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0,0 → 1,338
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the New Zealand Map Grid projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
1. Department of Land and Survey Technical Circular 1973/32
2. OSG Technical Report 4.1
The two references use different symbols for the calculated values. This
implementation uses the variable names similar to the symbols in reference [1].
The alogrithm uses different units for delta latitude and delta longitude.
The delta latitude is assumed to be in units of seconds of arc x 10^-5.
The delta longitude is the usual radians. Look out for these conversions.
The algorithm is described using complex arithmetic. There were three
* find and use a Javascript library for complex arithmetic
* write my own complex library
* expand the complex arithmetic by hand to simple arithmetic
This implementation has expanded the complex multiplication operations
into parallel simple arithmetic operations for the real and imaginary parts.
The imaginary part is way over to the right of the display; this probably
violates every coding standard in the world, but, to me, it makes it much
more obvious what is going on.
The following complex operations are used:
- addition
- multiplication
- division
- complex number raised to integer power
- summation
A summary of complex arithmetic operations:
addition: (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i
subtraction: (a + bi) - (c + di) = (a - c) + (b - d)i
multiplication: (a + bi) x (c + di) = (ac - bd) + (bc + ad)i
division: (a + bi) / (c + di) = [(ac + bd)/(cc + dd)] + [(bc - ad)/(cc + dd)]i
The algorithm needs to calculate summations of simple and complex numbers. This is
implemented using a for-loop, pre-loading the summed value to zero.
The algorithm needs to calculate theta^2, theta^3, etc while doing a summation.
There are three possible implementations:
- use pow in the summation loop - except for complex numbers
- precalculate the values before running the loop
- calculate theta^n = theta^(n-1) * theta during the loop
This implementation uses the third option for both real and complex arithmetic.
For example
psi_n = 1;
sum = 0;
for (n = 1; n <=6; n++) {
psi_n1 = psi_n * psi; // calculate psi^(n+1)
psi_n = psi_n1;
sum = sum + A[n] * psi_n;
NZMG E, N: 2487100.638 6751049.719 metres
NZGD49 long, lat: 172.739194 -34.444066 degrees
NZMG E, N: 2486533.395 6077263.661 metres
NZGD49 long, lat: 172.723106 -40.512409 degrees
NZMG E, N: 2216746.425 5388508.765 metres
NZGD49 long, lat: 169.172062 -46.651295 degrees
Note that these test vectors convert from NZMG metres to lat/long referenced
to NZGD49, not the more usual WGS84. The difference is about 70m N/S and about
10m E/W.
These test vectors are provided in reference [1]. Many more test
vectors are available in
which is a catalog of names on the 260-series maps.
NZGD49 EPSG:4272 defines these as
Proj4php.defs["EPSG:4272"] = "+proj=longlat +ellps=intl +datum=nzgd49 +no_defs ";
Proj4php.defs["EPSG:27200"] = "+proj=nzmg +lat_0=-41 +lon_0=173 +x_0=2510000 +y_0=6023150 +ellps=intl +datum=nzgd49 +units=m +no_defs ";
Copyright: Stephen Irons 2008
Released under terms of the LGPL as per:
* ***************************************************************************** */
Initialize New Zealand Map Grip projection
class Proj4phpProjNzmg {
* iterations: Number of iterations to refine inverse transform.
* 0 -> km accuracy
* 1 -> m accuracy -- suitable for most mapping applications
* 2 -> mm accuracy
protected $iterations = 1;
public function init() {
$this->A = array( );
$this->A[1] = +0.6399175073;
$this->A[2] = -0.1358797613;
$this->A[3] = +0.063294409;
$this->A[4] = -0.02526853;
$this->A[5] = +0.0117879;
$this->A[6] = -0.0055161;
$this->A[7] = +0.0026906;
$this->A[8] = -0.001333;
$this->A[9] = +0.00067;
$this->A[10] = -0.00034;
$this->B_re = array( );
$this->B_im = array( );
$this->B_re[1] = +0.7557853228;
$this->B_im[1] = 0.0;
$this->B_re[2] = +0.249204646;
$this->B_im[2] = +0.003371507;
$this->B_re[3] = -0.001541739;
$this->B_im[3] = +0.041058560;
$this->B_re[4] = -0.10162907;
$this->B_im[4] = +0.01727609;
$this->B_re[5] = -0.26623489;
$this->B_im[5] = -0.36249218;
$this->B_re[6] = -0.6870983;
$this->B_im[6] = -1.1651967;
$this->C_re = array( );
$this->C_im = array( );
$this->C_re[1] = +1.3231270439;
$this->C_im[1] = 0.0;
$this->C_re[2] = -0.577245789;
$this->C_im[2] = -0.007809598;
$this->C_re[3] = +0.508307513;
$this->C_im[3] = -0.112208952;
$this->C_re[4] = -0.15094762;
$this->C_im[4] = +0.18200602;
$this->C_re[5] = +1.01418179;
$this->C_im[5] = +1.64497696;
$this->C_re[6] = +1.9660549;
$this->C_im[6] = +2.5127645;
$this->D = array( );
$this->D[1] = +1.5627014243;
$this->D[2] = +0.5185406398;
$this->D[3] = -0.03333098;
$this->D[4] = -0.1052906;
$this->D[5] = -0.0368594;
$this->D[6] = +0.007317;
$this->D[7] = +0.01220;
$this->D[8] = +0.00394;
$this->D[9] = -0.0013;
New Zealand Map Grid Forward - long/lat to x/y
long/lat in radians
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$delta_lat = $lat - $this->lat0;
$delta_lon = $lon - $this->long0;
// 1. Calculate d_phi and d_psi ... // and d_lambda
// For this algorithm, delta_latitude is in seconds of arc x 10-5, so we need to scale to those units. Longitude is radians.
$d_phi = $delta_lat / Proj4php::$common->SEC_TO_RAD * 1E-5;
$d_lambda = $delta_lon;
$d_phi_n = 1; // d_phi^0
$d_psi = 0;
for( $n = 1; $n <= 10; $n++ ) {
$d_phi_n = $d_phi_n * $d_phi;
$d_psi = $d_psi + $this->A[$n] * $d_phi_n;
// 2. Calculate theta
$th_re = $d_psi;
$th_im = $d_lambda;
// 3. Calculate z
$th_n_re = 1;
$th_n_im = 0; // theta^0
$z_re = 0;
$z_im = 0;
for( $n = 1; $n <= 6; $n++ ) {
$th_n_re1 = $th_n_re * $th_re - $th_n_im * $th_im;
$th_n_im1 = $th_n_im * $th_re + $th_n_re * $th_im;
$th_n_re = $th_n_re1;
$th_n_im = $th_n_im1;
$z_re = $z_re + $this->B_re[$n] * $th_n_re - $this->B_im[$n] * $th_n_im;
$z_im = $z_im + $this->B_im[$n] * $th_n_re + $this->B_re[$n] * $th_n_im;
// 4. Calculate easting and northing
$p->x = ($z_im * $this->a) + $this->x0;
$p->y = ($z_re * $this->a) + $this->y0;
return $p;
New Zealand Map Grid Inverse - x/y to long/lat
public function inverse( $p ) {
$x = $p->x;
$y = $p->y;
$delta_x = $x - $this->x0;
$delta_y = $y - $this->y0;
// 1. Calculate z
$z_re = $delta_y / $this->a;
$z_im = $delta_x / $this->a;
// 2a. Calculate theta - first approximation gives km accuracy
$z_n_re = 1;
$z_n_im = 0; // z^0
$th_re = 0;
$th_im = 0;
for( $n = 1; $n <= 6; $n++ ) {
$z_n_re1 = $z_n_re * $z_re - $z_n_im * $z_im;
$z_n_im1 = $z_n_im * $z_re + $z_n_re * $z_im;
$z_n_re = $z_n_re1;
$z_n_im = $z_n_im1;
$th_re = $th_re + $this->C_re[$n] * $z_n_re - $this->C_im[$n] * $z_n_im;
$th_im = $th_im + $this->C_im[$n] * $z_n_re + $this->C_re[$n] * $z_n_im;
// 2b. Iterate to refine the accuracy of the calculation
// 0 iterations gives km accuracy
// 1 iteration gives m accuracy -- good enough for most mapping applications
// 2 iterations bives mm accuracy
for( $i = 0; $i < $this->iterations; $i++ ) {
$th_n_re = $th_re;
$th_n_im = $th_im;
$num_re = $z_re;
$num_im = $z_im;
for( $n = 2; $n <= 6; $n++ ) {
$th_n_re1 = $th_n_re * th_re - $th_n_im * $th_im;
$th_n_im1 = $th_n_im * $th_re + $th_n_re * $th_im;
$th_n_re = $th_n_re1;
$th_n_im = $th_n_im1;
$num_re = $num_re + ($n - 1) * ($this->B_re[$n] * $th_n_re - $this->B_im[$n] * $th_n_im);
$num_im = $num_im + (n - 1) * ($this->B_im[$n] * $th_n_re + $this->B_re[$n] * $th_n_im);
$th_n_re = 1;
$th_n_im = 0;
$den_re = $this->B_re[1];
$den_im = $this->B_im[1];
for( $n = 2; $n <= 6; $n++ ) {
$th_n_re1 = $th_n_re * $th_re - $th_n_im * $th_im;
$th_n_im1 = $th_n_im * $th_re + $th_n_re * $th_im;
$th_n_re = $th_n_re1;
$th_n_im = $th_n_im1;
$den_re = $den_re + $n * ($this->B_re[$n] * $th_n_re - $this->B_im[$n] * $th_n_im);
$den_im = $den_im + $n * ($this->B_im[n] * $th_n_re + $this->B_re[$n] * $th_n_im);
// Complex division
$den2 = $den_re * $den_re + $den_im * $den_im;
$th_re = ($num_re * $den_re + $num_im * $den_im) / $den2;
$th_im = ($num_im * $den_re - $num_re * $den_im) / $den2;
// 3. Calculate d_phi ... // and d_lambda
$d_psi = $th_re;
$d_lambda = $th_im;
$d_psi_n = 1; // d_psi^0
$d_phi = 0;
for( $n = 1; $n <= 9; $n++ ) {
$d_psi_n = $d_psi_n * $d_psi;
$d_phi = $d_phi + $this->D[$n] * $d_psi_n;
// 4. Calculate latitude and longitude
// d_phi is calcuated in second of arc * 10^-5, so we need to scale back to radians. d_lambda is in radians.
$lat = $this->lat0 + ($d_phi * Proj4php::$common->SEC_TO_RAD * 1E5);
$lon = $this->long0 + $d_lambda;
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['nzmg'] = new Proj4phpProjNzmg();
New file
0,0 → 1,152
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and Northing
for the Equidistant Conic projection. The longitude and
latitude must be in radians. The Easting and Northing values
will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan Mar, 1993
1. Snyder, John $p->, "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John $p-> and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
/* Variables common to all subroutines in this code file
class Proj4phpProjEqdc {
/* Initialize the Equidistant Conic projection
------------------------------------------ */
public function init() {
/* Place parameters in static storage for common use
------------------------------------------------- */
if( !$this->mode )
$this->mode = 0; //chosen default mode
$this->temp = $this->b / $this->a;
$this->es = 1.0 - pow( $this->temp, 2 );
$this->e = sqrt( $this->es );
$this->e0 = Proj4php::$common->e0fn( $this->es );
$this->e1 = Proj4php::$common->e1fn( $this->es );
$this->e2 = Proj4php::$common->e2fn( $this->es );
$this->e3 = Proj4php::$common->e3fn( $this->es );
$this->sinphi = sin( $this->lat1 );
$this->cosphi = cos( $this->lat1 );
$this->ms1 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e, $this->sinphi, $this->cosphi );
$this->ml1 = Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $this->lat1 );
/* format B
--------- */
if( $this->mode != 0 ) {
if( abs( $this->lat1 + $this->lat2 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "eqdc:Init:EqualLatitudes" );
$this->sinphi = sin( $this->lat2 );
$this->cosphi = cos( $this->lat2 );
$this->ms2 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e, $this->sinphi, $this->cosphi );
$this->ml2 = Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $this->lat2 );
if( abs( $this->lat1 - $this->lat2 ) >= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->ns = ($this->ms1 - $this->ms2) / ($this->ml2 - $this->ml1);
} else {
$this->ns = $this->sinphi;
} else {
$this->ns = $this->sinphi;
$this->g = $this->ml1 + $this->ms1 / $this->ns;
$this->ml0 = Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $this->lat0 );
$this->rh = $this->a * ($this->g - $this->ml0);
/* Equidistant Conic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
----------------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$ml = Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $lat );
$rh1 = $this->a * ($this->g - $ml);
$theta = $this->ns * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$x = $this->x0 + $rh1 * sin( $theta );
$y = $this->y0 + $this->rh - $rh1 * cos( $theta );
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y = $this->rh - $p->y + $this->y0;
if( $this->ns >= 0 ) {
$rh1 = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
$con = 1.0;
} else {
$rh1 = -sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
$con = -1.0;
$theta = 0.0;
if( $rh1 != 0.0 )
$theta = atan2( $con * $p->x, $con * $p->y );
$ml = $this->g - $rh1 / $this->a;
$lat = $this->phi3z( $ml, $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3 );
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $theta / $this->ns );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
/* Function to compute latitude, phi3, for the inverse of the Equidistant
Conic projection.
