibliotheque/xml_feed_parser/1.0.4/parsers/"
; URL ou chemin du flux RSS contenant les liens vers les photos
fluxRssUrl = ""
; Squelette d'url pour accéder à la fiche eFlore
efloreUrlTpl = ""
; Nombre de vignette à afficher : nombre de vignettes par ligne et nombre de lignes séparés par une vigule (ex. : 4,3).
vignette = 4,3
; Active/Désactive le cache
activation = true
; Dossier où stocker les fichiers de cache du widget
stockageDossier = "/tmp"
; Durée de vie du fichier de cache
dureeDeVie = 86400
New file
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Added: svn:ignore
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/* Polices d'écriture*/
@font-face {
font-family: florileges;
src: url(fonts/caflisch_scriptw_web.ttf) format('ttf'),
url(fonts/caflisch_scriptw_web.woff) format('woff');
/* Balises */
body {
background: url("../img/background/noise.png") repeat scroll 0 0, none repeat scroll 0 0 #524C47;
footer p {
color: white;
text-align: center;
button img {
display: block;
h2 {
font-size: 40px;
font-family: florileges;
font-weight: normal;
/* Générique */
.discretion {
color: white;
font-family: arial;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 13px;
.droite {
text-align: right;
.centre {
text-align: center;
.modal-fenetre {
position: fixed;
z-index: 1000;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: #777;
background: rgba(90,86,93,0.7);
text-align: center;
.modal-contenu {
position: relative;
width: 30%;
margin: 0 auto;
top: 30%;
.nom-sci {
font-style: italic;
/* Gestion des photos */
/* Form d'ajout des photos */
#form-upload .miniature {
float: left;
height: 130px;
margin: 5px;
#form-upload .miniature-img {
display: block;
height: 100px;
#form-upload .miniature-chargement {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
#photos-conteneur {
height: 120px;
/* Images d'une observation */
.obs .obs-miniatures {
min-width: 150px;
margin-right: 5px;
background-color: #524C47;
padding: 4px 0;
.obs .miniature {
display: block;
height: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
.defilement {
position: relative;
padding: 8px 0;
.defilement-control-zone {
display: block;
z-index: 2;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 50%;
height: 116px;
.defilement-control-zone.gauche {
left: 0;
.defilement-control-zone.droite {
right: 0;
.defilement-control {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 35%;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: 100;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 3px solid white;
border-radius: 20px;
color: white;
opacity: 1;
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #524C47;
.defilement-control.gauche {
left: 3%;
.defilement-control.droite {
right: 3%;
.defilement-miniatures-cache {
visibility: hidden;
.obs .miniature-cachee {
display: none;
.defilement-indicateurs {
list-style: none outside none;
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
bottom: 2px;
z-index: 5;
.defilement-indicateurs li {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
border-radius: 2px;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
display: block;
float: left;
height: 4px;
margin-left: 2px;
text-indent: -999px;
width: 4px;
.defilement-indicateurs .active {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
/* Correction style CSS Bootstrap */
.well {
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 4px;
background: url("../img/background/noise.png") repeat scroll 0 0 white;
@media (min-width: 575px) and (max-width: 767px) {
.forcer-colonne [class*="span"] {
float: left;
margin-left: 2.12766%;
.forcer-colonne .span4 {
width: 31.6239%;
.forcer-colonne .span6 {
width: 48.9362%;
.forcer-colonne .span8 {
width: 65.9574%;
@media (min-width: 1600px) {
.container {
width: 1580px;
/* Spécifique Florilèges */
.entete .intro {
background-color: #689E4B;
background: url("../img/background/noise.png") repeat scroll 0 0, radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-corner at center center , #A1C886 0%, #689E4B 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
color: white;
padding: 5px;
.entete .intro a {
color: #524C47;
/* Géolocalisation */
#map-canvas {
height: 280px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
#map-canvas img {
max-width: none;
.coordonnees-geo, .lat-lon-info {
font-size: 10px;
#info-commune {
text-align: right;
font-size: 10px;
.afficher-coord {
font-size: 10px;
/* Observations */
#obs-titre {
margin-right: 20px;
#form-date {
margin: 10px 0;
line-height: 40px;
.ns-retenu {
font-weight: bold;
color: #3B9D3B;
.obs .nom-sci {
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
.date {
font-size: 1.3em;
font-weight: bold;
.obs-action {
opacity: 1;
/* Validation du formulaire */
label.error {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
color: #B94A48;
padding: 0 8px;
label.valid {
display: inline-block;
text-indent: -9999px;
color: #468847;
width: 0;
height: 0;
padding: 0;
.control-group.error label {
font-weight: bold;
.error .horizontal-slider {
background: #B94A48;
.slider-holder + select + label.error {
clear: both;
#form-date .input-prepend input {
vertical-align: top;
#form-date .input-prepend input + label.error {
display: block;
/* Liste des taxons */
#taxon-liste optgroup + optgroup {
border-top: 1px solid black;
#liste-obs .obs-erreur {
background-color: #DD6E6E;
/* SLIDERs */
.slider-on {
display: none;
.slider-holder {
height: 25px;
margin-left: -20px;
margin-right: 20px;
padding-left: 40px;
padding-top: 30px;
.ui-widget-header {
background: url("../img/background/noise.png") #A1C886;
.horizontal-slider {
margin: 0 3%;
height: 9px !important;
width: 90%;
.horizontal-slider.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-min {
border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
.slider-holder p {
float: left;
font-size: 10px;
text-align: center;
top: 10px;
.slider-holder p + p {
line-height: 1.5em;
.slider-holder .slider-legend {
margin: 0 3%;
.slider-holder .slider-legend p {
padding-top: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
word-wrap: break-word;
.horizontal-slider a.ui-slider-handle {
background: url("../img/icones/selecteur.png") no-repeat scroll 23px 20px transparent;
border: medium none;
border-radius: 0;
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 60px;
margin: 5px 5px 5px -35px;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
top: -40px;
width: 70px;
white-space: nowrap;
.ui-slider .ui-slider-handle {
font-size: 12px;
.ui-datepicker {
z-index: 2;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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\ No newline at end of property
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Jean-Pascal MILCENT, Aurélien PERONNET" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Florilege, Tela Botanica, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de saisie du projet Florilege" />
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/favicon.ico" />
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<!-- Jquery UI : nécessaire pour le minicalendrier et l'auto-complétion -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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<!-- Jquery Form :nécessaire pour l'upload des images -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- Javascript : appli saisie -->
<script src="<?=$url_base?>saisie?projet=florileges&amp;service=taxons" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// La présence du parametre 'debug' dans l'URL enclenche le dégogage
var DEBUG = <?=isset($_GET['debug']) ? 'true' : 'false'?>;
// La présence du parametre 'html5' dans l'URL enclenche les fonctions avancées HTML5
var HTML5 = <?=isset($_GET['html5']) ? 'true' : 'false'?>;
// Mot-clé du widget/projet
var TAG_PROJET = "Florileges,WidgetFlorileges,Sauvages";
// Mots-clés à ajouter aux images
var TAG_IMG = "<?=isset($_GET['tag-img']) ? $_GET['tag-img'] : ''?>";
var SEPARATION_TAG_IMG = "<?= isset($_GET['motcle']) && isset($_GET['tag-img']) ? ',' : '' ?>";
TAG_IMG = <?=isset($_GET['motcle']) ? "'".$_GET['motcle']."' + SEPARATION_TAG_IMG + TAG_IMG" : 'TAG_IMG' ?>;
// Mots-clés à ajouter aux observations
var TAG_OBS = "<?=isset($_GET['tag-obs']) ? $_GET['tag-obs'] : ''?>";
var SEPARATION_TAG_OBS = "<?= isset($_GET['projet']) && isset($_GET['tag-obs']) ? ',' : '' ?>";
TAG_OBS = <?=isset($_GET['projet']) ? "'".$_GET['projet']."' + SEPARATION_TAG_OBS + TAG_OBS" : 'TAG_OBS' ?>;
// Précharger le formulaire avec les infos d'une observation
var OBS_ID = "<?=isset($_GET['id-obs']) ? $_GET['id-obs'] : ''?>";
// URL du web service réalisant l'insertion des données dans la base du CEL.
var SERVICE_SAISIE_URL = "<?=$url_ws_saisie?>";
// URL du web service permettant de récupérer les infos d'une observation du CEL.
var SERVICE_OBS_URL = "<?=$url_ws_obs?>";
// Code du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques (de la forme nom:code).
var NOM_SCI_REFERENTIEL = "<?=$ns_referentiel?>";
// Nom du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques.
var NOM_SCI_PROJET = "<?=$ns_projet?>";
// Code de la version du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques.
var NOM_SCI_VERSION = "<?=$ns_version?>";
// Indication de la présence d'une espèce imposée
var ESPECE_IMPOSEE = "<?=$espece_imposee; ?>";
// Tableau d'informations sur l'espèce imposée
var INFOS_ESPECE_IMPOSEE = <?=$infos_espece; ?>;
// Nombre d'élément dans les listes d'auto-complétion
// Indication de la présence d'un référentiel imposé
var REFERENTIEL_IMPOSE = "<?=$referentiel_impose; ?>";
// Indication des version utilisées de chaque référentiel
var PROJETS_VERSIONS = <?=json_encode($projets_versions)?>;
// URL du web service permettant l'auto-complétion des noms scientifiques.
var SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETION_NOM_SCI_URL = "<?=$url_ws_autocompletion_ns?>?"+
// URL du web service permettant l'auto-complétion des noms scientifiques.
var SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETION_NOM_SCI_URL_TPL = "<?=$url_ws_autocompletion_ns_tpl?>?"+
// Nombre d'observations max autorisé avant transmission
var OBS_MAX_NBRE = 10;
// Durée d'affichage en milliseconde des messages d'informations
var DUREE_MESSAGE = 15000;
// Squelette d'URL du web service de l'annuaire.
var SERVICE_ANNUAIRE_ID_URL = "<?=$url_ws_annuaire?>";
// Squelette d'URL du web service d'eFlore fournissant les noms de communes.
var SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL = "{lon}&lat={lat}";
// Squelette d'URL du web service d'eFlore fournissant les noms de communes hors de France (localisation approximative).
var SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL_ALT = "{lon}&lat={lat}&nbre=1";
// URL du marqueur à utiliser dans la carte Google Map
var GOOGLE_MAP_MARQUEUR_DEBUT_URL = "<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/marqueurs/debut.png";
// URL de l'icône de fin de rue
var GOOGLE_MAP_MARQUEUR_FIN_URL = "<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/marqueurs/fin.png";
// URL de l'icône du chargement en cours
var CHARGEMENT_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/icones/chargement.gif";
// URL de l'icône du chargement en cours d'une image
var CHARGEMENT_IMAGE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/icones/chargement-image.gif";
// URL de l'icône du calendrier
var CALENDRIER_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/icones/calendrier.png";
// URL de l'icône du calendrier
var PAS_DE_PHOTO_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/img/icones/pas_de_photo.png";
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/js/florileges.js"></script>
<!-- CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/florileges/css/<?=isset($_GET['style']) ? $_GET['style'] : 'florileges'?>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<body data-spy="scroll">
<div class="container">
<div class="row-fluid entete">
<div class="span7">
<div class="well intro">
Bienvenue sur l'interface de saisie en ligne des données
"Florilèges"-RUES. Cette interface vous permet d'enregistrer vos
observations de terrain et de les partager simplement
(sous <a href="">licence CC-BY-SA</a>)
avec <a href="">Plante &amp; Cité</a>,
<a href="">le réseau Tela Botanica</a>
et <a href="">le programme Sauvage de ma Rue</a>.
En vous identifiant, vous pourrez retrouver et consulter l'ensemble de
vos observations dans <a href="">le Carnet en ligne</a>.<br />
Renseignez tout d'abord les caractéristiques et l'itinéraire technique mis en place
sur le site des relevés, puis détaillez ensuite les espèces observées sur ce site.
Ajoutez chaque observation à la liste à transmettre à l'aide du bouton
L'interface de saisie vous permet de renseigner jusqu'à 10 observations à des dates
différentes pour un même site.
Partagez-les avec le bouton «&nbsp;Transmettre&nbsp;».
Elles apparaissent immédiatement sur
<a href="">la carte</a> et
<a href="">la galerie photos</a>
du projet.
Pour toute question, <a href="">contactez les animateurs du programme Florilèges</a>.
<p class="discretion">
Un aide interactive est à votre disposition sur l'interface.
Une fois familiarisé, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton suivant pour la désactiver :
<button id="btn-aide" class="btn btn-mini btn-success">
<span class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></span>
<span id="btn-aide-txt" >Désactiver l'aide</span>
<div class="span5">
<div class="well forcer-colonne">
<form id="form-observateur" action="#" class="" autocomplete="on">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6 control-group has-tooltip" data-placement="bottom"
title="Saisissez le courriel avec lequel vous être inscrit à Tela Botanica.
Si vous n'êtes pas inscrit, ce n'est pas grave, vous pourrez le faire
ultérieurement. Des informations complémentaires vont vous être
demandées : prénom et nom.">
<label class="control-label" for="courriel">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on">
<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
<input id="courriel" name="courriel" class="span11" type="text"/>
<input id="id_utilisateur" name="id_utilisateur" type="hidden"/>
<div id="zone-courriel-confirmation" class="span6 hidden control-group has-tooltip"
title="Saisissez à nouveau votre courriel afin de le confirmer. Le
copier/coller est désactivé pour éviter les erreurs.">
<label class="control-label" for="courriel_confirmation">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Courriel (confirmation)
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on">
<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
<input id="courriel_confirmation" name="courriel_confirmation"
class="span11" type="text"/>
<div id="zone-prenom-nom" class="row-fluid hidden">
<div class="span6 control-group">
<label for="prenom" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<input id="prenom" name="prenom" class="span12" type="text"/>
<div class="span6 control-group">
<label for="nom" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="nom" name="nom" class="span12" type="text"/>
<div id="zone-personne-complement" class="forcer-colonne">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Précisez l'entreprise, l'association, l'école, ... au nom de
laquelle vous participez.">
<label for="structure" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="structure" name="personneStructure" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu"
type="text" data-label="Structure de l'observateur"/>
<div class="span6 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Précisez le service de la structure au nom de laquelle vous participez.">
<label for="service" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="service" name="personneService" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu"
type="text" data-label="Service de l'observateur"/>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip" title="Indiquez l'intitulé de votre poste
ou votre mission principale.">
<label for="fonction">
<input id="fonction" name="personneFonction" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu"
type="text" data-label="Fonction de l'observateur"/>
<!-- Messages d'erreur du formulaire-->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="zone-alerte span6 offset3">
<div id="dialogue-bloquer-copier-coller" class="alert alert-info alert-block" style="display:none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : copier/coller</h4>
Merci de ne pas copier/coller votre courriel.<br/>
La double saisie permet de vérifier l'absence d'erreurs.
<div id="dialogue-courriel-introuvable" class="alert alert-info alert-block" style="display:none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : courriel introuvable</h4>
Vous n'êtes pas inscrit à Tela Botanica avec ce courriel.<br/>
Veuillez compléter les champs supplémentaires ou indiquer votre courriel d'inscription.<br/>
Pour retrouver vos observations dans le <a href="">Carnet en ligne</a>,
il sera nécesaire de <a href="">vous inscrire à Tela Botanica</a>.
<div id="dialogue-google-map" class="alert alert-info alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information sur Google Map</h4>
<div class="contenu"></div>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<form id="form-site">
<div class="well">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Nom du site d'étude (quartier, rue, ...)." >
<label for="station" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="station" class="span12" name="station" type="text"/>
<div class="forcer-colonne well control-group">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<label for="map_canvas" class="control-label"
title="Veuillez localiser l'observation">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<ul class="unstyled liste_indication_geolocalisation">
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 1/4 : Entrez le nom de la rue et de la ville dans l'espace de recherche ci-dessous</li>
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 2/4 : Placez le drapeau vert au début de la portion de rue étudiée</li>
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 3/4 : Placez le drapeau rouge à la fin de la portion de rue étudiée, si vous vous êtes trompé, vous pouvez redéplacer le drapeau vert</li>
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 4/4 : Voilà ! Votre zone d'étude est localisée ! Vous pouvez passer à la saisie de l'observation.</li>
<div class="form-search form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group">
<input id="carte-recherche"
class="search-query span12 obs-chp-etendu has-tooltip"
title="Permet de centrer la carte sur le lieu recherché. Il est nécessaire de sélectionner le lieu dans la liste déroulante."
placeholder="Entrez un nom de ville, de lieu ou de rue..."
