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+ * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
+ *
+ * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
+ *
+ *
+ * For further information visit:
+ *
+ *
+ * File Name: config.php
+ * Configuration file
+ *
+ * File Authors:
+ * Grant French (
+ */
+/* HTTP over SSL Detection (shouldnt require changing) */
+/* The physical path to the document root, Set manually if not using apache */
+$fckphp_config['basedir'] = 'D:\Work\FCKEditor\www\FCKeditor.V2\editor\filemanager\browser\mcpuk' ;
+/* Prefix added to image path before sending back to editor */
+/* Path to user files relative to the document root (no trailing slash) */
+$fckphp_config['UserFilesPath'] = "/UserFiles" ;
+/* Progressbar handler (script that monitors upload progress) (''=none)
+// $fckphp_config['uploadProgressHandler']=''; //No upload progress handler
+$fckphp_config['uploadProgressHandler']=$fckphp_config['prot'].$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/cgi-bin/progress.cgi"; //Perl upload progress handler
+/* Authentication (auth) :- */
+/* - Req :: Boolean, whether authentication is required */
+/* - HandlerClass :: Name of class to handle authentication in connector */
+/* Settings for authentication handler :- */
+/* - SharedKey :: Shared encryption key (as set in test.php in example) */
+/* Per resource area settings:- */
+/* - AllowedExtensions :: Array, allowed file extensions (in lowercase) */
+/* - AllowedMIME :: Array, allowed mime types (in lowercase) */
+/* - MaxSize :: Number, Maximum size of file uploads in KBytes */
+/* - DiskQuota :: Number, Maximum size allowed for the resource area */
+/* - HideFolders :: Array, RegExp, matching folder names will be hidden */
+/* - HideFiles :: Array, RegExp, matching file names will be hidden */
+/* - AllowImageEditing :: Boolean, whether images in this area may be edited */
+//First area options are commented
+//File Area
+$fckphp_config['ResourceAreas']['File'] =array(
+ //Files(identified by extension) that may be uploaded to this area
+ 'AllowedExtensions' => array("zip","doc","xls","pdf","rtf","csv","jpg","gif","jpeg","png","avi","mpg","mpeg","swf","fla"),
+ //Not implemented yet
+ 'AllowedMIME' => array(),
+ //Set the maximum single upload to this area to 2MB (2048Kb)
+ 'MaxSize' => 2048,
+ //Set disk quota for this resource area to 20MB
+ 'DiskQuota' => 20,
+ //By Default hide all folders starting with a . (Unix standard)
+ 'HideFolders' => array("^\."),
+ //By Default hide all files starting with a . (Unix standard)
+ 'HideFiles' => array("^\."),
+ //Do not allow images to be edited in this resource area
+ 'AllowImageEditing' => false
+ );
+//Image area
+$fckphp_config['ResourceAreas']['Image'] =array(
+ 'AllowedExtensions' => array("jpg","gif","jpeg","png","tiff","tif",),
+ 'AllowedMIME' => array(),
+ 'MaxSize' => 1024,
+ 'DiskQuota' => 5,
+ 'HideFolders' => array("^\."),
+ 'HideFiles' => array("^\."),
+ 'AllowImageEditing' => false //Not yet complete, but you can take a look and see
+ );
+//Flash area
+$fckphp_config['ResourceAreas']['Flash'] =array(
+ 'AllowedExtensions' => array("swf","fla"),
+ 'AllowedMIME' => array(),
+ 'MaxSize' => 1024,
+ 'DiskQuota' => 5,
+ 'HideFolders' => array("^\."),
+ 'HideFiles' => array("^\."),
+ 'AllowImageEditing' => false
+ );
+//Media area
+$fckphp_config['ResourceAreas']['Media'] =array(
+ 'AllowedExtensions' => array("swf","fla","jpg","gif","jpeg","png","avi","mpg","mpeg"),
+ 'AllowedMIME' => array(),
+ 'MaxSize' => 5120,
+ 'DiskQuota' => 20,
+ 'HideFolders' => array("^\."),
+ 'HideFiles' => array("^\."),
+ 'AllowImageEditing' => false
+ );
+/* Global Disk Quota - Max size of all resource areas */
+$fckphp_config['DiskQuota']['Global']=50; //In MBytes (default: 50mb)
+/* Directory and File Naming :- */
+/* -MaxDirNameLength :: Maximum allowed length of a directory name */
+/* -DirNameAllowedChars :: Array of characters allowed in a directory name */
+/* -FileNameAllowedChars :: Array of characters allowed in a file name */
+ //Allow numbers
+ for($i=48;$i<58;$i++) array_push($fckphp_config['DirNameAllowedChars'],chr($i));
+ //Allow lowercase letters
+ for($i=97;$i<123;$i++) array_push($fckphp_config['DirNameAllowedChars'],chr($i));
+ //Allow uppercase letters
+ for($i=65;$i<91;$i++) array_push($fckphp_config['DirNameAllowedChars'],chr($i));
+ //Allow space,dash,underscore,dot
+ array_push($fckphp_config['DirNameAllowedChars']," ","-","_",".");
+/* Debugging :- */
+/* - Debug :: Boolean, if set to true a copy of the connector output is */
+/* sent to a file as well as to the client. */
+/* - DebugOutput :: File to send debug output to (absolute path) */
+#Log PHP errors
+#Log Connector output
+#With each logged event display contents of
+/* $_GET */ $fckphp_config['Debug_GET']=false;
+/* $_POST */ $fckphp_config['Debug_POST']=false;
+/* $_SERVER */ $fckphp_config['Debug_SERVER']=false;
+/* $_SESSIONS */ $fckphp_config['Debug_SESSIONS']=false;
+/* Internals :- */
+/* ResourceTypes :: Array of valid resource areas */
+/* Commands :: Array of valid commands accepted by the connector */
+$fckphp_config['ResourceTypes'] = array('File','Image','Flash','Media');
+$fckphp_config['Commands'] = array(
+ "CreateFolder",
+ "GetFolders",
+ "GetFoldersAndFiles",
+ "FileUpload",
+ "Thumbnail",
+ "DeleteFile",
+ "DeleteFolder",
+ "GetUploadProgress",
+ "RenameFile",
+ "RenameFolder"
+ );
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