----------------------------------------------------------------- */
public function phi3z( $ml, $e0, $e1, $e2, $e3 ) {
$phi = $ml;
for( $i = 0; $i < 15; $i++ ) {
$dphi = ($ml + $e1 * sin( 2.0 * $phi ) - $e2 * sin( 4.0 * $phi ) + $e3 * sin( 6.0 * $phi )) / $e0 - $phi;
$phi += $dphi;
if( abs( $dphi ) <= .0000000001 ) {
return $phi;
Proj4php::reportError( "PHI3Z-CONV:Latitude failed to converge after 15 iterations" );
return null;
Proj4php::$proj['eqdc'] = new Proj4phpProjEqdc();
New file
0,0 → 1,139
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Sinusoidal projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
D. Steinwand, EROS May, 1991
This function was adapted from the Sinusoidal projection code (FORTRAN) in the
General Cartographic Transformation Package software which is available from
the U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division.
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. "Software Documentation for GCTP General Cartographic Transformation
Package", U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division, May 1982.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjSinu {
/* Initialize the Sinusoidal projection
------------------------------------ */
public function init() {
/* Place parameters in static storage for common use
------------------------------------------------- */
#$this->R = 6370997.0; //Radius of earth
if( !$this->sphere ) {
$this->en = Proj4php::$common->pj_enfn( $this->es );
} else {
$this->n = 1.;
$this->m = 0.;
$this->es = 0;
$this->C_y = sqrt( ($this->m + 1.) / $this->n );
$this->C_x = $this->C_y / ($this->m + 1.);
/* Sinusoidal forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
----------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
if( isset($this->sphere) ) {
if( !$this->m ) {
$lat = $this->n != 1. ? asin( $this->n * sin( $lat ) ) : $lat;
} else {
$k = $this->n * sin( $lat );
for( $i = Proj4php::$common->MAX_ITER; $i; --$i ) {
$V = ($this->m * $lat + sin( $lat ) - $k) / ($this->m + cos( $lat ));
$lat -= $V;
if( abs( $V ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN )
$x = $this->a * $this->C_x * $lon * ($this->m + cos( $lat ));
$y = $this->a * $this->C_y * $lat;
} else {
$s = sin( $lat );
$c = cos( $lat );
$y = $this->a * Proj4php::$common->pj_mlfn( $lat, $s, $c, $this->en );
$x = $this->a * $lon * $c / sqrt( 1. - $this->es * $s * $s );
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$lat = $p->y / $this->a;
if( isset($this->sphere) ) {
$p->y /= $this->C_y;
$lat = $this->m ? asin( ($this->m * $p->y + sin( $p->y )) / $this->n ) : ( $this->n != 1. ? asin( sin( $p->y ) / $this->n ) : $p->y );
$lon = $p->x / ($this->C_x * ($this->m + cos( $p->y )));
else {
$lat = Proj4php::$common->pj_inv_mlfn( $p->y / $this->a, $this->es, $this->en );
$s = abs( $lat );
if( $s < Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) {
$s = sin( $lat );
$temp = $this->long0 + $p->x * sqrt( 1. - $this->es * $s * $s ) / ($this->a * cos( $lat ));
//temp = $this->long0 + $p->x / ($this->a * cos($lat));
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $temp );
} else if( ($s - Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) < Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) {
$lon = $this->long0;
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['sinu'] = new Proj4phpProjSinu();
New file
0,0 → 1,74
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
class Proj4phpProjGauss {
public function init() {
$sphi = sin( $this->lat0 );
$cphi = cos( $this->lat0 );
$cphi *= $cphi;
$this->rc = sqrt( 1.0 - $this->es ) / (1.0 - $this->es * $sphi * $sphi);
$this->C = sqrt( 1.0 + $this->es * $cphi * $cphi / (1.0 - $this->es) );
$this->phic0 = asin( $sphi / $this->C );
$this->ratexp = 0.5 * $this->C * $this->e;
$this->K = tan( 0.5 * $this->phic0 + Proj4php::$common->FORTPI ) / (pow( tan( 0.5 * $this->lat0 + Proj4php::$common->FORTPI ), $this->C ) * Proj4php::$common->srat( $this->e * $sphi, $this->ratexp ));
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$p->y = 2.0 * atan( $this->K * pow( tan( 0.5 * $lat + Proj4php::$common->FORTPI ), $this->C ) * Proj4php::$common->srat( $this->e * sin( $lat ), $this->ratexp ) ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$p->x = $this->C * $lon;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return null
public function inverse( $p ) {
$DEL_TOL = 1e-14;
$lon = $p->x / $this->C;
$lat = $p->y;
$num = pow( tan( 0.5 * $lat + Proj4php::$common . FORTPI ) / $this->K, 1. / $this->C );
for( $i = Proj4php::$common . MAX_ITER; $i > 0; --$i ) {
$lat = 2.0 * atan( $num * Proj4php::$common->srat( $this->e * sin( $p->y ), -0.5 * $this->e ) ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
if( abs( $lat - $p->y ) < $DEL_TOL )
$p->y = $lat;
/* convergence failed */
if( !$i ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "gauss:inverse:convergence failed" );
return null;
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['gauss'] = new Proj4phpProjGauss();
New file
0,0 → 1,303
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
// Initialize the Stereographic projection
class Proj4phpProjStere {
protected $TOL = 1.e-8;
protected $NITER = 8;
protected $CONV = 1.e-10;
protected $S_POLE = 0;
protected $N_POLE = 1;
protected $OBLIQ = 2;
protected $EQUIT = 3;
* @param type $phit
* @param type $sinphi
* @param type $eccen
* @return type
public function ssfn_( $phit, $sinphi, $eccen ) {
$sinphi *= $eccen;
return (tan( .5 * (Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI + $phit) ) * pow( (1. - $sinphi) / (1. + $sinphi), .5 * $eccen ));
public function init() {
$this->phits = $this->lat_ts ? $this->lat_ts : Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$t = abs( $this->lat0 );
if( (abs( $t ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->mode = $this->lat0 < 0. ? $this->S_POLE : $this->N_POLE;
} else {
$this->mode = $t > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ? $this->OBLIQ : $this->EQUIT;
$this->phits = abs( $this->phits );
if( $this->es ) {
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->N_POLE:
case $this->S_POLE:
if( abs( $this->phits - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->akm1 = 2. * $this->k0 / sqrt( pow( 1 + $this->e, 1 + $this->e ) * pow( 1 - $this->e, 1 - $this->e ) );
} else {
$t = sin( $this->phits );
$this->akm1 = cos( $this->phits ) / Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->phits, $t );
$t *= $this->e;
$this->akm1 /= sqrt( 1. - $t * $t );
case $this->EQUIT:
$this->akm1 = 2. * $this->k0;
case $this->OBLIQ:
$t = sin( $this->lat0 );
$X = 2. * atan( $this->ssfn_( $this->lat0, $t, $this->e ) ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$t *= $this->e;
$this->akm1 = 2. * $this->k0 * cos( $this->lat0 ) / sqrt( 1. - $t * $t );
$this->sinX1 = sin( $X );
$this->cosX1 = cos( $X );
} else {
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->OBLIQ:
$this->sinph0 = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cosph0 = cos( $this->lat0 );
case $this->EQUIT:
$this->akm1 = 2. * $this->k0;
case $this->S_POLE:
case $this->N_POLE:
$this->akm1 = abs( $this->phits - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) >= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ?
cos( $this->phits ) / tan( Proj4php::$common->FORTPI - .5 * $this->phits ) :
2. * $this->k0;
* Stereographic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$lat = $p->y;
if( $this->sphere ) {
$sinphi = sin( $lat );
$cosphi = cos( $lat );
$coslam = cos( $lon );
$sinlam = sin( $lon );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->EQUIT:
$y = 1. + $cosphi * $coslam;
if( y <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$y = $this->akm1 / $y;
$x = $y * $cosphi * $sinlam;
$y *= $sinphi;
case $this->OBLIQ:
$y = 1. + $this->sinph0 * $sinphi + $this->cosph0 * $cosphi * $coslam;
if( $y <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$y = $this->akm1 / $y;
$x = $y * $cosphi * $sinlam;
$y *= $this->cosph0 * $sinphi - $this->sinph0 * $cosphi * $coslam;
case $this->N_POLE:
$coslam = -$coslam;
$lat = -$lat;
//Note no break here so it conitnues through S_POLE
case $this->S_POLE:
if( abs( $lat - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) < $this->TOL ) {
$y = $this->akm1 * tan( Proj4php::$common->FORTPI + .5 * $lat );
$x = $sinlam * $y;
$y *= $coslam;
} else {
$coslam = cos( $lon );
$sinlam = sin( $lon );
$sinphi = sin( $lat );
if( $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ || $this->mode == $this->EQUIT ) {
$Xt = 2. * atan( $this->ssfn_( $lat, $sinphi, $this->e ) );
$sinX = sin( $Xt - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI );
$cosX = cos( $Xt );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->OBLIQ:
$A = $this->akm1 / ($this->cosX1 * (1. + $this->sinX1 * $sinX + $this->cosX1 * $cosX * $coslam));
$y = $A * ($this->cosX1 * $sinX - $this->sinX1 * $cosX * $coslam);
$x = $A * $cosX;
case $this->EQUIT:
$A = 2. * $this->akm1 / (1. + $cosX * $coslam);
$y = $A * $sinX;
$x = $A * $cosX;
case $this->S_POLE:
$lat = -$lat;
$coslam = - $coslam;
$sinphi = -$sinphi;
case $this->N_POLE:
$x = $this->akm1 * Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $lat, $sinphi );
$y = - $x * $coslam;
$x = $x * $sinlam;
$p->x = $x * $this->a + $this->x0;
$p->y = $y * $this->a + $this->y0;
return $p;
* Stereographic inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$x = ($p->x - $this->x0) / $this->a; /* descale and de-offset */
$y = ($p->y - $this->y0) / $this->a;
$tp = 0.0;
$phi_l = 0.0;
$halfe = 0.0;
$pi2 = 0.0;
if( $this->sphere ) {
$rh = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );
$c = 2. * atan( $rh / $this->akm1 );
$sinc = sin( $c );
$cosc = cos( $c );
$lon = 0.;
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->EQUIT:
if( abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lat = 0.;
} else {
$lat = asin( $y * $sinc / $rh );
if( $cosc != 0. || $x != 0. )
$lon = atan2( $x * $sinc, $cosc * $rh );
case $this->OBLIQ:
if( abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lat = $this->phi0;
} else {
$lat = asin( $cosc * $this->sinph0 + $y * $sinc * $this->cosph0 / $rh );
$c = $cosc - $this->sinph0 * sin( $lat );
if( $c != 0. || $x != 0. ) {
$lon = atan2( $x * $sinc * $this->cosph0, $c * $rh );
case $this->N_POLE:
$y = -$y;
case $this->S_POLE:
if( abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lat = $this->phi0;
} else {
$lat = asin( $this->mode == $this->S_POLE ? -$cosc : $cosc );
$lon = ($x == 0. && $y == 0.) ? 0. : atan2( $x, $y );
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon + $this->long0 );
$p->y = $lat;
} else {
$rho = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->OBLIQ:
case $this->EQUIT:
$tp = 2. * atan2( $rho * $this->cosX1, $this->akm1 );
$cosphi = cos( $tp );
$sinphi = sin( $tp );
if( $rho == 0.0 ) {
$phi_l = asin( $cosphi * $this->sinX1 );
} else {
$phi_l = asin( $cosphi * $this->sinX1 + ($y * $sinphi * $this->cosX1 / $rho) );
$tp = tan( .5 * (Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI + $phi_l) );
$x *= $sinphi;
$y = $rho * $this->cosX1 * $cosphi - $y * $this->sinX1 * $sinphi;
$pi2 = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$halfe = .5 * $this->e;
case $this->N_POLE:
$y = -$y;
case $this->S_POLE:
$tp = - $rho / $this->akm1;
$phi_l = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI - 2. * atan( $tp );
$pi2 = -Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$halfe = -.5 * $this->e;
for( $i = $this->NITER; $i--; $phi_l = $lat ) { //check this
$sinphi = $this->e * sin( $phi_l );
$lat = 2. * atan( $tp * pow( (1. + $sinphi) / (1. - $sinphi), $halfe ) ) - $pi2;
if( abs( phi_l - lat ) < $this->CONV ) {
if( $this->mode == $this->S_POLE )
$lat = -$lat;
$lon = ($x == 0. && $y == 0.) ? 0. : atan2( $x, $y );
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon + $this->long0 );
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['stere'] = new Proj4phpProjStere();
New file
0,0 → 1,192
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
/* Function to compute, phi4, the latitude for the inverse of the
Polyconic projection.