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div id="map-canvas" class="has-tooltip"
title="Vous pouvez cliquer sur la carte pour déplacer le marqueur
représentant votre station ou bien le glisser-déposer sur
le lieu souhaité."></div>
<div id="coordonnees-geo-affichage" class="row-fluid">
<label for="coordonnees-geo" class="span6">
<a class="afficher-coord btn">
<span class="afficher-coord-action">Afficher</span>
<span class="afficher-coord-action" style="display:none;">Cacher</span>
<span id="lat-lon-info" class="info has-tooltip"
title="Système géodésique mondial, révision de 1984 - Coordonnées non projetées">
<div id="info-commune" class="span6">
<span for="marqueur-commune">Commune : </span>
<span id="marqueur-commune">
<span id="commune-nom" class="commune-info"></span>
(<span id="commune-code-insee" class="commune-info has-tooltip"
title="Code INSEE de la commune"></span>)
<div id="coordonnees-geo" class="row-fluid" style="display:none;">
<div class="form-inline">
<div id="coord-lat" class="span4 control-group">
<label for="latitude" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="latitude" class="input-mini" name="latitude" type="text" value=""/>
<div id="coord-lng" class="span4">
<label for="longitude" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="longitude" class="input-mini" name="longitude" type="text" value=""/>
<div class="span4">
<button id="geolocaliser" class="btn has-tooltip"
title="Centre la carte sur les coordonnées de latitude et longitude saisies.">
Voir sur la carte
<div class="span4">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<h2>Typologie du site</h2>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Précisez la typologie du site." >
<label for="typo-urbaine" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<select id="typo-urbaine" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu" name="typoUrbaine"
<option selected value="">Sélectionnez une typologie</option>
<option>centre ville</option>
<option>quartier résidentiel</option>
<option>zone commerciale</option>
<option>zone d'activités</option>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Indiquez le type de revêtement au sol." >
<label for="revetement-sol" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Revêtement au sol
<div class="controls">
<select id="revetement-sol" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu" name="revetementSol"
data-label="Revêtement au sol">
<option selected value="">Sélectionnez le revêtement au sol</option>
<option>asphalte et enrobés</option>
<option>stabilisés, aires sablées</option>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Évaluez la densité de zones végétalisés autour du site (haie, aménagement paysager, parcs et jardins, ...)." >
Présence de zones végétalisés
<select id="presence-zone-vegetalise" class="obs-chp-etendu slider"
name="presenceZoneVegetalise" data-label="Présence de zones végétalisés">
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="nulle">nulle</option>
<option value="faible">faible</option>
<option value="moyenne">moyenne</option>
<option value="importante">importante</option>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Indiquez la hauteur des bâtiments avoisinants (en étages)." >
Hauteur des bâtiments
<select id="hauteur-batiment-avoisinant" class="obs-chp-etendu slider"
name="hauteurBatimentAvoisinant" data-label="Hauteur des bâtiments">
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5 et +">5 et +</option>
<div class="span4">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<h2>Itinéraire technique</h2>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Évaluez l'intensité de gestion du site." >
<label for="intensite-gestion" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Intensité de gestion
<div class="controls">
<select id="intensite-gestion" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu"
name="intensiteGestion" data-label="Intensité de gestion">
<option selected value="">Sélectionnez l'intensité</option>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Évaluez la fréquence d'utilisation de produits phytosanitaires sur le site." >
<label for="periodicite-traitement-phyto" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Utilisation de produits phytosanitaires
<div class="controls">
<select id="periodicite-traitement-phyto"
class="obs-chp-etendu slider"
data-label="Utilisation de produits phytosanitaires">
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="régulière">régulière</option>
<option value="occasionnelle">occasionnelle</option>
<option value="rare">rare</option>
<option value="jamais">jamais</option>
<div id="datp-zone" class="row-fluid hidden">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Indiquez la date approximative de l'arrêt des traitements.
Vous pouvez cliquer sur l'icône de calendrier pour
sélectionner une date dans un calendrier.">
<label title="Veuillez indiquer la date du relevé au format jj/mm/aaaa">
Date d'arrêt des traitements
<div class="input-prepend">
<span id="date-arret-traitement-phyto-icone" class="add-on"></span>
<input id="date-arret-traitement-phyto" class="input-small obs-chp-etendu"
name="dateArretTraitementPhyto" type="text"
data-label="Date d'arrêt des traitements"/>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Description de l'itinéraire de gestion (type de traitement,
matériel utilisé, fréquence de passage, ...)." >
<label for="itineraire-gestion" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Description de l'itinéraire de gestion
<div class="controls">
<textarea id="itineraire-gestion" class="span12 obs-chp-etendu"
rows="7" name="itineraireGestion"
data-label="Description de l'itinéraire de gestion"></textarea>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 well">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span3">
<h2 id="obs-titre">Observations</h2>
<div class="span9">
<form id="form-date" class="form-inline">
<div class="span5 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Vous pouvez cliquer sur l'icône de calendrier pour
sélectionner une date dans un calendrier. La date doit être au format :
<label class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Date du relevé
<div class="input-prepend">
<span id="date-icone" class="add-on"></span>
<input id="date" class="input-small" name="date" type="text"
placeholder="jj/mm/aaaa" />
<div class="span7 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Date approximative de la dernière intervention." >
<label class="span12 control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Dernière intervention
<select id="date-derniere-intervention" class="span8 obs-chp-etendu"
name="dateDerniereIntervention" data-label="Dernière intervention">
<option selected value="">Sélectionnez la date d'intervention</option>
<option value="inconnue">ne sais pas</option>
<option>plus de 3 ans</option>
<option>entre 1 et 3 ans</option>
<option>moins d'1 an</option>
<option>au cours du dernier semestre</option>
<option>au cours du dernier trimestre</option>
<option>au cours des 30 derniers jours</option>
<option>au cours des 7 derniers jours</option>
<form id="form-obs" autocomplete="on">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6">
<div class="well">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div id="taxon-liste-input-groupe" class="control-group has-tooltip"
title="Sélectionnez une espèce dans la liste déroulante par son nom latin
ou commun. Si une espèce est absente, sélectionner «Autre espèce»." >
<label class="control-label" for="taxon-liste" title="Choisissez l'espèce rencontrée.">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Espèces les plus communes
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend ">
<span class="add-on">
<i class="icon-leaf"></i>
<select id="taxon-liste" class="span10" name="taxon-liste">
<option value="" selected>Sélectionner une espèce</option>
<optgroup id="taxon-liste-noms">
<?php foreach ($taxons['sci-et-fr'] as $taxon) :?>
class="<?=$taxon['nom_type'] ?>"
value="<?=$taxon['num_nom'] ?>"
title="<?=$taxon['nom_title'] ?>"
data-nom-a-sauver="<?=$taxon['nom_a_sauver'] ?>"
<?php endforeach; ?>
<optgroup id="taxon-liste-special">
<?php foreach ($taxons['speciaux'] as $taxon) :?>
class="<?=$taxon['nom_type'] ?>"
value="<?=$taxon['num_nom'] ?>"
title="<?=$taxon['nom_title'] ?>"
data-nom-a-sauver="<?=$taxon['nom_a_sauver'] ?>"
<?php endforeach; ?>
<option value="?">Autre espèce</option>
<div id="taxon-input-groupe" class="row-fluid hidden">
<div class="span12">
<div class="control-group has-tooltip"
title="Sélectionnez une espèce dans la liste déroulante pour lier
votre nom au référentiel. Si vous le désirez vous pouvez aussi saisir
un nom absent du référentiel (Ex. : 'fleur violette' ou 'Viola sp.1')." >
<label for="taxon" class="control-label" title="Choisissez l'espèce rencontrée.">
Autre espèce
<div class="controls">
<input id="taxon" name="taxon" type="text" class="span12"
placeholder="Autre espèce (ou indication sur la plante)"
value="<?= $nom_sci_espece_defaut; ?>" />
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs milieux dans lesquels l'espèce est présente sur le site.">
<label class="span2 control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div id="milieux-controls" class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
<i class="icon-globe"></i>
Sélectionner un ou plusieurs milieux
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="chemin"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="fissures"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="haie"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="mur"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="pelouse"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="pied d'arbre"/>
pied d'arbre
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="plate bande"/>
plate bande
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Indiquez la hauteur maximum en centimètre de la plante sur le site.">
<label class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Hauteur max. (en cm) de la plante
<input id="hauteur-plante" class="span2 obs-chp-etendu"
type="number" min="0" step="5"
data-label="Hauteur max. (en cm) de la plante"/>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<label for="notes">Commentaires</label>
<textarea id="notes" class="span12" rows="7" name="notes"
placeholder="vous pouvez éventuellement ajouter des informations complémentaires à votre observation (altitude, taille de la plante...)"></textarea>
<div class="span6">
<div class="well">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Évaluez la résistance/résilience de l'espèce face aux traitements utilisés sur ce site." >
<label class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<select id="resistance-traitement-phyto"
class="obs-chp-etendu slider"
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="pas de traitement">pas de traitement</option>
<option value="faible">faible</option>
<option value="intermédiaire">intermédiaire</option>
<option value="forte">forte</option>
<option value="très forte">très forte</option>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Évaluez la vitesse de croissance de l'espèce sur ce site." >
<select id="vitesse-croissance"
class="obs-chp-etendu slider"
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="nulle">nulle</option>
<option value="lente">lente</option>
<option value="moyenne">moyenne</option>
<option value="rapide">rapide</option>
<option value="trop rapide">trop rapide</option>
<div class="well">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Perception globale de l'espèce par l'équipe technique.">
<label class="span4">
Perceptions par l'équipe
<div class="input-prepend">
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
<i class="icon-eye-open"></i>
Sélectionner une ou plusieurs perceptions
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="perceptionTechnicien[]" class="cb-perception-technicien" type="checkbox" value="inconnue"/>
ne connaissais pas la plante avant l'étude
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="perceptionTechnicien[]" class="cb-perception-technicien" type="checkbox" value="discrète"/>
discrète ne pose pas de problème
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="perceptionTechnicien[]" class="cb-perception-technicien" type="checkbox" value="esthétique"/>
visible et esthétique
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="perceptionTechnicien[]" class="cb-perception-technicien" type="checkbox" value="gênante"/>
gênante, difficile à gérer
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="perceptionTechnicien[]" class="cb-perception-technicien" type="checkbox" value="envahissante"/>
envahissante, cause des dégâts
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Évaluez la mauvaise perception des riverains vis à vis de cette espèce." >
Mauvaise perception par les riverains ?
<select id="perception-riverain-mauvaise" class="obs-chp-etendu"
name="perceptionRiverainMauvaise" data-label="Mauvaise perception par les riverains ?">
<form id="form-upload" class="form-horizontal" action="<?= $url_ws_upload ?>?projet=sauvages"
method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 well">
<strong>Ajoutez des images</strong>
<p class="miniature-info" class="discretion help-inline">Les photos doivent être au format JPEG et ne doivent pas excéder 5Mo chacunes.</p>
<div id ="photos-conteneur">
<input type="file" id="fichier" name="fichier" accept="image/jpeg" />
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5242880"/>
<div id="miniatures"></div>
<p class="miniature-msg" class="span12">&nbsp;</p>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 centre has-tooltip"
title="Une fois les champs remplis, vous pouvez cliquer sur ce bouton pour
ajouter votre observation à la liste à transmettre.">
<button id="ajouter-obs" class="btn btn-primary btn-large" type="button">
<!-- Messages d'erreur du formulaire-->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="zone-alerte span6 offset3">
<div id="dialogue-bloquer-creer-obs" class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : 10 observations maximum</h4>
Vous venez d'ajouter votre 10ème observation.<br/>
Pour en ajouter de nouvelles, il est nécessaire de les transmettre en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.
<div class="zone-alerte span6 offset3">
<div id="dialogue-form-invalide" class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : champs en erreur</h4>
Certains champs du formulaire sont mal remplis.<br/>
Veuillez vérifier vos données.
<div class="zone-alerte span6 offset3">
<div id="dialogue-form-invalide-rue" class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : champs en erreur</h4>
Le coordonnées du début et de la fin de la rue n'ont pas été géoréférencé.<br/>
Veuillez suivre les étapes indiquées dans le champ « Géolocalisation ».
<!-- Affiche le tableau récapitualif des observations ajoutées -->
<div id="zone-liste-obs" class="row-fluid hidden">
<div class="span12">
<div class="well">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span8">
<h2>Observations à transmettre : <span class="obs-nbre">0</span></h2>
<div class="span4 droite">
<button id="transmettre-obs" class="btn btn-primary btn-large has-tooltip"
type="button" disabled="disabled"
title="Ajoute les observations ci-dessous à votre Carnet en Ligne et les rend publiques.">
<div id="liste-obs" ></div>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="zone-alerte span6 offset3">
<div id="dialogue-zero-obs" class="alert alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Attention : aucune observation</h4>
<p>Veuillez saisir des observations pour les transmettres.</p>
<div id="dialogue-obs-transaction-ok" class="alert alert-success alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : transmission des observations</h4>
<div class="alert-txt"></div>
<div id="dialogue-obs-transaction-ko" class="alert alert-error alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Erreur : transmission des observations</h4>
<div class="alert-txt"></div>
<footer class="row-fluid">
<p class="span12">&copy; Tela Botanica 2013</p>
<!-- Fenêtres modales -->
<div id="chargement" class="modal-fenetre" style="display:none;">
<div id="chargement-centrage" class="modal-contenu">
<div class="progress progress-striped active">
<div id="barre-progression-upload" class="bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="10" style="">
<span class="sr-only">0/10 observations transmises</span>
<p id="chargement-txt" style="color:white;font-size:1.5em;">
Transfert des observations en cours...<br />
Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes en fonction de la taille des images et du nombre
d'observations à transférer.
<!-- Templates HTML -->
<div id="tpl-transmission-ok" style="display:none;">
<p class="msg">
Vos observations ont bien été transmises.<br />
Elles sont désormais consultables à travers les différents outils de visualisation
du réseau Tela Botanica (<a href="">eFlore</a>,
<a href="">galeries d'images</a>,
<a href="">identiplante</a>,
<a href="">cartographie (widget)</a>...)<br />
Si vous souhaitez les modifier ou les supprimer, vous pouvez les retrouver en vous
connectant à votre <a href="">Carnet en ligne</a>.<br />
N'oubliez pas qu'il est nécessaire de
<a href="">s'inscrire à Tela Botanica</a>
au préalable, si ce n'est pas déjà fait.
<div id="tpl-transmission-ko" style="display:none;">
<p class="msg">
Une erreur est survenue lors de la transmission d'une observation (indiquée en rouge).<br />
Vous pouvez tenter de la retransmettre en cliquant à nouveau sur le bouton transmettre ou bien la supprimer
et transmettre les suivantes.<br />
Néanmoins, les observations n'apparaissant plus dans la liste "observations à transmettre", ont bien été transmises lors de votre précédente tentative. <br />
Si le problème persiste, vous pouvez signaler le dysfonctionnement sur
<a href="<?= $url_remarques ?>?<?php echo urlencode('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); ?>"
onclick="'href'), 'Tela Botanica - Remarques', config='height=700, width=640, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'); return false;">
le formulaire de signalement d'erreurs</a>.
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,1520
$(document).ready(function() {
if (DEBUG == false) {
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(event) {
return 'Êtes vous sûr de vouloir quiter la page?\nLes observations saisies mais non transmises seront perdues.';
* Stope l'évènement courrant quand on clique sur un lien.
* Utile pour Chrome, Safari...
* @param evenement
* @return
function arreter(evenement) {
if (evenement.stopPropagation) {
if (evenement.preventDefault) {
return false;
function extraireEnteteDebug(jqXHR) {
var msgDebug = '';
if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-DebugJrest-Data') != '') {
var debugInfos = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-DebugJrest-Data'));
if (debugInfos != null) {
$.each(debugInfos, function (cle, valeur) {
msgDebug += valeur + "\n";
return msgDebug;
function afficherPanneau(selecteur) {
var latLngDebPre = {lat: null, lng: null},
latLngFinPre = {lat: null, lng: null},
okPourChargementCarte = 2;
$(document).ready(function() {
if (OBS_ID != '') {
function chargerInfoObs() {
var urlObs = SERVICE_OBS_URL + '/' + OBS_ID;
url: urlObs,
type: 'GET',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data != undefined) {
} else {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
function prechargerForm(infos) {
if (infos.extension) {
var ext = infos.extension;
if (ext.latitudeDebutRue && ext.longitudeDebutRue && ext.latitudeFinRue && ext.longitudeFinRue) {
okPourChargementCarte--; = parseFloat(ext.latitudeDebutRue.valeur);
latLngDebPre.lng = parseFloat(ext.longitudeDebutRue.valeur); = parseFloat(ext.latitudeFinRue.valeur);
latLngFinPre.lng = parseFloat(ext.longitudeFinRue.valeur);
var chpsARemplir = ['adresse', 'typoUrbaine', 'revetementSol', 'presenceZoneVegetalise', 'hauteurBatimentAvoisinant',
'intensiteGestion', 'periodiciteTraitementPhyto', 'dateArretTraitementPhyto', 'itineraireGestion'];
$.each(infos.extension, function(nomDuChp, value) {
if (chpsARemplir.indexOf(nomDuChp) >= 0) {
if ($('[name="' + nomDuChp + '"]').hasClass('slider')) {
$('select[name="' + nomDuChp + '"] option[value="' + value.valeur + '"]')
.attr('selected', 'selected');
var selectedIndexOptions = $('select[name="' + nomDuChp + '"]').prop('selectedIndex') + 1;
$('[name="' + nomDuChp + '"]').parent().find('.horizontal-slider').slider('value', selectedIndexOptions);
if (nomDuChp == 'periodiciteTraitementPhyto') {
} else {
$('[name="' + nomDuChp + '"]').val(value.valeur);
function prechargerRue() {
//console.log('okPourChargementCarte : '+okPourChargementCarte);
if (okPourChargementCarte == 0) {
latLngDeb = new google.maps.LatLng(, latLngDebPre.lng);
markerDeb = undefined;
premierDeplacement = false;
markerFin = undefined;
latLngFin = new google.maps.LatLng(, latLngFinPre.lng);
//FORM IDENTITE : gestion de l'observateur
$(document).ready(function() {
requeterIdentite();// Sur rechargement de la page
// Interaction sur le formulaire observateur
$('#prenom').on('change', formaterPrenom);
$('#nom').on('change', formaterNom);
$('#courriel').on('blur', requeterIdentite);
$('#courriel').on('keyup', testerLancementRequeteIdentite);
$('#courriel_confirmation').on('paste', bloquerCopierCollerCourriel);
function testerLancementRequeteIdentite(event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
function requeterIdentite() {
var courriel = $('#courriel').val();
if (courriel) {
var urlAnnuaire = SERVICE_ANNUAIRE_ID_URL + courriel;
url: urlAnnuaire,
type: 'GET',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data != undefined && data[courriel] != undefined) {
var infos = data[courriel];
$('#prenom, #nom, #courriel_confirmation').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
$('#zone-courriel-confirmation, #zone-prenom-nom').removeClass('hidden');
function surErreurCompletionCourriel() {
$('#prenom, #nom, #courriel_confirmation').removeAttr('disabled');
function formaterNom() {
function formaterPrenom() {
var prenom = new Array(),
mots = $(this).val().split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < mots.length; i++) {
var mot = mots[i];
if (mot.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
var prenomCompose = new Array(),
motsComposes = mot.split('-');
for (var j = 0; j < motsComposes.length; j++) {
var motSimple = motsComposes[j],
motMajuscule = motSimple.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + motSimple.slice(1);
} else {
var motMajuscule = mot.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mot.slice(1);
$(this).val(prenom.join(' '));
function bloquerCopierCollerCourriel() {
return false;
var map,
premierDeplacement = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Autocompletion du champ adresse
$('#carte-recherche').on('focus', function() {
$('#carte-recherche').on('mouseup', function(event) {// Pour Safari...
