Subversion Repositories eFlore/Projets.eflore-projets

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1173 → Rev 1174

New file
0,0 → 1,175
class Dao extends Bdd {
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête d'intégration sur table sophy_publication
public function integrerBiblio($biblio){
$biblio = array_map(array($this, 'proteger'), $biblio);
$requete = 'INSERT INTO sophy_publication VALUES ('.implode(', ', $biblio).');';
$resultat = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($resultat === false) {
$info = $biblio['id_publi']." n'est pas intégrée.\n";
} else {
$info = $biblio['id_publi']." est intégrée.\n";
return $info;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête d'intégration sur table sophy_tableau
public function integrerTableau($titre) {
$titre = array_map(array($this, 'proteger'), $titre);
$requete_integre_tableau = 'INSERT INTO sophy_tableau VALUES ('.implode(', ', $titre).');';
$reponse_requete_int_tab = $this->requeter($requete_integre_tableau);
if ($reponse_requete_int_tab === false) {
$info = "tableau ".$titre['numPubli']."-".$titre['numTableau']." non intégrée.";
} else {
$info = '';
return $info;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requêtes sur table sophy_station
// Requête d'intégration qui retourne l'id de la dernière station insérée (rechercheIdStation)
public function integrerStation($station) {
$station = array_map(array($this, 'proteger'), $station);
$reponse['id_station'] = null;
$requete_integre_station = 'INSERT INTO sophy_station (`ss_num_source`, `ss_poste_meteo`, `ss_localisation`,
`ss_latitude`, `ss_pays`, `ss_longitude`,`ss_code_departement`, `ss_altitude`, `ss_code_insee_commune`,
`ss_ce_precision_geographique`, `ss_systeme_projection`, `ss_latitude_dms`, `ss_longitude_dms`, `ss_latitude_wgs`,
`ss_longitude_wgs`, `ss_utmNorthing`, `ss_utmEasting`, `ss_utmZone`) VALUES
('.implode(', ', $station).');';
$reponse_requete_int_stat = $this->requeter($requete_integre_station);
if ($reponse_requete_int_stat === false) {
$reponse['info'] = "station ".$station['numSource']." non intégrée. $requete_integre_station";
} else {
$reponse['id_station'] = $this->rechercheIdStation();
$reponse['info'] = '';
return $reponse;
// Retourne le dernier identifiant de la table station
public function rechercheIdStation() {
$requete_select_id = "SELECT MAX(ss_id_station) as idMax FROM sophy_station;";
$resultat_requete_id = $this->recuperer($requete_select_id);
return $resultat_requete_id['idMax'];
public function rechercherCoordonneesWgs() {
$requete = "SELECT `ss_longitude_wgs` as longitude, `ss_latitude_wgs` as latitude
FROM `sophy_station`
GROUP BY `longitude` , `latitude`";
/* Les stations restantes avec coordonnées sans code insee
SELECT COUNT( * ) AS `Lignes` , `ss_longitude_wgs` , `ss_latitude_wgs`
FROM `sophy_station`
WHERE `ss_latitude_wgs` != ''
AND `ss_code_insee_calculee` =0
GROUP BY `ss_longitude_wgs` , `ss_latitude_wgs`
$resultat = $this->recupererTous($requete);
return $resultat;
public function creerColonneCodeInseeCalculee() {
$create = "ALTER TABLE `sophy_station` ADD `ss_code_insee_calculee` VARCHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD INDEX ( `ss_code_insee_calculee` )";
public function ajouterCodeInseeCalculee($latitude, $longitude, $code_insee) {
$insert = "UPDATE `sophy_station` SET `ss_code_insee_calculee` = '$code_insee' ".
"WHERE ss_latitude_wgs = '$latitude' AND ss_longitude_wgs = '$longitude'";
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête d'intégration sur table sophy_releve
public function integrerReleve($titre, $numReleve, $idStation) {
$requete_integre_releve = "INSERT INTO sophy_releve VALUES (".$titre['numPubli'].", ".
$titre['numTableau'].", ".$numReleve.", ".$idStation.");";
$reponse_requete_int_tab = $this->requeter($requete_integre_releve);
if ($reponse_requete_int_tab === false) {
$info = "releve ".$titre['numPubli']."-".$titre['numTableau']."-".$numReleve." non intégrée.";
echo $requete_integre_releve."\n";
} else {
$info = '';
return $info;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête d'intégration sur table sophy_observation
public function integrerObservation($observations) {
$requete = "INSERT INTO `sophy_observation` (`so_id_publi`, `so_id_tableau`, `so_id_releve`, `so_num_ligne`,".