------------------------------------------------------------ */
function phi4z( $eccent, $e0, $e1, $e2, $e3, $a, $b, &$c, $phi ) {
$phi = $a;
for( $i = 1; $i <= 15; $i++ ) {
$sinphi = sin( $phi );
$tanphi = tan( $phi );
$c = $tanphi * sqrt( 1.0 - $eccent * $sinphi * $sinphi );
$sin2ph = sin( 2.0 * $phi );
ml = e0 * *phi - e1 * sin2ph + e2 * sin (4.0 * *phi);
mlp = e0 - 2.0 * e1 * cos (2.0 * *phi) + 4.0 * e2 * cos (4.0 * *phi);
$ml = $e0 * $phi - $e1 * $sin2ph + $e2 * sin( 4.0 * $phi ) - $e3 * sin( 6.0 * $phi );
$mlp = $e0 - 2.0 * $e1 * cos( 2.0 * $phi ) + 4.0 * $e2 * cos( 4.0 * $phi ) - 6.0 * $e3 * cos( 6.0 * $phi );
$con1 = 2.0 * $ml + $c * ($ml * $ml + $b) - 2.0 * $a * ($c * $ml + 1.0);
$con2 = $eccent * $sin2ph * ($ml * $ml + $b - 2.0 * $a * $ml) / (2.0 * $c);
$con3 = 2.0 * ($a - $ml) * ($c * $mlp - 2.0 / $sin2ph) - 2.0 * $mlp;
$dphi = $con1 / ($con2 + $con3);
$phi += $dphi;
if( abs( $dphi ) <= .0000000001 )
Proj4php::reportError( "phi4z: No convergence" );
return null;
/* Function to compute the constant e4 from the input of the eccentricity
of the spheroid, x. This constant is used in the Polar Stereographic
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function e4fn( $x ) {
$con = 1.0 + $x;
$com = 1.0 - $x;
return (sqrt( (pow( $con, $con )) * (pow( $com, $com )) ));
/* * *****************************************************************************
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Polyconic projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan Mar, 1993
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjPoly {
/* Initialize the POLYCONIC projection
---------------------------------- */
public function init() {
#$temp; /* temporary variable */
if( $this->lat0 == 0 )
$this->lat0 = 90; //$this->lat0 ca
/* Place parameters in static storage for common use
------------------------------------------------- */
$this->temp = $this->b / $this->a;
$this->es = 1.0 - pow( $this->temp, 2 ); // devait etre dans tmerc.js mais n y est pas donc je commente sinon retour de valeurs nulles
$this->e = sqrt( $this->es );
$this->e0 = Proj4php::$common->e0fn( $this->es );
$this->e1 = Proj4php::$common->e1fn( $this->es );
$this->e2 = Proj4php::$common->e2fn( $this->es );
$this->e3 = Proj4php::$common->e3fn( $this->es );
$this->ml0 = Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $this->lat0 ); //si que des zeros le calcul ne se fait pas
//if (!$this->ml0) {$this->ml0=0;}
/* Polyconic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$cosphi; // sin and cos value
$al; // temporary values
$c; // temporary values
$ml; // cone constant, small m
$ms; // small m
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$con = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
if( abs( $lat ) <= .0000001 ) {
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $con;
$y = $this->y0 - $this->a * $this->ml0;
} else {
$sinphi = sin( $lat );
$cosphi = cos( $lat );
$ml = Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $lat );
$ms = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e, $sinphi, $cosphi );
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $ms * sin( $sinphi ) / $sinphi;
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * ($ml - $this->ml0 + $ms * (1.0 - cos( $sinphi )) / $sinphi);
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$cos_phi; // sin and cos values
$al; // temporary values
$b; // temporary values
$c; // temporary values
$ml; // cone constant, small m
$iflg; // error flag
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$al = $this->ml0 + $p->y / $this->a;
$iflg = 0;
if( abs( $al ) <= .0000001 ) {
$lon = $p->x / $this->a + $this->long0;
$lat = 0.0;
} else {
$b = $al * $al + ($p->x / $this->a) * ($p->x / $this->a);
$iflg = phi4z( $this->es, $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $this->al, $b, $c, $lat );
if( $iflg != 1 )
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( (Proj4php::$common->asinz( $p->x * $c / $this->a ) / sin( $lat )) + $this->long0 );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['poly'] = new Proj4phpProjPoly();
New file
0,0 → 1,91
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
class Proj4phpProjSterea {
protected $dependsOn = 'gauss';
* @return void
public function init() {
if( !$this->rc ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "sterea:init:E_ERROR_0" );
$this->sinc0 = sin( $this->phic0 );
$this->cosc0 = cos( $this->phic0 );
$this->R2 = 2.0 * $this->rc;
if( !$this->title )
$this->title = "Oblique Stereographic Alternative";
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $p->x - $this->long0 ); /* adjust del longitude */
$p = Proj4php::$proj['gauss']->forward( $p );
$sinc = sin( $p->y );
$cosc = cos( $p->y );
$cosl = cos( $p->x );
$k = $this->k0 * $this->R2 / (1.0 + $this->sinc0 * $sinc + $this->cosc0 * $cosc * $cosl);
$p->x = $k * $cosc * sin( $p->x );
$p->y = $k * ($this->cosc0 * sinc - $this->sinc0 * $cosc * $cosl);
$p->x = $this->a * $p->x + $this->x0;
$p->y = $this->a * $p->y + $this->y0;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x = ($p->x - $this->x0) / $this->a; /* descale and de-offset */
$p->y = ($p->y - $this->y0) / $this->a;
$p->x /= $this->k0;
$p->y /= $this->k0;
if( ($rho = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y ) ) ) {
$c = 2.0 * atan2( $rho, $this->R2 );
$sinc = sin( $c );
$cosc = cos( $c );
$lat = asin( $cosc * $this->sinc0 + $p->y * $sinc * $this->cosc0 / $rho );
$lon = atan2( $p->x * $sinc, $rho * $this->cosc0 * $cosc - $p->y * $this->sinc0 * $sinc );
} else {
$lat = $this->phic0;
$lon = 0.;
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
$p = Proj4php::$proj['gauss']->inverse( $p );
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $p->x + $this->long0 ); /* adjust longitude to CM */
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['sterea'] = new Proj4phpProjSterea();
New file
0,0 → 1,184
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and Northing
for the Albers Conical Equal Area projection. The longitude
and latitude must be in radians. The Easting and Northing
values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan, Feb, 1992
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
class Proj4phpProjAea {
* @return void
public function init() {
if( abs( $this->lat1 + $this->lat2 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "aeaInitEqualLatitudes" );
$this->temp = $this->b / $this->a;
$this->es = 1.0 - pow( $this->temp, 2 );
$this->e3 = sqrt( $this->es );
$this->sin_po = sin( $this->lat1 );
$this->cos_po = cos( $this->lat1 );
$this->t1 = $this->sin_po;
$this->con = $this->sin_po;
$this->ms1 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po );
$this->qs1 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po );
$this->sin_po = sin( $this->lat2 );
$this->cos_po = cos( $this->lat2 );
$this->t2 = $this->sin_po;
$this->ms2 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po );
$this->qs2 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po );
$this->sin_po = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cos_po = cos( $this->lat0 );
$this->t3 = $this->sin_po;
$this->qs0 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_po, $this->cos_po );
if( abs( $this->lat1 - $this->lat2 ) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->ns0 = ($this->ms1 * $this->ms1 - $this->ms2 * $this->ms2) / ($this->qs2 - $this->qs1);
} else {
$this->ns0 = $this->con;
$this->c = $this->ms1 * $this->ms1 + $this->ns0 * $this->qs1;
$this->rh = $this->a * sqrt( $this->c - $this->ns0 * $this->qs0 ) / $this->ns0;
* Albers Conical Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
* @param Point $p
* @return Point $p
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$this->sin_phi = sin( $lat );
$this->cos_phi = cos( $lat );
$qs = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e3, $this->sin_phi, $this->cos_phi );
$rh1 = $this->a * sqrt( $this->c - $this->ns0 * $qs ) / $this->ns0;
$theta = $this->ns0 * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$x = rh1 * sin( $theta ) + $this->x0;
$y = $this->rh - $rh1 * cos( $theta ) + $this->y0;
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
* @param Point $p
* @return Point $p
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y = $this->rh - $p->y + $this->y0;
if( $this->ns0 >= 0 ) {
$rh1 = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
$con = 1.0;
} else {
$rh1 = -sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
$con = -1.0;
$theta = 0.0;
if( $rh1 != 0.0 ) {
$theta = atan2( $con * $p->x, $con * $p->y );
$con = $rh1 * $this->ns0 / $this->a;
$qs = ($this->c - $con * $con) / $this->ns0;
if( $this->e3 >= 1e-10 ) {
$con = 1 - .5 * (1.0 - $this->es) * log( (1.0 - $this->e3) / (1.0 + $this->e3) ) / $this->e3;
if( abs( abs( $con ) - abs( $qs ) ) > .0000000001 ) {
$lat = $this->phi1z( $this->e3, $qs );
} else {
if( $qs >= 0 ) {
$lat = .5 * Proj4php::$Common->PI;
} else {
$lat = -.5 * Proj4php::$Common->PI;
} else {
$lat = $this->phi1z( $this->e3, $qs );
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $theta / $this->ns0 + $this->long0 );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
* Function to compute phi1, the latitude for the inverse of the Albers Conical Equal-Area projection.
* @param type $eccent
* @param type $qs
* @return $phi or null on Convergence error
public function phi1z( $eccent, $qs ) {
$phi = Proj4php::$common->asinz( .5 * $qs );
if( $eccent < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN )
return $phi;
$eccnts = $eccent * $eccent;
for( $i = 1; $i <= 25; ++$i ) {
$sinphi = sin( $phi );
$cosphi = cos( $phi );
$con = $eccent * $sinphi;
$com = 1.0 - $con * $con;
$dphi = .5 * $com * $com / $cosphi * ($qs / (1.0 - $eccnts) - $sinphi / $com + .5 / $eccent * log( (1.0 - $con) / (1.0 + $con) ));
$phi = $phi + $dphi;
if( abs( $dphi ) <= 1e-7 )
return $phi;
Proj4php::reportError( "aea:phi1z:Convergence error" );
return null;
Proj4php::$proj['aea'] = new Proj4phpProjAea();
New file
0,0 → 1,129
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
/* * *****************************************************************************
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Mercator projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
D. Steinwand, EROS Nov, 1991
T. Mittan Mar, 1993
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
* ***************************************************************************** */
//static double r_major = a; /* major axis */
//static double r_minor = b; /* minor axis */
//static double lon_center = long0; /* Center longitude (projection center) */
//static double lat_origin = lat0; /* center latitude */
//static double e,es; /* eccentricity constants */
//static double m1; /* small value m */
//static double false_northing = y0; /* y offset in meters */
//static double false_easting = x0; /* x offset in meters */
//scale_fact = k0
class Proj4phpProjMerc {
public function init() {
//?$this->temp = $this->r_minor / $this->r_major;
//$this->temp = $this->b / $this->a;
//$this->es = 1.0 - sqrt($this->temp);
//$this->e = sqrt( $this->es );
//?$this->m1 = cos($this->lat_origin) / (sqrt( 1.0 - $this->es * sin($this->lat_origin) * sin($this->lat_origin)));
//$this->m1 = cos(0.0) / (sqrt( 1.0 - $this->es * sin(0.0) * sin(0.0)));
if( $this->lat_ts ) {
if( $this->sphere ) {
$this->k0 = cos( $this->lat_ts );
} else {
$this->k0 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->es, sin( $this->lat_ts ), cos( $this->lat_ts ) );
/* Mercator forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
-------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
//alert("ll2m coords : ".coords);
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
// convert to radians
if( $lat * Proj4php::$common->R2D > 90.0 &&
$lat * Proj4php::$common->R2D < -90.0 &&
$lon * Proj4php::$common->R2D > 180.0 &&
$lon * Proj4php::$common->R2D < -180.0 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "merc:forward: llInputOutOfRange: " . $lon . " : " . $lat );
return null;
if( abs( abs( $lat ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "merc:forward: ll2mAtPoles" );
return null;
} else {
if( $this->sphere ) {
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $this->k0 * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $this->k0 * log( tan( Proj4php::$common->FORTPI + 0.5 * $lat ) );
} else {
$sinphi = sin( lat );
$ts = Proj4php::$common . tsfnz( $this->e, $lat, $sinphi );
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $this->k0 * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$y = $this->y0 - $this->a * $this->k0 * log( $ts );
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
/* Mercator inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
-------------------------------------------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$x = $p->x - $this->x0;
$y = $p->y - $this->y0;
if( $this->sphere ) {
$lat = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI - 2.0 * atan( exp( -$y / $this->a * $this->k0 ) );
} else {
$ts = exp( -$y / ($this->a * $this->k0) );
$lat = Proj4php::$common->phi2z( $this->e, $ts );
if( $lat == -9999 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "merc:inverse: lat = -9999" );
return null;
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $x / ($this->a * $this->k0) );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['merc'] = new Proj4phpProjMerc();
New file
0,0 → 1,135
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Swiss projection.