$('#carte-recherche').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
//Cette partie utilise geocoder pour extraire des valeurs d'adresse
source: function(request, response) {
geocoder.geocode( {'address': request.term+', France', 'region' : 'fr' }, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
response($.map(results, function(item) {
var retour = {
label: item.formatted_address,
value: item.formatted_address,
longitude: item.geometry.location.lng()
return retour;
} else {
// Cette partie est executee a la selection d'une adresse
select: function(event, ui) {
var nouvellePosition = new google.maps.LatLng(ui.item.latitude, ui.item.longitude);
$('#geolocaliser').on('click', geolocaliser);
function initialiserGoogleMap(){
latLngDeb = new google.maps.LatLng(46.30871, 2.54395);// Centre de la France
var options = {
zoom: 5,
center: latLngDeb,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: ['OSM',
// Ajout de la couche OSM à la carte
osmMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
return '' + zoom + '/' + coord.x + '/' + coord.y + '.png';
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
isPng: true,
alt: 'OpenStreetMap',
name: 'OSM',
maxZoom: 19
// Création de la carte Google
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), options); //affiche la google map dans la div map_canvas
map.mapTypes.set('OSM', osmMapType);
// Ajout de l'évènment sur click dans Carte
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', surClickDansCarte);
// Lorsque la carte est chargée, on vérifie si on peut précharger des données
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(){
if (OBS_ID == '') {
// Initialisation du marker de début de rue
// Tentative de geocalisation si aucune obs à précharger
if (OBS_ID == '') {
} else {
// Création du Geocoder
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
function initialiserMarkerDeb() {
premierDeplacement = true;
if (markerDeb == undefined) {
// Marqueur de début de Rue
markerDeb = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
draggable: true,
title: 'Début de la portion de rue étudiée',
position: latLngDeb
google.maps.event.addListener(markerDeb, 'dragend', surDeplacementMarkerDeb);
latLngFin = latLngDeb;
if (markerFin != undefined) {
latLngCentre = latLngDeb;
if (ligneRue != undefined) {
function surDeplacementMarkerDeb() {
function deplacerMarkerDeb(nouvellePosition) {
latLngDeb = nouvellePosition;
if (premierDeplacement) {
premierDeplacement = false;
} else {
var nouvellePositionFin = new google.maps.LatLng(, latLngDeb.lng() + 0.0010);
function initialiserMarkerFin() {
if (markerFin == undefined) {
markerFin = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
draggable: true,
title: 'Fin de la portion de rue étudiée',
position: latLngFin
google.maps.event.addListener(markerFin, 'dragend', surDeplacementMarkerFin);
} else {
function deplacerMakerFin(nouvellePosition) {
latLngFin = nouvellePosition;
dessinerLigneRue(latLngDeb, latLngFin);
function surDeplacementMarkerFin() {
dessinerLigneRue(markerDeb.getPosition(), markerFin.getPosition());
function dessinerLigneRue(pointDebut, pointFin) {
if (ligneRue != undefined) {
ligneRue = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [pointDebut, pointFin],
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2
function afficherCentreRue() {
latLngDeb = markerDeb.getPosition();
latLngFin = markerFin.getPosition();
latLngCentre = new google.maps.LatLng(( +, (latLngFin.lng() + latLngDeb.lng())/2);
function mettreAJourStationPosition(latLng) {
var lat =,
lng = latLng.lng().toFixed(5);
function remplirChampLatitude(latDecimale) {
var lat = Math.round(latDecimale * 100000) / 100000;
function remplirChampLongitude(lngDecimale) {
var lng = Math.round(lngDecimale * 100000) / 100000;
function trouverCommune(pos) {
$(function() {
var url_service = SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL,
urlNomCommuneFormatee = url_service.replace('{lat}','{lon}', pos.lng());
url: urlNomCommuneFormatee,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
beforeSend: function() {
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').empty();
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$('#marqueur-commune').data('commune', {'nom' : data.nom, 'codeInsee' : data.codeINSEE});
statusCode: {
500: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append('<p id="msg">Un problème est survenu lors de l\'appel au service fournissante le nom des communes.</p>');
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
var erreurMsg = "";
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + '<br />';
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append(
'<p class="msg-erreur">Erreur 500 : '+errorThrown+'<br />'+erreurMsg+'</p>');
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append(
'<p class="msg">Une erreur Ajax est survenue lors de la transmission de vos observations.</p>');
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
var erreurMsg = '';
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + '<br />';
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append(
'<p class="msg-erreur">Erreur Ajax : '+errorThrown+' (type : '+textStatus+') <br />'+erreurMsg+'</p>');
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = extraireEnteteDebug(jqXHR);
if (debugMsg != '') {
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt").append('<pre class="msg-debug msg">Débogage : '+debugMsg+'</pre>');
if ($("#dialogue-erreur .msg").length > 0) {
function afficherEtapeGeolocalisation(numEtape) {
$('.liste_indication_geolocalisation :nth-child('+numEtape+')').show();
function afficherErreurGoogleMap(status) {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-google-map .contenu').empty().append(
'<pre class="msg-erreur">'+
"Le service de Géocodage de Google Map a échoué à cause de l'erreur : "+status+
function geolocaliser(event) {
var latitude = $('#latitude').val(),
longitude = $('#longitude').val(),
nouvellePosition = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
function tenterGeolocalisation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
var latitude = position.coords.latitude,
longitude = position.coords.longitude,
nouvellePosition = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
function surClickDansCarte(event) {
//AUTO-COMPLÉTION Noms Scientifiques
function ajouterAutocompletionNoms() {
source: function(requete, add){
// la variable de requête doit être vidée car sinon le parametre "term" est ajouté
var url = getUrlAutocompletionNomsSci();
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
var suggestions = traiterRetourNomsSci(data);
html: true
$('#taxon').bind('autocompleteselect', function(event, ui) {
if (ui.item.retenu == true) {
} else {
function getUrlAutocompletionNomsSci() {
var mots = $('#taxon').val(),
url = url.replace('{masque}', mots);
return url;
function traiterRetourNomsSci(data) {
var suggestions = [];
if (data.resultat != undefined) {
$.each(data.resultat, function(i, val) {
val.nn = i;
var nom = {label: '', value: '', nt: '', nomSel: '', nomSelComplet: '', numNomSel: '',
nomRet: '', numNomRet: '', famille: '', retenu: false
if (suggestions.length >= AUTOCOMPLETION_ELEMENTS_NBRE) {
nom.label = '...';
nom.value = $('#taxon').val();
return false;
} else {
nom.label = val.nom_sci_complet;
nom.value = val.nom_sci_complet;
nom.nt = val.num_taxonomique;
nom.nomSel = val.nom_sci;
nom.nomSelComplet = val.nom_sci_complet;
nom.numNomSel = val.nn;
nom.nomRet = val.nom_retenu_complet;
nom.numNomRet = val[''];
nom.famille = val.famille;
nom.retenu = (val.retenu == 'false') ? false : true;
return suggestions;
* jQuery UI Autocomplete HTML Extension
* Copyright 2010, Scott González (
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Adaptation par Aurélien Peronnet pour la mise en gras des noms de taxons valides
(function($) {
var proto = $.ui.autocomplete.prototype,
initSource = proto._initSource;
function filter(array, term) {
var matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), 'i');
return $.grep(array, function(value) {
return matcher.test($('<div>').html(value.label || value.value || value).text());
$.extend(proto, {
_initSource: function() {
if (this.options.html && $.isArray(this.options.source)) {
this.source = function( request, response ) {
response(filter(this.options.source, request.term));
} else {;
_renderItem: function(ul, item) {
if (item.retenu == true) {
item.label = '<strong>'+item.label+'</strong>';
return $('<li></li>')
.data('item.autocomplete', item)
.append($('<a></a>')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](item.label))
//UPLOAD PHOTO : Traitement de l'image
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#fichier').on('click change', function(event) {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
var options = {
success: afficherMiniature, // post-submit callback
dataType: 'xml', // 'xml', 'script', or 'json' (expected server response type)
resetForm: true // reset the form after successful submit
'<img id="miniature-chargement" class="miniature" alt="chargement" src="'+CHARGEMENT_IMAGE_URL+'"/>');
$('#ajouter-obs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (verifierFormat($(this).val())) {
} else {
window.alert("Le format de fichier n'est pas supporté, les formats acceptés sont "+ $('#fichier').attr('accept'));
return false;
$('#photo-placeholder').click(function(event) {
$('body').on('click', '.effacer-miniature', function(event) {
function verifierFormat(nom) {
var parts = nom.split('.');
extension = parts[parts.length - 1];
return (extension.toLowerCase() == 'jpeg' || extension.toLowerCase() == 'jpg');
function afficherMiniature(reponse) {
if (DEBUG) {
var debogage = $('debogage', reponse).text();
//console.log('Débogage upload : ' + debogage);
var message = $('message', reponse).text();
if (message != '') {
} else {
function creerWidgetMiniature(reponse) {
var miniatureUrl = $('miniature-url', reponse).text(),
imgNom = $('image-nom', reponse).text(),
html =
'<div class="miniature">'+
'<img class="miniature-img" class="miniature" alt="'+imgNom+'" src="'+miniatureUrl+'"/>'+
'<button class="btn effacer-miniature" type="button">Effacer</button>'+
return html;
function supprimerMiniature(miniature) {
function supprimerMiniatures() {
// FORMULAIRE : traitements génériques
$(document).ready(function() {
// Interaction générales
$('.alert .close').on('click', fermerPanneauAlert);
$('#btn-aide').on('click', basculerAffichageAide);
$('.dropdown-menu input, .dropdown-menu label').on('click', function(event) {
// Afficher/Cacher champs cachés par défaut
surChangementPeriodiciteTraitementPhyto();// Vérif lors du chargement de la page
$('#periodicite-traitement-phyto').on('change', surChangementPeriodiciteTraitementPhyto);
// Sliders
// Date picker
// Gestion de la liste des taxons
surChangementTaxonListe();// Vérif lors du chargement de la page
$('#taxon-liste').on('change', surChangementTaxonListe);
// Validation du formulaire
// Gestion des obs
$('.cb-milieux').on('click', function(event) {
$('input#hauteur-plante').on('blur', function() {
// if there's a bad value
var valeur = $(this).val();
if (! valeur.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
// replace it with nothing
var nouvelleValeur = valeur.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
$('a.afficher-coord').on('click', basculerAffichageCoord);
$('#ajouter-obs').on('click', ajouterObs);
$('.obs-nbre').on('changement', surChangementNbreObs);
$('body').on('click', '.supprimer-obs', supprimerObs);
$('#transmettre-obs').on('click', transmettreObs);
// Défilement des photos
$('body').on('click', '.defilement-control-zone', function(event) {
$('body').on('mouseover', '.defilement-control-zone', function(event) {
$('.defilement-control', this).removeClass('hidden');
$('body').on('mouseout', '.defilement-control-zone', function(event) {
$('.defilement-control', this).addClass('hidden');
function transformerEnSlider(selector) {
$(selector).each(function(index, el) {
// hide the element
// add the slider to each element
var slider = $( '<div class="slider-holder"><div class="horizontal-slider"></div></div>' ).
insertBefore( el ).find('.horizontal-slider').slider({
min: 1,
max: el.options.length,
range: 'min',
value: el.selectedIndex + 1,
slide: function(event, ui) {
el.selectedIndex = ui.value - 1;
$(selector + ' option[selected="selected"]').removeAttr('selected');
$(selector + ' :nth-child('+ui.value+')').attr('selected', 'selected')
stop: function() {
// Create a legend under the slider so we can see the options
var options = [];
for (var option in $(el).children()) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(option))) {
// the width of each legend/option
var width = (slider.width() / (options.length - 1));
// Add the legend. Half the width of the first and last options for display consistency.