" `so_id_taxon`, `so_id_strate`, `so_ce_abondance`) VALUES ";
foreach ($observations as $plante) {
if (isset($plante)) {
foreach ($plante as $observation) {
$observation = array_map(array($this, 'proteger'), $observation);
$requete .= " (".implode(', ', $observation)." ),";
$requete = substr($requete,0,-1).";";
$resultat = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($resultat === false) {
echo $requete."\n";
$info = " n'est pas intégrée.\n";
} else {
$info = '';
return $info;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête pour calculer les statistiques sur toutes les tables
public function getNombreLigne($tables) {
$requete = null;
foreach ($tables as $nomTable => $colonnes) {
$requete = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nombreTotal";
foreach ($colonnes as $recherche => $nom) {
$requete .= ", count(distinct {$recherche}) as {$nom}";
$requete .= " FROM {$nomTable}; ";
$resultat[$nomTable] = $this->recupererTous($requete);
return $resultat;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête de création et d'insertion sur table sophy_tapir
public function creerTapir() {
$info = 'Créé';
$requete = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sophy_tapir`;
CREATE table `sophy_tapir` AS
SELECT CONCAT(_utf8'',o.so_id_publi,'.',
o.so_id_taxon,'.',o.so_id_strate) AS `guid`,
o.so_num_ligne,'.',o.so_id_taxon,'.',o.so_id_strate) AS `observation_id`,
p.sp_date AS observation_date,
t.st_nom AS nom_scientifique_complet,
CONCAT(s.ss_code_departement,s.ss_code_insee_commune) AS lieu_commune_code_insee,
s.ss_localisation AS `lieu_station_nom`,
s.ss_latitude_wgs AS `lieu_station_latitude`,
s.ss_longitude_wgs AS `lieu_station_longitude`,
s.ss_utmEasting AS `lieu_station_utm_est`,
s.ss_utmNorthing AS `lieu_station_utm_nord`,
s.ss_utmZone AS `lieu_station_utm_zone`,
p.sp_auteur AS observateur_nom_complet
FROM sophy_observation o LEFT JOIN sophy_taxon t ON (o.so_id_taxon = t.st_id_taxon)
LEFT JOIN sophy_releve r ON (r.sr_id_publi = o.so_id_publi AND r.sr_id_tableau = o.so_id_tableau AND r.sr_id_releve = o.so_id_releve )
LEFT JOIN sophy_station s ON (r.sr_id_station = s.ss_id_station)
LEFT JOIN sophy_publication p ON (r.sr_id_publi = p.sp_id_publi);";
$reponse = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($reponse === false) {
$info = "Erreur";
return $info;
New file
0,0 → 1,74
class FloreDao extends Bdd {
public function integrerFlore($flore, $nom_flore){
$flore = array_map(array($this, 'proteger'), $flore);
$requete = "INSERT INTO sophy_{$nom_flore} VALUES ";
$i = 0; $j = 1000; $info = '';
foreach ($flore as $num => $nom) {
if ($i < $j) {
$requete .= " ({$num}, {$nom}), ";
} else {
$requete = substr($requete,0,-2).";";
$resultat = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($resultat === false) {
$info .= $nom_flore.$j." n'est pas intégrée.\n";
} else {
$info .= $nom_flore.$j." est intégrée.\n";
$j += 1000;
$requete = "INSERT INTO sophy_{$nom_flore} VALUES ({$num}, {$nom}), ";
$requete = substr($requete,0,-2).";";
$resultat = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($resultat === false) {
$info .= $nom_flore.$i." n'est pas intégrée.\n";
//echo $requete."\n";
} else {
$info .= $nom_flore.$i." est intégrée.\n";
return $info;
public function chargerDonnees($fichier, $table) {
$requete = "LOAD DATA INFILE '$fichier' ".
public function ajouterColonnes($donnees, $table) {
$this->preparerTable($table, 'sb_num_nom_retenu');
$this->preparerTable($table, 'sb_num_tax');
$this->lancerRequeteModification($table, $donnees);
private function preparerTable($table, $colonne) {
$requete = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} LIKE '{$colonne}' ";
$resultat = $this->recuperer($requete);
if ($resultat === false) {
$requete = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ".
"ADD {$colonne} INT(5) ";
private function lancerRequeteModification($table, $flore) {
foreach ($flore as $num_nom => $info) {
$requete = "UPDATE {$table} ".
"SET sb_num_nom_retenu = {$info['num_nom_retenu']} ".
", sb_num_tax = {$info['num_tax']} ".
"WHERE sb_id_num_bdnff = $num_nom ";//echo $requete."\n";
$res = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($res === false) {
$this->traiterErreur("erreur d'insertion pour le tuple %s", array($id));
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0,0 → 1,279
class TaxonDao extends Bdd {
// tableau de la forme $taxons[num][flore][id]
// $taxons[num][flore][nom]
protected $taxons = array();
private $id = 0;
private $flores = array('syntri', 'ciff', 'codefr94', 'bdnff', 'bryo', 'floeur', 'algues', 'characees', 'lichen', 'fournier');
private $table_flores = array('bdnff', 'fournier', 'ciff', 'syntri', 'codefr94', 'bryo', 'floeur');
public function __construct() {
$this->id = $this->chargerId() + 1;
$this->taxons = $this->chargerTaxon();
// recherche si un taxon existe sinon le crée et renvoie son id
public function getId($num_taxon, $flore = 'ind', $nom = null, $flore_supp = null, $num_supp = null, $remarques = '') {
$idTaxon = null; $nom_supp = $nom;
if ($nom == null && $remarques != '') {
$nom = "rem:".$flore_supp.$num_supp.'/'.$remarques;
if (isset($this->taxons['ind'][$nom]['id'])) {
$idTaxon = $this->taxons['ind'][$nom]['id'];