WARNING: X and Y are inverted (weird) in the swiss coordinate system. Not
here, since we want X to be horizontal and Y vertical.
1. "Formules et constantes pour le Calcul pour la
projection cylindrique conforme à axe oblique et pour la transformation entre
des systèmes de référence".
class Proj4phpProjSomerc {
public function init() {
$phy0 = $this->lat0;
$this->lambda0 = $this->long0;
$sinPhy0 = sin( $phy0 );
$semiMajorAxis = $this->a;
$invF = $this->rf;
$flattening = 1 / $invF;
$e2 = 2 * $flattening - pow( $flattening, 2 );
$e = $this->e = sqrt( $e2 );
$this->R = $this->k0 * $semiMajorAxis * sqrt( 1 - $e2 ) / (1 - $e2 * pow( $sinPhy0, 2.0 ));
$this->alpha = sqrt( 1 + $e2 / (1 - $e2) * pow( cos( $phy0 ), 4.0 ) );
$this->b0 = asin( $sinPhy0 / $this->alpha );
$this->K = log( tan( $PI / 4.0 + $this->b0 / 2.0 ) )
- $this->alpha
* log( tan( $PI / 4.0 + $phy0 / 2.0 ) )
+ $this->alpha
* $e / 2
* log( (1 + $e * $sinPhy0)
/ (1 - $e * $sinPhy0) );
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
$Sa1 = log( tan( $PI / 4.0 - $p->y / 2.0 ) );
$Sa2 = $this->e / 2.0
* log( (1 + $this->e * sin( $p->y ))
/ (1 - $this->e * sin( $p->y )) );
$S = -$this->alpha * ($Sa1 + $Sa2) + $this->K;
// spheric latitude
$b = 2.0 * (atan( exp( $S ) ) - proj4phpCommon::PI / 4.0);
// spheric longitude
$I = $this->alpha * ($p->x - $this->lambda0);
// psoeudo equatorial rotation
$rotI = atan( sin( $I )
/ (sin( $this->b0 ) * tan( $b ) +
cos( $this->b0 ) * cos( $I )) );
$rotB = asin( cos( $this->b0 ) * sin( $b ) -
sin( $this->b0 ) * cos( $b ) * cos( $I ) );
$p->y = $this->R / 2.0
* log( (1 + sin( $rotB )) / (1 - sin( $rotB )) )
+ $this->y0;
$p->x = $this->R * $rotI + $this->x0;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$Y = $p->x - $this->x0;
$X = $p->y - $this->y0;
$rotI = $Y / $this->R;
$rotB = 2 * (atan( exp( $X / $this->R ) ) - $PI / 4.0);
$b = asin( cos( $this->b0 ) * sin( $rotB )
+ sin( $this->b0 ) * cos( $rotB ) * cos( $rotI ) );
$I = atan( sin( $rotI )
/ (cos( $this->b0 ) * cos( $rotI ) - sin( $this->b0 )
* tan( $rotB )) );
$lambda = $this->lambda0 + $I / $this->alpha;
$S = 0.0;
$phy = $b;
$prevPhy = -1000.0;
$iteration = 0;
while( abs( $phy - $prevPhy ) > 0.0000001 ) {
if( ++$iteration > 20 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "omercFwdInfinity" );
//S = log(tan(PI / 4.0 + phy / 2.0));
$S = 1.0
/ $this->alpha
* (log( tan( $PI / 4.0 + $b / 2.0 ) ) - $this->K)
+ $this->e
* log( tan( $PI / 4.0
+ asin( $this->e * sin( $phy ) )
/ 2.0 ) );
$prevPhy = $phy;
$phy = 2.0 * atan( exp( $S ) ) - $PI / 2.0;
$p->x = $lambda;
$p->y = $phy;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['somerc'] = new Proj4phpProjSomerc();
New file
0,0 → 1,97
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area projection.
This class of projection includes the Behrmann and
Gall-Peters Projections. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
R. Marsden August 2009
Winwaed Software Tech LLC,
This function was adapted from the Miller Cylindrical Projection in the Proj4php
Note: This implementation assumes a Spherical Earth. The (commented) code
has been included for the ellipsoidal forward transform, but derivation of
the ellispoidal inverse transform is beyond me. Note that most of the
Proj4php implementations do NOT currently support ellipsoidal figures.
Therefore this is not seen as a problem - especially this lack of support
is explicitly stated here.
1. "Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX Environment -
A User's Manual" by Gerald I. Evenden, USGS Open File Report 90-284
and Release 4 Interim Reports (2003)
2. Snyder, John P., "Flattening the Earth - Two Thousand Years of Map
Projections", Univ. Chicago Press, 1993
****************************************************************************** */
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
class Proj4phpProjCea {
/* Initialize the Cylindrical Equal Area projection
------------------------------------------- */
public function init() {
/* Cylindrical Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $dlon * cos( $this->lat_ts );
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * sin( $lat ) / cos( $this->lat_ts );
/* Elliptical Forward Transform
Not implemented due to a lack of a matchign inverse function
$Sin_Lat = sin(lat);
$Rn = $this->a * (sqrt(1.0e0 - $this->es * Sin_Lat * Sin_Lat ));
x = $this->x0 + $this->a * dlon * cos($this->lat_ts);
y = $this->y0 + Rn * sin(lat) / cos($this->lat_ts);
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
* Cylindrical Equal Area inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + ($p->x / $this->a) / cos( $this->lat_ts ) );
$p->y = asin( ($p->y / $this->a) * cos( $this->lat_ts ) );
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['cea'] = new Proj4phpProjCea();
New file
0,0 → 1,118
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Cassini projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
Ported from PROJ.4.
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
****************************************************************************** */
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
//Proj4php.defs["EPSG:28191"] = "+proj=cass +lat_0=31.73409694444445 +lon_0=35.21208055555556 +x_0=170251.555 +y_0=126867.909 +a=6378300.789 +b=6356566.435 +towgs84=-275.722,94.7824,340.894,-8.001,-4.42,-11.821,1 +units=m +no_defs";
// Initialize the Cassini projection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
class Proj4phpProjCass {
public function init() {
if( !$this->sphere ) {
$this->en = Proj4php::$common->pj_enfn( $this->es );
$this->m0 = Proj4php::$common->pj_mlfn( $this->lat0, sin( $this->lat0 ), cos( $this->lat0 ), $this->en );
protected $C1 = .16666666666666666666;
protected $C2 = .00833333333333333333;
protected $C3 = .04166666666666666666;
protected $C4 = .33333333333333333333;
protected $C5 = .06666666666666666666;
/* Cassini forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$lam = $p->x;
$phi = $p->y;
$lam = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lam - $this->long0 );
if( $this->sphere ) {
$x = asin( cos( $phi ) * sin( $lam ) );
$y = atan2( tan( $phi ), cos( $lam ) ) - $this->phi0;
} else {
$this->n = sin( $phi );
$this->c = cos( $phi );
$y = $this->pj_mlfn( $phi, $this->n, $this->c, $this->en );
$this->n = 1. / sqrt( 1. - $this->es * $this->n * $this->n );
$this->tn = tan( $phi );
$this->t = $this->tn * $this->tn;
$this->a1 = $lam * $this->c;
$this->c *= $this->es * $this->c / (1 - $this->es);
$this->a2 = $this->a1 * $this->a1;
$x = $this->n * $this->a1 * (1. - $this->a2 * $this->t * ($this->C1 - (8. - $this->t + 8. * $this->c) * $this->a2 * $this->C2));
$y -= $this->m0 - $this->n * $this->tn * $this->a2 * (.5 + (5. - $this->t + 6. * $this->c) * $this->a2 * $this->C3);
$p->x = $this->a * $x + $this->x0;
$p->y = $this->a * $y + $this->y0;
return $p;
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$x = $p->x / $this->a;
$y = $p->y / $this->a;
if( $this->sphere ) {
$this->dd = $y + $this->lat0;
$phi = asin( sin( $this->dd ) * cos( $x ) );
$lam = atan2( tan( $x ), cos( $this->dd ) );
} else {
/* ellipsoid */
$ph1 = Proj4php::$common->pj_inv_mlfn( $this->m0 + $y, $this->es, $this->en );
$this->tn = tan( $ph1 );
$this->t = $this->tn * $this->tn;
$this->n = sin( $ph1 );
$this->r = 1. / (1. - $this->es * $this->n * $this->n);
$this->n = sqrt( $this->r );
$this->r *= (1. - $this->es) * $this->n;
$this->dd = $x / $this->n;
$this->d2 = $this->dd * $this->dd;
$phi = $ph1 - ($this->n * $this->tn / $this->r) * $this->d2 * (.5 - (1. + 3. * $this->t) * $this->d2 * $this->C3);
$lam = $this->dd * (1. + $this->t * $this->d2 * (-$this->C4 + (1. + 3. * $this->t) * $this->d2 * $this->C5)) / cos( $ph1 );
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $lam );
$p->y = $phi;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['cass'] = new Proj4phpProjCass();
New file
0,0 → 1,139
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
/* * *****************************************************************************
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Orthographic projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan Mar, 1993
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjOrtho {
/* Initialize the Orthographic projection
------------------------------------- */
public function init( $def ) {
//double temp; /* temporary variable */
/* Place parameters in static storage for common use
------------------------------------------------- */;
$this->sin_p14 = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cos_p14 = cos( $this->lat0 );
/* Orthographic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$cosphi; // sin and cos value
$dlon; // delta longitude value
$coslon; // cos of longitude
$ksp; // scale factor
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$sinphi = sin( $lat );
$cosphi = cos( $lat );
$coslon = cos( $dlon );
$g = $this->sin_p14 * sinphi + $this->cos_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon;
$ksp = 1.0;
if( ($g > 0) || (abs( $g ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ) {
$x = $this->a * $ksp * $cosphi * sin( $dlon );
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $ksp * ($this->cos_p14 * $sinphi - $this->sin_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon);
} else {
Proj4php::reportError( "orthoFwdPointError" );
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$rh; // height above ellipsoid
$z; // angle
$cosz; // sin of z and cos of z
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$rh = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
if( $rh > $this->a + .0000001 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "orthoInvDataError" );
$z = Proj4php::$common . asinz( $rh / $this->a );
$sinz = sin( $z );
$cosz = cos( $z );
$lon = $this->long0;
if( abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lat = $this->lat0;
$lat = Proj4php::$common . asinz( $cosz * $this->sin_p14 + ($p->y * $sinz * $this->cos_p14) / $rh );
$con = abs( $this->lat0 ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
if( abs( con ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
if( $this->lat0 >= 0 ) {
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + atan2( $p->x, -$p->y ) );
} else {
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 - atan2( -$p->x, $p->y ) );
$con = $cosz - $this->sin_p14 * sin( $lat );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['ortho'] = new Proj4phpProjOrtho();
New file
0,0 → 1,156
NOTES: According to EPSG the full Krovak projection method should have
the following parameters. Within PROJ.4 the azimuth, and pseudo
standard parallel are hardcoded in the algorithm and can't be
altered from outside. The others all have defaults to match the
common usage with Krovak projection.