slider.after('<div class="slider-legend"><p style="width:' + (width / 2) + 'px;text-align:left;">' +
options.join('</p><p style="width:' + width + 'px;">') +'</p></div>')
.parent().find('.slider-legend p:last-child').css('width', width / 2)
.css('text-align', 'right');
// if there are too many options so that the text is wider than the width, then hide the text
var lastChild = slider.parent().find('.slider-legend p:last-child');
if (lastChild[0].clientWidth < lastChild[0].scrollWidth) {
slider.parent().find('.slider-legend p');//.css('text-indent', '200%');
function surChangementPeriodiciteTraitementPhyto() {
if ($('#periodicite-traitement-phyto').val() === 'jamais') {
} else {
function surChangementTaxonListe() {
if ($('#taxon-liste').val() === '?') {
} else {
function configurerDatePicker(selector) {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
maxDate: new Date,
showOn: 'button',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: 'Afficher le calendrier pour saisir la date.',
showButtonPanel: true,
onSelect: function(date) {
$(selector + ' + img.ui-datepicker-trigger').appendTo(selector + '-icone.add-on');
function configurerFormValidator() {
function (value, element) {
return value == '' || (/^[0-9]{2}[-\/][0-9]{2}[-\/][0-9]{4}$/.test(value));
'Format : jj/mm/aaaa. Date incomplète, utiliser 0, exemple : 00/12/2011.');
$.extend($.validator.defaults, {
ignore: [],// Forcer Jquery Validate à examiner les éléments avec en display:none;
highlight: function(element) {
success: function(element) {
if (element.attr('id') == 'taxon' && $('#taxon').val() != '') {
// Si le taxon n'est pas lié au référentiel, on vide le data associé
if ($('#taxon').data('value') != $('#taxon').val()) {
$('#taxon').data('numNomSel', '');
$('#taxon').data('nomRet', '');
$('#taxon').data('numNomRet', '');
$('#taxon').data('nt', '');
$('#taxon').data('famille', '');
function definirReglesFormValidator() {
rules: {
courriel: {
required: true,
email: true},
courriel_confirmation: {
required: true,
equalTo: '#courriel'},
prenom: {
required: true},
nom: {
required: true},
personneStructure: {
required: true},
personneService: {
required: true}
rules: {
station: {
required: true},
latitude : {
required: true,
range: [-90, 90]},
longitude: {
required: true,
range: [-180, 180]},
typoUrbaine: {
required: true},
revetementSol: {
required: true},
intensiteGestion: {
required: true},
periodiciteTraitementPhyto: {
required: true},
itineraireGestion: {
required: true}
rules: {
date: {
required: true,
'dateCel' : true},
dateDerniereIntervention: {
required: true}
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (element.attr('name') == 'date') {
} else {
rules: {
'taxon-liste': {
required: true},
'milieux[]': {
required: true,
minlength: 1},
hauteurPlante: {
required: true,
digits: true},
resistanceTraitementPhyto: {
required: true}
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (element.attr('name') == 'milieux[]') {
} else {
function validerFormulaire() {
var observateur = $('#form-observateur').valid(),
station = $('#form-site').valid(),
date = $('#form-date').valid(),
obs = $('#form-obs').valid(),
debRue = (latLngDeb == undefined) ? false : true,
finRue = (latLngFin == undefined) ? false : true;
var ok = (observateur && station && obs && date && debRue && finRue) ? true : false;
return ok;
function fermerPanneauAlert() {
$(this).parentsUntil('.zone-alerte', '.alert').hide();
function basculerAffichageAide() {
if ($(this).hasClass('btn-warning')) {
$('#btn-aide-txt', this).text("Désactiver l'aide");
} else {
$('#btn-aide-txt', this).text("Activer l'aide");
function basculerAffichageCoord() {
//valeur false pour que le lien ne soit pas suivi
return false;
// CRÉER OBS : Gestion des obs
var obsNbre = 0;
function ajouterObs() {
if (validerFormulaire() == true) {
obsNbre = obsNbre + 1;
} else {
var debRue = (latLngDeb == undefined) ? false : true,
finRue = (latLngFin == undefined) ? false : true;
if (debRue == false || finRue == false) {
} else {
function afficherObs() {
var numNomSel = ($('#taxon-liste').val() == '?') ? $('#taxon').data('numNomSel') : $('#taxon-liste').val(),
nomSpecial = $('#taxon-liste option:selected').hasClass('nom-special'),
taxon = ($('#taxon-liste').val() == '?') ? $('#taxon').val() : $('#taxon-liste option:selected').data('nom-a-sauver'),
referentiel = (numNomSel == undefined) ? '' : '['+NOM_SCI_PROJET+']',
commune = $('#commune-nom').text(),
codeInsee = $('#commune-code-insee').text(),
lat = $('input[name="latitude"]').val(),
lng = $('input[name="longitude"]').val(),
date = $('#date').val(),
site = $('#station').val(),
revetement = $('#revetement-sol').val(),
intensiteGestion = $('#intensite-gestion').val(),
resistance = $('#resistance-traitement-phyto').val(),
milieux = getMilieux(),
notes = (nomSpecial ? taxons[numNomSel]['nom_fr'] + ".<br />" : '') + $('#notes').val();
'<div id="obs'+obsNbre+'" class="row-fluid obs obs'+obsNbre+'">'+
'<div class="span12">'+
'<div class="well">'+
'<div class="obs-action pull-right has-tooltip" data-placement="bottom" '+
'title="Supprimer cette observation de la liste à transmettre">'+
'<button class="btn btn-danger supprimer-obs" value="'+obsNbre+'" title="'+obsNbre+'">'+
'<i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i>'+
'</div> '+
'<div class="row-fluid">'+
'<div class="span2 obs-miniatures">'+
'<div class="span8">'+
'<ul class="unstyled">'+
'<span class="nom-sci">' + taxon + '</span> ' +
'<span class="referentiel-obs">' + referentiel + '</span>' +
' observé à ' +
'<span class="commune">' + commune + '</span> ' +
'(' + codeInsee + ') [' + lat +' / ' + lng + ']' +
' le ' +
'<span class="date">' + date + '</span>' +
'</li>' +
'<li>' +
'<span>Site :</span> ' + site + ' ' + ' ; ' +
'<span>Revêtement au sol :</span> ' + revetement + ' ' + ' ; ' +
'<span>Intensité de gestion :</span> ' + intensiteGestion + ' ' + ' ; ' +
'<span>Milieu :</span> ' + milieux + ' ' + ' ; ' +
'<span>Résistance/Résilience :</span> ' + resistance + ' ' +
'</li>' +
'<li>' +
'Commentaires : ' + notes +
function getMilieux() {
var milieuxStr = '',
milieux = [];
$('.cb-milieux:checked').each(function() {
milieuxStr =', ');
return milieuxStr;
function ajouterImgMiniatureAuTransfert() {
var html = '',
miniatures = '',
indicateurs = '',
premiere = true,
numero = 1;
if ($('#miniatures img').length == 0) {
html = '<img class="miniature" alt="Aucune photo"src="'+PAS_DE_PHOTO_ICONE_URL+'" />';
} else if ($('#miniatures img').length >= 1) {
$('#miniatures img').each(function() {
var visible = premiere ? 'miniature-selectionnee' : 'miniature-cachee',
css = $(this).hasClass('b64') ? 'miniature b64' : 'miniature',
src = $(this).attr('src'),
alt = $(this).attr('alt');
var miniature = '<img class="'+css+' '+visible+'" alt="'+alt+'"src="'+src+'" />';
miniatures += miniature;
var indicateurActif = premiere ? 'active' : '';
var indicateur = '<li class="' + indicateurActif + '" data-numero="' + numero++ + '"></li>';
indicateurs += indicateur;
premiere = false;
if ($('#miniatures img').length == 1) {
html = miniatures;
} else {
html =
'<div class="defilement">' +
miniatures +
'<a class="defilement-control-zone gauche">' +
' <span class="defilement-control gauche hidden">&#60;</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<a class="defilement-control-zone droite">' +
' <span class="defilement-control droite hidden">&#62;</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<ol class="defilement-indicateurs">' + indicateurs + '</ol>' +
return html;
function defilerMiniatures(element) {
var miniatureSelectionne = element.siblings('img.miniature-selectionnee');
var miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne;
var indicateurActif = element.parent().find('.defilement-indicateurs .active');
if (element.hasClass('defilement-control-zone') && element.hasClass('gauche')) {
if (miniatureSelectionne.prev('.miniature').length != 0) {
miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne.prev('.miniature');
} else {
miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne.siblings('.miniature').last();
} else {
if ('.miniature').length != 0) {
miniatureAffichee ='.miniature');'active');
} else {
miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne.siblings('.miniature').first();
function formaterNumNomSel(numNomSel) {
var nn = '';
if (numNomSel == undefined) {
nn = '<span class="alert-error">[non lié au référentiel]</span>';
} else {
nn = '<span class="nn">[nn'+numNomSel+']</span>';
return nn;
function surChangementReferentiel() {
NOM_SCI_PROJET = $('#referentiel').val();
function surChangementNbreObs() {
if (obsNbre == 0) {
$('#transmettre-obs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
if (obsNbre > 0 && obsNbre < OBS_MAX_NBRE) {
} else if (obsNbre >= OBS_MAX_NBRE) {
$('#ajouter-obs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
function supprimerObs() {
var obsId = $(this).val();
// Problème avec IE 6 et 7
if (obsId == "Supprimer") {
obsId = $(this).attr("title");
function supprimerObsParId(obsId) {
obsNbre = obsNbre - 1;
function initialiserBarreProgression() {
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('aria-valuenow', 0);
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('style', "width: 0%");
$('#barre-progression-upload .sr-only').text("0/0 observations transmises");
function initialiserObs() {
obsNbre = 0;
nbObsTransmises = 0;
nbObsEnCours = 0;
totalObsATransmettre = 0;
function getNomsImgsOriginales() {
var noms = new Array();
$('.miniature-img').each(function() {
return noms;
function stockerObsData() {
var nomHorsListe = $('#taxon-liste').val() == '?' ? true : false;
nomSpecial = $('#taxon-liste option:selected').hasClass('nom-special'),
numNomSel = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('numNomSel') : $('#taxon-liste').val(),
nomSel = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').val() : $('#taxon-liste option:selected').data('nom-a-sauver'),
nomRet = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('nomRet') : taxons[numNomSel]['nom_ret'],
numNomRet = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('numNomRet') : taxons[numNomSel]['num_nom_ret'],
numTaxon = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('nt') : taxons[numNomSel]['num_taxon'],
famille = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('famille') : taxons[numNomSel]['famille'],
referentiel = (numNomSel == undefined) ? '' : NOM_SCI_REFERENTIEL,
notes = (nomSpecial ? taxons[numNomSel]['nom_fr'] + '. ' : '') + $('#notes').val();
$('#liste-obs').data('obsId'+obsNbre, {
'date': $('#date').val(),
'notes': notes,
'station': $('#station').val(),
'latitude': $('#latitude').val(),
'longitude': $('#longitude').val(),
'commune_nom': $('#commune-nom').text(),
'commune_code_insee': $('#commune-code-insee').text(),
'nom_sel': nomSel,
'num_nom_sel': numNomSel,
'nom_ret': nomRet,
'num_nom_ret': numNomRet,
'num_taxon': numTaxon,
'famille': famille,
'referentiel': referentiel,
'milieu': getMilieux(),
// Ajout des champs images
'image_nom': getNomsImgsOriginales(),
// Ajout des champs étendus de l'obs
'obs_etendue': getObsChpEtendus()
function getObsChpEtendus() {
var champs = [],
perceptionTechnicien = getPerceptionTechnicien();
if (perceptionTechnicien != undefined) {
if (latLngDeb != undefined) {
var latitudeDebutRue = {cle: 'latitudeDebutRue', label: 'Latitude du début de la rue', valeur:};
var longitudeDebutRue = {cle: 'longitudeDebutRue', label: 'Longitude du début de la rue', valeur: latLngDeb.lng().toFixed(5)};
if (latLngFin != undefined) {
var latitudeFinRue = {cle: 'latitudeFinRue', label: 'Latitude de fin de la rue', valeur:};
var longitudeFinRue = {cle: 'longitudeFinRue', label: 'Longitude de fin de la rue', valeur: latLngFin.lng().toFixed(5)};
$('.obs-chp-etendu').each(function() {
var valeur = $(this).val(),
cle = $(this).attr('name'),
label = $(this).data('label');
if (valeur != '') {
var chpEtendu = {cle: cle, label: label, valeur: valeur};
return champs;
function getPerceptionTechnicien() {
var perceptionTechnicien = undefined,
perceptions = [];
$('.cb-perception-technicien:checked').each(function() {
if (perceptions.length > 0) {
var valeur =', ');
perceptionTechnicien = {cle: 'perceptionTechnicien', label: "Perceptions par l'équipe", valeur: valeur};
return perceptionTechnicien;
// TRANSFERER OBS : envoie des obs au CEL
var nbObsEnCours = 1;
var totalObsATransmettre = 0;
function transmettreObs() {
var observations = $("#liste-obs").data();
if (observations == undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject(observations)) {
} else {
nbObsEnCours = 1;
nbObsTransmises = 0;
totalObsATransmettre = $.map(observations, function(n, i) { return i; }).length;
return false;
function depilerObsPourEnvoi() {
var observations = $("#liste-obs").data();
// la boucle est factice car on utilise un tableau
// dont on a besoin de n'extraire que le premier élément
// or javascript n'a pas de méthode cross browsers pour extraire les clés
// TODO: utiliser var.keys quand ça sera plus répandu
// ou bien utiliser un vrai tableau et pas un objet
for (var obsNum in observations) {
obsATransmettre = new Object();
obsATransmettre['projet'] = TAG_PROJET;
obsATransmettre['tag-obs'] = TAG_OBS;
obsATransmettre['tag-img'] = TAG_IMG;
var utilisateur = new Object();
utilisateur.id_utilisateur = $("#id_utilisateur").val();
utilisateur.prenom = $("#prenom").val();
utilisateur.nom = $("#nom").val();
utilisateur.courriel = $("#courriel").val();
obsATransmettre['utilisateur'] = utilisateur;
obsATransmettre[obsNum] = observations[obsNum];
var idObsNumerique = obsNum.replace('obsId', '');
if(idObsNumerique != "") {
envoyerObsAuCel(idObsNumerique, obsATransmettre);
var nbObsTransmises = 0;
function mettreAJourProgression() {
var pct = (nbObsTransmises/totalObsATransmettre)*100;
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('aria-valuenow', nbObsTransmises);
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('style', "width: "+pct+"%");
$('#barre-progression-upload .sr-only').text(nbObsTransmises+"/"+totalObsATransmettre+" observations transmises");
if(obsNbre == 0) {
function envoyerObsAuCel(idObs, observation) {
var erreurMsg = '',
debugNonJson = '';
type: 'POST',
data: observation,
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// mise à jour du nombre d'obs à transmettre
// et suppression de l'obs
// mise à jour du statut
if(obsNbre > 0) {
// dépilement de la suivante
statusCode: {
500: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur 500 :\ntype : " + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown + "\n";
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur Ajax :\ntype : " + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown + "\n";
try {
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "\n";
} catch(e) {
erreurMsg += "L'erreur n'est pas en JSON.";
debugNonJson = jqXHR.responseText;
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = extraireEnteteDebug(jqXHR);
if (erreurMsg != '') {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ko .alert-txt').append('<pre class="msg-erreur">' + erreurMsg + '</pre>');
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ko .alert-txt').append('<pre class="msg-debug">Débogage : ' + debugNonJson + debugMsg + '</pre>');
var hrefCourriel = '' +
'subject=Disfonctionnement du widget de saisie ' + TAG_PROJET +
'&body=' + erreurMsg + "\nDébogage :\n" + debugMsg + debugNonJson;
// mise en valeur de l'obs en erreur + scroll vers celle ci en changeant le hash
$('#obs'+idObs+' div div').addClass('obs-erreur');
window.location.hash = "obs"+idObs;
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ko .alert-txt').append($('#tpl-transmission-ko').clone()
.attr('href', hrefCourriel)
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ok .alert-txt').append('<pre class="msg-debug">Débogage : ' + debugMsg + debugNonJson + '</pre>');
if(obsNbre == 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ok .alert-txt').append($('#tpl-transmission-ok').clone().html());
window.location.hash = "dialogue-obs-transaction-ok";
}, 1500);
New file
0,0 → 1,0
var taxons = <?=$taxons?>;
New file
0,0 → 1,717
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<title>Sauvages de ma rue</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Jean-Pascal MILCENT, Aurélien PERONNET, Céline VIDAL" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Sauvages de ma rue, CEL, Tela Botanica, Natural Solutions, MNHN" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de saisie pour le projet Sauvages de ma rue" />
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<script src="<?=$url_base?>saisie?projet=sauvages&amp;service=taxons" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// La présence du parametre 'debug' dans l'URL enclenche le dégogage
var DEBUG = <?=isset($_GET['debug']) ? 'true' : 'false'?>;
// La présence du parametre 'html5' dans l'URL enclenche les fonctions avancées HTML5
var HTML5 = <?=isset($_GET['html5']) ? 'true' : 'false'?>;
// La présence du parametre 'ville' dans l'URL géolocalise
var VILLE = "<?=isset($_GET['ville']) ? $_GET['ville'] : ''?>";
VILLE = <?= isset($_GET['commune']) ? "'".$_GET['commune']."'" : 'VILLE' ?>;
// Mot-clé du widget/projet
var TAG_PROJET = "WidgetSauvages,Sauvages";
// Mots-clés à ajouter aux images
var TAG_IMG = "<?=isset($_GET['tag-img']) ? $_GET['tag-img'] : ''?>";
var SEPARATION_TAG_IMG = "<?= isset($_GET['motcle']) && isset($_GET['tag-img']) ? ',' : '' ?>";
TAG_IMG = <?=isset($_GET['motcle']) ? "'".$_GET['motcle']."' + SEPARATION_TAG_IMG + TAG_IMG" : 'TAG_IMG' ?>;
// Mots-clés à ajouter aux observations
var TAG_OBS = "<?=isset($_GET['tag-obs']) ? $_GET['tag-obs'] : ''?>";
var SEPARATION_TAG_OBS = "<?= isset($_GET['projet']) && isset($_GET['tag-obs']) ? ',' : '' ?>";
TAG_OBS = <?=isset($_GET['projet']) ? "'".$_GET['projet']."' + SEPARATION_TAG_OBS + TAG_OBS" : 'TAG_OBS' ?>;
// URL du web service réalisant l'insertion des données dans la base du CEL.
var SERVICE_SAISIE_URL = "<?=$url_ws_saisie?>";
// URL du web service permettant de récupérer les infos d'une observation du CEL.
var SERVICE_OBS_URL = "<?=$url_ws_obs?>";
// Code du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques (de la forme nom:code).
var NOM_SCI_REFERENTIEL = "<?=$ns_referentiel?>";
// Nom du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques.
var NOM_SCI_PROJET = "<?=$ns_projet?>";
// Code de la version du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques.
var NOM_SCI_VERSION = "<?=$ns_version?>";
// Indication de la présence d'une espèce imposée
var ESPECE_IMPOSEE = "<?=$espece_imposee; ?>";
// Tableau d'informations sur l'espèce imposée
var INFOS_ESPECE_IMPOSEE = <?=$infos_espece; ?>;
// Nombre d'élément dans les listes d'auto-complétion
// Indication de la présence d'un référentiel imposé
var REFERENTIEL_IMPOSE = "<?=$referentiel_impose; ?>";
// Indication des version utilisées de chaque référentiel
var PROJETS_VERSIONS = <?=json_encode($projets_versions)?>;
// URL du web service permettant l'auto-complétion des noms scientifiques.
var SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETION_NOM_SCI_URL = "<?=$url_ws_autocompletion_ns?>?"+
// URL du web service permettant l'auto-complétion des noms scientifiques.
var SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETION_NOM_SCI_URL_TPL = "<?=$url_ws_autocompletion_ns_tpl?>?"+
// Nombre d'observations max autorisé avant transmission
<? $max_nb_obs = 10 ?>
var OBS_MAX_NBRE = <?= $max_nb_obs ?>;
// Durée d'affichage en milliseconde des messages d'informations
var DUREE_MESSAGE = 15000;
// Squelette d'URL du web service de l'annuaire.
var SERVICE_ANNUAIRE_ID_URL = "<?=$url_ws_annuaire?>";
// Squelette d'URL du web service d'eFlore fournissant les noms de communes.
var SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL = "{lon}&lat={lat}";
// Squelette d'URL du web service d'eFlore fournissant les noms de communes hors de France (localisation approximative).
var SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL_ALT = "{lon}&lat={lat}&nbre=1";
// URL du marqueur à utiliser dans la carte Google Map
var GOOGLE_MAP_MARQUEUR_DEBUT_URL = "<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/marqueurs/debut.png";
// URL de l'icône de fin de rue
var GOOGLE_MAP_MARQUEUR_FIN_URL = "<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/marqueurs/fin.png";
// URL de l'icône du chargement en cours
var CHARGEMENT_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/icones/chargement.gif";
// URL de l'icône du chargement en cours d'une image
var CHARGEMENT_IMAGE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/icones/chargement-image.gif";
// URL de l'icône du calendrier
var CALENDRIER_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/icones/calendrier.png";
// URL de l'icône du calendrier
var PAS_DE_PHOTO_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/icones/pas_de_photo.png";
// URL de l'icône du bouton supprimer
var SUPPRIMER_ICONE_URL = "<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/icones/supprimer.png";
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/js/sauvages.js"></script>
<!-- CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="<?=$url_base?>modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/css/<?=isset($_GET['style']) ? $_GET['style'] : 'sauvages'?>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<body data-spy="scroll">
<div id="zone-appli" class="container">
<div class="row-fluid entete">
<div class="span12">
<?php if ($titre == 'defaut' ) : ?>
<h1 id="widget-titre"><img src="<?=$url_base?>/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages/img/logos/sdmr.png" alt="Sauvages de ma rue : Saisie des observations"/></h1>
<?php else: ?>
<h1 id="widget-titre"><?= $titre ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>
<p class="discretion">
Un aide interactive est à votre disposition sur l'interface.
Une fois familiarisé, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton suivant pour la désactiver :
<button id="btn-aide" class="btn btn-mini btn-success">
<span class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></span>
<span id="btn-aide-txt" >Désactiver l'aide</span>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<form id="form-observateur" action="#" autocomplete="on">
<h2 id="titre-form-observateur">Observateur</h2>
<div id="zone-identification">
<fieldset id="partie-identification">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6 control-group has-tooltip" data-placement="bottom"
title="Saisissez le courriel avec lequel vous être inscrit à Tela Botanica.