} elseif (isset($this->taxons[$flore][$num_taxon]['id']) && $nom == null) {
$idTaxon = $this->taxons[$flore][$num_taxon]['id'];
} else {
$idTaxon = $this->ajouterTaxon($num_taxon, $flore, $nom_supp, $flore_supp, $num_supp, $remarques);
return $idTaxon;
// renvoie un nom d'apres son id
public function getNom($id) {
foreach ($this->taxons['ind'] as $nom=>$param) {
if ($param['id'] === $id) {
if (preg_match('/rem:[a-z]+\d+\/(.*)/', $nom, $match)) {
$nom = $match[1];
return $nom;
return '';
// Ajoute taxon avec pour clé le numéro taxon, le nom ou la remarque
public function ajouterTaxon($num_taxon, $flore, $nom, $flore_supp, $num_supp, $remarques) {
if ($nom != null) {
$cle = 'ind';
$num = $nom;
} elseif ($remarques != '') {
$cle = 'ind';
$num = "rem:".$flore_supp.$num_supp.'/'.$remarques;
} else {
$cle = $flore;
$num = $num_taxon;
$this->taxons[$cle][$num]['id'] = $this->id;
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
if ($nom_flore == $flore) {
$this->taxons[$cle][$num][$nom_flore] = $num_taxon;
} elseif ($nom_flore == $flore_supp) {
$this->taxons[$cle][$num][$nom_flore] = $num_supp;
} else {
$this->taxons[$cle][$num][$nom_flore] = 'NULL';
$this->taxons[$cle][$num]['nom'] = $this->ajouterNomTaxon($num_taxon, $flore, $nom, $flore_supp, $num_supp);
$this->taxons[$cle][$num]['remarques'] = $remarques;
return $this->taxons[$cle][$num]['id'];
public function ajouterNomTaxon($num_taxon, $flore, $nom_supp, $flore_supp, $num_supp) {
$nom = '';
$nomCherche = false;
foreach ($this->table_flores as $nom_flore) {
if ($nomCherche == false) {
if ($nom_flore == $flore) {
$nom = $this->rechercherNomTaxon($nom_flore, $num_taxon);
if ($nom != false) {
$nomCherche = true;
} elseif ($nom_flore == $flore_supp) {
$nom = $this->rechercherNomTaxon($nom_flore, $num_supp);
if ($nom != false) {
$nomCherche = true;
if ($nom == false && $nom_supp != null) {
$nom = $nom_supp;
} elseif ($nom == '' && $nom_supp != null) {
$nom = $nom_supp;
return $nom;
public function rechercherNomTaxon($nom_flore, $num_taxon) {
$requete2 = null;
switch ($nom_flore) {
case 'bdnff' :
$requete = "SELECT sb_nom_complet AS nom FROM sophy_bdnff
WHERE sb_num_tax = {$num_taxon} AND sb_id_num_bdnff = sb_num_nom_retenu; ";
case 'fournier' :
$requete = "SELECT sb_nom_complet AS nom FROM sophy_bdnff, sophy_fournier_bdnff
WHERE sfb_id_num_fournier = {$num_taxon} AND sb_num_tax = sfb_id_num_bdnff AND sb_id_num_bdnff = sb_num_nom_retenu;";
$requete2 = "SELECT sf_nom_fournier AS nom FROM sophy_fournier WHERE sf_id_num_fournier = {$num_taxon};";
case 'ciff' :
$requete = "SELECT sb_nom_complet AS nom
FROM sophy_bdnff, sophy_ciff_bdnff
WHERE scb_id_num_ciff = {$num_taxon} AND scb_id_num_bdnff = sb_id_num_bdnff;";
$requete2 = "SELECT sci_nom_ciff AS nom FROM sophy_ciff WHERE sci_id_num_ciff = {$num_taxon};";
case 'syntri' :
$requete = "SELECT sb_nom_complet AS nom
FROM sophy_bdnff, sophy_syntri_fournier, sophy_fournier_bdnff
WHERE ssf_id_num_syntri = {$num_taxon} AND ssf_id_num_fournier = sfb_id_num_fournier
AND sb_num_tax = sfb_id_num_bdnff AND sb_id_num_bdnff = sb_num_nom_retenu;";
$requete2 = "SELECT ssyn_nom_supp AS nom FROM sophy_syntri WHERE ssyn_id_num_supp = {$num_taxon};";
case 'codefr94' :
$requete = "SELECT sc_nom_codefr AS nom FROM sophy_codefr94 WHERE sc_id_num_codefr = {$num_taxon};";
case 'bryo' :
$requete = "SELECT sbr_nom_bryo AS nom FROM sophy_bryophyte WHERE sbr_id_num_bryo = {$num_taxon};";
case 'floeur' :
$requete = "SELECT sfe_nom_floeur AS nom FROM sophy_flora_europea WHERE sfe_id_num_floeur = {$num_taxon};";
$resultat_requete = $this->recuperer($requete);
if ($resultat_requete['nom'] == false && $requete2 != null) {
$resultat_requete = $this->recuperer($requete2);
return $resultat_requete['nom'];
// recherche le dernier id de la base
public function chargerId() {
$id = 0;
$requete_select_id = "SELECT MAX(st_id_taxon) AS idMax FROM sophy_taxon;";
$resultat_requete_id = $this->recuperer($requete_select_id);
if ($resultat_requete_id['idMax'] != false) {
$id = $resultat_requete_id['idMax'];
return $id;
// Regarde si il y a des taxons dans la base, retourne le tableau de valeur et vide la base
public function chargerTaxon() {
$resultat = null;
$retour = null;
$requete_select = "SELECT * FROM sophy_taxon;";
$resultat = $this->recupererTous($requete_select);
if ($resultat != false) {
foreach ($resultat as $result) {
if ($result['st_nom_supp'] != null) {
$retour['ind'][$result['st_nom_supp']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$retour['ind'][$result['st_nom_supp']][$nom_flore] = $result["st_ce_num_".$nom_flore];
$retour['ind'][$result['st_nom_supp']]['remarques'] = $result['st_nom_supp'];
} elseif ($result['st_remarques'] != null) {
$nom = $result['st_remarques'];
$retour['ind'][$nom]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$retour['ind'][$result['st_nom_supp']][$nom_flore] = $result["st_ce_num_".$nom_flore];
$retour['ind'][$nom]['remarques'] = $result['st_nom_supp'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_syntri'] != null) {
$retour['syntri'][$result['st_ce_num_syntri']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