lat_0 = latitude of centre of the projection
lon_0 = longitude of centre of the projection
* * = azimuth (true) of the centre line passing through the centre of the projection
* * = latitude of pseudo standard parallel
k = scale factor on the pseudo standard parallel
x_0 = False Easting of the centre of the projection at the apex of the cone
y_0 = False Northing of the centre of the projection at the apex of the cone
class Proj4phpProjKrovak {
public function init() {
/* we want Bessel as fixed ellipsoid */
$this->a = 6377397.155;
$this->es = 0.006674372230614;
$this->e = sqrt( $this->es );
/* if latitude of projection center is not set, use 49d30'N */
if( !$this->lat0 ) {
$this->lat0 = 0.863937979737193;
if( !$this->long0 ) {
$this->long0 = 0.7417649320975901 - 0.308341501185665;
/* if scale not set default to 0.9999 */
if( !$this->k0 ) {
$this->k0 = 0.9999;
$this->s45 = 0.785398163397448; /* 45° */
$this->s90 = 2 * $this->s45;
$this->fi0 = $this->lat0; /* Latitude of projection centre 49° 30' */
/* Ellipsoid Bessel 1841 a = 6377397.155m 1/f = 299.1528128,
$this->e2 = $this->es; /* 0.006674372230614; */
$this->e = sqrt( $this->e2 );
$this->alfa = sqrt( 1. + ($this->e2 * pow( cos( $this->fi0 ), 4 )) / (1. - $this->e2) );
$this->uq = 1.04216856380474; /* DU(2, 59, 42, 42.69689) */
$this->u0 = asin( sin( $this->fi0 ) / $this->alfa );
$this->g = pow( (1. + $this->e * sin( $this->fi0 )) / (1. - $this->e * sin( $this->fi0 )), $this->alfa * $this->e / 2. );
$this->k = tan( $this->u0 / 2. + $this->s45 ) / pow( tan( $this->fi0 / 2. + $this->s45 ), $this->alfa ) * $this->g;
$this->k1 = $this->k0;
$this->n0 = $this->a * sqrt( 1. - $this->e2 ) / (1. - $this->e2 * pow( sin( $this->fi0 ), 2 ));
$this->s0 = 1.37008346281555; /* Latitude of pseudo standard parallel 78° 30'00" N */
$this->n = sin( $this->s0 );
$this->ro0 = $this->k1 * $this->n0 / tan( $this->s0 );
$this->ad = $this->s90 - $this->uq;
* ellipsoid
* calculate xy from lat/lon
* Constants, identical to inverse transform function
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$delta_lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 ); // Delta longitude
/* Transformation */
$gfi = pow( ((1. + $this->e * sin( $lat )) / (1. - $this->e * sin( $lat )) ), ($this->alfa * $this->e / 2. ) );
$u = 2. * (atan( $this->k * pow( tan( $lat / 2. + $this->s45 ), $this->alfa ) / $gfi ) - $this->s45);
$deltav = - $delta_lon * $this->alfa;
$s = asin( cos( $this->ad ) * sin( $u ) + sin( $this->ad ) * cos( $u ) * cos( $deltav ) );
$d = asin( cos( $u ) * sin( $deltav ) / cos( $s ) );
$eps = $this->n * $d;
$ro = $this->ro0 * pow( tan( $this->s0 / 2. + $this->s45 ), $this->n ) / pow( tan( $s / 2. + $this->s45 ), $this->n );
/* x and y are reverted! */
//$p->y = ro * cos(eps) / a;
//$p->x = ro * sin(eps) / a;
$p->y = $ro * cos( $eps ) / 1.0;
$p->x = $ro * sin( $eps ) / 1.0;
if( $this->czech ) {
$p->y *= -1.0;
$p->x *= -1.0;
return $p;
* calculate lat/lon from xy
* @param Point $p
* @return Point $p
public function inverse( $p ) {
/* Transformation */
/* revert y, x */
$tmp = $p->x;
$p->x = $p->y;
$p->y = $tmp;
if( $this->czech ) {
$p->y *= -1.0;
$p->x *= -1.0;
$ro = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
$eps = atan2( $p->y, $p->x );
$d = $eps / sin( $this->s0 );
$s = 2. * (atan( pow( $this->ro0 / $ro, 1. / $this->n ) * tan( $this->s0 / 2. + $this->s45 ) ) - $this->s45);
$u = asin( cos( $this->ad ) * sin( s ) - sin( $this->ad ) * cos( s ) * cos( d ) );
$deltav = asin( cos( $s ) * sin( $d ) / cos( $u ) );
$p->x = $this->long0 - $deltav / $this->alfa;
/* ITERATION FOR $lat */
$fi1 = $u;
$ok = 0;
$iter = 0;
do {
$p->y = 2. * ( atan( pow( $this->k, -1. / $this->alfa ) *
pow( tan( $u / 2. + $this->s45 ), 1. / $this->alfa ) *
pow( (1. + $this->e * sin( $fi1 )) / (1. - $this->e * sin( $fi1 )), $this->e / 2. )
) - $this->s45);
if( abs( $fi1 - $p->y ) < 0.0000000001 )
$ok = 1;
$fi1 = $p->y;
$iter += 1;
} while( $ok == 0 && $iter < 15 );
if( $iter >= 15 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "PHI3Z-CONV:Latitude failed to converge after 15 iterations" );
//console.log('iter:', iter);
return null;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['krovak'] = new Proj4phpProjKrovak();
New file
0,0 → 1,82
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Miller Cylindrical projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan March, 1993
This function was adapted from the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection
code (FORTRAN) in the General Cartographic Transformation Package software
which is available from the U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division.
1. "New Equal-Area Map Projections for Noncircular Regions", John P. Snyder,
The American Cartographer, Vol 15, No. 4, October 1988, pp. 341-355.
2. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
3. "Software Documentation for GCTP General Cartographic Transformation
Package", U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division, May 1982.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjMill {
/* Initialize the Miller Cylindrical projection
------------------------------------------- */
public function init() {
/* Miller Cylindrical forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $dlon;
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * log( tan( (Proj4php::$common->PI / 4.0) + ($lat / 2.5) ) ) * 1.25;
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
/* Miller Cylindrical inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $p->x / $this->a );
$lat = 2.5 * (atan( exp( 0.8 * $p->y / $this->a ) ) - Proj4php::$common->PI / 4.0);
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['mill'] = new Proj4phpProjMill();
New file
0,0 → 1,167
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input Easting and Northing to longitude and
latitude for the Van der Grinten projection. The
Easting and Northing must be in meters. The longitude
and latitude values will be returned in radians.
---------- ----
T. Mittan March, 1993
This function was adapted from the Van Der Grinten projection code
(FORTRAN) in the General Cartographic Transformation Package software
which is available from the U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division.
1. "New Equal-Area Map Projections for Noncircular Regions", John P. Snyder,
The American Cartographer, Vol 15, No. 4, October 1988, pp. 341-355.
2. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
3. "Software Documentation for GCTP General Cartographic Transformation
Package", U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division, May 1982.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjVandg {
/* Initialize the Van Der Grinten projection
---------------------------------------- */
public function init() {
$this->R = 6370997.0; //Radius of earth
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
if( abs( $lat ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$x = $this->x0 + $this->R * $dlon;
$y = $this->y0;
$theta = Proj4php::$common . asinz( 2.0 * abs( $lat / Proj4php::$common->PI ) );
if( (abs( $dlon ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) || (abs( abs( $lat ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ) {
$x = $this->x0;
if( $lat >= 0 ) {
$y = $this->y0 + Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R * tan( .5 * $theta );
} else {
$y = $this->y0 + Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R * - tan( .5 * $theta );
// return(OK);
$al = .5 * abs( (Proj4php::$common->PI / $dlon) - ($dlon / Proj4php::$common->PI) );
$asq = $al * $al;
$sinth = sin( $theta );
$costh = cos( $theta );
$g = $costh / ($sinth + $costh - 1.0);
$gsq = $g * $g;
$m = $g * (2.0 / $sinth - 1.0);
$msq = $m * $m;
$con = Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R * ($al * ($g - $msq) + sqrt( $asq * ($g - $sq) * ($g - $msq) - ($msq + $asq) * ($gsq - $msq) )) / ($msq + $asq);
if( $dlon < 0 ) {
$con = -$con;
$x = $this->x0 + $con;
$con = abs( $con / (Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R) );
if( $lat >= 0 ) {
$y = $this->y0 + Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R * sqrt( 1.0 - $con * $con - 2.0 * $al * $con );
} else {
$y = $this->y0 - Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R * sqrt( 1.0 - $con * $con - 2.0 * $al * $con );
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
/* Van Der Grinten inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
--------------------------------------------------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
/* inverse equations
----------------- */
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$con = Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->R;
$xx = $p->x / $con;
$yy = $p->y / $con;
$xys = $xx * $xx + $yy * $yy;
$c1 = -abs( $yy ) * (1.0 + $xys);
$c2 = $c1 - 2.0 * $yy * $yy + $xx * $xx;
$c3 = -2.0 * $c1 + 1.0 + 2.0 * $yy * $yy + $xys * $xys;
$d = $yy * $yy / $c3 + (2.0 * $c2 * $c2 * $c2 / $c3 / $c3 / $c3 - 9.0 * $c1 * $c2 / $c3 / $c3) / 27.0;
$a1 = ($c1 - $c2 * $c2 / 3.0 / $c3) / $c3;
$m1 = 2.0 * sqrt( -$a1 / 3.0 );
$con = ((3.0 * $d) / $a1) / $m1;
if( abs( $con ) > 1.0 ) {
if( $con >= 0.0 ) {
$con = 1.0;
} else {
$con = -1.0;
$th1 = acos( $con ) / 3.0;
if( $p->$y >= 0 ) {
$lat = (-$m1 * cos( $th1 + Proj4php::$common->PI / 3.0 ) - $c2 / 3.0 / $c3) * Proj4php::$common->PI;
} else {
$lat = -(-m1 * cos( $th1 + Proj4php::$common->PI / 3.0 ) - $c2 / 3.0 / $c3) * Proj4php::$common->PI;
if( abs( $xx ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lon = $this->$long0;
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + Proj4php::$common->PI * ($xys - 1.0 + sqrt( 1.0 + 2.0 * ($xx * $xx - $yy * $yy) + $xys * $xys )) / 2.0 / $xx );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['vandg'] = new Proj4phpProjVandg();
New file
0,0 → 1,145
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Gnomonic Projection.
Implementation based on the existing sterea and ortho
---------- ----
Richard Marsden November 2009
1. Snyder, John P., "Flattening the Earth - Two Thousand Years of Map
Projections", University of Chicago Press 1993
2. Wolfram Mathworld "Gnomonic Projection"
Accessed: 12th November 2009
class Proj4phpProjGnom {
* Initialize the Gnomonic projection
* @todo $def not used in context...?
* @param type $def
public function init( $def ) {
/* Place parameters in static storage for common use
------------------------------------------------- */
$this->sin_p14 = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cos_p14 = cos( $this->lat0 );
// Approximation for projecting points to the horizon (infinity)
$this->infinity_dist = 1000 * $this->a;
$this->rc = 1;
/* Gnomonic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$cosphi; // sin and cos value
$dlon; // delta longitude value
$coslon; // cos of longitude
$ksp; // scale factor
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$sinphi = sin( $lat );
$cosphi = cos( $lat );
$coslon = cos( $dlon );
$g = $this->sin_p14 * $sinphi + $this->cos_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon;
$ksp = 1.0;
if( (g > 0) || (abs( g ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ) {
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $ksp * $cosphi * sin( $dlon ) / $g;
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $ksp * ($this->cos_p14 * $sinphi - $this->sin_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon) / $g;
} else {
Proj4php::reportError( "orthoFwdPointError" );
// Point is in the opposing hemisphere and is unprojectable
// We still need to return a reasonable point, so we project
// to infinity, on a bearing
// equivalent to the northern hemisphere equivalent
// This is a reasonable approximation for short shapes and lines that
// straddle the horizon.