Si vous n'êtes pas inscrit, ce n'est pas grave, vous pourrez le faire
ultérieurement. Des informations complémentaires vont vous être
demandées : prénom et nom.">
<label class="control-label" for="courriel">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on">
<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
<input id="courriel" name="courriel" class="span11" type="text"/>
<input id="id_utilisateur" name="id_utilisateur" type="hidden"/>
<div id="zone-courriel-confirmation" class="span6 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Saisissez à nouveau votre courriel afin de le confirmer. Le
copier/coller est désactivé pour éviter les erreurs.">
<label class="control-label" for="courriel_confirmation">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Courriel (confirmation)
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on">
<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
<input id="courriel_confirmation" name="courriel_confirmation"
class="span11" type="text"/>
<div id="zone-prenom-nom" class="row-fluid" style="display:none;">
<div class="span6 control-group">
<label for="prenom" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<input id="prenom" name="prenom" class="span12" type="text"/>
<div class="span6 control-group">
<label for="nom" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="nom" name="nom" class="span12" type="text"/>
<!-- Messages d'erreur du formulaire-->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="zone-alerte span12">
<div id="dialogue-bloquer-copier-coller" class="alert alert-info alert-block" style="display:none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : copier/coller</h4>
Merci de ne pas copier/coller votre courriel.<br/>
La double saisie permet de vérifier l'absence d'erreurs.
<div id="dialogue-courriel-introuvable" class="alert alert-info alert-block" style="display:none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : courriel introuvable</h4>
Vous n'êtes pas inscrit à Tela Botanica avec ce courriel.<br/>
Veuillez compléter les champs supplémentaires ou indiquer votre courriel d'inscription.<br/>
Pour retrouver vos observations dans le <a href="">Carnet en ligne</a>,
il sera nécesaire de <a href="">vous inscrire à Tela Botanica</a>.
<div id="dialogue-google-map" class="alert alert-info alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information sur Google Map</h4>
<div class="contenu"></div>
<!-- Fiche terrain -->
<form id="form-obs" class="form-inline" action="#" autocomplete="on">
<h2 id="titre-form-obs">Fiche de terrain</h2>
<div id="zone-fiche-terrain">
<fieldset id="partie-date">
<legend>Date du relevé</legend>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Vous pouvez cliquer sur l'icône de calendrier pour
sélectionner une date dans un calendrier. La date doit être au format :
<label class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Date du relevé
<div class="input-prepend">
<span id="date-icone" class="add-on"></span>
<input id="date" class="input-small" name="date" type="text"
placeholder="jj/mm/aaaa" />
<fieldset id="partie-station">
<legend>Lieu du relevé</legend>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<label for="map_canvas" class="control-label"
title="Veuillez localiser l'observation">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<ul class="unstyled liste_indication_geolocalisation">
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 1/4 : Entrez le nom de la rue et de la ville dans l'espace de recherche ci-dessous</li>
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 2/4 : Placez le drapeau vert au début de la portion de rue étudiée</li>
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 3/4 : Placez le drapeau rouge à la fin de la portion de rue étudiée, si vous vous êtes trompé, vous pouvez redéplacer le drapeau vert</li>
<li class="indication_geolocalisation">Étape 4/4 : Voilà ! Votre zone d'étude est localisée ! Vous pouvez passer à la saisie de l'observation.</li>
<div class="form-search form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group">
<input id="carte-recherche"
class="search-query span12 obs-chp-etendu has-tooltip"
title="Permet de centrer la carte sur le lieu recherché. Il est nécessaire de sélectionner le lieu dans la liste déroulante."
placeholder="Entrez un nom de ville, de lieu ou de rue..."
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div id="map-canvas" class="has-tooltip"
title="Vous pouvez cliquer sur la carte pour déplacer le marqueur
représentant votre station ou bien le glisser-déposer sur
le lieu souhaité."></div>
<div id="coordonnees-geo-affichage" class="row-fluid">
<label for="coordonnees-geo" class="span6">
<a class="afficher-coord btn">
<span class="afficher-coord-action">Afficher</span>
<span class="afficher-coord-action" style="display:none;">Cacher</span>
<span id="lat-lon-info" class="info has-tooltip"
title="Système géodésique mondial, révision de 1984 - Coordonnées non projetées">
<div id="info-commune" class="span6">
<span for="marqueur-commune">Commune : </span>
<span id="marqueur-commune">
<span id="commune-nom" class="commune-info"></span>
(<span id="commune-code-insee" class="commune-info has-tooltip"
title="Code INSEE de la commune"></span>)
<div id="coordonnees-geo" class="row-fluid" style="display:none;">
<div class="form-inline">
<div id="coord-lat" class="span4 control-group">
<label for="latitude" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="latitude" class="input-mini" name="latitude" type="text" value=""/>
<div id="coord-lng" class="span4">
<label for="longitude" class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div class="controls">
<input id="longitude" class="input-mini" name="longitude" type="text" value=""/>
<div class="span4">
<button id="geolocaliser" class="btn has-tooltip"
title="Centre la carte sur les coordonnées de latitude et longitude saisies.">
Voir sur la carte
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Choisissez le (ou les) côté(s) de la rue que vous avez étudié.">
<label class="control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Côté de la rue
<select id="rue_cote" class="obs-chp-etendu" name="coteRue" data-label="Côté rue">
<option value="">Sélectionner un type de côté</option>
<option value="pair">Pair</option>
<option value="impair">Impair</option>
<option value="2cotes">Les deux</option>
<fieldset id="partie-observation">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div id="taxon-liste-input-groupe" class="control-group has-tooltip"
title="Sélectionnez une espèce dans la liste déroulante par son nom latin
ou commun. Si une espèce est absente, sélectionner «Autre espèce»." >
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
Espèces communes
<div class="input-prepend ">
<span class="add-on">
<i class="icon-leaf"></i>
<select id="taxon-liste" name="taxon-liste">
<option value="" selected>Sélectionner une espèce</option>
<optgroup id="taxon-liste-noms">
<?php foreach ($taxons['sci-et-fr'] as $taxon) :?>
class="<?=$taxon['nom_type'] ?>"
value="<?=$taxon['num_nom'] ?>"
title="<?=$taxon['nom_title'] ?>"
data-nom-a-sauver="<?=$taxon['nom_a_sauver'] ?>"
<?php endforeach; ?>
<optgroup id="taxon-liste-special">
<?php foreach ($taxons['speciaux'] as $taxon) :?>
class="<?=$taxon['nom_type'] ?>"
value="<?=$taxon['num_nom'] ?>"
title="<?=$taxon['nom_title'] ?>"
data-nom-a-sauver="<?=$taxon['nom_a_sauver'] ?>"
<?php endforeach; ?>
<option value="?">Autre espèce</option>
<div id="taxon-input-groupe" class="row-fluid hidden">
<div class="span12">
<div class="control-group has-tooltip"
title="Sélectionnez une espèce dans la liste déroulante pour lier
votre nom au référentiel. Si vous le désirez vous pouvez aussi saisir
un nom absent du référentiel (Ex. : 'fleur violette' ou 'Viola sp.1')." >
<label for="taxon" class="control-label" title="Choisissez l'espèce rencontrée.">
Autre espèce
<div class="controls">
<input id="taxon" name="taxon" type="text" class="span12"
placeholder="Autre espèce (ou indication sur la plante)"
value="<?= $nom_sci_espece_defaut; ?>" />
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 control-group has-tooltip"
title="Indiquez le (ou les) milieu(x) dans lequel (lesquels) vous avez rencontré cette espèce.">
<label class="span2 control-label">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong>
<div id="milieux-controls" class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
<i class="icon-globe"></i>
Sélectionner un ou plusieurs milieux
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="fissures"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="pied d'arbre"/>
Pied d'arbre
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="mur"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="pelouse"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="plate bande"/>
Plate bande
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="haie"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input name="milieux[]" class="cb-milieux" type="checkbox" value="chemin"/>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<label for="notes">Notes</label>
<textarea id="notes" class="span12" rows="7" name="notes"
placeholder="Indiquez nous en particulier le ou les outils d'identification que vous avez utilisé, et toute autre information concernant le milieu ou l'espèce."></textarea>
</div><!-- zone-fiche-terrain-->
<div id="zone-fiche-terrain-photo">
<form id="form-upload" class="form-horizontal" action="<?= $url_ws_upload ?>?projet=sauvages"
method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<fieldset id="partie-photo">
<legend>Ajouter des photos</legend>
<p class="miniature-info" class="discretion help-inline">
Vous pouvez ajouter des photos correspondant à cette espèce.
Les photos doivent être au format JPEG et ne doivent pas excéder 5Mo chacunes.
<div id ="photos-conteneur">
<input type="file" id="fichier" name="fichier" accept="image/jpeg" />
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5242880"/>
<div id="miniatures"></div>
<p class="miniature-msg" class="span12">&nbsp;</p>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 has-tooltip"
title="Une fois les champs remplis, vous pouvez cliquer sur ce bouton pour
ajouter votre observation à la liste à transmettre.">
<button id="ajouter-obs" class="btn btn-primary btn-large" type="button">
<!-- Messages d'erreur du formulaire-->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="zone-alerte span12">
<div id="dialogue-bloquer-creer-obs" class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : <?= $max_nb_obs; ?> observations maximum</h4>
Vous venez d'ajouter votre <?= $max_nb_obs; ?>ème observation.<br/>
Pour en ajouter de nouvelles, il est nécessaire de les transmettre en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.
<div class="zone-alerte span12">
<div id="dialogue-form-invalide" class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : champs en erreur</h4>
Certains champs du formulaire sont mal remplis.<br/>
Veuillez vérifier vos données.
<div class="zone-alerte span12">
<div id="dialogue-form-invalide-rue" class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : champs en erreur</h4>
Le coordonnées du début et de la fin de la rue n'ont pas été géoréférencé.<br/>
Veuillez suivre les étapes indiquées dans le champ « Géolocalisation ».
<!-- Affiche le tableau récapitualif des observations ajoutées -->
<div id="zone-liste-obs" class="hidden">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span8">
<h2 id="titre-liste-obs">Liste des observations à transmettre : <span class="obs-nbre">0</span></h2>
<div class="span4 droite">
<button id="transmettre-obs" class="btn btn-primary btn-large has-tooltip"
type="button" disabled="disabled"
title="Ajoute les observations ci-dessous à votre Carnet en Ligne et les rend publiques.">
<div id="liste-obs" ></div>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="zone-alerte span12">
<div id="dialogue-zero-obs" class="alert alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Attention : aucune observation</h4>
<p>Veuillez saisir des observations pour les transmettres.</p>
<div id="dialogue-obs-transaction-ok" class="alert alert-success alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Information : transmission des observations</h4>
<div class="alert-txt"></div>
<div id="dialogue-obs-transaction-ko" class="alert alert-error alert-block" style="display: none;">
<a class="close">×</a>
<h4 class="alert-heading">Erreur : transmission des observations</h4>
<div class="alert-txt"></div>
<!-- Fenêtres modales -->
<div id="chargement" class="modal-fenetre" style="display:none;">
<div id="chargement-centrage" class="modal-contenu">
<div class="progress progress-success progress-striped active">
<div id="barre-progression-upload" class="bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="10" style="">
<span class="sr-only">0/10 observations transmises</span>
<p id="chargement-txt" style="color:white;font-size:1.5em;">
Transfert des observations en cours...<br />
Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes en fonction de la taille des images et du nombre
d'observations à transférer.
<!-- Templates HTML -->
<div id="tpl-transmission-ok" style="display:none;">
<p class="msg">
Merci Beaucoup&nbsp;! Vos observations ont bien été transmises aux chercheurs.<br />
Elles sont désormais affichées sur la carte Sauvages de ma rue,
et s'ajoutent aux données du Carnet en ligne.<br />
Elles sont désormais consultables à travers les différents outils de visualisation
du réseau Tela Botanica (<a href="">eFlore</a>,
<a href="">galeries d'images</a>,
<a href="">identiplante</a>,
<a href="">cartographie (widget)</a>...)<br />
Bonne continuation&nbsp;!
Si vous souhaitez les modifier ou les supprimer, vous pouvez les retrouver en vous
connectant à votre <a href="">Carnet en ligne</a>.<br />
N'oubliez pas qu'il est nécessaire de
<a href="">s'inscrire à Tela Botanica</a>
au préalable, si ce n'est pas déjà fait.
Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à&nbsp;:
<a href=""></a>
<div id="tpl-transmission-ko" style="display:none;">
<p class="msg">
Une erreur est survenue lors de la transmission d'une observation (indiquée en rouge).<br />
Vous pouvez tenter de la retransmettre en cliquant à nouveau sur le bouton transmettre ou bien la supprimer
et transmettre les suivantes.<br />
Néanmoins, les observations n'apparaissant plus dans la liste "observations à transmettre", ont bien été transmises lors de votre précédente tentative. <br />
Si le problème persiste, vous pouvez signaler le dysfonctionnement sur
<a href="<?= $url_remarques ?>?<?php echo urlencode('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); ?>"
onclick="'href'), 'Tela Botanica - Remarques', config='height=700, width=640, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'); return false;">
le formulaire de signalement d'erreurs</a>.
<!-- Stats : Google Analytics-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-20092557-1']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
New file
0,0 → 1,0
var taxons = <?=$taxons?>;
New file
0,0 → 1,0
- Tester si l'id utilisateur est bien gardé après rechargement de la page.
New file
0,0 → 1,393
/* Balises */
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a {
font-weight: bold;
/* Générique */
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font-family: arial;
font-size: 11px;
.nom-sci {
font-style: italic;
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/* Positionnement général */
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width: 600px;
/* Formulaire générique */
legend {
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/* Validation du formulaire */
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color: red;
width: 100%;
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text-indent: -9999px;
color: #468847;
float: none;
width: 0;
height: 0;
/* Formulaire observateur */
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#zone-identification {
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#partie-identification {
background: #A1CA10;
-webkit-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;-moz-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;
/* Formulaire obs */
#titre-form-obs {
width: 250px;
#zone-fiche-terrain-photo {
background: #A1CA10;
width: 600px;
margin-left: 2px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
#zone-fiche-terrain {
-webkit-border-radius: 0 10px 0 0;-moz-border-radius: 0 10px 0 0;border-radius: 0 10px 0 0;
#zone-fiche-terrain-photo {
-webkit-border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;-moz-border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;
margin-top: -20px;
#partie-date {
margin: 0 10px 10px;
background: #E5E5E5;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px;
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#partie-date legend{
background: #E5E5E5;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0 ;-moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;
/* Liste des taxons */
#taxon-liste optgroup + optgroup {
border-top: 1px solid black;
/* Géolocalisation */
#map-canvas {
height: 280px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
#map-canvas img {
max-width: none;
.coordonnees-geo, .lat-lon-info {
font-size: 10px;
#info-commune {
text-align: right;
font-size: 10px;
.afficher-coord {
font-size: 10px;
.indication_geolocalisation {
color: #118811;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: 0.9em;
/* Gestion des photos */
/* Form d'ajout des photos */
#form-upload .miniature {
float: left;
height: 130px;
margin: 5px;
#form-upload .miniature-img {
display: block;
height: 100px;
#form-upload .miniature-chargement {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
#photos-conteneur {
height: 120px;
/* Images d'une observation */
.obs .obs-miniatures {
min-width: 150px;
margin-right: 5px;
background-color: #524C47;
padding: 4px 0;
.obs .miniature {
display: block;
height: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
.defilement {
position: relative;
padding: 8px 0;
.defilement-control-zone {
display: block;
z-index: 2;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 50%;
height: 116px;
.defilement-control-zone.gauche {
left: 0;
.defilement-control-zone.droite {
right: 0;
.defilement-control {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 35%;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: 100;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 3px solid white;
border-radius: 20px;
color: white;
opacity: 1;
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #524C47;
.defilement-control.gauche {
left: 3%;
.defilement-control.droite {
right: 3%;
.defilement-miniatures-cache {
visibility: hidden;
.obs .miniature-cachee {
display: none;
.defilement-indicateurs {
list-style: none outside none;
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
bottom: 2px;
z-index: 5;
.defilement-indicateurs li {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
border-radius: 2px;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
display: block;
float: left;
height: 4px;
margin-left: 2px;
text-indent: -999px;
width: 4px;
.defilement-indicateurs .active {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
/* Observations */
#titre-liste-obs {
margin-top: 0;
padding-top: 0;
#zone-liste-obs {
background-color: #A1CA10;
padding: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px;
#zone-liste-obs .well {
background-color: #A1CA10;
margin: 0 5px 5px 5px;
#liste-obs .well{
background-color: #E0DFDE;
#obs-titre {
margin-right: 20px;
#form-date {
margin: 10px 0;
line-height: 40px;
.ns-retenu {
font-weight: bold;
.nn {
color: #3B9D3B;
.obs .nom-sci {
.date {
font-size: 1.3em;
font-weight: bold;
.obs-action {
opacity: 1;
#ajouter-obs {
margin-left: 407px;
font-size: 20px;
background: #181;
color: #FFF;
width: 137px;
#transmettre-obs {
font-size: 20px;
background: #811;
color: #FFF;
#barre-progression-upload span {
color : #333333;
#liste-obs .obs-erreur {
background-color: #DD6E6E;
/* Autocomplete */
.valeur-defaut-recherche {
color: #848484;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: 0.9em;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,1315
$(document).ready(function() {
if (DEBUG == false) {
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(event) {
return 'Êtes vous sûr de vouloir quiter la page?\nLes observations saisies mais non transmises seront perdues.';
* Stope l'évènement courrant quand on clique sur un lien.
* Utile pour Chrome, Safari...