$retour['syntri'][$result['st_ce_num_syntri']]['num_supp'] = $result['st_num_supp'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_floeur'] != null) {
$retour['floeur'][$result['st_ce_num_floeur']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_bdnff'] != null) {
$retour['bdnff'][$result['st_ce_num_bdnff']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_codefr94'] != null) {
$retour['codefr94'][$result['st_ce_num_codefr94']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_bryo'] != null) {
$retour['bryo'][$result['st_ce_num_bryo']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_ciff'] != null) {
$retour['ciff'][$result['st_ce_num_ciff']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
} elseif ($result['st_ce_num_fournier'] != null) {
$retour['fournier'][$result['st_ce_num_fournier']]['id'] = $result['st_id_taxon'];
$requete = "TRUNCATE TABLE `sophy_taxon`; ";
$res = $this->requeter($requete);
return $retour;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Requête sur table sophy_taxon et toutes les tables flore de sophy
public function integrerTaxons() {
foreach ($this->taxons as $flore=>$taxons) {
switch ($flore) {
case 'ind' :
// insertion par 1000 pour éviter que la requête soit trop lourde
$i = 0; $j = 1000;
$requete = "INSERT INTO `sophy_taxon` (`st_id_taxon`, `st_nom`, `st_nom_supp`,";
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$requete .= "st_ce_num_{$nom_flore}, ";
$requete .= " st_remarques) VALUES ";
foreach ($taxons as $taxon=>$valeur) {
if (!isset($valeur['remarques'])){
$valeur['remarques'] = 'NULL';
$taxon = $this->proteger($taxon);
} elseif (substr_compare($taxon, 'rem:', 0, 4) == 0){
$valeur['remarques'] = $this->proteger($taxon);
$taxon = 'NULL';
} else {
$taxon = $this->proteger($taxon);
$valeur['remarques'] = $this->proteger($valeur['remarques']);
if ($i < $j) {
$requete .= " (".$valeur['id'].", ".$this->proteger($valeur['nom']).", ".$taxon.", ";
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$requete .= $valeur[$nom_flore].", ";
$requete .= " ".$valeur['remarques']."),";
} elseif ($i == $j) {$j += 1000;
$requete = substr($requete,0,-1).";";
$resultat = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($resultat == false) {
echo $flore.' : '.$i;
$requete = "INSERT INTO `sophy_taxon` (`st_id_taxon`, `st_nom`, `st_nom_supp`,";
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$requete .= "st_ce_num_{$nom_flore}, ";
$requete .= " st_remarques) VALUES (".$valeur['id'].", ".$this->proteger($valeur['nom']).
", ".$taxon.", ";
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$requete .= $valeur[$nom_flore].", ";
$requete .= " ".$valeur['remarques']."),";
$requete = substr($requete,0,-1).";";
case 'syntri' :
$i = 0;
$requete = "INSERT INTO `sophy_taxon` (`st_id_taxon`, ";
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$requete .= "st_ce_num_{$nom_flore}, ";
$requete .= "`st_nom`) VALUES ";
foreach ($taxons as $taxon=>$valeur) {
$requete .= " (".$valeur['id'].", ";
foreach ($this->flores as $nom_flore) {
$requete .= $valeur[$nom_flore].", ";
$requete .= $this->proteger($valeur['nom'])."), ";
$requete = substr($requete,0,-2).";";
$requete = "INSERT INTO `sophy_taxon` (`st_id_taxon`, `st_nom`, st_ce_num_{$flore}) VALUES ";
foreach ($taxons as $numTaxon=>$valeur) {
$requete .= " (".$valeur['id'].", ".$this->proteger($valeur['nom']).", ".$numTaxon."),";
$requete = substr($requete,0,-1).";";
$resultat = $this->requeter($requete);
if ($resultat == false) {
echo " - flore : ".$flore;
New file
0,0 → 1,534
** File: gPoint.php
** Description: PHP class to convert Latitude & Longitude coordinates into
** UTM & Lambert Conic Conformal Northing/Easting coordinates.
** Version: 1.3
** Author: Brenor Brophy
** Email: brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
** Homepage:
** COPYRIGHT (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 BRENOR BROPHY
** The source code included in this package is free software; you can
** redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This license can be
** read at:
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
** Code for datum and UTM conversion was converted from C++ code written by
** Chuck Gantz (chuck dot gantz at globalstar dot com) from
** This URL has many other references to
** useful information concerning conversion of coordinates.
** Rev History
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** 1.0 08/25/2005 Initial Release
** 1.1 05/15/2006 Added software license language to header comments
** Fixed an error in the convertTMtoLL() method. The latitude
** calculation had a bunch of variables without $ symbols.
** Fixed an error in convertLLtoTM() method, The $this-> was
** missing in front of a couple of variables. Thanks to Bob
** Robins of Maryland for catching the bugs.
** 1.2 05/18/2007 Added default of NULL to $LongOrigin arguement in convertTMtoLL()
** and convertLLtoTM() to eliminate warning messages when the
** methods are called without a value for $LongOrigin.
** 1.3 02/21/2008 Fixed a bug in the distanceFrom method, where the input parameters
** were not being converted to radians prior to calculating the
** distance. Thanks to Enrico Benco for finding pointing it out.
define ("meter2nm", (1/1852));
define ("nm2meter", 1852);