$x = $this->x0 + $this->infinity_dist * $cosphi * sin( $dlon );
$y = $this->y0 + $this->infinity_dist * ($this->cos_p14 * $sinphi - $this->sin_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon);
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$rh; // Rho
$z; // angle
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
$p->x = ($p->x - $this->x0) / $this->a;
$p->y = ($p->y - $this->y0) / $this->a;
$p->x /= $this->k0;
$p->y /= $this->k0;
if( ($rh = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y ) ) ) {
$c = atan2( $rh, $this->rc );
$sinc = sin( $c );
$cosc = cos( $c );
$lat = Proj4php::$common->asinz( $cosc * $this->sin_p14 + ($p->y * $sinc * $this->cos_p14) / $rh );
$lon = atan2( $p->x * sinc, rh * $this->cos_p14 * $cosc - $p->y * $this->sin_p14 * $sinc );
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $lon );
} else {
$lat = $this->phic0;
$lon = 0.0;
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['gnom'] = new Proj4phpProjGnom();
New file
0,0 → 1,166
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Lambert Conformal Conic projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
//<2104> +proj=lcc +lat_1=10.16666666666667 +lat_0=10.16666666666667 +lon_0=-71.60561777777777 +k_0=1 +x0=-17044 +x0=-23139.97 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs no_defs
// Initialize the Lambert Conformal conic projection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
//class Proj4phpProjlcc = Class.create();
class Proj4phpProjLcc {
public function init() {
// array of: r_maj,r_min,lat1,lat2,c_lon,c_lat,false_east,false_north
//double c_lat; /* center latitude */
//double c_lon; /* center longitude */
//double lat1; /* first standard parallel */
//double lat2; /* second standard parallel */
//double r_maj; /* major axis */
//double r_min; /* minor axis */
//double false_east; /* x offset in meters */
//double false_north; /* y offset in meters */
//if lat2 is not defined
if( !isset($this->lat2) ) {
$this->lat2 = $this->lat0;
//if k0 is not defined
if( !isset($this->k0) )
$this->k0 = 1.0;
// Standard Parallels cannot be equal and on opposite sides of the equator
if( abs( $this->lat1 + $this->lat2 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "lcc:init: Equal Latitudes" );
$temp = $this->b / $this->a;
$this->e = sqrt( 1.0 - $temp * $temp );
$sin1 = sin( $this->lat1 );
$cos1 = cos( $this->lat1 );
$ms1 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e, $sin1, $cos1 );
$ts1 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->lat1, $sin1 );
$sin2 = sin( $this->lat2 );
$cos2 = cos( $this->lat2 );
$ms2 = Proj4php::$common->msfnz( $this->e, $sin2, $cos2 );
$ts2 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->lat2, $sin2 );
$ts0 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->lat0, sin( $this->lat0 ) );
if( abs( $this->lat1 - $this->lat2 ) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->ns = log( $ms1 / $ms2 ) / log( $ts1 / $ts2 );
} else {
$this->ns = $sin1;
$this->f0 = $ms1 / ($this->ns * pow( $ts1, $this->ns ));
$this->rh = $this->a * $this->f0 * pow( $ts0, $this->ns );
if( !isset($this->title) )
$this->title = "Lambert Conformal Conic";
// Lambert Conformal conic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
// convert to radians
if( $lat <= 90.0 && $lat >= -90.0 && $lon <= 180.0 && $lon >= -180.0 ) {
//lon = lon * Proj4php::$common.D2R;
//lat = lat * Proj4php::$common.D2R;
} else {
Proj4php::reportError( "lcc:forward: llInputOutOfRange: " . $lon . " : " . $lat );
return null;
$con = abs( abs( $lat ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI );
if( $con > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$ts = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $lat, sin( $lat ) );
$rh1 = $this->a * $this->f0 * pow( $ts, $this->ns );
} else {
$con = $lat * $this->ns;
if( $con <= 0 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "lcc:forward: No Projection" );
return null;
$rh1 = 0;
$theta = $this->ns * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$p->x = $this->k0 * ($rh1 * sin( $theta )) + $this->x0;
$p->y = $this->k0 * ($this->rh - $rh1 * cos( $theta )) + $this->y0;
return $p;
* Lambert Conformal Conic inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
* @param type $p
* @return null
public function inverse( $p ) {
$x = ($p->x - $this->x0) / $this->k0;
$y = ($this->rh - ($p->y - $this->y0) / $this->k0);
if( $this->ns > 0 ) {
$rh1 = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );
$con = 1.0;
} else {
$rh1 = -sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );
$con = -1.0;
$theta = 0.0;
if( $rh1 != 0 ) {
$theta = atan2( ($con * $x ), ($con * $y ) );
if( ($rh1 != 0) || ($this->ns > 0.0) ) {
$con = 1.0 / $this->ns;
$ts = pow( ($rh1 / ($this->a * $this->f0) ), $con );
$lat = Proj4php::$common->phi2z( $this->e, $ts );
if( $lat == -9999 )
return null;
} else {
$lat = -Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $theta / $this->ns + $this->long0 );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['lcc'] = new Proj4phpProjLcc();
New file
0,0 → 1,398
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
/* * *****************************************************************************
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
D. Steinwand, EROS March, 1991
This function was adapted from the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection
code (FORTRAN) in the General Cartographic Transformation Package software
which is available from the U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division.
1. "New Equal-Area Map Projections for Noncircular Regions", John P. Snyder,
The American Cartographer, Vol 15, No. 4, October 1988, pp. 341-355.
2. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
3. "Software Documentation for GCTP General Cartographic Transformation
Package", U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division, May 1982.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjLaea {
protected $S_POLE = 1;
protected $N_POLE = 2;
protected $EQUIT = 3;
protected $OBLIQ = 4;
protected $P00 = .33333333333333333333;
protected $P01 = .17222222222222222222;
protected $P02 = .10257936507936507936;
protected $P10 = .06388888888888888888;
protected $P11 = .06640211640211640211;
protected $P20 = .01641501294219154443;
/* Initialize the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection
------------------------------------------------------ */
public function init() {
$t = abs( $this->lat0 );
if( abs( $t - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->mode = $this->lat0 < 0. ? $this->S_POLE : $this->N_POLE;
} else if( abs( $t ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->mode = $this->EQUIT;
} else {
$this->mode = $this->OBLIQ;
if( $this->es > 0 ) {
$this->qp = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e, 1.0 );
$this->mmf = .5 / (1. - $this->es);
$this->apa = $this->authset( $this->es );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->N_POLE:
case $this->S_POLE:
$this->dd = 1.;
case $this->EQUIT:
$this->rq = sqrt( .5 * $this->qp );
$this->dd = 1. / $this->rq;
$this->xmf = 1.;
$this->ymf = .5 * $this->qp;
case $this->OBLIQ:
$this->rq = sqrt( .5 * $this->qp );
$sinphi = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->sinb1 = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e, $sinphi ) / $this->qp;
$this->cosb1 = sqrt( 1. - $this->sinb1 * $this->sinb1 );
$this->dd = cos( $this->lat0 ) / (sqrt( 1. - $this->es * $sinphi * $sinphi ) * $this->rq * $this->cosb1);
$this->ymf = ($this->xmf = $this->rq) / $this->dd;
$this->xmf *= $this->dd;
} else {
if( $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ ) {
$this->sinph0 = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cosph0 = cos( $this->lat0 );
/* Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$lam = $p->x;
$phi = $p->y;
$lam = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lam - $this->long0 );
if( $this->sphere ) {
$sinphi = sin( $phi );
$cosphi = cos( $phi );
$coslam = cos( $lam );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->OBLIQ:
case $this->EQUIT:
$y = ($this->mode == $this->EQUIT) ? 1. + $cosphi * $coslam : 1. + $this->sinph0 * $sinphi + $this->cosph0 * $cosphi * $coslam;
if( y <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "laea:fwd:y less than eps" );
return null;
$y = sqrt( 2. / $y );
$x = $y * cosphi * sin( $lam );
$y *= ($this->mode == $this->EQUIT) ? $sinphi : $this->cosph0 * $sinphi - $this->sinph0 * $cosphi * $coslam;
case $this->N_POLE:
$coslam = -$coslam;
case $this->S_POLE:
if( abs( $phi + $this->phi0 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "laea:fwd:phi < eps" );
return null;
$y = Proj4php::$common->FORTPI - $phi * .5;
$y = 2. * (($this->mode == $this->S_POLE) ? cos( $y ) : sin( $y ));
$x = $y * sin( $lam );
$y *= $coslam;
} else {
$sinb = 0.0;
$cosb = 0.0;
$b = 0.0;
$coslam = cos( $lam );
$sinlam = sin( $lam );
$sinphi = sin( $phi );
$q = Proj4php::$common->qsfnz( $this->e, $sinphi );
if( $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ || $this->mode == $this->EQUIT ) {
$sinb = $q / $this->qp;
$cosb = sqrt( 1. - $sinb * $sinb );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->OBLIQ:
$b = 1. + $this->sinb1 * $sinb + $this->cosb1 * $cosb * $coslam;
case $this->EQUIT:
$b = 1. + $cosb * $coslam;
case $this->N_POLE:
$b = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI + $phi;
$q = $this->qp - $q;
case $this->S_POLE:
$b = $phi - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$q = $this->qp + $q;
if( abs( $b ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "laea:fwd:b < eps" );
return null;
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->OBLIQ:
case $this->EQUIT:
$b = sqrt( 2. / $b );
if( $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ ) {
$y = $this->ymf * $b * ($this->cosb1 * $sinb - $this->sinb1 * $cosb * $coslam);
} else {
$y = ($b = sqrt( 2. / (1. + $cosb * $coslam) )) * $sinb * $this->ymf;
$x = $this->xmf * $b * $cosb * $sinlam;
case $this->N_POLE:
case $this->S_POLE:
if( q >= 0. ) {
$x = ($b = sqrt( $q )) * $sinlam;
$y = $coslam * (($this->mode == $this->S_POLE) ? $b : -$b);
} else {
$x = $y = 0.;
//v 1.0
$g =$this->sin_lat_o * sin_lat +$this->cos_lat_o * cos_lat * cos_delta_lon;
if (g == -1.0) {
Proj4php::reportError("laea:fwd:Point projects to a circle of radius "+ 2.0 * R);
return null;
$ksp = $this->a * sqrt(2.0 / (1.0 + g));
$x = ksp * cos_lat * sin_delta_lon + $this->x0;
$y = ksp * ($this->cos_lat_o * sin_lat - $this->sin_lat_o * cos_lat * cos_delta_lon) + $this->y0;
$p->x = $this->a * $x + $this->x0;
$p->y = $this->a * $y + $this->y0;
return $p;
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$x = $p->x / $this->a;
$y = $p->y / $this->a;
if( $this->sphere ) {
$cosz = 0.0;
$sinz = 0.0;
$rh = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );
$phi = $rh * .5;
if( $phi > 1. ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "laea:Inv:DataError" );
return null;
$phi = 2. * asin( $phi );
if( $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ || $this->mode == $this->EQUIT ) {
$sinz = sin( $phi );
$cosz = cos( $phi );
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->EQUIT:
$phi = (abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ? 0. : asin( $y * $sinz / $rh );
$x *= $sinz;
$y = $cosz * $rh;
case $this->OBLIQ:
$phi = (abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ? $this->phi0 : asin( $cosz * $this->sinph0 + $y * $sinz * $this->cosph0 / $rh );
$x *= $sinz * $this->cosph0;
$y = ($cosz - sin( $phi ) * $this->sinph0) * $rh;
case $this->N_POLE:
$y = -$y;
$phi = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI - $phi;
case $this->S_POLE:
$phi -= Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
$lam = ($y == 0. && ($this->mode == $this->EQUIT || $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ)) ? 0. : atan2( $x, $y );
} else {
$ab = 0.0;
switch( $this->mode ) {
case $this->EQUIT:
case $this->OBLIQ:
$x /= $this->dd;
$y *= $this->dd;
$rho = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );
if( $rho < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$p->x = 0.;
$p->y = $this->phi0;
return $p;
$sCe = 2. * asin( .5 * $rho / $this->rq );
$cCe = cos( $sCe );
$x *= ($sCe = sin( $sCe ));
if( $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ ) {
$ab = $cCe * $this->sinb1 + $y * $sCe * $this->cosb1 / $rho;
$q = $this->qp * $ab;
$y = $rho * $this->cosb1 * $cCe - $y * $this->sinb1 * $sCe;
} else {
$ab = $y * $sCe / $rho;
$q = $this->qp * $ab;
$y = $rho * $cCe;
case $this->N_POLE:
$y = -$y;
case $this->S_POLE:
$q = ($x * $x + $y * $y);
if( !$q ) {
$p->x = 0.;
$p->y = $this->phi0;
return $p;
q = $this->qp - q;
$ab = 1. - $q / $this->qp;
if( $this->mode == $this->S_POLE ) {
$ab = - $ab;
$lam = atan2( $x, $y );
$phi = $this->authlat( asin( $ab ), $this->apa );
$Rh = sqrt($p->x *$p->x +$p->y * $p->y);
$temp = Rh / (2.0 * $this->a);
if (temp > 1) {
return null;
$z = 2.0 * Proj4php::$common.asinz(temp);
$lon =$this->long0;
if (abs(Rh) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
$lat = Proj4php::$common.asinz($this->sin_lat_o * cos_z +$this-> cos_lat_o * sin_z *$p->y / Rh);
$temp =abs($this->lat0) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
if (abs(temp) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
temp = cos_z -$this->sin_lat_o * sin(lat);
if(temp!=0.0) lon=Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0+atan2($p->x*sin_z*$this->cos_lat_o,temp*Rh));
} else if ($this->lat0 < 0.0) {
lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 - atan2(-$p->x,$p->y));
} else {
lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + atan2($p->x, -$p->y));
} else {
lat = $this->lat0;
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $lam );
$p->y = $phi;
return $p;
* determine latitude from authalic latitude
* @param type $es
* @return type
public function authset( $es ) {
$APA = array( );
$APA[0] = $es * $this->P00;
$t = $es * $es;
$APA[0] += $t * $this->P01;
$APA[1] = $t * $this->P10;
$t *= $es;
$APA[0] += $t * $this->P02;
$APA[1] += $t * $this->P11;
$APA[2] = $t * $this->P20;
return $APA;
* @param type $beta
* @param type $APA
* @return type
public function authlat( $beta, $APA ) {
$t = $beta + $beta;
return($beta + $APA[0] * sin( $t ) + $APA[1] * sin( $t + $t ) + $APA[2] * sin( $t + $t + $t ));
Proj4php::$proj['laea'] = new Proj4phpProjLaea();
New file
0,0 → 1,80
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Equirectangular projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan Mar, 1993
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
class Proj4phpProjEqui {
public function init() {
if( !$this->x0 )
$this->x0 = 0;
if( !$this->y0 )
$this->y0 = 0;
if( !$this->lat0 )
$this->lat0 = 0;
if( !$this->long0 )
$this->long0 = 0;
/* Equirectangular forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
--------------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $dlon * cos( $this->lat0 );
$y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $lat;
$this->t1 = $x;
$this->t2 = cos( $this->lat0 );
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
/* Equirectangular inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
--------------------------------------------------------- */
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$lat = $p->y / $this->a;
if( abs( $lat ) > Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "equi:Inv:DataError" );
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + $p->x / ($this->a * cos( $this->lat0 )) );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
Proj4php::$proj['equi'] = new Proj4phpProjEqui();
New file
0,0 → 1,121
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the MOllweide projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
D. Steinwand, EROS May, 1991; Updated Sept, 1992; Updated Feb, 1993
S. Nelson, EDC Jun, 2993; Made corrections in precision and
number of iterations.
1. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
2. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
****************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjMoll {
/* Initialize the Mollweide projection
------------------------------------ */
public function init() {
/* Mollweide forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
---------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$delta_lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$theta = $lat;
$con = Proj4php::$common->PI * sin( $lat );
/* Iterate using the Newton-Raphson method to find theta
----------------------------------------------------- */
for( $i = 0; true; ++$i ) {
$delta_theta = -($theta + sin( $theta ) - $con) / (1.0 + cos( $theta ));
$theta += $delta_theta;
if( abs( $delta_theta ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN )
if( $i >= 50 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "moll:Fwd:IterationError" );
$theta /= 2.0;
/* If the latitude is 90 deg, force the x coordinate to be "0 . false easting"
this is done here because of precision problems with "cos(theta)"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if( Proj4php::$common->PI / 2 - abs( $lat ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN )
$delta_lon = 0;
$x = 0.900316316158 * $this->a * $delta_lon * cos( $theta ) + $this->x0;
$y = 1.4142135623731 * $this->a * sin( $theta ) + $this->y0;
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
$p->x-= $this->x0;
//~ $p->y -= $this->y0;
$arg = $p->y / (1.4142135623731 * $this->a);
/* Because of division by zero problems, 'arg' can not be 1.0. Therefore
a number very close to one is used instead.
------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if( abs( $arg ) > 0.999999999999 )
$arg = 0.999999999999;
$theta = asin( $arg );
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + ($p->x / (0.900316316158 * $this->a * cos( $theta ))) );
if( $lon < (-Proj4php::$common->PI) )
$lon = -Proj4php::$common->PI;
if( $lon > Proj4php::$common->PI )
$lon = Proj4php::$common->PI;
$arg = (2.0 * $theta + sin( 2.0 * $theta )) / Proj4php::$common->PI;
if( abs( $arg ) > 1.0 )
$arg = 1.0;
$lat = asin( $arg );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['moll'] = new Proj4phpProjMoll();
New file
0,0 → 1,63
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
class Proj4phpProjGstmerc {
public function init() {
// array of: a, b, lon0, lat0, k0, x0, y0
$temp = $this->b / $this->a;
$this->e = sqrt( 1.0 - $temp * $temp );
$this->lc = $this->long0;
$this->rs = sqrt( 1.0 + $this->e * $this->e * pow( cos( $this->lat0 ), 4.0 ) / (1.0 - $this->e * $this->e) );
$sinz = sin( $this->lat0 );
$pc = asin( $sinz / $this->rs );
$sinzpc = sin( $pc );
$this->cp = Proj4php::$common->latiso( 0.0, $pc, $sinzpc ) - $this->rs * Proj4php::$common->latiso( $this->e, $this->lat0, $sinz );
$this->n2 = $this->k0 * $this->a * sqrt( 1.0 - $this->e * $this->e ) / (1.0 - $this->e * $this->e * $sinz * $sinz);
$this->xs = $this->x0;
$this->ys = $this->y0 - $this->n2 * $pc;
if( !$this->title )
$this->title = "Gauss Schreiber transverse mercator";
// forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$L = $this->rs * ($lon - $this->lc);
$Ls = $this->cp + ($this->rs * Proj4php::$common->latiso( $this->e, $lat, sin( $lat ) ));
$lat1 = asin( sin( $L ) / Proj4php::$common . cosh( $Ls ) );
$Ls1 = Proj4php::$common . latiso( 0.0, $lat1, sin( $lat1 ) );
$p->x = $this->xs + ($this->n2 * $Ls1);
$p->y = $this->ys + ($this->n2 * atan( Proj4php::$common->sinh( $Ls ) / cos( $L ) ));
return $p;
// inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
public function inverse( $p ) {
$x = $p->x;
$y = $p->y;
$L = atan( Proj4php::$common . sinh( ($x - $this->xs) / $this->n2 ) / cos( ($y - $this->ys) / $this->n2 ) );
$lat1 = asin( sin( ($y - $this->ys) / $this->n2 ) / Proj4php::$common . cosh( ($x - $this->xs) / $this->n2 ) );
$LC = Proj4php::$common . latiso( 0.0, $lat1, sin( $lat1 ) );
$p->x = $this->lc + $L / $this->rs;
$p->y = Proj4php::$common . invlatiso( $this->e, ($LC - $this->cp) / $this->rs );
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['gstmerc'] = new Proj4phpProjGestmerc();
New file
0,0 → 1,301
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
/* * *****************************************************************************
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Oblique Mercator projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
---------- ----
T. Mittan Mar, 1993
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
* ***************************************************************************** */
class Proj4phpProjOmerc {
/* Initialize the Oblique Mercator projection
------------------------------------------ */
public function init() {
if( !$this->mode )
$this->mode = 0;
if( !$this->lon1 ) {
$this->lon1 = 0;
$this->mode = 1;
if( !$this->lon2 )
$this->lon2 = 0;
if( !$this->lat2 )
$this->lat2 = 0;
/* Place parameters in static storage for common use
------------------------------------------------- */
$temp = $this->b / $this->a;
$es = 1.0 - pow( $temp, 2 );
$e = sqrt( $es );
$this->sin_p20 = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cos_p20 = cos( $this->lat0 );
$this->con = 1.0 - $this->es * $this->sin_p20 * $this->sin_p20;
$this->com = sqrt( 1.0 - $es );
$this->bl = sqrt( 1.0 + $this->es * pow( $this->cos_p20, 4.0 ) / (1.0 - $es) );
$this->al = $this->a * $this->bl * $this->k0 * $this->com / $this->con;
if( abs( $this->lat0 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$this->ts = 1.0;
$this->d = 1.0;
$this->el = 1.0;
} else {
$this->ts = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->lat0, $this->sin_p20 );
$this->con = sqrt( $this->con );
$this->d = $this->bl * $this->com / ($this->cos_p20 * $this->con);
if( ($this->d * $this->d - 1.0) > 0.0 ) {
if( $this->lat0 >= 0.0 ) {
$this->f = $this->d + sqrt( $this->d * $this->d - 1.0 );
} else {
$this->f = $this->d - sqrt( $this->d * $this->d - 1.0 );
} else {
$this->f = $this->d;
$this->el = $this->f * pow( $this->ts, $this->bl );
if( $this->mode != 0 ) {
$this->g = .5 * ($this->f - 1.0 / $this->f);
$this->gama = Proj4php::$common->asinz( sin( $this->alpha ) / $this->d );
$this->longc = $this->longc - Proj4php::$common->asinz( $this->g * tan( $this->gama ) ) / $this->bl;
/* Report parameters common to format B
------------------------------------- */
//genrpt(azimuth * R2D,"Azimuth of Central Line: ");
// cenlat(lat_origin);
$this->con = abs( $this->lat0 );
if( ($this->con > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) && (abs( $this->con - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ) {
$this->singam = sin( $this->gama );
$this->cosgam = cos( $this->gama );
$this->sinaz = sin( $this->alpha );
$this->cosaz = cos( $this->alpha );
if( $this->lat0 >= 0 ) {
$this->u = ($this->al / $this->bl) * atan( sqrt( $this->d * $this->d - 1.0 ) / $this->cosaz );
} else {
$this->u = -($this->al / $this->bl) * atan( sqrt( $this->d * $this->d - 1.0 ) / $this->cosaz );
} else {
Proj4php::reportError( "omerc:Init:DataError" );
} else {
$this->sinphi = sin( $this->at1 );
$this->ts1 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->lat1, $this->sinphi );
$this->sinphi = sin( $this->lat2 );
$this->ts2 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $this->lat2, $this->sinphi );
$this->h = pow( $this->ts1, $this->bl );
$this->l = pow( $this->ts2, $this->bl );
$this->f = $this->el / $this->h;
$this->g = .5 * ($this->f - 1.0 / $this->f);
$this->j = ($this->el * $this->el - $this->l * $this->h) / ($this->el * $this->el + $this->l * $this->h);
$this->p = ($this->l - $this->h) / ($this->l + $this->h);
$this->dlon = $this->lon1 - $this->lon2;
if( $this->dlon < -Proj4php::$common->PI )
$this->lon2 = $this->lon2 - 2.0 * Proj4php::$common->PI;
if( $this->dlon > Proj4php::$common->PI )
$this->lon2 = $this->lon2 + 2.0 * Proj4php::$common->PI;
$this->dlon = $this->lon1 - $this->lon2;
$this->longc = .5 * ($this->lon1 + $this->lon2) - atan( $this->j * tan( .5 * $this->bl * $this->dlon ) / $this->p ) / $this->bl;
$this->dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->lon1 - $this->longc );
$this->gama = atan( sin( $this->bl * $this->dlon ) / $this->g );
$this->alpha = Proj4php::$common->asinz( $this->d * sin( $this->gama ) );
/* Report parameters common to format A
------------------------------------- */
if( abs( $this->lat1 - $this->lat2 ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "omercInitDataError" );
} else {
$this->con = abs( $this->lat1 );
if( ($this->con <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) || (abs( $this->con - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "omercInitDataError" );
} else {
if( abs( abs( $this->lat0 ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "omercInitDataError" );
$this->singam = sin( $this->gam );
$this->cosgam = cos( $this->gam );
$this->sinaz = sin( $this->alpha );
$this->cosaz = cos( $this->alpha );
if( $this->lat0 >= 0 ) {
$this->u = ($this->al / $this->bl) * atan( sqrt( $this->d * $this->d - 1.0 ) / $this->cosaz );
} else {
$this->u = -($this->al / $this->bl) * atan( sqrt( $this->d * $this->d - 1.0 ) / $this->cosaz );
/* Oblique Mercator forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
---------------------------------------------------------- */
public function forward( $p ) {
$theta; // angle
$cos_phi; // sin and cos value
$b; // temporary values
$tq; // temporary values
$ml; // cone constant, small m
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
/* Forward equations
----------------- */
$sin_phi = sin( $lat );
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->longc );
$vl = sin( $this->bl * $dlon );
if( abs( abs( $lat ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$ts1 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz( $this->e, $lat, $sin_phi );
$q = $this->el / (pow( $ts1, $this->bl ));
$s = .5 * ($q - 1.0 / $q);
$t = .5 * ($q + 1.0 / $q);
$ul = ($s * $this->singam - $vl * $this->cosgam) / $t;
$con = cos( $this->bl * $dlon );
if( abs( con ) < .0000001 ) {
$us = $this->al * $this->bl * $dlon;
} else {
$us = $this->al * atan( ($s * $this->cosgam + $vl * $this->singam) / $con ) / $this->bl;
if( $con < 0 )
$us = $us + Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->al / $this->bl;
} else {
if( $lat >= 0 ) {
$ul = $this->singam;
} else {
$ul = -$this->singam;
$us = $this->al * $lat / $this->bl;
if( abs( abs( $ul ) - 1.0 ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
//alert("Point projects into infinity","omer-for");
Proj4php::reportError( "omercFwdInfinity" );
$vs = .5 * $this->al * log( (1.0 - $ul) / (1.0 + $ul) ) / $this->bl;
$us = $us - $this->u;
$p->x = $this->x0 + $vs * $this->cosaz + $us * $this->sinaz;
$p->y = $this->y0 + $us * $this->cosaz - $vs * $this->sinaz;