* @param evenement
* @return
function arreter(evenement) {
if (evenement.stopPropagation) {
if (evenement.preventDefault) {
return false;
function extraireEnteteDebug(jqXHR) {
var msgDebug = '';
if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-DebugJrest-Data') != '') {
var debugInfos = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-DebugJrest-Data'));
if (debugInfos != null) {
$.each(debugInfos, function (cle, valeur) {
msgDebug += valeur + "\n";
return msgDebug;
function afficherPanneau(selecteur) {
//FORM IDENTITE : gestion de l'observateur => OK
$(document).ready(function() {
requeterIdentite();// Sur rechargement de la page
// Interaction sur le formulaire observateur
$('#prenom').on('change', formaterPrenom);
$('#nom').on('change', formaterNom);
$('#courriel').on('keyup', testerLancementRequeteIdentite);
$('#courriel').on('blur', requeterIdentite);
$('#courriel_confirmation').on('paste', bloquerCopierCollerCourriel);
function testerLancementRequeteIdentite(event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
function requeterIdentite() {
var courriel = $('#courriel').val();
if (courriel) {
var urlAnnuaire = SERVICE_ANNUAIRE_ID_URL + courriel;
url: urlAnnuaire,
type: 'GET',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data != undefined && data[courriel] != undefined) {
var infos = data[courriel];
$('#prenom, #nom, #courriel_confirmation').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
function montrerFormIdentite() {
$('#zone-courriel-confirmation, #zone-prenom-nom').css('display', 'block');
function surErreurCompletionCourriel() {
$('#prenom, #nom, #courriel_confirmation').removeAttr('disabled');
function formaterNom() {
function formaterPrenom() {
var prenom = new Array(),
mots = $(this).val().split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < mots.length; i++) {
var mot = mots[i];
if (mot.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
var prenomCompose = new Array(),
motsComposes = mot.split('-');
for (var j = 0; j < motsComposes.length; j++) {
var motSimple = motsComposes[j],
motMajuscule = motSimple.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + motSimple.slice(1);
} else {
var motMajuscule = mot.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mot.slice(1);
$(this).val(prenom.join(' '));
function bloquerCopierCollerCourriel() {
return false;
var map,
premierDeplacement = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Autocompletion du champ adresse
$('#carte-recherche').on('focus', function() {
$('#carte-recherche').on('mouseup', function(event) {// Pour Safari...
$('#carte-recherche').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
//Cette partie utilise geocoder pour extraire des valeurs d'adresse
source: function(request, response) {
geocoder.geocode( {'address': request.term+', France', 'region' : 'fr' }, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
response($.map(results, function(item) {
var rue = "";
$.each(item.address_components, function(){
if (this.types[0] == "route" || this.types[0] == "street_address" ) {
rue = this.short_name;
var retour = {
label: item.formatted_address,
value: rue,
longitude: item.geometry.location.lng()
return retour;
} else {
// Cette partie est executee a la selection d'une adresse
select: function(event, ui) {
var nouvellePosition = new google.maps.LatLng(ui.item.latitude, ui.item.longitude);
$('#geolocaliser').on('click', geolocaliser);
function initialiserGoogleMap(){
latLngDeb = new google.maps.LatLng(48.8543, 2.3483);// Paris
if (VILLE == 'Marseille') {
latLngDeb = new google.maps.LatLng(43.29545, 5.37458);
} else if (VILLE == 'Montpellier') {
latLngDeb = new google.maps.LatLng(43.61077, 3.87672);
var options = {
zoom: 16,
center: latLngDeb,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: ['OSM',
// Ajout de la couche OSM à la carte
osmMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
return '' + zoom + '/' + coord.x + '/' + coord.y + '.png';
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
isPng: true,
alt: 'OpenStreetMap',
name: 'OSM',
maxZoom: 19
// Création de la carte Google
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), options); //affiche la google map dans la div map_canvas
map.mapTypes.set('OSM', osmMapType);
// Ajout de l'évènment sur click dans Carte
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', surClickDansCarte);
// Lorsque la carte est chargée, on vérifie si on peut précharger des données
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(){
// Initialisation du marker de début de rue
// Tentative de geocalisation si aucune obs à précharger
// Création du Geocoder
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
function initialiserMarkerDeb() {
premierDeplacement = true;
if (markerDeb == undefined) {
// Marqueur de début de Rue
markerDeb = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
draggable: true,
title: 'Début de la portion de rue étudiée',
position: latLngDeb
google.maps.event.addListener(markerDeb, 'dragend', surDeplacementMarkerDeb);
latLngFin = latLngDeb;
if (markerFin != undefined) {
latLngCentre = latLngDeb;
if (ligneRue != undefined) {
function surDeplacementMarkerDeb() {
function deplacerMarkerDeb(nouvellePosition) {
latLngDeb = nouvellePosition;
if (premierDeplacement) {
premierDeplacement = false;
} else {
var nouvellePositionFin = new google.maps.LatLng(, latLngDeb.lng() + 0.0010);
function initialiserMarkerFin() {
if (markerFin == undefined) {
markerFin = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
draggable: true,
title: 'Fin de la portion de rue étudiée',
position: latLngFin
google.maps.event.addListener(markerFin, 'dragend', surDeplacementMarkerFin);
} else {
function deplacerMakerFin(nouvellePosition) {
latLngFin = nouvellePosition;
dessinerLigneRue(latLngDeb, latLngFin);
function surDeplacementMarkerFin() {
dessinerLigneRue(markerDeb.getPosition(), markerFin.getPosition());
function dessinerLigneRue(pointDebut, pointFin) {
if (ligneRue != undefined) {
ligneRue = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [pointDebut, pointFin],
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2
function afficherCentreRue() {
latLngDeb = markerDeb.getPosition();
latLngFin = markerFin.getPosition();
latLngCentre = new google.maps.LatLng(( +, (latLngFin.lng() + latLngDeb.lng())/2);
function mettreAJourStationPosition(latLng) {
var lat =,
lng = latLng.lng().toFixed(5);
function remplirChampLatitude(latDecimale) {
var lat = Math.round(latDecimale * 100000) / 100000;
function remplirChampLongitude(lngDecimale) {
var lng = Math.round(lngDecimale * 100000) / 100000;
function trouverCommune(pos) {
$(function() {
var url_service = SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL,
urlNomCommuneFormatee = url_service.replace('{lat}','{lon}', pos.lng());
url: urlNomCommuneFormatee,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
beforeSend: function() {
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').empty();
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$('#marqueur-commune').data('commune', {'nom' : data.nom, 'codeInsee' : data.codeINSEE});
statusCode: {
500: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append('<p id="msg">Un problème est survenu lors de l\'appel au service fournissante le nom des communes.</p>');
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
var erreurMsg = "";
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + '<br />';
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append(
'<p class="msg-erreur">Erreur 500 : '+errorThrown+'<br />'+erreurMsg+'</p>');
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append(
'<p class="msg">Une erreur Ajax est survenue lors de la transmission de vos observations.</p>');
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
var erreurMsg = '';
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + '<br />';
$('#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt').append(
'<p class="msg-erreur">Erreur Ajax : '+errorThrown+' (type : '+textStatus+') <br />'+erreurMsg+'</p>');
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = extraireEnteteDebug(jqXHR);
if (debugMsg != '') {
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-erreur .alert-txt").append('<pre class="msg-debug msg">Débogage : '+debugMsg+'</pre>');
if ($("#dialogue-erreur .msg").length > 0) {
function afficherEtapeGeolocalisation(numEtape) {
$('.liste_indication_geolocalisation :nth-child('+numEtape+')').show();
function afficherErreurGoogleMap(status) {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-google-map .contenu').empty().append(
'<pre class="msg-erreur">'+
"Le service de Géocodage de Google Map a échoué à cause de l'erreur : "+status+
function geolocaliser(event) {
var latitude = $('#latitude').val(),
longitude = $('#longitude').val(),
nouvellePosition = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
function tenterGeolocalisation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
var latitude = position.coords.latitude,
longitude = position.coords.longitude,
nouvellePosition = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
function surClickDansCarte(event) {
//AUTO-COMPLÉTION Noms Scientifiques => OK
function ajouterAutocompletionNoms() {
source: function(requete, add){
// la variable de requête doit être vidée car sinon le parametre "term" est ajouté
var url = getUrlAutocompletionNomsSci();
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
var suggestions = traiterRetourNomsSci(data);
html: true
$('#taxon').bind('autocompleteselect', function(event, ui) {
if (ui.item.retenu == true) {
} else {
function getUrlAutocompletionNomsSci() {
var mots = $('#taxon').val(),
url = url.replace('{masque}', mots);
return url;
function traiterRetourNomsSci(data) {
var suggestions = [];
if (data.resultat != undefined) {
$.each(data.resultat, function(i, val) {
val.nn = i;
var nom = {label: '', value: '', nt: '', nomSel: '', nomSelComplet: '', numNomSel: '',
nomRet: '', numNomRet: '', famille: '', retenu: false
if (suggestions.length >= AUTOCOMPLETION_ELEMENTS_NBRE) {
nom.label = '...';
nom.value = $('#taxon').val();
return false;
} else {
nom.label = val.nom_sci_complet;
nom.value = val.nom_sci_complet;
nom.nt = val.num_taxonomique;
nom.nomSel = val.nom_sci;
nom.nomSelComplet = val.nom_sci_complet;
nom.numNomSel = val.nn;
nom.nomRet = val.nom_retenu_complet;
nom.numNomRet = val[''];
nom.famille = val.famille;
nom.retenu = (val.retenu == 'false') ? false : true;
return suggestions;
* jQuery UI Autocomplete HTML Extension
* Copyright 2010, Scott González (
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Adaptation par Aurélien Peronnet pour la mise en gras des noms de taxons valides
(function($) {
var proto = $.ui.autocomplete.prototype,
initSource = proto._initSource;
function filter(array, term) {
var matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), 'i');
return $.grep(array, function(value) {
return matcher.test($('<div>').html(value.label || value.value || value).text());
$.extend(proto, {
_initSource: function() {
if (this.options.html && $.isArray(this.options.source)) {
this.source = function( request, response ) {
response(filter(this.options.source, request.term));
} else {;
_renderItem: function(ul, item) {
if (item.retenu == true) {
item.label = '<strong>'+item.label+'</strong>';
return $('<li></li>')
.data('item.autocomplete', item)
.append($('<a></a>')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](item.label))
//UPLOAD PHOTO : Traitement de l'image => OK
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#fichier').on('click change', function(event) {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
var options = {
success: afficherMiniature, // post-submit callback
dataType: 'xml', // 'xml', 'script', or 'json' (expected server response type)
resetForm: true // reset the form after successful submit
'<img id="miniature-chargement" class="miniature" alt="chargement" src="'+CHARGEMENT_IMAGE_URL+'"/>');
$('#ajouter-obs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (verifierFormat($(this).val())) {
} else {
window.alert("Le format de fichier n'est pas supporté, les formats acceptés sont "+ $('#fichier').attr('accept'));
return false;
$('#photo-placeholder').click(function(event) {
$('body').on('click', '.effacer-miniature', function(event) {
function verifierFormat(nom) {
var parts = nom.split('.');
extension = parts[parts.length - 1];
return (extension.toLowerCase() == 'jpeg' || extension.toLowerCase() == 'jpg');
function afficherMiniature(reponse) {
if (DEBUG) {
var debogage = $('debogage', reponse).text();
console.log('Débogage upload : ' + debogage);
var message = $('message', reponse).text();
if (message != '') {
} else {
function creerWidgetMiniature(reponse) {
var miniatureUrl = $('miniature-url', reponse).text(),
imgNom = $('image-nom', reponse).text(),
html =
'<div class="miniature">'+
'<img class="miniature-img" class="miniature" alt="'+imgNom+'" src="'+miniatureUrl+'"/>'+
'<button class="btn effacer-miniature" type="button">Effacer</button>'+
return html;
function supprimerMiniature(miniature) {
function supprimerMiniatures() {
//FORMULAIRE : traitements génériques
$(document).ready(function() {
// Interaction générales
$('.alert .close').on('click', fermerPanneauAlert);
$('#btn-aide').on('click', basculerAffichageAide);
$('.dropdown-menu input, .dropdown-menu label').on('click', function(event) {
// Gestion de la liste des taxons
$('#taxon-liste').on('change', surChangementTaxonListe);
if (DEBUG) {
console.log('Selected taxon:'+$('#taxon-liste option:selected').val());
// Validation du formulaire
// Interaction sur le formulaire obs
$('a.afficher-coord').on('click', basculerAffichageCoord);
$('.cb-milieux').on('click', function(event) {
$('#ajouter-obs').on('click', ajouterObs);
$('.obs-nbre').on('changement', surChangementNbreObs);
$('body').on('click', '.supprimer-obs', supprimerObs);
$('#transmettre-obs').on('click', transmettreObs);
// Défilement des photos
$('body').on('click', '.defilement-control-zone', function(event) {
$('body').on('mouseover', '.defilement-control-zone', function(event) {
$('.defilement-control', this).removeClass('hidden');
$('body').on('mouseout', '.defilement-control-zone', function(event) {
$('.defilement-control', this).addClass('hidden');
function configurerFormValidator() {
function (value, element) {
return value == '' || (/^[0-9]{2}[-\/][0-9]{2}[-\/][0-9]{4}$/.test(value));
'Format : jj/mm/aaaa. Date incomplète, utiliser 0, exemple : 00/12/2011.');
$.extend($.validator.defaults, {
ignore: [],// Forcer Jquery Validate à examiner les éléments avec en display:none;
highlight: function(element) {
success: function(element) {
if (element.attr('id') == 'taxon' && $('#taxon').val() != '') {
// Si le taxon n'est pas lié au référentiel, on vide le data associé
if ($('#taxon').data('value') != $('#taxon').val()) {
$('#taxon').data('numNomSel', '');
$('#taxon').data('nomRet', '');
$('#taxon').data('numNomRet', '');
$('#taxon').data('nt', '');
$('#taxon').data('famille', '');
function definirReglesFormValidator() {
rules: {
courriel: {
required: true,
email: true},
courriel_confirmation: {
required: true,
equalTo: '#courriel'},
prenom: {
required: true},
nom: {
required: true}
rules: {
station: {
required: true},
latitude : {
required: true,
range: [-90, 90]},
longitude: {
required: true,
range: [-180, 180]},
date: {
required: true,
'dateCel' : true},
coteRue: {
required: true},
'taxon-liste': {
required: true},
'milieux[]': {
required: true,
minlength: 1}
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (element.attr('name') == 'date') {
} else if (element.attr('name') == 'milieux[]') {
} else {
messages: {
'milieu[]': 'Vous devez sélectionner au moins un milieu'
function validerFormulaire() {
var observateur = $('#form-observateur').valid(),
obs = $('#form-obs').valid(),
debRue = (latLngDeb == undefined || latLngDeb == latLngFin) ? false : true,
finRue = (latLngFin == undefined || latLngDeb == latLngFin) ? false : true;
var ok = (observateur && obs && debRue && finRue) ? true : false;
return ok;
function surChangementTaxonListe() {
if ($('#taxon-liste').val() === '?') {
} else {
function configurerDatePicker(selector) {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
maxDate: new Date,
showOn: 'button',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: 'Afficher le calendrier pour saisir la date.',
showButtonPanel: true,
onSelect: function(date) {
$(selector + ' + img.ui-datepicker-trigger').appendTo(selector + '-icone.add-on');
function fermerPanneauAlert() {
$(this).parentsUntil('.zone-alerte', '.alert').hide();
function basculerAffichageAide() {
if ($(this).hasClass('btn-warning')) {
$('#btn-aide-txt', this).text("Désactiver l'aide");
} else {
$('#btn-aide-txt', this).text("Activer l'aide");
function basculerAffichageCoord() {
//valeur false pour que le lien ne soit pas suivi
return false;
//CRÉER OBS : Gestion des obs => OK
var obsNbre = 0;
function ajouterObs() {
if (validerFormulaire() == true) {
obsNbre = obsNbre + 1;
} else {
// Affichage de tous les panneau cachés avec champ obligatoire
var debRue = (latLngDeb == undefined || latLngDeb == latLngFin) ? false : true,
finRue = (latLngFin == undefined || latLngDeb == latLngFin) ? false : true;
if (debRue == false || finRue == false) {
} else {
function afficherObs() {
var numNomSel = ($('#taxon-liste').val() == '?') ? $('#taxon').data('numNomSel') : $('#taxon-liste').val(),
nomSpecial = $('#taxon-liste option:selected').hasClass('nom-special'),
taxon = ($('#taxon-liste').val() == '?') ? $('#taxon').val() : $('#taxon-liste option:selected').data('nom-a-sauver'),
referentiel = (numNomSel == undefined) ? '' : '['+NOM_SCI_PROJET+']',
commune = $('#commune-nom').text(),
codeInsee = $('#commune-code-insee').text(),
station = $('input[name="adresse"]').val(),
lat = $('input[name="latitude"]').val(),
lng = $('input[name="longitude"]').val(),
date = $('#date').val(),
milieux = getMilieux(),
notes = (nomSpecial ? taxons[numNomSel]['nom_fr'] + ".<br />" : '') + $('#notes').val();
'<div id="obs'+obsNbre+'" class="row-fluid obs obs'+obsNbre+'">' +
'<div class="span12">' +
'<div class="well">' +
'<div class="obs-action pull-right has-tooltip" data-placement="bottom" ' +