** class gPoint ... for Geographic Point
** This class encapsulates the methods for representing a geographic point on the
** earth in three different coordinate systema. Lat/Long, UTM and Lambert Conic
** Conformal.
class gPoint
/* Reference ellipsoids derived from Peter H. Dana's website-
** email:, web page:
** Source:
** Defense Mapping Agency. 1987b. DMA Technical Report: Supplement to Department
** of Defense World Geodetic System 1984 Technical Report. Part I and II.
** Washington, DC: Defense Mapping Agency
var $ellipsoid = array(//Ellipsoid name, Equatorial Radius, square of eccentricity
"Airy" =>array (6377563, 0.00667054),
"Australian National" =>array (6378160, 0.006694542),
"Bessel 1841" =>array (6377397, 0.006674372),
"Bessel 1841 Nambia" =>array (6377484, 0.006674372),
"Clarke 1866" =>array (6378206, 0.006768658),
"Clarke 1880" =>array (6378249, 0.006803511),
"Everest" =>array (6377276, 0.006637847),
"Fischer 1960 Mercury" =>array (6378166, 0.006693422),
"Fischer 1968" =>array (6378150, 0.006693422),
"GRS 1967" =>array (6378160, 0.006694605),
"GRS 1980" =>array (6378137, 0.00669438),
"Helmert 1906" =>array (6378200, 0.006693422),
"Hough" =>array (6378270, 0.00672267),
"International" =>array (6378388, 0.00672267),
"Krassovsky" =>array (6378245, 0.006693422),
"Modified Airy" =>array (6377340, 0.00667054),
"Modified Everest" =>array (6377304, 0.006637847),
"Modified Fischer 1960" =>array (6378155, 0.006693422),
"South American 1969" =>array (6378160, 0.006694542),
"WGS 60" =>array (6378165, 0.006693422),
"WGS 66" =>array (6378145, 0.006694542),
"WGS 72" =>array (6378135, 0.006694318),
"WGS 84" =>array (6378137, 0.00669438));
// Properties
var $a; // Equatorial Radius
var $e2; // Square of eccentricity
var $datum; // Selected datum
var $Xp, $Yp; // X,Y pixel location
var $lat, $long; // Latitude & Longitude of the point
var $utmNorthing, $utmEasting, $utmZone; // UTM Coordinates of the point
var $lccNorthing, $lccEasting; // Lambert coordinates of the point
var $falseNorthing, $falseEasting; // Origin coordinates for Lambert Projection
var $latOfOrigin; // For Lambert Projection
var $longOfOrigin; // For Lambert Projection
var $firstStdParallel; // For lambert Projection
var $secondStdParallel; // For lambert Projection
// constructor
function gPoint($datum='WGS 84') // Default datum is WGS 84
$this->a = $this->ellipsoid[$datum][0]; // Set datum Equatorial Radius
$this->e2 = $this->ellipsoid[$datum][1]; // Set datum Square of eccentricity
$this->datum = $datum; // Save the datum
// Set/Get X & Y pixel of the point (used if it is being drawn on an image)
function setXY($x, $y)
$this->Xp = $x; $this->Yp = $y;
function Xp() { return $this->Xp; }
function Yp() { return $this->Yp; }
// Set/Get/Output Longitude & Latitude of the point
function setLongLat($long, $lat)
$this->long = $long; $this->lat = $lat;
function Lat() { return $this->lat; }
function Long() { return $this->long; }
function printLatLong() { printf("Latitude: %1.5f Longitude: %1.5f",$this->lat, $this->long); }
// Set/Get/Output Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates
function setUTM($easting, $northing, $zone='') // Zone is optional
$this->utmNorthing = $northing;
$this->utmEasting = $easting;
$this->utmZone = $zone;
function N() { return $this->utmNorthing; }
function E() { return $this->utmEasting; }
function Z() { return $this->utmZone; }
function printUTM() { print( "Northing: ".(int)$this->utmNorthing.", Easting: ".(int)$this->utmEasting.", Zone: ".$this->utmZone); }
// Set/Get/Output Lambert Conic Conformal Coordinates
function setLambert($easting, $northing)
$this->lccNorthing = $northing;
$this->lccEasting = $easting;
function lccN() { return $this->lccNorthing; }
function lccE() { return $this->lccEasting; }
function printLambert() { print( "Northing: ".(int)$this->lccNorthing.", Easting: ".(int)$this->lccEasting); }
// Convert Longitude/Latitude to UTM
// Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532
// East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
// North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
// Lat and Long are in decimal degrees
// Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck dot gantz at globalstar dot com, converted to PHP by
// Brenor Brophy, brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
// UTM coordinates are useful when dealing with paper maps. Basically the
// map will can cover a single UTM zone which is 6 degrees on longitude.
// So you really don't care about an object crossing two zones. You just get a
// second map of the other zone. However, if you happen to live in a place that
// straddles two zones (For example the Santa Babara area in CA straddles zone 10
// and zone 11) Then it can become a real pain having to have two maps all the time.
// So relatively small parts of the world (like say California) create their own
// version of UTM coordinates that are adjusted to conver the whole area of interest
// on a single map. These are called state grids. The projection system is the
// usually same as UTM (i.e. Transverse Mercator), but the central meridian
// aka Longitude of Origin is selected to suit the logitude of the area being
// mapped (like being moved to the central meridian of the area) and the grid
// may cover more than the 6 degrees of lingitude found on a UTM map. Areas
// that are wide rather than long - think Montana as an example. May still
// have to have a couple of maps to cover the whole state because TM projection
// looses accuracy as you move further away from the Longitude of Origin, 15 degrees
// is usually the limit.
// Now, in the case where we want to generate electronic maps that may be
// placed pretty much anywhere on the globe we really don't to deal with the
// issue of UTM zones in our coordinate system. We would really just like a
// grid that is fully contigious over the area of the map we are drawing. Similiar
// to the state grid, but local to the area we are interested in. I call this
// Local Transverse Mercator and I have modified the function below to also
// make this conversion. If you pass a Longitude value to the function as $LongOrigin
// then that is the Longitude of Origin that will be used for the projection.
