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Ignore whitespace Rev 609 → Rev 610

New file
0,0 → 1,6
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<plugin name="wkattach" version="0.1" active="1">
<desc>Permet de créer des tableaux dans Wikini</desc>
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,8
// Vérification de sécurité
if (!defined("TOOLS_MANAGER"))
die ("acc&egrave;s direct interdit");
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
New file
0,0 → 1,113
if (!defined("WIKINI_VERSION"))
die ("acc&egrave;s direct interdit");
if (!function_exists("wakka2callbacktableaux"))
function parsetable($thing)
$tableattr = 'border="1"';
// echo "parsetable debut : \$thing = $thing<br>";
// recuperation des attributs
// echo "parsetable : \$match = ";var_dump($match);echo "<br>";
if ($match[1]){
$tableattr = $match[1];
$table = "<table $tableattr >\n";
//suppression de [|xxxx et de |]
$thing = preg_replace("/^\[\|(.*)$/m","",$thing);
$thing = trim(preg_replace("/\|\]/m","",$thing));
// echo "parsetable suppression [| |]: \$thing = $thing<br>";
//recuperation de chaque ligne
$rows = preg_split("/$/m",$thing,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
// echo "parsetable preg_split:";var_dump($rows);echo "<br>";
//analyse de chaque ligne
foreach ($rows as $row){
$table .= parsetablerow($row);
$table.= "</table>";
return $table;
//parse la definition d'une ligne
function parsetablerow($row)
$rowattr = "";
$row = trim($row);
// echo "parsetablerow debut : \$row = $row<br>";
//detection des attributs de ligne => si la ligne ne commence pas par | alors attribut
if (!preg_match("/^\|/",$row,$match)){
$rowattr = $match[1];
// echo "\$rowattr = $rowattr<br>";
$row = trim(preg_replace("/^!([^\|]*)!/","",$row));
$result .= " <tr $rowattr>\n";
$row = trim(preg_replace("/^\|/","",trim($row)));
$row = trim(preg_replace("/\|$/","",trim($row)));
// echo "parsetablerow sans attribut : \$row = $row<br>";
//recuperation de chaque cellule
$cells = explode("|",$row); //nb : seule les indices impaire sont significatif
// echo "parsetablerow preg_split \$cells:";var_dump($cells);echo "<br>";
foreach ($cells as $cell){
// if ($i % 2){
// echo "\$cell = $cell<br>";
$result .= parsetablecell($cell);
// }
$result .= " </tr>\n";
return $result;
//parse la definition d'une cellule
function parsetablecell($cell)
global $wiki;
$cellattr = "";
if (preg_match("/^!(.*)!/",$cell,$match)){
$cellattr = $match[1];
$cell = preg_replace("/^!(.*)!/","",$cell);
//si espace au debut => align=right
//si espace a la fin => align=left
//si espace debut et fin => align=center
if (preg_match("/^\s(.*)/",$cell)){
if (preg_match("/^(.*)\s$/",$cell)){
if (preg_match("/^\s(.*)\s$/",$cell)){
if ($align) $cellattr .= " align=\"$align\"";
// echo "\$this->classname = ".get_class($wiki)."<br>";
return " <td $cellattr>".$wiki->Format($cell)."</td>\n";
function wakka2callbacktableaux($things)
$thing = $things[1];
global $wiki;
if (preg_match("/^\[\|(.*)\|\]/s", $thing)) {
$thing=preg_replace("/<br \/>/","", $thing);
return parsetable($thing);
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return $thing;
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace_callback("/(^\[\|.*?\|\])/ms", "wakka2callbacktableaux", $plugin_output_new);
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property