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$delta_lon; /* Delta longitude (Given longitude - center
$theta; /* angle
$delta_theta; /* adjusted longitude
$cos_phi; /* sin and cos value
$b; /* temporary values
$tq; /* temporary values
$ml; /* cone constant, small m
/* Inverse equations
----------------- */
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
#$flag = 0;
$vs = $p->x * $this->cosaz - $p->y * $this->sinaz;
$us = $p->y * $this->cosaz + $p->x * $this->sinaz;
$us = $us + $this->u;
$q = exp( -$this->bl * $vs / $this->al );
$s = .5 * ($q - 1.0 / $q);
$t = .5 * ($q + 1.0 / $q);
$vl = sin( $this->bl * $us / $this->al );
$ul = ($vl * $this->cosgam + $s * $this->singam) / $t;
if( abs( abs( $ul ) - 1.0 ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lon = $this->longc;
if( ul >= 0.0 ) {
$lat = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
} else {
$lat = -Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
} else {
$con = 1.0 / $this->bl;
$ts1 = pow( ($this->el / sqrt( (1.0 + $ul) / (1.0 - $ul) ) ), $con );
$lat = Proj4php::$common->phi2z( $this->e, $ts1 );
//if ($flag != 0)
//~ con = cos($this->bl * us /al);
$theta = $this->longc - atan2( ($s * $this->cosgam - $vl * $this->singam ), $con ) / $this->bl;
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $theta );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['omerc'] = new Proj4phpProjOmerc();
New file
0,0 → 1,74
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Transverse Mercator projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
Initialize Transverse Mercator projection
class Proj4phpProjUtm {
public $dependsOn = 'tmerc';
public $utmSouth = false; // UTM north/south
* @return void
public function init() {
if( !isset($this->zone) ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "utm:init: zone must be specified for UTM" );
$this->lat0 = 0.0;
$this->long0 = ((6 * abs( $this->zone )) - 183) * Proj4php::$common->D2R;
$this->x0 = 500000.0;
$this->y0 = $this->utmSouth ? 10000000.0 : 0.0;
$this->k0 = 0.9996;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
return Proj4php::$proj['tmerc']->forward( $p );
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
return Proj4php::$proj['tmerc']->inverse( $p );
Proj4php::$proj['utm'] = new Proj4phpProjUtm();
New file
0,0 → 1,58
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
/* similar to equi.js FIXME proj4 uses eqc */
class Proj4phpProjEqc {
public function init() {
if( !$this->x0 )
$this->x0 = 0;
if( !$this->y0 )
$this->y0 = 0;
if( !$this->lat0 )
$this->lat0 = 0;
if( !$this->long0 )
$this->long0 = 0;
if( !$this->lat_ts )
$this->lat_ts = 0;
if( !$this->title )
$this->title = "Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carre)";
$this->rc = cos( $this->lat_ts );
// forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 );
$dlat = Proj4php::$common . adjust_lat( $lat - $this->lat0 );
$p->x = $this->x0 + ($this->a * $dlon * $this->rc);
$p->y = $this->y0 + ($this->a * $dlat );
return $p;
// inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
public function inverse( $p ) {
$x = $p->x;
$y = $p->y;
$p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + (($x - $this->x0) / ($this->a * $this->rc)) );
$p->y = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lat( $this->lat0 + (($y - $this->y0) / ($this->a )) );
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['eqc'] = new Proj4phpProjEqc();
New file
0,0 → 1,101
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
class Proj4phpProjAeqd {
public function init() {
$this->sin_p12 = sin( $this->lat0 );
$this->cos_p12 = cos( $this->lat0 );
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function forward( $p ) {
#$lon = $p->x;
#$lat = $p->y;
$sinphi = sin( $p->y );
$cosphi = cos( $p->y );
$dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( lon - $this->long0 );
$coslon = cos( $dlon );
$g = $this->sin_p12 * $sinphi + $this->cos_p12 * $cosphi * $coslon;
if( abs( abs( $g ) - 1.0 ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$ksp = 1.0;
if( $g < 0.0 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "aeqd:Fwd:PointError" );
} else {
$z = acos( $g );
$ksp = $z / sin( $z );
$p->x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $ksp * $cosphi * sin( $dlon );
$p->y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $ksp * ($this->cos_p12 * $sinphi - $this->sin_p12 * $cosphi * $coslon);
return $p;
* @param type $p
* @return type
public function inverse( $p ) {
$p->x -= $this->x0;
$p->y -= $this->y0;
$rh = sqrt( $p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y );
if( $rh > (2.0 * Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI * $this->a) ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "aeqdInvDataError" );
$z = $rh / $this->a;
$sinz = sin( $z );
$cosz = cos( $z );
$lon = $this->long0;
if( abs( $rh ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
$lat = $this->lat0;
} else {
$lat = Proj4php::$common->asinz( $cosz * $this->sin_p12 + ($p->y * $sinz * $this->cos_p12) / $rh );
$con = abs( $this->lat0 ) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
if( abs( $con ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ) {
if( $this->lat0 >= 0.0 ) {
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + atan2( $p->x, -$p->y ) );
} else {
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 - atan2( -$p->x, $p->y ) );
} else {
$con = $cosz - $this->sin_p12 * sin( $lat );
if( (abs( $con ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) && (abs( $p->x ) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) ) {
//no-op, just keep the lon value as is
} else {
#$temp = atan2( ($p->x * $sinz * $this->cos_p12 ), ($con * $rh ) ); // $temp is unused !?!
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + atan2( ($p->x * $sinz * $this->cos_p12 ), ($con * $rh ) ) );
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['aeqd'] = new Proj4phpProjAeqd();
New file
0,0 → 1,166
* Author : Julien Moquet
* Inspired by Proj4php from Mike Adair
* and Richard Greenwood rich@greenwoodma$p->com
* License: LGPL as per:
PURPOSE: Transforms input longitude and latitude to Easting and
Northing for the Transverse Mercator projection. The
longitude and latitude must be in radians. The Easting
and Northing values will be returned in meters.
1. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1395 (Supersedes USGS Bulletin 1532), United
State Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1987.
2. Snyder, John P. and Voxland, Philip M., "An Album of Map Projections",
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453 , United State Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1989.
Initialize Transverse Mercator projection
class Proj4phpProjTmerc {
private $e0, $e1, $e2, $e3, $ml0;
public function init() {
$this->e0 = Proj4php::$common->e0fn( $this->es );
$this->e1 = Proj4php::$common->e1fn( $this->es );
$this->e2 = Proj4php::$common->e2fn( $this->es );
$this->e3 = Proj4php::$common->e3fn( $this->es );
$this->ml0 = $this->a * Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $this->lat0 );
Transverse Mercator Forward - long/lat to x/y
long/lat in radians
public function forward( $p ) {
$lon = $p->x;
$lat = $p->y;
$delta_lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $lon - $this->long0 ); // Delta longitude
#$con = 0; // cone constant
#$x = 0;
#$y = 0;
$sin_phi = sin( $lat );
$cos_phi = cos( $lat );
if( isset($this->sphere) && $this->sphere === true ) { /* spherical form */
$b = $cos_phi * sin( $delta_lon );
if( (abs( abs( $b ) - 1.0 )) < .0000000001 ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "tmerc:forward: Point projects into infinity" );
} else {
$x = .5 * $this->a * $this->k0 * log( (1.0 + $b) / (1.0 - $b) );
$con = acos( $cos_phi * cos( $delta_lon ) / sqrt( 1.0 - $b * $b ) );
if( $lat < 0 )
$con = - $con;
$y = $this->a * $this->k0 * ($con - $this->lat0);
} else {
$al = $cos_phi * $delta_lon;
$als = pow( $al, 2 );
$c = $this->ep2 * pow( $cos_phi, 2 );
$tq = tan( $lat );
$t = pow( $tq, 2 );
$con = 1.0 - $this->es * pow( $sin_phi, 2 );
$n = $this->a / sqrt( $con );
$ml = $this->a * Proj4php::$common->mlfn( $this->e0, $this->e1, $this->e2, $this->e3, $lat );
$x = $this->k0 * $n * $al * (1.0 + $als / 6.0 * (1.0 - $t + $c + $als / 20.0 * (5.0 - 18.0 * $t + pow( $t, 2 ) + 72.0 * $c - 58.0 * $this->ep2))) + $this->x0;
$y = $this->k0 * ($ml - $this->ml0 + $n * $tq * ($als * (0.5 + $als / 24.0 * (5.0 - $t + 9.0 * $c + 4.0 * pow( $c, 2 ) + $als / 30.0 * (61.0 - 58.0 * $t + pow( $t, 2 ) + 600.0 * $c - 330.0 * $this->ep2))))) + $this->y0;
$p->x = $x;
$p->y = $y;
return $p;
Transverse Mercator Inverse - x/y to long/lat
public function inverse( $p ) {
#$phi; /* temporary angles */
#$delta_phi; /* difference between longitudes */
$max_iter = 6; /* maximun number of iterations */
if( isset($this->sphere) && $this->sphere === true ) { /* spherical form */
$f = exp( $p->x / ($this->a * $this->k0) );
$g = .5 * ($f - 1 / $f);
$temp = $this->lat0 + $p->y / ($this->a * $this->k0);
$h = cos( $temp );
$con = sqrt( (1.0 - $h * $h) / (1.0 + $g * $g) );
$lat = Proj4php::$common->asinz( $con );
if( $temp < 0 )
$lat = -$lat;
if( ($g == 0) && ($h == 0) ) {
$lon = $this->long0;
} else {
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( atan2( $g, $h ) + $this->long0 );
} else { // ellipsoidal form
$x = $p->x - $this->x0;
$y = $p->y - $this->y0;
$con = ($this->ml0 + $y / $this->k0) / $this->a;
$phi = $con;
for( $i = 0; true; $i++ ) {
$delta_phi = (($con + $this->e1 * sin( 2.0 * $phi ) - $this->e2 * sin( 4.0 * $phi ) + $this->e3 * sin( 6.0 * $phi )) / $this->e0) - $phi;
$phi += $delta_phi;
if( abs( $delta_phi ) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN )
if( $i >= $max_iter ) {
Proj4php::reportError( "tmerc:inverse: Latitude failed to converge" );
} // for()
if( abs( $phi ) < Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI ) {
// sincos(phi, &sin_phi, &cos_phi);
$sin_phi = sin( $phi );
$cos_phi = cos( $phi );
$tan_phi = tan( $phi );
$c = $this->ep2 * pow( $cos_phi, 2 );
$cs = pow( $c, 2 );
$t = pow( $tan_phi, 2 );
$ts = pow( $t, 2 );
$con = 1.0 - $this->es * pow( $sin_phi, 2 );
$n = $this->a / sqrt( $con );
$r = $n * (1.0 - $this->es) / $con;
$d = $x / ($n * $this->k0);
$ds = pow( $d, 2 );
$lat = $phi - ($n * $tan_phi * $ds / $r) * (0.5 - $ds / 24.0 * (5.0 + 3.0 * $t + 10.0 * $c - 4.0 * $cs - 9.0 * $this->ep2 - $ds / 30.0 * (61.0 + 90.0 * $t + 298.0 * $c + 45.0 * $ts - 252.0 * $this->ep2 - 3.0 * $cs)));
$lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon( $this->long0 + ($d * (1.0 - $ds / 6.0 * (1.0 + 2.0 * $t + $c - $ds / 20.0 * (5.0 - 2.0 * $c + 28.0 * $t - 3.0 * $cs + 8.0 * $this->ep2 + 24.0 * $ts))) / $cos_phi) );
} else {
$lat = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI * Proj4php::$common->sign( $y );
$lon = $this->long0;
$p->x = $lon;
$p->y = $lat;
return $p;
Proj4php::$proj['tmerc'] = new Proj4phpProjTmerc();