// Easting coordinates will be returned (in meters) relative to that line of
// longitude - So an Easting coordinate for a point located East of the longitude
// of origin will be a positive value in meters, an Easting coordinate for a point
// West of the longitude of Origin will have a negative value in meters. Northings
// will always be returned in meters from the equator same as the UTM system. The
// UTMZone value will be valid for Long/Lat given - thought it is not meaningful
// in the context of Local TM. If a NULL value is passed for $LongOrigin
// then the standard UTM coordinates are calculated.
function convertLLtoTM($LongOrigin = NULL)
$k0 = 0.9996;
$falseEasting = 0.0;
//Make sure the longitude is between -180.00 .. 179.9
$LongTemp = ($this->long+180)-(integer)(($this->long+180)/360)*360-180; // -180.00 .. 179.9;
$LatRad = deg2rad($this->lat);
$LongRad = deg2rad($LongTemp);
if (!$LongOrigin)
{ // Do a standard UTM conversion - so findout what zone the point is in
$ZoneNumber = (integer)(($LongTemp + 180)/6) + 1;
// Special zone for South Norway
if( $this->lat >= 56.0 && $this->lat < 64.0 && $LongTemp >= 3.0 && $LongTemp < 12.0 ) // Fixed 1.1
$ZoneNumber = 32;
// Special zones for Svalbard
if( $this->lat >= 72.0 && $this->lat < 84.0 )
if( $LongTemp >= 0.0 && $LongTemp < 9.0 ) $ZoneNumber = 31;
else if( $LongTemp >= 9.0 && $LongTemp < 21.0 ) $ZoneNumber = 33;
else if( $LongTemp >= 21.0 && $LongTemp < 33.0 ) $ZoneNumber = 35;
else if( $LongTemp >= 33.0 && $LongTemp < 42.0 ) $ZoneNumber = 37;
$LongOrigin = ($ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3; //+3 puts origin in middle of zone
//compute the UTM Zone from the latitude and longitude
$this->utmZone = sprintf("%d%s", $ZoneNumber, $this->UTMLetterDesignator());
// We also need to set the false Easting value adjust the UTM easting coordinate
$falseEasting = 500000.0;
$LongOriginRad = deg2rad($LongOrigin);
$eccPrimeSquared = ($this->e2)/(1-$this->e2);
$N = $this->a/sqrt(1-$this->e2*sin($LatRad)*sin($LatRad));
$T = tan($LatRad)*tan($LatRad);
$C = $eccPrimeSquared*cos($LatRad)*cos($LatRad);
$A = cos($LatRad)*($LongRad-$LongOriginRad);
$M = $this->a*((1 - $this->e2/4 - 3*$this->e2*$this->e2/64 - 5*$this->e2*$this->e2*$this->e2/256)*$LatRad
- (3*$this->e2/8 + 3*$this->e2*$this->e2/32 + 45*$this->e2*$this->e2*$this->e2/1024)*sin(2*$LatRad)
+ (15*$this->e2*$this->e2/256 + 45*$this->e2*$this->e2*$this->e2/1024)*sin(4*$LatRad)
- (35*$this->e2*$this->e2*$this->e2/3072)*sin(6*$LatRad));
$this->utmEasting = ($k0*$N*($A+(1-$T+$C)*$A*$A*$A/6
+ (5-18*$T+$T*$T+72*$C-58*$eccPrimeSquared)*$A*$A*$A*$A*$A/120)
+ $falseEasting);
$this->utmNorthing = ($k0*($M+$N*tan($LatRad)*($A*$A/2+(5-$T+9*$C+4*$C*$C)*$A*$A*$A*$A/24
+ (61-58*$T+$T*$T+600*$C-330*$eccPrimeSquared)*$A*$A*$A*$A*$A*$A/720)));
if($this->lat < 0)
$this->utmNorthing += 10000000.0; //10000000 meter offset for southern hemisphere
// This routine determines the correct UTM letter designator for the given latitude
// returns 'Z' if latitude is outside the UTM limits of 84N to 80S
// Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck dot gantz at globalstar dot com, converted to PHP by
// Brenor Brophy, brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
function UTMLetterDesignator()
if((84 >= $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 72)) $LetterDesignator = 'X';
else if((72 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 64)) $LetterDesignator = 'W';
else if((64 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 56)) $LetterDesignator = 'V';
else if((56 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 48)) $LetterDesignator = 'U';
else if((48 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 40)) $LetterDesignator = 'T';
else if((40 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 32)) $LetterDesignator = 'S';
else if((32 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 24)) $LetterDesignator = 'R';
else if((24 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 16)) $LetterDesignator = 'Q';
else if((16 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 8)) $LetterDesignator = 'P';
else if(( 8 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= 0)) $LetterDesignator = 'N';
else if(( 0 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -8)) $LetterDesignator = 'M';
else if((-8 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -16)) $LetterDesignator = 'L';
else if((-16 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -24)) $LetterDesignator = 'K';
else if((-24 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -32)) $LetterDesignator = 'J';
else if((-32 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -40)) $LetterDesignator = 'H';
else if((-40 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -48)) $LetterDesignator = 'G';
else if((-48 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -56)) $LetterDesignator = 'F';
else if((-56 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -64)) $LetterDesignator = 'E';
else if((-64 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -72)) $LetterDesignator = 'D';
else if((-72 > $this->lat) && ($this->lat >= -80)) $LetterDesignator = 'C';
else $LetterDesignator = 'Z'; //This is here as an error flag to show that the Latitude is outside the UTM limits
// Convert UTM to Longitude/Latitude
// Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532
// East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
// North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
// Lat and Long are in decimal degrees.
// Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck dot gantz at globalstar dot com, converted to PHP by
// Brenor Brophy, brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
// If a value is passed for $LongOrigin then the function assumes that
// a Local (to the Longitude of Origin passed in) Transverse Mercator
// coordinates is to be converted - not a UTM coordinate. This is the
// complementary function to the previous one. The function cannot
// tell if a set of Northing/Easting coordinates are in the North
// or South hemesphere - they just give distance from the equator not
// direction - so only northern hemesphere lat/long coordinates are returned.
// If you live south of the equator there is a note later in the code
// explaining how to have it just return southern hemesphere lat/longs.
function convertTMtoLL($LongOrigin = NULL)
$k0 = 0.9996;
$e1 = (1-sqrt(1-$this->e2))/(1+sqrt(1-$this->e2));
$falseEasting = 0.0;
$y = $this->utmNorthing;
if (!$LongOrigin)
{ // It is a UTM coordinate we want to convert
if($ZoneLetter >= 'N')
$NorthernHemisphere = 1;//point is in northern hemisphere
$NorthernHemisphere = 0;//point is in southern hemisphere
$y -= 10000000.0;//remove 10,000,000 meter offset used for southern hemisphere
$LongOrigin = ($ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3; //+3 puts origin in middle of zone
$falseEasting = 500000.0;
// $y -= 10000000.0; // Uncomment line to make LOCAL coordinates return southern hemesphere Lat/Long
$x = $this->utmEasting - $falseEasting; //remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude
$eccPrimeSquared = ($this->e2)/(1-$this->e2);
$M = $y / $k0;
$mu = $M/($this->a*(1-$this->e2/4-3*$this->e2*$this->e2/64-5*$this->e2*$this->e2*$this->e2/256));
$phi1Rad = $mu + (3*$e1/2-27*$e1*$e1*$e1/32)*sin(2*$mu)
+ (21*$e1*$e1/16-55*$e1*$e1*$e1*$e1/32)*sin(4*$mu)
$phi1 = rad2deg($phi1Rad);
$N1 = $this->a/sqrt(1-$this->e2*sin($phi1Rad)*sin($phi1Rad));
$T1 = tan($phi1Rad)*tan($phi1Rad);
$C1 = $eccPrimeSquared*cos($phi1Rad)*cos($phi1Rad);
$R1 = $this->a*(1-$this->e2)/pow(1-$this->e2*sin($phi1Rad)*sin($phi1Rad), 1.5);
$D = $x/($N1*$k0);
$tlat = $phi1Rad - ($N1*tan($phi1Rad)/$R1)*($D*$D/2-(5+3*$T1+10*$C1-4*$C1*$C1-9*$eccPrimeSquared)*$D*$D*$D*$D/24
+(61+90*$T1+298*$C1+45*$T1*$T1-252*$eccPrimeSquared-3*$C1*$C1)*$D*$D*$D*$D*$D*$D/720); // fixed in 1.1
$this->lat = rad2deg($tlat);
$tlong = ($D-(1+2*$T1+$C1)*$D*$D*$D/6+(5-2*$C1+28*$T1-3*$C1*$C1+8*$eccPrimeSquared+24*$T1*$T1)
$this->long = $LongOrigin + rad2deg($tlong);
// Configure a Lambert Conic Conformal Projection
// falseEasting & falseNorthing are just an offset in meters added to the final
// coordinate calculated.
// longOfOrigin & LatOfOrigin are the "center" latitiude and longitude of the
// area being projected. All coordinates will be calculated in meters relative
// to this point on the earth.
// firstStdParallel & secondStdParallel are the two lines of longitude (that
// is they run east-west) that define where the "cone" intersects the earth.
// Simply put they should bracket the area being projected.
// google is your friend to find out more
function configLambertProjection ($falseEasting, $falseNorthing,
$longOfOrigin, $latOfOrigin,
$firstStdParallel, $secondStdParallel)
$this->falseEasting = $falseEasting;
$this->falseNorthing = $falseNorthing;
$this->longOfOrigin = $longOfOrigin;
$this->latOfOrigin = $latOfOrigin;
$this->firstStdParallel = $firstStdParallel;
$this->secondStdParallel = $secondStdParallel;
// Convert Longitude/Latitude to Lambert Conic Easting/Northing
// This routine will convert a Latitude/Longitude coordinate to an Northing/
// Easting coordinate on a Lambert Conic Projection. The configLambertProjection()
// function should have been called prior to this one to setup the specific
// parameters for the projection. The Northing/Easting parameters calculated are
// in meters (because the datum used is in meters) and are relative to the
// falseNorthing/falseEasting coordinate. Which in turn is relative to the
// Lat/Long of origin The formula were obtained from URL:
// Code was written by Brenor Brophy, brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
function convertLLtoLCC()
$e = sqrt($this->e2);
$phi = deg2rad($this->lat); // Latitude to convert
$phi1 = deg2rad($this->firstStdParallel); // Latitude of 1st std parallel
$phi2 = deg2rad($this->secondStdParallel); // Latitude of 2nd std parallel
$lamda = deg2rad($this->long); // Lonitude to convert
$phio = deg2rad($this->latOfOrigin); // Latitude of Origin
$lamdao = deg2rad($this->longOfOrigin); // Longitude of Origin
$m1 = cos($phi1) / sqrt(( 1 - $this->e2*sin($phi1)*sin($phi1)));
$m2 = cos($phi2) / sqrt(( 1 - $this->e2*sin($phi2)*sin($phi2)));
$t1 = tan((pi()/4)-($phi1/2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phi1) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phi1) )),$e/2);
$t2 = tan((pi()/4)-($phi2/2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phi2) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phi2) )),$e/2);