'title="Supprimer cette observation de la liste à transmettre">' +
'<button class="btn btn-danger supprimer-obs" value="'+obsNbre+'" title="'+obsNbre+'">' +
'<i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i>' +
'</button>' +
'</div> ' +
'<div class="row-fluid">' +
'<div class="span2 obs-miniatures">' +
ajouterImgMiniatureAuTransfert() +
'<div class="span7">' +
'<ul class="unstyled">' +
'<span class="nom-sci">' + taxon + '</span> ' +
formaterNumNomSel(numNomSel) +
' observé à <br />' +
'<span class="commune">' + commune + '</span> ' +
'(' + codeInsee + '), ' +
'<span class="station">' + station + '</span><br /> ' +
' le ' +
'<span class="date">' + date + '</span>' +
'</li>' +
'<li>' +
'Milieux : ' + milieux + ' ' + ' ; ' +
'</li>' +
'<li>' +
'Notes : ' + notes +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
function getMilieux() {
var milieuxStr = '',
milieux = [];
$('.cb-milieux:checked').each(function() {
milieuxStr =', ');
return milieuxStr;
function ajouterImgMiniatureAuTransfert() {
var html = '',
miniatures = '',
indicateurs = '',
premiere = true,
numero = 1;
if ($('#miniatures img').length == 0) {
html = '<img class="miniature" alt="Aucune photo"src="'+PAS_DE_PHOTO_ICONE_URL+'" />';
} else if ($('#miniatures img').length >= 1) {
$('#miniatures img').each(function() {
var visible = premiere ? 'miniature-selectionnee' : 'miniature-cachee',
css = $(this).hasClass('b64') ? 'miniature b64' : 'miniature',
src = $(this).attr('src'),
alt = $(this).attr('alt');
var miniature = '<img class="'+css+' '+visible+'" alt="'+alt+'"src="'+src+'" />';
miniatures += miniature;
var indicateurActif = premiere ? 'active' : '';
var indicateur = '<li class="' + indicateurActif + '" data-numero="' + numero++ + '"></li>';
indicateurs += indicateur;
premiere = false;
if ($('#miniatures img').length == 1) {
html = miniatures;
} else {
html =
'<div class="defilement">' +
miniatures +
'<a class="defilement-control-zone gauche">' +
' <span class="defilement-control gauche hidden">&#60;</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<a class="defilement-control-zone droite">' +
' <span class="defilement-control droite hidden">&#62;</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<ol class="defilement-indicateurs">' + indicateurs + '</ol>' +
return html;
function defilerMiniatures(element) {
var miniatureSelectionne = element.siblings('img.miniature-selectionnee');
var miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne;
var indicateurActif = element.parent().find('.defilement-indicateurs .active');
if (element.hasClass('defilement-control-zone') && element.hasClass('gauche')) {
if (miniatureSelectionne.prev('.miniature').length != 0) {
miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne.prev('.miniature');
} else {
miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne.siblings('.miniature').last();
} else {
if ('.miniature').length != 0) {
miniatureAffichee ='.miniature');'active');
} else {
miniatureAffichee = miniatureSelectionne.siblings('.miniature').first();
function formaterNumNomSel(numNomSel) {
var nn = '';
if (numNomSel == undefined) {
nn = '<span class="alert-error">[non lié au référentiel]</span>';
} else {
nn = '<span class="nn">[nn'+numNomSel+']</span>';
return nn;
function surChangementReferentiel() {
NOM_SCI_PROJET = $('#referentiel').val();
function surChangementNbreObs() {
if (obsNbre == 0) {
$('#transmettre-obs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
if (obsNbre > 0 && obsNbre < OBS_MAX_NBRE) {
} else if (obsNbre >= OBS_MAX_NBRE) {
$('#ajouter-obs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
function supprimerObs() {
var obsId = $(this).val();
// Problème avec IE 6 et 7
if (obsId == "Supprimer") {
obsId = $(this).attr("title");
function supprimerObsParId(obsId) {
obsNbre = obsNbre - 1;
function initialiserBarreProgression() {
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('aria-valuenow', 0);
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('style', "width: 0%");
$('#barre-progression-upload .sr-only').text("0/0 observations transmises");
function initialiserObs() {
obsNbre = 0;
nbObsTransmises = 0;
nbObsEnCours = 0;
totalObsATransmettre = 0;
function stockerObsData() {
var nomHorsListe = $('#taxon-liste').val() == '?' ? true : false;
nomSpecial = $('#taxon-liste option:selected').hasClass('nom-special'),
numNomSel = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('numNomSel') : $('#taxon-liste').val(),
nomSel = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').val() : $('#taxon-liste option:selected').data('nom-a-sauver'),
nomRet = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('nomRet') : taxons[numNomSel]['nom_ret'],
numNomRet = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('numNomRet') : taxons[numNomSel]['num_nom_ret'],
numTaxon = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('nt') : taxons[numNomSel]['num_taxon'],
famille = nomHorsListe ? $('#taxon').data('famille') : taxons[numNomSel]['famille'],
referentiel = (numNomSel == undefined) ? '' : NOM_SCI_REFERENTIEL,
notes = (nomSpecial ? taxons[numNomSel]['nom_fr'] + '. ' : '') + $('#notes').val();
$('#liste-obs').data('obsId'+obsNbre, {
'date': $('#date').val(),
'notes': notes,
'station': $('input[name="adresse"]').val(),
'latitude': $('#latitude').val(),
'longitude': $('#longitude').val(),
'commune_nom': $('#commune-nom').text(),
'commune_code_insee': $('#commune-code-insee').text(),
'nom_sel': nomSel,
'num_nom_sel': numNomSel,
'nom_ret': nomRet,
'num_nom_ret': numNomRet,
'num_taxon': numTaxon,
'famille': famille,
'referentiel': referentiel,
'milieu': getMilieux(),
// Ajout des champs images
'image_nom': getNomsImgsOriginales(),
// Ajout des champs étendus de l'obs
'obs_etendue': getObsChpEtendus()
if (DEBUG) {
function getNomsImgsOriginales() {
var noms = new Array();
$('.miniature-img').each(function() {
return noms;
function getObsChpEtendus() {
var champs = [];
if (latLngDeb != undefined) {
var latitudeDebutRue = {cle: 'latitudeDebutRue', label: 'Latitude du début de la rue', valeur:};
var longitudeDebutRue = {cle: 'longitudeDebutRue', label: 'Longitude du début de la rue', valeur: latLngDeb.lng().toFixed(5)};
if (latLngFin != undefined) {
var latitudeFinRue = {cle: 'latitudeFinRue', label: 'Latitude de fin de la rue', valeur:};
var longitudeFinRue = {cle: 'longitudeFinRue', label: 'Longitude de fin de la rue', valeur: latLngFin.lng().toFixed(5)};
$('.obs-chp-etendu').each(function() {
var valeur = $(this).val(),
cle = $(this).attr('name'),
label = $(this).data('label');
if (valeur != '') {
var chpEtendu = {cle: cle, label: label, valeur: valeur};
return champs;
//TRANSFERER OBS : envoie des obs au CEL => OK
var nbObsEnCours = 1;
var totalObsATransmettre = 0;
function transmettreObs() {
var observations = $("#liste-obs").data();
if (observations == undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject(observations)) {
} else {
nbObsEnCours = 1;
nbObsTransmises = 0;
totalObsATransmettre = $.map(observations, function(n, i) { return i; }).length;
return false;
function depilerObsPourEnvoi() {
var observations = $("#liste-obs").data();
// la boucle est factice car on utilise un tableau
// dont on a besoin de n'extraire que le premier élément
// or javascript n'a pas de méthode cross browsers pour extraire les clés
// TODO: utiliser var.keys quand ça sera plus répandu
// ou bien utiliser un vrai tableau et pas un objet
for (var obsNum in observations) {
obsATransmettre = new Object();
obsATransmettre['projet'] = TAG_PROJET;
obsATransmettre['tag-obs'] = TAG_OBS;
obsATransmettre['tag-img'] = TAG_IMG;
var utilisateur = new Object();
utilisateur.id_utilisateur = $("#id_utilisateur").val();
utilisateur.prenom = $("#prenom").val();
utilisateur.nom = $("#nom").val();
utilisateur.courriel = $("#courriel").val();
obsATransmettre['utilisateur'] = utilisateur;
obsATransmettre[obsNum] = observations[obsNum];
var idObsNumerique = obsNum.replace('obsId', '');
if(idObsNumerique != "") {
envoyerObsAuCel(idObsNumerique, obsATransmettre);
var nbObsTransmises = 0;
function mettreAJourProgression() {
var pct = (nbObsTransmises/totalObsATransmettre)*100;
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('aria-valuenow', nbObsTransmises);
$('#barre-progression-upload').attr('style', "width: "+pct+"%");
$('#barre-progression-upload .sr-only').text(nbObsTransmises+"/"+totalObsATransmettre+" observations transmises");
if(obsNbre == 0) {
function envoyerObsAuCel(idObs, observation) {
var erreurMsg = '',
debugNonJson = '';
type: 'POST',
data: observation,
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// mise à jour du nombre d'obs à transmettre
// et suppression de l'obs
// mise à jour du statut
if(obsNbre > 0) {
// dépilement de la suivante
statusCode: {
500: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur 500 :\ntype : " + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown + "\n";
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur Ajax :\ntype : " + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown + "\n";
try {
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "\n";
} catch(e) {
erreurMsg += "L'erreur n'est pas en JSON.";
debugNonJson = jqXHR.responseText;
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = extraireEnteteDebug(jqXHR);
if (erreurMsg != '') {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ko .alert-txt').append('<pre class="msg-erreur">' + erreurMsg + '</pre>');
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ko .alert-txt').append('<pre class="msg-debug">Débogage : ' + debugNonJson + debugMsg + '</pre>');
var hrefCourriel = '' +
'subject=Disfonctionnement du widget de saisie ' + TAG_PROJET +
'&body=' + erreurMsg + "\nDébogage :\n" + debugMsg + debugNonJson;
// mise en valeur de l'obs en erreur + scroll vers celle ci en changeant le hash
$('#obs'+idObs+' div div').addClass('obs-erreur');
window.location.hash = "obs"+idObs;
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ko .alert-txt').append($('#tpl-transmission-ko').clone()
.attr('href', hrefCourriel)
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ok .alert-txt').append('<pre class="msg-debug">Débogage : ' + debugMsg + debugNonJson + '</pre>');
if(obsNbre == 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#dialogue-obs-transaction-ok .alert-txt').append($('#tpl-transmission-ok').clone().html());
window.location.hash = "dialogue-obs-transaction-ok";
}, 1500);
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Merged /branches/v1.5-cisaille/widget/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages:r798-1342
Merged /branches/v1.7-croissant/widget/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages:r1855,1885-1886,1895,1983
Merged /branches/topic-dbsingleton/widget/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages:r1720-1764
Merged /branches/v1.8-debroussailleuse/widget/modules/saisie/squelettes/sauvages:r1987-2024
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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<title>Biodiversité 34</title>
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<meta name="author" content="Delphine CAUQUIL, Jean-Pascal MILCENT" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tela Botanica, Biodiversité34, CG34, CEL" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de saisie simplifié pour le projet Biodiversité 34" />
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<script type="text/javascript">
// La présence du parametre 'debug' dans l'URL enclenche le dégogage
var DEBUG = <?=isset($_GET['debug']) ? 'true' : 'false'?>;
// URL du web service réalisant l'insertion des données dans la base du CEL.
var SERVICE_SAISIE_URL = "<?=$url_ws_saisie?>";
// Squelette d'URL du web service d'eFlore fournissant les noms de communes.
var SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL = "{lon}&lat={lat}";
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<div id="zone-appli">
<?php if($titre == 'defaut' ) { ?>
<h1>Biodiversité 34</h1>
<?php } else { ?>
<h1 id="widget-titre"><?= $titre ?></h1>
<?php } ?>
<h2>Saisie des observations</h2>
<form id="saisie-obs" action="#">
<fieldset id="partie-identification">
<legend>1. Identification</legend>
<label for="prenom"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Prénom</label>
<input id="prenom" name="prenom" type="text" value=""/>
<label for="nom"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> NOM</label>
<input id="nom" name="nom" type="text" value=""/>
<label for="courriel"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Courriel</label>
<input id="courriel" name="courriel" type="text" value=""/>
<input id="id_utilisateur" name="id_utilisateur" type="hidden"/>
<label for="courriel_confirmation"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Courriel (confirmation)</label>
<input id="courriel_confirmation" name="courriel_confirmation" type="text" value=""/>
<fieldset id="partie-station">
<legend>2. Station / Localisation</legend>
<input id="commune_nom" name="commune_nom" type="hidden" value="" />
<input id="commune_code_insee" name="commune_code_insee" type="hidden" value="" />
<label for="milieu"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Milieu</label>
<select id="milieu" name="milieu">
<option value="">Sélectionner un milieu</option>
<?php foreach ($milieux as $milieu => $description) : ?>
<option value="<?=$milieu?>" <?=($description != '') ? 'title="'.$description.'"': '' ?>><?=$milieu?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<li><a id="localiser-gg-map" href="#gg-map-localisation">Localiser votre station sur une carte Google Map</a></li>
<li id="partie-lat-lon">
<label for="latitude"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Latitude</label>
<input id="latitude" name="latitude" type="text" value=""/>
<label for="longitude"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Longitude</label>
<input id="longitude" name="longitude" type="text" value=""/>
<span id="lat-lon-info" class="info">(WGS84)</span>
<fieldset id="partie-observation">
<legend>3. Observation</legend>
<label for="date"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Date</label>
<input id="date" name="date" type="text" value="" />
<label for="taxon"><span class="obligatoire" title="Champ obligatoire">*</span> Espèce</label>
<select id="taxon" name="taxon">
<option value="">Sélectionner un taxon</option>
<?php foreach ($taxons as $taxon) : ?>
<option value="<?=$taxon['num_nom_sel']?>" title="<?=$taxon['nom_sel'].($taxon['nom_fr_autre'] != '' ? ' - '.$taxon['nom_fr_autre'] : '' )?>"><?=$taxon['nom_fr']?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<label for="notes">Notes</label>
<textarea id="notes" name="notes"></textarea>
<button id="ajouter-obs" type="button">Ajouter</button>
<h2>Liste des observations à transmettre</h2>
<form action="#">
<table id="liste-obs">
<button id="tramsmettre-obs" type="button">Transmettre</button>
<div id="gg-map" style="display: none;">
<div id="gg-map-localisation">
<div id="gg-map-carte">Carte en cours de chargement...</div>
<ul id="gg-map-info">
<span class="champ">Marqueur de station</span>
<span id="marqueur-statut">Déplacer le marqueur sur le centre de votre station.</span>
<span class="champ">Coordonnées du marqueur</span>
<span id="marqueur-coordonnees"><span title="Système géodésique mondial, révision de 1984 - Coordonnées non projetées">WGS84 : <span id="marqueur-wgs84">&nbsp;</span></span> / <span title="Système géodésique RGF93 - Coordonnées en projection Lambert 93">Lambert 93 : <span id="marqueur-lambert93">&nbsp;</span></span></span>
<span class="champ">Commune</span>
<span id="marqueur-commune">
<span id="commune-nom" class="commune-info">&nbsp;</span>
(<span id="commune-code-insee" class="commune-info" title="Code INSEE de la commune">&nbsp;</span>)
<span class="champ">Adresse</span>
<span id="marqueur-adresse">&nbsp;</span>
<form id="gg-map-form">
<button id="valider-coordonnees" type="button">Valider</button>
<button id="annuler-coordonnees" type="button">Annuler</button>
<div id="dialogue-bloquer-copier-coller" style="display: none;" title="Information copier/coller">
Merci de ne pas copier/coller votre courriel.<br/>
La double saisie permet de vérifier l'absence d'erreurs.
<div id="dialogue-zero-obs" style="display: none;" title="Information aucune observation">
Veuillez saisir des observations pour les transmettres.
<div id="dialogue-form-invalide" style="display: none;" title="Validation du formulaire">
<p>Certains champs n'ont pas été saisis correctement, veuillez vérifier les champs saisis.</p>
<div id="dialogue-obs-transaction" style="display: none;" title="Transmission des observations">
<div id="dialogue-erreur" style="display: none;" title="Erreur">
<!-- Stats : Google Analytics -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-20092557-1']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
New file
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var taxons = <?=$taxons?>;
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/* Générique */
/* Positionnement général */
#zone-appli {
margin:0 auto;
/* Formulaire */
fieldset {
input, select, textarea {
#saisie-obs fieldset{
#saisie-obs ul {
#saisie-obs li {
#partie-station label {
#latitude, #longitude {
#latitude {
#lat-lon-info {
.obligatoire {
label.error {
/* Carte Google Map */
#gg-map-localisation {
#gg-map-carte {
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padding: 5px 0;
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margin:0 0 0 5px;
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margin:0 5px;
#gg-map-form button {
.champ {
New file
0,0 → 1,450
* Stope l'évènement courrant quand on clique sur un lien.
* Utile pour Chrome, Safari...
* @param evenement
* @return
function arreter(evenement) {
if (evenement.stopPropagation) {
return false;
// Permet de valider des dates sans utiliser le validateur "date", qui dépend du navigateur et fout la merde (locale, etc.)
// Attention, on peut rentrer 99/99/9999 ça marche ...
// merci
function(value, element, regexp) {
var re = new RegExp(regexp);
return this.optional(element) || re.test(value);
"La valeur ne correspond pas au format demandé."