$to = tan((pi()/4)-($phio/2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phio) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phio) )),$e/2);
$t = tan((pi()/4)-($phi /2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phi ) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phi ) )),$e/2);
$n = (log($m1)-log($m2)) / (log($t1)-log($t2));
$F = $m1/($n*pow($t1,$n));
$rf = $this->a*$F*pow($to,$n);
$r = $this->a*$F*pow($t,$n);
$theta = $n*($lamda - $lamdao);
$this->lccEasting = $this->falseEasting + $r*sin($theta);
$this->lccNorthing = $this->falseNorthing + $rf - $r*cos($theta);
// Convert Easting/Northing on a Lambert Conic projection to Longitude/Latitude
// This routine will convert a Lambert Northing/Easting coordinate to an
// Latitude/Longitude coordinate. The configLambertProjection() function should
// have been called prior to this one to setup the specific parameters for the
// projection. The Northing/Easting parameters are in meters (because the datum
// used is in meters) and are relative to the falseNorthing/falseEasting
// coordinate. Which in turn is relative to the Lat/Long of origin The formula
// were obtained from URL Code
// was written by Brenor Brophy, brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
function convertLCCtoLL()
$e = sqrt($this->e2);
$phi1 = deg2rad($this->firstStdParallel); // Latitude of 1st std parallel
$phi2 = deg2rad($this->secondStdParallel); // Latitude of 2nd std parallel
$phio = deg2rad($this->latOfOrigin); // Latitude of Origin
$lamdao = deg2rad($this->longOfOrigin); // Longitude of Origin
$E = $this->lccEasting;
$N = $this->lccNorthing;
$Ef = $this->falseEasting;
$Nf = $this->falseNorthing;
$m1 = cos($phi1) / sqrt(( 1 - $this->e2*sin($phi1)*sin($phi1)));
$m2 = cos($phi2) / sqrt(( 1 - $this->e2*sin($phi2)*sin($phi2)));
$t1 = tan((pi()/4)-($phi1/2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phi1) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phi1) )),$e/2);
$t2 = tan((pi()/4)-($phi2/2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phi2) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phi2) )),$e/2);
$to = tan((pi()/4)-($phio/2)) / pow(( ( 1 - $e*sin($phio) ) / ( 1 + $e*sin($phio) )),$e/2);
$n = (log($m1)-log($m2)) / (log($t1)-log($t2));
$F = $m1/($n*pow($t1,$n));
$rf = $this->a*$F*pow($to,$n);
$r_ = sqrt( pow(($E-$Ef),2) + pow(($rf-($N-$Nf)),2) );
$t_ = pow($r_/($this->a*$F),(1/$n));
$theta_ = atan(($E-$Ef)/($rf-($N-$Nf)));
$lamda = $theta_/$n + $lamdao;
$phi0 = (pi()/2) - 2*atan($t_);
$phi1 = (pi()/2) - 2*atan($t_*pow(((1-$e*sin($phi0))/(1+$e*sin($phi0))),$e/2));
$phi2 = (pi()/2) - 2*atan($t_*pow(((1-$e*sin($phi1))/(1+$e*sin($phi1))),$e/2));
$phi = (pi()/2) - 2*atan($t_*pow(((1-$e*sin($phi2))/(1+$e*sin($phi2))),$e/2));
$this->lat = rad2deg($phi);
$this->long = rad2deg($lamda);
// This is a useful function that returns the Great Circle distance from the
// gPoint to another Long/Lat coordinate
// Result is returned as meters
function distanceFrom($lon1, $lat1)
$lon1 = deg2rad($lon1); $lat1 = deg2rad($lat1); // Added in 1.3
$lon2 = deg2rad($this->Long()); $lat2 = deg2rad($this->Lat());
$theta = $lon2 - $lon1;
$dist = acos(sin($lat1) * sin($lat2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * cos($theta));
// Alternative formula supposed to be more accurate for short distances
// $dist = 2*asin(sqrt( pow(sin(($lat1-$lat2)/2),2) + cos($lat1)*cos($lat2)*pow(sin(($lon1-$lon2)/2),2)));
return ( $dist * 6366710 ); // from
// This function also calculates the distance between two points. In this case
// it just uses Pythagoras's theorm using TM coordinates.
function distanceFromTM(&$pt)
$E1 = $pt->E(); $N1 = $pt->N();
$E2 = $this->E(); $N2 = $this->N();
$dist = sqrt(pow(($E1-$E2),2)+pow(($N1-$N2),2));
return $dist;
// This function geo-references a geoPoint to a given map. This means that it
// calculates the x,y pixel coordinate that coresponds to the Lat/Long value of
// the geoPoint. The calculation is done using the Transverse Mercator(TM)
// coordinates of the gPoint with respect to the TM coordinates of the center
// point of the map. So this only makes sense if you are using Local TM
// projection.
// $rX & $rY are the pixel coordinates that corespond to the Northing/Easting
// ($rE/$rN) coordinate it is to this coordinate that the point will be
// geo-referenced. The $LongOrigin is needed to make sure the Easting/Northing
// coordinates of the point are correctly converted.
function gRef($rX, $rY, $rE, $rN, $Scale, $LongOrigin)
$x = (($this->E() - $rE) / $Scale) // The easting in meters times the scale to get pixels
// is relative to the center of the image so adjust to
+ ($rX); // the left coordinate.
$y = $rY - // Adjust to bottom coordinate.
(($rN - $this->N()) / $Scale); // The northing in meters
// relative to the equator. Subtract center point northing
// to get relative to image center and convert meters to pixels
$this->setXY((int)$x,(int)$y); // Save the geo-referenced result.
} // end of class gPoint