$(function() {
rules: {
prenom : "required",
nom : "required",
courriel : {
required : true,
email : true
courriel_confirmation : {
required : true,
equalTo: "#courriel"
milieu : "required",
latitude : {
required: true,
range: [-90, 90]
longitude : {
required: true,
range: [-180, 180]
date : {
required: true,
regex: "^[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}$"
taxon : "required"
maxDate: new Date,
onClose: function(dateText, inst) {$("#saisie-obs").valid();}
$("#courriel_confirmation").bind('paste', function(e) {
return false;
'modal' : true,
'autoDimensions' : true,
'titleShow' : false,
'onClosed' : function() {
'onStart' : function(e) {
$("#gg-map-localisation").height($(window).height() - 100);
$("#gg-map-carte").height($(window).height() - 200);
$("#gg-map-localisation").width($(window).width() - 100);
'onComplete' : function() {
$("#valider-coordonnees").click(function(e) {
var coordonnees = $("#marqueur-coordonnees").data('latLon');
if (coordonnees != undefined) {
var commune = $("#marqueur-commune").data('commune');
if (commune != undefined) {
$("#annuler-coordonnees").bind('click', function(e) {
var obsNumero = 0;
$("#ajouter-obs").bind('click', function(e) {
if ($("#saisie-obs").valid() == false) {
} else {
obsNumero = obsNumero + 1;
$("#liste-obs tbody").append(
'<tr id="obs'+obsNumero+'" class="obs">'+
'<td>'+$("#taxon option:selected").text()+'</td>'+
'<td>'+$("#milieu option:selected").text()+'</td>'+
'<td><button class="supprimer-obs" value="'+obsNumero+'" title="'+obsNumero+'">Supprimer</button></td>'+
var numNomSel = $("#taxon").val();
$("#liste-obs").data('obsId'+obsNumero, {
'date' : $("#date").val(),
'num_nom_sel' : numNomSel,
'nom_sel' : taxons[numNomSel]['nom_sel'],
'nom_ret' : taxons[numNomSel]['nom_ret'],
'num_nom_ret' : taxons[numNomSel]['num_nom_ret'],
'num_taxon' : taxons[numNomSel]['num_taxon'],
'famille' : taxons[numNomSel]['famille'],
'nom_referentiel' : 'bdtfx',
'nom_fr' : taxons[numNomSel]['nom_fr'],
'milieu' : $("#milieu option:selected").val(),
'latitude' : $("#latitude").val(),
'longitude' : $("#longitude").val(),
'commune_nom' : $("#commune_nom").val(),
'commune_code_insee' : $("#commune_code_insee").val(),
'notes' : $("#notes").val()});
$(".supprimer-obs").live('click', function() {
var obsId = $(this).val();
// Problème avec IE 6 et 7
if (obsId == "Supprimer") {
obsId = $(this).attr("title");
$("#tramsmettre-obs").click(function(e) {
var observations = $("#liste-obs").data();
if (observations == undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject(observations)) {
} else if ($("#saisie-obs").valid() == false) {
} else {
observations['projet'] = 'Biodiversite34';
var utilisateur = new Object();
utilisateur.id_utilisateur = $("#id_utilisateur").val();
utilisateur.prenom = $("#prenom").val();
utilisateur.nom = $("#nom").val();
utilisateur.courriel = $("#courriel").val();
observations['utilisateur'] = utilisateur;
var erreurMsg = "";
type : "POST",
data : observations,
dataType : "json",
beforeSend : function() {
success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$("#dialogue-obs-transaction").append('<p class="msg">Vos observations ont bien été transmises.</p>');
statusCode : {
500 : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur 500 :\ntype : "+textStatus+' '+errorThrown+"\n";
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "\n";
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-obs-transaction").append('<pre class="msg-erreur">'+erreurMsg+'</pre>');
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
erreurMsg += "Erreur Ajax :\ntype : "+textStatus+' '+errorThrown+"\n";
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "\n";
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-obs-transaction").append('<pre class="msg-erreur">'+erreurMsg+'</pre>');
complete : function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
var debugMsg = '';
if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data") != '') {
debugInfos = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data"));
if (debugInfos != null) {
$.each(debugInfos, function (cle, valeur) {
debugMsg += valeur + "\n";
if (erreurMsg != '') {
$("#dialogue-obs-transaction").append('<p class="msg">'+
'Une erreur est survenue lors de la transmission de vos observations.'+'<br />'+
'Vous pouvez signaler le disfonctionnement à <a href="'+
'subject=Disfonctionnement du widget de saisie Biodiversite34'+
"&body="+erreurMsg+"\nDébogage :\n"+debugMsg+
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-obs-transaction").append('<pre class="msg-debug">Débogage : '+debugMsg+'</pre>');
obsNumero = 0;
return false;
var geocoder;
var latLng;
var map;
var marker;
var osmMapType;
function initialiserCarte() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(43.577, 3.455);
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('gg-map-carte'), {
zoom: 9,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: ['OSM', google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID, google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN]}
// Ajout de la couche OSM à la carte
osmMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
return "" +
zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png";
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
isPng: true,
alt: "OpenStreetMap",
name: "OSM",
maxZoom: 19
map.mapTypes.set('OSM', osmMapType);
// Ajout des limites de communes
ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer('', {preserveViewport: true});
// Définition du marqueur
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latLng,
title: 'Ma station',
map: map,
draggable: true
// Tentative de géolocalisation
if(navigator.geolocation) { // Try W3C Geolocation (Preferred)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
(DEBUG) ? console.log("Géolocalisation OK.") : '';
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude,position.coords.longitude);
}, function(erreur) {
(DEBUG) ? console.log("Géolocalisation échouée : "+erreur.code+" = "+erreur.message) : '';
} else { //Browser doesn't support Geolocation
(DEBUG) ? console.log("Navigateur ne supportant pas la géolocalisation. Localisation par défaut.") : '';
// Add des évènements concernant le marqueur
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragstart', function() {
mettreAJourMarkerAdresse('Marqueur de station début du déplacement...');
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'drag', function() {
mettreAJourMarkerStatut('Marqueur de station en cours de déplacement...');
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function() {
mettreAJourMarkerStatut('Marqueur de station déplacé (glisser/déposer).');
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) {
function deplacerMarker(latLon) {
if (marker != undefined) {
mettreAJourMarkerStatut('Marqueur de station déplacé (clic).');
function geocoderPosition(pos) {
if (geocoder != undefined) {
latLng: pos
}, function(responses, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if (responses && responses.length > 0) {
} else {
mettreAJourMarkerAdresse("Impossible de trouver d'adresse pour cette position.");
} else {
mettreAJourMarkerAdresse("Un problème de géolocalisation est survenu : "+status+".");
function trouverCommune(pos) {
$(function() {
var urlNomCommuneFormatee = SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL.replace('{lat}','{lon}', pos.lng());
url : urlNomCommuneFormatee,
type : "GET",
dataType : "json",
beforeSend : function() {
success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$("#marqueur-commune").data('commune', {'nom' : data.nom, 'codeInsee' : data.codeINSEE});
statusCode : {
500 : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-erreur").append('<p id="msg">Un problème est survenu lors de l\'appel au service fournissante le nom des communes.</p>');
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
var erreurMsg = "";
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "<br />";
$("#dialogue-erreur").append('<p class="msg-erreur">Erreur 500 : '+errorThrown+"<br />"+erreurMsg+'</p>');
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (DEBUG) {
$("#dialogue-erreur").append('<p class="msg">Une erreur Ajax est survenue lors de la transmission de vos observations.</p>');
reponse = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
var erreurMsg = "";
if (reponse != null) {
$.each(reponse, function (cle, valeur) {
erreurMsg += valeur + "<br />";
$("#dialogue-erreur").append('<p class="msg-erreur">Erreur Ajax : '+errorThrown+' (type : '+textStatus+') <br />'+erreurMsg+'</p>');
complete : function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
if (DEBUG && jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data") != '') {
var debugMsg = "";
debugInfos = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-DebugJrest-Data"));
if (debugInfos != null) {
$.each(debugInfos, function (cle, valeur) {
debugMsg += valeur + "<br />";
$("#dialogue-erreur").append('<pre class="msg-debug msg">Débogage : '+debugMsg+'</pre>');
if ($("#dialogue-erreur .msg").length > 0) {
function mettreAJourMarkerStatut(str) {
document.getElementById('marqueur-statut').innerHTML = str;
function mettreAJourMarkerPosition(latLng) {
var lat =;
var lon = latLng.lng().toFixed(5);
document.getElementById('marqueur-wgs84').innerHTML = [lat, lon].join(', ');
$("#marqueur-coordonnees").data('latLon', {'lat' : lat, 'lon' : lon});
Proj4js.defs["EPSG:4326"] = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs";
Proj4js.defs["EPSG:2154"]="+title=RGF93 / Lambert-93 +proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +x_0=700000 +y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs ";
var source = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:4326');// Coordonnées source : WGS 84
var dest = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:2154');// Coordonnées destination : Lambert 93
var p = new Proj4js.Point(lon+','+lat);//lon+','+lat any object will do as long as it has 'x' and 'y' properties
Proj4js.transform(source, dest, p);
//Proj4js.reportError = function(msg) {alert(msg);}
document.getElementById('marqueur-lambert93').innerHTML = [p.x.toFixed(0)+' '+dest.units, p.y.toFixed(0)+' '+dest.units].join(', ');
function mettreAJourMarkerAdresse(str) {
document.getElementById('marqueur-adresse').innerHTML = str;
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// Renommer ce fichier en config.js et configurer correctement les variables en fonction de l'installation
// Nombre d'observations max autorisé avant transmission
var OBS_MAX_NBRE = 10;
// Délai d'attente avant de lancer la recherche des noms latins en ms
// Mot-clé du widget/projet
var TAG_PROJET = "WidgetSaisie,Mobile";
// Code du référentiel utilisé pour les nom scientifiques (de la forme nom:code).
// URL du web service réalisant l'insertion des données dans la base du CEL.
// URL du web service annuaire des membres du réseau.
// Squelette d'URL du web service d'eFlore fournissant les noms de communes.
var SERVICE_NOM_COMMUNE_URL = "{lon}&lat={lat}";
// Texte en absence de connexion
var TEXTE_HORS_LIGNE = 'Aucune connexion.';
// Texte en absence de compte
var TEXTE_NON_COMPTE = 'Aucun compte enregistré.';
// Texte en presence de compte
var TEXTE_OUI_COMPTE = 'Ajouter au compte ';
// Texte d'identification des observations
var TEXTE_OBS = 'obsId';
// Texte d'identification des photos
var TEXTE_PHOTO = 'photoId';
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
New file
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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/* Balises */
.center {
text-align: center;
#recherche-popup-popup {
height: 80%;
width: 100%;
#liste-noms-latins {
height: 280px;
margin: 10px 0px;
background: white;
overflow: scroll;
#menu .ui-listview {
padding-top: 2px;
background: url(tela.png) no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
/* Générique */
background:url( no-repeat;
background:url( no-repeat;
background:url( no-repeat;
background:url( no-repeat;
background:url( no-repeat;
.ui-header, .ui-footer, .ui-navbar .ui-btn-inner {
border: 1px solid #90B83B;
background: #90B83B;
.ui-content {
padding-top: 2px;
/* Formulaire à l'application */
font-size:1.2 em;
.hidden {
display: none;
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr" manifest="mobile.appcache">
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<title>CEL Mobile</title>
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<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 days" />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="author" content="Jean-Pascal MILCENT, Isabelle NEMBROT" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tela Botanica, CEL, mobile" />
<meta name="description" content="Widget de saisie du CEL pour smartphone" />
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<body data-theme="b">
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<p class="center">
Bienvenue sur le Carnet En Ligne mobile ! <br />
<ul data-role="listview">
<img src="" class="ui-li-icon"/>
<a href="#saisie" class="saisie" data-role="button">1 - Saisir une observation</a>
<img src="" class="ui-li-icon"/>
<a href="#liste" data-role="button">2 - Voir mes observations</a>
<img src="" class="ui-li-icon"/>
<a href="#transmission" data-role="button">3 - Transmettre mes observations</a>
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed"></div>
<div id="saisie" data-role="page">
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<a href="#infos" data-icon="info" data-iconpos="notext" class="ui-btn-right">Infos</a>
<form id="form-saisie-observation" method="post" action="#">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="obs-saisie-infos"></div>
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="nom">Espèce : </label>
<span id="nom"></span>
<br />
<a href="#saisie-popup" id="saisie-popup-btn"
data-role="button" data-icon="search" data-iconpos="right"
data-rel="dialog" data-transition="pop" data-theme="b">
Changer l'espèce
<hr />
<label for="date">
Date :
<span id="date"></span>
<hr />
<button id="geolocaliser"
data-role="button" data-icon="refresh" data-iconpos="" data-ajax="false">
Recalculer ma position
<label for="lat">
Latitude :
<span id="lat"></span>
<br />
<label for="lng">
Longitude :
<span id="lng"></span>
<br />
<label for="location">
Commune :
<span id="location"></span>
<input id="code-insee" type="hidden" name="code-insee" />
<br />
<hr />
<button id="sauver-obs" data-role="button" data-icon="check">Sauver</button>
<input id="referentiel" type="hidden" name="referentiel" />
<input id="nom-sci-select" type="hidden" name="nom-sci-select" />
<input id="num-nom-select" type="hidden" name="num-nom-select" />
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a href="#liste" data-role="button" data-icon="notepad" data-iconpos="notext">Liste de mes obs.</a></li>
<li><a href="#transmission" data-role="button" data-icon="cloud" data-iconpos="notext">Transmission</a></li>
<div id="saisie-popup" data-role="page" data-history="false" data-close-btn="right">
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content">
<ul id="liste-noms-latins" data-role="listview"
data-inset="true" data-filter="true" data-filter-reveal="true"
data-filter-placeholder="Trouver une espèce...">
<div class="hidden">
<button id="recherche-chargement" data-theme="a" data-textonly="true" data-textvisible="true" data-msgtext="Chargement des résultats..." ></button>
<div id="liste" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header" data-position="inline">
<a href="#menu" data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext" data-direction="reverse">Accueil</a>
<a href="#infos" data-icon="info" data-iconpos="notext" class="ui-btn-right">Infos</a>
<div data-role="content">
<div id="obs-suppression-infos"></div>
<ul id="liste-obs" data-role="listview" data-split-icon="delete" data-split-theme="g" data-theme="g" data-inset="true"></ul>
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a href="#saisie" class="saisie" data-role="button" data-icon="pencil" data-iconpos="notext">Saisie</a></li>
<li><a href="#transmission" data-role="button" data-icon="cloud" data-iconpos="notext">Transmission</a></li>
<div id="observation" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header" data-position="inline">
<a href="#menu" data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext" data-direction="reverse">Accueil</a>
<h1>Détails de l'observation</h1>
<a href="#liste" data-icon="notepad" data-iconpos="notext" ></a>
<div data-role="content">
<label for="id-obs">Identifiant :</label> <span id="id-obs"></span>
<div id="details-obs"></div>
<input type="file" id="pic" name="photos-obs[]" accept="image/*" multiple>
<button id="valider-photos"
data-role="button" data-icon="search" data-iconpos="" data-ajax="false">
Ajouter les images sélectionnées
<div data-role="popup" id="cache-plein" class="ui-content" data-position-to="#valider-photos">
<a href="#" data-rel="back" data-role="button" data-theme="a" data-icon="delete" data-iconpos="notext" class="ui-btn-right">Close</a>
La mémoire de cette application est pleine. <br />
Veuillez supprimer des images ou transmettre vos observations.
<div data-role="popup" id="photo-zoom" class="ui-content">
<span id="photo-zoom-infos"></span>
<button data-role="button" data-theme="a" onclick="$('#photo-zoom').popup('close');">
Fermer cet aperçu
<div id="photo-suppression-infos"></div>
<ul id="photos-obs" data-role="listview" data-inset="true"></ul>
<canvas id="photo-canvas" class="hidden"></canvas>
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a href="#saisie" class="saisie" data-role="button" data-icon="pencil" data-iconpos="notext">Saisie</a></li>
<li><a href="#liste" data-role="button" data-icon="notepad" data-iconpos="notext">Liste de mes obs.</a></li>
<div id="transmission" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header">
<a href="#menu" data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext" data-direction="reverse">Accueil</a>
<a href="#infos" data-icon="info" data-iconpos="notext" class="ui-btn-right">Infos</a>
<div data-role="content" data-theme="d">
<span id="identification-texte">
Ajouter au compte
<strong><span id="utilisateur-compte"></span></strong>
<a href="#identification-popup" id="identification-btn"
data-role="button" data-icon="grid" data-iconpos="right"
data-rel="dialog" data-transition="pop" data-theme="b">
Modifier le compte
<div id="identification-infos"></div>
<hr />
<button data-role="button" data-icon="cloud-black" id="transmettre-obs" >
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a href="#saisie" class="saisie" data-role="button" data-icon="pencil" data-iconpos="notext">Saisie</a></li>
<li><a href="#liste" data-role="button" data-icon="notepad" data-iconpos="notext">Liste de mes obs.</a></li>
<div id="identification-popup" data-role="page" data-history="false" data-close-btn="right">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Compte Tela Botanica</h1>
<form id="form-transmission" method="post" action="#">
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="courriel">Courriel * :</label>
<input id="courriel" type="email" name="courriel"/>
<input id="id-utilisateur" name="id-utilisateur" type="hidden"/>
<button id="valider-courriel" data-role="button"
data-icon="forward" data-iconpos="">
Vérifier ce compte Tela
<div id="zone-courriel-confirmation" data-role="fieldcontain" class="hidden">
<label for="courriel-confirmation">
<strong class="obligatoire">*</strong> Courriel (confirmation) :
<input id="courriel-confirmation" name="courriel-confirmation" type="text"/>
<div id="zone-prenom-nom" data-role="fieldcontain" class="hidden">
<label for="nom">Nom :</label>
<input id="nom-utilisateur" name="nom" type="text"/>
<label for="prenom">Prénom :</label>
<input id="prenom-utilisateur" name="prenom" type="text"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="courriel-memoire" id="courriel-memoire" checked="checked">
<label for="courriel-memoire">Se souvenir de moi</label>
<button id="valider-identification" data-role="button"
data-icon="check" data-iconpos="right" data-theme="b">
Valider le formulaire
<div data-role="footer"></div>
</div><!-- /page popup -->
<div id="infos" data-role="page" data-add-back-btn="true" data-back-btn-text="Retour">
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content">
Développement :
<li>Jean-Pascal MILCENT</li>
<li>Isabelle NEMBROT</li>
sur une idée originale de Aurélien PERONNET.
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<p class="center">
Icônes par <a href="">Joseph Wain - Glyphish</a>. <br />
© Copyright <span id="annee"></span> - <a href="">Tela Botanica</a>
New file
0,0 → 1,29
# version 1.0.05 - 2013-10-24
# Fichier Manifest pour le cache du widget Mobile.